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Page 1: DRAFT PAGES 1-24 Mr. Douglass Bitteker, President ... · Dr. Chandani leaves at 9:55 p.m. June 8, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting WJHS Auditorium . 6. Ms. O’Hare –

June 8, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting WJHS Auditorium 1

DRAFT PAGES 1-24 Mr. Douglass Bitteker, President – Presiding PRESENT: Dr. Chandani, Mr. Incoronato, Mr. LoCicero, Mr. Lumia, Mrs. McGeary, Mr. McMahon, Mr. Porpora ABSENT: Mrs. Shultz ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Powell, COS, Mr. Nuchman, Mrs. Polumbo, Mr. Shuchat, Mr. DiGrandi There were approximately 150 community members, staff and students present. Mr. Bitteker called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. CALL TO

ORDER Mr. LoCicero moved, seconded by Mr. Incoronato, to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing current litigation, and matters leading to the continued employment of several employees.


Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Mr. Porpora moved, seconded by Mr. LoCicero, to close Executive Session and resume Public Session.


Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Respectfully Submitted, ___________________________ Mr. John McMahon Trustee, Board of Education Mr. Bitteker opened Public Session at 8:15 p.m. OPEN PUBLIC


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Presentation PRESENTATION Mr. Powell – gives introduction into C4E presentation and states why the district is on the C4E list. In April, SED stated that “Districts subject to C4E requirements in 2008-09, must comply with C4E requirements in 2009-10, unless all schools are in good standing.” This statement applies to the Wappingers Central School district for the following reasons:

• The district was subject to C4E requirements in 2008-09 because two of its schools (Van Wyck JHS and Wappingers JHS) were on the state’s Schools Requiring Academic Progress list. They were SRAP schools because, several years earlier, they did not make AYP for two consecutive years because their subgroups of students with disabilities did not score high enough on the state’s annual ELA assessments. Both junior high school did make AYP in both the 2006-07 and 2007-08 school years and were notified earlier this year that they were off the SRAP list.

• At the same time, however, John Jay HS was notified that it was being designated as an SRAP school for ELA because its students with disabilities subgroup did not make AYP for two consecutive years: in the 2006-07 school year because not enough of the subgroup took the English Regents; in the 2007-08 school year because the graduation rate of its students with disabilities graduation rate cohort did not meet the state’s benchmark.

• This means that, despite SED listing the junior highs as in “Good Standing” in 2008-09, the district still has a school that is not in good standing and therefore remains subject to C4E requirements for 2009-10.

2009-2010 C4E UPDATE

Dr. Thomas – the Contract for Excellence is available for review on our website. There is a narrative that describes the plan. General description, results to date, allocations and submitting comments – were discussed. (Please see PowerPoint presentation contained in BoardDocs)

Mr. Bitteker opened the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING

ON C4E Mrs. McNamara – would it help to have one dedicated guidance

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counselor for these 35 students? Dr. Thomas – excellent suggestion. We’ve been talking about that.

Ms. DiMattio – describe self contained at John Jay. Mrs. Hudak – we have two self contained classes – basic instruction on a IEP track and Project SEA – students are regents bound.

Mr. Incoronato – it should be noted that the $2.3 mil. is being offset by state. Not costing district taxpayers more. No, we’re using foundation aid.

Mr. Porpora – the money allocated for C4E purposes – if we weren’t on C4E we could use the money to reduce our tax levy.

Mr. Incoronato – secondary school restructuring – is it possible to add additional services? Yes.

Mr. Bitteker – 9th grad failures reduced by 50% - how many were failing? I’ll have to get back to you.

Presentation PRESENTATION Dr. Thomas – asks sub-committee chairs to come up (Tom Stella, Steve Shuchat)


(please see PowerPoint presentation contained in BoardDocs) Mr. Bitteker opens Public Hearing. PUBLIC HEARING


Mr. Bode – it appears that the Code of Conduct has grown. Maybe we should look at the big picture – what really belongs in the Code of Conduct – might want to create a synopsis of what changed.

Mr. Unger – why don’t you have a Code of Conduct for the staff.

