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  • 8/10/2019 E61500





  • 8/10/2019 E61500


    Putting VESPEL* towork in your system

    DuPont VESPEL SP polyimidebearings have been hard at workfor more than twenty years, keep-ing equipment running longer

    and with less maintenance thanconventional bearing materials.VESPEL bearings are the cost-effective choice in thousands ofapplications, because theyretough and lightweight, and resistwear and creepeven at ex-tremes of temperature. Theycan outperform metals and otherengineering plastics under awide range of conditions.

    The design guide is providedto help you choose the VESPEL

    bearing that is best suited to yourapplication. Inside you will find:

    general information aboutbearing design;

    a method for determiningpressure-velocity (PV) loadingin your application;

    guidelines for selecting thecorrect SP polyimide for PVloadings found in practice;

    considerations for use in the

    design of VESPEL bearings; and

    a sample bearing designproblem.

    If you have any questions onbearings that are not answered inthis brochure, contact your localVESPEL sales engineer or thesales office nearest you.

    * DuPont registered trademark forpolyimide parts and machining stock.

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    Table of Contents

    VESPEL Bearings vs. Other Materials 2 & 3

    How To Choose a Bearing Material 4

    PV LoadingA Prime Factor in Material Selection 4

    Determining Your PV Requirements 4

    PV Limits of Unlubricated Bearing Materials 5

    Designing VESPEL Bearings 6

    Effects of Surface Temperature on Wear Characteristics 6

    Wear Transition Temperature 6

    Frictional Behavior 7

    Mating Material and Surface Finish 8

    Lubrication and Other Bearing Design Considerations 9

    Proportions 10

    Running Clearances for Journal Bearings 10

    Wall Thickness for Journal Bearings 11

    Installation of Journal Bearings 11

    Sample Design Problem 12 & 13


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    VESPEL Bearings vs. Other Materials

    The ability of a bearing to perform in a given application depends,in general, on:

    the operating environment, including temperature and lubrication

    load or pressure on the bearing surface sliding velocity of the mating surface relative to the bearing

    hardness and finish of the mating surface

    frictional behavior of the bearing material

    thickness of the bearing material combined with the materials abilityto dissipate heat of friction.

    VESPEL parts, made from DuPonts SP polyimide resins, performwell with or without lubrication under conditions that destroy most otherplastics and cause severe wear in most metals. VESPEL bearingsreduce or eliminate problems with abrasion, corrosion, adhesion,fatigue and wear that plague conventional bearing materials, especially

    when used without lubricants.VESPEL bearings can accommodate higher pressure-velocity (PV)

    loading than most high-performance engineering plastics. In addition,VESPEL bearings excel over a wide range of temperatures andstresses because they retain their outstanding creep resistance, abra-sion resistance and strength. They have performed successfully in thefollowing adverse environments:

    air and inert gases at 700F (371C)

    gamma and electron beam radiation

    high vacuum (1010torr)

    hydraulic fluids and jet fuels

    liquid hydrogen

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    Unlike ordinary ball, needle and roller bearings, VESPEL* bearings:

    need no external lubrication

    perform at temperatures where lubricants break down

    perform well in dirty environments

    can reduce noise, weight and costs

    Compared with bronze, brass and porous metal bearings, VESPELbearings:

    extend the life of other components by eliminating metal-to-metalwear

    withstand combinations of temperature, prssure and surfacevelocity beyond the reach of unlubricated metals

    resist creep and poundout eliminate problems of lubricant loss in the presence of paper dust

    or lint

    Compared with other polymer bearings, VESPEL bearings:

    perform at temperatures, pressures and surface velocities thatother plastics cannot survive

    increase creep and poundout resistance

    machine like brass and hold tighter tolerances

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    How to Choose a Bearing Material

    PV LoadingA Prime Factor

    in Material Selection

    PV is the product of load or pressure(P) and sliding velocity (V). A plasticbearing subjected to increasing PV

    loading will eventually reach a pointof failure known as the PV limit. Thefailure point is usually manifested byan abrupt increase in the wear rateof the bearing material.

    As long as the mechanical strengthof the bearing material is not ex-ceeded, the temperature of the bear-ing surface is generally the mostimportant factor in determining PVlimit. Therefore, anything that affectssurface temperaturecoefficient of

    friction, thermal conductivity, lubrica-tion, ambient temperature, runningclearance, hardness and surface finishof mating materialswill also affectthe PV limit of the bearing.

