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Adviser- Prof. Ravindra Koppar,Resident Editor- Raghottam Koppar.

CONTACT US @.WEBSITE:WWW.SSKTIMES.COME-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Editor : Deepak M. Kalburgi,Cell-7204497932, Sub Editor: Vinod M. KalburgiCell- 9739993133

SSK timeS, Volume-2 iSSue- 3, Date: 05-10-2015. DiStRiCt: GaDaG , State : KaRNataKa, eNGliSH moNtHlY, KaReNG/2014/57610. poStal ReG.No.GDG/46/15-17. paGeS - 4 RS: 10/-

S a h a s r a r j u n S o m u v a n s h K s h a t r i y a T i m e s

Ahemdabad- SSK Samaj has a tradition of installing the idol of Ganesh and celebrating puja performances for five days. The youth committee organizes the Ganesh Mahotsava in a grand way. It works under the guidance of core committee and mahila mandal. Eco-friendly idol of Ganapati made of pure clay is installed to maintain environmental protection. Datta Kalburgi sponsored the expenses of the idol. The people of various wards do the aarti puja consecutively. Hundreds of people participate in aarti seva. The enthusiastic participation of all the samaj Bandhavas has been the unique feature of Ganesh Mahotsava, writes Hitesh Kshatriya, General Secretary, Youth Committee, SSK samaj Ahemdabad in a press communiqué.

SHOLAPUR- Divya Marathi News Paper released the SSK community Directory in Divya Marathi Office in Sholapur. Ex-MLA Narasing Mengaji released the Directory and said that the Directory would help the members to contact their counterparts easily. Sanjay Burbure, Narayansa Katwe, Chandrakant Habib, Mahesh Mengaji and other members were present at the occasion. The Directory contains the articles on Sahasrarjun Maharaj and Maheshwar.

aHemDaBaD SSK SamaJ CeleBRateS eCo-FRieNDlY GaNeSH maHotSaVa


The popular poet of Secundarabad’s SSK Samaj Manohar Kosandar’s volume of poems ‘Shabdavel-Shabdasrinkhala’ is all set for publication. Manohar Kosandar met the popular cine actor and writer of plays Nana Patekar and requested him to write a foreword to his book. Nana Patekar has happily agreed to do the work. The SSK Times wishes poet Kosander a success in his enterprise

CHOPDA (Maharashtra) 21 SEP - Dr. Preeti M. Raotole of Chopda, Jalagoan district is awarded the Bharat Shikshan Ratan Award by the Global Society for Health and Educational Growth. She was presented the award on 21st September, 2015 at New Delhi. Dr. Preeti Raotole is an assistant professor of physics in MGSM’s ASC College, Chopda (Dist. Jalagaon). She is a NSS officer and has conducted several social awareness programs, International research papers in reputed journals is 10, Working on 2 research projects Presented research papers in 3 international conferences. Her husband Mr. Mahesh Laxman Raotole is a lecturer in the Dept of Mechanical Engineering. The SSK Times greets and congratulates Dr Preeti Raotole and wishes her a great success in her research works.

Telangana SSK Yuva Samaj’s newly-elected main office bearers are Raju Khatri (President), Paramrishwat Gudas (vice-president) and Shiva Pandit (general secretary). The list of the other members will be announced shortly says the press communiqué issued by Shiva Pandit. The SSK Times greets and congratulates the newly elected members and wishes them the very best success

SHOLAPUR - SSK Vitthal Mandir Trust has formed Sixteen various Mandals to perform different services and functions and they are doing commendable performances with wonderful co-ordination. Ganesh Puja Mandal looks after Ganesh Utsava; Shakti Puja Mandal conducts Navaratri Utsava. Ganesh Puja Mandal was established in 1935 to honour Lokamanya Tilak and perpetuate his mission of uniting people emotionally. Praveen H. Bidri is the present president of this Mandal.This Mandal organizes an eleven day grand fete of Ganeshotsava. Lord Ganesh is worshipped with devout austerity and the Pooja was performed solemnly and with exuberant enthusiasm. 300 youths lead the idol of Ganesh in a grand march with awe-inspiring lezim. The entire SSK Community participates in the Utsav from beginning to the finish. The Vice-President Vinayak kalburgi, Treasurer Prashant Habib, Chandan Mirajkar, Tukaram Pawar were present during the procession.

Actor and Writer Nana Patekar consents to write a Foreword to Poet Manohar Kosandar’s work ‘Shabdavel-Shabdasrinkhala’



Raju Khatri - newly elected president of telangana SSK Yuva Samaj

Bengaluru KALA SANGAM – Exhibition-cum-saleInnumerable choices make shopping an excitement

BENGALURU 5TH OCT - Kala – Sangam – Exhibition cum-sale organized by MP Square was recently inaugurated by Dinesh Gundurao - Karnataka Minister for Food and Civil Supplies. Business Tycoon and ABSSK Chairman Sriharisa L. Khoday was present at the occasion. He has supported the up-coming female entrepreneurs. This event offers business opportunities for new start-ups. This exhibition-cum-sale which is the brain-child of the SSK Mahila Sangha encourages women entrepreneurs to develop their business ventures.

