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The International E-Magazine on

Adolescent Health The Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use


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April May 2013 Volume 1, Number 4

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DID YOU KNOW? THE USE OF OPIUM THROUGHOUT HISTORY Learn historical facts about the use of the opium and its consequences around the world. CONCEPTUAL MAP OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Discover that all the sciences use the scientific method to answer questions. WHAT CAUSES YOU…? Find out principal causes that induce individuals to consume drugs. ADDICTION: IMPACT TO THE WORLD Learn the impact that addictions have in our society. PROFILE OF A RESILIENT PERSON Learn the profile of a famous person that is resilient in his life.





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Kirsch, Jacobo A01193083 Karelly Ramirez A01193497

Daniela Gonzalez A01193493 Lorena Martínez A01193279

Group 111 Team 3

April May 2013 Volume 1, Number 4

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Did you know that Alexander the Great was the first one introducing opium in Persia? It was around 330 when Alexander the Great introduced opium to Persia, even though it wasn’t the first time they did this introduction, since almost 3000 years earlier the Sumarians traded opium with them. Although when the Sumarians declined so did the opium in Persia, and Alexander the Great introduced it once again. The opium was “worked” in India and later on traded in China. Did you know that in the Middle Ages they barely knew about opium? Talking about opium in Europe during that time was rare; the Inquisition prohibited it, they thought that anything coming from the East was somehow linked to the Devil. Did you know that the British took the places where the opium was cultivated in India? In 1750 the British take the jurisdiction Bengal and Bihar, the places where the opium was cultivated in India. Did you know that Sertürner discovered morphine, the active ingredient of opium? In 1803, when Friedrich Sertürner discovered the active ingredient of opium by dissolving it in acid and neutralizing it with ammonia, he created morphine, which physicians believed that it was a perfected form of opium. Morphine was called “God’s own medicine” for its security and long-lasting effects. Did you know that the first opium war was caused by China and the British? The causes for the First Opium War were that China would accept only silver from the British; tension became a problem

between the two countries. The Opium addiction was also a cause for the opium war since in the 1800’s was an epidemic for the Chinese. When British took advantage of the high demand of opium in China they started spreading illegal exportation to the country. This trading was viewed as disrespectful to the emperor and was in direct violation of Chinese law. With tension and neither country willing to come to a agreement, the first opium war began. Did you know that the British East Company controlled the import of opium into China? In 1729 the emperor Yung Cheng, banned all domestic sale of opium and the smoking of this product as well, unless you had a medicine license. Although the British East Company controlled the import of opium into China and they smuggled silver in order to pay for the opium since it was illegal to purchase this product. Did you know that the Chinese were defeated by the British in the first opium war? Because the British defeated the Chinese, the Chinese payed indemnities, and that Hong Kong will be part of GB for 100 years. Did you know that after the second opium war opium was legalized? After the second opium war, China was forced to pay another indemnity, and the importation of opium was legalized. Also, opium production increased in the highlands of Southeast Asia.

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? DID YOU KNOW? Th e u s e o f


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Did you know that heroin was synthesized in 1874? In 1874 C.R. Wright synthesizes heroin. In 1895 Heinrich Dresser who worked for the Bayer Company, and finds that the heroin doesn’t have morphine sides effects. Bayer begins the production of diacetylmorphine and coins the name “heroin”. Heroin would not be introduced commercially for another three years. Did you know that in 1923 the U.S. Department’s Narcotic Division banned all narcotic sales? Being that now there wasn’t any legal venue to buy heroin, addicts had to purchase from illegal street dealers. Later in 1925, a black market of opium emerged successfully in

New York’s Chinatown. Most of the illegal heroin smuggled into the US came from China. "Cannabis, Coca, & Poppy: Nature's Addictive Plants." Opium Poppy: History. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013. "Opium throughout History." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

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C o n c e p t u a l m a p E n d o c r i n e s y s t e m

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What causes


A drug is now consider not only an illegal substance but for some young people or even older ones a way of escaping from reality or a way to have more fun and enjoy life in a different way. The consumption of drugs is now increasing in popularity and the percentage of people that utilize drugs is growing through years. But why is this method used so much, and how is a person able to fall in his addiction so easily? The amounts of people that consume drugs are in their majority teens, because these, it´s the age in which they are experimenting new things and drugs happen to be one of them. Generally most teens will experiment see if they like this type of life and then quite but the reason they keep consuming drugs is peer pressure in order to fit in with the people or with the environment they are in. In many cases the teen or kid try different type of drugs just to avoid being left out of a group of friends or a certain type of people. Another reason to consume drugs common in every person´s age is the reactions most drugs have in your body. This include relieving stress, pain & anxiety, change perception, thought, emotion and consciousness, such as hallucinogens causing the person to believe things that are not really happening around them. The reaction the body has on drugs is enjoyed by the consumer promoting the intake of these substances. Besides the body enjoying what is being ingest, the relaxation that this stuff provokes in muscles, and the brain cause the individual to forget about his/her problems, issues, and challenges that is passing through life, this is the main reason in which a person decided to start consuming drugs, in order to be able to have a good time in the middle of a crummy instant of their life. This sensation may be delightful due the circumstances, but this will produce an addiction and in hence provoke more problems than benefits in your future. Also a person starts consuming drugs because that´s the example it has been put their entire life by their familiars. Under this circumstances in which all they

