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Evaluation of the specificity of pneumococcal polysaccharide ELISA and effect of serum 1

adsorption based on standard pneumococcal group/type specific rabbit antisera 2




Running title: Evaluation of the pneumococcal polysaccharide ELISA 6


Hans-Christian Slotved*, Christina Guttmann, Charlotte Demuth Pedersen, Jasper Neergaard 8

Jacobsen, Karen Angeliki Krogfelt 9

Department of Bacteriology, Mycology and Parasitology 10

Statens Serum Institut, Denmark 11



Corresponding author: 14

H-C Slotved* 15

Department of Bacteriology, Mycology and Parasitology, Division of Microbiology and 16

Diagnostics, 17

Statens Serum Institut, 18

Artillerivej 5, DK-2300 Copenhagen, Denmark. 19

Phone: +45 32688422 Fax: +45 32688238 E-mail: [email protected] 20



Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved.Clin. Vaccine Immunol. doi:10.1128/CVI.00143-09 CVI Accepts, published online ahead of print on 8 July 2009

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Abstract 2

Worldwide, Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a major cause of morbidity and 3

mortality especially in infants and elderly people. Pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides are 4

well characterised, and more than 90 different serotypes have been identified. Serotype-5

specific antibodies against the capsular polysaccharide are produced during infection. 6

Detection of antibodies against pneumococci by ELISA is performed according to the WHO 7

guidelines using antigens provided by ATCC. However, testing the ELISA for specificity is 8

challenging, due to the difficulty in obtaining human naïve serum of pneumococcal antibodies 9

as well as human serum with antibodies against a single serotype. 10

The application of well-defined serotype-specific serum produced in animals to evaluate the 11

specificity of the ATCC antigens, and the effect of adsorption with C-Ps and 22F 12

polysaccharide, has, to our knowledge, not been performed before. In this study, the 13

specificity of ATCC antigens (Serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F and 23F) is tested by using 14

commercial type/group/pool specific pneumococcal rabbit antisera. 15

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Introduction 1

Worldwide, Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a significant cause of morbidity 2

and mortality especially in infants and elderly people. Pneumococcal infections range from 3

mild upper respiratory tract diseases and otitis media to pneumonia, bacteraemia and 4

meningitis (4). Pneumococcal strains possess a polysaccharide capsule, and more than 90 5

different varieties (serotypes) have been identified (11, 18). Serotype-specific antibodies 6

against the capsular polysaccharides provide protection against the corresponding serotypes. 7

Four vaccines have been developed of which two are currently used: A 23-valent 8

polysaccharide (Pneumovax®) for elderly and children over the age of 2 years, and a 7-valent 9

protein-conjugated vaccine (PrevenarTM) for children under 2 years of age (9). In 2009, a 10

PCV-10 (PhiD-CV, GlaxoSmithKline) and a PCV-13 (Wyeth) are expected to be licensed and 11

used (9). 12

Detection of antibodies against pneumococci is performed by an ELISA according to the 13

WHO guidelines. Antigens are provided by ATCC with the exact compositions being 14

unknown (16, www.vaccine.uab.edu). 15

The ATCC antigens used in the WHO ELISA are believed to be serotype-specific; however, 16

only very few studies have been performed to investigate the actual specificity (15, 17). These 17

studies indicate that cross-reactions between serotypes occur resulting in diagnostic 18

challenges. Furthermore, the antibody responses in human sera seem to differ between 19

immunized and naturally infected subjects (15, 17). Adsorbing the human sera by using 20

pneumococcal cell wall polysaccharide (C-Ps) and 22F polysaccharide was shown to improve 21

the specificity of the WHO ELISA (3). However, due to the wide spreading of 22

colonisation/infection in humans by different pneumococcal serotypes it is uncertain if 23

individuals have been exposed to the bacterium and to what extent. Thus, it is almost 24

impossible to obtain a human serum naïve of pneumococcal antibodies as well as human 25

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serum with antibodies against a single serotype. Using alternative well-defined serotype-1

specific serum produced in animals to evaluate the specificity of the ATCC antigens, and the 2

effect of adsorption with C-Ps and 22F polysaccharide, has to our knowledge not been tested 3

previously. Thus, the specificity of the ATCC antigens by using commercial pneumococcal 4

rabbit antisera specific to capsular polysaccharides (13), was evaluated in this study. 5

Furthermore, the effect of serum adsorption with C-Ps and/or 22F polysaccharide on the 6

pneumococcal titre was determined. 7


Materials and Methods 9

Antigens 10

Pneumococcal polysaccharides (1 mg/ml) of serotypes 4 (Lot 2097655), 6B (Lot 2089390), 11