The stalwarts behind the event are Preeti Venkatesh (president), Smt. Poornima Suresh Khoday (vice-president) and Manjula Kabadi. The Kala Sangam will have a hundred stalls selling a wide variety of products for the Dasara and other festivals. Shoppers can choose from a variety of home decor products, clothes and dress-materials as well as wide ranging artistic things from across the nation. It is worthwhile to indulge in shopping here as it quenches the excitement, pleasure and satisfaction of buying besides encouraging and supporting the upcoming entrepreneurs.

Dinesh Gundurao, Karnataka Minister for Food and Civil Supplies inaugurated Kala-Sangam, exhibition-cum-sale of the products of women entrepreneurs. Sriharisa L. Khoday, Poornima Suresh Khoday, Preeti Venkatesh, Manjula Kabadi are seen in the photo.

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Date : 05 - 10 - 2015 SSK timeS eNGliSH moNtHlY. GaDaG2P

History of Somavamsha Sahasrarjun Kshatriya The Chalukya Dynasties

paNCHaNGa SummaRY11. HuBBa (puRVa) NaKSHatRa – SimHa RaSHi

Murlidharsa F. Kalburgi

Our ancestors, the Chalukyas have contributed richly to our Country’s art, architecture, education, literature, music, religion and culture, political and social developments. We can enumerate the various contributions of the different Chalukya dynasties as follows:

The Chalukyas of Badami and Kalyani and the Kalachuries belonged to Somavamsha. They contributed great and memorial heritages covering all the varied aspects of life to India as a whole and particularly to the history of Karnataka. Though these facts are well known, it is very unfortunate that our own people are still ignorant of these. The kings and emperors belonging to Somavamsha Kshatriya cult have ruled over the entire Karnataka and parts of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Konkan. They have given to our country rich, wonderful and amazing architectural and sculptural heritages and memorable literary works of arts.

Chalukya art and architecture forms a great bulk of the heritage of Karnataka and South India. Agriculture was the major occupation during the reign of the Chalukyas. Home Industries were given priority over other occupations. There were occupational organizations and associations which acted like our modern banks. There was communal harmony and people of all religions lived together harmoniously and peacefully. The Shaiva cult had become popular. The temple of Mahalaxmi in Kolhapur was the centre of the worship of Shakti.

The Chalukyas gave importance to education and literature. Puligeri (Laxmeshwara), Banavasi, Badami, Ihole were the centers of

education. ‘Koumudi Mahotsava’ written by Vijayanka Mahadevi (daughter-in-law of Pulikeshi II) was a good literary work of art. She was called ‘Karnataka’s Saraswathi’. Kannada and Sanskrit were studied. The Kings themselves were scholars of vedas and writers. Education and Literature was held in esteem and the scholars and writers were given the royal support. Kotumuchagi and Nagavi (the small towns in Gadag district) were the centers of higher education which worked like modern universities.

The ‘Gadayuddha’ and ‘Ajit Purana’ by kavi-chakravarthi Ranna have been great literary works ‘Lokopakar’ authored by Chavundaraya II, contain first-rate information about sculpture, astronomy and astrology and medicine. ‘Govaidya’ written by Kirtivarma (son of Someshwara I), ‘Jatak Tilakam’ (the first kannada prose work) authored by Sridharacharya, ‘Mallinatha Purana’ and ‘Ramachandra Charite’ written by Nagachandra (during the reign of the Someshawara IV) have been the great literary works. Besides these many good books on logic, poetry, grammar, music especially Karnataka music were written. The Chalukyas have contributed substantially to the fields of literature, art, architecture and music.

The eleventh star in the horoscopic chart is the Hubba

(Purva) Nakshatra. It is a congregation of the

two groups of stars in the shape of cot (bedstead). It is in the degree from 133-20 to 146-40. The sun is the deity

of this Nakshatra. He symbolizes mortal

body and spiritual wealth. Bhaga (The sun) is the other

form of fire and he is called the distributing deity of wealth, good

fortune and happiness and joy. This Nakshatra indicates the lips and sexual organs of human body. The first four phases (1 2 3 4) of this Nakshatra fall in Simha Rashi.

This Nakshatra is propitious for the destruction of the enemies, tracing of the enemies, preparation of medicines for the deadly diseases and of magical medicine.

