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Indiana University

Drowning in Data?The Workflow ofData Analysis

Scott LongDepartments of Statisticsand Sociology

Workshop in Methods Indiana University | October 25, 2013

1.Drowning in data.2.Managing digital resources.3.Getting things done.4.Saving time.5.Getting published (avoiding perishing).6.Promoting robust and replicable science.7.And, asking "where did you put that file?"

data analysis

1. A coordinated framework for data analysis2. Workflow deals with all aspects of data analysis

o Planning, organizing and documenting researcho Cleaning datao Analyzing datao Presenting resultso Backing up and archiving materialso Reproducing results

1. Your WF might be:A. PlannedB. Ad hocC. Planned in an ad hoc way

2. You can improve your WF with a modest investment of time.A. The less experience you have, the easier it is.

o Undergraduates find it easier than faculty!B. It will save you time.C. It will make you a better data analyst.

1. Replicationo Replication is essential for good science.o WF is essential for replication.

2. Getting the right answerso Retractions should be avoided.

3. Mistakes happeno WF helps you find inevitable errors and fix them.

4. Timeo "Science is a voracious institution." Harriet Zuckerman

5. Gaining the IU advantageThe publication of [The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata]may even reduce Indiana's comparative advantage ofproducing hotshot quant PhDs now that grad studentselsewhere can vicariously benefit from this important aspectof the training there. Gabriel Rossman's blog

1. Easy things: consulting on easy things, instead of hard things2. Incorrect results with clever "explanations"3. Dissertation delayed 18 months to determine why results changed4. Unreproducible results from a 743 line do file with no comments5. Analyzing the wrong data set: "The data sets are exactly the sameexcept that I changed the married variable."

6. Analyzing the wrong variable while writing a report for the NAS7.Miscoded genes that delayed a study of alcholism8. Collaborations that multiply the ways things go wrong9.Misleading or ambiguous output such as...

Example 1: Definitel in a $3M study . tabulate female sdchild_v1

R is | Q15 Would let X care for children female? | Defintel Probably Probably Definitel | Total ----------+---------------------------------------------+---------- 0Male | 41 99 155 197 | 492 1Female | 73 98 156 215 | 542 ----------+---------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 114 197 311 412 | 1,034

Example 2: variable labels that come from the survey center . codebook tc1*, compact

Variable Obs Unique Mean Min Max Label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------tc1doc 1074 10 8.714153 1 10 Q46 How important is it to go to ... tc1fam 1074 10 8.755121 1 10 Q43 How important is it to turn t... tc1friend 1073 10 7.799627 1 10 Q44 How important is it to turn t... tc1mhprof 1045 10 7.58756 1 10 Q48 How important is it to go to ... tc1psy 1050 10 7.567619 1 10 Q47 How important is it to go to ... tc1relig 1039 10 5.66025 1 10 Q45 How important is it to turn t... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Example 3: which number is which? . tab occ ed, row

| Years of education Occupation | 3 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 | Total -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- Menial | 0 2 0 0 3 1 312 2 | 31 | 0.00 6.45 0.00 0.00 9.68 3.23 9.6838.71 6.45 | 100.00 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- BlueCol | 1 3 1 7 4 6 526 7 | 69 | 1.45 4.35 1.45 10.14 5.80 8.70 7.2537.68 10.14 | 100.00 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- Craft | 0 3 2 3 2 2 739 7 | 84 | 0.00 3.57 2.38 3.57 2.38 2.38 8.3346.43 8.33 | 100.00 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- WhiteCol | 0 0 0 1 0 1 219 4 | 41 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.44 0.00 2.44 4.8846.34 9.76 | 100.00 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------

Example 4: good software doing things badly . logit tenure i.female i.female#c.articles i.male i.male#c.articles, nocons

note: 0.male#c.articles omitted because of collinearity note: 1.male#c.articles omitted because of collinearity

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tenure | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.female | -2.473265 .1351561 -18.30 0.000 -2.738166 -2.208364 | female#| c.articles | 0 | .0980976 .0098808 9.93 0.000 .0787316 .1174636 1 | .0421485 .0098962 4.26 0.000 .0227524 .0615447 | 1.male | -2.693147 .1170916 -23.00 0.000 -2.922642 -2.463651 | male#| c.articles | 0 | (omitted) 1 | (omitted) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Tacit knowledge.2. Heavy lifting.3. Time to practice.