    The first step in evaluating a bear-ing material consists of determiningwhether the PV limit of that materialwill be exceeded in your application. Itis usually prudent to allow a generoussafety margin in determining PV limits,because real operating conditionsoften are more rigorous than experi-

    mental conditions.

    Determining Your PV


    1. First determine the static loadingper unit area (P) that the bearingmust withstand in operation.

    For journal bearing configurations:

    P = W/(d b)

    P = pressure, psi (kg/cm2)

    W = static load, lb (kg)

    d = bearing surface ID, in. (cm)

    b = bearing length, in. (cm)

    N = rotation speed, rpm

    For thrust bearing

    configurations:P = 4W/(D2 d2)

    P = pressure, psi (kg/cm2)

    W = static load, lb (kg)

    d = bearing surface ID, in. (cm)

    D = bearing surface OD, in. (cm)

    N = rotation speed, rpm

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    For either bearing configuration, pressure (P) should not exceed thevalues shown here at room temperature:

    Allowable Static Bearing Pressure

    Composition SP-1 SP-21 SP-22 SP-211

    Fabrication Direct Direct Direct DirectProcess Mach. Formed Mach. Formed Mach. Formed Mach. Formed

    P, psi 7,400 4,800 6,600 4,900 6,000 3,700 5,400 4,000P, kg/cm2 520 337 464 345 422 260 380 281

    2. Next, calculate the velocity (V) of the bearing relative to the matingsurface:

    Journal Bearing Thrust Bearing

    Continuous Rotation V = (DN) V = (DMN)

    Oscillatory Motion V = (dN) (/180) V = (DMN) (/180)


    N = speed of rotation, rpm or cycles/minDM = (D + d)/2, in. (cm)

    = angle between limits of oscillation, degreesV = surface velocity, in./min (cm/min)

    3. Finally, calculate PV:

    PV(psi-ft/min) = P(psi) V(in/min) / 12or, in metric units:

    PV(kg/cm2-m/sec) = P(kg/cm2) V(cm/min) / 6000

    PV Limits of Unlubricated Bearing Materials

    Table 1 shows the maximum PV limits for unlubricated VESPEL partsand several other unlubricated bearing materials under conditions ofcontinuous motion. Properly lubricated VESPEL parts can withstandapproximately 1 million psi-ft/min.



    lb-ft kg-m Contact Temperature

    Material Filler in2-min cm2-sec F C

    SP-21 15% Graphite 300,000 107 740 393

    SP-22 40% Graphite 300,000 107 740 393

    SP-211 15% Graphite 100,000 36 500 260

    10% PTFEPTFE* Unfilled 1,800 0.64 500 260

    PTFE* 1525% Glass 12,500 4.5 500 260

    PTFE* 25% Carbon 20,000 7.1 500 260

    PTFE* 60% Bronze 18,500 6.6 500 260

    Nylon Unfilled 4,000 1.4 300 217

    Acetal PTFE 7,500 2.7 250 201Unfilled 3,500 1.2

    *At 100 fpm.

    ** These guideline values are supplied for reference only. PV limits for any materialvary with different combinations of pressure and velocity as well as with other testconditions. Consult manufacturers literature for detailed information.

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    Designing VESPEL Bearings

    Effects of Surface

    Temperature on Wear


    PV is a very useful measure indetermining the suitability of amaterial for a bearing application.However, contact pressure andsliding velocity alone do notadequately characterize bearingmaterials. Temperature, systemgeometry and mating surfacematerial also play significantroles in wear of bearings.

    Of the factors just named,temperature is generally the mostimportant, because it not only

    affects the coefficient of frictionbut also determines the usablecombinations of pressure andsliding velocity, or PV. Wearcharacteristics of VESPELbearings will be moderate evenat high PVs if sufficient cooling isprovided. Wear can be severe atany PV if the ambient tempera-ture is too high. The wear resis-tance of a VESPEL bearingoperating at a temperature belowits limit can be predicted from an

    experimentally determined WearFactor.The wear factor is derivedfrom an equation relating thevolume of material removed bywear in a given time per unit ofload and surface velocity.

    v = KFVT


    V = wear volume, in3(cm3)

    K = wear factor, in3-min/ft-lb-h(cm3-min/m-kg-h)

    F = supported load, lb (kg)

    T = time, h

    V = velocity, ft/min (m/sec)

    For flat surfaces the equation ismodified so that:

    X = KPVT


    X = wear depth, in. (cm)

    P = pressure, psi (kg/cm2)

    Wear Transition


    The wear rate of a plastic mate-rial operating in air is proportional

    to the product of pressure andvelocity (PV) if the surfacetemperature does not exceed acritical value called Wear Transi-tion Temperature.Above thewear transition temperature, wearincreases dramatically. For SPresins, the wear transition tem-perature is in the range 900to1000F (482to 538C) invacuum or inert gases, and 700to 750F (371to 399C) in air.

