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Page 1: Dr. Nicholas Shaw IEEE Senior Member EDS, an HP Company Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)

Dr. Nicholas Shaw

IEEE Senior Member

EDS, an HP Company

Privacy Enhancing Technologies


Page 2: Dr. Nicholas Shaw IEEE Senior Member EDS, an HP Company Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)

Overview of Privacy Privacy-enhancing technologies (PET) are

tools formed to protect the service user, rather than the service itself. PET are the means to protect the privacy of individuals.Internet/Web (social networking/e-

commerce)Mobile-based (cell phones/GPS/m-commerce)Non-compute-based (RealID)

Before discussing PET, one must have a fundamental understanding of Privacy

Page 3: Dr. Nicholas Shaw IEEE Senior Member EDS, an HP Company Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)

Overview of PrivacyOne definition of Privacy is the right of entities to

determine by themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them (personally identifiable information or PII) is communicated to others Travelocity (airlines, hotels, rental cars, and partners

of each)Information about you is valuable

Companies exist to sell information about you!Behavioral Targeting/User Profiling (Google mail)Data Mining

Sometimes more information protects privacyCompanies walk a thin line between competitive edge

and losing customers due to trust issuesEmployment (Facebook, MySpace, “Boseman, MT”)Insurance (example: LBS)Crime (example: LBS)

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Overview of PrivacyPrivacy Policies

Natural LanguageLongIn LegaleseNot often read

Electronic Privacy Policy LanaguageP3P<50% of e-commerce sites have electronic versionsDon’t often match the natural language versions

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Overview of PrivacyHow one views privacy is in the eyes of the

individual:Age (generational)

Grown up with computersDidn’t grow up with computers

OccupationUses computers daily in work versus those who don’tInvolved in marketing versus those who aren’t

Experience (those who have been burned versus those who haven’t)

LocationHigh tech area versus low techAvailability of stores (urban) versus low availability


Page 6: Dr. Nicholas Shaw IEEE Senior Member EDS, an HP Company Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)

Types of Data BreachesInternal

Intentional (unhappy employees, criminal)Unintentional

Accidental (system admins working on systems without enough sleep)

Stupid (employees leaving laptops in car, in plain view)

External (hackers trying to break into systems)

Of all breaches, the most prevalent and dangerous are internal.

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Types of AttacksInternet (Web) and Mobile (Location-Based Services – LBS)

Behavioral Targeting (user profiling)Misuse of personal information

Use for other than stated in privacy policySale for profitCriminalOther (use by companies in hiring/firing such as use of

Facebook/Myspace data or to change rates or cancel insurance policies)

E-/M-commerce (M-commerce is mobile-based commerce)Need for profit drives collection/use of personal informationUser TrustNeed to balance the advantages of using PII with alienating

customersNon-computer-based (calling your cell phone)

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Behavioral Targeting ExamplePrepare two Google gmails to yourself (without a

subject):I like bananasI need an airplane, hotel, and car reservation

Now, when you get the e-mails back, open them and look at the top bar and side.  What you’ll see is information (using airplane, hotel, car) are advertisements from rental companies, hotels, etc.  For bananas I received ads on yogurt, fruit, etc.  The ads constantly change everytime you open the e-mail up.  This is behavioral targeting but the interesting aspect is that your e-mail is being read by Google (automated bots).

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PET CategoriesSOFTWARE HARDWARE PERSONAL ACTIONAnonymizers Biometrics Anti-WardrivingAuditing Data Encryption, at rest Do Not Call RegistryAnti-Virus/rootkits Data Encryption, end-to-end Delete HistoriesCompliance Tools Data Lifecycle Management Document DisposalData Encryption Enhancing Computer

Network SecurityDo Not Track Registry

Data Leak Prevention (DLP)

Firewalls Off-site Storage

Data Lifecycle Management

RealID Opt-In (behavioral targeting)

Data Shuffling Smart Cards Parental ControlsFirewalls Privacy By DesignID Management Security RatingsSoftware Patches Unsecure RepositoriesSpam FiltersSQL InjectionVirtual Private NetworkingWeb Browsers

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Software PETMost users implement some level of PET on

their systems such as encryption, anti-virus (AV) software, anonymous web browsers such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer (IE) 8

Newer technologies such as Data Leak Prevention (DLP), also called Information Leak Prevention (ILP) deploy capabilities such as data in motion, in use, and at rest

Data/Information Lifecycle Management, while understood, is still relatively newOften implemented for production serversRarely implemented by usersQuestionable when it comes to PII

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Hardware PETTypical hardware PET include firewalls and routersBiometric scanners (finger print) are becoming

more common on laptop devices with the scanners built right in at the factory

Smart cards, such as the CAC (Common Authentication Card) used by the military, are also becoming more common

Whereas most encryption today is software-based, hardware-based encryption is gaining and prices are dropping. The advantages of hardware encryption include automatic encryption/decryption of data and no impact to performance

While controversial, RealID is a PET

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User Actions PETAll of these PET require actions from the user such as

Opt-in/Opt-out, signing up such as for Do Not Call/Track, etc.