The persons born in Hubba (Purva) Nakshatra posses shining physique. They understand the language of love. They are healthy and charitable, generous in giving away to those in need. They are religious, knowledgeable and humble and are capable of enjoying all comforts and luxuries. They

are experts in the dancing-art, worshippers of beauty. They are cute and are eloquent in speech and are interested in political administration.

Hubba (Purva) Nakshatra is auspicious for works related to water. So, this Nakshatra is auspicious for undertaking pond construction, well and bore-well digging works. This Nakshatra is good for undertaking the manufacture and making and selling of art works, manufacture and sale of tobacco items, crusher Industry-related machineries and spare parts, crackers and matches boxes, diesel and petrol Industry, electricity, cement, paints etc.

The Janmaksharas of the persons born in the Hubba (Purva) Nakshatra are - First phase – Mo; Second phase – Ta; Third phase – Ti; Fourth phase – Tu.

The persons born in the first phase of Hubba (Purva) Nakshatra should wear Rubies; those born in the second phase should wear emerald green; those born in the third phase should wear diamonds and those born in the fourth phase should wear corals. The ornaments worn should be more than two carrots.

For the persons born in the Hubba (Purva) Nakshatra- Krittika, Uttara, Uttarashadha

Nakshatras are wealthy stars. They can undertake business activities, money lending business etc. Mrigashira, Chitta, Dhanistha Nakshatras are welfare stars. They can undertake welfare activities and ambitious projects and works. Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purvashadha Nakshatras are achievement stars. They can undertake new enterprising works and new employments, contacts and communications with the big factories and companies and ambitious projects. Ashlesha, Jestha, Revati, Magha, Moola and Ashwini are friendly stars. They can undertake partnership businesses and activities with the persons born in these Nakshatras.


THE FATHER OF OUR NATION Mahatma Gandhiji, the father

of our Nation is a great soul. A man is judged by his conduct and character and not merely by the opinion he holds or even the doctrine to which he devotes his life. So, the title ‘Mahatma’ rests on the greatness which Gandhi won by his lofty character and that’s our pride.

When Gandhiji led our freedom struggle during the twenties of the last century, political freedom took a new shape and acquired a new content. The essence of his teaching was fearlessness and truth and action allied to these, always keeping the welfare of the masses in view.

The British rule had created a terrible fearsomeness in our psyche. The fear of the army, the police, the wide-spread secret service, fear of the official class, fear of laws and of prison, fear of the landlord’s agent, fear of the money lender, fear of unemployment and starvation and in such a situation of all-pervading fear, Gandhiji gave a call to become fearless. This electrified the masses. Gandhiji influenced millions of people in India in varying degrees. Some changed the whole texture of their lives and carried on his message by becoming themselves the Gandhis. Gandhi brought about a complete change in the constitution of Indian National Congress. He made it more democratic and a mass organization.

Gandhi was an odd kind of pacifist, for he was an activist full of dynamic energy. He resisted all that was untrue or evil. He challenged and resisted the foreign rule through peaceful non-cooperation. He also fought our own social evils. National unity, solutions to the minority problems, raising of the depressed

classes and ending of the curse of untouchability were his major planks of action. He sent the volunteers to villages across the country and the rural parts were hummed with the activities of innumerable messengers of the new gospel of action. The peasants were shaken up and made to resist the British Raj openly. He emphasized that the means were more important and even if the end in view was right, the means could not be ignored. Every reform that he suggested, every advice that he gave to others, he applied to himself. He strove to restore the spiritual unity of the country. He fascinated the masses of India and attracted them like a magnet. He was a man of great vision and thus shook the very strong foundations of the British Empire and made the freedom movement stronger and intense day by day and finally made the British quit our country.

Gandhiji constantly subjected himself to rigorous self-examina-tion and became an almost perfect man. He was very modest. We look up to his conduct and character as that towards which we should constantly strive. Gandhi’s utter selflessness, his forgiveness, his courage, his piety are the models worthy of being emulated.

Gandhi attached great importance to personal hygiene and clean surroundings. He along with the volunteers set out to clean the dirty areas and set an example for us to follow him. So to pay our sincere homage to him, we should involve ourselves in the ‘Swachcha Bharat Abhiyan’. Our Pradhana Mantri Sree. Narendra Modiji has begun this Abhiyan anew and let’s all together make our India a clean, decent and prosperous country.

“Sabko Sanmati de Bhagavan”.


GADAG 3 OCT- Dr. Panduranga H. Kabadi promoted to the post of DHO (Gadag Dist Health and Family Welfare Officer) was felicitated by Health Assistants’ Association. The President of the Association Siddappa N. Lingadal, and Karnataka State Government employees’ Association member Ajaykuamr Kalal welcomed DHO Dr. P.H. Kabadi by offering bouquets. The vice-president of the district unit of the Karnataka State Govt. Employees Association Mallikarjun F. Kalkambi felicitated Dr. P.H. Kabadi.