Mr. Porpora – explain the reasoning behind limiting cell phones during extra-curricular activities. (Mr. Shuchat explains previous occurrence that had occurred).During the school day – distraction. At middle school not restricted at after school events – at the semi-formal dance well phones not that great it’s a management issue - 179 days out of the year they can use cell phones.

Mr. Stella – on the high school level our committee didn’t see as a problem – we saw during school day as a problem.

Mr. LoCicero – clarification on how you intend to administer

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alcohol testing policy. Mr. Shuchat – we’re all trained – if we suspect we administer – it’s more of a deterrent.

Mr. Bitteker – role of the Board of Education – bullet #6. I believe that is a superfluous statement to make.

Mrs. McGeary – page 5 – Board of Education redundant – bullet #3. Penalties #3 – who’s going to do it? Offenses page #7 – 37 smoking. Penalties #17 – illegal drugs. Its illegal – law enforcement needs to be involved. Page 18 – cell phone – have a problem with that. Consent to Discipline – I thought this Board voted to suspend.

Mr. Bitteker – role of district administration – they would provide support to teachers and staff. #41 – trespassing – situations?

Mr. Lumia – opposed to cell phones in school – problem with kids getting drugs – should be suspended permanently – fight involved – dangerous – should be suspended permanently.

Mr. LoCicero – behavior towards others – fight 3 day suspension – remove # of days and let principal have say.

Lowen Ho – no one monitors behavior on school bus – who does my son report this to.

Mr. Shuchat – driver writes referral to bldg. administration who deals with that – it’s difficult for driver to drive bus and see offense.

Parent (name not given) – consider cameras in buses. I’m in support of no cell phones in school.

Mr. Lumia - #14 – any violent act against a teacher – should be suspended permanently.

Dr. Cobra – what I’ve notices with conduct – students are not afraid of the penalties in high school – we now have honor students who are not afraid of the consequences – we are no longer dealing with a minority of your kids. It looks good on paper, but not impacting at the high schools.

Mr. Bitteker – you should know that the administration is in the process of disciplining a recent occurrence.

Mrs. Sykes-Bidwell – I am currently dealing with a dress code issue at the junior high level – had issue with pajama pants – have problem with panel’s interpretation – need to have it better defined.

Mr. Sass – parents have to partner with administration. Mr. Unger – in-house suspension is better than sending home. Comments on cell phone use in school.

Ms. Becker – retired teacher at John Jay – kids are more polite – why do the kids have cell phones? Because the parents call them on cell phones. Kids are kids – you are ultimately responsible. Don’t ask the administration to do your job as a

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parent. Mr. Porpora – I don’t think that fear is something we should look for in this administration.

Communications COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Lumia – congrats to Sheaf Road on their play – outstanding. Congrats to Mr. Porpora for award he received. Reads letter from John Jay faculty supporting the work of Mr. Pochintesta and staff.

Mr. Bode – questions what is happening at RCK – received memo from principal.

Mrs. Zhang – principal of Chinese School – received info. packet in mail regarding building usage charges going up – we will now have to pay a significant amount of money to rent the bldg. Asking Board to reconsider and give reduced rate.

Mrs. Vitek – speaks in support of the marching band. Mrs. Scannell – speaks in support of the marching band – has petition with over 1, 000 signatures.

Ms. Scales – speaks in support of marching band – we’re students from four different schools – this is a great opportunity to connect with other schools – we do community a service – we’re usually the only band in the parades.

Ms. Lee – I am an alumni of the marching band. Alumni go on to do incredible things!

Mr. Gammall – I am also an alumni of the marching band. I have found that the funding has decreased over the years.

Mrs. Wong – director of Chinese School – I am here to petition for reduced rates – we have also done volunteer work within the community.

Mr. D’Aquino – speaks in support of the marching band – if you add up all the performances and all the hours this man puts in, we’re not paying him enough! You don’t realize the power of music. You cut and cut and the kids suffer.

Parent (no name given) – I understand that the economy is tough right now – I don’t need to mention how important a second language is – if you could reduce our rate for renting the bldg. it would be appreciated.

Ms. Costello – I have two adoptive daughters - I am here to speak in support of the Chinese School – in support of mandarin – we are a private/non-public school – we can’t come up with $30,000.

Dr. Chandani leaves at 9:55 p.m.

