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  • DMS#3131685 v1 Horizon Power Page 1 of 40 Print date 4/05/2010

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    Substation Installation Requirements

    Issued by Horizon Power


    September 2008

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    1. OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................... 4

    1.1. Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 4

    1.2. Referenced Documents and Standards .............................................................................. 4

    2. GENERAL CONCEPTS........................................................................................................ 5

    2.1. MPS And Non MPS Arrangements....................................................................................... 5 2.1.1. Modular Package Substation (MPS) Arrangement................................................ 5

    2.1.2. Non MPS Arrangement ......................................................................................... 5

    2.2. Choice of MPS or Non MPS Arrangements ........................................................................ 5

    2.3. Customer-Owned Substations............................................................................................. 5

    2.4. Unscreened, Substation Enclosures................................................................................... 6

    3. CONDITIONS COMMON TO ALL SUBSTATION INSTALLATIONS.................................. 7

    3.1. Application ............................................................................................................................. 7

    3.2. Fire Protection and the Need for an Enclosure .................................................................. 7

    3.3. Access .................................................................................................................................... 7 3.3.1. Site ........................................................................................................................ 7

    3.3.2. Equipment ............................................................................................................. 8

    3.3.3. Personnel .............................................................................................................. 8

    3.4. Consumers Mains (Point of Attachment within the Substation) ..................................... 8 3.4.1. District Substations................................................................................................ 8

    3.4.2. Sole Use Substations ............................................................................................ 9

    3.4.3. Customer-owned Substations ............................................................................... 9

    4. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS WHERE A FIRE RATED SUBSTATION ENCLOSURE IS NOT REQUIRED................................................................................................................. 11

    4.1. Application ........................................................................................................................... 11

    4.2. Site Requirements and Preparation .................................................................................. 11

    4.3. Earthing ................................................................................................................................ 12

    4.4. Screening ............................................................................................................................. 12

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    5. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS WHERE A FIRE RATED SUBSTATION ENCLOSURE IS REQUIRED ......................................................................................................................... 14

    5.1. Application ........................................................................................................................... 14

    5.2. General Construction Requirements................................................................................. 14

    5.3. Earthing ................................................................................................................................ 14 5.3.1. District and Sole Use Substations ....................................................................... 14

    5.3.2. Customer-owned Substations ............................................................................. 15

    5.4. Fire Alarms and Extinguishing Systems........................................................................... 15

    5.5. Oil Containment................................................................................................................... 15

    5.6. Doors and Locks ................................................................................................................. 15

    5.7. Ventilation ............................................................................................................................ 16

    5.8. Trenches, Ducts and other Penetrations .......................................................................... 17

    5.9. Lighting and GPO ................................................................................................................ 17

    6. LIST OF DRAWINGS ......................................................................................................... 18

    7. SUPPORTING INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 19

    7.1. Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 19

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    1.1. Purpose This document describes the requirements and Customer responsibilities in cases where a new substation is to be installed. In general, this document shall apply in conjunction with one of the following two documents published by Horizon Power:

    Underground Distribution Schemes Policy and Installation Options Installation of Underground Electrical Supplies in Non Subdivisional Developments,

    General Conditions DSB 95/5.

    1.2. Referenced Documents and Standards

    AS 3000 :2007 Wiring Rules published by Australian Standards Western Australian Electrical Requirements (2008) published by Energy Safety


    Underground Distribution Schemes published by Western Power Supply Extension Project General Conditions for Individual Customers (DSB

    95/5) published by Horizon Power

    AS 1170 Structural Design Actions published by Australia Standards AS 2067 Switchgear assemblies and ancillary equipment for alternating voltages

    above 1kV published by Australia Standards

    AS 1905 Components for the protection of openings in fire-resistant walls published by Australia Standards

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    2.1. MPS And Non MPS Arrangements The two standard substation arrangements installed by Horizon Power are as follows:

    2.1.1. Modular Package Substation (MPS) Arrangement A Modular Package Substation comes complete with a single transformer and LV switchgear. It is housed in a self contained metal enclosure and is installed on an inverted, direct buried concrete culvert. If HV switchgear is required, this is also housed in a self-contained metal enclosure which is installed adjacent to the transformer on a direct buried steel mounting frame.

    Modular Package Substations are used only as District substations. They are not used as Sole Use substations. In addition, they are not fire rated and they are not designed for installation in a fire rated enclosure. The largest size transformer which can be used in the MPS configuration is 630kVA.

