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  • 8/14/2019 E3 - WM Brazil August - September 09 Praises 10-29-2009



    In taking the gospel to the ends of the world, we are called to testify to the truth about

    Jesus and how He has changed our lives. How shall they believe in Him of whom they have

    not heard? (Rom. 10:14).

    It is time to share and celebrate what God has done during our Global Missions ministry

    trips in August and September. All the Glory and Honor to our Savior Jesus Christ.

    Brazil Foz do Iguacu Parana State

    August 7 -15

    WM team: 3 (Nancy and Mike Shelly and Auzelio Santini)

    Number of people who accepted Jesus as Savior = 46

    Church planted: 1

    Thank you for your prayers. God answered each one of our requests. He give me wisdom as

    I trained Pastor Rodrigues, e3 regional coordinator for Foz do Iguacu area, on e3

    procedures and guide lines for utilizing e3 methodology and tools to ignite a Church

    Planting Movement in the Foz do Iguacu region. God gave us boldness and words as we

    encountered Muslims, Buddhists, and Catholics.

    Buddhist temple - Foz do Iguacu Mosque - Foz do Iguacu

    Our WM team of three worked with Pastor Genildo Igreja Batista Jardim Sao Paulo. He

    had a vision to plant a church in a neighborhood near the church building. When we firstvisited the plant church site, trash was the word that come to my mind. TRASHnoun

    anything worthless, useless, or discarded; rubbish (dictionary.com). People that reside in

    this area make their income by collecting trash bags from houses in the vicinities selecting

    what to sell, what to eat, what to trash.

  • 8/14/2019 E3 - WM Brazil August - September 09 Praises 10-29-2009


    At this point I knew we were in the place that God wanted us to be. He loves His people

    and sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for you and for them.

    Lately, I have realized that during mission trips we find the best opportunities to disciple

    people that are with us. I thank God that He allowed me to spend time with Mike and

    Nancy sharing the Gospel and making disciples. Mike and I made our first visit to a young

    man. It was a blessing to see Mikes passion when sharing his testimony and presenting theGospel to this young man. On the same day I spent some time talking and ministering to

    C, a man that makes his income selecting garbage for others. Both of them came every

    night to Bible study at the church building.

    Mike sharing the Gospel Nancy and C

    Pastor Rodrigues e3 regional coordinator Windermere Ministry Team

  • 8/14/2019 E3 - WM Brazil August - September 09 Praises 10-29-2009


    Brazil Aguas Lindas Brasilia DF

    August 15 - 22

    WM team: 1Number of people who accepted Jesus as Savior = 438

    Churches planted = 3

    Thank you for your prayers. God answered each one of our requests. He gave me wisdom,

    kindness, leadership skills as I led this campaign as a Church Planter alongside Carol

    Wilson, e3 Church Plant Coordinator. God also give me wisdom as I trained Pastor

    Joaquim, e3 regional coordinator for Brasilia region, on e3 procedures and guide lines to

    ignite a Church Planting Movement in Brasilia utilizing e3 methodology and tools.

    God gave us boldness and words as we encountered people living in poverty, abusive

    situations, and addiction to alcohol.

    In Aguas Lindas our e3 team worked with four churches evangelizing their neighborhood

    and mission points. We spent two days in each site. We divided our American short term

    missionaries in two teams and each one of them worked in one of those four sites for two

    days. We also conducted services with Bible studies on all evenings where New Life in

    Christ discipleship material was utilized.

    Pr. Joaquim e3 regional coordinator We PRAY We EVANGELIZE

  • 8/14/2019 E3 - WM Brazil August - September 09 Praises 10-29-2009


    We study the Bible MADE disciples of Jesus Christ.

    Bob and I went to visit a family (pictured above) and as Bob started to share the Gospel,

    we realized that God had a plan here is Bobs testimony The visit with Amelia (59),Janulina (56) and Ivanilda (19) was filled with the Holy Spirit as these three women were

    transformed from ignoring us at the beginning of our visit, then identifying with

    experiences like those in my testimony, to ultimately accepting Jesus as their Savior.

    Though the older two women could not read, they were brilliant in the follow up Bible


    As we evangelized and made disciples in Aguas

    Lindas, we had the opportunity to meet Godly

    men and women. It was amazing learning what

    God has done in Antoniasand Roneis lives and

    family. She and her husband used to compete

    on who could drink more at the bars. Today,

    both of them, along with Jeilson (14), Jean

    (15), and Victor (9) started a church in their

    house. As we visited them God used us to bring

    a word of encouragement to the family.

