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Page 1: Dulcibella Legacy-G1-C1

The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 1 Chapter 1

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Welcome back! This is the Dulcibella Legacy, which is really a prettacy. Last time was Uni, and she pretty much did what every other uni student does. Get engaged, do schoolwork, found a Greek House, join the secret society, and annoy a cheerleader.

Serene: “I don’t see anything.”

Good, because I can’t see anything past your nose.

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Welcome back from buying a 200 dollar dress that you totally already owned, but was taken away in the transition from university. I built you a box.

Serene: “That about sums it up, doesn’t it.”

Yeah… typical legacy here. Now call Perfect Genetics over so you can have more money. After all, I’m pretty sure you can’t live off of what’s inside the box… Well, you could if you had to, I guess. But that’s where Perfect Genetics comes in.

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Serene: “Joey, you should ditch college and move in with me. Then we can get married!”

And have lots of babies!

Perfect Genetics: “Okay!”

Come on Perfect Genetics, don’t you have a personality at all?

Perfect Genetics: “I can’t afford a personality, I’m a broke college student. ”

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And Serene shoves a ring on his finger. Nice track suit Perf.

Perf: “Perf?”

Yeah, I got tired of typing out Perfect Genetics all the time…

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Wait a second! Poor college student my foot! Where did the 14,000 come from?

Perf: “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

…I’ve got my eye on you.

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My baby sense is tingling.

Also, the house got a makeover, with Perf’s money.

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I’m seriously starting to worry about this marriage. He chose to sit all the way across the room, rather than by his wife at the chess table. Real couple love here…

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Ho-hum. Serene got a job. Boring. It’s in education. The kids will be too terrified of her face to misbehave. *giggle*

Serene: “More tasteless face jokes.”


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Oh! Serene found a doggy! I didn’t even know he was on the lot until she went out to play with him.

Serene: “Fetch!”

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Good luck on your first day! You know, that outfit looks nice on you. Maybe I should change it to your everyday.

Serene: “No thanks. It’s only to intimidate the students.”

Yeah, like your face won’t do that.

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Serene: “Where’d my hair go?”

Don’t worry too much about that. It has a tendency to happen, and it’s not the worst hair to be stuck with either. I’ve seen worse. MUCH worse.

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Perf got a job in Paranormal. Bone phone and bookcase, on the way. Score!

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Serene: “But why do I have to clean? Messy sim hates cleaning!”

Yeah, well, this isn’t a Greek House, so there are no pledge slaves to do it for you.”

Serene: “What about Joey? He can clean.”

Perf? He’s asleep.

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You know, babies looks a lot like barbies. Which I suppose sims are like high tech barbies… *shrug*

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Serene: “It’s a boy!”

And I am very happy that all babies are (almost) identical. I’m scared of what I might see…

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Serene: “Did you hear that Joey? You’re a father!”

Perf: “Hmm, nice, very nice.”

Um, hello! You’re a family sim, buster! Show a little excitement why doncha!

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Good little family sim.

Perf: “Can I go back to studying for my job now?”

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It’s little Claude’s birthday!

Serene: “Shouldn’t we wait for Joey?”

Nah, he won’t be back till midnight. Besides I’m too excited to see how this little guy turned out to wait.

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… He looks… adorable?What is this! Did he inherit ANYTHING from you? This is disappointing! Ugly Genetics were supposed to stick around longer!

Serene: “Did I hear right? You’re mad because he’s cute?”

Yes! He’s supposed to be an equal mesh of you and Perfect Genetics! Not a Perf clone!”

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Okay, so I was a bit quick on my assumptions. It looks like he has Serene’s ears and jaw line, as well as her large eyebrows. Maybe more, but I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

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Serene: “Say mommy!”

Claude: “Ugmy!”


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Serene: “Wow, I’m pregnant!”

*yawn* moving on.

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Perf actually wants to interact with Claude. Shocking!

Perf: “Hey, I am a family sim.”

But you sure don’t act like one. Minus rolling up the baby wants, of course.

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Worst. Family Sim. Ever.

Perf: “What now? I’m reading to him. That’s a very good family sim thing to do.”

Yes, but have you noticed that it’s the middle of winter! Just because there’s no snow on the ground, does not mean that Claude won’t freeze to death in only his PJs!

Perf: “He’s a toddler. He can’t freeze to death.”

Very sensitve…

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Um… Perfect Genetics, why are all these people here?

Perf: “Ha! Just to prove what a great family sim I am, I’m throwing Claude a birthday party.”

Yeah, a child's party full of adults. Great family sim.

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Perf: “See, told you I nail this family sim thing.”

Claude: {Who is this person holding me? Why are his ears so small?}


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Serene! You’re in the way! I want to see the cute toddler’s face explode!

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Ahh, missed the candle blowing, but at least I get a good view of you growing up.

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Aww! I forgive you for being cute, kid. Because that face is downright adorable! Though, this has a good chance of ruling you out of heirship. Sure you’re cute, but it feels like cheating to have Serene’s ugliest traits die out in the first generation.