    As Figure 1 shows, the wearfactor of VESPEL bearings madewith SP-21 resin is essentiallyconstant over a wide range ofoperating conditions, as long assurface temperature does notexceed the wear transitiontemperature.

    FIGURE 1Wear Factor vs. Surface Temp for SP-21vs. Carbon Steel Thrust Bearing TesterNo Lubrication PV of 1,000 to 500,000 lb/in2ft/min (310-155,000 N/cm2m/min)

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    FIGURE 2Wear Factor and Friction Coefficient for Unlubricated Operation AgainstMild Carbon Steel

    Frictional Behavior

    Temperature, pressure and velocity all affect the dynamic coefficient offriction. Typical coefficients of friction for various SP polyimide composi-tions are shown in Table 2 below.

    The coefficients of friction for filled SP compositions undergo atransition at about 300F (149C), as shown in Figure 2. Below thistemperature the frictional behavior is similar to that of 66 nylon, but

    above 300F (149C) the frictional forces drop sharply, and in the rangeof 400to 1000F (204to 538C), the friction characteristics of SPcompositions remain independent of temperature. The friction transitionis not associated with wear transition. The magnitude of the transition,and the wear rate below 300F (149C), are greatly reduced in SP-211.

    The designer must allow for the higher frictional forces, resulting fromtwo separate phenomena, which may be present during start-up. Oneis the transfer of a layer of SP polyimide resin/filler composition to themating surface and the second is the temperature transition for SPpolyimide resins. During restart, it may not be necessary under serviceconditions to break in a new layer, but the temperature effect is revers-ible and will continue to operate at each restart.

    TABLE 2Typical Coefficients of FrictionUnlubricated Thrust Bearing Test


    Conditions SP-21 SP-22 SP-211British (SI) Units polyimide polyimide polyimide

    Static 0.30 0.27 0.20

    P = 50 psi (0.34 MPa)V = 500 fpm (2.54 m/s) 0.24 0.20 0.21

    P = 100 psi (0.69 MPa)V = 100 fpm (0.51 m/s) 0.30 0.24 0.24

    P = 100 psi (0.69 MPa)V = 300 fpm (1.52 m/s) 0.28 0.21 0.20

    P = 100 psi (0.69 MPa)V = 1000 fpm (5.08 m/s) 0.12 0.09 0.08

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    Mating Material and Surface Finish

    The wear performance of VESPELparts can be substantiallyaffected by the hardness of the mating material and its surface finish.Unlubricated bearing wear rates can be reduced by increasing thehardness and decreasing the roughness of the mating surface. Ingeneral, a ground surface finish on the mating material is preferable

    to a turned surface. A fine polishing operation is often beneficial. Thefinishing operation should be in the same direction as the bearingmotion relative to the mating surface.

    Aluminum and zinc are not good mating surfaces for plastic bearingsbecause the softness of these materials can lead to rapid wear. If used,aluminum should be hardened or, preferably, anodized. Die-cast alumi-num with high silica content is very abrasive to VESPEL. Chromeplating is not necessary and may cause greater wear than a polishedsteel surface. The porosity of the chrome tends to micro-machine theVESPEL surface. In general, the metal surface should be as hard andsmooth as is practical.

    Plastic is not a good mating material for VESPEL bearings and, if

    used, should be limited to low PV conditions. The softness of a plasticmating surface can lead to high wear. In addition, since plastics arerelatively poor thermal conductors, plastic-to-plastic bearing interfacesrun hotter than plastic-to-metal interfaces, so metal plastic bearingsystems have higher PV limits than plastic-plastic bearing systems.Figure 3 illustrates the effects of mating material hardness and finishon wear performance.

    FIGURE 3Effect of Mating Material Hardness on Wear

    Thrust Bearing Tester No Lubrication

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    Lubrication and

    Other Bearing Design


    When determining whetherbearings need to be lubricated,the following points should beconsidered:

    A one-time lubrication, consist-ing of an initial greasing or use ofdry lubricant, generally reducesbreak-in wear and improvesoverall wear resistance.

