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Page 1: Dr. Carolyn Bennett M.P University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine LEADERSHIP Passion & Principles.

Dr. Carolyn Bennett M.PUniversity of TorontoFaculty of Medicine

LEADERSHIPPassion & Principles

Page 2: Dr. Carolyn Bennett M.P University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine LEADERSHIP Passion & Principles.




Risk taking

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Nellie McClung

“ Never retreat, never apologize,

get the thing done and

let them howl ”

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My mother

Florist, Artist Not a manager…..my dad did that ! 2 things

Work hard Value your friends

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Prior learning !!

My mother …grandmother Camp .. Patient as Partner … Feminist Theory…

Inclusive decision making Parenting

the toughest job we’ve ever done Complexity Theory and Politics

for every complex problem, there is a simple solution that’s WRONG !!

Role as M.P.

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Fairness ‘natural’ leadership evident

Good and Bad !!! Motivation ??? Expected more of me than I expected of

myself… Friendship…

Loyalty vs principles…..

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The toughest job we’ve ever done Barbara Colorosa

Consequences “convince me” Have a plan !!

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Empowered patients

Effective advocates

Engaged citizens

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Non Quo Sed Quo Modo ….

“Not what we do, but how”

Patient as Partner Social Determinants of Health

Poverty, Violence, Environment, Shelter, Equity, Education

Doctor Multidisciplinary Hospital Community

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Patient as Partner

Asking people what’s wrong and listening… what do they think it is ?

Patient knows their body best As a professional –

know what you know, what you don’t know, who & when to ask for help

Comment on the ‘affect’ Evidence-based

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Sir William Osler

“it is a safe rule…. That the best teaching is that taught by the patient himself”


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Feminist Theory Ursula Franklin

Inclusive decision-making

Horizontal structures Harvesting solutions from the trenches Good ideas can come from anywhere Attitude ….

Good governance Fair Transparent Takes People Seriously

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“Paternalism has been a total failure” Nellie Cornoyea, ‘Speaking Together’ 1975

First Woman Premier, NWT

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Sir Michael MarmotChair, WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health

“The worst thing for a physician is to help someone get well and then send them straight back into the situation that made them sick in the first place”

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“Politics in Canada has always been the art of making the necessary possible.”

Peter C. Newman

Deciding what ‘s necessary is political

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“Good public policy is developed when the policy-makers can keep in their mind’s eye the people affected.”

Jane Jacobs

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Government Professionals

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Making a Difference

NGO’s Professional Organizations Media Electoral Politics

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Is Political Will … another word for leadership ???

Knowing what’s best and just doing it ?or

Listening and responding…..or

Values based, evidence based strategy, education and effectiveness

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“Power is not real.

It is an illusion maintained by the belief of the powerless that others hold it.”

Elizabeth May

Leader, Green Party

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1. Stop talking like victims 2. Stop assuming we all agree 3. Stop underestimating our strength.”

Michael Ignatieff

“Three mistakes:

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“Feel our strength.

We can’t go back to some nostalgic paradise in the past.”

Michael Ignatieff

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“Underestimating our power. Well- meaning fatalism. What can we do?”

Michael Ignatieff

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Leadership vs. Management

Education, cheerleading, persuasion, championing,inspiration


Control, command, supervision, intimidation

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Lyndon Johnson

“No amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit”

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Indira Ghandi

“There are 2 groups of people : those that do the work and those who take the credit…… I have always preferred to be in the former group because there is less competition”

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Best practices… wise and wonderful

Wisdom … having made all the mistakes but learned from them…

A Complex Adaptive System !!

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Complex Solutions ……

For every complex human problem, there is a neat simple solution. It is just that it`s wrong !


We must fiercely defend the need for complex solutions for complex problems…..

Progressive movements needs much simple language.

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Complexity Theory

Simple… following a recipe

Complicated…putting a rocket on the moon

Complex…. Raising a child

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Species at Risk

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

Charles Darwin

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Motivation and Incentives

The folly of rewarding

“A” while hoping for


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Activists …. 2 kinds



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The enemy is ourselves: We can’t let the desire for perfect get in the way of good.

Le mieux est l’enemie du bien.


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2 way Friends in all generations

Ursula Doris Monique, Judy Lyn McLeod Mary Eberts, Marilou …my age Siobhan Coady, Kirsty Duncan Briony Penn Tricia, Sinead, Vanessa Webb, Chi, Moneen Nasmith

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Attitude 2+2=5

Knowledgeable Stakeholders

+ Committed Politicians

=Better Public Policy

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“A politician thinks of the next election, a statesman thinks of the next generation”

James Freeman Clarke

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Sarah Berndhardt

Life begets life.

Energy begets energy.

It is only through spending one’s life that one gets rich.

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Barbara Rogers

“Physical and mental energy come from feeling in control of your life, having real choices and being involved with others to find ways of organizing for a change for the better.”

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