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  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us


    Owners Manual

    Read and understand this entire manual beore riding!DO NOT RETURN TO STORE!

    NOTE: The E100/E125/E150/E175 must be traveling up to 3mph beore motor willengage. Kick start up to 3mph while applying the throttle to engage motor.

    E100 Red 13111260

    E100 Pink 13111261

    E100 Daisy 13111061

    E100 Sweet Pea 13111263

    E100 Hello Kitty 13111264E125 Red 13111110

    E125 Silver 13111101

    E125 Black 13125E-BK

    E150 Red 13111601

    E150 Pink 13111661

    E175 Red 13111259

    Item Number:

    NOTE: Manual illustrations are or demonstration purposes only. Illustrations

    may not reect exact appearance o actual product. Specifcations subject to

    change without notice.

    Version: 1_01/10

  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us


    WARNING: Riding the electric scooter can be a hazardous activity.Certain conditions may cause the equipment to ail without ault o themanuacturer. Like other electric products, the scooter can and is intendedto move and it is thereore possible to lose control, all o and/or get intodangerous situations that no amount o care, instruction or expertise caneliminate. I such things occur you can be seriously injured or die, even whenusing saety equipment and other precautions. RIDE AT YOUR OWN RISKAND USE COMMON SENSE.

    This manual contains many warnings and cautions concerning theconsequences o ailing to maintain, inspect or properly use your electricscooter. Because any incident can result in serious injury or even death, wedo not repeat the warning o possible serious injury or death each time such

    a possibility is mentioned.

    APPROPRIATE RIDER USE ANDPARENTAL SUPERVISIONThis manual contains important saety inormation. It is your responsibilityto review this inormation and make sure that all riders understand allwarnings, cautions, instructions and saety topics and assure that youngriders are able to saely and responsibly use this product. Razor recommendsthat you periodically review and reinorce the inormation in this manualwith younger riders, and that you inspect and maintain your childrensvehicle to insure their saety.

    The recommended rider age is 8 and older. Any rider unable to tcomortably on the scooter should not attempt to ride it. A parents decisionto allow his or her child to ride this product should be based on the childs

    maturity, skill and ability to ollow rules.

    Keep this product away from small children and remember that it isintended for use only by persons who are, at a minimum, completelycomfortable and competent while operating the scooter.

    DO NOT EXCEED THE WEIGHT LIMIT OF 120 pounds (54kg). Rider weightdoes not necessarily mean a persons size is appropriate to t or maintaincontrol o the scooter.

    Do not touch the brakes or motor on your scooter when in use or immediatelyater riding as these parts can become very hot.

    Reer to the section on saety or additional warnings.


    CONDITIONSAlways check and obey any local laws or regulations which mayaffect the locations where the electric scooter may be used.Ride deensively. Watch out or potential obstacles that could catch yourwheel or orce you to swerve suddenly or lose control. Be careul to avoidpedestrians, skaters, skateboards, scooters, bikes, children or animals whomay enter your path, and respect the rights and property o others.

    Do not activate the speed control on the hand grip unless you are on thescooter and in a sae, outdoor environment suitable or riding. The electricscooter must be moving at 3 miles per hour before the motor willengage.

    Do not attempt or do stunts or tricks on your electric scooter. The scooter isnot made to withstand abuse rom misuse such as jumping, curb grinding orany other type o stunts.

    Maintain a hold on the handlebars at all times.

    Never allow more than one person at a time to ride the scooter.

    Never use near steps or swimming pools.

    Keep your ngers and other body parts away rom the chain, steering system,wheels and all other moving components.

    Never use headphones or a cell phone when riding.

    Never hitch a ride with another vehicle.

    Do not ride your scooter in wet or icy weather and never immerse the scooterin water, as the electrical and drive components could be damaged by wateror create other possibly unsae conditions.

    The electric scooter is intended or use on fat, dry suraces such aspavement or level ground without loose debris such as sand, leaves, rocks orgravel. Wet, slick, bumpy, uneven or rough suraces may impair traction and

    contribute to possible accidents. Do not ride your scooter in mud, ice, puddlesor water. Avoid excessive speeds that can be associated with downhill rides.Never risk damaging suraces such as carpet or fooring by use o an electricscooter indoors.

