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Page 1: Early US Inventions

I N D E P E N D E N C E T O 1 9 2 0

US Inventions

CREATED BY Ms. LIU for Mr. Haskvitz’s class

Page 2: Early US Inventions

Lightning Rod1752

Benjamin Franklin invented it to protect ships & buildings from lightning

Most Christians were afraid to get it b/c they thought lightning was the wrath of GOD & it shouldn’t be tampered with

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Ben Franklin was tired of switching between his near-sighted & far-sighted glasses so he made glasses w/ both concave & convex lenses


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Given to William Pollard of Philadelphia, his machine roves & spins cotton

First US Patent1790

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Eli Whitney patents his Cotton Gin which separates big & small seeds from the cotton

Led to rise of slavery & “King Cotton”

Farmers duplicated his invention w/out his permission

Cotton Gin1794

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Fairmount Water Works uses steam-power to supply water for Philadelphia

Steam-Powered Pumping Station1801

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Robert Fulton’s Clermont, the 1st full-sized steamboat, goes 150 mi upstream from NY to Albany

Moves more efficiently, against currents & wind, and lower transportation costs


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Peter Cooper’s small locomotive, Tom Thumb, races against a horse, but lost b/c it broke down

Caused transportation to be more efficient & cheaper

RR Fever-by 1860’s, most major cities were linked w/ RR’s, RR companies grow very powerful in US

Steam Train1830

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Replaced the scythe & guts grain faster

Prospered in Chicago selling 10,000 every year

McCormick use new ways (ads, demonstrations & buying on credit) to encourage sales

Mechanical Reaper1831

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Samuel F. B. Morse’s telegraph uses electric pulses to send messages through the wire to distant places

In the Morse Code, a series of dots (short pulse) & dashes (long pulse) are used to represent a letter/#

Samuel Morse tried many times to prove his telegraph was genuine & finally succeeded when news of the president candidate for the 1844 Democratic National Convention was wired through the telegraph


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John A. & Hiram Abial Pitts invented the machine to separate the chaff from the grain for farmers

Threshing Machine1834

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Samuel Colt made the revolving firearm which has a rotating cylinder that could hold lots of bullets so people don’t need to reload between every shot


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Electro-Magnetic Motor originally invented by Professor Joseph Henry

Thomas Davenport of Brandon found practical uses for it

He used it to power shop machinery & built the 1st

electric model railroad car

Power Tools1837

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John Deere (blacksmith) replaced the iron plows w/ steel making plowing thick soil easier for farmers

Steel Plow1837

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Crawford Williamson Long, from Jefferson Georgia, used ether anesthesia to remove a tumor from Mr. James Venable’s neck

He didn’t tell anyone until 1849

Ether Anesthesia1842

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In its natural state, rubber melted if it was hot and froze with it was cold

Charles Goodyear found a way to vulcanize rubber by combining it with sulfur so it’s unaffected by temperature

Vulcanized Rubber1843

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Walter Hunter invented the 1st sewing machine, but debt forced him to sell the patent to Elias Howe who improved

Isaac Singer improved it further & his company was the world’s biggest sewing machine maker

Sewing Machine1845

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Walter Hunt invented the Safety to prevent finders from injury & to pay off his $15 debt

Safety Pin1949

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The world gather at the Crystal Palace in London, England for the Great Exhibition

Crystal Palace1851

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Henry Bessemer blasted hot air through melt iron to get rid of the other stuff in there & called it the Bessemer Process

Now making steel is faster, cheaper, & more efficient

Bessemer Process1854

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Elisha Graves Otisdemonstrates the passenger elevator he invented at the Crystal Palace by cutting its cords as it goes up a 300 ft tower

He new brake system stops the elevator from falling

Safety Escalator1857

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Edwin Drake had drilled 69.5 ft into the ground when he striked oil in Titusville, Pennyslvania

Before this, oil was only collected where it seeped through the ground

Oil Well1859

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Samuel van Syckel built a 5 mi pump-operated oil pipeline to make transporting oil, a whole lot easier

The Teamsters saw this a threat to their business & destroyed it, but van Syckel repaired it & hire Pipeline Protectors

Oil Pipeline1864

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Joseph F. Glidden from Dekalb, Illinois invented barbed wire

Before barbed wire, people used wood, thorny bush, etc. to make a fence, but in the Great Plains there wasn’t a lot of that

Barbed Wire1867

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John Roebling, the Engineer in Chief, built the first steel-wire suspension bridge

The bridge was built in New York City

Brooklyn Bridge1869

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Christopher Latham Sholes was inspired by the Scientific American article about a Britshattempt to make a typing machine

He sold the prototype to Remington & Sons who mass produced it


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Edison was trying to use paraffin to improve telephone tape when he accidently found a way to make document copies


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The telegraph sends coded messages that only trained people can read

Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone (built with the assistance of self-trained Thomas A. Watson can be used by everyone


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Edison & his team of engineers invent the phonograph in a lab at Menlo Park, New Jersey

The 1st recording made with the device was “Mary Had a Little Lamb”


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Thomas Edison built the durable light bulb, but could only supply electricity to big cities with his power company, Edison Electric

Incandescent Light Bulb1879

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William Le Baron Jenneyfinishes his skyscraper a ten-story Home Insurance Co. Building

He was the first to use a steel frame or girder


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George Eastman introduces the portable hand-held camera in Rochester, NY

Kodak Camera1888

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Horizontal Integration: ownership of businesses producing similar products in the same field

Ex: Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Co. provided 90% of US’ refined oil

Vertical Integration: owning all the businesses required to build the product from raw material

Ex: Carnegie owned the iron ore mines, coal fields, & RR’s that supply his steel mills

Horizontal & Vertical IntegrationLate 1800’s

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Charles & J. Frank Duryea built the first gas-power car in Springfield, Massachusetts

Gasoline-Powered Car1893

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The 1st subway in US opened

It ran from Boston under the Boston Harbor to East Boston


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J. P. Holland’s torpedo boat co. launches the 1st submarine for U.S.


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Wilbur & Orville Wright built the 1st motorized plane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

It increases demand for oil


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Henry Ford mass produced interchangeable parts for the Model T & they were put together on the assemble line (picture on the left), making cars afFordable for the general public

Model T (Tin Lizzie)1908

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Alexander Graham Bell’s Hydrofoil IV uses underwater fins to elevate boat’s hull, decrease the drag, & make the boat go faster (70 mph, broke the world record)


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the AM station KDKA delivers results of the Harding-Cox election, beginning 1st regular commercial radio broadcasts


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