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Page 1: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Introduction to IBM DevOps Servicesand Bluemix

Mattias MohlinSenior Software Architect

JazzHub Growth Hacking

Urs SchuppliBusiness Development

Executive – Academic


DTU Big Data Hackathon

Page 2: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

VisionDe studerende skal udvikle en ”Smart City løsning”, der kan gøre Lyngby Taarbæk

Kommune grønnere og til et bedre sted at leve i for forvaltning, borgere og erhvervsliv.

Eksempler på temaer

Forslag til data - Databuffet

KommunenKommunens bygninger

Solcellers placeringTømning af affald

DTUTracking/sociale medier

DTU Computes erhvervssamspil

Offentlige dataMiljøportalen

ErhvervsstatistikVejrdata – DMI

Stamdata for vindmøller

Ønsket resultatDe studerende skal med udgangspunkt i Big data og et konkret behov udvikle prototyper i form af fx apps (eller elementer af heraf),

koncepter eller Internetservices.

Bedre affaldshåndterin


Bedre dialog med borgere og


Bedre miljø og energiforbrug

Bedre planlægning i


Page 3: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

Dato Indhold og aktiviteter

18.11 8.00-9.00 Indregistrering og kaffe

9.00-10.00 Velkomst og introduktion (Auditoriet)

10.00 Hackathon sættes i gang (bordopstilling i stueetagen og loungeområde)

19.11 18.00 Hackathonforløb slutter

18.30-ca.22.00 Bedømmelse og afsløring af vindere

19.00 Grupperne pitcher (Auditoriet) deres projekter for dommerpanelet. Maks 4-6 minutter pr.

præsentation inklusiv spørgsmål fra dommere.

20.30 Bedømmelse og afgørelse (Skylab 1).

21.30 Afsløring af vindere (Auditoriet): Dommerpanelet offentliggør over for de deltagende i hackathonen,

hvilke fire grupper er prisvindere. De konkrete fire priser (1-3 & særpris) afsløres først den 20. november på

Big Data konferencen i DI.

21.45 Forfriskning og music

20.11 10.00-10.20 Hackathon prisuddeling

Uddeling af priser for bedste Hackathon-løsninger v/ borgmester Sofia Osmani, Lyngby-Taarbæk kommune og

koncerndirektør Niels Axel Nielsen, DTU.

Page 4: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Bluemix• A platform-as-a-service environment for

deploying web and mobile apps

• Compose applications using a wide range

of runtimes and services

• Available for everyone, and free up to

certain usage levels

Page 5: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd



Speed and simplicity are the drivers...


Fully customizable.

Few limitations.

Necessary for some solutions.

Existing Investments.

Time Commitment

Weeks to setup and deploy.

Maintenance/upgrades of

hardware and software.

~ Weeks ~ Days










~ Minutes

Time to initial deployment

Customer Managed

Page 6: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Most control in the cloud.

Necessary for some solutions.

Infrastructure managed by SP.

Customer Managed

Service Provider Managed

~ Days

Time Commitment

Minutes to provision VM.

Time to configure software

and apps varies.

Maintenance/upgrades of OS,

middleware, runtime.

IBM SoftLayer

~ Minutes










~ Weeks

Core ITTime to initial deployment


as a Service

Speed and simplicity are the drivers...

Page 7: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd

~ Minutes


as a ServiceCustomer Managed

Service Provider Managed



Setup environments and

deploy apps very quickly.

Infrastructure and platform

managed by SP.

Time Commitment

Minutes to setup and deploy.

Focus on your apps and their


~ Weeks

IBM Bluemix

~ Days

Time to initial deployment










Core IT

Speed and simplicity are the drivers...

Page 8: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd

How does Bluemix work?• Bluemix is built on Cloud Foundry (an

open source cloud platform)

• Each app gets an image (virtual machine)

where it can run

• The image is hosted at one of SoftLayers

data centers (Dallas, London etc.)