    Do not ride at night or when visibility is limited.

    PROPER RIDING ATTIREAlways wear proper protective equipment such as an approved saety helmet(with chin strap securely buckled), elbow pads and kneepads. A helmet maybe legally required by local law or regulation in your area. A long-sleevedshirt, long pants, and gloves are recommended. Always wear athletic shoes(lace-up shoes with rubber soles), never ride bareooted or in sandals, andkeep shoelaces tied and out o the way o the wheels, motor and drivesystem.

    USING THE CHARGERThe charger supplied with the electric scooter should be regularly examinedor damage to the cord, plug, enclosure and other parts, and in the event osuch damage, the scooter must not be charged until the charger has beenrepaired or replaced.

    Use only with the recommended charger.

    Use caution when charging.

    The charger is not a toy. Charger should be operated by an adult.

    Do not operate charger near fammable materials.

    Unplug charger and disconnect rom scooter when not in use.

    Do not exceed charging time.

    Always disconnect rom the charger prior to wiping down and cleaning yourscooter with liquid.



    Saety Warnings ............................................................ 1

    Beore You Begin ........................................................... 2

    Assembly and Set-Up .................................................... 3

    Hardware Maintenance ................................................. 4


    Repair and Maintenance ............................................. 4-6

    Troubleshooting Guide ................................................ 7-8

    Electric Scooter Parts .................................................... 9

    Warranty ...................................................................... 11


  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us


    Remove contents rom box. Remove the oam separators that protect the components rom damage duringshipping. Inspect the contents o the box or scratches in the paint, dents or kinked cables that may haveoccurred during shipping. Because the scooter was 95 percent assembled and packed at the actory, thereshould not be any problems, even i the box has a ew scars or dents.


    Estimated Assembly and Set-Up TimeRazor recommends assembly by an adult with experience in bicycle mechanics.Allow up to 20 minutes or assembly, not including initial charge time.Allow up to 18 hours or initial charge (see page 3 for charging information)




    to certain Razor designspecications. The originalequipment supplied at the timeo sale was selected on thebasis o its compatibility withthe rame, ork and all otherparts. Certain atermarketproducts may not be compatibleand will void the warranty.

    Required Tools

    Need Help? Visit our web site or replacement parts, product support and a list o authorized service centers

    at www.razor.com or call toll ree 866-467-2967Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM Pacifc Time.

    2.5mm / 6mm key wrench(Included)

    Brake Lever

    Twist Grip Throttle


    On/o switch

    Reset buttonCharger port

    - Battery- Control Module


    Charger(Note: Charger design may varyrom one shown)



    Quick Release

    Bicycle-style tire pump

    for Schrader valve tires,with pressure gauge

    (Not included)

    8mm, 10mm, 13mm and17mm wrenches



    Push Button


    Note:Electric scooter must bemoving at 3mph/4.8km beoretwisting the throttle to engagemotor.

  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us




    qAttaching the Handlebars

    qCharging the BatteryYour electric scooter may not have a ully charged battery. Thereore it is a good idea to charge the batteryprior to use.

    Initialchargetime:18hours Runtime:Upto40minutesofcontinuousridetimeRechargetime:upto12hours Averagebatterylife:250charge/dischargecycles

    When the scooter is not in regularuse, recharge the battery at leastonce a month until normal use isresumed.

    2Plug the charger into a walloutlet. I the lights on chargerdo not light up, check the powerto the outlet. I necessary, try adierent outlet.

    1Turn power OFF beorecharging. Plug the charger intothe charger port on the electricscooter.




    qInating the TireThe ront tire is infated when shipped, but it invariably may lose some pressure between the point o

    manuacturing and your purchase.

    1Using a bicycle style tirepump equipped or a Schrader-

    type valve, infate the ront tireto the correct PSI indicated onthe sidewall o the tire.

    Note:The pressurized airsupplies ound at gasoline

    stations are designed to infatehigh-volume automobile tires.I you decide to use such anair supply to infate the tire,rst make sure the pressuregauge is working, then use veryshort bursts to infate to thecorrect PSI. I you inadvertentlyover-infate the tire, release theexcess pressure immediately.

    2Depress the push button (a)located on the ront ork andinsert the handlebar stem untilthe button locks securely intothe ork.

