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The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 7 University 1

Welcome to Generation 7 University! I’m getting so close to the end!

Vin: “Hi! I’m still around for another semester.”

And here at the Dulcibella Legacy we have transparent secret society members.

The glitches continue…

Vin: “Oh, hey, you guys made it. Just so you know, I don’t clean toilets.”

Wait a minute. I only count two… Susebron, where’s Vivenna?

Susebron: “I haven’t seen her.”


… Vivenna, you’re supposed to be in University, what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?

Vivenna: “Oh, you found me.”

Yes, and Uni?

Vivenna: “Yeah, that’s not happening. I like it better out here. That and I’m not going to play the part of the unimportant spare anymore.”


T’Telir: “Vin wasn’t kidding about the toilet…”

______________________________________________________________________________See more of Vivenna in her Differences in the family tree challenge. (You know, if I ever actually get around to playing it…)

I missed the flames, but this is definitely the Dulcibella’s house. *sigh*

So VERY satisfying.

Pleasure sim.

T’Telir: “Happy pleasure sim.”

Very happy pleasure sim I’d say.

Sims relationships. They meet one day and are wishing to be engaged the next.

Vin graduates in her swimsuit. Which is funny since she is a witch so she gets a decent transition outfit no matter what.

And now the rest of Generation seven is here!

T’Telir: “We did some renevation to the house, so everyone still gets their own room. See, we added a new room and expanded the closet room.”

Siri: “Yay!”

Llarimar: “So why the slap dance?”

Vasher: “We’re Dulcibellas. When do we not slap dance?”

The triplets all rolled their major at the same time!

Llarimar is physics, which also happens to be Susebron’s major, Siri is political science, and Vasher is biology. Which leaves…

… T’Telir.

T’Telir: “What?”

You’re still an undecided major.

T’Telir: “And I don’t really care. I’m only here for the fun.”

Hehe… they could be a band. The Bathrobe brigade… or something. I’m not good at coming up with band names.

Vasher: “Hey, I’m just happy that Llarimar has lightened up since starting college. He was such a bore.”

He’s a knowledge sim. What were you expecting?

… He is loosening up.

T’Telir: “I never really spent time with him before Uni, but this definitely feels weird.”

Who’s that girl he’s with?

T’Telir: “I think her name is Lucy.”

I have the worst luck with fires. I mean come on. The tree being struck by lightning just as the thunderstorm ends? Really?

… Susebron’s on fire. SUSEBRON IS ON FIRE!!!!


No… and now Siri’s on fire!

Grrr… why could no one plead for him? REALLY!

… Now please save Siri… I don’t want to lose two…

Well, everyone else survived. Stupid game.

Lucy: “Hey, I heard about your brother, are you okay?”

Llarimar: “Yeah, I’ll be okay.”

Lucy: “You don’t have to lie, you know. It’s fine to not be okay.”

Llarimar: “Thanks.

Llarimar: “Do you think people go to outer space when they die?”

I doubt it.

Llarimar: “It’s just so big…”

Someone also just defaulted into the Philosophy major. I think she’s the first one to do that in this Legacy…

T’Telir: “Again, I don’t care.”

Llarimar: “Thanks for always being so nice to me.”

Lucy: “No problem.”

Siri: “That was such a sappy line. And I can’t find anyone to date.”

Llarimar: “You’ve been spending a lot of time around here lately.”

Lucy: “I like it here. And the people here are real nice.”

Lucy: “Well, It’s late. I should probably get going.”

Llarimar: “Lucy, wait.”

Llarimar: “I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile.”

Lucy: “You know, I don’t have to leave.”

Llarimar: “You probably should.”

Lucy: “And you are probably right.”

Lucy: “Though I’m not very good at doing what I should.”

Llarimar: “But I am.”

T’Telir: “Hey, Llarimar. Where’s Lucy?”

Llarimar: “I sent her home.”

T’Telir: “Really? I thought…”

Llarimar: “I’m kind of tired. Goodnight T’Telir.”

T’Telir: “That was weird. Did they break up?

Siri: “I doubt it.”

T’Telir: “What’s got your feathers ruffled?”

Siri: “Just a pop sim without a boyfriend, and someone who has a significant other needs to make a move already.”

T’Telir: “You think maybe he did tonight? And was rejected?”

Siri: “If she broke my brother’s heart I’ll wring her little neck.”

Feeling violent are we?

Vasher: “Morning! Our sisters are forcing me to check on you and make sure that Lucy didn’t break your heart.”

Llarimar: “What gave them that idea?”

Vasher: “I don’t know, they’re girls. They think of weird stuff.”

Llarimar: “It’s actually going really well.”

Vasher: “Good, because I’m pretty sure they were planning some way of attacking her if it wasn’t.”

Llarimar: “Hi Lucy.”

Lucy: “Llarimar, thank heavens. I was worried I scared you off last night.”

Larimar: “You didn’t, I was feeling it too, but it was really fast and…”

Lucy: “No, I completely understand. And I’m glad you sent me home. I’ll see you again, though, right?”

Llarimar: “Definitely.”

Lucy: “Good. I like you.”

Llarimar: “I like you too.”

Enough with the sappyness! It’s back to ordinary college life.

T’Telir: “You know, Susebron, you’ve left me alone with our little siblings. It’s strange, since they were just barely teens when I left to come here. I feel like I have to watch out for them, but I can’t protect them from every mean person out there. I guess I’m just glad that they have each other.”

T’Telir: “I just wish you were here to be the grown up for me. I need a big brother, too.”

T’Telir: “At least I’m lucky enough to have my fiancé.”

Guy that picks on simselves: “Hey, prissy Legacy boy!”

Vasher: *ignore*

GTPOS: “Hey, do you use silk towels!”

Vasher: *continuing to ignore*

Siri: “Don’t you dare pick on my brother!”

GTPOS: “Or what? You’ll throw money at me?”

Siri: “What is your problem?”

Vasher: “Come on Siri, he’s not worth it.”

GTPOS: “Worth what? A brand new sports car?”

Siri: “Buzz off!”

Vasher: “Siri, really, you don’t have to do this.”

Siri: “Yes, I do. You’re my brother, and this ingrate can’t get away with it!”

GTPOS: “Who you calling ingrate!”


Siri: “Ow, you slime!”

Guy that has a death wish: “Hehe!”

Siri: “I’m going to rip your head off!”

Vasher: “Siri, I appreciate you looking out for me, but you really didn’t need to get involved. The day I can’t handle a few ill intent words will be a sad day indeed.”

Siri: “I still want to punch him. Especially after what he did.”

Vasher: “That I understand.”

And we need to talk about this violent streak of yours…

There are way too many toga parties in Uni.

Llarimar: “Lucy, I love you.”

Lucy: “I love you, too.”

I know I’ve said it before, but this is my favorite part of the sims. I’m such a creep.

Ah well, this university seems to be pretty long, so I’m going to cut it off here. I hate doing more than one part in Uni, but oh well.

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