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Page 1: D='peretta · order mm fcrth tbe bxeraets aad ctahas that tuquhe escrow ofgmds pursuaat to Vhghda Code secgons 45.1-361213).and 45.1-36122~.and 4. DatcdatTaaewell, Virgiaia,tbh 3+






ELECTIONS: UNIT A-20(betein "Sttbiect Drilintg Unit" )



Ms Suppkmcnud Order is nacred bytbs Board sac syoetc in tbe Snn sborizcd by the Bond at beariags

b¹d onysbmcay 15, 1994 snd Jme 16, 1992; and this Suypkmcnt¹ Order is being neorded kr tbe yuryoee ofnqcy'= —=-tbs Onkr previously in tbe cepnoned usurer an Mach 6, 2001 which wss teconhd at Deed Book520, Pcge 722 in tbe OSce oAbs Qerk ofthe Circuh Coun ofBcudtncnt Couaty, Vhg'mia, on Mcnab 14, 2001,(bends "Baud OrlaPj n¹~the cecced Inc ~ehctkes.

Tbs Bcnd Onhr dbectsd Ccasol Hacrgyhc. (bncia "Desi&eau¹~to mail copies ofthe Bead Orderto a& Hespa¹euh whose ~,ifany, weve pooled by Se said Bond Order,

Tbe D='peretta Shd bs e&hhvlt ofelscncus dhcbsdag Sua It h¹ ma&ed ~ tne sud ccnect copy oftbe Bond's Onhr to a& Hssycn¹nce whose bnerests, ifany, wee pooled by said Board Order;

Tbe Boenl Order rsquhed sack Hesyondnn whose ~ifany, were pooled by Se tense of said BoardOnbato nnha ns sbegca wghhtbhty(30) dtga age Sedsss oAnsghg cr necnbag, as applicabla, ofsaid Onhc;Ib dbh&ef~llIdb '~~ IbbhhA~:(c ~~ll — - b

made or Sthg to make a thasly electha; (hj tbe enure ofsay ¹ectke(s) made; a¹ (hi) whegua, by resnm ofs Sdbue eshtt or totbnely shet oce or more Hsspombee are dscmad, under tbs terms ofthe Board's Onhr, tohne kased a& Seir riglts, tith,~names asd chime ia Subiect Drighg Unit to tbe Aypliceni;

Tbtuge agbbcvh ofehcgom waned bcmtowgh the Hshibih subndncd tberewbb 'dentlgec tbe Responilcm(s)mskiagatbacSpslecgcn, ifsay, idca&&m Se Hssyondccn(s), ifnay, wbo ne deemed to have bused; 'dcnti&es Se

bmhcsts aad chdms which rnyme escrow; idcm&&m tbs bnccese and chime, ifany, equiriag sscmwunder Virghda Cods ace&ca 45.1-3612133.;snd 'denti&es Se Hccqrocuknts, ifany, wbo maybe dhmbued byIcane ofbavhg Isned or atoned uuo a vobmtcay gceccunn with SeAppgcaet

Tbe ¹Hdavh of eke&urn ~that the escrow ofSmds is required wbb regard to Unit A-20;

IBSID Bytbh Onkr, Se Board orders tbe~Operator to tender, ccceistcat wbb sad in sccordamwigc Se Sadhgs set Satb at~2. above aad tbe aanmed a&idavit ofebetions wbh Hxhibhs tberceo, aaySeds ashiest te cnsuw aad bshucm tbs &screw A&act, Fbst Union National Bank, Coryonm Trust PAI 328,123Broad Stresb Pbihdslybia, PA 19109-1199,Tekphetn (215) 9$5-3485 or ($00) 664-9359, Atua DonBsl&agboif or say suoessor named by tbs Boanl to ssmbgsb hncrccn besrmg escrow sccouat(s), ISS Taxs'='"- —'-- Number 54-1629506, ia~with the ingums&m set Satb in Se a&hhvh ofelsctkes wbbibddbbs Seceto, io receive Smds aad eccocmt to tbs Bored Serefor.