    3Adjust the tension o thequick release to where you canclose the lever all the way tosecure the stem.

    1 Open the quick release.


    Note:Make sure the cables/wires are out o the way beoreinserting the stem into the ork.

    WARNING: Failureto recharge the battery at leastonce a month may result ina battery that will no longeraccept a charge.

    WARNING: Alwaysdisconnect your scooter romthe charger beore cleaning withliquid.

    Note:I your charger does notlook like the one illustrated,your unit has been suppliedwith an alternative charger.The specications and chargingprocedure would not change.

    The charger has a small windowwith one LED or two LEDs toindicate the charge status.Reer to the illustration onthe charger unit or the actual

    charging and charged statusindications or your modelcharger.

    Chargers have built-in over-charge protection to preventbattery rom being over-charged.

    Charger will get warm duringuse. This is normal or somechargers and is no cause orconcern. I your charger doesnot get warm during use, it doesnot mean that it is not workingproperly.

  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us




    Need Help? Visit our web site or replacement parts, product support and a list o authorized service centers

    at www.razor.com or call toll ree 866-467-2967Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM Pacifc Time.

    Saety GearAlways wear proper protective gear such as an approved saetyhelmet. Elbow pads and kneepads are recommended. Alwayswear athletic shoes (lace-up shoes with rubber soles), never ridebareooted or in sandals, and keep shoelaces tied and out o theway o the wheels, motor and drive system.

    BatteryMake sure the power switch is turned o whenever the scooter isnot in use. Never store the product in reezing or below reezingtemperatures! Freezing will permanently damange the battery.

    BrakeCheck the brakes or proper unction. When you squeeze the lever,the brake should provide positive braking action. When you applythe brake with the speed control on, the brake cut-o switchshould stop the motor. Make sure that brakes are not rubbing.

    rame, ork and HandlebarsCheck or cracks or broken connections. Although broken ramesare rare, it is possible or an aggressive rider to run into a curbor wall and wreck and bend or break a rame. Get in the habit oinspecting your scooter on a regular basis.

    TiresPeriodically inspect the tires or excess wear, and regularly checkthe ront tire pressure and re-infate as necessary.






    Do not use this product or the frst time until you have inatedthe ront tire to the correct PSI and charged the battery or at

    least 18 hours. ailure to ollow these instructions may damageyour product and void your warranty.


    Turn power switch OFF before conducting any maintenance procedures.

    1To adjust the brake cableplay, thread the brake leveradjuster in or out 1/4 to 1/2 turnuntil the desired brake adjust-ment is attained. Mostadjustments are complete atthis step. I brake still needsurther adjustment, proceed tostep 2.

    2 I brake is too tight or hastoo much slack, use a 10mmopen wrench to loosen thebrake cable and adjust accord-ingly.

    3 Inspect the brake pads (A)or proper alignment againstthe wheel or excess wear. Torealign brake pads, loosen thexing nut (B) and adjust the padto contact the rim. Retightenand test. Readjust as needed.

    qAdjusting the BrakesTools required: 10mm wrench

  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us


    qChain and Rear Wheel ReplacementTools required: Phillips screwdriver, 10mm wrench, two (2) 8mm wrenches, and two (2) 13mm wrenches.

    1With a Phillips screwdriver,loosen the two screws andremove the chain guard.

    2Using two 13mm wrenches,loosen the locknuts by turningthe wrenches counter clockwise.

    3 To loosen the chain, push thetensioner down to create someslack in the chain.

    1 Using a 10mm open wrench,loosen the brake cable bolt.

    qront Wheel ReplacementTools required: 10mm wrench, two (2) 17mm wrenches and a fathead screwdriver.

    2Using two 17mm wrenches,loosen the locknuts by turn-ing the wrenches counterclockwise. Remove wheel andinstall replacement wheel.









    Right Side (Throttle)

    8-3 - (Short) spacer

    8-2 - Washer


    8-2 - Washer

    8-1 - 17mm locknut

    Left Side (Brake)

    8-5 - (Short) spacer

    8-2 - Washer


    8-2 - Washer

    8-1 - 17mm locknut


    8-6 - Front axle bolt

    Note:Front wheel hardwaresequence


    4 Remove wheel and installreplacement wheel.(Notethe sequence o thehardware)


    5Push the chain tensionerdown to install the chain onboth sprockets.

