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Page 1: Dynamic clouds and networks without infrastructure

DYNAMIC Clouds of

People & Things

Peter Cochranecochrane.org.uk

ca-global.orgCOCHRANE a s s o c i a t e s

Page 2: Dynamic clouds and networks without infrastructure

Outdated  and  outmodedA dying world being overtaken by new freedoms






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PERSONAL  DEVICES  &  NETWORKINGNew freedoms of choice, relationships, networks, actions

Greater creativity Faster response

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WearablE  Tech  to  come

Easy to predict but hard to fathom!

50% of users give up within 2 weeks

Sure to succeed: Bendy Phone , Smar t Jeweller y, Medical/Sensor Wear, +++ ??

Recent Fails: Smar t Watch ??

A technology from > 20 years ago…

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NEW   INDUSTRIAL  MODELSPrinting of flexible electronics and batteriesColour programable Integrated auto repair

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New   industrial  processes

3, 4D printing + programming of biological forms

Electronic design No assembly required

Networked distribution

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No  casting  or  machining> 300 superior parts are now printed

Better performance using less raw material and energy with a higher

recycling %

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FRont  line  productionShipping des igns and not par ts

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New   industrial  processesBio - NanoTech + Integral AI + AL + Adaptation

Open Design Open Hardware Open Distribution

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Logistic  processesExpensive, inefficient, damaging

Demands the economic tagging and tracking of things…


materials processing production

h a n d l i n g o w n e r s h i p

repurpose, recycle

We have to

engineer huge reductions in

material/energy waste

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TECHNOLOGY  NETWORKED  SOCIETYNo acc ident bu t no t 100% c lear e i ther

Speed of


Adaptability and


New Technology

Entries Competition


Global Market Threat

Ecological Humanitarian



Mobility BIG Data

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SUSTAINABLE  SOCIETIESDemands connected people & things

New economic thinking demands more than $$$ decisions - we should at least include ecological and societal impact…

…to stop producing more and more for the few and start providing sufficient for the many……

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Estimated @ 3 - 5% of global capacity

Raghavan and Ma 2011

Corporate Machines Personal Devices Networks Switches Support Routers Servers Admin

Overall energy/economic gain ~ 10%

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INTERNET  OF  THINGS  ENERGY  COSTEstimated @ > 3000% of global capacity

Assuming we continue the same 3,4,5G, WiFi network strategy with mobiles, Fat Clients,

with configurations and operations for 7Bn people & >50Bn

things online

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Us ing sus ta inab le l e s s energy than today

Must extend to a l l peoples and th ings across the ent ire sur face of the p lanet as a n e s s e n t i a l p a r t of a green agenda that min imises g loba l waste of energy and mater ia ls in order to sat is fy a l l human demands and needs by

trans forming industr ia l economies and l iv ing…

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EXPONENTIALsConfound people !

More data/information generated this year than in

the previous 5000…

….and next year and the year after, and…

Counterintuitive for decision makers, managers,


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Baby ~ 239 sp l i ts Man ~ 244 sp l i ts

EXPONENTIALsThat build us !

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WE  DON’T  GET  scale


> 100 New Domains Registered > 100 New LinkedIn Accounts > 200 New Twitter Accounts >15k Mobile App Downloads > 14k New Adverts posted > 700k Internet Searches > 1k New Videos Posted > 1M FaceBook Updates > 7k Flkr Pic Uploads > 100k New Tweets > 200M eMails Sent > 400k Skype Calls !

> 20M Messages

> 20k Smart Phones Shipped > 7k Tablets Shipped

Internet ‘happenings’ by the minute !

Page 19: Dynamic clouds and networks without infrastructure

NETWORK  SCALEApproximations to reality !

Telegraph \ N

Telephone \ N2

Internet \ 2N

Clouds \ N1/2 - es t imate based on mul t ip le c louds !

No Inf ras t ructure Nets \ N0.1 - a f i r s t guess ! !

Based upon the average amount o f t ra f f i c generated by ’N’ s imi lar nodes extended to inc lude the aggregated energy consumpt ion wi th each

generat ion o f techno logy inc lud ing reduc ing w i re less span

Page 20: Dynamic clouds and networks without infrastructure

c a u s a l i t yBeyond Serendipity !

I t i s imposs ib le to def ine the o r i g i n s o f a l l t h e d r i v i n g factors , but they are far more than chance and represent a g loba l need to ensure: !

- Susta inab i l i t y - Sur v i vab i l i t y - S tab i l i t y - Secur i t y

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FUTURE  PROJECTIONSExtremely varied!

An aggregation of Cisco, Intel, Oracle Gartner McKinsey A B I , B I I , I D C GSMA +++ follows

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50 !

40 !

30 !

20 !

10 !

