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Page 1: Due Diligence Report – Social Safeguards (Land Acquisition and ... · Program – Water Supply Improvement in Mauganj Package Number: MPUSIP-7A Prepared by the Government of Madhya

Due Diligence Report – Social Safeguards (Land Acquisition and Resettlement) Project number: 42486-016 June 2016

IND: Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement

Program – Water Supply Improvement in Mauganj

Package Number: MPUSIP-7A Prepared by the Government of Madhya Pradesh for the Asian Development Bank. This due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Page 2: Due Diligence Report – Social Safeguards (Land Acquisition and ... · Program – Water Supply Improvement in Mauganj Package Number: MPUSIP-7A Prepared by the Government of Madhya

Prepared By :MaRS Planning and Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad Page 1

Land Acquisition and Resettlement Due Diligence Report

Document stage: Draft for consultation Project Number: 42486 Loan and/or Grant Number(s): {LXXXX; GXXXX; TAXXXX} June 2016

IND: Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program – Mauganj Water Supply Scheme, District: Rewa

This due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

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Prepared By :MaRS Planning and Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad Page 2

CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of June 01 ,2016)

Currency unit = Rupee (INR)

INR 1.00 = USD015 USD 1.00 = INR 68.70


ADB - Asian Development Bank

AP - Affected Person

BPL - Below Poverty Line

DP - Displaced Person

GOI - Government of India

GOMP - Government of Madhya Pradesh

HHs - Households

IA - Implementing Agency

IR - Involuntary Resettlement

KM - Kilometer

MPUDC - Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company

OHT - Over Head Tank

O&M - operation and maintenance

PIU - Project Implementation Unit

PMC - Program Monitoring Consultant

PMU - Program Management Unit

R&R - Resettlement and Rehabilitation

RF - Resettlement Framework

RFCTLARR - The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

RP - Resettlement Plan

ROW - Right of Way

RWA - Resident Welfare Associations

SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement

TA - Technical Assistance

UADD - Urban Administration and Development Directorate

UDED - Urban Development and Environment Department

ULBs - Urban Local Bodies

WRD - Water Resource Department

WTP - Water Treatment Plant

Page 4: Due Diligence Report – Social Safeguards (Land Acquisition and ... · Program – Water Supply Improvement in Mauganj Package Number: MPUSIP-7A Prepared by the Government of Madhya

Prepared By :MaRS Planning and Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad Page 3


I INTRODUCTION 04 A Background of subproject 04 B Project description 04 C. Scope and Nature of Resettlement 05

II Policy Framework & entitlement 05 III SUB-PROJECT DESCRIPTION 10 III FIELD WORK AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION 12 A. Public Consultation






Table 1 Potential Social impact of MPUSIP 05 Table 2 Summary of Stakeholder Consultations 12 Table 3 Proposed Subproject component & IR impact 16 Table 4 Budget of replenishment 18


Figure 1 Location of water extraction arrangements on Nihayi

river and Odda Nallah


Figure 2.1 Site locations of Intake well on Google map 20 Figure 2.2 Site locations of WTP on Google map 21 Figure 2.3 Site locations of Existing OHT on Google map 22 Figure 2.4 Site locations of Proposed OHT on Google map 23 Figure 2.5 Schematic map on Toposheet 24

Figure 3

Proposed Distribution Network for Mauganj Water Supply Subproject



Appendix 1. Details of Land ownership for different sites 26 Appendix 2. Summary of Stakeholder Consultation

27 Appendix3. Stakeholder photograph and list of Stakeholder

Consultation 29

Appendix4 Involuntary Resettlement Screening Checklist 32 Appendix5.1. Khasra details of WTP 34 Appendix5.2. Khasra details of WTP 35 Appendix5.3. Khasra details of WTP 36 Appendix5.4. Khasra details of WTP 37 Appendix5.5. Khasra details of OHT 38 Appendix 6 Certificate of Chief Municipal officer regarding Land

Status 39

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Prepared By :MaRS Planning and Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad Page 4


A. Background

1. Government of Madhya Pradesh accords high priority to urban infrastructure development.

Mission 81 of Madhya Pradesh vision 2018 is dedicated to water supply, and aims at

universal coverage and reforms to improve efficiency of service delivery. Government has

initiated various programs – with own funds, Government of India funds, and also from

external funding agencies (ADB, World Bank, DFID and KFW) to improve infrastructure.

2. Proposed Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program (MPUSIP), funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) through its will support the State Government programs for improving urban services in 128 Tier II towns in the state. The Program objectives are consistent with the Vision 2018 and ADB’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), focusing on infrastructure development, access to basic services and environmental sustainability. The Program will focus on water supply and sewerage and sanitation services and complement the ongoing government programs to improve these services in urban Madhya Pradesh, and will contribute to poverty reduction.

3. MPUSIP will result in improved and sustainable urban services, improved institutional and financial capacity of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) to deliver sustainable urban services. The Program will also support the development and operationalization of Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company (MPUDC). The proposed program will be implemented over 10 years (2016-2026).

