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    Dear Friend,

    T housands of pastors, evangelists and Bible college students in the Indian subcontinent are counting on us to provide sound Bible teaching.Pastor Daniel and his wife are counting on us.When a church member fell ill for no apparent reason, Pastor Daniel and his wife went to see him. While they were

    praying for him, they were able to discern a curse operating in this believers family.

    Pastor Daniel and his wife had just finished studying Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose, so they felt equipped to minister Gods deliverance to this man and his family. God answered their prayers, and today he is well again. Now, Pastor Daniel and his congregation are hungry to learn more about Gods deliverance and healing power.

    Pastor Kiran is also counting on us.A few years ago Kirans life was in ruins. He drank his weekly wages and

    his wife and children were about to leave him. But God had other plans. Touched by the power of the Holy Spirit, Kiran accepted Jesus into his life and went on to train at Bible college.

    Today Kiran is the pastor of a growing church in Lalitpur, Nepal. He reads every Derek Prince book he can lay his hands on and regularly uses these insights to encourage new and mature believers to draw closer to God.

    New believers like Chandra are counting on us.Chandra lived a troubled life. She and her husband were unable to sleep at night because of demonic activity around

    their house. Wheels would turn on their own, lights would come on and go off, or there would be rattling of doors all night.

    In desperation, Chandra asked a local pastor to pray for her family. After praying for them, the pastor invited Chandra to a workshop about blessings and curses led by our DPMIndia Director. For the first time in her life, Chandra confessed her sins and surrendered her life to Christ. Returning home, she broke every idol she had. She also burned several items of witchcraft she had received from magicians and temples. Chandra was delivered from curses and brokenness and is seeking to grow in her newfound faith.

    I am telling you about Daniel, Kiran and Chandra because for them, and for thousands of other Christians like them in India, Pakistan or Nepal, you are a friend they can count on. You see, thanks to your past generosity toward our outreaches, we have been able to equip over 250,000 Christian leaders and believers in this region with Derek Princes life-changing Bible teaching.

    Every day pastors and believers in the Indian subcontinent are counting on us... and we count on you to help them.

  • Derek Prince Ministries : P.O. Box 19501 : Charlotte, NC 28219 | 1-800-448-3261 | www.derekprince.orgDerek Prince Ministries is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

    Spiritual hunger is a real issue in the Indian subcontinent. It can affect thousands of Christian leaders and cause ineffectiveness in ministry and the inability to deal with complex pastoral issues. Not to mention being burned out or feeling vulnerable to demonic attacks or witchcraft.

    But, because of our ongoing ministry of producing hundreds of thousands of Derek Prince books and audio resources in 19 local languages, we have made significant progress in the long battle against spiritual hunger.

    We are seeing an abundance of Kingdom fruit in the lives and ministries of thousands of pastors and evangelists who have benefited from Dereks teaching.

    Thanks to friends like you, in 2010 alone we distributed over 10,000 Derek Prince Book Packs to Bible college graduates in 165 colleges in India and over 2,000 packs to pastors and graduates in Pakistan and Nepal. In addition to this, outreach workers in South India have launched a very successful DPM Bible School. Every month they are ministering to and training hundreds of village pastors and their wives.

    This year we are going to respond to growing ministry opportunities by producing 12,000 Derek Prince Book Packs for Bible college graduates. Furthermore, we are planning to translate and print 5,000 copies each of Gods Word Heals, Power in the Name, Secrets of a Prayer Warrior and You Matter to God in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Nepali and Urdu.

    To accomplish this, can we count on you for a special gift to our DPM Outreach in the Indian subcontinent?

    A gift of just $20 will provide a Derek Prince Book Pack for a Bible college graduate containing several significant titles that a pastor will use for life. While a gift of $55 will enable us to print 10 copies each of Gods Word Heals, Power in the Name, Secrets of a Prayer Warrior and You Matter to God in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Nepali or Urdu.

    Please take a moment today to show that you care for the spiritual well-being of believers and Christian leaders across the Indian subcontinent, and send in your most generous contribution to this DPM outreach.

    We are counting on your support as we seek to combat spiritual hunger and help strengthen the growing church in this part of the world. Your gift is genuinely needed and much appreciated.

    Thank you for your prayers and support,

    Warren SmithRegional Director, DPMAsia/Pacific

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