DHO Dr. P.H. Kabadi called upon

the Health Assistants to discharge their duties in the spirit of a mission and provide the Health facilities and services to the people and carry to them the message of health education and national programs of Health. R. V. Kuppastha, Krishna Gaadareddy, Assn’s Hon’ble president Bahubali Ontakudari, S.B. Gadad, Ravi Bapure, P.T. Patange, B.S. Somagond, Y.N. Kademani, Siddalingesh Kavalikai, Nagaraj Joshi, Prabhu Honagudi, Kammar, Fakeeresh Ron, Shivakuamr Hugar were present on the occasion.

DAVANGERE - Om Prakash Meharade is the newly elected president of Davangere’s SSK Taruna Sangha. At a function organized to announce the new president, were present Mahesh Solanki, Gopinath Bhute, and the members of the Taruna Mandali and the community people. The new president was greeted and congratulated.

HUBBALLI - The newly elected Deputy Chief Trustee of SSK Tulajabhavani Temple’s Kendra Pancha Samiti Neelakantha P. Jadi was felicitated at a grand function organized by Banashnkari Mahila Mandal (Anchatageri Oni) Hubballi recently. The function was chaired by Durgadevi Shikshana Samiti’s vice-chairman Tarasa N. Dhongadi.

The Chief Guest Bhaskar N. Jituri, Hon.secretary of SSK panch Trust, Durgadevi temple, Dajibanpeth Hubballi greeted Neelakantha P. Jadi and wished him all success and praised him as a man of integrity and accomplishments.

Neelakantha P. Jadi assured the people that he would strive for providing opportunities for the lowly-educated and for giving due aids for the poor students of the

samaj.Dajibanpet Panchayati Treasurer

G.N.Kalburgi, Trustee A.P.Pawar, Senior member of the locality P.D.Ratan and the Anchatageri Oni’s Gajanan Utsava Committee President Venkatesh Pujari were on the dais. The Office bearers of the Banashnkari Mahila Mandal of Anchatageri, Dajiban Pet’s Durgamata Mahila Mandal, Mahaveeragalli’s Mahalaxmi Mahila Mandal were all present and felicitated Neelakantha P. Jadi.

Smt. Santoshi P.Habib compered the program. Banashnkari Mahila Mandal’s President Smt. Shashikala N.Jadi welcomed the gathering and the guests. Prakash Burbure proposed a vote of thanks.

BELLARY - The newly elected Panch Trust Committee is as follows: S.S. Dani (president); Madhu Pawar (Vice-president); G.L. Badi (Joint Secretary); Balusa Rangrej (Treasurer); Srinivas Chavadimani (Joint Treasurer); Bansilal Hadagali; Vitthalsa Irkal; Motilalsa Bharade; Yallappa Kalburgi and Madhusa Sirigiri.

The Newly Elected Mahila MandalSmt. Sevantibai S. Dani

(president); Smt. Lathabai B. Rangrej (vice-president); Smt. Manjula G. Badi (secretary); Smt. Renukabai S. Siddling (vice-secretary); Smt. Indubai A. Dani (Treasurer); Smt. Kamalabai N. Kalburgi (vice-treasurer); Members: Smt. Padmabai K. Rangrej, Smt.

Savitabai R. Pawar, Smt. Indubai Y. Kalburgi, Smt. Sujatha M. Pawar, Smt. Geetabai L. Kalburgi.

The Newly elected SSK Mitra Mandali’s New Yuvaka Mandal

Prakash N. Kalburgi (President); Tulasidas N. Rangrej (vice-President); Raghavendra Y. Kalburgi (secretary); Srikant Bhandage (joint secretary); Mohan Badi (treasurer); Sham Kalburgi (joint treasurer); Rajesh Pawar; Prakash Siddling; Ganesh Pawar; Sanjay Rangrej; Anil Rangrej (members).

The SSK Times greets and congratulates all these new office-bearers and wishes them a grand success in leading the community towards perfection and prosperity.

Bellary SSK SamajNew Office Bearers

Readers’ ResponsesListen to me, please…………..!

My dear brothers and sisters of our Community,

Namaskaras At the outset, I congratulate the proprietors of THE SSK TIMES

for bringing out the monthly in English and paving the way for the integrity and unity of the SSK Samaj at the National level. Even in its just budding phase, it brings us the news of our brothers and sisters in the far corners of our country. Reading the news and events, knowing the programs and functions and acquainting ourselves with the achievers and accomplishers, we do become all the more humble and find inspiration in and through the achievements of the ambitious people.

We have but to give up our egotism and work hard and co-operate with our own chosen leaders in all the fields. Our collective work and co-ordinated efforts alone can help us to achieve excellence.