• During deployment all software necessary

for running the app (”build pack”) gets


Design your app to be independent on

underlying technology. For example,

prefer to use cloud services for storage

instead of the file system.

Page 9: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


DevOps Services (a.k.a. JazzHub)

• Cloud-based software development tools

• SCM (Git or Jazz)

• Web-based editors

(Eclipse Orion)

• Work tracking and planning

• Build and deploy

• Special focus on developing apps for


Page 10: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


It’s all about collaboration!

Share your work with others

– reuse code and share solutions

– manage versions

– make others aware of what you are doing

Access your files from everywhere

– Develop using Eclipse (or another IDE), or use web-based development tools

Track and plan the development

– Replace personal TODO-lists with work items

– Everyone becomes aware of the plan (what is done, and what comes next)

Automatic deployment to Bluemix

– As soon as changes are delivered a new deployed version of the application is available

– Your collegues and customers can immediately access the deployed application

Page 11: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Public vs Private Projects

Public project

– Accessible to everyone Private project

– Only accessible to invited

project members

Page 12: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Member Management

A project has a single owner (by default the creator)

– Possible to transfer ownership

The project owner can invite others to become members of the project

– Invite by means of email-address

– Note: You must use the email-address registered with IBM DevOps Services

Page 13: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Choose Your SCM Toolset

Jazz SCM


What to choose mostly depends on your

previous experience, which IDE you plan

to use etc.

Page 14: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Choose Your IDE


– Provides code editors, SCM tools, deployment tools etc. in the web browser

– No need to install anything locally

– For people who want to get started quickly, have no preference for another IDE, do not

need all advanced IDE features or work away from their regular computer

Eclipse or Visual Studio

– For people familiar with these IDEs

– Integrates with IBM DevOps Services by means of plugins (EGit or RTC)


– For people who use another IDE

Any member in your team can make their own choice!

Page 15: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Track & Plan

New Track & Plan UI recently released in beta

– Easy to quickly create a new work item

– Predefined queries for quickly finding work items of interest (open, subscribed, recently

worked on etc.)

Page 16: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Connecting Work Items to Code Changes

Supported both when using Git and Jazz SCM

– For Jazz SCM use RTC’s

ability to link a change set

to a work item, or use special

button in the web IDE:

– For Git write a commit comment that includes the work item type followed by the work

item number.

For example:

Page 17: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Linking a DevOps Project to Wiki, Blog etc.

Link to arbitrary additional contents using hyperlinks

– By placing a hyperlink in the README.md file it shows up on the project overview page

in DevOps Services. For example:

– Use DevOps Services for code and other files that make up an application

– Other files (presentations, documentation etc.) may be placed elsewhere and linked to

Page 18: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Deployment to Bluemix

Simple deployment

– Files are copied from your DevOps project to BlueMix (but not built)

– Works well for applications developed using script languages (Node.JS, Python, PHP


Page 19: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Deployment to Bluemix

Advanced deployment

– Support for building code before

deployment, to run unit tests and more

– Should be used when some kind of

processing of files is necessary before

deployment, typically compilation

(Java etc)

Page 20: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Managing a Bluemix App


– This file contains the settings necessary for deploying a Bluemix app (runtime, memory,

host name, number of instances etc.)

Further administration can be done from the Bluemix web UI

– For example to add new services to an app

Page 21: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd


Learn More

Bluemix: http://bluemix.net(documentation in the DOCS menu)

DevOps Services: http://hub.jazz.net(documentation in the HELP menu)

Page 22: DTU Big Data Hackathon - dtuhackathon.mybluemix.netdtuhackathon.mybluemix.net/downloads/Bluemix_DevOps_Overview.pdf · Introduction to IBM DevOps Services and Bluemix Mattias Mohlin

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Development on the Cloud, for the Cloud, by the Crowd



Create a new DevOps Services Project

Invite another person to join the project

Edit and commit code using the web editors

Edit and commit code using Eclipse

Automatic deployment

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