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I chose this image for my background as I thought it looked fun, and in a way would represent the singer I created. Her pinkish lips will help me link them to the text, just like in real magazines. I chose for the image to go over both pages, as I found out that most people would want it to go over both pages.

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I decided to use the same font (Springtime) for her name as I did on the front cover; this was to help it all link, and look like it is from the same magazine. I have made the text quite large so it stands out to the audience. I have also chosen to make the text go over the top of her head to make it look different to the front cover; I personally think it also looks better in front.

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I made the text white to match the background on the image, and I added a pink/purple outline on the text to match my models lips. I thought that this would help it all link together and stand out. On the text I have also added a shadow to give it a 3d effect.

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I added a big pull quote on the other page. I made the colour the same as the models lips to relate the model to the text. I have also used the same font (Springtime) as I did for ‘Amelia’. I have chosen to use that font as I feel it looks fresh, and also looks personal to the reader; this is because the font looks handwritten (like Amelia had written it).

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Then I added some sub text/heading. This was just a brief look at the singer I created. At the end of the text I used a rhetorical question, ‘Where did she come from?’; this was a little trick I used to get the audience to read the whole article. In my research I found that some double page spreads used rhetorical questions. Underneath I have placed my name, which is usually where the writer of the article would put theirs.

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I then wrote the article for the double page spread (well some of it – “Continued on page 18”). As you can see I have made the text go around my model, I thought this was a great idea as I have the perfect image to do it around. I found that lots of magazines curve the text around the model on there double page spreads(when I browsed through them in the shop).

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I purposely left a gap in my article for a drop cap. I chose this font (Monotype Corsiva) as it relates to my model as it is quite feminine. I have also made the drop cap pink, just like the models lips and the pull quote. I chose to have a drop cap as they are quite conventional in magazines, and some double page spreads had them in my research.

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For the finishing touches I have added the page numbers on both pages of my double page spread. I have used the same font as the text in the article (Century Gothic). I really like the font as it is clear to read and looks better than normal fonts like ‘Ariel’.

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The last and final thing I did was add my magazine name/logo. I found out from my research that some magazines have their magazine name or logo on the double page spread (probably to justify that it belongs the magazine).

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This is my final Double Page Spread. I am going to ask some people for feedback on this to se if I can make any improvements to it. I am quite happy with it, I really like the text wrapping around my model. I like the theme of pink, black and white; the colours work together nicely. I believe I have made some good links, relating the text to the model.

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