    2.1.2. Non MPS Arrangement A non MPS arrangement comprises a combination of one or more transformers plus LV switchgear and HV switchgear as required. Each of these items is a separate component housed in a self contained metal enclosure. The transformer is installed on an inverted, direct buried concrete culvert. The LV and HV switchgear enclosures are installed on direct buried steel mounting frames. Non MPS components are not installed as a single package. They can be installed either as a cluster substation or in a fire rated enclosure (see Section 3.2). In the latter case, the culvert and switchgear mounting frames are not required.

    Non MPS arrangements can comprise multiple transformers, with 1000kVA being the largest individual transformer size. They can be used as both District and Sole Use substations.

    2.2. Choice of MPS or Non MPS Arrangements The MPS arrangement is the preferred arrangement for a District substation where a single transformer is required, the substation does not need to be fire rated and the maximum transformer size (initially or in the future) will not exceed 630kVA. Where a Sole Use substation is required, or multiple transformers are required, or the substation needs to be fire rated or there is a possibility that future upgrade of the transformer above 630kVA will be necessary, a non MPS arrangement must be used.

    2.3. Customer-Owned Substations Where a Customer-owned substation is to be installed, neither the MPS nor the non-MPS arrangements are appropriate. Horizon Power provides extensible HV switchgear necessary for connection to the Horizon Power network. This is to be installed in a switch room constructed by the Customer, along with the Customers own HV switchgear.

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    2.4. Unscreened, Substation Enclosures For Customer-owned substations or where a Horizon Power substation is required to be fire rated, the Customer shall be responsible for the construction of a substation enclosure in accordance with the applicable clauses of this document and any drawings provided by Horizon Power.

    However, all equipment used in Horizon Power substations is considered safe from an explosion and contact perspective. Hence, in cases other than those mentioned above, Horizon Power does not require the construction of an enclosure for the substation.

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    3.1. Application This Section describes the conditions which are common to all substation installations, regardless of whether or not Horizon Power requires the Customer to construct an enclosure for the substation.

    3.2. Fire Protection and the Need for an Enclosure A two hour fire rated enclosure is always required to be constructed by the Customer in the following situations:

    o When a Horizon Power substation is to be constructed inside a building o When a Horizon Power substation is to have more than two transformers o When a Customer Owned substation is to be installed

    In other situations, the substation shall be designed to safeguard adjacent buildings from fires originating within the substation.

    The fire risk zones from the outside edges of a substation site are nominally 2 metres in residential situations and 6 metres in commercial or industrial situations. However, Horizon Power drawings DSM-5-01 to DSM-5-06 provide a more detailed description of substation fire risk zones for a variety of situations. No essential public fire escapes or access/exits shall pass through a fire risk zone created by the siting of a substation enclosure.

    In all cases where another structure/building conflicts with the fire risk zone around a substation, the choice exists for the Customer to either construct a fire rated enclosure for the substation or to fire rate the other structure/building within the fire risk zone.

    Agreement shall be reached with Horizon Power on this issue before the final design is undertaken as this will determine whether or not the Customer must provide a fire rated enclosure. Note that a two hour fire rated enclosure has no fire risk zone.

    In commercial or industrial situations where the Customer requires the substation to be installed within 3 metres of a side boundary of the property, a fire rated enclosure shall be required (this is to protect against the event of a building being constructed on the adjoining property within the substation fire risk zone).

    Note: Fire rating requirements shall also comply with the Australian Building Code of Practice. The Local Government Authority should be referred to.

    3.3. Access 3.3.1. Site Access to the substation site shall be suitable for heavy vehicles to enable the construction, maintenance and operation of the substation. The maximum allowable slope of the access road / driveway to the substation is 1:10.

    To facilitate removal or replacement of the transformer/switchgear, it is essential that the immediate area around the substation is level.

    Where access to the substation is to be via a gatic cover, the clear opening dimensions are 2500mm x 2000mm.

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    If the gatic cover is to be installed:

    o Inside the building, the minimum clear ceiling height above the gatic cover is 3.3m. Lifting eyes or a monorail shall be designed and installed by the Customer to allow for the installation of Horizon Power plant. See Horizon Power drawing DSM-6-05 for details.

    o Outside the building, there shall be access for a crane from the street or R.O.W with no obstructions above the gatic cover.