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

6.8 7.2 7.6 7.9


Human Population

Things on


A mode

st (pe




of projec


With the kind support of Lew Tucker, Cisco Systems, 2013

Aggregated  PROJECTIONSUsing over 10 referenced citations

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CLOUDS  PLURALE v o l v i n g s p e c i e s

D e v i c e C l u s t e r D e s k Ta b l e R o o m H o m e O f f i c e B u i l d i n g C a m p u s

To w n C i t y R e g i o n C o u n t r y

C o m m e r c i a l G o v e r n m e n t B u s i n e s s D e f e n c e C h a r i t y P r i v a t e P u b l i c P r i v a t e C l o s e d

S e c r e t C l o s e d O p e n + + + +

Tr a n s i t o r y M o b i l e F i x e d + + + +

D y n a m i c S t a t i c D e c o y R e a l + + +

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Diverse/different/unpredictable routings, connections and increasingly hidden and disguised/distributed data & storage depth

Invisible C l o u d

Corporate/Private /Government

C l o u d

P u b l i c / O p e n C l o u d

Decoy C l o u d

Storage C l o u d

Back Up C l o u d

Corporate/Private /Government

C l o u d

HIDDEN  DEPTH  SECURITYDynamic Cloud to Cloud diversity

Reduced determinism Distributed Storage Different locations Multiple providers Many devices/OS Distributed data Config varieties Dynamic Apps Short sessions Data half life Transitory++

++++++ C l o u d

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people  and  thingsGreater freedom and diversity

Behaviours & habits evolving Substantial cost savings

Obvious security risks Benefits understood

BYOD new norm More mobility New freedoms

Enhanced security options Need to share overrides all

Social net-working a vital tool Amplified creativity and flexibility Accelerating transient employments

Revitalising industry &economic growth

++++++ !

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Things  and  thingsMeeting ecological & people needs

Old industry methods cannot do the job New technologies/techniques needed

Product/component tracking vital Minimal energy cycles need

Material waste necessary Maximal repurpose /reuse

Extreme recovery/recycle Enhanced security options Sufficient overrides luxury Global not local application

More global applicability Local creation & sourcing

Vastly reduced logistics

++++++ !

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Connected  on  Off  lineNot everything has to be globally accessible….or on-line all the time

People to people People to things Things to things

Local storage Presentations Synchronising Security scans Development

Production Packaging Assembly


++++++ !

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Device  to  DEVICEMeetings and file sharing

Container to Ship


Data Transport = The Pocket !

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No  wires  no  fussGetting rid of the knitting

The only wiring used is to deliver power !

Operates on and off line for entertainment and for work

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Device  to  PRODUCTMonitoring the in:out and effect

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Device  to  DEVICEOff Line Medical Records

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people  to  people

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Augmented  Reality  ViewingCameras in the crowd covering every angle

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Topping  up  atoms  &  bits

Service Info, Maps, Local Data, Music, Movies, Games, Advertising +++

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3,4,5G nets cannot support the demands of future traffic and logistic networks… but vehicle to vehicle systems can…by providing the most efficient and relevant linking of users reporting their status and sharing local/pertinent information !

vehicle  to  vehicleLow power, local, immediate

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container  to  containerShip to shoreContainer

to ShipLow power, long life, self organising

Hostile environment, battery life, & capacity demands

preclude 3,4,5G mobile solutions, but wifi and /or BlueTooth can satisfy the requirements

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container  to  container

Truck to 3GContainer

to Truck

Truck to truck static or on the move

Truck Fill: UK ~ 17% EU ~ 20% US ~ 22%

Estimated Global Logistic Losses ~ $2Tn

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MASSIVE  to  MinusculeWireless nets are now predominantly local

1915 2015103






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network   implicat ionsIt is impossible to beat the Laws of Physics

Maxwell’s Field Theory

Shannon Information Theory

Basic Geometry

Range Equation

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More  wireless  nodesMeans far more optical fibre feeders







WiFi >> 3,4G



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PERSPECTIVESImportant changes

BPON GPON invented to save optical fibre use at a time when it cost 50c/m,

but now it costs <2c/m we can afford P2P fibre. It satisfies

all the equations of cost reduced complexity, reliability and future


WiFi ~ 97% net traffic

3,4G ~ 3% net traffic P2P PON


GPON, BPON Cost/Benefit

Mobile nets are minor players when it comes to internet connectivity and capacity

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THE  FUTURE  10  -  30  years  outDominated by wireless that is short range and low power

Supported by a massive optical fibre network in the local loop !

Hot Optical R&D Topics Wireless over optical fibre

THz & GHz wave generation Optical free space transmission

Network reliability & resilience Seamless handovers /transitions

All optical switching, processing, coding Wireless - Optical - Wireless translation

Transparency - irradiation of bands and channels

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Thank Youca-global.org


COCHRANE a s s o c i a t e s

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