    6With two 13mm wrenches,re-tighten the locknuts.

    Note:Rear wheel hardwaresequence

    Right Side (Throttle)

    18-1 M8 Nut

    18-2 Washer (2)


    18-3 Plate cut washer

    18-4 (Short) Spacer

    Left Side (Brake)

    18-1 M8 Nut

    18-2 Washer (2)


    18-3 Plate cut washer

    18-4 (Long) Spacer

    7Re-attach the chain guard.

  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us



    Need Help? Visit our web site or replacement parts, product support and a list o authorized service centers

    at www.razor.com or call toll ree 866-467-2967Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM Pacifc Time.

    qBattery Care and DisposalDo not store the battery in temperatures above 75 or below -10 F.


    Disposal: Your Razor product uses sealed lead-acid batteries which must be recycled or disposed o in anenvironmentally sae manner. Do not dispose o a lead-acid battery in a re. The battery may explode or leak. Do not

    dispose o a lead-acid battery in your regular household trash. The incineration, land lling or mixing o sealed lead-acid batteries with household trash is prohibited by law in most areas. Return exhausted batteries to a ederal or stateapproved lead-acid battery recycler or a local seller o automotive batteries. I you live in Florida or Minnesota, it isprohibited by law to throw away lead-acid batteries in the municipal waste stream.

    qChargerThe charger supplied with the electric scooter should be regularly examined or damage to the cord, plug, enclosureand other parts and in the event o such damage, the product must not be charged until it has been repaired orreplaced.

    Use ONLY with the recommended charger.

    qWheelsWheels and drive system are subject to normal wear and tear. It is the responsibility o the user to periodically inspect

    wheels or excess wear and adjust and replace drive train components as required.

    qReplacement PartsThe most requently requested replacement parts are available or purchase at some Razor retail partners. For thecomplete selection o replacement parts visit www.razor.com/shop.

    qRepair CentersFor a list o authorized Razor repair centers:Checkonlineatwww.razor.com. Call866-467-2967forthecenternearestyou.

    WARNING:I a batteryleak develops, avoid contact withthe leaking acid and place thedamaged battery in a plastic bag.Reer to the disposal instructions atlet. I acid comes into contact with

    skin or eyes, fush with cool wateror at least 15 minutes and contacta physician.

    WARNING:Batteryposts, terminals and relatedaccessories contain lead and leadcompounds.Wash your handsafter handling.


  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us




    Scooter does not run

    Scooter suddenlystopped working whilein use

    Short run time (lessthan 15 minutes percharge)

    Scooter runs sluggishly

    Problem Possible Cause Solution

    Scooter must be traveling 3mphbefore motor will engage.

    Battery needs a charge

    Charger is not working

    Tripped circuit breaker

    Undercharged battery

    Battery is old and will not acceptull charge

    Brakes are not adjusted properly

    Riding conditions are too stressul

    Tire is not properly infated

    Scooter is overloaded

    Brake dragging

    Brakes are not adjusted properly

    Kick start to 3mph while twisting the throttle to engage motor.

    Charge the battery. A new battery should be charged or at least 18hours beore using the scooter or the rst time and up to 12 hours

    ater each subsequent use.

    Check all connectors. Make sure the charger connector is tightlyplugged into the charging port, and that the charger is plugged intothe wall.

    Make sure power fow to the wall outlet is on.

    Check all wires and connectors to make sure they are tight.

    The circuit breaker (next to on/o switch) will automatically shut othe power i the motor is overloaded.An excessive overload, such as too heavy a rider or too steep a hill,could cause the motor to overheat. I the scooter suddenly stopsrunning, wait a ew seconds and then push the breaker to reset thecircuit. Correct the conditions that caused the breaker to trip to avoidrepeatedly tripping the breaker.

    Charge the battery. A new battery should be charged or at least 18hours beore using the scooter or the rst time and up to 12 hoursater each subsequent use.Check all wires and connectors. Make sure the battery connector istightly plugged into the charger connector, and that the charger is

    plugged into the wall.

    Make sure power fow to the wall outlet is on.

    Even with proper care, a rechargeable battery does not last orever.Average battery lie is 1 to 2 years depending on scooter use andconditions. Replace only with a Razor replacement battery.