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Hey, I’m back here! Camera, remember?

Serene: “I don’t care, I’m in pain!”

And I’m hoping to be pained when I see this kid as a toddler.

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Yippee! A girl!

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Yes! You got your father’s neat points!

Claude: “What’s a neat point?”

It’s a thing that keeps me from going insane. Oh, he’s a 6/9/6/4/6. Serene is 2/2/5/6/10 and Perf is 6/3/6/4/6. So Claude really takes after his dad, but where did the outgoing points come from?

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Police psychic with a mohawk. Awesome.

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Here’s a really poor picture to show off their career rewards! Cha-ching!

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Serene: “Oh, I’m…”

*interrupt* Yup, bored, next slide.

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Purple Pregnant Person: “Women-going-to-work-pregnant unite!”

Oh shut up and pop out your baby already, bin sim.

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Come on Harmony! I want to see more Serene in you!

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I hate you.

Serene: “What?”

Don’t what me. You were supposed to spin her into toddlerhood, not put her on the floor and get cake.

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Gah-haha!*wipes tear from face*Yup, lots of Serene. I am very happy now.

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Seriously, I think the only thing she got from Perfect Genetics is his nose. Which is his best feature, I think. Though, I don’t know if I can take the eyes for another generation. *sticks out tongue*

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Perf Gen is finally starting to act like a real family sim!

Perf: “See, told you I have this wired.”

Riiiiight. Whatever.

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Yay, promotion. *yawn*

Now send pregnant bin sim away.

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Perf: “See, I’m a totally great family sim.”

What happened to your Mohawk!

Perf: “Oh, I got bored of it being black.”

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Hmm… I think that might be creepier than Serene’s face.

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Serene: “Ow, ow, ow!”

Claude: “Mommy’s…”

*interrupt* sorry kid, all the birthing jokes have been made before.

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And it’s another boy. Yippee!

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Haha, you guys are funny. *rolling of eyes*We are not having ten kids this early in the prettacy. I don’t want 7 more Serenes running around. Just no.

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Double birthday! Harmony grows up. And I’m still pretty sure she only got her nose from her father. *sigh* I have to change her hair again, because her eyebrow is glitching through it.

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Come on Serene! It’s not that hard of a concept!Don’t put them down, throw them in the air! Seriously!

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There! Now was that so hard?

Also, this is the kind of child I expect from you two. An even mix. See, large nose and mouth, small eyes and ears. Just right. Though, I am worried about his nose… Right now it’s between him and his brother. Oh, and here’s his personality, 1/8/5/2/10. Again with the outgoing points…Also Harmony is 6/3/6/6/6. Why couldn’t outgoing be six and have it all even? I don’t know.

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Finally you reach the top of your career.

Perf: “Hey, I beat Serene. So there.”

Yes, while Serene had been pregnant and busy teaching toddler skills.

Perf: “And?”

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Um… I think he’s supposed to be on the potty, not back inside the womb.

Serene: “You teach potty training your way, I’ll teach it mine.”

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Birthday! May your face explode!

Perf: “See, I’m a good family sim. I’m watching my son grow up.”

You know, the more you try to prove you’re a good family sim, the less I think you are.

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Claude: “Yeah, I’m big!”

Harmony: “Yay, my brother’s big!”

*yawn* birthdays. I gave Harmony glasses to help hide her interesting eyes. So, what’d you roll?

Claude: “Knowledge.”

Woot! Love knowledge sims!”

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Harmony: “Doo be doo.”

What are you doing.

Harmony: “Being strange so that I get face time.”

Conniving sims.

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Oh, oh, let me see, let me see! Come on, let me see his face!

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Serene: “Isn’t he cute!”

Yeah, in a Sandy Bruty kind of way. Frankly, I’m kind of scared to see Serene’s nose on a boy. The male face template isn’t exactly known for being forgiving…

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Hey, Mr. Knowledge sim is actually being social!

Claude: “Well, you haven’t exactly taken pictures of me studying.”

Yeah, because studying is boring to watch.

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Claude: “Oooooh, Body skill.”

*sigh* Knowledge sims are so easy to keep happy. Especially with the education bookcase.

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Watcha doing?

Claude: “Making Lobster Thermidor for the headmaster visit.”

I love knowledge sims. They know how to cook.

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*snicker* I just can’t get over the fact that Serene’s eyes get covered up by the thinking cap.

So, I’ve really only been showing Claude. So, Serene has been busy skilling for her job, because she only had two promotions left. The other two kids have been skilling and Perfect Genetics has been doing pretty much whatever he feels like. So, yeah, it’s been pretty quiet around here.

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So much for it being quiet. Come on, you’re a knowledge sim!

Claude: “But I’ve never actually used an oven before!”

Right… maybe I should have had you practice first…

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So, I’m watching everyone do the fire dance. And then I see Nathan. Completely cool with the whole thing, just standing there.

Nathan: “What?”

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Great. Now everyone needs a shower and the headmaster is going to be here in 15 minutes. Help me.