When I was very young, my friend used to ask me about the menace of dowry in our samaj and I used to say with pride that our community is free from the menace of the dowry. That is a matter of pride for all of us even today. But today’s considerations and expectations of our people relating to marriage are quite disturbing. Up to the eighties of the last century, education was of least priority for boys and girls but today education is given utmost importance and that again is quite heartening. The parents of the girls today expect that the prospective bride-grooms should be highly educated and should have good employment and should have no dependents on them and so on. This is not a good development.

My own husband has only passed 8th standard and I have passed a Diploma in Fashion Designing. But we are a happy couple. My husband has flourished in business and has tripped to eleven countries and has taken me to seven countries. So, I think that the criterion of selection of the bridegroom should be his abilities, his motivations, aptitudes and his attitudes and nature rather than his educational qualifications and employment. Compared to the girls, the boys in our community are lagging behind in education. This has been posing a threat to the careers of the younger generations. Our elders should think of overcoming these bogging problems in the years to come. Ours is a business community and our children should be taught to respect filial relationships and develop the spirit of collective living. Respect for elders can make a happy family. Inter-caste marriages should be discouraged, as such marriages will alienate us from our parents, relations and community people and make us unhappy.

I have said these things not to criticize any one in particular but because I have a dream about the growth and prosperity of our community

Thank You.Smt. Roopa K. Pawar Vice-President Aadarsha Mahila Mandal Ranebennur. st-Kar.

I have been a regular reader of the SSK Times. It covers a wide range of the news of the community far and near. Please see that the paper covers the news of all the States in India and of the news of the SSK people living in different countries. The community supports your enterprise. Kudos, Congratulations and Good Wishes for your excellent work.

SSK Times is good in appearance, quality and coverage of the news and the write-up. Your editorials are thoughtful. The history of SSK race is quite useful, informative and instructive. But how many common people read and be inspired?! Why shouldn’t you try to publish SSK Times in kannada also for the exclusive benefit of the kannadigas? I may sound queer, but try as you can do it.

SSK Times is no less impressive than other English papers. Good captions, wonderful news cast in good and easy language, good photographs and good finish. Your efforts are praiseworthy! You are doing a good service to the community. Thank you, keep it up!

Sri. Prakash R. Dani. Sindhanur (Karnataka)

Sri. Vittal P. Ladwa. Hubli (Karnataka)

Sri. Prakash Pandhare. Amravati. (Maharashtra)

Taruna Ompraksh Meharwade Elected New PresidentOf Davangere SSK Mandali.


YEOLA - Gujrat Chief Minister Smt. Anandiben Patel visited Vaman Wadekar’s home to see the production of paitani saree. Wadekar is a handloom saree manufacturer producing varieties of attractive designs and models.

Chief Minister Smt. Anandiben Patel visited Vaman Wadekar’s home @ yeola

GADAG- The Gajanana Idol at Sree Sahasrarjuna Community Hall Gadag at the Ganesh Festival. The Jurassic animal exhibited before the Gajanana Mantapa was the cynosure of the public with its life-like look

GADAG 22 SEP - As part of the Gajanana Festival, the SSK Mahila mandal & SSK Taruna Sangha had organized a grand Fancy dress, one minute game and rangoli competitions. Many women participated in the competitions.

GADAG 23 SEP - As part of the Gajanana Festival, the SSK Mahila mandal & SSK Taruna Sangha had organized a grand Fancy dress, one min game and rangoli competition on the 23rd of September, 2015. Many womens were participated in the competition.

Veena G. Badi gets 1 Prize in Rangoli competition.

Gadag SSK Mahila mandal had organized an inter-state fancy dress competition for women. They presented the saree- wearing styles and fashions of almost all states in India.

Manjula B. Bakale gets 1 Prize in Fancy dress competition.

GaNeSH FeStiVal @ S S K SamaJ GaDaG

Page 3: E paper oct-15 ssk times

Date : 05 - 10 - 2015 SSK timeS eNGliSH moNtHlY. GaDaG3P

FooD GalleRYKHamaN DHoKla.

Send your recipes to our mail id - [email protected] or you can post to our address.

Smt. Anita A. JituriDharwad.


For the batter Bengal gram flour ( besan ) 1 cup, semolina ( Rava ) 1, ½ tbsp, citric acid crystal ( Nimbu ka phool ) ½ tsp, sugar 3 tsp, ginger green chili paste 1 tsp, eno’s fruit salt 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp, oil ( for greasing ) 1 tsp. For the tempering Oil 2 tbsp, mustard seeds ( Sarso ) ½ tsp, sesame seeds ( Til ) ½ tsp, green chilies chopped 2 nos, asafoetida ( Hing ) a pinch.For garnish Coconut grated 1 tbsp, fresh coriander leaves chopped 1 tsp,


GADAG - The Great men who dedicated their lives for the welfare of humanity are revered as great souls and remembering them earnestly will help purify our souls, said litterateur Mr. I.K.Kammar. He was the chief guest of the function arranged on the occasion of Pt. Puttaraj Gavai’s death Anniversary organized by the citizens of Killa Oni in Gadag. To mark the occasion, free note-books and pens were distributed to the students. Late Pt. Dr. Puttaraj Gavaiji was a walking God on the earth, who created a grand history of service by his yeomen services and wonderful personal accomplishments.

