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Page 1: DrPost - Google Alerts for Content Curation & Research

Michelle Post, Ph.D., CSMS

Page 2: DrPost - Google Alerts for Content Curation & Research

What do you need to start? What are Google Alerts What can Google Alerts be

used for? Homepage of Google Alerts Google Alerts Types How to create a Google Alert Google Alerts Help & FAQs

Michelle Post, Ph.D., CSMS 2

Page 3: DrPost - Google Alerts for Content Curation & Research

•Live Internet Connection

•Your Favorite Internet Browser

•A working email address

• Google Alert Homepage: http://www.google.com/alerts

Michelle Post, Ph.D., CSMS 3

Page 5: DrPost - Google Alerts for Content Curation & Research

“monitoring a developing news story

keeping current on a competitor or industry

getting the latest on a celebrity or event

keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams

Collecting research data” (Google, n.d.)

Michelle Post, Ph.D., CSMS 5

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Michelle Post, Ph.D., CSMS 6

Google Alerts: https://www.google.com/alerts

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Michelle Post, Ph.D., CSMS 7

Page 8: DrPost - Google Alerts for Content Curation & Research

Steps Search query (keywords of topic) How often (delivery frequency) Sources (alert types) Language Region (country) How many (result types) Your email (email address you want

results sent to) Create Alert Verify email address if necessary

Michelle Post, Ph.D., CSMS 8

Page 9: DrPost - Google Alerts for Content Curation & Research

For additional information review the https://support.google.com/alerts/?page=faq.html

Michelle Post, Ph.D., CSMS 9

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123RF (n.d.). [Image file]. Retrieved from http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/johan2011/johan20111107/johan2011110700049/9976753-3d-little-human-character-with-help-button-characterabout-to-push-a-help-botton.jpg

2.bp.blogspot. (n.d.). App sphere alerts [Image file]. Retrieved from http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_4S6buKKlhfQ/TPU-od0Zm5I/AAAAAAAAAFE/hsE-VYcv_HI/app_sphere_alerts.png

ArnieShields.com. (n.d.). Google Alerts logo [Image file]. Retrieved from http://www.arnieshields.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/googlealerts_logo.gif

Google. (n.d.). Google alerts. Retrieved from http://www.google.com/alerts Google. (n.d.). Google alert faqs: Different types. Retrieved from

http://www.google.com/support/alerts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=71057#q2 JacobsandJacobs. (n.d.). [Image file]. Retrieved from


Onbile. (2012). e-learning [Image file]. Retrieved from http://www.onbile.com/info/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/e-learning.jpg

What is Privacy. (2013). Google Alert logo for WIP [Image file]. Retrieved from http://what-is-privacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Google-Alert-Logo-for-WIP.jpg

Michelle Post, Ph.D., CSMS 10

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