    Note: District substations shall not be located more than 30 metres from the road fronting property boundary (to ensure LV voltage drops are not exceeded).

    3.3.2. Equipment Access to a substation shall be suitable for heavy plant. If a transformer is to be installed, allowance shall be made for its installation (i.e., size and weight). The transformer dimensions are 1500mm high x 1900mm wide x 1600mm long, and it has a mass of 5 tonnes.

    3.3.3. Personnel Direct access to the substation shall be provided to Horizon Power personnel, 24 hours per day; 7 days per week.

    3.4. Consumers Mains (Point of Attachment within the Substation) 3.4.1. District Substations The Customer shall provide the Consumers mains from the Customer main switchboard to Horizon Powers LV switchboard in the substation. These shall take the shortest possible route across Horizon Powers site, be installed in PVC ducts and shall not cross underneath any of Horizon Powers equipment.

    Copper cables are preferred due to smaller lug sizes.

    For neutral conductor sizes, refer to AS/NZS 3000: 2007.

    Where the main switchboard is to be remote from the substation, Horizon Power will provide fusing at the substation to protect the cables. In such cases, to ensure grading with the fuses, maximum Customer loads shall be limited to:

    o 250 amps/phase for 315kVA transformers o 250A/phase for 500kVA transformers supplied from drop out fuses.

    315A/phase for 500kVA transformers supplied from a ring main fuse switch.

    o 315 amps/phase for 630kVA and 1000kVA transformers. Where higher loads are required, the Customers main switchboard shall be contiguous with the substation so that links can be used for connection to Horizon Powers LV switchboard.

    All Consumers mains, switchboards and main switches shall comply with Western Australian Electrical Requirements and Australian/New Zealand wiring rules.

    The maximum size of Consumers mains that can be terminated in a district substation will be shown on the relevant drawing.

    Horizon Power will terminate the Consumers mains in conjunction with the Customers electrical contractor who shall provide suitable lugs and crimping tools.

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    The Customers installation shall be designed to withstand, without damage, the maximum currents which may flow through it under fault conditions, in accordance with Western Australian Electrical Requirements.

    3.4.2. Sole Use Substations The Customer shall provide the Consumers mains from the Customer main switchboard to the LV terminals of Horizon Powers transformer/s. These shall take the shortest possible route across Horizon Powers site, be installed in PVC ducts and shall not cross underneath any of Horizon Powers equipment.

    Copper cables are preferred due to smaller lug sizes.

    For neutral conductor sizes, refer to AS/NZS 3000:2007.

    In all cases, the Customers main switchboard shall be contiguous with the substation.

    Horizon Power will terminate the Consumers mains in conjunction with the Customers electrical contractor who shall provide suitable lugs and crimping tools.

    All Consumers mains, switchboards and main switches shall comply with Western Australia Electrical Requirements and Australian/New Zealand wiring rules.

    The Customers installation shall be designed to withstand, without damage, the maximum currents which may flow through it under fault conditions.

    3.4.3. Customer-owned Substations There are three types of Customer-own Substations suitable for HV switchgear installation for the purpose of HV metering. These are Indoor Ground Mounted Switchgear where the switch room must be constructed, Outdoor Ground Mounted Switchgear, and Outdoor Aerial Switchgear.

    HV Indoor Ground Mounted Switchgear

    Where the customers installed capacity exceeds 4 MVA, this arrangement must be used. Horizon Power drawing DSM-3-22 shows details of the requirements for the switch room.

    The Customer shall supply and install adequately rated high voltage main switches and busbars suitable for connection to Horizon Powers HV metering unit/s. Although the use of switchgear identical with Horizon Powers is preferred, Customers may purchase and install switchgear of a different make. In such cases, to enable connection of the Customers switchgear to Horizon Powers switchgear, the Customer shall provide a suitable connection system. The type of switchgear Horizon Power uses will be advised on application.

    To ensure the integrity of Horizon Power and Customer equipment and the safety of operators, the connection system shall be designed and constructed with adequate clearances, rating, etc. In confirmation of this, Horizon Power requires that the connection system pass type testing in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard. The type test shall be undertaken with the connection system connected to both the Horizon Power metering unit and the Customers switchgear. Copies of the type test results and an equipment drawing shall be submitted to Horizon Power prior to installation of the equipment.

    The Customers installation shall be designed to withstand, without damage, the maximum currents which may flow through it under fault conditions.