Page 2: D='peretta · order mm fcrth tbe bxeraets aad ctahas that tuquhe escrow ofgmds pursuaat to Vhghda Code secgons 45.1-361213).and 45.1-36122~.and 4. DatcdatTaaewell, Virgiaia,tbh 3+

B00K 545P40(170

Magma ofOnhv sed Fgiaa afAtgdavie Tbc Dcsigmued Operator under tbe captious Order or shag Sbr ansSdavit wgb tbe Cccetussy af tbe Beard whbht ttn (10)days ager tbc data ofreceipt ofthis Order seeing that suus and canect copy oftbie Order wm maged to each Resptexhm wham hmsests ar cbthns are subject to cscmwssd whose ahhem is known within seven seven (7) days Sem tbe date ofreceipt ofthis Order.

Etfective Date: This Order shag be ctRcdve on tbe date ofha axecutim

DONE AND EJ(ECUTED Sds /6 day of AK/W, 2002, by a nuttarhy oftheVhghda Gas aed Oil BoereL /


Athncwledgtd en Sm~day+&~, 2002,~bogue me a notary

pubgc ht aadifor tbs Cantmanweslth ofViqpnia, ~Benny R. Wamphr, bcmg duly sworn did depose and

ssy4etbs b Qaimmafdw Vhgiaia Gas and Oil Bead, thatbe tBts4(Id the same snd was utbarhad to do so.


/ /

DONE ANDFERPORMED THIS / 8 Wu~M 2002, by Onhr sfthe BaanL

N. WSDhectcr oftbe Division ofGas tk Oil Boardaad Prhcipd Execudm to thc Beard


Acknowlatbted on tbh fWdsy of ~~,2002,~bogue me ananny pubic ht and Str dm Carnmattwealtb ofVhghdtt sppaemd B.R Wihan, behtg duly swtun did deposeand ssy that be is Acdag rincipal ~to tbc Staif, Virginia Gss snd OS BaertL tbst be executed tbc

i/1~Dimts J.Davis, Natdry

Order Recorded Under CodVirginia Seetioa 44 1464

Page 3: D='peretta · order mm fcrth tbe bxeraets aad ctahas that tuquhe escrow ofgmds pursuaat to Vhghda Code secgons 45.1-361213).and 45.1-36122~.and 4. DatcdatTaaewell, Virgiaia,tbh 3+

IOOX 545faSE17l

Exhibit A


Applkenan of BUCHANAN PRODUCflON CO. fcr Patced Poogng of Interests in CBM Unit A-20VGOB40-121%0049 in 0» South Grundy Dislrict ofBucbausn County, Virginia


Lcsgs IL Arrkgton, bekg Erst duly swam on aatb, deposes and says:

Ibat ycus agkm k «mpkysd by Ca«col Energy lnc„as a Gas Engineer asd is duly autbaried to mshe thisaShkvit an behalf ofthe dcsqp»ted ops«acr,

That 0» (grdar caused an March 6, 2001, by the Vhgkia Gas and Oil Board~"B«utP)raga«hug 0» ccptk«M CBM Unit requhed tbe Appgcaat to'mail a true aad correct ocpy ofsaid Order to eachpcrstm pooled by the Onhr,

That whbht seven (7)days ofreosipt ofan executed oapy ofthe Order referred to at pragraph 2. above, y«ua&hat caused a true aad correct oapy of said Onhr to be maged via S» Unhsd Statm postal Service to «»b

named »the capthmad Appgcatkn. whose address wss huown, a«l to ag percaas, ifany, wbo wweadded at Respamhms at tha bearing behl ia the aaptia«M magar, that praaf ofsuch magkg bas eviously bacateadsmd to 0» Divisian ofGas and Oil, 0» Ogks os» Gaa aad Oil nspectcr, at~Virgkia;

1bct the Otdw of0» Board in 0» captk«M mmtcr required ag percent pooled thereby to tender their wrbtcnalecth»s to the Unit Operator wgbk tbhty (30)days os» dh» the Onkr was recorded in 0» c«sny idantgkdabove; that sahl Onhr was recardad an Mach 14,2001;

