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VOD Pump/Splicer


Content Metadata &Advertising OpportunityRepository

SCTE 130-4,5

Local CampaignPlanning




VOD Package

SCTE 130-4


CableLabs MD

SCTE 130Backplane




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SCT E 130-4,5

SCTE 130-5

ADSSCTE 130-4 Reporting


SCTE standard

CableLabs/SaFI spec

Vendor/MSO solution


Web UI



SCTE 130 -5

SCTE 130 -4

iNat onal Netw


SCTE 130-3

Local Ad Sales

See Note 1

See Note 2




Nat onal Network

SCTE 130-3i

SCTE 130-3

Note 1: The MSO may choose to use a National Network ADS hosted at Canoe or within its own premises or alternatively request a CableLabs Campaign Information Package from the Network Campaign Manager and route it internally.

Note 2: The MSO may choose to use an SCTE 130 Backplane/Router or connect the Canoe POIS directly to its internal POIS.

Proof of Concept: Dynamic Ad InsertionProof of Concept: Dynamic Ad InsertionCC

anoe Ventures and CableLabs have linked their respective Innovation Lab and AdLab to cre-ate a distributed environment for evaluating, prototyping and testing advanced advertising technologies and concepts. The environment

emulates a Canoe-hosted national platform capable of stewarding various advanced advertising services that are executed in various ways across multiple MSO sys-tems. National interaction and execution is standards-based, leveraging existing SCTE and CableLabs specifi ca-tions and interfaces such as SCTE 130 and Stewardship and Fulfi llment Interfaces (SaFI).

The SCTE 130 standard is a multi-part specifi cation that defi nes how advertising placement servers (ad deci-sion systems, or ADS) communicate with video delivery equipment (ad managers, or ADM). It supports a unifi ed platform for dynamic, addressable and interactive ad insertion while merging inventory metadata (placement opportunity information service, or POIS), content meta-data (CIS) and subscriber metadata (SIS).

SCTE 130 is the foundation block for building a uni-fi ed platform for addressable advertising. SCTE 130 is an XML-based tool that will work in traditional cable adver-tising deployments, as well as with the expanded oppor-tunities on a unifi ed platform.

In short, SCTE 130 provides inventory and placement defi nitions. It also brings together content and subscrib-er metadata for targeting zones – or, in a unicast envi-ronment, for targeting individuals – to bring the right ad to the right consumer at the right time. From an ad agency point of view, ad placements across a wide area and precision measurements are desirable elements of SCTE 130.

Addressable advertising is the communication of a message or media content to a specifi c device or cus-tomer based on their address. The address of the cus-tomer may be obtained by searching viewer profi les to determine if the advertising message is appropriate for the recipient. The use of addressable advertising allows for rapid and direct measurement of the eff ectiveness of advertising campaigns.

The ADS system uses SCTE 130-3 to identify and coor-dinate the insertion of ads into media systems. Ads and program content can be classifi ed and described in the CIS via SCTE 130-4. The ADS registers with the CIS system to search for content and receive alerts when specifi c types of content are available.

The placement opportunity information service relies on SCTE 130-5 and can be used to identify when adver-tising inventory is available for use. The subscriber infor-mation service, which uses SCTE 130-6, can be used to obtain information related to subscriber activities such as preferences.

The distributed Innovation Lab/AdLab environment also relies on CableLabs’ Stewardship and Fulfi llment Interfaces (SaFI) specifi cations to help provision a common platform for advanced advertising.

CableLabs’ SaFI specifi cations are a set of component specifi cations that allow cable companies to provide more innovative types of advanced ads, such as interactive advertising, advertising within existing video-on-demand platforms and advanced forms of addressable advertising.

Taken together, SaFI’s components will help MSOs of-fer ad products with consistent technologies, metrics and interfaces across a national footprint.

The SaFI specs were developed and will be maintained by a CableLabs Working Group composed of MSO, Canoe Ventures and CableLabs technical leads.

The SaFI specifi cations include the following components:

• Service Measurement Summary Interface (SMSI) – Enables MSOs to export information about the execution of a campaign

• Interactive Fulfi llment Summary Interface (IAF) – Pro-vides a means for messaging generated by an interactive application to be exposed to an external entity

• Interactive Application Messaging Platform (IAM) – Provides a critical interface between interoperable applications (apps distributed to more than one MSO) and MSO systems, defi n-ing the common form of messages instantiated by interop-erable apps and how MSO systems decode them

• Campaign Information Package Interface (CIP) – Provides information to the MSOs on the confi guration of applica-tion messaging processing, such as identifi ers relevant to the messages.

The wallchart illustrates Canoe’s “Innovation Architecture” for creating proof-of-concept integrations and experiment-ing with various deployment models to investigate feasibili-ty and complexity (technical, operational and otherwise) for advanced advertising technologies, systems and services.

It incorporates connectivity with other innovation labs/entities such as CableLabs’ AdLabs. The diagram is not a formal reference architecture, nor is it representative of Canoe’s intended approach to any specifi c product, suchas VOD dynamic ad insertion or linear broadcast inven-tory addressability.

Canoe and CableLabs plan to work with other SCTE 130, OpenCable and EBIF-compliant technology and service providers for additional testing and prototyping projects moving forward.

Sources: CableLabs, Canoe Ventures, SCTE.

CED® Magazine, July 2010. CED® is a registered trademark of Advantage Business Media. CED® is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this chart. www.CEDmagazine.com. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of the publisher is prohibited.

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