    Lubrication of bearings canincrease the PV limit by reducingcoefficient of friction and helpingto remove wear debris. Circula-tion of the lubricant can furtherincrease the PV limit by coolingthe bearing.

    Lubrication with a chemicallycompatible fluid to wet VESPELbearings will reduce both frictionand wear rates. The amount ofreduction increases with increas-ing fluid film thickness, which inturn increases with fluid viscosityand surface velocity, and de-creases with increasing bearingpressure. Application geometrywill also affect the reduction offriction. Even thin film lubricantscan reduce dry wear rates by a

    factor of 10 or more. Thick films,which cause complete separationof the solid mating surfaces, cantheoretically reduce wear tonegligible proportions.

    The frictional behavior of abearing system using thin filmlubrication is determined by theproperties of the bearing materialas well as by the properties of thelubricant. Frictional behavior isdetermined exclusively by the

    lubricant properties with thickfilm lubrication.

    Unlubricated bearings shouldhave surface grooves to carrywear debris out of the interface.In lubricated systems the groovescan help increase the supply oflubricant. The effect of groovingon bearing pressure should beconsidered.

    Because it does not wet SPresin, water is not an effectivethin film or boundary lubricant forVESPEL bearings. In fact, watercan adversely affect the wear rateof dry VESPEL bearings. How-ever, periodic contamination bycasual water should not causeany problems.

    Purging an unlubricatedVESPEL bearing with nitrogengas can reduce wear rates to

    less than 20% of the correspond-ing rate in air. In addition, opera-tion in nitrogen can increase thewear transition temperature byat least 100F (56C) above thevalue in air.

    For applications in dirtyenvironments, sealing or purg-ing should be considered forprevention of bearing surfacecontamination.

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    Journal Bearings: For optimumperformance of VESPEL journalbearing, l/d (length/diameter)ratios in the order of 1/2 to 3/2 aresuggested. If a long bearing isrequired, consider using twobearings with a gap betweenthem. Smaller values of l/d willresult in:

    more efficient debris removal

    less sensitivity to shaft deflec-tion and misalignment

    better heat dissipation

    cost advantages due to lowerfabrication costs

    Thrust Bearings: For optimumperformance of VESPEL thrustbearings, it is best not to exceeda ratio of outside to inside diam-

    eter (D/d) of 2. Ratios greaterthan 2 can cause overheating atthe outside edge, and problemsmay arise from lack of flatnessand from trapped wear debris.

    Running Clearances for

    Journal Bearings

    Although VESPEL bearings havemuch lower coefficients of thermalexpansion than most plastics,minimal running clearances arerequired. Normal operating clear-

    ances for VESPEL journal bearingsare from 0.3% to 0.5% of shaftdiameter, depending on the appli-cation. In general, heavier loadsrequire larger clearances. Closerrunning clearances can be engi-neered by slotting the bearing toallow for circumferential thermalexpansion.

    Use the following formula todetermine VESPEL bearing designinside diameter adjusted for thermalexpansion of the bearing system:

    Bearing design ID = shaft diam-eter at room temperature +change in shaft diameter due totemperature change + operatingclearance of shaft + change inthe bearing wall thickness due totemperature change in housingdiameter due to temperature.

    ID = D(1+ ST1+C)+2t SpT2dBT3


    d = housing diameter

    D = shaft diameter at ambienttemperature

    C = shaft operating clearance,percent of shaft diameter

    S = coefficient of expansion ofshaft material

    Sp = coefficient of thermalexpansion of VESPEL bearing

    t = VESPEL bearing wallthickness

    T1 = temperature rise for the shaft

    T2 = temperature rise for thebearing

    T3 = temperature rise for thehousing

    B = coefficient of expansion ofbore material

    Running clearances for VESPELbearings usually do not have to beadjusted for moisture, because SPpolyimides absorb very little mois-ture. See the brochure Propertiesof VESPEL Parts and Shapes, formoisture absorption curves.


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    TABLE 3Coefficient of Thermal Expansion ()

    Composition SP-1 SP-21 SP-22 SP-211

    Fabrication Direct Direct Direct DirectProcess Mach. Formed Mach. Formed Mach. Formed Mach. Formed


    106in/in/F 30 28 27 23 21 15 30 23


    106cm/cm/C 54 50 49 41 38 27 54 41

    Wall Thickness for Journal Bearings

    VESPEL journal bearing walls should be as thin as possible, becausethin walls:

    improve dissipation of frictional heat

    reduce running clearance variations resulting from thermal- andmoisture-related dimensional changes

    reduce distortion under high loading

    For most applications, the typical wall thickness for VESPEL bearingsranges from 0.06 in. to 0.125 in. (1.5 to 3.2 mm).

