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  • CONTACT : Technical Support Office, ASF Nepal -Architecture & Developpement, URL: , ,

    Email: [email protected], Tel: +977-1-5260638 / +977 980-2065670Location: Chakupat, Lalitpur (near Lalitpur Engineering College), Kathmandu, Nepal

    www.asfnepal.org www.tsonepal.org www.archidev.org

    Jan 2016


    The Technical Support and advisory Office is the result between

    Architecture and Developpement and Architecture Sans Frontieres

    Nepal. Both are members of Architecture Sans Frontieres

    International, a network launched in 2003 that promotes socially-

    committed approaches of architecture. Fondation de France made

    possible this partnership in order to support Nepalese organisations

    with local knowledge and foreign expertise to promote Build Back

    Better and Safer methods for a sustainable reconstruction.

    - Chakupat, Lalitpur

    e-newsletter #03

    “Any NGO or CBO involved in the reconstruction in need of technical assistance can contact us at our office in Kathmandu where our team of expats and local professionals can offer advice. We will be reporting to you periodically with newsSource:

    News Updates on relief and reconstuction

    NRA entrusts NGO to recruit 3,000 engineers for damage survey


    Published on 18 Jan 2016 by My Republica

    The government has secretly allowed a non-governmental organization (NGO) to hire over 3,000 engineers to begin the national task of reconstruction and rehabilitation.While the NGO has already begun the process of recruiting engineers, the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) hasn't even coordinated with the two key implementing government agencies- Ministry of Urban Development and the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development National Planning Commission.Link:

    Quake-hit in remote areas yet to buy warm clothes


    Published on Dec 2015 by The Kathmandu Post

    Though earthquake-hit families in northern Dhading received Rs 10,000 as winter relief from the government, they have not yet purchased warm clothes as bazaar areas are far away from their settlements.Link:


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  • Old Gurkhas endure homeless winter after Nepal earthquake devastation


    Published on 04 Jan 2016 by The Telegraph

    Entire villages in areas that traditionally provided soldiers for the renowned brigade were flattened by April’s quake and a crippling trade blockade has since hampered efforts to rebuild. Eight months on, a blockade along the southern border by Indian-backed ethnic groups who are protesting a new constitution has stopped fuel and building supplies entering the country. Prices have soared and reconstruction has been hampered.Link:

    Satellites dissect Nepal quake


    Published on 12 Jan 2016 by BBC

    The deep anatomy of last year’s devastating quake in Nepal is revealed in a new analysis by scientists. Satellite data is used to show where and how the rocks ruptured under the country, leading to the loss of more 8,800 lives.Link:

    Over 50,000 masons needed for reconstruction


    Published on 17 Dec 2015 by The Kathmandu post

    Government prepares to start reconstruction of earthquake destroyed properties with endorsement of National Reconstruction Authority Act, experts believe that the government should first concentrate on preparing adequate masons. They believe that there will be a need of at least 50,000 masons to carry out the reconstruction of private and public buildings. Over 700,000 private and public buildings and structures were destroyed in the April 25 earthquake and its aftershocks.Link:

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    TSO Seminar

    Technical Support Office (TSO) managed by Architecture Sans Frontieres Nepal (ASF Nepal) and Architecture and Developpment (A&D) and funded by Fondation de France (FdF) organized the Seminar and Open Discussion on "HOW CAN THE BUILD BACK BETTER AND SAFER COMMITMENT BECOME A REAL ACHIEVEMENT IN NEPAL", on 17 December 2015 in Moksh, Lalitpur, Nepal.It comprised of two seessions, morning and afternoon session.

    Morning Session

    The Morning Session was attended by all the NGOs funded by FdF with some guests which included ARSOW, CSRC, Enfance Nepal, Planet Enfants, NACCFL , Jagaran, Triangle, TEWA, CTCF and Groupe URD. The session focused on the sharing of issues, challenges and lesson learnt by each NGOs during the implementation of their projects. Benjamin Bellegy, Program Manager of FdF briefed about the FdF philosophy and their vision of Rebuilding Life. The TSO team facilitated the event and informed the participants about vision of TSO and its future activities regarding Post Disaster Projects in Nepal.

    Afternoon Session

    The session started with the briefing of TSO, included an open discussion in which four panelists Prafulla Man Singh Pradhan, Advisor -UN Habitat, Ludovic Jonard, Head -Architecture et Developpment, Surya Bhakta Sangachhe, Program Manager -NSET, Jitram Ram Lama, Treasure -NFN, interacted with the participants from different agencies, organizations, NFN, NGOs, INGOs, Local Communities with a series of questions and answers.