    Where the Customers installed capacity exceeds 4MVA, the load shall be supplied from two fire segregated switchboards. The load shall, as close as possible, be distributed evenly across both switchboards. This requirement for an additional switchboard should

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    be considered for possible future expansion. In such cases, where WPC has a bus section switch/es between two switchboards and operates with the bus section switch normally open, mechanical interlocking is required to prevent closed ring operation via the Customers switchboards. Paralleling of the Customers switchboards is only permitted under the direction of Horizon Power.

    If Horizon Power operates with the bus section switch normally closed, mechanical interlocking is required to ensure that paralleling of the Customers switchboards can only occur when the bus section switch is closed.

    HV Outdoor Ground Mounted Switchgear

    Where the customers installed capacity is 4 MVA or less, HV outdoor ground mounted switchgear can be considered.

    The Customer-owned HV Outdoor Ground Mounted Substation cannot be upgraded for loads above 4MVA. In the event that the customers load does increase above 4MVA, the substation shall be converted to a HV Indoor Ground Mounted Substation, which will require a switchroom to be built.

    All HV switchgear equipment shall be installed in free-standing cabinets in a cluster configuration. Horizon Powers drawing DSM-3-23 shows details of this arrangement.

    The Customers HV switchgear cabinet/s shall be fitted with Horizon Power locking facility to allow 24 hour access to Horizon Power personnel.

    HV Outdoor Aerial Mounted Switchgear

    In situations where the Customers Substation is to be installed in a rural area, this arrangement can be considered. However, only in areas with widespread overhead networks can this option be used.

    The customer shall supply and install adequately rated high voltage main switches for connection to Horizon Powers HV metering unit.

    If a recloser is used by the customer as the main switch, it must be set to one shot operation.

    Horizon Power drawing DSM-3-24 shows details of this arrangement.

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    4.1. Application

    This Section describes the additional conditions which apply specifically to situations where Horizon Power does not require the Customer to construct a fire rated enclosure for a substation. It is the Customers responsibility to ensure that all of these conditions are met.

    4.2. Site Requirements and Preparation Where a MPS arrangement or a non MPS cluster arrangement is to be installed, the Customer is not required to construct a substation enclosure. However, the Customer shall provide a suitable site for the substation. Horizon Power will provide a drawing showing the required size and orientation of the site. The following conditions relating to the site shall apply:

    o The entire site area as shown on the Horizon Power drawing shall be retained solely for Horizon Powers use. After installation of all equipment, some surface treatment of the site may be permissible by negotiation. However, any such treatment shall be easily removable to allow future repairs of cables, etc. To allow for operations and maintenance, there shall be no obstructions within the site.

    o The site shall be located one metre above the 100-year flood level. The site shall be pegged, compacted and levelled by the Customer, who shall ensure that no other services are constructed on, under or in close proximity to the site. Retaining walls with non-metallic safety fences, access steps and drainage shall be provided by the Customer at no cost to Horizon Power.

    o The sites shall be level and the ground stable. The site shall be suitably prepared by the removal of any vegetation and a layer of top soil to the depth of 100mm and then backfilling with a layer of sand. If the site is required in areas other than sand (e.g. rock or clay), the Customer shall be responsible for the site to be excavated and backfilled with clean compacted sand to a depth of one metre.

    The compaction requirement for sand not containing gravel sized material is the achievement of a blow count of 6 per 300mm using a standard penetrometer.

    In all cases, a compaction certificate shall be supplied to the Construction Project Manager.

    o Levelling of the site shall follow an out of plane tolerance of 10mm. o If the site is located in a car park or is close to traffic flow, after all

    equipment is installed the Customer shall construct a concrete kerb of 150mm height with a barrier profile around the site boundary.

    o If requested by the Construction Project Manager, after installation of all equipment, to prevent soil erosion, crushed limestone, blue metal or stable mulch shall be laid around each item of equipment to a depth of 50mm and to a width of 450mm.

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    4.3. Earthing Horizon Power will undertake all earthing requirements for District and Sole Use substations except in option B Subdivisions. The Customer shall be responsible for the earthing of any metallic screening around the substation in accordance with Section 4.4 below.

    Note that Customer owned substations are not addressed in this Section (refer to Section 5.3).

    4.4. Screening Where a MPS or non MPS cluster arrangement is to be installed, Horizon Power has no requirement for screening around the site. However, the Customer may elect to install screening around the site (e.g., for aesthetic reasons). The erection of such screening is at the Customers discretion and is the Customers responsibility.