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Meet my solution. A shower in every room. Yeah, I feel pretty good about it.

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Really? Come on! I need the good food!

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Yes! Third times the charm!

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Claude: “So, Mr. headmaster, I spent hours perfecting that lobster for you.”

That’s very true. I saw the flames to prove it. And somehow this all turned into success. The three kids got in!

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And Harmony enters teenhood! She really grew into her eyes.

Also, my sims have been really nice with transition outfits. Thank you! I don’t have to spend money on clothes!

Not that it would matter. The house has earned over 100000 right now. I want them to have over 200000 before I build their real house. I don’t like running out of money while building.

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I hate you.

Harmony: “Whatever do you mean?”

You know what I mean. You rolled romance. Just so you know, after you graduate college for your father’s lifetime want, you are never being played again. I have risky, so female romance sims tend to end up pregnant. A lot. And frankly, I don’t want that face everywhere.

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Congrats on maxing all your skills bud!

Claude: “Thanks!”

Oh, and with the whole romance roll, it is most definitely between you and your brother for heirship. Not that I wanted Harmony to be heir anyway.

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Squee! I love private school uniforms!

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Salad. You’re starving and you make salad?

Serene: “Yeah, so what?”

It’s not filling at all.

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Claude: “I’m going to college today!”

Crazy Hair Townie That Makes An Appearance In Every Legacy: “And this has meaning to me why?”


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Yes! Finally topped your career! And your going to celebrate by reading the newspaper?

Serene: “What do you expect me to do? Cartwheels?”

I suppose not…

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Teenhood! Woot! And the nose doesn’t look too bad!

Nathan: “I’m a pleasure seeker!”

Hmm… not my favorite, but not bad.I’ve decided! You will be my heir! A good balance of your parents and you’re pretty close to maxing your skills already.

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Bye! See you in Uni!

Claude: “I’m kind of sad I’m not the heir… It would have been a great learning opportunity.”

Sorry kid, you’re too pretty looking, and honestly, it’s too early in the legacy to eliminate all of the awful genetics. It smells of cheating.

Claude: “Whatever. I’ll find other things to learn.”

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Aren’t you happy you can use the energizer now?

Nathan: “Owwwwwww! This is funnnnnnn!”


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I’m getting kind of bored of fires…

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Harmony wanted her first kiss, and I figured, why not? First teen she brought home was creepy goth townie.

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I love it when couples interact autonomously.

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You know what I just realized? Perfect Genetics is fat… Mr. grow up in a track suit is fat.

Perf: “And your point is?”


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Nathan and Harmony: “Hi! Even though we were just at school together, we’re going to pretend like it’s been awhile.”

Again, sims.

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Told you he was almost there. This guy still has awhile before he has to go to college. Maybe I can get him some more scholarships.

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So, Harmony is about to leave for college, and she wanted to invite her first kiss over for some more smoochies before she left, well he brought a friend. A friend that also has three bolts for. Really? You are seriously trying to make be bring a fling of hers to college, aren’t you?

Harmony: “Can I have one?”

No. I’m sure you’ll find another three bolter. You’ve met so many so far. Maybe I will play you later, if you settle down.

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Nathan: “Bye, Harmony! See you in a few days!”

Harmony: “How much longer to I have to wait before I can have a real boyfriend?”

Not too much longer. And woot! Only one more teen to send off to college! Then I can head over to uni!

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My sims are getting old. *tear*

What was maxis thinking! Why is that everyday wear! And for elders! I actually have to go clothes shopping, for the first time since I bought Serene back her dress.

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Perf: “But I don’t wanna get old…”

Too bad.

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… Who are you, and what have you done with Perfect Genetics. Give me back my Mohawk!

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There you go! And you’re keeping that outfit. You seem like the kind of guy who doesn’t care what they wear.

Perf: “Is that supposed to be a good thing?”


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Hey, I don’t have to go shopping after all! You have a hideous blue dress to wear!

Serene: “I don’t like it.”

Too bad. You’re an elder, so you get to wear what you’ve got. Besides, I never use this dress, so it’s about time.

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Hey, I didn’t have to pull any tricks to get you abducted. Sweet!

Nathan: “HELP ME!”

No can do! Woot! That’s another scholarship in the bag!

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Serene and Perf: “That space ship is really loud.”

Um.. Guys, your son was just brought back to you. Shouldn’t you be excited? Loving? No? Okay…

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Nathan: “That was the worst experience of my life.”

Scholarship money makes it all worth it kid.

Nathan: “I don’t think so.”

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Perf: “I’m fit again!”

Good job Perf! I didn’t even try to get you unfat on purpose!

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Nathan: “Yes, snow day!”

Great. Now what am I going to do with you for your last day in the house?

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And Nathan’s off for college!

Hey, um, Serene, don’t you think you should, I don’t know, wave? Say goodbye? Something?

Serene: “No. I’m just making sure that he gets into the taxi safely.”


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Life is like a half finished snowman.

Whatever that means. Anyway, this is where I end this chapter! Next time will be University for all three of the kids! Happy Simming!

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