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Page 1: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

EASAaerodrome rulemaking developmentsTE.GEN.00409-001Aerodromes seminar - DGAC Paris8 December 2017Emmanouil VardakisSenior Aerodromes Regulations Officer

Page 2: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

Regulations structure8 Dec 2017 4ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 3: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

Structure of the aerodrome rulesSubpart CAdditional operator responsibilitiesADR.OR.CCover Regulation No. 139/2014Basic Regulation No. 216/2008Annex IIPart-Authority RequirementsPart-ADR.ARSubpart AGeneral RequirementsADR.AR.ASubpart BManagement system ADR.AR.BSubpart COversight, Certification and EnforcementADR.AR.C Subpart AGeneral RequirementsADR.OR.ASubpart BCertification ADR.OR.BSubpart DManagementADR.OR.D•Subpart EAerodrome Manualand documentationADR.OR.E Annex IVPart-OperationsPart-OPS.ARSubpart AAerodrome dataADR.OPS.ASubpart BAerodrome operationalservices, equipment and installations ADR.OPS.BSubpart CAerodrome maintenanceADR.OPS.CAnnex IIIPart-Organisation RequirementsPart-ADR.OR Book 2GuidanceMaterialBook 1CertificationSpecificationsAnnex IDefinitions Acceptable Means of Compliance / Guidance Material8 Dec 2017 3ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 4: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

The aerodromes rules in eRules8 Dec 2017 4ADR Seminar– DGAC PariseRules is an IT system for digitalisation of rulesallows storing, sharing, searching, drafting and publishing of all aviation rules Easy access rules for aerodromes already publishedhttp://www.easa.europa.eu/regulationsFeedback and comments to: [email protected]

Page 5: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

Rulemaking programme (RMP) 2018-202251 new task included in the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2018-2022:

� RMT.0722 – Provision of aeronautical data by the aerodrome operator8 Dec 2017 ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 6: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

Rulemaking programme (RMP) 2018-20226In addition (pending new Basic regulation) the preparation phase to start 2018 for thefollowing : apron management (to be continued)aerodrome surroundingsground handling8 Dec 2017 ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 7: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

RMT.0589 - RFFS78 Dec 2017NPA drafting close to finalisationRegulatory Impact AssessmentQuestionnaire sent to Member States and Industry on 27thOctober 2017Deadline for responses: 20 November 2017Publication of the NPA planned for end of 2017 (??)Agency plans for 2018focussed consultation meetingsworkshopsOpinion in 2019/Q2Decision in 2020/Q4ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 8: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

RMT.0704 – Runway surface condition assessment & reportingToRs published on 13-09-2017Group Composition:16 members5 NAAs, EASA, ACI Europe, IATA, ERA, ASDKick-off meeting: 26 -27 October 2017Six (6) meetings in total by June 2018TimelineNPA 2018/Q3Opinion 2019/Q1Decision 2020/Q2 8ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris8 Dec 2017

Page 9: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

RMT.0703 – Runway safety98 Dec 2017� RMT.0703 was included in EPAS 2017-2021 and in draft EPAS 2018-2022

� ToRs of RMT.0703 consulted in July-August; very few comments received� CRD and ToRs were published on 14-09-2017

� RMT aims at addressing RWY safety issues (incursions and excursions)� remaining EAPPRI and EAPPRE recommendations� relevant ICAO material

� Deliverables of RMT may vary, depending on the issue addressed� NPA timeline to align with deliverables of RMT.0591 (AMC Am. 3 & CS issue 5)ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 10: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

RMT.0591 - Regular update of aerodrome rules AMC Amendment 3 & CS Issue 510Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4RMT.0591, Regular update of aerodrome rules- CS Issue 5 NPA DECISION- AMC Amendment 3 NPA OPINION DECISION2018 20191 NPA containing proposed changes from:AMC Amendment 3Missing definitionsRequirements moved from CSMaintenance of visual aidsCS Issue 5CS to be moved into OPSnew approach classification (ICAO Amendment 11-B)2 formal rulemaking proposals:service roads close to aircraft out of operationadditional colours for taxiway centerlinesThematic meetings running in parallel:AMC Amendment 3: Q1/ 2018CS Issue 5: Q1/ 20188 Dec 2017 ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 11: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

RMT.0379 - All weather operations 11Cross-domain rulemaking taskNPA on soft law (AMC/CS/GM) in all domains (includingaerodromes) to be published by end of 2017additional items are envisaged for GA and helicopter operationsNPA for these items in May/June 2018Draft IR opinion consulted with Agency’s advisory bodies in2016 will be revisedPossible publication of new Opinion (IR and “soft law”) in June20188 Dec 2017 ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 12: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

RMT.0722 - Provision of aeronautical data 12Aerodrome requirements based only on Annex 14provision of information by the aerodrome operator for inclusion in the AIPtechnical requirements not at same level as in AIS/AIMNOTAM and SNOWTAM origination requirements are missing from current ADRregulationToRs: 2018/Q4, NPA 2019/Q3, Opinion 2020/ Q2, Reg. 2021/Q2 & EDDecision 2021/Q2Also forthcoming Opinion on AIS/AIM (RMT 477/478)Revision of ADR rules to align with the requirements for dataoriginatorsCommon reference systems / Data error detection and authenticationAeronautical data catalogue / Data verification and validationError handling requirements / MetadataData transmission / Tools and softwareapplicability: Jan. 20208 Dec 2017 ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 13: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

Rulemaking development and consultation methods 13Planning of rulemaking activities is part of the European Planfor Aviation Safety (EPAS)anybody can send a proposalhttp://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/rulemaking-programmes/rulemaking-proposalrulemaking priorities are defined by a Preliminary Impact Assessment (PIA)EPAS and PIAs are consulted with the Agency’s advisory bodies8 Dec 2017 ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 14: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

Rulemaking development and consultation methods 14The works of a rulemaking task leads to a proposal for changesto rules (NPA)NPAs are publiccomments submitted electronically via the Comment Response Tool(CRT): https://hub.easa.europa.eu/crt/In some cases, consultation may be limitednegligible impact, non-controversial nature, limited group ofaffected stakeholders, previous consultation, etc…..depending on the issue, consultation may take the form ofworkshops, technical experts’ meetings, surveys…..Advisories Bodies are always consulted8 Dec 2017 ADR Seminar– DGAC Paris

Page 15: EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments · EASA aerodrome rulemaking developments TE.GEN.00409-001 Aerodromes seminar -DGAC Paris 8 December 2017 Emmanouil Vardakis Senior Aerodromes

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