Anti-wardriving (the practice of driving around with a WiFi finder)

Deletion of histories is required unless the user is using a software solution such as IE 8 or Google Chrome which do not save histories or cookies when in stealth mode

Off-site storage is a staple of production systems and is now being offered by the major vendors across the Internet

Document disposal is actually part of DLM (see software PET) – in short, users get rid of files they don’t need

Privacy By Design is considering privacy when developing a system, e.g. designing privacy aspects into the product versus adding them on later

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References Machanavajjhala, A., Kifer, D., Gehrke, J., & Venkitasubramaniam, M. (2007). L-

diversity: Privacy beyond k-anonymity. ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data, 1(1), 3. Mont, M. C., & Beato, F. (2007). On Parametric Obligation Policies: Enabling Privacy-

Aware ILM in Enterprises. Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY'07), 51-55.

Govil, J., Kaur, N., Kaur, H., & Govil, J. (2008). Data/Information Lifecycle Management: A Solution for Taming Data Beast. Fifth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, 1226-1227.

Bulbul, H. I., Batmaz, I., & Ozel, M. (2008). Wireless network security: comparison of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) mechanism, WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and RSN (Robust Security Network) security protocols. 1st international conference on Forensic applications and techniques in telecommunications, information, and multimedia and workshop, Adelaide, Australia.

Kang, Y., Lee, H., Chun, K., Song, J. (2007). Classification of Privacy Enhancing Technologies in Life-cycle of Information. International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems, and Technologies (SECUREWARE '07), 66-70.

Salas, P. P., & Krishnan, P. (2008). Testing Privacy Policies using Models. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 117-126.

Ofuonye, E., Beatty, P., Reay, I., Dick, S., & Miller, J. (2008). How Do We Build Trust into E-commerce Web Sites? IEEE Software, 25(5), 7-9.

Boritz, J. E., No, W. G., & Sundarraj, R. P. (2008). Internet Privacy in E-Commerce: Framework, Review, and Opportunities for Future Research. 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 204-214.

Gupta, S., Jain, S., Kazi, M., Deshpande, B., Bedekar, M., & Kapoor, K. (2008). Personalization of Web Search Results Based on User Profiling. First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 1114-1119.

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References Smith, R., & Shao, J. (2007). Privacy and E-commerce: A Consumer-centric

Perspective. Electronic Commerce Research, 7(2), 89-116. Hecker, M., Dillon, T., & Change, E. (2008). Privacy Ontology Support for E-

Commerce. IEEE Internet Computing, 54-61. Jing, R., Yu, J., Jiang, Z. (2008). Exploring Influencing Factors in E-Commerce

Transaction Behaviors. 2008 International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security. 603-607.

Robbins, J., & Sabo, J. (2006). Managing Information Privacy: Developing a Context for Security and Privacy Standards Convergence. IEEE Security & Privacy, 4(4), 92-95.

Reay, Ian, Dick, Scott, & Miller, James (2009). A large-scale empirical study of P3P privacy policies: Stated actions vs. legal obligations. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), 3(2), 1-34.

Duma, Claudiu, Herzog, Almut, & Shahmehri, Nahid (2007). Privacy in the Semantic Web: What Policy Languages Have to Offer. Paper presented at the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY '07).

Hansen, Marit, Schwartz, Ari, & Cooper, Alissa (2008). Privacy and Identity Management. IEEE Security & Privacy, 6(2), 38-45.

Decker, Michael (2008). Location Privacy-An Overview. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Mobile Business, 221-230.

Xu, Toby, & Cai, Ying (2007). Location Anonymity in Continuous Location-Based Services. Paper presented at the 15th International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS '07), Seattle, WA.

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References Beatty, Patricia, Reay, Ian, Dick, Scott, & Miller, James (2007). P3P Adoption on E-

Commerce Web Sites: A Survey and Analysis. [Feature]. IEEE Internet Computing, 11(2), 65-71.

Kojima, Takao, & Itakura, Jukio (2008, October 31, 2008). Proposal of Privacy Policy Matching Engine. Paper presented at the 4th ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management (DIM '08), Fairfax, VA.

Yan, J., Liu, N., Wang, G., Zhang, W., Jiang, Y., & Chen, Z. (2009). How Much Can Behavioral targeting Help Online Advertising? Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on WWW, 261-270.

Yaveroglu, I., & Donthu, N. (2008). Advertising Repetition and Placement Issues in On-Line Environments. Journal of Advertising, 37(2), 31-43.

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