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Page 1: Dreamweaver CS4 Site Definition / Managing Setup

Dreamweaver CS4 – Site Management This document is to assist you in understanding the process of configuring your site that it will be easily manageable. You will also learn in these steps how to upload your files to the internet in your personal web space. So, with that brief preface, let us begin. Once you have Dreamweaver opened you can work on your site, but the first step that you should take at any given time (other than when you are opening an existing site) is to configure the site. To do this, you will go to “Site” and then “New Site” as seen in figure 1-0 below.




Figure 1‐0 


Upon selecting “New Site” you will see the first of many screens that leads to defining your site. These screens require information input for configuration. The information can be changed at any time, so do not fear of making an irreversible mistake during these steps. The first dialogue box of such is shown in figure 2-0. Here you will name your site. This is strictly for your use; viewers will not see the name you place here.  

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Page 2: Dreamweaver CS4 Site Definition / Managing Setup


Figure 2‐0 


As in figure 2-1, make sure you select “No, I do not want to use server technology” then you can click on “Next.”  


Figure 2‐1 

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Page 3: Dreamweaver CS4 Site Definition / Managing Setup

This screen “Part 3” requires you to make two choices. Choice #1 is to select one of two radio buttons. Select the “Edit local copies …” option here. Choice #2 would be for you to decide where you will be saving your files to edit and add to at a later time. If your student account is working, and you are logged in under your name, it would be advisable to save them to your personal account under a folder of your choice. This step will create and name an additional folder under the one you selected for locating files. So keeping that in mind, do not name your folder the same as the name you gave your site, which is what Dreamweaver will do anyway. For making these decisions / selections, you should be seeing a screen as the one below in figure 2-2.  


Figure 2‐2  








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Page 4: Dreamweaver CS4 Site Definition / Managing Setup

Now you have to select a location for your local files to be stored.  It is advisable that you select your student account (the S: drive) and create a folder where your files can be safe. 



After clicking “Next” on the above screen, you will see the screen below in figure 2-3. Follow the instructions on this screen-shot below.


Figure 2‐3 






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Page 5: Dreamweaver CS4 Site Definition / Managing Setup

Since you selected FTP as your option to connect to your remote server, you will now see additional options appear on the same screen. These are as listed in figure 2-4. There are four simple, yet very important steps to be taken.

1. This is where you name your server; do NOT include your name (i.e. ~jdoe00) within the box that is for later.

2. Now give the name of the folder where files will be uploaded. Most web servers use public_html, which is what we use at Lee. In the case that you purchase your own domain name and host, this is possibly different.

3. This is the step where you enter your name. This is not your Lee email name; this is the name I gave students during class.

4. Now use the password in this location as it was given to you. Now you can click on “Test connection” to make sure your settings are working properly before moving on to the next screen.  


Figure 2‐4 



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Page 6: Dreamweaver CS4 Site Definition / Managing Setup

As seen on the following screenshot, click on "Advanced" ‐ this will take you to a more detailed screen in Figure 3 below. 


Figure 3 


On the advanced screen, you have a plethora of options.  Click the box entitled "Use passive FTP" ‐ again, this is displayed on Figure 4. 


Figure 4 


Click on Test to try your connection now. 




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