9V (Lot 2046913), 14 (Lot 2098654), 18C (Lot 2082876), 19F (Lot 2096923), and 23F (Lot 12

2030189) (American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Virginia, USA) were used. 13

Furthermore, ATCC lot numbers of 19F (Lot 2044325) and 23F (Lot 2099298) were available 14

and we tested them to see the effect of using different ATCC lots and the effect of another 15

person performing the test (data not presented). 16


Antisera 18

The commercial pneumococcal rabbit sera used in this study were obtained from SSI 19

Diagnostika (Hillerød, Denmark). The following type/group and pools were used; type 4, 20

group 6 (6A, 6 B , (6C)), group 9 (9A, 9L, 9N, 9V), type 14, group 16 (16F, 16A), group 18 21

(18F, 18A, 18B, 18C) , group 19 (19F, 19A, 19B, 19C), group 23 (23F, 23A, 23B) and pools 22

B (group 19, group 6, type 3, type 8) and P (type 1, group 19, group 7, type 14). 23

The sera are produced by immunising rabbits with a whole cell vaccine, the specificity of the 24

sera is tested and cross reactions are removed by adsorption (2, Diagnostika, Hillerød, 25

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Denmark). The general vaccine/serum production procedure for rabbit serum has been 1

described by Lund and Henrichsen (8). 2


Adsorption of rabbit sera 4

The rabbit serum was adsorbed by adding both purified C-Ps (1 mg/ml) (SSI-Diagnostika, 5

Art. No. 3459) and 22F capsular polysaccharide (1 mg/ml) (ATCC Lot 2045909) (10, 16). 6

Briefly, 40 µl rabbit serum was mixed with 25 µl C-Ps solution, 25 µl 22F solution and 910 µl 7

dilution buffer (20% 20×PBS1 + 20% 20×NaCl + 0.05% Tween 20 + 10 g/l Bovine Serum 8

Albumin + Mili Q (Milipore) water (pH=7.2)). The serum dilutions were incubated for 2 9

hours at 37°C and 15 ml dilution buffer was added with 50 µl to each well. 10



The ELISA procedure used was previously described by Slotved et al. (14). Briefly, 13

Polystyrene MaxiSorp™ microtitre plates (Nunc, Denmark) were coated with ATCC antigen 14

(Diluted with 20% 20×PBS1 + 20% 20×NaCl + Mili Q (Milipore) water (pH=7.2) to a final 15

conc. of 2.5 µg/ml). The plates were incubated overnight at 5°C and then washed with 16

washing buffer (20×PBS + 0.05% Tween 20 + Mili Q (Milipore) water (pH=7.4)). After 17

washing, test sera (Diluted 1:400 with dilution buffer) were added to the plate with the ATCC 18

antigens and incubated at room temperature for one hour. Following incubation, the plates 19

were washed and polyclonal secondary antibody conjugate was added to all wells. IgG/HRP 20

conjugated polyclonal goat-anti-rabbit serum (DakoA/S©, Dk) (Diluted 1:1000 in dilution 21

buffer) was used as secondary antibodies. 22

The plates were incubated for another hour followed by washing. The peroxidase-catalysed 23

colour reaction was started by adding TMB substrate (TMB plus, Kem-En-Tec Diagnostics 24

A/S, Denmark) to all wells and leaving the plates for 15 min. The reaction was stopped by 25

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adding 1.2 M H2SO4 to all wells, and the colour intensity was measured in an immuno-reader 1

(Tecan Schweiz AG, Sunrise, Switzerland) at 450 nm. 2


Statistics 4

All tests in figures 1, 2, and 3 were carried out in triplicate determinations on the same plate. 5

The data in figure 2 were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn's Multiple 6

Comparison Test. 7

The normalized data in figure 1 were calculated by the formula (X OD value/specific OD 8

value) x 100%, as can be seen in figure 1 (Antigen 4 - ATCC) where X represents the OD 9

value for each serotype response, and the specific OD value always the serotype-specific OD 10

response for serotype 4. The present data are, therefore, normalized data presented as a 11

percentage of the specific reaction. The data in figures 2 and 3 are also presented as 12

normalized data using the formula ((X specific OD value/ unadsorbed specific OD value) x 13

100%) (Figure 2), and formula ((X OD value/ specific OD value) x 100%) (Figure 3) was 14

used on each adsorption step (nonadsorbed, C-Ps-adsorbed and C-Ps+22F adsorbed). 15

All statistical analyses were performed using the GraphPad Prism 5 software package. 16