    If the Customer proposes to install screening, approval shall be obtained from Horizon Power prior to its erection. In addition, the following conditions relating to screening shall apply:

    o In general, any type of screening is permissible (e.g., vegetation, fencing, masonry walls, etc,). Horizon Power will provide a drawing showing indicative permissible screening arrangements for the site.

    o Where full screening is proposed, two openings are required with dimensions as shown on the Horizon Power drawing. The openings do not require doors. However, if the Customer elects to install doors at these openings, the doors are to be hinged to open both inwards and outwards, with no self locking. The outward opening of the doors shall be unobstructed with no physical barriers within a 2 metre radius of an opened door. If locking is required, Horizon Power padlocks are to be used. These are available from the Construction Project Manager. Doors do not need to be fitted with labels.

    o Where screening is to be roofed, liaison with Horizon Powers engineer is required to ensure issues such as ventilation and future equipment removal/replacement are addressed.

    o The screening shall be installed only after Horizon Power has completed all work on site. This is to ensure that the screening does not interfere with installation work nor become undermined by any Horizon Power trench excavation.

    o No part of the screening or associated foundations or supports shall intrude within the Horizon Power site area as shown on the appropriate drawing. The Customer shall be responsible for ongoing maintenance of the screening.

    o Unless specifically negotiated otherwise with Horizon Power, the screening and any associated foundations or supports shall not extend more than 550mm below finished ground level. This is to protect Horizon Power cables entering and exiting the site.

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    Where metallic screening is installed, it shall be bonded by suitable earthing connections to the substation earthing system. In addition, it shall be connected to a grading wire buried at a depth not less than 500mm and not more than 550mm below ground and at a distance of 1000mm outside the screening. The requirements of AS 2067 and AS 3000 shall apply and approval of the proposed earthing arrangement shall be obtained from the Construction Project Manager prior to installation.

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    5.1. Application

    This Section describes the additional conditions which apply specifically to situations where Horizon Power requires the Customer to construct a two hour fire rated enclosure for a substation. It is the Customers responsibility to ensure that all of these conditions are met.

    5.2. General Construction Requirements Horizon Power will provide a drawing showing the required size and general arrangement of the enclosure. Detailed civil design of the enclosure shall be the Customers responsibility. Three sets of architectural drawings shall be submitted to Horizon Powers engineer for approval prior to commencement of construction.

    Note that the review only covers Horizon Powers clearance and access requirements. Horizon Power takes no responsibility for any structural design.

    Enclosures shall comply with specific requirements contained in later sections and generally shall:

    o Be designed to Horizon Powers requirements for the installation of electrical plant and its safe operation.

    o Comply with the Uniform Building Bylaws and Local Government Authority requirements. Any necessary approvals shall be the Customers responsibility.

    o Be designed by a chartered structural engineer to resist loads and forces as outlined in AS1170 where relevant.

    o Have a minimum ceiling height of 2.5m, roof to be dust tight and all storm water guttering to be external to the room.

    o Have trench walls and floors painted with waterproof paint: Silicon Glaze S50.

    o Contain no building or other services apart from those shown on the drawing approved by Horizon Power.

    o Have no more than two transformers in the same enclosure, with transformer pairs fire segregated.

    o Be sited above the 100 year flood level. The finished floor level (FFL) of the enclosure shall not be below the surrounding FFL or ground level.

    o Be maintained in good repair by the owner of the premises.

    5.3. Earthing 5.3.1. District and Sole Use Substations Horizon Power will undertake all earthing requirements for District and Sole Use substations.

    The Customer shall arrange with Horizon Powers Construction Project Manager to have the earth spears installed in the enclosure floor before pouring the concrete.

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    If earth spears cannot be installed in the enclosure, the Customer shall supply and install earth pits, conduits and earth wire outside the enclosure to Horizon Powers requirements. Pits to be 450mm x 450mm x 500 mm deep fitted with brass covers embossed HORIZON POWER MAIN EARTH.

    5.3.2. Customer-owned Substations For indoor ground mounted switchgear substations, the earthing systems in the switch room shall be installed by the Customer in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS3000:2007 and AS 2067. In the situation where outdoor ground mounted switchgear is used, Horizon Power will install the earth grid around Horizon Powers switchgear and the Customer will be responsible for the installation of the earth grid around their switchgear. Both of these earthing grids are to be connected together.