1bct0»:=,='pccstar Consol Eacrgy kc. bas estabgtbed roccdurm to review sg mail received snd agdacunccrm tecctvcd agur S»a bymag to asccctak »bugler pmties whose ktcces» have b«m pookd have

made a wrgtcct ekctku, k athuctygubh», ac tequhed by 0» captkned Onkr, Sun said pmcedsn» wme Sdhnvcdto hhssgirg» ~lfany made wgh regard to tbe Subiett Unit; thea tbe fogawing perseus dsgvsred, by n»ilar~wrgtcm lactians 0» Unit Operator, wi&a the tbhty day ekctkc» pari«L


%MR -'- ~hlhbhklb3~~~%hll ~m ~~a IS»ir accdbed methane riglns, inbrcsts and ckhnc to Appli«»t, ag as pmvhkd m tbe Board'c Order ofMarch 6,2001;

Sce am»bcd Exhibit B-3

Page 4: D='peretta · order mm fcrth tbe bxeraets aad ctahas that tuquhe escrow ofgmds pursuaat to Vhghda Code secgons 45.1-361213).and 45.1-36122~.and 4. DatcdatTaaewell, Virgiaia,tbh 3+

B00K 545 PAGE f7/

That the rights, innaueh and claims of tbe gdbwteg persons are subject to escrow under tbs Boanl's Order

poogag the capthmcd Uait, Bomd Regulations and tbe Code ofVhginbx

That agtx the poohag bcariag behl in tbc cepdoaedmmmr, gre gdhxving persons hrwa leased or sauced hxoa vohmxuy ~~with tbc~Operator.

that to tbe mnmn aay ofsaid pctaum gmrd ia Exhibit B-2 brwa rights, hntruste aad cbdnw which ma not mbjectto escrow, dtsy shorddbe ~as restxxxherxr, tbs Opmakx rerpxxm that thc bgrwriag parsons bs dhmiesed~s Respomhexs:

Ytdrcn F~Coal Company, at td. hxhditg Yuhon F~Coal~,BucbaaaaCoal Compaay end gayrrs-~ Coal Company


That pmsmnt to the pruvhiaas ofVAC 25-160-204.10.aal C and VAC 25-16000 thc saner supp~order mm fcrth tbe bxeraets aad ctahas that tuquhe escrow ofgmds pursuaat to Vhghda Code secgons 45.1-361213).and 45.1-36122~.and 4.

DatcdatTaaewell, Virgiaia,tbh 3+ dayof ktrkt , 2002.

.'+ixulic IL Arrhrgtrm l

Tahan, ubscribad and sworn to hsgxo me by Lealic K. Aningum as Cps Eagiaeer ofConsol Energy hrc., on

behalf ofthe corporate~Operaxx, this 3rd day of 4trrti '. I , 2002.


My commission expires: ~%I/0$

Page 5: D='peretta · order mm fcrth tbe bxeraets aad ctahas that tuquhe escrow ofgmds pursuaat to Vhghda Code secgons 45.1-361213).and 45.1-36122~.and 4. DatcdatTaaewell, Virgiaia,tbh 3+

q IID~GPSDI57QN 247.942.04E 881,8ILPP







N 247.'2S.QPE 482,472.24




N Jsdo228 74E 8814@777



YGOBWO-'121 /~19cq 1-'o "o

Ccs13any CI84QX. Inc. Wel I Rane and Husker in IT'28puo92 alIPLQ fdtteotlcc/IIrlsodV

Caunty duenanan District Sautll 81'ulldv Scol09: I m <I ~Dateo

'7M oo'. (A&tlo-"gpdl )

R« ~ 8/Pl Licensed Professfanal Enptnesr', or Licensed Land Sa yw. "~P'~..Ammo01omh10mohO30ooaLooo eoo. 15.3000 le19S1

Page 6: D='peretta · order mm fcrth tbe bxeraets aad ctahas that tuquhe escrow ofgmds pursuaat to Vhghda Code secgons 45.1-361213).and 45.1-36122~.and 4. DatcdatTaaewell, Virgiaia,tbh 3+

eOO< 5457NCf174

CONSOL Energy Inc.