B. Program Description

4. Coverage. Trench 1 of the program will cover water supply interventions for 50 towns, sewerage and storm water collection system for 4 towns and non-physical investments in the participating local bodies as mentioned above. As per the preliminary estimates the proposed program is estimated to cost about $820 million with Trench I is expected to cost about $390 million. 5. Components. MPUSIP’s physical component includes:

1 A. Universal Coverage (i). Expand drinking water supply coverage to provide 135lpcd in urban areas to each household, and (ii) Make a paradigm

shift from overwhelming dependence on ground water to surface water sources. B. Regulatory and monitoring reforms (i) Establish a water sector regulator to regulate service levels, tariffs, new investments etc. (ii) New and innovative models shall be developed to attract private partners in water supply distribution and maintenance. (iii) Detailed O&M guidelines shall be prepared and systems established for their implementation. Capacity building and training will be made an integral part of the O&M system, and (iv) Implement a major initiative, including an ICT campaign, to sensitize the urban communities about their responsibilities towards operation and maintenance of piped water supply systems.

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Table 1:Program Components

C. Scope of this Report

6. This land acquisition and resettlement due diligence report is prepared for the proposed Water Supply package for Mauganj Municipal Parishad, dist. Rewa under which construction of water intakes, water treatment plants, storage reservoirs (ground-level and elevated), new pipe laying or pipe replacement (usually along public roads).The proposed subproject will focus on metered water supply for domestic, institutional and commercial users, including water resource identification and treatment, water storage tanks, distribution pipes and metered connections to each household in the towns covering a population of 26,411 in Mauganj (population as per census 2011) and estimated population on which it is designed for the year 2048 is 51143 all the municipal wards of the town are covered in the project 7. A due diligence process was conducted to examine the land acquisition and

resettlement issues in detail, in line with ADB SPS 2009. This report describes the

findings and provides copies of relevant documents, resolutions, minutes of meetings

and photographs. This land acquisition and resettlement due diligence report needs

to be read along with the Resettlement Framework prepared for MPUSIP.

8. Upon project implementation, the Social Safeguards Personnel at PMU,MPUDC will be

required to undertake a review of this due diligence report, prepare a confirmation letter

or report documenting any modifications for the subproject and submit to ADB; and

receive a ‘no objection’ confirmation from ADB prior to start of construction in the subproject.


9. The Resettlement Framework (RF) prepared for MPUSIP sets out the objectives, principles, eligibility criteria and entitlements for APs, based on ADB SPS, 2009 and LARR 2013 as well as national and state laws for protection of street vendors. Until recently, all activities related to rehabilitation and resettlement in the State of MP had been based on the Madhya Pradesh Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy, 2002 (MPRR) and National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy, 2007 (NRRP-2007). GoMP adopted LARR 2013 on 3rd October, 2014 with some specifications for operationalizing its implementation in the state1. Details of policies are in the Resettlement Framework for MPUSIP.

1These GOs issued separately in September 2014 (i) notifies administrative cost of land acquisition; (ii) appoints Divisional

Commissioners as Commissioner for Rehabilitation & Resettlement within their respective jurisdictions; (iii) authorizes District Collectors for constituting an Expert Group separately in respect of each project, (iv) notifies the factor which the market value is to

Subproject Main Components Infrastructure (New or Refurbished)

Water Supply Source development Intake works (for surface water sources) Tube wells

Treatment works Water treatment plant Chlorination unit

Water Transmission Raw Water Transmission mains Clear water Transmission mains

Water Storage Ground level reservoirs Overhead tanks

Water Distribution Distribution mains and network Bulk valves and flow meters House connections Household meters

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10. Project area: Mauganj is a Town in Mauganj Mandal in Rewa District in Madhya

Pradesh State. Mauganj is the Main Town for the Mauganj Mandal. It is located at a 65

km distance from the Main City Rewa in District . It comprises of the urban area and

surroundings of the Mauganj Municipal parishad. It has a total population of 26,411

according to 2011 provisional population totals. The town constitutes a total area of

about 46.3 Sq. Km. under the jurisdiction of Mauganj Nagar Parishad and is divided into

15 no. of wards for management of civil services and administration. In June 1973,

Mauganj town was declared as Notified Area Committee and in 2011 the town got the

status of Nagar Parishad. The Project area of Mauganj town is 3265.30 hectares

excluding water bodies.

A. Existing Water Supply

11. Mauganj is predominantly dependent on ground water source for water supply. The sources of water to Mauganj Nagar Parishad are mainly through Tube wells power pumps with pump house and hand pumps. The major source of water in Mauganj Nagar Parishad is Nihayi River which flows in the north-eastern side of the town .

12. The town get majority of water supply directly from these tube wells located in various parts of the town without any treatment. The per capita supply of water is 50 liters per day is estimated under the existing supply system which is very low as compared to the prevalent national standards of 135 LPCD.

13. One OHT of capacity 45000 Gallon is located near Nagar Parishad and it is in use. Second OHT is of capacity 2.7 LL (staging 15 mt). It was constructed in year 1983 and it is not in use due to shortage of water.

14. The present water distribution system includes water pipelines system which is not sufficient. The water distribution arrangement includes one OHT in the town. Town gets majority of water supply through the network pipelines laid down in different part of the town. These network lines are linked with main pipelines coming from the ten tube wells (located in various parts of the town).

15. For the storage and supply of water, town has an over head tank which is situated in ward no. 3. In the town, water pipeline system or network has mainly 100 mm dia. ACP pipes. It is 40 Years old and it is filled twice in a day. Ward number 2, 3 and 4 get water supply from over head tank. The distribution line network in length about 2500 mt. is only exists and have leakage problem. Water during summer seasons or in emergencies and other occasions/functions are also supplied through Water Tankers.