    In the event where both Horizon Powers and the customers switchgear is to be installed at the same time, the customer will be responsible for the earthing of the substation.

    A minimum of two earth electrodes shall be installed.

    When a switch room is constructed, the earth electrodes are to be installed in the trench. If there are two separate trenches, then a minimum of one electrode is required in each trench, with a 75mm conduit installed between trenches to allow interconnection of electrodes.

    The earthing installation shall be capable of satisfying AS/NZS 3000:2007. The results of such tests shall be made available to Horizon Powers Construction Project Manager.

    Where the Customer is purchasing a Horizon Power substation to convert to a HV tariff, it shall be the Customers responsibility to upgrade the substation earthing to comply with AS3000: 2007.

    5.4. Fire Alarms and Extinguishing Systems

    Two hour fire rated substations shall be fitted with fire alarms supplied and installed by the Customer. These shall alarm to the Customer.

    o Where electrical type fire alarms are to be installed, the minimum requirement is thermal rate of rise detectors.

    o If sprinkler type fire extinguishing systems are to be installed, dry heads only are permitted. Systems that use water are not acceptable in electrical substations.

    o Horizon Power shall be advised in writing of any fire extinguishing equipment installed.

    5.5. Oil Containment Any fire rated enclosure housing a transformer shall have a brick bund installed at least 75mm high at every door location. The bund/s are intended to contain any oil spilled from the transformer and shall be installed after installation of the transformer.

    5.6. Doors and Locks Fire rated substation enclosure doors shall comply with the following requirements:

    o Be of totally 2 hour fire rated construction; the various items of door hardware also need to be 2 hour fire rated. Refer to AS 1905.

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    o Where switchgear is installed in a substation enclosure with self closing/locking doors, the doors shall be fitted with panic release bars supplied and installed by the Customer. If double doors are used, the panic bar is required only on the active leaf. Note in these cases, two unrestricted exits from the enclosure are required. The exits shall not open directly onto trafficable areas.

    o All doors shall be fitted with external door handles with Lockwood night latch. The night latch shall be key operated externally and fitted with standard Horizon Power barrels which are available from the Construction Project Manager.

    o Meter enclosures shall be fitted with standard Horizon Power provided padlocks. If the Customer requires access to the meters they should request a Customer lock, which is keyed to the Horizon Power meter master key system. Customer access lock requests shall be directed to the Construction Project Manager.

    o Doors shall be fitted with the following labels approximately 40mm high and supplied by the Customer:

    o Substation enclosure external doors shall be labelled HORIZON POWER SUBSTATION

    o The Customers main distribution board switchroom door shall be labelled MAIN ELECTRICAL SWITCHROOM

    All doors are also to be fitted with DANGER notices complying with AS/NZS 3000: 2007

    5.7. Ventilation Fire dampened vents shall be installed as shown on the standard Horizon Power drawing. They shall be fitted with rotating type blades held in the open position by two thermal links in parallel. They shall conform to AS 1682 and AS 1668.

    Adequate vent openings shall be provided for pressure relief in all roofed enclosures. This is required to prevent structural damage in the event of an explosion. In substations where a transformer is installed, the normal transformer ventilation will meet this requirement. For substations where only switchgear is installed, a pressure relief vent/s needs to be installed as shown on the Horizon Power drawing.

    All vents shall be fitted with external louvers for security.

    Where natural cross flow ventilation for transformers cannot be achieved, and forced draught ventilation is required, the Customer shall supply and install a fan, ducting and weather proof outlet grilles as required by Horizon Power. Individual ducts are required for each transformer. Grilles shall be of robust construction and low air resistance. Refer to Horizon Power drawing DSM-6-02 for fan details and DSM-6-03 for the associated sub distribution board schematic. Air flow values are the minimum acceptable. If the ducting passes over the top of the transformer, the ceiling height of the enclosure shall be increased to a minimum of 3 metres.

    In a district substation, Horizon Power will install the subdistribution board and connect the fan, but in a sole use substation this is the customers responsibility.

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    5.8. Trenches, Ducts and other Penetrations All trenching requirements within the enclosure shall be the Customers responsibility and comply with Horizon Powers requirements as detailed on the drawing.

    The Customer shall be responsible for the supply and installation of all trench covers in removable sections. Trench covers shall not exceed 1 metre in length and shall be constructed of 20mm thick ply.

