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  • 7/28/2019 Dragon Egg Reiki


  • 7/28/2019 Dragon Egg Reiki


    Dragon Egg Reikiby Stewart Farquharson

  • 7/28/2019 Dragon Egg Reiki


  • 7/28/2019 Dragon Egg Reiki


    There is a legend in Prague

    There is a legend in Prague that dragons could be raised from magical stones known as

    dragons eggs to become servants and companions for humans.

    This reiki is based on my experience with such things. You will learn how to hatch such a

    stone, and what to expect. First let us talk about clairvoyance.

    Clairvoyance is the ability to see with your imagination plus your astral senses. It uses that

    spooky sixth sense that tingles and lets you know when a stranger is staring at the back of

    your head. And it wraps the senses in visual images that are true, however colored they are

    by your personal cultural background, true to what astral being you face.

    Its not difficult to develop this balance. Just practice looking at flowers and trees quietly

    and intend to see fairy faces in the bark, or sense fairy energy in the leaves and flowers.

    Here is an example of an old tree in a salt marsh. Can you see the eye holes of the old fairy

    looking at you?

    Good! Now lets look at some suitable magical stones. You will notice something in the

    rock that reminds you of a dragon. It could be scales, or colors, or a transparent window

    with inner white clouds, or even bird tracks.

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    This is the dragon egg that I chose. It has bird tracks rather like the hawk talons of some

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    dragons, and a cloudy place and nice swirls. It is a specimen of ocean jasper.

    Now this pebble with its marks like scaly skin and its firey orange color would also do well.

    You can sense which elements your dragon will have an affinity with from the look of the

    stone. I think this is fire agate.

    This would be a good water dragon egg. It is ruby zooisite.

    A good stone for insight and astral portals, this is blue calcite.

    Snowy quartz with black inclusions make this merlinite or Tibetan quartz if it was clear.

    Good magic stone. Eggs neeed not be round.

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    How to Hatch Your Dragon Egg

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    This is the easy part. You find some wooden or other natural container, fill it with scented

    potpourri or natural dry herbs, put the stone in it, and wait.

    Each day or so as you walk by, just hold your hand above the stone and give it some reiki

    and encouragement. You are inviting your baby dragon to come into your life, to hatch.

    It usually takes a month.

    These would make good containers.

    If you like, you could circle the nest with a protective white light. Your sincerity will bring a

    dragon spirit to manifest. And curious onlookers. When I was hatching my baby dragon,

    one night I felt a very large presence in the room. When I turned on my clairvoyance I saw

    a huge white mother dragon slouching comfortably on the floor and looking at the nest. I

    didnt know what to say or do, so I just nodded politely and ignored her. LOL

    Anyway when hatching time comes you should feel sort of restless when you walk near the

    nest. Hold your hand above the rock and it will feel warm. You can take it out into thesunlight and let it warm up, or into the moonlight. Talk to it. Feel love for it. Tell it your

    ordinary human name and ask for its name. Dont worry if you get several. Its probably your

    imagination getting a bit excited. The useful name will persist.

    Then one day let it struggle out, and crawl into your hand and stay in your lap and just feed it

    some reiki energy and bond. There you are. Keep the egg as a souvenir.

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    These dragons grow quickly. They follow you about, until they get into a teenage stage

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    when they are taken away by other dragons to be taught something or initiated and when

    they return, they act more adult and seem to be able to handle magic better. You can use

    them as directional guards in magic circles, as astral companions on a shamanic journey,

    as property guardians, or just love em and enjoy them.

    After you have successfully hatched your egg, you are qualified in Dragon Egg Reiki andcan attune other people who need a little help before they work with dragons.

    Good luck! (by the way the fairy flower below is a fairy friend attuning photo they will come

    running to you if you look at this and declare you are a friend to them it acts like a magical

    gate, like the Mists of Avalon. My family has worked with them since the 1700s, and we

    have permission to introduce people to them.)


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    Appendix A All About the Fairies

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    What are the fairies?

    They are partly solid spirits who live close to the natural world. Their homes and doorways

    are linked to things such as stones, waterfalls, trees, etc. This is why they get upset when

    humans build roads through their favorite places. An angel who lives in a spiritual

    dimension far away, would not care. Fairies are not angels or demons or any kind ofmythical religious god. They seem to have existed without us just fine. They do not depend

    on our belief in them to exist, Peter Pan to the contrary.

    What about fairy castles and princesses and knights?

    The fairies I work with are the small, half-wild types, almost as instinctive in their use of

    magic as animals. They are not the nobility of the fairy world. You dont impress them by

    wearing fancy clothing or swinging a sword. Well, they would enjoy seeing the sword but

    they would giggle.

    Are fairies safe to be around?

    Yes, if you are not a muggle. By muggle, I mean as in the Harry Potter books, a person who

    refuses to believe in magic energy or use it. If you can use Reiki, you are not a muggle.

    Are fairies more spiritually evolved than us?

    This is hard to accept but the wise fairies envy us. To be intelligent and vulnerable in this

    harsh world is to be on the fast track to spiritual growth. We hurt. We sacrifice for others.

    We find our courage and endurance. We love. We forgive. We struggle on. Really useful

    lessons. The fairies look at us with admiration and horror because they would not want our


    I think some fairies actually do want our lives. And come to earth reborn as humans to

    learn. And carry with them some of the memory of their instinctive magic. That is why some

    human families seem to be drawn to fairies, I think. We have fairy blood in our veins. Its just

    a guess. Those who have odd family traditions and legends will know what I mean.

    Where do dragons come in?

    Magical animals such as dragons and unicorns have the instinctive grasp of the natural

    world that little fairy folk do. They also can be as wise and learned as the nobility, so

    approach them with respect, at least the elders of their kind.