16. The existing water distribution system in the town is very old and is connected at various places with new pipelines. GI pipes with diameters ranging from 80 mm to 150 mm majority of the water supply network. About 10 km of length of pipeline is laid for distribution system and it accounts to 68 percent of the existing road length.

17. The distribution network covers 68 percent of the developed area. Water is supplied for a total of 4 hours per day during winter and 2 hours per day in summer. Mauganj has very infrequent and interrupted water supply due to frequent and untimely power cut. The per capita supply works out to 50 LPCD.

be multiplied in case of rural areas, (v) appoints Officer-in charge of Land Acquisition Section in the Office of the Collector as Administrator for Rehabilitation and Resettlement and (vi) limits agricultural land acquisition, as required by the RTFCLARR, 2013.

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18. Water distribution takes place with piped water supply in the town. The existing network of pipe line, which was laid couple of decades ago is totally in dilapidated situation. Water is distributed to separate water supply zones and areas through localized distribution networks from the 5 tube wells located at various parts of the town. However, there are 6 water tankers (2-6000 litres and 4-4000 litres) available with Nagar Parishad use to distribute the water for special occasions and in summer season Though, the piped water distribution is available in the city the coverage seems to be very poor with only 22% of the households has connectivity. Most of the old city wards water requirement is met by the hand pumps and open wells. Total length of transmission and distribution line is 10 km in which is laid out to be 30 years.

So 100% inhabitants of Mauganj town are not getting water supply due to non-

availability of distribution network where as other main components have been executed

fully or partly .

B. Proposed Water Supply

19. Proposed project components. The design population & water demand of the Mauganj

town is as under:-

Sr. No.

Project Component Design Period

in Years

1 Pumping

(i) Pump house(civil works) 30

(ii) Electric motors and pumps 15

2 Water treatment units 15

3 Pipe connection to several treatment units and other small appurtenances


4 Raw water and clean water conveying mains 30

5 Clear water reservoirs at the head works. Balancing tanks and services reservoirs (other head and ground)


6 Distribution System 30

20. The primary objective of the proposed water supply subproject:

(i) service improvements is to achieve safe and sustainable water services both in

terms of services to residents and cost recovery

(ii) conservation of precious water resources. The project envisages providing 100

percent coverage of population with continuous, pressurized and safe drinking

water services and achieving progressively increasing cost recovery by

expanding the coverage and increasing operating efficiency.


Proposed one River Ponding Structure at River Nihayi Near Existing Intake Well

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Second River Ponding Structure is proposed at a distance of at Odda nala in right bank at Village Khatkari

Proposed intake well of 8.25 MLD Capacity on Odda nala right bank at Village Khatkari US side of Existing Stop dam.

Proposed Water Treatment Plant for 8.30 MLD near Existing Intake well. Proposed Clear Water sump for 4.00 Lac.Lit capacity at Main Head Work. Proposed OHT for 18.00 Lac Lit. at Zone 2. (One Existing OHT 45000galloon

taken in project)

22. Justification- No affect on down stream user due to construction of two Annicuts on Odda

nallah and Nihayi river

23. Proposed System: -Please refer line diagram showing where these dams are located. In

the map proposed dams have also been shown. It is also clarified that

Figure 1: map showing proposed annicuts on Odda nallah and Nihay river

(1) River Nihai is tributary of Oda Nala on left bank side of River Niahi at Junction of Oda Nala, there

is village Kon Mudariya & on the right bank village Chamarahar (Locally Known as Tin-Mohad).

(2) River Silar is also a tributary of the Oda Nala and joins to Oda Nala about 800 Mt. upstream side

of junction of Oda & River Nihai (Tinmohad).

(3) This Nihai & Silar Rivers both are tributary of Oda Nala and all are non-perennial including Oda

Nala. Thus all the dams are interlinked.

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Figure 2:Map showing origin of river Nihai,Silar and Odda nallah

24. Annicut on River Nihai: - After construction of stop dam, surplus water will flow and shall meet

with Oda Nala as it is tributary of Oda at TIN MOHAD and shall feed to Oda Nala. Both the side of the

river,D/S of the proposed stop dam. These all are agriculture land. There is no any forest in this reach.

When there is no flow in the river there is no any adversity. There shall be good storage of back water in

River Nihayi due to stop dam on River Odda in length about 4 to 5 Km. and average water depth of 3 to 4


25. Annicut on Oda Nala: -There shall be two stop dam downstream of the proposed dam at Odda

nala known as Karahi Weir & Sumeda Weir. Both the side of Oda Nala is agricultural land (left bank &

right bank). Oda Nala forms Bahuti Falls of 465ft. (141.70 M) at Bahuti village. Deep hilly valley starts

from Bahuti fall. There is forest on both side of valley after fall. After this fall (Oda) this is known as Nahala

Nala. Finally, meets with River Belan (Uttar Pradesh). Distance between proposed stop dam and

Bahuti Fall is about 10 Km. There is no any adverse effect on downstream users as they will get water

for irrigation purpose as per provision kept by the WRD.

26. Proposed System: - In the Project water demand for the ultimate year 2048 has been estimated

as 8.25 MLD. As the Flow of River Nihai reduces in the month of February and ceases in March. As the

flow started to reduce since February hence period for storage has been taken from January to June i.e.