    Where ducts or other penetrations enter the trench or enclosure, the Customer shall fit removable watertight seals to both ends of the installed ducts or penetrations prior to hand over. Horizon Power personnel will reseal all ducts or penetrations after installation of cables.

    Where ducts are installed between fire segregated switchrooms, the Customer shall reseal the ducts with 2 hour fire rated sealing after the installation of all required cables.

    A cable pulling eye shall be installed in the trench if the enclosure is set back more than 20 metres from the street boundary. The pulling eye shall be suitable for a working load of 30kN, factor of safety = 2.

    5.9. Lighting and GPO In District substations, Horizon Power will supply and install in the enclosure, all lighting fixtures, GPOs and minor wiring necessary for their operation.

    In Sole Use and Customer Owned substations, the Customer shall be responsible for the above as Horizon Power has no LV supply within the substation. In the case of a Sole Use substation where installation of a fan is required for ventilation, the fan load must also be catered for.

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    6. LIST OF DRAWINGS Drawing Number Drawing Title DSM-3-22 Customer-owned Substation HV Indoor Ground Mounted

    SWGR (Alstom Fluokit M24 Switchgear) DSM-3-23 Customer-owned Substation HV Outdoor Ground Mounted

    Swgr Alstom FBA Switchgear DSM-3-24 Customer-owned Substation HV Installation Outdoor Overhead

    Switchgear DSM-5-01 Case 1 Isolated Substation Totally Non Fire Rated DSM-5-02 Case 2 Isolated Substation Open Top, Non-Fire Rated Doors,

    2hr Fire-Rated Walls DSM-5-03 Case 3 Adjacent Substation Totally Non Fire Rated DSM-5-04 Case 4 Attached or Adjacent Substation Non Fire Rated

    Doors and Vents 2Hr Fire Rated Walls and roof DSM-5-05 Case 5 Indoor Substation with Public Access over DSM-5-06 Case 6 Isolated Substation Totally Non Fire Rated DSM-6-02 Substation Exhaust Fans DSM-6-03 Substation Exhaust Fans Sub-Distribution Board for Indoor

    Substation DSM-6-05 Transformer Lifting Details

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    7.1. Definitions In this document, the following words and expressions have the meaning given to them below:

    Architect A qualified person who is engaged by the Customer to prepare drawings to comply with Uniform Building Bylaws and Local Government Authority requirements.

    Cluster Substation

    A District or Sole Use substation where all equipment is clustered on a single site and where the installation of screening or an enclosure is at the Customers discretion.

    Horizon Power

    Regional Power Corporation ABN 57 955 011 697 trading as Horizon Power (Horizon Power)

    Customer Owned Substation

    A substation where the Customer is on a High Voltage tariff and owns and is responsible for all electrical equipment other than Horizon Powers metering equipment and any high voltage switches connecting the substation to the Horizon Power network.

    District Substation

    A substation that has LV connections to the street mains. Horizon Power owns and is responsible for all electrical equipment within the substation.

    Electrical Consultant

    A qualified person who is engaged by the Customer to design and prepare the electrical technical and regulatory documentation for the project.

    Construction Project Manager

    The Officer appointed by Horizon Power as Horizon Powers representative to whom all site contractual and technical matters are referred.

    MEN Multiple Earthed Neutral Installation

    Modular Package Substation (MPS)

    A District or Sole Use substation where the transformer and/or high voltage switchgear and/or low voltage switchgear is housed in a self contained metal enclosure/s connected as a single package.

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    Site All parts of the works that are the subject of the offer and acceptance between Horizon Power and the Customer for the provision of electrical services.

    Sole Use Substation

    A substation established for a single customer and which has no LV interconnection with the street mains. Horizon Power owns and is responsible for all electrical equipment within the substation.

    Structural Engineer

    A qualified person who is engaged by the Customer to design and prepare structural documentation for the substation enclosure to resist loads and forces as outlined in AS1170 where relevant.

    Substation A collection of switchgear and/or a transformer/s on a single site (which may or may not be screened or enclosed).

    Works The electricity works associated with the provision of electrical supplies to the installation that is the subject of the offer.

    Policy A brief, straightforward statement indicating intention and direction, and enabling the decision-making process.

    Procedure Prescribed means of accomplishing policy through a series of steps or processes.

    Guidelines A set of recommendations indicating how something should be done or what sort of action should be taken in a particular circumstance.

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