    Installation of Journal Bearings

    VESPEL journal bearings can be installed either mechanically or withadhesive.

    To press fit VESPEL bearings into metal, the suggested practice is touse a low-interference fit. After it is pressed into place, the bore of thebearing will be reduced by 90% of the calculated diametral interference,which will result in a small compressive load in the bearing wall. Atypical interference fit is 0.5%, but press-fit interference should beadjusted to the needs of the application.

    VESPEL parts can be used with most commercial adhesives. TheVESPEL Adhesives Bulletin discusses selection of adhesives, surfacepreparation and other considerations. With any adhesive, it is importantto follow the manufacturers recommendations for best results.


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    Sample Design Problem

    VESPEL bearings are beingconsidered for a blender dryerwith the following requirements:

    Two bearings on a 1.5 in. (38mm) shaft must support 4000 lb(1814 kg), at temperatures

    ranging from 70F to 525F(21C to 274C).

    Maximum bearing length is1.5 in. (38 mm) and maximumallowable running clearance hotor cold is 0.015 in. (0.38 mm).

    To prevent product contamina-tion, the bearings cannot belubricated and they must operatewithout service 40 hours perweek for 3 years.

    The blender-dryer shaft rotatesintermittently, 5% on and 95% off,at 20 rpm.

    Will VESPEL bearings meetthese requirements? Refer to thetable PV LIMIT GUIDELINES,under PV Limits of UnlubricatedMaterials for temperature and PVlimits.

    Solution (British Units)

    1. Check temperature limit.

    Limiting surface temperature ofSP-21 polyimide in air is 740F,so unless PV is very high, thesurface temperature should riseless than the 215F difference

    between 525F and 740F.

    2. Check PV.

    Calculate bearing pressure:

    P = =

    = 890 psi

    Calculate shaft Speed:

    V = DN =

    = 7.9 fpm

    Calculate PV:PV = 800 psi 7.9 fpm

    = 7040 psi-fpm

    At this low PV, SP-21 polyimidewill operate in its mild wearregime, so PV will not limit,especially considering the inter-mittent operation.

    3. Check wear resistance.

    Calculate running time:

    T = .05 3 yrs

    = 312 hours

    Radial wear = wear factor PVrunning time=

    33 1010

    7040 psi-fpm 312 hrs = 0.0073 in

    This wear is less than themaximum allowable operatingclearance. If the difference isenough to accommodate thermalexpansion, then VESPEL Partswill meet the requirements.

    4. Design-Determine RoomTemperature Clearance.

    At this point, experience andjudgment play a big role, and onecan only approximate a solution.Experience dictates that the shaft,bearing surface, bearing OD andhousing will all reach differentoperating temperatures.

    Assume that:

    the contact surface reaches100F higher than the dryertemperature, but:

    the bearing body averagetemperature is only 50Fhigher than the dryer, while:

    the housing remains at roomtemperature and restrains thebearing securely, so:

    the bearing will expandinward when the temperaturerises, and

    the shaft will expand outward.

    With these assumptions, initialroom temperature clearance, C4,can be determined with thefollowing equation:

    C4= D (sT1+ C) + 2tsT2

    D = shaft diameter

    s = coefficient of thermalexpansion for shaft material

    = 6 10-6 in/in/F

    C = operating clearance,usually 0.001 in/in

    t = bearing wall thickness

    s = coefficient of thermalexpansion for bearing =24 106in/in/F

    T1 = temperature rise for shaft

    T2 = temperature rise for bearing

    If one picks a wall thickness of1/16in

    C4= 1.5[(6 106)(625 70) + .001]+(2 .0625 24 104)(575 70)

    = 1.5 (.0043) + .0015

    = .00645 + .0015

    = .008 in

    5. Check maximum clearance.

    Initial clearance plus wear after3 years will then be 0.008 + 0.007= 0.015 in which just meets thestated requirements.

    Thus, VESPEL bearings domeet the requirements to operatewithout lubrication in this elevatedtemperature situation.

    If you encounter expansionproblems, slot the bearing.