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Ms. O’Hare – speaks in support of marching band – there is so much mention of character ed at the secondary level – what better way then being in the band - they are committed to their education and their music.

Parent (no name given) – speaks on Coach Satterlee – lets keep politics on the field – respect – you get it as a result of hard work.

Ms. Tar – wants to address new fee schedule – have 180 members – 200+ families – have annual Chinese celebration – we have received encouragement from community. Asks to have bldg. rates reduced.

Ms. Hyne – I have nothing bad to say about Coach Satterlee and Jay.

Ms. Sasso – have nothing horrible to say about Coach Satterlee and Jay. We feel the problem was with the community.

Ms. Selber – we have nothing in common with the Divas – our coaches are wonderful coaches.

Mr. Hazard – I am a music educator – we had a marching band years ago and now we can’t get anyone to march anymore – please support the marching band.

Mr. Fan – I am a student at the Chinese school – have learned about the culture.

Parent (no name given) – very angry with school board to charge an exorbitant fee to someone that is providing a service.

Mr. Bitteker – fees brought about by a committee – we were taking taxpayers money to maintain the bldgs.

Presentations PRESENTATIONS School Lunch Budget – Abe Nuchman SCHOOL LUNCH

BUDGET (please see PowerPoint Presentation contained in BoardDocs) Comments/Questions From Board: Mr. Bitteker – refrigerated sandwich station – I like that. Kids want to grab and go.

Mr. Incoronato – what’s rationale for replacing serving line at WJHS? It will be more efficient – larger equipment – get kids out faster – add another station – add point of sale terminal.

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District Curricula and Related Text Resources – J. Belfield DISTRICT CURRICULA & RELATED TEXT RESOURCES

(please see memo in BoardDocs) Comments/Questions From Board: Mr. Bitteker – from what I read, these are some very good books.

Board Discussion BOARD



Mr. Porpora - with three new members I think it’s important that we joint NYSSBA.

Mr. McMahon – I did some thinking and I do agree with Mr. Porpora – it’s nice to have resources available.

Mr. LoCicero – with three new members they have to take financial courses and it’s cheaper if we’re a member.

Mrs. McGeary – how often did we use it this year? Mr. Incoronato – after what we’ve heard today on the marching band, I’d rather put that money towards them.

Special Voting Meeting SPECIAL VOTING

MEETING Mr. LoCicero moved, seconded by Mr. McMahon, to adjourn to a Special Voting Meeting.

Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Consent Agenda CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Porpora moved, seconded by Mr. LoCicero, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the following Consent Agenda items as stated:

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17 A (minus no-pay days), B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, M. Vote taken. Unanimous approval. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #17 A

RESOLVED that the reading of the Support Personnel List be waived and the Leave of Absence, Appointments, Temporary Probationary Appointments, Substitutes, and Continuation of Emergency Conditional Appointments be approved as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.


Support Staff Personnel List Leave of Absence 1. Name: Pamela Dragonetti

Position: Bus Driver - Spare Building/Garage: Fishkill Plains Type of Leave: Medical Leave Begins: 5/21/09 Leave Terminates: 7/05/09

Unless indicated with an asterisk (*), the individuals listed below are being appointed under the Emergency Conditional Appointment amendment to the fingerprinting requirements. These appointments are subject to fingerprint and criminal history record clearance by the New York State Education Department and shall terminate after 20 school days unless such clearance is received. Appointments 2. Name: Russell Booth

Position: Head Custodian Building/Garage: Oak Grove Appointment Begins: 6/09/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Booth was temporarily appointed to the Head Custodian position replacing Rick Delfino who was out on an extended leave. Mr. Delfino has resigned from his position effective 5/19/09 and Mr. Booth is being recommended for a permanent appointment (Reference 5/19/09). Annual Salary: $51,514

3. Name: Christina Caswell Position: School Monitor – 2.5 Hrs.

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Building/Garage: Brinkerhoff Appointment Begins: 5/19/09 Replacement Details: Ms. Caswell has successfully completed her 26-week probationary period and is being recommended for a permanent appointment. Annual Salary: $9.01/Hour