Tract ~carr~~

C.L. fBNer Lumber Co. - Tr. 24- CoaL ON a GasIahnd ~Creek Coal Company- Behw Drahaps Ccel LeasedJeweNi Smokieless Coal Corp. - Abave Drehage Coal LeasedBuchefen Producfhn Co. - CBNN Leased74.65Acres 93.6625%

1A. Emaoamenlal Disposal Syshsns Inc. - Surface18. Phneer Group, Inc. - Surface

Yukon— — Coal Co/Buchanan Coal CoiBayers-Pccahonbe Coal Co.-Tr. 35

2/3 Coal, ON BOasPlum Cnek Ttnberland, LP. (Pnnr. fforfh Amerhan Tknber Corp.) - Tr. 36- 1/3 Coal, ON 6 Gasisland Cmek Coal Company - Baker Drahspe Coal LeasedJeweN Smokeless Coal Corp. - Abrne Drahaye Coal LeasedBuchaaan ProducNcn Co. -2/3 CMLeesedUnknoan Surface Owner5.15Acres 6 4375%

PaNe1 ot 1

Page 7: D='peretta · order mm fcrth tbe bxeraets aad ctahas that tuquhe escrow ofgmds pursuaat to Vhghda Code secgons 45.1-361213).and 45.1-36122~.and 4. DatcdatTaaewell, Virgiaia,tbh 3+

tbdtatb aa BOOt( 545 P49( 1~5

Ltst ef ==la ba t"=

ykmg Wa. 8 tLuQAmug

«) Yukon ~~~ Cost Cumpeny et el, Tn 38

(a) Yukun"

Coal Company et al.P.O. stu 187Tesenel, VA 2g851

(b) Sushsnan Coal CumpenyP.O. Stu 187Tgasgel, VA 34851

5.15 wms

2.58 arw1/2 uf 5.15atuw

0.57 muw1/9 uf 5.15atuw

3.219% Leased

0.715% Leased

(c) SaysnsP.O. Sw 187Taeeuel, VA 3g861

k IK.LWS~~

0.29 wms1/18 uf 6.15acres

(g) Yukan ~~~ Ced Cumpany st dP.O. tkst 187Teeausa, VA Qg661

(b) Suukanan Cast CumpanyP.O. tbsc187Tgaseg9, VA Qg561

(u) Says~ Cugt CempanyP.O. Stu 187Tasanel, VA Qg861

5.15 muw

258 autwi/2 ar S«6wtw

(L57 muw1/9 af 5.16muw

0.29 acrw1/18 uf 5.15muw


3219% Legged

0.715% Legged

PuQa1 of 1

Page 8: D='peretta · order mm fcrth tbe bxeraets aad ctahas that tuquhe escrow ofgmds pursuaat to Vhghda Code secgons 45.1-361213).and 45.1-36122~.and 4. DatcdatTaaewell, Virgiaia,tbh 3+

Oooketd tgt)SOO.igtaaee" ~78

yture ma. a. Saddcmc

(1) Yuknrr Rucahontw Coal Company at al., Tr. 38

(d) Pkrm Creek intrertan4 LP.Phon Cmek (prtnr. North American Tinker)Nature( teoourcw C100. " oo Strata NW, Sutta 2850Atlanta OA 80803

k IS.LMS~~nues Wr. n nandccse

5.15 wrw

1.72 wrw1/3 of 5.15acrw


(1) Yukon ~~~Cost~stet, Tr. 38

(d) Plum Cmek~LP.Pksa Cmek (prmr. North American Timber)Nature) eaoureee ~100~ = SkeatNW,Suas2850Adarae, OA 30308

5.15 acrw

1.72 wrw1l3 of 5.15acme


VIRGINIA: In tbe Cl 'ffice of tbe 't Court of Buchanan County. Tbc foregoing instrument

Rcturacd to: iW U4/I ~ r iaaf J~-. 'BSTILB(pffft'')LJt~Dcputy Clerk

Papo1 of 1

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