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10214 114A Ave Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6Z4 780-897-2917 www.dawsontesting.com

DDDaaawwwsssooonnn PPPrrroooddduuuccctttiiiooonnn SSSeeerrrvvviiiccceeesss LLLtttddd...

CCCooorrrpppooorrraaattteee PPPrrrooofffiiillleee

10214 114A Ave Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6Z4 780-897-2917 www.dawsontesting.com

MMiissssiioonn SSttaatteemmeenntt Dawson Production Services Ltd. was formed in 2007 and strives to maintain a Higher Standard of

Excellence in the Production Testing Industry. The Directors of Dawson shall use their knowledge in the Industry to Improve the Quality of Service provided, and to developing HSE Policies as

“Safety is our Highest Priority”.

RReessuummeess ooff DDiirreeccttoorrss

Duane Dawson – President/Supervisor Over 35 years Production Testing experience in both management and in a field Supervisor role. 5 years of that was International experience in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and U.A.E. Flowing back large sand fracs on high volume gas/condensate wells. (80 mmscf/d & 35,000 bbls/day) Steve Hendrie – Vice President/Supervisor Over 30 years of Production Testing experience as Senior Supervisor and Field Supervisor. Tested wells in excess of 40% H2S and all types of gas and oil wells. Greg Dawson – General Manager Over 25 years of Production Testing experience in both management and in a field Supervisor role. Tested wells in excess of 40% H2S and all types of gas and oil wells.

SSeerrvviicceess WWee PPrroovviiddee

• Production Testing

• Frac Recovery - Inline Testing

• Critical Sour & AOF Testing

• Swabbing & Coiled Tubing Clean outs

• Heli-Portable Testing

• Offset Well Monitoring

• Production Equipment Rentals

10214 114A Ave Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6Z4 780-897-2917 www.dawsontesting.com

EEqquuiippmmeenntt PPiiccttuurreess

1965 kpa x 18 m3 - Trailer Mounted Pressure Tank

20m x 102mm Flare Stack Portable Office Trailer 20m x 102mm Flare Stack

1725 kpa x 16 m3 - Skid Mounted Pressure Tank & Heater

1725 kpa x 4.0 m3 - Trailer Mounted Pressure Tank 9930 kpa x 0.5 m3 – HP Separator c/w 0.50 mm Btu Line Heater

10214 114A Ave Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6Z4 780-897-2917 www.dawsontesting.com

PPrroodduuccttiioonn TTeessttiinngg EEqquuiippmmeenntt

Coiled Tubing Well Clean out

Frac Clean Up Test

Heli Portable Production Test Frac Clean Up Test – 24 hours a day

Pipeline Bleed off with Portable High Stage Portable High Stage Separators

1965 kpa x 18m3 – 2” 35 MPA Frac Manifold

Owner Operator Personnel

10214 114A Ave Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6Z4 780-897-2917 www.dawsontesting.com

EEqquuiippmmeenntt PPiiccttuurreess

Well Testing – 24 Hour Operation Frac Recovery - Well Testing

Display at Peace Region Oil Show – May 2009

Frac Recovery - Well Testing Portable Trailer Mounted Equipment

10214 114A Ave Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6Z4 780-897-2917 www.dawsontesting.com

HH..SS..EE.. PPoolliiccyy Dawson Production Services has an extensive HSE policy with in depth employee orientations. A Complete Training Program is in place to educate and assist in Employee instruction. Our policies meet or exceed Governing Body requirements.

• Dawson Production Services Ltd. is registered with ISNETWORLD & ComplyWorks

• A copy of HSE Policy is available on request.

HH..SS..EE.. DDooccuummeennttss

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