1. Explicit knowledge is the stuff of textbooks and articles.2. Tacit knowledge is implicit and undocumented (Polanyi).

A. People are unaware of their essential tacit knowledge.o Henry Bessemer's 1855 patent for making steel did not work.

B. Tacit knowledge is transferred "at the bench".o Personal computers impede the transfer of tacit knowledge.

There's a lot of undifferentiated heavy lifting that standsbetween your idea and that success.

Jeff Bezos, amazon.com

The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata1. The book makes tacit knowledge about WF explicit.

2. It deals with lots of heavy lifting.

3. It provides specifics on the general issues discussed today.

4. While focusing on Stata, the principles apply broadly.

o An enthnographer uses if for her research team.

o An researcher in China found it crucial for getting his paperaccepted by Nature.

o A manager of health statistics for a European country said it"improved the quality of my life, not my data analysis, my life."



Other criteria




ironical optimismThe universal aptitude for ineptitudemakes any humanaccomplishment an incredible miracle. Dr. John Paul Stapp

"I was fine, only blind for a few days."

replication1.WF facilitates replication.

2. Ask yourself:

o Can you reproduce exactly the results you published?

o How long would it take?

3. Replication requires planning from the start of a project.

4. Disciplines are increasingly concerned with replicability.

Examples follow…

A. Articles in Political Science, Economics, Sociology and other fieldson replication, data access.

B. American Economic Review (?) required reproduced analysesbefore acceptance.

C. The movement in statistics for "reproducible results".

D. ICPSR's "Open Access to Data" initiative.

E. Executice Offices of the President, Office of Science & TechnologyPolicy: Increasing Access to the Results of Federally FundedScientific Research 22 Feb 2012

F. A Proposal for Comprehensive Nonbinding Research Registration(Macartan Humphreys in Political Analysis, 2013).

G. Haverford College adding replication to UG requirements, 2013.

H. NSF Workshop on Promoting Robust and Replicable Science, 2014.

1. The curse of dimensionality: 10 decisions, 1,024 possibilitiesoWhere to truncate a variable?oWhat seed for the RN generator?oHow to scale with partially missing data?oWhich cases to keep for analysis?oHow to code education?oWhat values to assign to income greater than $200,000?o And so on...

Decisions in the path to analysis: the choices that could be made

Decisions in the path to analysis: the choices made

2.Documentation: Replication should involve retrieving documentation,not trying to remember.

3.Changing software: New software can give different results.

o A colleague spent painful weeks trying to replicate results because heforgot "version 7" in his do file.

4.Lost files: corrupted, lost, unreadable, obsolete, or ambiguous files

o Do you have $2,000 to retrieve the file that was "backed up"?

o Do virtual servers archive your data?

Replication reproduction1.Replication is an exact duplication.2.Reproduction is consistent results obtained by a different path.

Given replicability,

o If your program is not correct, then nothing else matters.Oliveira and Stewart

o Complete work quickly given accuracy and replicability.o Working quickly competes with working carefully.

o Avoid repeatedly, inconsistently deciding how to do things.o Standardization makes it easier to find mistakes.

o Automated procedures prevent mistakes and are faster.o Time invested learning automation can save time.

o The more complicated your procedures the more likely you willmake mistakes or abandon your plan.

o Your workflow should reflect the way you like to work.o If you ignore your procedures, it is not a good WF.

1. Collaboration makes it more difficult to have an effective, efficient,and replicable WF.

2. Disciplines that depend more on collaboration put more emphasison an explicit WF.

3. Why is workflow harder when you collaborate?


4.Have good ideas.5.Write them down.6.Do this often.

o This takes 90% of the time, unless you hurry.

o Often the simplest step in your WF.

o Incorporate output into your presentation.o Maintain the provenance of every number.o Make effective presentations.

o Preserving the bits and the content.o Replication is hard when you have the data and script files; it isimpossible without them.