Six Month (180) days. Draft year has also been considered.

27. Two Sources have been proposed for this Project (i) River Nihai (ii) Oda Nala. There are two

main tributary of Oda Nala, River Nihai& Silar River. Thus it is confirmed that River Nihai is tributary of

Oda Nala.

28. There are two stop dams on Oda Nala downstream of Junction of River Nihai& Oda Nala known

as TIN MOHAD. (1) Karahi Weir (Left Bank – Karahi Village and on the right bank – Village Khatkari) (2)

Sumeda Weir:- This stop dam is also on the Oda Nala downstream side of Karahi Weir at a distance of

about 4.5 Km. along the Oda Nala known as Karahi Weir.Both the stop dams have been constructed by

the W.R.D. in the year 2015.

Consultation done with the villagers of downstream users refer Annexure-2.

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A. Public Consultation 30. Consultations were undertaken with key stakeholders in line with ADB’s requirements

pertaining to environment and social considerations. Tools used for consultation were stakeholder meetings and focus group discussions (FGD). Consultant has carried out extensive consultations with affected communities, municipalities and stakeholders, including individual face to face interviews and public consultations.

The major stakeholders are: (a) The municipalities, its elected members and staff who will be required to oversee the construction of the distribution networks and WTP as well as be directly responsible for the maintenance of the installations (b) Local residents who will take initiative to connect their houses with the water distribution line. (c) Local business people and traders (d) School Students and College Students (e) Community whose livelihood is related to the river e.g., Washer men, boatmen

(f) The opinion makers are intimately acquainted to and well regarded by the community. They need to be enlisted in spreading environmental awareness within the community as well as in conveying the benefits of the project.

31. Field visits were made to all proposed sites and pipeline alignments and the potential impacts and mitigation measures discussed with stakeholders. These consultations helped identify the felt needs/concerns and apprehensions of the communities related to the project and priorities of concerned stakeholders. Discussions were held with people residing at and/or having businesses at/near the proposed subproject locations. Consultations revealed that people are aware of the problems of the existing water supply system in the city as they are getting 35lpcd and are willing to cooperate in the proposed project. The field visits and interactions helped ascertain that no further survey and inventories are required. The following Appendix 2. provides a summary of consultations and discussions held.

Table 2.Summary of Consultations organized

Date Location Nature of participants No of participants


12.12.15 Ward-10 RWA, Vyapari sangh 7 8 15 12.12.15 Community Hall of

Mauganj Chairman of ULB, CMO, Corporators, Media person


14.12.15 Slum ward Slum dwellers 15 5 20 16.12.15 Ward-7 Community people 10 2 12 16.12.15 Market area Shopkeepers/street vendors 13 02 15 25.06.16 katkarni village Villagers of Downstream users 28 02 30

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Prepared By :MaRS Planning and Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad Page 11


Based on the ADB’s SPS, 2009 and LARR Act, 2013, following core safeguard principles

govern the MPUSIP :-



Safeguard principles applicable for subproject Screening done or

Action taken

1. Screening of the sub-projects to identify involuntary resettlement

impacts and risks and endeavor to avoid or minimize resettlement

impact by exploring viable alternative design or alternate locations

for infrastructure components in public land


2. Carrying out consultations with stakeholders, host communities

and non-government organizations; ensuring their participation in

planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of IR


Appendix 2

3. Vulnerable groups, including households headed by women, the

elderly, the differentially able, and indigenous groups, those

without legal title to land and property, and those living below

poverty line (BPL) will be given special assistance to improve their

socioeconomic status and also ensure their participation in the

consultation process.

Appendix 2

4. Ensure that displaced persons without titles or any recognizable

legal rights to land are eligible for resettlement assistance and

compensation for loss of non-land assets. Absence of formal title

to land should not be a bar to policy entitlements

No, displaced.

During designing of

subproject taken into

consideration to

avoid displacement.

5. Compensation for all lost assets acquired or affected is based on

the principle of replacement cost2 to be determined by a Valuation

Committee3 formed under the District Collector will determine the

replacement cost.

No, Displacement

6. Provide physically and economically displaced persons with

needed assistance, including the following: (a) if there is

relocation, secured tenure to relocation land, better housing at

resettlement sites with comparable access to employment and

production opportunities, integration of resettled persons

economically and socially into their host communities, and

extension of project benefits to host communities; (b) transitional

No, Displacement

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Prepared By :MaRS Planning and Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad Page 12

support and development assistance, such as land development,

credit facilities, training, or employment opportunities; and (c) civic

infrastructure and community services, as required.

7. All payments, including compensation for the loss of land, assets,

structures, trees, income, and common properties will be made

prior to physical or economic displacement and the

commencement of civil works construction under close monitoring

and supervision.

No, Displacement

8. Preparation of a draft resettlement plan (RP) detailing the

entitlements of APs/DPs, the income and livelihood restoration

strategy, institutional arrangements, monitoring and reporting

framework, budget, and time-bound implementation schedule.

No, Resettlement

9. Disclose the draft RP, including documentation of the consultation

process in a timely manner to APs and other stakeholders.

Disclose the final RP and other documents such as the monitoring

reports to APs and other stakeholders; and to be approved by

ADB prior to awarding contract.

No, Resettlement

In accordance with the involuntary resettlement principles of this Resettlement

Framework, no resettlement issue in Mauganj Water Supply subproject.

