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grades 4-6

L E T ’ S E X P L O R E G O D ’ S W O R D !

grades 4-6

Every time you read the Bible, God speaks! God wants you to know who He is, what He has done and how much He

loves you. God wants you to love Him and because you love Him, to live like He lives. God uses His Bible to help you in all these ways.

This summer as you read the Bible, God invites you to listen to Him and to grow to know, love and follow Him more! Here are some things you can do

to help you hear what God wants to tell you:

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Choose a time and place to meet with God.

Read the Bible verses for the day.


Use your journal to think about, write down and remember what God has told you.


• Meet at a time when you can pay attention and give God your best.

• Go to a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted by things or people.

• Ask God to help you hear and understand what He wants to tell you.

• Ask Him to help you love Him more. • Ask Him to show you how to follow

Him better.

• Thank God for meeting with you.• Ask Him to help you live what He has

shown you.

WEEK 1 • DAY 1

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 5

1. What did God say in these verses?




2. What help or encouragement do you get from these words?




3. How does this encouragement help you right now?




Draw a picture about these verses:

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 6

Draw a picture about these verses:

1. What directions from God are found in these verses?




2. What is your favorite or most interesting part of the temple?




3. What questions do you have after reading these verses? Ask God about them.




WEEK 1 • DAY 2

WEEK 1 • DAY 3

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 7

1. Do you think the temple King Solomon built honored God? How?




2. What could you do or say that would honor God?




3. Write a prayer about something you hope for.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 1 • DAY 4

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 8

1. Write 3 things you see God doing in these verses?




2. How do these verses point you to Jesus?




3. Ask God about any sins you haven’t confessed to Him. Write them here.


What steps can you take to turn away from these sins?



Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 1 • DAY 5

Today’s Bible Reading:

Proverbs 16

1. Write at least 3 things you see people doing in these verses.




2. Write at least 3 things you see God doing in these verses.




3. What beliefs or actions do you need to change after reading these verses?


Ask God to show you and then ask Him for His help to change.



Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 2 • DAY 1

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 9

1. What promises does God make in these verses? If I believe these promises to be true, how do they

help me to live differently?




2. How is King Solomon different from King Jesus?




3. How are you different from Jesus? Ask Him to help you live more like Him.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 2 • DAY 2

Today’s Bible Reading:

Psalm 146

1. What true words found in this Psalm do you need to remember?

How will remembering them help you live differently?




2. Write 3 things the psalmist praised God for.




3. Write 3 things YOU can praise God for. Take time to tell Him your praises.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 2 • DAY 3

Today’s Bible Reading:

Proverbs 28

1. Write at least 3 things you see people doing in these verses.




2. What warnings do you find in these verses?




3. What beliefs or actions do you need to change according to these words from God?




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 2 • DAY 4

Today’s Bible Reading:

Ecclesiastes 1

1. What does Solomon think about life? Do you agree or disagree with Him? Why?




2. What meaningful wisdom has God shown you?




3. Do you need God’s wisdom about something? Write it down and then ask Him for it.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 2 • DAY 5

Today’s Bible Reading:

Ecclesiastes 12

1. What wisdom from God do you find in these verses?




2. What true things about God, your Creator, do you need to remember?




3. How will remembering these true things change how you think or act?




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 3 • DAY 1

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 11

1. What does Solomon do in these verses? Write down at least 2.




2. What does God do in these verses?




3. After reading these verses write down something you can thank Jesus for. Talk to Him about it.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 3 • DAY 2

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 13

1. Write down 2 things you see people do in these verses.




2. Write down 2 things you see God do in these verses.




3. Ask God to show you if there are any things in your beliefs or actions that need to change.

Write them down here and then ask God for help to change.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 3 • DAY 3

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 15

1. What did the evil kings Abijah and Nadab do?




2. What did King Asa do?




3. Do you need help doing something God says is good or not doing something God says is bad?

Write it down and ask God for help.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 3 • DAY 4

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 18

1. Write down words that describe God from these verses?




2. How do these verses help you see how special Jesus is?




3. Write a prayer that worships God (that tells Him how and why you love Him).




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 3 • DAY 5

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 19

1. Describe what Elijah does in these verses.




2. Describe what God does in these verses.




3. Is there something that you fear? What do you learn about God in these verses that can help you

when you are afraid? Talk to God about your fears.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 4 • DAY 1

Today’s Bible Reading:

1 Kings 22

1. What do you learn about people and sin from these verses?




2. Is there something you need to confess to God? Take time to do that now.




3. Is there something you want or need to do?

Write about it here and ask God to guide and help you do it.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 4 • DAY 2

Today’s Bible Reading:

2 Kings 2

1. Write 3 things you see God doing in these verses?




2. What can you be thankful for because of these verses?




3. Write down a problem or question you have that you would like God to solve or answer.

Talk to Him about it.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 4 • DAY 3

Today’s Bible Reading:

2 Kings 6:1-23

1. What person in this passage are you most like? How are you like this person?




2. What help or encouragement do you find in these words?

How can this encouragement help you to live differently and more like Jesus?




3. How do you see God working in your life? Write about it and thank God.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 4 • DAY 4

Today’s Bible Reading:

2 Kings 7

1. If you were one of the men with a skin disease what would you be thinking? What would you do?




2. What are you having trouble believing is true about God?


What from these verses helps you believe truth about God?