relatives consume drugs and is seen as something normal to do is extremely difficult- yet not impossible- for the person to take a different direction in their lives. So…should we let a reputation, a moment of comfort, or a custom in a family line stand in the way that our lives could go? This decision is more important in our existence than what we think, it can´t be a one time only cause eventually it´ll become an addiction. This is not something you can have control over and quit when you want. Avoid these substances, avoid going to that direction, and avoid wasting your teenage years. Because nothing that lead you to this path could be good enough. "Reasons for Using Drugs." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, n.d. Web. 06 May 2013. <http://library.thinkquest.org/C0125202/My website/reason.htm>. "Why Do Young People Take Drugs?" DrugScope. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2013. <http://www.drugscope.org.uk/resources/faqs/faqpages/why-do-young-people-take-drugs>. "Why Do People Do Drugs? & How Do Drugs Work? Foundation for a Drug Free World." Why Do People Do Drugs? & How Do Drugs Work? Foundation for a Drug Free World. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2013. <http://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/drugs/why-do-people-take-drugs.html>. "National Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre, DTCB, Drug Addition Ireland, Drug Prevention, Drug Treatment." National Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre, DTCB, Drug Addition Ireland, Drug Prevention, Drug Treatment. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2013. <http://www.addictionireland.ie/faq/article.asp?FID=33>.

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Addictions have become more and more popular within years. About more than 8.3% of people ages 12 and older are under the influence (USA) of drugs. The countries that consume the most drugs are United States (pills), Mexico (meth) , Spain (cocaine), Canada (cocaine), Iran (heroin) and UK (alcohol). The more the consumption of drugs, the more the problems they are produced. Economy is the first affectes aspect because of the abuse of drugs . On 2005 $468 billion was spent in problems originated by drugs like disease, crime, accidents, child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness and lost wages. Alcohol abuse, smoking and illegal drug use cause one in four increasing the numbers of the death rate in society. This is a big a mount of money loss, because instead of being inverted on more useful productions for the country it needs to be inverted on a issue that only provides problems. Another important problem in society that drugs produced is crime; Drugs always come in hand with crime. Some of the crimes regarding drugs are: stealing to obtain money needed to buy drugs, buying or selling drugs and offenses related to the lifestyle of drug abusers that result in illegal activities. The majority of crimes involve people under drug use. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that approximately 70 percent of state prisoners and 57 percent of federal prisoners used drugs on a regular basis before incarceration. This as well as deaths it causes a big amount of money loss. Health care is now being extremely affected by drug consumption. Many of the most costly health problems are the result of substance abuse, examples of this are lung disease from smoking, liver cirrhosis from alcohol, overdoses, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and tuberculosis. Tobacco consumption results in 430,700, and alcohol abuse causes 100,000 deaths per year. Car accidents caused by high levels of alcohol consumption also are a common factor for the loss of lives. More than 75% of domestic violence is produced by alcohol and drug abuse. Kids are neglected by their

addicted parents, other kids are beaten up by parents or older brothers under the influenced of drugs. Drugs had destroyed many families and relationships. The more you do drugs, the more the problems. In conclusion the loss of money is the biggest consequence drugs has on society, crime led to spend money on jails, health care needs money for health treatments, and accidents caused by drug addicts spend MORE money. This means that even though you may not consume drugs, this is a problem that affect everybody, it affects our society. Drugs are everybody´s problem "Impact of Drugs on Society." Impact of Drugs on Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2013. <http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/111343/addictions/impact_of_drugs_on_society.html>. "Effects of Drug Addiction on Society." LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2013. <http://www.livestrong.com/article/161381-effects-of-drug-addiction-on-society/>. "Rates of Illicit Drug Abuse in The U.S." About.com Alcoholism. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2013. http://alcoholism.about.com/od/drugs/a/nsduh_drugs.htm "The 10 Most Wasted Countries." Alternet. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2013. <http://www.alternet.org/drugs/10-most-wasted-countries?page=0,1>. .

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“The mirror can lie. Doesn't show you what's inside. And it, it can tell you, you're full of life. It's amazing what you can hide just by putting on a smile.” Demi Lovato is a very important person. She went to rehab because she had a lot of problems principally she had bullying at a very young age, that caused depression and made her insecure about herself, she had anorexia and bulimia and she was bipolar. She didn ́t know that she was bipolar. She also cut herself. In an interview in seventeen magazines she said, “When I cut was a way to express the shame I felt for myself.” When she decided to go to rehab, she had 18 years old. She was afraid of gaining weight and she didn’t like the fact that when she had to work in Disney she didn ́t look like the other girls. She looked in Internet and she read the comments of what people said about her, and she said “Well they are strangers, I suppose they are telling the truth.” But those comments and actions hurt her in many ways. Now that she is out she made two tattoos on the cuts she had, the memories when she cut herself and the wrong way out she was doing. She is now a roll model to thousands of girls, with her songs she can express the feeling that they are not alone. And she also commented that “One of the most scariest thing in life, is when you come to the realization that the only thing that can save you, is...yourself – Demi Lovato.” She has made her fans follow her for what she is and for who she is. They talk so good about her and they know her story. Skyscraper is her first single after rehab, she talks about not letting down and that she will be strong.


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“I don ́t say that I have not throw up or cut myself since I went out of rehab, no. This is a constant battle to myself and I will never give up. A part f the song says “ Do you have to make me feel like there’s nothing left of me? You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am, like I am made of glass, like I am made of paper. Go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground like a Skyscraper…” She will be strong, we know that and when you have a problem you need to have a constant battle with myself. And the thing is not forget is to always be strong and accept yourself for who you are and to remember that you are beautiful and do not try to change yourself because you are unique and love yourself for WHO YOU ARE. "Demi Lovato Rubia Sexy." Ideal.es. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013. "SAMHSA Honors Demi Lovato, Celebrates Resilience in Young Adults at Annual National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day Observance." SAMHSA News Release. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.


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