4. Name: Carol Kortright-Conklin Position: School Courier Building/Garage: District Office Appointment Begins: 6/09/09 Replacement Details: Ms. Kortright-Conklin was appointed to a Bus Driver – 12 Month position replacing Jimena Cortes. She has voluntarily requested to return to her previous position. Annual Salary: $51,514

Temporary Appointments 5. Name: Russell Cascio

Position: Custodian – 3rd Shift Building/Garage: Wappingers Jr. High Temporary Appointment Extended Through: No later then 9/30/09 Temporary Assignment Began: 4/07/09 Through: 6/08/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Cascio will continue to replace Raymond Timmons who was temporarily appointed to the position of Head Custodian effective 11/18/08 (Reference Below) Salary: $40,452

6. Name: Raymond Timmons Position: Head Custodian Building/Garage: Wappingers Jr. High Temporary Appointment Extended Through: No later then 9/30/09 Temporary Assignment Began: 11/18/08 Through: 6/08/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Timmons will continue to replace Russell Booth who was appointed to replace Rick Delfino (Reference Above). Salary: $51,974

Substitutes Name Position Date 52. Cocca, Juan Bus Driver Substitute 6/9/09 53. Flinn, Marlene School Monitor Substitute 6/9/09 54. Inzeo, Lawrence Bus Driver Substitute 6/9/09 55. Sedita, Jack Bus Driver Substitute 6/9/09 56. Swain, Bert Bus Monitor Substitute 6/9/09 Continuation of Emergency Conditional Appointments

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Name Position Date of Board Appointment Clearance Status 57. Salese, Angelica FSH Sub 10/14/08 reprinted 5/29/09 58. Kalmancy, Susan FSH Sub 1/12/09 reprinted 5/8/09 59. Sonntag, Mary Sch. Mon. Sub 1/26/09 reprinted 3/4/09 60. McGovern, Milena Sch. Mon. Sub 3/9/09 reprinted 4/10/09 61. Bessinger, Joy RPN Sub 4/21/09 being processed 62. Napolitani, MaryLou Records Spec. 4/21/09 reprinted 6/2/09 63. Paradiso, Merrilyn RPN Sub 4/21/09 being processed 64. Brower, Jennifer Sch. Mon. Sub 5/5/09 being processed Mr. LoCicero moved, seconded by Mrs. McGeary, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the reading of the Support Personnel List be waived and the No Pay Days be approved as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.


Comments From Board: Mr. LoCicero – I pulled this again for the obvious reasons. Mr. Incoronato – I have to reaffirm what Mr. LoCicero is saying. Comments on letter of explanation in packet – bus driver to provide documentation – we’re not going far enough to justify these absences.

Vote taken. Mr. Incoronato and Mr. LoCicero vote no. Mr. Bitteker, Mr. Lumia, Mrs. McGeary, Mr. McMahon and Mr. Porpora vote yes. Resolution will be adopted.

No Pay Days Name Position Location Dates Reason 7. Acosta, Magdalena Sch. Monitor Myers 4/13/09 Sickness-In-Family 5/4/09 Sickness 8. Albertson, Charles Bus Dr Hourly Transp. 4/3/09 Sickness 9. Allen, Barbara Bus Dr 12 Month Transp. 4/13/09 Sickness 10. Barnes, Glenn Bus Dr Hourly Transp. 3/30/09 Sickness 4/1-3/09 Sickness 11. Bartsch, Jacqueline Sch. Monitor Van Wyck 4/30/09 Sickness 12. Bradford, Kayla Bus Dr Hourly Transp. 4/20/09 Sickness 13. Brodbeck, Kelly Bus Dr 12 Month Transp. 4/2/09 Sickness-In-Family 4/7/09 Sickness-In-Family 14. Cardascia, Heidi Bus Dr 10 Month Transp. 4/16/09 Sickness 4/20/09 Sickness 15. Carregal, Gail Tea. Asst. Vassar 4/24/09 Personal 16. Cesarini, Teresa Tea. Asst. Van Wyck 4/15/09 Sickness 17. Daletto, Nicholas Custodian RCK 4/22/09 Sickness 18. DeRise, Connie Sch. Monitor Van Wyck 4/27-5/1/09 Sickness