Tasks Tasks

Tasks Tasks

TasksBlau and Duncan's The American Occupational Structure

o All analyses were specified 9 months before output was received.o The book was written based entirely on a single set of output.o Later books with full access to the data were not better.

Issues in planning

1.A plan is a reminder to stay on track, finish the project, and publishresults (Einstein kept a picture of Faraday on the wall of his study).

Work. Finish. Publish. Michael Faraday's sign in his lab

2.Planning saves time.

3.Planning includes:o Publishing plans and deadlines.o Division of labor.o Proposal for data construction: names, labels, formats.o Procedures for missing data.o Anticipated analyses.

oGuidelines for documentation.

oProcedures for back ups.

1.Organization is movtivated by two requirements:

o Finding things

o Avoiding duplication

2.Organization requires explicit, consistent decisions about naming andstoring things.

o 115,000 files on a research center's LAN

o 2,000,000 files accumlated in 10 years


o Helps you work faster.

o It rewards consistency and uniformity.

o It is contagious.

1.You can't find a file and think you deleted it.2.There aremultiple versions of a file and don't know which is which.

o You and a colleague are working on different versions of the samepaper. You changed what she changed and now there are threeversions of the paper.

o You need the final version of the paper the was submitted for review,but you have two (or 16) files with "final" in the name.

This: final_report_v16.docxOr this: NSF_science_report 2010 10 21.docx

1. It is easier to create a file than to find a file.2. It is easier to find a file than to know what is in a file.3. It is easy to create lots of files.

1.Laptop2.LAN3.Dropbox4.Box5.USB stick6.Old laptop7.Friend's laptop8.External drive9.Mom's computer

Windows MacDesktop DesktopMusic MusicPictures PicturesVideos MoviesDocuments Document

1.Suppose I put everything in folder \Dropbox.2.How do I organize things within \Dropbox?3.Everything needs one and only one place to be.4.Start with the overall categories of materials.For example...

\Active Research projects I am actively working on.\Bookshelf Books, articles, reprints, etc.\Home Administrative files, templates, etc.\Inactive Incomplete projects that are on hold.\iPad Files synced to my iPad.\Programs My files that customized installed programs.\Service Documents related to service work.\Shared Files shared with others.\Students Documents from students.\Teaching Teaching materials.\Vault Completed work that will never change.\Web Local copy of my web site.

\Bookshelf\Articles\Books\Computing\Figures\Photographs...and so...

\ Hold then delete\ To clean

\ To file

\ To transfer

\WF project

\- History starting 2009-03-06

\- Hold then delete

\- To clean






\- Versions


\- To do

A batch file makes creating uniform directories easy

Organizing: wfsetupsingle.bat makes it easy REM workflow talk 2 \ wfsetupsingle.bat jsl 2009-07-12 REM directory structure for single person. FOR /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/- " %%a in ("%DATE%") do set CDATE=%%c-%%a-%%b md "- History starting \%cdate%" md "- Hold then delete " md "- To clean" md "Documentation" md "Posted" md "Pre posted " md "Resources" md "Text\- Versions\" md "Work\- To do"

Use templates: capture log close log using wftalk01-example, replace text version 12.1 clear all set linesize 80

// project: wf talk // task: local pgm wftalk01 local dte 2013-02-25 local who scott long local tag "`pgm'.do `who' `dte'"

// #1 description of task 1

// #2 description of task 2

log close exit

"Any color you want as long as it is black."

1.Long's Law: It is faster to document it today than tomorrow.

Addendum 1: Nobody likes to write documentation.

Addendum 2: Nobody regrets having documentation.*

Drat, I have too much documentation!

2.Multiple, reinforcing levels: logs, metadata, comments, names

3.Without documentation, replication is virtually impossible, mistakes arelikely, and work takes longer.

4.The more codified the field the greater the emphasis on documentation

The Research Log by the American Chemical Society

1.Do it today.2.Check it next week since it always makes sense today.3.Keep up with documentation by linking it to events in the project.4.Include full dates and names.

A real example...