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32. No land acquisition or resettlement impacts are anticipated for any of the proposed civil works for Mauganj water supply subproject. Two river ponding structure/Annicuts are proposed on Nihayi river and Odda nala permission of construction on these two is to be taken from WRD.

33. Proposed Intake well of 8.25 MLD Capacity on Odda nala right bank at Village Khatkari. The Mauganj Water Treatment Plant for 8.30 MLD near Existing Intake well the land is in the government’s possession /ownership. The permission from Water Resource Department for land acquisition for intake well on Odda nala is conditions for granting of NOC, the Water Resource Department gave NOC . The land has been in the Revenue Department’s possession for many years and was not acquired in anticipation of ADB funded MPUSIP, as revealed through discussions with the Revenue officer of Revenue Department’s during visit on 21.01.16. As other sites are coming in the jurisdiction of MP Govt. land so only transfer is required from Revenue Department and laying comes under jurisdiction of Mauganj Municipal Parishad.

34. In Mauganj town raw water abstraction will be done from Nihayi river and Odda Nala then treated and supplied to the town. Construction of Intake well, raw water pump house, the proposed water treatment plant (WTP) at ward no.4 will be undertaken on land belonging to Water Resource Department (WRD) and Government of Madhya Pradesh. NOC from WRD recieved refer Annexure-7.

35. The Proposed Clear Water sump for 4.00 Lac.Lit capacity at Main Head Work near WTP. Proposed OHT for 18.00 Lac Lit. at Zone 2. The raw water rising mains will be laid underground from the intake well to WTP site along an existing road belonging to State highway. Total land requirement for the proposed WTP is 1.5 ha; as the land parcel belongs to GoMP, The ULBs shall apply for No Objection Certificate (NOC) from WRD for raw water extraction and construction of Intake well at source. The other sites are revenue land (GoMP), for construction of the proposed water works ULB has to take NOC or transfer of land.

36. Raw water Rising main(13010mts) from Proposed Intake well to Proposed WTP, Dia: 400 mm. Length : 7850 mt. Type DI-K9. Raw water Rising Main From Existing intake well to Proposed WTP, Dia: 150 mm. Length : 150 mt. Type DI-K9, Rising Main From CWS to Junction A, Dia: 400 mm. Length : 2800 mt. Type DI-K9 along the ROW of PWD road and it will reach to OHT by crossing NH 7 , Rising Main From Junction A to Existing OHT-1 at Zone-1, Dia: 150 mm. Length : 50 mt. Type DI-K9 ,Rising Main From Junction A to Proposed OHT-2 at Zone-2, Dia: 300 mm. Length : 2160 mt. Type DI-K9 .

37. New distribution pipelines (97484m) are proposed to be laid along existing road ROWs.

Proposed pipe diameters range between 75 mm and 315 mm. Pipe laying activity on roads in the most congested market areas and densely built-up areas has been carefully planned to avoid IR impacts including temporary economic impacts to hawkers, shops and businesses.

38. Measures will be taken to minimize excavation, disturbance to pedestrians and traffic and avoid income loss to businesses, while minimizing road reconstruction costs. Temporary impacts to traffic/access to shops and residences due to digging of pits for trenchless pipe laying are possible during construction however, these will be mitigated by ensuring access to properties through provision of pedestrian planks,

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provision of adequate signage, and careful traffic management. Mobile hawkers will be assisted to move to places nearby, to ensure their earnings are not affected.

or 39. The weekly market day will be avoided for construction. Only mobile vendors will be

shifted to a nearby location during the period of construction and assistance to shift will be provided by the contactor. No income loss is anticipated.

40. House Service connections: Providing house service connection tapping from a distribution main/ sub-main including one tapping saddles, elbows, service pipe from tapping point to the chamber near property boundary or inside the property boundary as per the direction with U-ball valve, using 20mm Medium Density Polyethylene pipes (MDPE) pipe 5 m long. The work shall include excavation, road restoration, etc complete. The connection shall have:- i) Domestic water meters: Supply and installation of AMR compatible water meters for each

house service water connections 6509 nos. 15 mm size, brass body, horizontal inferential multi jet type, magnetic drive with anti-fraud shield and dry dial with IP 68. Meter shall be made of copper or any other suitable anti corrosive metallic.

41. Site inspections and transect walk was carried all along the proposed laying of clear water feeder mains (150.00 m ).The proposed pipeline for clear water feeder mains will be laid along the tow of the existing village road ROW (75m common pipeline )and 350.00m along ROW); the clear water feeder mains to be laid in Mauganj will be along the Nagar Parishad roads. The 43944 m distribution network pipelines in Mauganj will be laid along the roads of the respective Nagar Parishads. Details of land ownership for each water works component to be constructed are given in Appendix 1. 42. The distribution network will pass through a Mandi or Haat areas in old Mauganj and

weekly vegetable market area in ward number 12 (every Friday) approximately spread over a stretch of 200m. The Nagar Parishad officials suggested that it can be temporarily shifted to a vacant place in front of Mandi area, such that no income loss takes place due the civil work involved for laying of pipelines for distribution.