    Ronei Antonia Jeilson Victor Jean

    Brazilians are very open to the Gospel and are willing to participate in Bible studies and

    services. We need to be very intentional in not only presenting the Gospel but also to start

    the discipleship process by being Christs hands and feet. We also need to continue to

    develop in ourselves a sense of empowering the nationals (i.e. having them more and more

    involved in leading activities in the field as well as in evening Bible studies). I believe this

    will ignite a strong and steady church planting movement among Brazilian churches.

  • 8/14/2019 E3 - WM Brazil August - September 09 Praises 10-29-2009


    Brazil Santo Andre - Sao Paulo State

    August 22 -29

    WM team: 4

    Number of people who accepted Jesus as Savior = 136

    Churches planted = 3

    Thank you for your prayers. God answered each one of our requests. God gave me wisdom,

    kindness and teaching skills as I trained Paul Boyes, e3 staff, on e3 procedures and guide

    lines to become an e3 Church Planting leader. He was excellent!!

    God gave us boldness and words as we encountered people living in poverty, abusive

    situations, prostitution, addition to drugs and alcohol.

    God protected us against the enemy as witchcraft is a very common practice in Santo


    In Santo Andre Sao Paulo our e3 team partnered with two churches to evangelize four

    distinct areas where pastors had a vision to plant new churches. We worked in three slams

    (favelas) areas and in the churches neighborhood. We also had all the evening services

    with Bible study with discipleship material in Portuguese New Life in Christ.

    Despite the fact that we had some raining days and worked in some very rough areas,

  • 8/14/2019 E3 - WM Brazil August - September 09 Praises 10-29-2009


    our team kept on GOING, kept on SHARING, and kept on MAKING DISCIPLES

    The day was almost over, it was cold and we were all

    wet since it had been raining all that afternoon. I sawSueli and started to talk with her. I asked Teresa,

    who was a few yards from me finishing talking with

    someone, to share her testimony with Sueli. Same

    story, same problems, same lack of hope. Teresa then

    shared with her the Salvation Plan and Sueli accepted

    Jesus as Savior. She was joyful when she left and

    started to share with her next door neighbor about


    Now she will be spending eternity in Heaven.Two of our campaigners, Kirk Stenersen and

    Naomi Stenersen, are cousins. He lives in New

    Hampshire and Naomi lives in Washington State.

    Here is part of their stories We could not

    determine if she was sincere, but I really felt we

    needed to try again, so we did. She is a 17 year

    old and had accepted Christ at a younger age, but

    had left God, church and relationships with her

    Christian family. She re-committed to Christ and

    wept as we prayed. It was an encouragement

    because my sister has walked away from Christ. Kirk Stenersen

    We went to a house and a lady was out getting a package that came in the mail. She wasexpecting a baby and was due in a few weeks. I shared my testimony and realized we have

    same story. Shereceived Christ against her familys wishes and then asked us to pray for

    her baby too. Naomi Stenersen

  • 8/14/2019 E3 - WM Brazil August - September 09 Praises 10-29-2009


    Brazil Sao Paulo City Sao Paulo State

    August 29 September 7

    WM and e3 team: 1

    Thank you for your prayers. God answered each one of our requests. God gave me wisdom

    as I initiated contacts with pastors and churches with the intent to forge partnerships

    with e3 to host campaigns in 2010. God provided ten new churches and I met with the

    pastors and some other ministries to plan e3 trips for 2010. God gave me discernment in

    realizing where He wants us to be conducting campaigns in 2010. He also gave me steam

    and energy since this was the fourth week of working in Brazil. As always, God provides an

    oasis of rest.

    Meetings were arranged in Santo Andre, Sao Paulo, Campinas, and Sao Jose dos Campos.

    As I visited nine churches in Brazil of different denominations, I was amazed by how

    Brazilian churches are obedient to the Great Commission. They send missionaries overseas,

    they have outreach in other states in Brazil and in their neighborhood, but all of them

    want to host an e3 campaign and learn e3s methodology of planting churches. They all have

    the same vision to ignite a church planting movement in all of Brazil.

    Sao Paulo Sao Paulo

  • 8/14/2019 E3 - WM Brazil August - September 09 Praises 10-29-2009


    Santo Andre Pr. Antonio Igreja Familia de Jesus

    Thank you to all of you who prayed; you were as much a part of our teams as if you were

    there with us. I greatly appreciate you.

    Have a blessed day.

    In His grip always,

    Auzelio Santini

    Matthew 25: 35-36For I was hungry and you gave me something to

    eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger

    and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sickand you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

    Everyone you meet is in need of either evangelizing or training.

    Evangelize the lost and train the ChristiansDavid Garrison

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