1.Execution involves carrying out tasks within each step.2.Effective execution requires the right tools.

o Softwarea. File manager: Explorer and Finder don't work well.b. Text editor: Why not just one for all programs?c. Macro program: Why retype the same things?d. Word processor: page feed, outlines, headings.e. Statistical software.

o Hardware: display, storage, memory, CPU3.Planning is more important than computing power.

Consider the changes in computing...

Cornell 1975: the entire computing infrastructure

IBM 370 with 240K memory Winchester drives with 3MB storage

Cost of computing $1,000,000.

Mean time to degree 7.6 years.

Indiana 2009: a disposable PC

Asus 1000HE with 2GB memory FreeAgent with 1TB storage10,000 times more 350,000 times more...

Cost of computing $400 (2,500 times less); $250 in 2011.Mean time to degree 7.6 years.

Cray Computer 1985 iPad2 2011

bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/09/the ipad in your hand as fast as a supercomputer of yore

1.Divide yourselves into two groups:

o Computers can compute whenever they want to (i.e., all the time).

o Planners can compute for two six hour sessions a week.

2.Who finishes first?

Principles for a computing workflowThese three principles are easy and have huge benefits.

o Dual workflow

o Run order naming

o Posting files Data management ==>

<== Data analysis

Name files so if re run in alphabetical order, you produce exactly thesame results.Data management Data analysisdata01.do stat01a.dodata02V2.do stat01b.dodata03.do stat01cV2.dodata03-1.do data03-2.do stat02a.dodata04.do stat02a1.do


stat03aV2.do stat03b.do stat03c.do stat03c1.do stat03c2V2.do stat03d.do

The posting principle (is really important)1. This is essential for keeping track of the "official" results.

2. Posting is defined by two simple rules.

The share rule:Only share results after the files are posted.

The no change rule:Once a file is posted, never change it.

1.They are self contained.2.They include version control (version 11.1).

3.They exclude directory information (which might change).4.They explicitly set seeds for random numbers.5.They require that you archive user written ado files.

Simply put: Your programs should run on another computer at a laterdate without requiring any changes.

1.Include thoughtful comments.2.Format with alignment, indentation, and spacing.3.Use short lines without wrapping.4.Avoid ambiguous abbreviations: l a l in 1/3

+----------------+ | Key | |----------------| | frequency | | row percentage | +----------------+ | Years of education Occupation | 3 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 | Total

-----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- Menial | 0 2 0 0 3 13 12 2 | 31 | 0.00 6.45 0.00 0.00 9.68 3.239.68 38.71 6.45 | 100.00

-----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- BlueCol | 1 3 1 7 4 65 26 7 | 69 | 1.45 4.35 1.45 10.14 5.80 8.707.25 37.68 10.14 | 100.00

-----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- Craft | 0 3 2 3 2 27 39 7 | 84 | 0.00 3.57 2.38 3.57 2.38 2.38

8.33 46.43 8.33 | 100.00

-----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- WhiteCol | 0 0 0 1 0 12 19 4 | 41 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.44 0.00 2.444.88 46.34 9.76 | 100.00

-----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- Prof | 0 0 1 1 0 02 13 10 | 112 | 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.89 0.00 0.001.79 11.61 8.93 | 100.00

-----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 1 8 4 12 9 1019 109 30 | 337 | 0.30 2.37 1.19 3.56 2.67 2.975.64 32.34 8.90 | 100.00

| Years of education

Occupation | 3 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 | Total



Menial | 0 2 0 0 3 1

3 12 2 | 31

| 0.00 6.45 0.00 0.00 9.68 3.23

9.68 38.71 6.45 | 100.00



BlueCol | 1 3 1 7 4 6

5 26 7 | 69

| 1.45 4.35 1.45 10.14 5.80 8.70

7.25 37.68 10.14 | 100.00



Craft | 0 3 2 3 2 2

7 39 7 | 84

| 0.00 3.57 2.38 3.57 2.38 2.38

8.33 46.43 8.33 | 100.00



1. Much of data analysis involves repetitive tasks.o Repetition invites errors.

2. Automation is faster and less error prone.A.macros: words that represent strings of textB. loops: multiple execution of the same commandsC. returned results: avoids typing the value of a statistical resultD.matrices: hold and summarize resultsE. ado files: write programs that do what you wantF. scott.hlp: don't keep looking up the same things. For example,…