Appendix 2 provides the list of stakeholders and community people consulted. 43. The roads in the core city area of both the towns are very narrow and congested with

pedestrians and vehicles, while the roads in outer areas are wide. No necessity for full

closure of roads is identified. Proposed distribution pipe-laying on roads in most part of

the town will not have any permanent or temporary IR impact. Hawkers and vendors

have been witnessed along the road side for most part of the distribution network pipe-

laying. Laying of transmission mains and distribution network pipelines in the project

area has been carefully planned to minimize disturbance to pedestrians and traffic and

avoid income loss to businesses.

44. Potential temporary impacts to traffic/access to shops and residences due to digging and excavation for pipe laying are possible during construction; however, these will be mitigated by ensuring access to properties through provision of pedestrian planks, provision of adequate signage, and careful traffic management. Though there are no mobile hawkers along the internal roads where the water works will be implemented, if any such cases are reported, they will be assisted to move to nearby location to ensure that their business remains uninterrupted. In case temporary shifting of vendors with temporary structures is necessary, such shifting will be undertaken on a weekly holiday, to avoid income loss on the day(s) of shifting. The vendors will be assisted to shift and

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will be able to continue plying their trade during the construction period at the alternative location. No income loss is anticipated.

Photographs of market area of Mauganj (ROW marked with red line)

Weekly haat

Bus stand Mauganj

Bus stand Mauganj

Market area on NH 7 Internal market of Temperary shops

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Table 3: Proposed sub-project components in Mauganj Water Supply Subproject, Rewa District and their involuntary resettlement impact status

Components Capacity Unit (No.)

Length Land ownership

IR Impact IP Impact

Water Supply 1 Annicut 2 WRD land .Two annicuts are proposed one on

Nihayi river and other on Odda Nallah


2 Intake well of Capacity on Odda nala right bank at Village Khatkari

8.25 MLD

1 WRD land The Intake well proposed on odda nallah right bank of village khartkari., 5.860ha Land is available on proposed Intake well its on Water resource Department land without any settlement/ squatter /cultivation or other use. Khasra details (1) and Khasra map refer Appendix -1. Its vacant land

3 Water Treatment plant for surface


8.30 MLD

1 Government land

Water Treatment Plant for near Existing Intake well the land is in the government’s possession /ownership The land has been in the Revenue Department’s possession for many years and was not acquired in

anticipation of ADB funded MPUSIP, refer khasra details- 345,346,347, khasra map refer Appendix -1.Its vacant land.


4 Clear Water sump

4.00 Lac.Lit

1 Government land

The Proposed Clear Water sump at Main Head Work near WTP 11.92 hectare land belonging to revenue Department, land it is identified for CWS at Zone 2 along WTP, khasra details- 1193,1193/1and khasra map refer Appendix -1. Its a vacant land.


5 Over Head Tank(OHT

18.00 Lac Lit

1 Government land

(38.70 Hectare of land is vacant the proposed OHT at Zone-2. Land belonging to revenue Department, khasra details-455/20 and khasra map refer Appendix -1. Its a vacant land

6 Guard cum operator house at two Intake well, WTP and Boundary wall with gate

3 Government land

proposed at Intake well,Water treatment plant guard cum operator house & 1 OHT proposed boundary wall. The land area included in proposed site. its a Vacant land


7 Transmission main(13010mts)

Government land

Transmission main passes through unused/vacant/barren public lands /Road RoW of PWD


8 Chemical Storage and dosing pump house

1 Government land

One at Water treatment plant .The land is of revenue department. Its a Vacant land.


9 Distribution Pipeline HDPE pipe -43944mtrs

43944 mtrs

Road RoW (public land)

Pipelines pass through existing road RoWs (government roads). Temporary impacts on traffic/access to shops and residences anticipated in some places.

No additional impacts on IPs other than temporary

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Components Capacity Unit (No.)

Length Land ownership

IR Impact IP Impact

Contractor to provide signages indicating available alternate access route to minimize traffic disruptions. Contractor will have to ensure access to shops and residences as per EMP provisions.

access disruptions identified as IR impacts for all people in coverage area.

10 Household connections with domestic metres

6509 - During construction period, access to residences and shops likely to be temporarily affected. Contractor will have to ensure access as per EMP provisions.

No additional impacts on IPs other than temporary access disruptions identified as IR impacts for all people in coverage area

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A. Summary and Conclusions

45. No significant IR impacts are assessed at identified sites for sub-project components, as

adequate vacant land is available for the proposed facilities, within the compounds of government lands. The site for two proposed annicut on Nihayi river and Odda nala, Intake well on Odda Nala and WTP near existing Intake well on Nihayi river at Mauganj was owned by Revenue and Intake well on Odda nala will be constructed on Water Resource Department Land, NOC for that is under approval. The land records and details of acquisition if any, of these sites, appended to updated DDR. For linear components (pipe laying) or those proposed along government road ROWs, temporary disruption to road users, pedestrians and community members will be avoided In the most congested zones of Mauganj Safety measures and mitigated during construction by the contractor through simple measures such as provision of planks for pedestrian access to shops and traffic management. A budgetary provision is made for costs likely to be incurred for updating of this Project Table 4 .Budget for replenishment

S.no Description Target group Estimated cost Source of fund 1 For consultation (Due

Diligence Report ) project area INR 30,000; Included in

subproject cost 2 Grievance redresses

and IEC Communication (Plan)

project area(grievance cell zone wise)

INR 700,000 Included in subproject cost

3 Tanker supply for areas where existing water supply disrupted during construction

Affected areas INR 150,000 Included in subproject cost

4 10% contingencies INR 88000 Included in subproject cost

Total INR 9,68000 B. Next Steps

The DDR needs to be updated with the following information: Land records for each subproject site which are appended (Intake well & WTP )

NOC from Water Resource Department for proposed Intake well at Mahanadi river to be taken will be included in updated DDR:

NOCs from concerned departments for Construction of Annicut on Nihayi river and Odda Nala ,Intake well and for WTP proposed on Water Resource Department land and Revenue land; included in updated DDR

Properly labeled photographs of all new Project sites(as location photograph appended with this report (Appendix-1)

In addition to the above, in order to improve the quality of consultations, local community

organizers will be appointed for Project under package; record of consultations held with

local communities and other stakeholders to be included in updated/final DDR.