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5/8/08 Sickness 19. DeRosa, Leonard Bus Dr Hourly Transp. 4/23/09 Personal 20. DiLullo, Susan Bus Dr 12 Month Transp. 4/9/09 Sickness 4/22/09 Sickness 21. Dragonetti, Pamela Bus Dr 12 Month Transp. 4/24/09 Sickness 22. Fincham, Patricia Bus Dr 12 Month Transp. 4/24/09 Sickness 23. Fitzsimmons, Jodi Sch. Monitor Evans 4/29/09 Sickness-In-Family 5/06/09 Sickness-In-Family 5/21/09 Sickness-In-Family 5/26/09 Sickness-In-Family 24. Galitello, Joyce Sch. Monitor Myers 4/30/09 Sickness 25. Gilleo, Janet Sch. Monitor Sheafe 4/24/09 Sickness 5/7/09 Personal 26. Greene, Deborah Bus Dr Hourly Transp. 3/30/09 Sickness 27. Guck, Donna Bus Dr Hourly Transp. 4/22/09 Sickness 28. Kelly, Jeanne Sch. Monitor Myers 4/29/09 Sickness 29. Kennedy, Julie Sch. Monitor Gayhead 4/13-17/09 Personal 30. Klensch, Jacqueline Sch. Monitor Kinry 4/29/09 Sickness-In-Family 5/5-7/09 Sickness-In-Family 31. Landaira, Susan Sch. Monitor Myers 4/23/09 Sickness-In-Family 5/1/09 Sickness-In-Family 5/7/09 Sickness-In-Family 32. Malin, Russell Telecom. Tech. F & O 4/3/09 Sickness 4/13/09 Sickness 33. Milholm, Maureen Tea. Asst. Van Wyck 4/15-16/09 Sickness 34. Monahan, Maria Sch. Monitor Kinry 4/13/09 Sickness-In-Family 35. Newberger, Tammy Tea. Asst. Sheafe 5/14/09 Sickness 36. O’Dell, Christine Tea. Asst. Van Wyck 4/13-15/09 Sickness 37. Ortiz, Carmen Tea. Asst. Myers 3/31/09 Sickness 4/15-16/09 Personal 38. Parisella, Nancy Bus Dr 12 Month Transp. 5/20/09 Sickness 39. Parker, Nikkia Bus Dr Hourly Transp. 4/17/09 Sickness 40. Pasquale, Susan FSH Gayhead 6/12/09 &

6/15/09 Personal

41. Raymond, Michael Custodian RCK 4/20/09 Sickness 42. Rogers, Kerrie Bus Dr Hourly Transp. 4/24/09 Sickness-In-Family 43. Salese, Angelica FSH PT WJH 4/17/09 Personal 44. Stech, Toni Tea. Asst. Van Wyck 4/23-24/09 Sickness 45. Tamas, Alana Bus Dr 12 Month Transp. 4/6/09 Sickness 4/9/09 Sickness 46. Tomlins, Barbara Bus Dr 10 Month Transp. 3/30-4/1/09 Sickness 47. Torres, Digna Tea. Asst. WJH 4/17/09 Sickness 48. Velasquez, Yadira Bus Dr Hourly Transp. 4/15/09 Personal 49. VonBurg, Brenda Tea. Asst. Myers 4/16-20/09 Sickness 50. White, Alicia Bus Dr 10 Month Transp. 3/30/09 Sickness 51. Zippo, Nancy Tea. Asst. Van Wyck 4/15/09 Sickness 4/17-20/09 Sickness CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #17 B

RESOLVED that the reading of the Administrative/Teaching Personnel List be waived and the Retirement, Leaves of Absence, Probationary Appointment, Part-Time Temporary


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Appointments - Additional Class Assignments, No-Pay Day, Certified and Uncertified Substitute Teacher Appointments be approved as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.

