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Shikha CLASS – Xth “D”

The Earth

The grass needs to be low, for children to play.

Flowers need to grow strong and tall for oxygen and food.

Trees need to keep growing tall for homes that little animals need and for oxygen too.

The garbage needs to stop ending up everywhere besides the garbage can.

We need to recycle so everyone stays healthy and the air doesn’t get polluted.

By Ashley

A SeedBy Rebecca Ba.


Each summer I help the earth grow.With a shovel and a pack of seeds.I water the plants each and every day.One day I see what my work has done.I see a bunch of beautiful flowers.They shine and they shine till the sun goes

down.But then winter comes and I say goodbye.Then next year I give it another try.I love to do this every year.So join me and grow a tree.


I could separate thecans and paper.

I could pick up the trash

and compost it too.That is what I can do,

to help the environment


I COULDBy Brandon D.

II can pick up the garbage on the highway to make the air cleaner and I am not going to burn the

garbage because I will be putting poisons in the air.

Our EarthOur Earth By Brian

EARTHBrandon V.

TT he way you can help he way you can help

the earth is to water the earth is to water plants, you can plant plants, you can plant seeds, or pick up litter. seeds, or pick up litter. Without trees we would Without trees we would die. Trees give us oxygen die. Trees give us oxygen so don’t cut down trees.so don’t cut down trees.

F lowers to be tended to,Birdhouses to be built.

A l l of those who don’tShall be filled with guilt.

Don’t burn garbage or cut down a tree.

For we want our earthTo be the best it can be!

Our EarthOur Earth by Ciara


*The Earth* By: Danielle

F lowers growing biggerGrass growing taller

Picking up litterTaking out garbage

Planting new flowers Making the world a better



I’ll take out the garbage

I’ll recycleAnd grow flowersJust to help theEarth each and every dayAnd so the earth is cleanI’ll make the earth a better place.

By Austin

Garbage, garbage on the ground,I’ll pick you up all around.Put you in the garbage can where you belong. So the earth is cleaner then it was before.

Earth!By Josh

*Our Earth* By: Ebru

To help the environment you

should never litter. What I would do is make a compost. I would also try not to litter and so should you. You should also put bird feeders to help squirrels and birds. You should not cut down trees. You should water the plants so the bees can live and make honey and so we can eat it. This is why we should help the environment. 


There are some things that I can do to help the earth. One thing is I can clean up my garbage and tell other people to pick up their garbage. I can plant flowers, water trees and flowers. That’s what I would do to help the earth!

Flowers need to be plantedGrass needs to be mowed Birdhouses need to be builtEverywhere I goDon’t cut down treesKeep them upThis is why we want this environment to be cleanSo just pull out this weed so the earth is clean!

~* By Jessica *~

How To Save The Environment by Mandip

In the summer I help the environment. I help the environment by planting plants, planting a butterfly tree, setting up a birdfeeder, a squirrel feeder and cleaning my area. I also recycle to save the trees. If you need woodchips don’t ask Home Depot because they pay people to cut down trees and make woodchips. Instead call a company and asl them, “Do you have a dead tree that’s been dead for a long time. And could you please use that to make woodchips?” Here is some important information. •     Please do not cut down the trees because we need oxygen and animals live in the tree. • You really must plant trees and plants because that makes more oxygen. •Use old wood and that means you can’t cut down trees. •Always recycle! •Drink a little bit of water to save the water. •And always think smart about the environment.

By Kerri You put a

can in a binand it isn’t very hard

It ’s really easy,But not a lot of people do it .

They don’t becausethey are not very good people.

Do you know how many animal you are kil l ing? A lot.

So please help the earth!

~*The Earth!* By Mary

These are some ways I can help the earth and the environment

Recycle, oh please RecycleDon’t litter, oh please don’t litter

Cut the grass, oh please cut the grassPlant flowers, oh please plant flowers

Take the weeds out, oh take out the weeds Don’t make toxic air, oh please don’t make toxic air

Make some compost, oh please make compost Make some woodchips without cutting down the trees

Put bird feeders up so birds can eatPut squirrel feeders up so the squirrels can eat

That’s what we owe the animalsThese are my ways to help the Earth and the environment!

The EarthBy Shikha

I think I will not usethat much paper so I can

save more trees and I water the grass in my backyard so

it could be strong and healthy.Squirrels and birds were here

before us so they deserve a hometoo! Don’t drive, walk, it will helpthe environment or ride a bike ,

And make more sidewalks!!!Don’t burn garbage, that is bad

for our breathing!

I could pick up trash. I could put up a bird/squirrel feeder. I could ask the tree companies to cut down old trees and make

them into woodchips. I could recycle. That is what I could do to help the Earth.

What I Could Do To Help The Earth By Rebecca Bu

~*OUR EARTH*~ By Regina

If you’re sitting on the ground get up and go outside and look at the dirty ground! If you see leaves on the ground put on a smiley face so it will give the environment some taste. Give trees all they need and then they will grow. Take out dead weeds and grow some healthy seeds.

Some things I could do to make the earth a cleaner place is

recycle, plant flowers, and pick up trash all over the place.

Some Things I Could Do By Dominique

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