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Figure 1. Location of water extraction arrangements from Nihai river & Odda Nalah

Nihai River (Nallah)

odda Nallah


Site inspection

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Figure 2.1 Site location of proposed Intake well on Odda Nallah on google map

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Figure 2.2 Site location of proposed Annicut & WTP near Intake well on google map

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Figure 2.3 Site location of Existing OHT with proposed rising mains on google map

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Figure 2.4 Site location of Proposed OHT with rising mains on google map

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Figure 2.5 Schematic map of mauganj water supply subproject on Toposheet

Figure 3.Mauganj Water supply subproject proposed Distribution System

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Appendix -1. Details of Land Ownership for each Water Works Component to be Constructed

Component Location Ownership of Land proposed

Plot No. (Khasra No)/available

Land required (Sqm/ha)

Availability of land Record

Status of NOC Sites

Intake well on Odda Nala Owned by Water Resources Department



Yes NOC to be obtained by ULB from concern department

Water Treatment plant

at the joining of Nihayi river

Owned by Government of Madhya Pradesh



Yes NOC to be obtained

Proposed OHT

Owned by Government of Madhya Pradesh

455/30 (38.70)


Yes NOC to be obtained by ULB from concern department

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Appendix 2 : Summary of Consultation with Stakeholders Date Location No. of


Participants Topics Discussed Issues/discussions


Dec. 2015

At community hall

Total=25 M=12 F=13

Elected representatives, Chairperson of ULB, Chief Municipal Officer, Engineers, revenue officer

Present drinking water supply source and its condition

Need of improvement of the present situation

Briefing on project objectives probable implementation procedures

Potential positive and negative impacts due to project implementation

Land use and area to be covered under the project

Drinking water user charge

The Nagar Parishads do not have capacity or resource to be party in sharing the loan repayment.

The prime concern & apprehensions of ULB Chairman has regarding the project – whether it will be a financial burden to the Nagar Parishads.

The Chairman of the ULB expressed willingness to accept the project;

Mauganj Nagar Parishad is operating water supply system for the town but capacity to be build.

Operation and maintenance of the facilities developed under the project and community participation;

Probability of keeping the poor and the vulnerable out of the user charge

25th Dec. 2015

Mauganj Nagar Parishad

Total =20 Female= 09 Male =11

Residential welfare Association ,Vyapari Sangh and

Project effective for Mauganj community people

Community participation in project implementation

Completion of project on time. Vyapari Sangh cooperate when

laying done in congested whole sale market

Assured full support during implementation.

During excavation for dust and traffic management assurance given to the Vyapari Sangh.

27th Dec. 2015

Slum area

Total=18 Male=10 Female=8

Slum dwellers Briefing on project objectives probable implementation procedures

Potential positive and negative impacts due to project implementation

None of the people knew about the proposed project. On learning about the project, they expressed that they were happy that the entire community would be benefited from the upgraded water supply.

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Experiences sharing on - livelihood activities, Resettlement and Rehabilitation, women empowerment, tribal development, health, education, convergence with existing government social security schemes etc.

Grievance Redress procedures

Slum dwellers showed willingness to take water connection but they demanded relaxation in user charges.

Briefed them about complaint mechanism.

27th Dec 2015

ward 9 F=3 , M=12

Community people(resident of ward-9)

Knowledge of project Present water supply situation: 4 hours of supply per day, high iron content in water

None of the women had heard about the proposed project. An elderly lady mentioned that though she has a water connection at home, she prefers to bathe in the pond. The other participants did not have water connections. The women were happy to learn about the proposed project.

28th Dec. 2015

ward no. 14

Total - 29 (Female 15, Male - 14)

Community People(resident of ward-14)

Status of existing drinking water supply system;

Need for improvements to present system;

Relevant information of the upcoming project and benefits of the project.

Potential positive and negative impacts due to project implementation

Ensuring no income loss

The area has insufficient and inadequate drinking water resource. Water supply to the area is done through two tube wells that supplies water to the community people. The area faces severe water crisis during the summer season when the ground water level drops.

The community willingly accepted the project. The community members expressed that their economic situation would prevent them from paying water user charges. (The men work as daily laborers and the women Housewives).

26th Feb..2016

Market area

Total -15(Male-13, Female-02)

Street vendors & shopkeepers

temporarily shifting of weekly vegetable market during excavation.

shifting of Street vendors. Shifting or adjusting extended

potion of shopkeepers.

As excavation not been able to done at night because labour will not get agree to work in night shift so shifting will be done at a vacant place near or next lane such that no income loss takes place due the civil work. Vendors get agreed on proposal

Like small hotels owners showed concern

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during excavation dust spoils eatable items.