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    Should I make an altar for my dragon?

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    Never! Never worship the fairy folk. Never give away your power and freedom to them.

    They dont want it and cannot appreciate clingy people. If you want a friend, that will be

    enough for them. They cannot give you what you dont already possess. If you ask for the

    power to be invisible, they can only point you to your own magical ability to do this. The

    same for flying or astral travel or finding wealth or luck. It is already there inside you. Dont

    make deals with the fairies. They will just shrug and tell you to learn to know your own


    So how do I use my own fairy powers as a human?

    Use the imagination and sixth sense combination I mentioned in the manual. Go into nature

    and be quiet and allow yourself to feel the grass, the trees, the air. Listen. Breathe. Smell.

    Feel the living heartbeat of nature. Feel the life inside yourself. Feel the power with your

    fingers on the ground.

    Give some affection towards this power and it will respond the same way. You will learn to

    feel it rise like a friendly wave and flow into you. And humans can do this even better than

    the fairy folk. We are the natural wizards and witches, not them. We become like trees of

    light or fire, to their fairy eyes.

    They fear us, in a sense. And they are correct to do this. As a human filled up with natural

    power, you could imagine your hands growing silvery claws, as long and sharp as a bear.

    And you could reach into a fairy being, even a dragon, and rip it apart. You would actually

    harm it some.

    But dont do this. Just know you can, if ever a nasty fairy approaches you in your travels in

    this world. A flare is when you allow the magic power to suddenly leap up around you likea brightness. It warns away nasty astral beings. It shows them you are not some innocent

    muggle, but a competent magical human. So practice flaring and you wont ever have to

    get violent. I use arm gestures to do this. Mentally at least..

    Reiki has its own flare. Sometimes when I am walking in lonely, haunted woods, I suddenly

    feel reiki glowing warm in my hands and I know my instinctive shields are rising. Something

    out there is hostile and I have sensed it. Actual reiki symbols would be like talismans or

    spells to the fairy folk, and are probably much too strong to throw about unless you are

    trying to exorcise ghosts or something.

    What are the Trading Protocols?

    If you get really really adventurous you can meet with fairy ogres and other dangerous types

    and have nice casual conversations. Dont eat any food they offer, that would be a

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    pledge of alliance, and you dont want to give that. You dont want to choose a side in the

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    innumerable fairy feuds.

    Have some trading energy symbols along with you. What are these? Well, you imagine

    something such as sea shells, and put some friendly energy or useful quality such as

    peace, wisdom, strength into them. Then you hand them out to fairies and they hand you

    something back. Its useful for fairy monsters such as giant spiders and other freaky thingstoo. Dont battle them. They belong to the world also. Just trade and walk on your way. All

    fairies respect the Trading Protocol. By the way, if a fairy gives you a skull, that is a trading

    symbol probably of wisdom. (If you want to discard such things later, you may.)

    Also... never promise a fairy something and break your word. Just dont.

    Do I have to go outdoors to meet the fairies?

    After you have been outdoors a few times, you can sense them mentally and talk with them,

    and call them to come. You can even have permanent little houses for them in your

    apartment, if you dare. Some are mischievous and will cause you to lose little household

    items such as scissors. If you do make a house, a small birdhouse is fine. Put it near some

    plants and face the doorway away from view. They like their privacy. They will help your

    plants grow.

    I see my dragon in dreams but she is in human shape. What is happening?

    Dragon folk can assume human shapes. Sometimes like pure humans, sometimes with

    odd touches such as pointed ears or tails. The Nagas of India are like this too. My dragon

    assumes human shape in my dreams when we need to ride horses or we want to do social

    things like swim or picnic. Many dragons just assume smaller dragon shapes and ride on

    your shoulders. Sometimes they seem to go insubstantial and merge with you to face achallenge together, such as a job interview.

    My dragon doesnt speak. Why?

    If you have clairsentience, that is, you seem to know things when you wonder about them,

    your dragon doesnt need to use conversation. Some books call this claircognition. If you

    want speech, ask your companion to speak more often.

    I raised one dragon, but I now see more. Why?

    They attract others. LOL Pay attention to fountains in cities. They love those. Also hanging

    on building ledges like gargoyles.

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    I am dreaming about being a dragon myself Is this normal?

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    Some people do. I dont. I am a friend of dragons, but never one myself. You can explore

    any fairy shape you want, in the astral. You might even gain abilities you dont have (actually

    you do have them see above) in human shape.

    I think my dragon is flirting with me. Does he want sex?

    LOL!!! Yes, fairies like sex. But unlike eating formal meals with them, it does not mean that

    much. It is not a pledge of alliance. They are not human, remember, and human love is not

    for them. Love is a complicated and deep thing. Perhaps the most wise among them...

    My dragon wants to heal with me in my reiki sessions. Yes or no?

    Its up to you.

    My dragon made a mark or alphabet letter on my skin. Why?

    She is marking you as a dragon-friend. Dont worry about it. Other fairies may fear you a

    little, but that can be useful.

    My dragon gave me a scale or tooth or wing feather. Why?

    Its an energy gift and brings a useful ability which you will have to discover for yourself if

    your dragon does not explain.

    The fairies want me to learn a certain kind of reiki.

    Tell them to mind their own business. Boundaries, remember you have boundaries. LOL

    On a more serious note, the fairy folk do not want to control us or give us rules on how to

    use magic. They are not like that. If you want that kind of authoritarian approach from a

    spirit helper, contact an angel or a guide or something. Not the fae.

    Are there charms against the fairies?

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    Muggles use cold iron, or solar symbols such as daisies and crosses, or water from a holy

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    church, or certain herbs such as rue or rowan tree. You are not a muggle, however. Reiki is


    (end of appendix A)

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