Results 18

Testing the specificity of the ATCC antigens 19

Figure 1 presents normalized data showing the specificity of the ATCC antigens. To evaluate 20

the specificity of both antigens, rabbit pneumococcal specific antiserum (adsorbed with both 21

C-Ps and 22F capsular polysaccharide) was used, and a cross-reaction board was set up using 22

ATCC antigens (2.5µg/ml). The seven ATCC antigens showed a generally high specificity 23

against the specific rabbit sera, although several of the ATCC antigens showed a high 24

background response especially towards rabbit serum from gr. 19 (Figure 1). 25

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Tests with sera B (pool B) and P (pool P) showed a similar high percentage of non-specific 1

cross-reactions for ATCC antigens (data not shown). 2


The effect of adsorption with C-Ps and 22F polysaccharide using rabbit antisera 4

Figures 2 and 3 present data on ATCC antigens showing the effect of adsorption with a 5

combination of C-Ps and 22F polysaccharide. To evaluate the amount of specific antibodies 6

against C-Ps and 22F polysaccharide in the rabbit antiserum, a cross-reaction board was 7

performed, using ATCC antigens (2.5µg/ml) (Figure 2). Comparison of the ATCC antigen 8

response against the corresponding serotype-specific unadsorbed rabbit antiserum, with the 9

response against C-Ps or C-Ps/22F adsorbed antiserum, showed a relatively small effect. 10

There were no significant differences (P>0.05) between the positive response of non-11

adsorbed, C-Ps adsorbed and C-Ps + 22F adsorbed, except between non-adsorbed group 19 12

serum (antigen 19F) and C-Ps+22F adsorbed group 19 serum (antigen 19F), where a 13

significant difference was found (p<0.05) (Figure 2). The effect of adsorption on the non-14

specific cross-reactions for the ATCC antigens showed a profound reduction when using C-Ps 15

adsorption (Figure 3). Adding a further adsorption step including 22F polysaccharide did, 16

however, not in general show a further decrease in the percentage of non-specific cross-17

reactions, and in several cases, an increase in the percentage of non-specific cross-reactions 18

was observed (Figure 3). 19


Discussion 21

Today, reference laboratories generally use serological methods based on pneumococcal 22

antigens from ATCC as described in the WHO reference guideline (16). 23

Very few studies have performed tests on possible cross-reactions within pneumococcal 24

serotypes when performing the WHO pneumococcal reference ELISA. One of the most recent 25

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studies to have addressed this problem is Soininen et al. (15). Due to the difficulty in 1

obtaining human serum naïve of pneumococcal antibodies as well as human serum with 2

antibodies against a single serotype, it was decided to use commercial specific pneumococcal 3

rabbit antiserum. The rabbit serum provides well-described specific antisera not affected with 4

unknown pneumococcal infections, thus making it possible to measure cross-reactions and the 5

effect of adsorption with C-Ps and 22F polysaccharide; a study, which to our knowledge has 6

not previously been performed. 7

A previous study has determined the specificity of the ATCC antigens in the WHO ELISA, in 8

comparison with an opsonophagocytic assay measuring opsonic antibody titres (1). Soininen 9

et al. (15) performed a study, in which cross-reactions were assessed, using inhibition of anti-10

polysaccharide binding by homologous and heterologous polysaccharides. This, however, has 11

the limitation of how similar the epitopes of the tested polysaccharides are (15), and it is an 12

indirect measurement of estimating the specificity of an antigen. 13

By using rabbit antiserum, the specificity of the antigens can be assessed and data 14

extrapolated to human sera, although with the limitation of the unknown differences between 15

rabbit and human serum. Figure 1 presents the specificity of ATCC antigens based on the 16

seven antigens presented in the protein conjugated vaccine PrevenarTM (6). It is observed that 17

the seven ATCC antigens showed a specific response against their corresponding rabbit sera, 18

and a generally low cross-reactive response against the six remaining rabbit sera (Figure 1). 19

There were, however, exceptions with regard to the specificity of the ATCC antigens, in 20

particular when testing rabbit serum (gr 19), where antigens showed cross-reactions between 21

the rabbit serum and several of the type specific antigens. Data from an identical test 22

performed by another person showed similar results (data not presented). This observation 23

was also described by Soininen et al. (15), in which study they observed cross-reactivity with 24

particularly 6B, 19F and 23F in sera from non-immunized subjects, an observation also noted 25

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by Yu et al. (17). Furthermore, as previously described, ATCC antigen serotype 14 showed a 1

specific reaction in this study (table 1), as observed in other studies (15, 17). 2

