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GREEK RITUAL Group Members:Karl, Jae Hyu, Tim

By Neysan

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Investigate: Research; workshops in class; watched videos;

Plan: Choose our groups; brainstorm your topic: research

your topic

Create: Chant: Movements: Masks; Entrance and exit

Rehearse: Practice



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Brainstorm Ideas

Boy Penguin

Ghost Basketball Girl

Sock Chair Brain

Toilet Fish Eyes

Table Monkey Kite

Volleyball Soccer Shirt

Chocolate Tissue

Zombies Pants

We chose to do zombies because it is easy to do moves related to zombies.

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This teaches me to put my hands out straight when walking as a zombie and also teaches me to walk slow

How these pictures might help me in a performance

This picture shows me to lift up my legs when

acting as a zombie.

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This picture shows me that to act as a zombie we could wear scary makeup

This picture shows that I need to scare the audience to be a good zombie.

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Zombie loves to eat brains

This will help us think of a chant to say during the performance.

Zombies wear torn clothes

This will help us wear the correct type of clothes when doing

the performance

Zombies are the undead

This will help us understand were zombies came from and that

will help us act like we are undead

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Hey hey hey, What’s in your head?

We are the zombies from the undead.

We like brains-brains-brains

So the brains we gain-gain-gain

Hey hey hey, We love the day

Because we love to play, When night begins to


We fight for all the, Brains- Brains-Brains

Arrg, Arrg Arrg, Arrg

Shiquan Neysan Foo
extend the index finger and move the arm up and down
Shiquan Neysan Foo
make 1 V shape using each arm
Shiquan Neysan Foo
point to my head
Shiquan Neysan Foo
point to out chest
Shiquan Neysan Foo
walk 2 steps infront lifting the legs and arms like a zombie
Shiquan Neysan Foo
put the right hand infont of the neck, stretch the left hand out and wave it
Shiquan Neysan Foo
put both hands on top of the head and shake the head from the left to the right
Shiquan Neysan Foo
strech arm out, make the hand into a fist, pull the arm back
Shiquan Neysan Foo
extend the index finger and move the arm up and down
Shiquan Neysan Foo
make a heart shape with out 2 index fingers and thumbs
Shiquan Neysan Foo
draw a big circle in the air with our 2 index fingers
Shiquan Neysan Foo
stay on th espot and pretend to run
Shiquan Neysan Foo
stretch out hands and bring them down
Shiquan Neysan Foo
punch the air
Shiquan Neysan Foo
walk out
Shiquan Neysan Foo
Enter the room and make a circle, with our arms streched out and lift our legs as we walk
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We need to make a sound when entering and


We need to make our moves more clearer

We need to have our backs to each other in a


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Group Strengths:

Our strengths as a group were that we all shared our ideas

of the movements and all worked together to choose which

was the best. We also need a good job on memorizing our

chant. Another thing we did well was fixing our chant.

My Strengths:

My strengths were that I made a good chant and was able

to memorize it. Another thing I did well was making good

actions for our zombie ritual.

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Group Weaknesses:Our group weaknesses are that we didn’t use or time very well, we were noisy and we also didn’t focus on our work. Another weakness was that we didn’t use our time wisely.

My weaknesses:My weaknesses was that i didn’t work well with the rest of my classmates. Another weakness was that I wasn’t a good leader.

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I was a communicator because I talked with my

group to make the moves and chant. We all

were communicators because we all

contributed and nobody was left out of the


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MASKToday we made masks. We got into groups of 3 and made masks for

each other. In my group there was Karl, Jae Hyu and Myself.

Yesterday, we made the design for the mask so today we copied the

design and made the mask .We first took 15 stripes of plaster,

dipped it in water and put it on each others faces. The first person

we made the mask for was Karl. The mask turned out great. The

next person to get the mask was me it didn't’t turn out so well so

Ms. Rankin fixed it for me. Then we did Jae Hyu’s mask which came

out well but then when he tried to remove the mask some of the

plaster got ruined and it didn’t look so good after that. Today was

very fun and I hope other days will be just as fun.

November 29th 2011

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Today we designed our masks. Our group used paint

but others used different material, some used cotton,

markers and glue. It was not very hard to do the

painting because our group had already planned what

it should look like. Before deigning the mask I had to

cut out some parts of the mask to make it look better. I

was happier with the mask after cutting it because

before I cut it it look horrible. I think that after I

finished painting the mask did look like the design we

made on the computer.

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Today our group completed our masks by attaching it to a piece of string so we can put it around our heads. On the right you can see how my mask turned out. We also picked costumes for our zombie. After picking the costume we practiced our play about zombies which was the best rehearsal we have had so far, everybody memorized their lines and everybody did their movementscorrectly. I think tomorrow we will dowell on the play. Ms. Rankin said thatwe did well except that should speak more clearly and have a better exit.

On the right is me in my zombie costume.

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Today our class finally performed our ritual after practicing for two months. In that two months there were some good things that happened and some bad things to. Some good things I did to help my group was that I shared my ideas about movements and costumes, I also contributed a lot to make the chant, I finished my work on time, I wrote all my reflections about what happened that day and I helped design the mask. Some things that I could have improved on are using my time better, I could have been more serious during rehearsal time and I could have been quieter.

If I could change something, I would change the zombie theme to a happy birthday theme because I think that is what the children in kindergarten would have enjoyed that more than zombies trying to eat their flesh and brains.

Reflection December 8th 2011

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I would improve on memorizing the exit because I kept getting confused with what to do, because we decided to change it at the last minute. Another thing I could improve on was chanting the chant together because everybody started at different times.

When making the performance, Ms. Rankin’s feedback really helped me, when we did the first rehearsal she told us that we needed to we need to make a sound when entering and exiting, we need to make our moves more clearer and we need to have our backs to each other in a circle, now that we did all those things our performance looked much nicer. When we did the performance for the kindergarteners it went really well. I all stood in a circle, I had a clear voice, I did all the movements correctly and entered properly. When doing the movements I was a little bit scared to performed it infront of children so I couldn’t concentrate on the movements very well. Also, we couldn’t do the movements well because of the cape.


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If I could change what I did in the performance I would have not worn the cape because it made us look like vampires and it was hard to do the movements in it. I could have improved on exiting, when doing the performance we forgot to leave at the last line of the chant. Ms. Rankin’s feedback helped us to speak louder and speak more clearly.

This is me in my costume. This picture was taken after the performance.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY "Zombie Facts." Most Recent New Stories - Unsolved Mysteries. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. <http://www.unsolvedmysteries.com/usm525467.html?t=Ancient%20Beliefs>."Zombie Cartoon Character - Royalty Free Clipart - Vector Image." Cartoon Clip Art - High Quality Clip Art - Clipart - Royalty Free Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2011. <http://primoclipart.com/view-clipart/zombie-cartoon-character-image>."cartoon zombie art." MultiMania - Free website hosting with PHP, MySQL and 1 GB Webspace. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2011. <http://members.multimania.co.uk/cedricomar/cartoon-zombie-art.htm>."Zombie Cartoon by ~ArTeXxX on deviantART." ArTeXxX on deviantART. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2011. <http://artexxx.deviantart.com/art/Zombie-Cartoon-181693039>."how to draw." http://www.drawinghowtodraw.com/drawing-lessons/Perspective-Drawing/howtodraw-zombies-tutorials.html. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2011. <www.drawinghowtodraw.com/drawing-lessons/Perspective-Drawing/howtodraw-zombies-tutorials.html>.

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