help scott

. codebook tc1*, compact

Variable Obs Unique Mean Min Max Label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------tc1doc 1074 10 8.714153 1 10 Q46 How important is it to go to ... tc1fam 1074 10 8.755121 1 10 Q43 How important is it to turn t... tc1friend 1073 10 7.799627 1 10 Q44 How important is it to turn t... tc1mhprof 1045 10 7.58756 1 10 Q48 How important is it to go to ... tc1psy 1050 10 7.567619 1 10 Q47 How important is it to go to ... tc1relig 1039 10 5.66025 1 10 Q45 How important is it to turn t...

. codebook tc2*, compact

Variable Obs Unique Mean Min Max Label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------tc2doc 1074 10 8.714153 1 10 Q46 How Impt: Go to a gen med doc... tc2fam 1074 10 8.755121 1 10 Q43 How Impt: Turn to family for ... tc2friend 1073 10 7.799627 1 10 Q44 How Impt: Turn to friends for... tc2mhprof 1045 10 7.58756 1 10 Q48 How Impt: Go to a mental heal... tc2psy 1050 10 7.567619 1 10 Q47 How Impt: Go to a psych for Help tc2relig 1039 10 5.66025 1 10 Q45 How Impt: Turn to a religious...

. codebook tc3*, compact

Variable Obs Unique Mean Min Max Label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------tc3doc 1074 10 8.714153 1 10 Q46 Med doctor help important tc3fam 1074 10 8.755121 1 10 Q43 Family help important tc3friend 1073 10 7.799627 1 10 Q44 Friends help important tc3mhprof 1045 10 7.58756 1 10 Q48 MH prof help important tc3psy 1050 10 7.567619 1 10 Q47 Psychiatric help important tc3relig 1039 10 5.66025 1 10 Q45 Relig leader help important ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Planning labels

Example: ownsex and ownsexu caused weeks of confusion.

Cleaning 1a: finding an error with a graph Cleaning 1b: reversing the graph

Cleaning 2: remembering a coding decision Cleaning 3: understanding the substantive process

Cleaning 4: avoiding expensive mistakes

1. Take lots of classes in statistics.2. Go to lots of talk on data analysis.3. Find exemplars; don't do it "your way".

1. Content and methods are disciplinary decisions.2. Presentations and provenance are universal.

mlogit (N=337): Factor Change in the Odds of occ

Variable: white (sd=.27642268)

Odds comparing | Alternative 1 | to Alternative 2 | b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX ------------------+--------------------------------------------- Menial -BlueCol | -1.23650 -1.707 0.088 0.2904 0.7105 Menial -Craft | -0.47234 -0.782 0.434 0.6235 0.8776 Menial -WhiteCol | -1.57139 -1.741 0.082 0.2078 0.6477 Menial -Prof | -1.77431 -2.350 0.019 0.1696 0.6123 BlueCol -Menial | 1.23650 1.707 0.088 3.4436 1.4075 BlueCol -Craft | 0.76416 1.208 0.227 2.1472 1.2352 BlueCol -WhiteCol | -0.33488 -0.359 0.720 0.7154 0.9116 BlueCol -Prof | -0.53780 -0.673 0.501 0.5840 0.8619 Craft -Menial | 0.47234 0.782 0.434 1.6037 1.1395 Craft -BlueCol | -0.76416 -1.208 0.227 0.4657 0.8096 Craft -WhiteCol | -1.09904 -1.343 0.179 0.3332 0.7380 Craft -Prof | -1.30196 -2.011 0.044 0.2720 0.6978 WhiteCol-Menial | 1.57139 1.741 0.082 4.8133 1.5440 WhiteCol-BlueCol | 0.33488 0.359 0.720 1.3978 1.0970 WhiteCol-Craft | 1.09904 1.343 0.179 3.0013 1.3550 WhiteCol-Prof | -0.20292 -0.233 0.815 0.8163 0.9455 Prof -Menial | 1.77431 2.350 0.019 5.8962 1.6331 Prof -BlueCol | 0.53780 0.673 0.501 1.7122 1.1603 Prof -Craft | 1.30196 2.011 0.044 3.6765 1.4332 Prof -WhiteCol | 0.20292 0.233 0.815 1.2250 1.0577 ----------------------------------------------------------------