Teaching & Administrative Personnel List Retirement 1. Name: Elizabeth Solomon

Position: Grade 5 Teacher Building: Kinry Road Last Day of Service: 6/30/09 Effective Date of Retirement: 7/1/09

Leave of Absence 2. Name: Amy Buckingham

Position: Reading Teacher Building: Fishkill Plains Type of Leave: FMLA Leave Begins: 5/28/09 Leave Terminates: 6/30/09

3. Name: Christine Otero Position: Grade 2 Teacher Building: Fishkill Plains Type of Leave: FMLA Leave Begins: 6/23/09 Leave Terminates: 6/30/09

Unless indicated with an asterisk (*), the individuals listed below are being appointed under the Emergency Conditional Appointment amendment to the fingerprinting requirements. These appointments are subject to fingerprint and criminal history record clearance by the New York State Education Department and shall terminate after 20 school days unless such clearance is received. Probationary Appointment *4. Name: Paul Albanese

Position: Secondary Assistant Principal

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Tenure Area: Secondary Assistant Principal Building: John Jay Probationary Period Begins: 7/1/09 Tenure Due: 7/1/12 Replacement Details: Replacing Vincent DiGrandi (reference 3/9/09). 2009-10 Annual Salary: $83,000.00 Certification: Internship: School Building Leader

Part-Time Temporary Appointments – Additional Class Assignments *5. Name: Linda Genovese

Position: Art Teacher (.2 additional) Building: Van Wyck First Day Of Service: 11/10/08 To: 1/30/09 Expansion Details: Ms. Genovese is a full-time WCSD Art Teacher who voluntarily taught a sixth class, replacing .2 (contingent staffing) necessary due to an increased enrollment. Schedule: 2008-09 III Row: 21 Column: M+36 Annual Salary: $95,387.00 Annual Salary for Additional Class: $19,077.40 Certification: Permanent: Art

*6. Name: Matthew King Position: Music Teacher (.2 additional) Building: Van Wyck First Day Of Service: 4/20/09 To: 6/25/09 Expansion Details: Mr. King is a full-time WCSD Music Teacher who is voluntarily teaching a sixth class, replacing .2 (contingent staffing) necessary due to an increased enrollment. Schedule: 2008-09 III Row: 10 Column: M+6 Annual Salary: $64,936.00 Annual Salary for Additional Class: $12,987.20 Certification: Permanent: Music

No Pay Day 7. Name: Lucretia O’Dell

Position: Elementary Intervention Specialist Building: Fishkill Dates: 5/12/09 (.5) Reason: Sickness

Certified Substitute Teacher Appointment *8. Name: Karen Fava

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Certification: Permanent – Special Education Uncertified Substitute Teacher Appointments *9. Name: Danielle Armstrong

Degree: BS – Childhood Education Areas to Substitute: Elementary

10. Name: Keith Carielli Degree: None Areas to Substitute: Elementary and Secondary

*11. Name: Ashley Frye Degree: None Areas to Substitute: Elementary

*12. Name: Melinda Hill Degree: BS – Biology Areas to Substitute: Grades 4-6 and Secondary

*13. Name: Eric Kirsch Degree: BS – Business Administration Areas to Substitute: Elementary and Secondary

*14. Name: Taryn Lippert Degree: None Areas to Substitute: Elementary and Secondary

15. Name: Edith Lubeck Degree: MA – History and South Asian Studies Areas to Substitute: Secondary

*16. Name: Lisa Scaraville Degree: BS - Science Areas to Substitute: Secondary

*17. Name: Christian Woolston Degree: MBA - Information Systems Areas to Substitute: Elementary and Secondary

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WHEREAS, the Board of Education appointed several individuals to emergency conditional appointments in accord with the applicable regulations of the Commissioner of Education; and

WHEREAS, the regulations of the Commissioner of Education provide that an emergency conditional appointment must terminate no later than twenty business days from its inception or when the School District is notified as to the status of the conditional clearance; and

WHEREAS, Superintendent of Schools had advised the Board of Education that with regard to the emergency conditional appointments of certain individuals, the School District has not received any information from the State Education Department with regard to their status for conditional clearance; and

WHEREAS, the emergency conditional appointment of each such individual needs to be renewed; and

WHEREAS, a list of all of the individuals involved and the applicable Board of Education meeting dates is included in the respective personnel lists; and

WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Schools has advised the Board of Education that it is his understanding that the State Education Department recently has taken the position that a Board of Education can, by resolution, authorize the Superintendent of Schools to continue the emergency conditional appointment status of individuals, pending receipt of notification from the State Education Department, beyond the initial period of twenty business days as provided for in the regulations; and

WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Schools


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has advised the Board of Education that in order to continue to provide students with instructional services, the emergency conditional appointments of the individuals whose names appear on the aforementioned lists must be continued; and

WHEREAS, individuals serving pursuant to emergency conditional appointments have been and will continue to be subject to heightened administrative supervision by their building administrators.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the emergency conditional appointment of each such individual whose name appears on the aforementioned lists shall remain in full force and effect and continue until such time as the School District is notified as to the status of the conditional clearance of each such individual or until such time as the Board of Education, on a recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, may act to terminate the employment of any such individual; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools is authorized to take whatever action is necessary in order to effectuate the purpose of this resolution in consultation with the attorney for the Board of Education.

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RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the lists of CSE/CPSE recommendations as submitted by the Assistant Coordinators/Coordinator to the Board of Education in memos dated June 2, 3, 4, 2009.



RESOLVED that the Board of Education does hereby accept List #14 - Omitted Taxes - as outlined in the memorandum dated June 3, 2009 to the Superintendent of Schools from the School Business Manager.



RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education adopts the District curricula and related textbooks in use for the 2009-2010 school year as articulated in the WCSD Curriculum Management System Documents and related Text Appendices for the following K-12 departments and/or programs: Art (Fine & Performing Arts Department) Business Education Family & Consumer Sciences English Language Arts Foreign Language Health Education Mathematics Music (Fine & Performing Arts Department) Physical Education Science Social Studies Technology This annual set of Curriculum Management System Documents and related Text Appendices for each department shall be retained on file in the office of the Superintendent of Schools.


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RESOLVED that the Board of Education does hereby approve the purchase of the textbooks as indicated in a memo dated May 18, 2009 from the District Coordinator for ELA 9-12 to the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction and approved by the Superintendent of Schools. Elements of Literature - Course 3 - Grade 9 Bad Boy: A Memoir - Grade 9 Out From Boneville - Grade 9 Maus, A. Survivors Tale - Grade 10 The Language of Composition - English 11 AP



RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the Food Service Budget and proposed increase for 2009-10 school year as indicated in a memo dated June 4, 2009 from the School Lunch Director to the School Business Manager and recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.



RESOLVED that the Board of Education does hereby approve the May 19, 2009 budget/election voting results as stated: YES NO BUDGET 2,686 2,476 BUS PROPOSITION 2,343 2,701 BOARD CANDIDATES: ANTHONY LOCICERO 2,130 ANN S. FADGEN 2,071 AZIZ AHSAN 2,829


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BE IT RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the Board of Education of Wappingers Central School District, Dutchess County, New York, as follows:

Section 1. For the class of objects or purposes of paying

the cost of certain judgments, compromised claims or settled claims resulting from court orders on proceedings brought pursuant to Article 7 of the Real Property Tax Law, including incidental expenses in connection therewith, there are hereby authorized to be issued up to $320,000 serial bonds of the Wappingers Central School District, Dutchess County, New York, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law.

Section 2. It is hereby determined that the maximum

estimated cost of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is $320,000.

Section 3. The plan for the financing of the aforesaid

maximum estimated cost shall consist of the issuance of $320,000 bonds of said School District, authorized to be issued therefore pursuant to this bond resolution. Such bonds are to be payable from amounts which shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property in said School District, and the faith and credit of said Wappingers Central School District, Dutchess County, New York, are hereby pledged for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon.

Section 4. It is hereby determined that the period of

probable usefulness of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is five years, pursuant to subdivision 33-a of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law.


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Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes is hereby delegated to the President of the Board of Education, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said President of the Board of Education, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law.

Section 6. All other matters except as provided herein

relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the President of the Board of Education, the chief fiscal officer of such School District. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the President of the Board of Education shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law.

Section 7. The validity of such bonds and bond

anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or

purpose for which said School District is not authorized to expend money, or

2) The provisions of law which should be complied with as of the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with,

and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or

3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 8. This resolution shall constitute a statement of

official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein.

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Section 9. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper(s) of said School District for such purpose, together with a notice of the School District Clerk substantially in the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. Comments From Board: Mr. Lumia – perhaps next year we can put money aside for these tax certs.

Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Mr. LoCicero moved, seconded by Mr. McMahon, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Wappingers Central School District approve a contract with the Dutchess County BOCES for the acquisition of computer-technology hardware, software and related equipment through a four-year installment purchase, commencing in the 2009-2010 school year with a maximum total principal cost of $354,000; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wappingers Central School District will pay the Dutchess County BOCES through its regular monthly billing cycle over the four-year period to commence during the 2009-2010 school year.


Comments From Board: Mr. Lumia – how much money are we saving by buying from BOCES? Probably not a lot, however, we get state aid back. It’s a cost effective way to purchase what we need – we can cut the best deals.

Vote taken. Mr. Lumia votes no. Mr. Bitteker, Mr. Incoronato, Mr. LoCicero, Mrs. McGeary, Mr. McMahon, And Mr. Porpora vote yes. Resolution will pass as stated.

Mr. LoCicero moved, seconded by Mr. Incoronato, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Wappingers Central School District will participate in the above services during 2009-2010 to the extent indicated. The Board of Education agrees to pay Broome-Tioga BOCES the charges


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identified on the base contract according to the following schedule:

8 equal payments beginning: October 1, 2009 ending: May 1, 2010

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that payments on supplemental contracts will be implemented by the District in consonance with the payment schedule stipulated on the contract. Comments From Board: Mr. Lumia – can this be bid out to someone else? These people to excellent training – they are good to work with –there is no one else we can outsource to.

Vote taken. Unanimous approval. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 17 M

1.) WHEREAS Wappingers Central School District Bus #802 sustained damages on May 12, 2009; and WHEREAS the Insured submitted a claim to the Utica National Insurance Group in the amount of $3,741.06; and WHEREAS the Supervisor of Transportation has indicated that the amount represents all known damages sustained to Bus #802; and WHEREAS Utica National Insurance Group has issued a payment in the amount of $3,741.06 to satisfy the District's claim. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorize an increase in the 2008-2009 school budget in the amount of $3,741.06 to expenditure code A5510A00 57000, Spare Parts, with the offsetting revenue code A1 2680, insurance recoveries other, in order to make the above mentioned repairs. 2.) WHEREAS Wappingers Central School District Bus #670 sustained damages on


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February 9, 2009; and WHEREAS the Insured submitted a claim to the Utica National Insurance Group in the amount of $11425.00; and WHEREAS the Supervisor of Transportation has indicated that the amount represents all known damages sustained to Bus #670; and WHEREAS Utica National Insurance Group has issued a payment in the amount of $11,425.00to satisfy the District's claim. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorize an increase in the 2008-2009 school budget in the amount of $11,425.00 to expenditure code A5510A00 57000, Spare Parts, with the offsetting revenue code A1 2680, insurance recoveries other, in order to make the above mentioned repairs.

Mr. LoCicero moved, seconded by Mr. Porpora, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Board of Education does hereby appoint Ms. Judith Schneider to serve as the Impartial Hearing Officer in the case of student #45224.


Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Additions to the Agenda ADDITIONS TO THE

AGENDA Mrs. McGeary moved, seconded by Mr. LoCicero, to add one item to the agenda.

Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Mr. LoCicero moved, seconded by Mr. Porpora, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that contract renewals for


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the ten current District employees classified as “confidential” status be approved as per the terms outlined in the memorandum dated June 2, 2009 from the Director of Human Resources to the Superintendent of Schools.


Vote taken. Mr. Incoronato votes no. Mr. Bitteker, Mr. LoCicero, Mr. Lumia, Mrs. McGeary, Mr. McMahon and Mr. Porpora vote yes.

Resolution will be adopted as stated. Communications COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Bode – its obvious that the community wants a marching band – please think about this again.

Mr. Under – wonders about DCBOCES – how are you expanding and buying textbooks in this year – code of conduct – teachers accept calls on their cell phones.

Mrs. Fadgen – thanks for letting everyone speak their mind even though they went over the 30 min. deadline.

Adjournment Mr. LoCicero moved, seconded by Mrs. McGeary, to adjourn the meeting. Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Time is 11:00 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted, ______________________________ Susan Penney District Clerk

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