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Page 1: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

Protect Your Joints and Bones

Jason Batley, MD

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Page 2: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Staying mobile keeps us vibrant, independent and

feeling great!

An important key to health is

maintaining activity

Page 3: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

What can Potentially Affect Your Mobility?

Arthritis•Decreases mobility•Meniscus tears•Osteoporosis•Risk of Injury

Page 4: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004


•66 Million Americans affected-60% Women -40% Men

•Joints commonly affected:KneesHipsShoulders

•Joints become stiff and painful which can limit how much we walk or do•Over 100 forms or arthritis

Page 5: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Knee Arthritis…

Page 6: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Risk Factors for Arthritis…

•Genetic predisposition•Female gender•Increasing age•Obesity •Joint Injury•Infections

Page 7: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Symptoms of Arthritis…

•Stiff JointsEspecially upon waking in the morningSwellingCrepitus

•Painful Joints•Joint Inflammation

Page 8: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Management of Arthritis…

•Heat therapyMoist heatParaffin wax

•Cold therapyIce wraps

•Anti-inflammatory medicationsAspirinNonsteroidals

•Weight loss

Page 9: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Management of Arthritis…•Exercise

Low impact exercisesoRange of motionoStrengtheningoAerobic or endurance

Rehabilitative services (PT/OT)

Page 10: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Management of Arthritis…•Hydrotherapy(Water Therapy)

Page 11: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Comprehensive Arthritis Treatment Plans…

•Rest and relaxation•Appropriate diet•Medication•Pain relief therapies•Exercise•Instruction on the proper use of joints and ways to conserve energy – not to waste motion – physical therapy•Intervention when necessary

Page 12: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Other Joint Pain Options…Joint Replacement•300,000 knee replacements performed annually•1 in 4 people with arthritis of the knee with have a surgical replacement•Most common joints to be replaced:•Knee•Hip

Page 13: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Arthroscopic Treatment

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143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Arthroscopic Treatment

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143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Other Joint Pain Options…Joint Replacement

Knee Replacement Hip Replacement

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143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Meniscus Tears

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143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Arthroscopic View

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143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Surgical Treatment

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143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

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143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004


•53 million men and women will be affected by 2010•Often called the “silent killer”•22 million are at risk due to low bone mass

Page 21: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis…

•Low bone mineral density, or DXA• Family history•Small/petite frame

•Smoking•Alcohol•Lack of lifelong exercise•Inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake•Certain medications

•Estrogen deficiency•Ethnicity

Page 22: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Symptoms of Osteoporosis…

•Often times, no symptoms•Dowagers hump (late sign)•Previous fracture (low-traumatic) as an adult

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143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Hip fractures..

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•Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake•Daily calcium requirements:

< age 50 1000 mg/day> age 50 1200 mg/day

•Avoid alcohol•Smoking Cessation•Weight bearing exercises•Three to four servings of nonfat dairy or calcium-fortified foods daily

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Prevention of Osteoporosis…

Page 25: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Daily Vitamin D Requirements…•Calcium Rich Foods

Dairy: Milk, yogurt, cheeseLeafy green vegetables: Broccoli, kale, spinachFruits: OrangesBeans and peas: Tofu, peanuts, peas, black beans, baked beansFish: Salmon, sardinesMisc: Sesame seeds, blackstrap molasses, corn tortillas, almonds, brown sugar

Page 26: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Daily Vitamin D Requirements…

•Sources of vitamin DSkin (manufactures it when exposed to sunlight)Fortified foods


Egg yolksSaltwater fishLiverSupplements


Page 27: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Can’t Change Entire Diet!!!

Page 28: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Diagnosing Osteoporosis…

Bone Mineral Density Test Painless Non-invasiveReccomended for all women over age 65Women under 65 with any of the following:

History of a bone fracture Small frame Low body weight Current smoker Rhematoid arthritis Low physical activity Thyroid disease Excessive intake of caffeine

Page 29: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Treatment of Osteoporosis…

•Continued calcium and vitamin D •Continued exercise (using caution)•Bisphosphonate therapy

Fosamax (on the market the longest)ActonelBoniva (once monthly dosing)

Page 30: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Page 31: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

What is consequence of “Brittle Bones”?…


Don’t wait until it’s too late; find out about osteoporosis

BEFORE a fracture occurs.

Page 32: Dr. Jason Batley - Joint Pain

143 Joe V. Knox Ave, Suite 100Mooresville, NC 28117704-878-9004

Take action for your health and know your

risk factors for arthritis and osteoporosis!

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