The function was chaired by the Gadag-Betgeri CMC’s

ex-president Srinivas Bhandage, SSK leader Parashuram Badi, Youth leader Anand Sarvade and Smt. Jubeda Begam Kudari were the guests. At the beginning of the function Narasing Kabadi sang the prayer song. Praveen Jithuri welcomed the guests, Srikant Bakale compered the program and Mohan Katwa proposed a vote of thanks. Over 150 students were given the free note books and pens. Mallanna Pattanshetty, Shankar Ladwa, Ramachandra Siddling, Nagaraj Khode, Ambasa Khode, Shanmukhasa, Basava, Ravi Chavan, Srinivas Bhandage, Mannu Dalabhanjan, Ramachandra Solanki were among those who were present at the occasion.

SINDHANUR- This year Gauri Ganesh and Bakrid Mubarak occurred on the same day and to maintain peace and joy of the celebrations the religious leaders of the both communities distributed sweets to each other and resolved to celebrate their festivals peacefully.

On Friday after the mass prayer at the Idga Maidan in Raichur, Idga Committee President Babar Pasha Jagirdar, Milap Shaadi Mahal Committee president M.D.Ndeem Mulla, Municipal Council’s Ex-Vice President K.Jilani Paha, Advocate SMP Khadri, Manuj Mata Balaga’s Vice president Khader Shubani, Ahind leader Mohinudeen Etmari and others

came to Nataraj Colony, where the public Gajananotsava was celebrated by the Vishwa Hindu Parisad and Bhajarangadal and to Adarsha Colony Ambadevi’s Temple where Ganapathi Idol was established and distributed sweets.

Shashikumar Dani welcomed the muslim brotheren and expressed their resolve that all religious groups should live like brothers and sisters together in peace and harmony. Babar Pasha and Jilani Pasha spoke and said that all religions preach brotherhood and they should all beware of the miscreants who disturb the peace of the community.

RANEBENNUR 11TH SEP - As part of Shravana Masa’s programs, the Vaibhava Laxmi Puja was performed in Ranebennur

Ambabhavani Temple on Friday the 11th September, 2015. The members of the Ambabhavani Aadarsha Mahila Mandal offered

Udi to the women of the community. The copies of the book ‘Sree Bagalambadevi Mahatme’ given by Smt. Madhu M. Merwade were distributed to the devotees. Smt. Vajreshari Ladwa, Smt. Roopa Pawar, Smt. Sangeetha Merwade, Smt. Aruna Kabadi, Smt. Menaka Basava, Smt. Jayashree Ladwa, Smt. Latha Ladwa, Smt. Laxmi Metrani, Smt. Megha Miskin, Smt. Roopa

Bakale, Smt. Geetha Bhute and Smt.Narmada Irkal were among the participants

LAXMESHWAR - The Gajanan Utsav Mandali of the Laxmeshwar(Gadag district) SSK Taruna Sangha celebrated Gajananotsava publicly as part of their ongoing annual programs. Tarun Sangha president R.P. Badi and member Y.T. Rajoli, Kittu Bakale, Venkatesh Bhandage, Manjunath Badi and Somanath Bakale were among the main organizers and did their work excellently. The general public has appreciated their efforts.

Hubballi:- SSK Sree Tulajabhavani Temple’s Kendra Pancha Samiti had organized a huge protest march for the implementation of the Mahadai River and Kalasa-Banduri Nala project. The entire North Karnataka has been conducting protest strikes for the execution of the Mahadai River and Kalasa-Banduri Nala project for the last two months. This project has been pending since 1975 and the successive governments have failed to execute the plan. This project will enrich lakhs of acres of land besides providing sufficient water to the Hubballi, Dharwad city

and other towns.The Trustees of the SSK Samaj

led the Protest March starting from TulajaBhavani Temple enroute Sangolli Rayanna circle to Kittur Chennamma Circle and then marched to mini Vidhan Soudha and submitted the Memorandum to the Tahasildar. The leaders insisted that the people’s representatives have to work together for the implementation of this project irrespective of their political affiliations and loyalties to party politics.