The antigens from ATCC (16) contains about 5% (by weight) of unspecific cell wall 3

polysaccharide (C-Ps) covalently linked to the serotype-specific polysaccharide (5, 12, 16). 4

Studies have shown that adsorption increased the specificity of the antigens in the cross-5

reaction tests by reducing the contents of the assumed non-specific antibodies in the sera (7, 6

15). Wernette et al. (16) described C-Ps adsorption as improving the quantification of the 7

serotype-specific antibodies. However, cross-reactions still seem to occur demonstrating 8

continuing presence of impurities. Conception and Frasch (1) showed that adsorption with a 9

heterologous polysaccharide, such as 22F, further removed cross-reactions and contaminants 10

in the sera. The effect of these adsorption steps on the specificity of a serotype-specific 11

reaction is, however, only based on studies comparing the ELISA data with the methods such 12

as the opsonophagocytic assay, which estimates the "functional" phagocytic activity of human 13

serum for S. pneumoniae isolates (1, 5). It does not show the effect of the adsorption steps on 14

the ELISA on, e.g., non-specific cross-reactions. This study provides data (figures 2 and 3) 15

showing that adsorption with C-Ps improves the specificity of ATCC antigens in the ELISA. 16

However, when adsorption was performed with 22F polysaccharide in addition to C-Ps 17

(figure 3), it was observed that adsorption with 22F did not seem to further reduce the amount 18

of non-specific cross-reactions concerning all seven serotypes, and in several cases, an 19

increase in the amount of non-specific cross-reactions was observed. In the study by 20

Conception and Frasch (1), the authors compared the ELISA data with the opsonophagocytic 21

assay and found a better correlation; but they were not able to see the effect on non-specific 22

cross-reactions towards other serotype-specific antigens. 23

In figure 2, an increase in OD values of 23F is observed, repeating the test with a different lot 24

and another person at another time (data not presented); a similar difference was observed 25

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between Non-adsorbed and C-Ps adsorbed. In this test, however, the OD values of C-ps 1

adsorbed and C-ps + 22F was nearly identical. The reason why there seems to be this increase 2

between Non-adsorbed (23F) and adsorbed (23F) is not known. However, neither of the tests 3

showed any significant differences in the OD values. 4

Based on the presented data, further studies on the affect of adsorption with 22F 5

polysaccharide are probably needed. Furthermore, the study shows non-specific reactions 6

with the ATCC antigens which seem not to be removed completely using adsorption with C-7

Ps and 22F polysaccharide. Further purification of the ATCC antigens or the need of different 8

pneumococcal antigens for improvement of the specificity might be needed in the future. 9


Acknowledgements 11

We thank Marian Jørgensen for editing the manuscript, and we thank Annie Kleis Nielsen, 12

Suheil Nasim, Maja Hansen and the Unit for Serology, Department of Bacteriology, 13

Mycology and Parasitology, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark, for their helpful suggestions, 14

advice and support. 15


References 17

1. Concepcion, N.F., and C.E. Frasch. 2001. Pneumococcal Type 22F Polysaccharide 18

Absorption Improves the Specificity of a Pneumococcal-Polysaccharide Enzyme-19

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2. Henrichsen, J. 1999. Typing of Streptococcus pneumoniae: past, present, and future. 21

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3. Inostroza, J., S. Villanueva, K. Mason, L.E. Leiva, and R.U. Sorensen. 2005. Effects 24

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and infant immunoglobulin G antipneumococcal polysaccharide antibodies. Clin. 1

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Figure 1. Type/group specific rabbit pneumococcal antiserum (adsorbed against C-Ps and 3

22F) tested against 7 ATCC antigens. The OD-values are presented as normalized data with 4

SD. All tests have been performed in triplicate determinations. 5



Figure 2. Comparison of the specific reaction of ATCC antigens and corresponding 8

unadsorbed/adsorbed type/group specific rabbit antiserum. All tests were performed in 9

triplicate determinations, and the data are presented as OD-values with SD. Comparing the 10

effect of absorption on each serotypes, showed only significant differences (p<0.05) for 19F 11

(non-adsorbed gr. 19 rabbit serum) and 19F (C-Ps+22F-adsorbed gr. 19 rabbit serum). 12




Figure 3. Comparison of the effect of absorption on non-specific cross-reactions using 16

group/type specific rabbit antiserum. ATCC OD-values are presented as normalized data with 17

SD. All tests have been performed in triplicate determinations. In the graph presenting 6B 18

antigen, a higher response against gr. 19 serum (non-adsorbed) than against gr. 6 serum (non-19

adsorbed) was observed; therefore, the normalized responses are 100% against gr. 19 and not 20

against gr. 6. 21



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