    Reer to adjusting the brakes instructions on page 4.Use only on solid, fat, clean and dry suraces such as pavement orlevel ground.

    The tire is infated when shipped, but it invariably will lose some

    pressure between the point o manuacturing and your purchase.Reer to instructions on page 3 o this manual to properly infate tire.

    Make sure you do not overload the scooter by allowing more thanone rider at a time, exceeding the electric scooters 120 pounds (54kg)maximum weight limit, going up a hill or towing objects behind thescooter. I the scooter is overloaded, the circuit breaker may trip andshut o power to the motor. Correct the riding conditions that causedthe overload, wait a ew seconds, and then push the breaker to resetthe circuit. Avoid repeatedly tripping the circuit breaker.Use your ngers to twist the adjuster in either direction until rontwheel is centered between pads.

    Reer to adjusting the brakes instructions on page 4.

  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us




    Sometimes the scooterdoesnt run, but othertimes it does

    Scooter makes loudnoises or grindingsounds

    Problem Possible Cause Solution

    Loose wires or connectors

    Motor or electrical switchdamage

    Chain is too dry

    Check all wires around the motors and all connectors to make surethey are tight.

    Contact your local Razor authorized service center or diagnosis andrepair.

    Apply a lubricant such as 3 in 1TM

    or Tri-FlowTM

    to the chain.

    For more helpul troubleshooting guides, visit us at www.razor.com.

  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us


    Keep your scooter running or years with genuine Razor parts. Visit our web site or e-mail us or more inormation on spare part availability.(Specications subject to change without notice.)

    E100/E125/E150/E175 PARTS


    01 Handlebar grip (right/let)

    02 Single speed twist grip throttle

    02-1 Sleeve03 Handlebar stem

    04 Brake lever assembly

    05 Quick release lever

    06 Headset (upper/lower)

    07 Front ork

    07-1 V Spring push button

    08 Limiter

    09 Front wheel complete

    (See pg. 5 or hardware sequence)

    10 Front caliper brake with brake pad

    11 On/ O switch

    12 Charger port

    13 Reset button14 Control module

    15 Battery (2- 12V/ 4.5Ah)

    16 Kickstand

    17 Motor (24V / 100W)

    18 Rear wheel complete

    (See pg. 5 or hardware sequence)

    19 Chain tensioner

    20 Chain

    21 Chain guard

    22 Deck plate with grip tape

    Need Help? Visit our web site or replacement parts, product support and a list o authorized service centers

    at www.razor.com or call toll ree 866-467-2967Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM Pacifc Time.

  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us








  • 7/31/2019 e100 Manual Us Version1!01!10 Us


    Razor Limited WarrantyThe manuacturer warranties this product to be ree o manuacturing deectsor a period o 90 days rom date o purchase. This Limited Warranty doesnot cover normal wear and tear, tires, tubes or cables, or any damage, ailureor loss caused by improper assembly, maintenance, or storage or use o theRazor E100, E125, E150, E175.

    This Limited Warranty will be void i the product is everusedinamannerotherthanforrecreationortransportationmodiedinanyway;rented.

    The manuacturer is not liable or incidental or consequential loss or damagedue directly or indirectly to the use o this product.


    U.S. Design Patent D497,397 S

    Printed in China or:Razor USA LLCPO Box 3610Cerritos, CA 90703

    Copyright 2003-2010 Razor USA LLC. All rights reserved. RAZOR and the Razor Logo Designare among the registered trademarks o Razor USA LLC in the United States and/or select oreigncountries.

    Razor does not oer an extended warranty. I you have purchased anextended warranty, it must be honored by the store at which it waspurchased.

    For your records, save your original sales receipt with this manual and writethe serial number below.


    Need Help? Visit our web site or replacement parts, product support and a list o authorized service centers at

    www.razor.com or call toll ree 866-467-2967Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM Pacifc Time.



    E100 Red 13111260

    E100 Pink 13111261

    E100 Daisy 13111061

    E100 Sweet Pea 13111263

    E100 Hello Kitty 13111264

    E125 Red 13111110

    E125 Silver 13111101

    E125 Black 13125E-BK

    E150 Red 13111601

    E150 Pink 13111661

    E175 Red 13111259

    Item Number:

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