  • TSO Webpage Launch

    Technical Support Office(TSO) managed and Operated by ASF Nepal and A&D and Supported by Fondation de France has launched a new webpage. This webpage consists of all the latest news and activities and also government guidelines and information documents. Please Check out:


    The Construction of 152 Temporary Shelters are completed, 13 are remaining.The construction of 90 water tanks has been completed, 75 are remaining. The construction of 80 toilets have started and the structures are erected, 85 are remaining. Additonal 6 pits have been completed by the end of December.The distribution of 90 Solar lights are completed and 75 are remaining.

    NGOs Support and Monitoring Program

    Bamboo and mud shelters, ventilated improved latrinesENFANCE NEPAL

    - Khokana VDC, Lalitpur

    TSO Team is supporting and monitoring different NGOs funded by Fondation de France. By doing site visits, the team is able to provide assistance and advices concerning technical construction.

    CTCF is planning to construct 9 collection centers and training hall in 8 VDCs in Lalitpur and 1 VDC in Ramechap.

    The TSO team carried out the site visit at Gusal VDC, Lalitpur, on one of the 9 VDC.

    CFCFCollection center and Training in 9 VDCs

    - Nuwakot

    The construction activities of permanent latrines in health post in Kosidekha VDC, Kavrepalanchock District, is nearly complete as per the design and drawings provided by TSO.TSO provided the drawings of the disability inclusive permanent latrines to them.

    Temporary and permanent latrinesTRIANGLE GH-ARSOW

    - Koshidekha Village, Kavrepalanchok


    TSO visited Nalang VDC for site analysis.The site proposed by NACCFL is analysed by TSO team which has a big level difference that will make the design costly and cannot have proper access for disabled people, they have been recommended to look for alternate locations, if possible.TSO team visited 2 VDCs, Muruli Bhanjhyang(Dhading), Khanyapani(Ramechap) prior to the visit of Nalang VDC.

    NACCFLCommunity Centers

    - Various districts


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    Jagaran NepalCommunity Centers

    - 4 district, Kavrepalanchowk, Sindupalchok, Dolakha and Ramechhap

    TSO team visited Mahadevstan VDC in Kavrepalanchowk District and analysed the site. Jagaran Nepal have provided all the necessary authorization documents to the TSO team. TSO provided Jagaran Nepal with the design, drawings and cost estimate of the community center with disability inclusive toilets for approx. 100 people.

    The construction activities has been resumed in Helumbu VDC. TSO has provided them some recommendation to strengthen the structural part of the community Center.

    The site in Kiul VDC is being cleared and leveled. CSRC is working on design and drawings of the Community Center and will provide it to TSO for the review.

    Community Centers- Helambu VDC and Kiul VDC in Sindhupalchowk


    Global Reconstruction Project, Sindhupalchok

    Within Global Reconstruction Project of Thangpal Valley, Sindhupalchok, TSO team is now dealing with the priority works requested by the communities :

    Irrigation canals - The main ressource of the area is agriculture, and most of the irrigation canals for the agriculture of the area have been affected by the April 25 earthquake : water intakes demolished, canals blocked or destroyed by landslides. Those canals were also getting old and fragile with time, and due to lack of means for proper construction and maintenance. TSO team has been technically assessing almost 20km of irrigation canals running in the mountains during the last weeks. The damages have been detailed, and designs and BoQs made accordingly. Procurement of materials is coming soon so as to start the works latest beginning of February. The works will be realized by the community themselves after community mobilization and TSO will be supervising the works.

    School infrastructures - Schools in the area have also been severely affected by the earthquake. TLC (temporary learning centers) have been constructed in the meantime of permanent reconstruction, but two schools in Tar are still running without toilets. TSO has been assessing the sites and needs of the schools, and designs of new toilets for those schools have been made accordingly. They have been designed in stone masonry with the proper earthquake resistant techniques and the slopy sites will be secured with proper retaining walls for permanent reconstruction.

    ARSOW (ASSOCIATION for RURAL SOCIAL WELFARE)Irrigation Canal and School infrastrucures

    - Gunsa, Thangpaldhap and Thangpalkot VDCs

    Aside those priority works, TSO is working hard on the planning of the housing reconstruction campaign for the 2000 households, with detailed technical assessment/design of the reconstruction works and training of trainers and chief masons coming soon in February.

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