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Page 1: East Tennessee Preservation Conference 2010 - Using Social Media Effectively

Using Social Media Effectively

Rugby, TN - October 9, 2010

Page 2: East Tennessee Preservation Conference 2010 - Using Social Media Effectively

Preserve it, and they will come...

Page 3: East Tennessee Preservation Conference 2010 - Using Social Media Effectively

 Over  500  million

 +  500,000-­‐750,000  accounts  daily

 150  million  on  mobile

 #1  in  web  traffic  (Google  #2)

Page 4: East Tennessee Preservation Conference 2010 - Using Social Media Effectively

 Over  110  million  users

 Over  40  million  mobile  users

 55  million  daily  tweets

 Reporters  love  it

 Search  power

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 126  million  (2009)  

 Say  what  you  want



 Search  power


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 24  hours  of  video  uploaded     every  minute

 Second  largest  search  engine   (Google  is  #1)

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 Online  networking

 Over  70  million  users

 New  member  added  every  second

 Groups,  Answers

 Search  power

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 Tens  of  billions  

 Professional  and  visual

 Media  room

 No  jargon



Page 9: East Tennessee Preservation Conference 2010 - Using Social Media Effectively

 LocaJon  based  network

 Over  2  million  users

 +  13,000  new  accounts  daily

 6  million  venues  to  check  into

Page 10: East Tennessee Preservation Conference 2010 - Using Social Media Effectively

Companies  used  to  talk  to  customers.Then  they  talked  with  customers.Now  customers  talk  with  one  another.The  playing  field  has  changed.

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