Variable: ed (sd=2.9464271)

Odds comparing | Alternative 1 | to Alternative 2 | b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX ------------------+--------------------------------------------- Menial -BlueCol | 0.09942 0.972 0.331 1.1045 1.3404 Menial -Craft | -0.09382 -0.962 0.336 0.9105 0.7585 Menial -WhiteCol | -0.35316 -3.011 0.003 0.7025 0.3533 Menial -Prof | -0.77885 -6.795 0.000 0.4589 0.1008 BlueCol -Menial | -0.09942 -0.972 0.331 0.9054 0.7461 BlueCol -Craft | -0.19324 -2.494 0.013 0.8243 0.5659 BlueCol -WhiteCol | -0.45258 -4.425 0.000 0.6360 0.2636 BlueCol -Prof | -0.87828 -8.735 0.000 0.4155 0.0752 Craft -Menial | 0.09382 0.962 0.336 1.0984 1.3184 Craft -BlueCol | 0.19324 2.494 0.013 1.2132 1.7671 Craft -WhiteCol | -0.25934 -2.773 0.006 0.7716 0.4657 Craft -Prof | -0.68504 -7.671 0.000 0.5041 0.1329 WhiteCol-Menial | 0.35316 3.011 0.003 1.4236 2.8308 WhiteCol-BlueCol | 0.45258 4.425 0.000 1.5724 3.7943 WhiteCol-Craft | 0.25934 2.773 0.006 1.2961 2.1471 WhiteCol-Prof | -0.42569 -4.616 0.000 0.6533 0.2853 Prof -Menial | 0.77885 6.795 0.000 2.1790 9.9228 Prof -BlueCol | 0.87828 8.735 0.000 2.4067 13.3002 Prof -Craft | 0.68504 7.671 0.000 1.9838 7.5264 Prof -WhiteCol | 0.42569 4.616 0.000 1.5307 3.5053 ----------------------------------------------------------------

Variable: exper (sd=13.959364)

Documenting provenanceThe provenance of every number you use should be fully documented.Example

1. The circled text contains results I may need to confirm later:

2. Turning on "show/hide ¶" reveals the provenance:

twoway (line art_root2 art_root3 art_root4 art_root5 articles, /// lwidth(medium)), ytitle(Number of Publications to the k-th Root) /// yscale(range(0 8.)) legend(pos(11) rows(4) ring(0)) /// caption(wf7-caption.do \ jsl 2008-04-09, size(vsmall))

When it comes to saving your work, expect things to go wrong, expectthat you will delete the wrong file at the worst possible time, and expecta hose to be left on in the room above your computer. If you expect theworst, you might be able to prevent it.

1. Kennedy assassination on November 22, 1963 and the 9/11 survey2. 508K volumes in obsolete formats at British Museum.3. Neil Armstrong, July 20, 1969: "a fuzzy gray blob wading through aninkwell".

What NASA saw and lost… But, two tapes were archived by Pink Flyod's video producer!

Dark Side of the Moon

1. Install the progam.2. Put files into the folder.3. Retrieve them from any machine connected to the service.4. Have shared folders for collaboration. Delete them and???

A recent disaster and the advantages of the cloud1. During his dissertation a student was moving.2. Computer, home backup drive, and work backup in the same box.3. The box was stolen.4. Student dropped out of Ph.D. program.

1. Do it slowly, systematically, throughtfully.2. Finish the last 5% of the change.3. Do not do it under deadline.

1. There aremany viable workflows.2. The advantage of the WF book is that it is written down.3.Do you want to spend time rediscovering the mistakes I made?

Thanks for listening

Soc 751 Summer 2014

Provenance: 2009 07 12; 2009 07 31; 2009 11 12; 2010 07 29; 2010 09 03; 2010 11 04; 2011 04 18; 2011 09 09; 2012 09 04; 2013 03 04; 2013 10 21

File: wf wim 2013 10 24.docx

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