Chief Trustee F.K. Dalbhanjan, Ex-MLA Ashok Katwe, Karnataka

Chamber of Commerce President Vasant Ladwa, Satish Merwade, Vitthal Ladwa, Balu Mugajikondi, H.G.Niranjan, Shyam Kalburgi, Laxman Dalbhanjan, Krishna Katigar, Bhaskar Jituri, Ranga Baddi, Narayana Jaratharaghar, D.K.Chavan, Prakash Katwe, Devadas Habib, Ganu Jaratharaghar,Prakash Burbure, Srikant Mugajikondi, Smt.Sarala Bhandage, Smt. Rajasri Jadi, SSK Samaj’s Pancha Committee office-bearers, the members of the various Youth, Yuvaka Mandalas, Mahila Mandalas and students had participated in the protest march.

Bagilukote’s prestigious Sri Ranganath International School selected the key centers of historic town of Badami and undertook the Cleanliness Drive on 2nd Oct, 2015 to celebrate 146th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

The various important roads of Badami, and the market area were cleaned by the teachers and pupils of Ranganath International School. They created awareness about the “Swachch Bharat Abhiyan” and earned the admiration of the public. The secretary of the school management Rukamasa Kavade gave a thrust to the Swachchta Abhiyan by doing the cleaning.

The principal Durgojirao Kunthe and the teachers and the pupils enthusiastically partook in the cleanliness drive.

The cleanliness drive was a three day program and the pupils and teachers of Ranganath International School did the Swachchta work in Bagilukote (district center) and a village Benakatti.

It was a unique way of paying homage to Bapuji, the father of our nation on his 146th Birth Anniversary. Kudos to the pupils, teachers and management of Sri Ranganath International School.

HOMAGE TO BAPU IN A UNIQUE WAYTeachers and pupils of Sri Ranganath International School cleaned Badami, Bagilukote and Benkatti village


1) Take one cup of sieved besan in a bowl, to it add 3 tsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, ½ tsp citric acid, 1.1/2 tbsp semolina, 1 tsp ginger chili paste mix it with one cup of water without lumps in it.

2) Grease the tray with 1 tsp of oil.

3) Take eno’s fruit salt 1 tsp add to the batter, add 1 tsp of water to the salt. When the salt starts to get bubbles mix the batter with the salt.

4) Add the batter in a greased tray put in a water bath for about 5 to 7 mins.

5) Take a pan add 2 tbsp oil after heat add ½ tsp mustard seeds, ½ tsp sesame seeds, pinch of asafoetida, chopped green chili sauté and add 1 tsp of water. This tempering mixture put on the batter.

6) After removing the tray from water bath garnish with coconut and fresh coriander.

7) Cut in pieces and serve hot with tea or coffee.





Hindus and muslims in Sindhanur (Raichur Dist) distribute sweets to celebrate fetes.



SSK paNCH Samiti’S pRoteSt maRCH for the implementation of mahadai-Kalasa Banduri project

(A Poem)Dumped in a Brain with full of knowledge,

solves the issues with courage,She is always on to encourage

with which she feeds a valuable messageFor a family, she is a backbone supportiveleads a family with ideas that are creative

All the skills that she has to feedFamily is nothing without her need;

she does all with the dedicationtill the work leads on to her destination.

Jinako hum sab karte hai Kadarshe is our well-known Mother

Name: Ranjitha K. Pawar (KMP) BBA KLE college.II. Ranebennur

Value of a mother

SINDHANUR 2nd Oct - Shankar, the tattoo artist of Sindhanur in Karnataka put delible tattoos on the faces and hands of 600 students of Anand Public School and of other Schools in Sindhanur on 2nd October, 2015. He does this service to arouse patriotic feelings in the young minds. Indian flags, Gandhiji, Lal Bahaddur Shastri were the pictures and the children were happy to be tattooed.

Lovely gifts of Gandhi Jayanti Free Tattoo-Writing for Children By Sindhanur’s Tattoo artist Shankar

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Are you a writer?Please send articles on Women, Fashion, Food, Health and other articles. Platform for students with skills like Painting, drawing, poem writing, story writing, essay writ-ing. Send the articles to- [email protected]

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Page 4: E paper oct-15 ssk times

Date : 05 - 10 - 2015 SSK timeS eNGliSH moNtHlY. GaDaG4P

SAHASRARJUN SOMUVANSH KSHATRIYA TIMES. ENGLISH MONTHLY . Editor, owner and Publisher Deepak M. Kalburgi;Published by Deepak M. Kalbrugi on behalf of SSK TIMES Dasar Oni ,Dist Gadag - 582101, Karnataka State,Resident Editor-Raghottam Koppar. Printed At Chaitanya Offset Printers, Kagadgeri Oni, Gadag,Dist- Gadag, Karnataka State, Cell 7204497932, 9739993133 , Email: [email protected], [email protected]



GADAG 20TH SEP :- As part of the Gajanana Festival, the SSK Taruna Sangha had organized a grand Cricket Tourney on the 20th of September, 2015. The Tourney was conducted at the V.D.S. Play ground and twelve teams participated in the competition. C.K.Patil of Hulkoti inaugurated the cricket tourney by his symbolic playing and appreciated the organizers for encouraging the youths to play. SSK Pancha Trust Committee member N.R.Khatwate, Tarun Sangha’s president Kishan I.Merwade, Gajanana Samiti member Vittal M. Bhandage were on the dais.

