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Double page spread PhotographsCharlie Wardman

When creating and then finding an image to use for my double page I had to take two things into note one I needed a good image that would look great at a large size and have not too much dead space around it and secondly it had to relate in someway to the main image on the front cover because it was the headline story.

So I chose this image because it fit in well with the article on the page and had minimal dead space around the top making it the perfect image to use.

Main image

Original Image

Edited Original

Choosing an image

When it came to choosing an image for my double page spread it became easier because I new that all I had to do was find an image from what I had taken that involved the same drum kit from the front page.


The overall image quality came out well and suits the page very well the original image I thought didn’t have the right lighting and had a mirror.

For this page I decided to only use one image because when researching other magazines that where similar they had double pages used one single large image and used the other page for text.

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