25.5.16 At village Total=30 Male=28 Female=02

Consultation with villagers of Kaon village and Mudaria village

Briefing about project to villagers About proposed Annicuts on Odda

and Nihayi river possible affects of Annicuts

proposed on Odda and Nihayi One existing check dam on Odda

near proposed Annicut affect villagers of Khatkari

Villagers welcomed the project of water supply for Mauganj.

Discussion on Annicut done with the different villagers, they told odda and Nihayi are non perennial river the flow remain through out the year as river get back water of Karahi weir and Sumedha weir so no affect on downstream.

Some of the villagers told they are not depended on these rivers they take kharif crop from rain water and Rabi from their own sources.

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Appendix 3. Stakeholder Consultation photographs and list of participants

Meeting with president ,mauganj

Meeting with president ,mauganj

Stakeholder consultation

Stakeholder consultation

Public consultation

Public consultation

Consultation with Villagers

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List of Participants

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A. Introduction

1. Each project/subproject/component needs to be screen for any involuntary resettlement impacts and indigenous people impacts which will occur or already occurred. This screening determines the necessary action to be done by the project team.

B. Information on project/subproject/component:

a. District/ Administrative Name: Rewa

b. Location (km): Mauganj 70 Kms

c. Civil work dates (proposed): NA

d. Technical Description: Mauganj-Water Supply Subproject

C. Screening Questions for Involuntary Resettlement Impact

2. Below is the initial screening for involuntary resettlement impacts and due diligence exercise. Both permanent and temporary impacts must be considered and reported in the screening process.

Involuntary Resettlement Impacts Yes No Not known Remarks

Will the project include any physical construction work?

Construction of WTP and OHT proposed

Does the proposed activity include upgrading or rehabilitation of existing physical facilities?

On two existing OHTs no rehabilitation work is proposed Only SCADA will be installed on it..

Will there be permanent land acquisition? Only Revenue land sites selected for construction of WTP and OHT

Will it require temporary land acquisition? As per Bid document temporary site for workers camp and storage of material site will be decided. According to that temporary land acquisition will be done on rent basis.

Is the ownership status and current usage of the land known?

All sites on Revenue Land sites and all are in vacant state.

Are there any non-titled people who live or earn their livelihood at the site or within the corridor of impact (COI) / Right of Way (ROW)?

Land is totally vacant

Will there be loss of housing?

Will there be loss of agricultural plots?

Will there be losses of crops, trees, and fixed assets (i.e. fences, pumps, etc.)?

As distribution line will be proposed along the road in town no losses to crop, tree and fixed assets.

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Involuntary Resettlement Impacts Yes No Not known Remarks

Will there be loss of businesses or enterprises?

During laying of distribution lines in congested lanes temporary arrangements will be made, pipeline will be located in unused Government lands alongside the existing roads and can be constructed without causing disturbance to houses and commercial establishments.

Will there be loss of incomes and livelihoods? In narrow streets disruption to road users is likely and measures like best activity scheduling, alternative routes, prior information to road users, houses, Street vendors and shops will minimize the impact to acceptable levels.

Will people lose access to facilities, services, or natural resources?

Any disruption of public facilities or services will be taken care of during excavation.Grievance redress cell will be formed wardwise to settle the grievances soon

Will any social or economic activities be affected by land use-related changes?

Will people lose access to natural resources, or common property resources, or communal facilities and/or services?

If land use is changed will it have an adverse impact on social and economic activities?

Will access to land and resources own communally or by the state be restricted?

Are any of the affected persons (AP) from indigenous or ethnic minority groups?

If yes, please describe the situation

D. Involuntary Resettlement Impact

3. After reviewing the answers above, EA/ Safeguard Team confirms that the proposed subsection/ section/ subproject/component (tick as appropriate):

[ ] Has involuntary resettlement (IR) impact, a resettlement plan (or corrective action plan) is required

[ Y ] Has No IR impact, no resettlement plan is required. Prepared By: MARS consultant


Name:Jay Mehta

Position: project coordinator

Verified by:




Date: 21.02.2016 Date:

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Appendix-5. Khasra Details and Maps 5.1. Mauganj Khasra details of land for WTP

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5.2.Mauganj Khasra details of land for WTP

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5.3 Mauganj khasra map of WTP land

Note: Khasra is land record maintained by the state government, which depicts for each land parcel, the parcel number, ownership, area and landuse. The Khasra/land record is usually accompanied by a scaled map. The above records depict that the proposed WTP site is owned by government and has an area of 0.462 hectares.

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5.4. Mauganj khasra map of WTP land

Note: Khasra is land record maintained by the state government, which depicts for each land parcel, the parcel number, ownership, area and landuse. The Khasra/land record is usually accompanied by a scaled map. The above records depict that the proposed WTP site is owned by government and has an area of 0.105 hectares

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5.5. Mauganj khasra map of OHT land

Note: Khasra is land record maintained by the state government, which depicts for each land parcel, the parcel number, ownership, area and landuse. The Khasra/land record is usually accompanied by a scaled map. The above records depict that the proposed OHT site is owned by government and has an area of 0.020 hectares

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Appendix 6. Certificate of Chief Municipal Officer regarding land status

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Appendix 7: Water Resource Department No Objection Certificate

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