The Durgadevi Cricket Club

got the first prize, Sree Jod Maruti Cricket Club got the second prize. The Sports Committee Chairman Sunil V. Kabadi, Nagaraj Khode, Parashuram Habib, Gopal A. Nakod, Mithun A. Bhandage, Govind Habib, Ramachandra J. Siddling had organized the Tourney.

Kishan I.Merwade welcomed the guests and participating cricketers and viewers. Taruna Sangha’s member Srikant A.Bakale compered the program and proposed a vote of thanks. The office-bearers of Tarun sangha participated enthusiastically and the tourney was witnessed by a huge number of viewers.

MUMBAI- Vitthalsa T. Dhongadi, secretary of the Akhil Bharat SSK Samaj recently visited the Mumbai SSK Samaj office and met the office bearers. At a function organized in this behalf Dhongadi enumerated the activities and programs and projects of ABSSK Bangaluru. He called upon the SSK brethren to avail the membership of ‘SAHARARJUNA VANI’ the Quarterly Magazine. Mahila Mandal president Smt. Vani welcomed Vitthalsa Dhongadi and the participating members of the meeting. Mumbai SSK Samaj’s office bearers and the representatives of the samaj were present on the occasion. Advisor Dattatreya

Barad, President Vyenkusa Miskin, Secretary Nagarajsa M. Metrani, Chartered Accountant Gangajee Saheb, and D. Miskin, Subhas Metarni, Chandrakantsa Hublikar, Narayansa Pawar, Ranganathsa Rajoli, Dilipsa Bakale, Dattusa Khatwate, Smt. Sumanatai Kudale, Amrut Miskin, Dattusa T. Dhongadi, Sanjaysa T. Dhongadi were among the participants.

The meeting discussed fruitful issues relating to the efforts of integrating the broader community of SSK, says Nagraj M. Metrani, secretary SSK samaj Mumbai in his press communiqué.

Pune: A Hockey tournament of the state level was conducted in the Nehrunagar Government stadium for the boys and girls of the schools and colleges. In the age group below 17 years, among the girls the final match was played by Sholapur’s Sahasrarjuna School versus Pune’s St. Ann’s school. The Sholapur girls won the final match defeating St. Ann’s school by 3.0 goals. Nisha Madhure hit the winning goal. Jyothi Swamy, Khushi Nath, Nisha Madhure, Snehal Sheelavant, Shivani Malaji, Sonal Malaji, Gaythri

Atanure, Gouri Loni, Divya Kumbar, Pallavi Koki, Snehal Sukhme, Sakshi Patil were the winning team players. The sports teachers of the school Ujval Malaji, Jarar Kureshi and Shailesh Bande had guided them. The Sahasrarjun school’s boys and girls have won hockey trophies many a time and have carved the name of the school in the hockey tourneys. The President of the school Ganapatsa Mirajkar, Professor Vadak Balkar and Gulabchand Barad have congratulated the winners.



Kumari Aditi Kudale acted in a funny short video film

AMRAVATI (Maharashtra) -Geetesh Suresh Waghmare, a native of Amaravati in Vidarbha, Maharashtra has been selected to the Stenographer post (Class II) to work in Mumbai Mantralaya. Geetesh is the son of Amravati’s Sureshsa Shankarsa Waghmare, a seller of artificial flowers. Congratulations to Geetesh on his success in the competitive examinations

AMRAVATI (Maharashtra) - Kumari Aditi Swaroop Kudale acted in a funny, short video film. The shooting was done at Vardha district, Bodad and Malkapur village. This short film (1:44 seconds) is directed by Prakash Prabhakar. This video is going viral and is getting good responses in social media like Facebook, WhatsApp and You Tube.

(Watch it on YouTube - (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0sQ496xuAjw )

Geetesh S Waghmare and father Sureshsa M. Waghmare.

Kumari Aditi S. Kudale

aBSSK Secretary Vitthalsa DhongadiVisits Mumbai SSK Samaj Office

Hospet - SSK Samaj and Tarun Sangha celebrated the community Gajananotsava in an exquisite way. Naganathsa B. Raibagi had sponsored the expenses of the Ganesh idol. Bevinkatti brothers had arranged the prasadam program. The community members participated in large numbers.

Hospet SSK Samaj and Tarun Sangha Celebrate Gajananotsava

Hospet SSK Samaj Bhaubali Ganapati

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