    2000 lb (per bearing)

    1.5 in 1.5 in

    1.5 in 20 rpm

    12 in/ft

    40 hrs


    52 wks


    in min

    ft lb hr

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    The earlier youTHINK VESPEL,the more cost-effectiveyour total designcan be

    The engineers and sales staff atDuPonts VESPEL Division are

    ready to help you make the bestuse of the superior performanceof VESPEL parts. Just write to theVESPEL Sales Office nearestyou, or call your VESPEL SalesEngineer. In the US, you can alsocall our Customer Service line at800-222-VESP.

    DuPont CompanyVESPEL Parts Marketing SectionWilmington, DE 19898

    Solution (SI Units)

    1. Check temperature limit.

    Limiting surface temperature ofSP-21 polyimide in air is 666K,so unless PV is very high, thesurface temperature should riseless than the 119K difference

    between 547K and 666K.

    2. Check PV.

    Calculate bearing pressure:

    P = =

    = 6160 kPa

    Calculate shaft Speed:

    V = DN = .038 m 20 rpm

    = 2.39 m/min

    Calculate PV:

    PV = 6136 kPa 2.41 m/min= 14,720 kPa-m/min

    At this low PV, SP-21 polyimidewill operate in its mild wearregime, so PV will not limit,especially considering the inter-mittent operation.

    3. Check wear resistance.

    Calculate running time:

    T = .05 3 yrs

    = 312 hoursRadial wear = wear factor

    PVrunning time=

    40 109


    312 hrs 104

    = .0184 cm

    This wear is less than themaximum allowable operating

    clearance. If the difference isenough to accommodate thermalexpansion, then VESPEL Partswill meet the requirements.

    4. Design-Determine RoomTemperature Clearance.

    At this point, experience andjudgment play a big role, and onecan only approximate a solution.Experience dictates that the shaft,bearing surface, bearing OD and

    housing will all reach differentoperating temperatures.

    Assume that:

    the contact surface reaches56K higher than the dryertemperature, but:

    the bearing body averagetemperature is only 28Khigher than the dryer, while:

    the housing remains at roomtemperature and restrains thebearing securely, so:

    the bearing will expandinward when the temperaturerises, and

    the shaft will expand outward.

    With these assumptions, initialroom temperature clearance, Cd,can be determined with thefollowing equation:

    Cd= D (sT1+ C) +2tsT2

    D = shaft diameter

    s = coefficient of thermalexpansion for shaft material

    = 10.8 10-6 m/m/K

    C = operating clearance,usually .001 cm/cm

    t = bearing wall thickness

    s = coefficient of thermal

    expansion for bearing =43 106m/m/K

    T1 = temperature rise for shaft

    T2 = temperature rise for bearing

    If one picks a wall thickness of.159 cm:Cd= 3.8[(10.8 10

    6)(602294) + 0.01]+ (2 .159 43 104) (575 294)

    = 3.8 (.0043) + .0038

    = .0163 + .0038

    = .020 cm

    5. Check maximum clearance.

    Initial clearance plus wear after3 years will then be 0.20 + 0.18 =0.38 mm which just meets thestated requirements.

    Thus, VESPEL bearings domeet the requirements to operatewithout lubrication in this elevatedtemperature situation.

    If you encounter expansionproblems, slot the bearing.



    8900N (per bearing)

    .038 m .038 m

    40 hrs


    52 wks



    m N hrkPa m



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    More information on the benefits and propertiesof VESPELparts is available in these brochures:

    Introduction to VESPEL Parts(E-61486)

    Summary of Typical Properties(E-61477)

    VESPEL Shapes: Machining Stock of SP Polyimide(E-61482)

    Using VESPEL Seal RingsDesign Considerations and Technical Data


    VESPEL and Radiation. A Guide for Users(E-73910)

    This information is offered without charge as part of the DuPont Companys service to its customers, butDuPont cannot guarantee that favorable results will be obtained from the use of such data. It is intended for

    use by persons having technical skill, at their discretion and risk. DuPont warrants only that the materialitself does not infringe the claims of any United States patent; but no license is implied nor is any furtherpatent warranty made.

    In the United States

    DuPont CompanyFabricated Products Department

    VESPEL Parts Marketing SectionWilmington, DE 19898

    Telephone (800) 222-VESP

    In EuropeDuPont de Nemours International SA

    Fabricated Products DepartmentAntoon Spinoystraat 6

    B-2800 Mechelen, BelgiumTelephone (015) 4014 11

    In the Far East

    DuPontJapan Ltd.Fabricated Products Department

    Kowa Building No. 211-39 Akasaka 1-chome

    Minato-kuTokyo 107, JapanTelephone: 03-585-5511