3. Write a prayer to God asking Him to help you believe His truth.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 4 • DAY 5

Today’s Bible Reading:

2 Kings 11

1. What person in this passage are you most like? How are you like this person?




2. What help or encouragement do you find in these words?


How can this encouragement help you to live differently and more like Jesus?



3. How do you see God working in your life? Write about it and thank God.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 5 • DAY 1

Today’s Bible Reading:

2 Chronicles 26

1. How was King Uzziah like Jesus?




2. How was King Uzziah NOT like Jesus?




3. What can you be thankful for after reading these verses? Write and then pray.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 5 • DAY 2

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 1

1. Write down at least 3 things God says the people of Israel are doing.




2. Write down what God would like the people of Israel to do.




3. What do you know that God has asked you to do?


Write a prayer asking for help and wisdom to live more like Jesus.



Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 5 • DAY 3

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 6

1. Write down at least 3 things in these verses that describe God.




2. How do these verses point you to Jesus?




3. How can you praise God after reading these verses?




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 5 • DAY 4

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 7

1. How is God’s power seen in these verses?




2. What words in these verses point you to Jesus?




3. Where do you need God’s power in your life? Write about it then ask God for His power.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 5 • DAY 5

Today’s Bible Reading:

Amos 5

1. How is God described in these verses?




2. What do you learn about pleasing God in these verses?




3. What needs to change in your life so you can please God? Write a prayer to Him.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 6 • DAY 1

Today’s Bible Reading:

Amos 9

1. Define the word MERCY:




2. How do you see God acting with mercy in these verses?




3. What can you do to show mercy to others?


Write a prayer to God asking Him to help you have mercy for others like He has for His people.



Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 6 • DAY 2

Today’s Bible Reading:

Micah 5

1. How are God’s people described in these verses?




2. How is God described in these verses?




3. How does knowing these things about God comfort or help you to act or think differently?




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 6 • DAY 3

Today’s Bible Reading:

2 Kings 17:7-41

1. What are the people of God doing in these verses?




2. What warnings from God do you see in theses verses?




3. When we worship God, we tell Him all the things we love about Him.

Write a prayer to God telling Him of your love for Him.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 6 • DAY 4

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 25

1. What has God done in these verses to show His people that He loves them.




2. What true words from God do you need to remember from these verses? How will this help you?




3. How do these verses help you praise God?




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 6 • DAY 5

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 26

1. Write down at least 3 things that these verses say God will do.




2. Write down at least 3 things that these verses say godly people do.




3. Write down at least 3 things God has done for you. Write a prayer thanking Him.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 7 • DAY 1

Today’s Bible Reading:

2 Kings 18

1. Write down at least 1 important thing you learn in these verses.




2. Why is it important to listen to and follow God?




3. Are you are not following God’s ways (treating others kindly, forgiving someone, obeying with a

“happy heart”)? Write down one way you need help following God. Pray and ask God for His help.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 7 • DAY 2

Today’s Bible Reading:

Hosea 11

1.What do you learn about how God cares for His people from these verses?




2. How do you see that God is different from people in these verses?




3. Write down at least 3 things about God that cause you to love Him. Tell them to God in prayer.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 7 • DAY 3

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 36

1. What lies are being told to God’s people in these verses?




2. God is truth. What true things do you know about God?




3. Is there an example to follow in these verses? How are you like or unlike this example?




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 7 • DAY 4

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 37

1.What did King Hezekiah, a person who loves God, do in these verses?




2. What did God do in these verses?




3. Ask God to remind you of a time when He helped you. Write it down.

How does knowing God helped you in the past help you to live differently today and in the future?




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 7 • DAY 5

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 38

1. What is King Hezekiah’s problem? What does he do about this problem?




2. How does God solve this problem for King Hezekiah?




3. What problem do you have? How do these verses encourage you about your problem?




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 8 • DAY 1

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 40

1.How do these verses point you to Jesus?




2. What true words from these verses do you need to remember?

How will remembering them help you live differently?




3. Write a prayer to God thanking Him for all He does for you.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 8 • DAY 2

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 42

1. What do these verses teach you about Jesus? Write down at least 3.




2. What will God do for His people according to these verses? Write at least 3.




3. What do you know about God that makes you praise Him? Write them down and tell God about them.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 8 • DAY 3

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 43

1.What does God want His people to know about Him?




2. What true words from these verses do you need to remember?

How will remembering them help you live differently?




3. Write a prayer to God praising Him for what you know to be true about Him.




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 8 • DAY 4

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 55

1. How do these verses point you to Jesus?




2. Write down at least 3 things you learn about God from these verses?




3. Who do you know who needs to turn to God? Write a prayer to God about that person here..




Draw a picture about these verses:

WEEK 8 • DAY 5

Today’s Bible Reading:

Isaiah 61

1.How do these verses point you to Jesus?




2.What do you learn about how much God loves you?




3. Look back over your Bible reading journal. What has God shown you? Write down the 3 most helpful

and or special things God has told you. Take time to thank God for meeting with you this summer.




Draw a picture about these verses:

J E S U S A N S W E R E D ,

“ I T I S W R I T T E N : ‘ M A N S H A L L

N O T L I V E O N B R E A D A L O N E ,


F R O M T H E M O U T H O F G O D . ’ ”

M A T T H E W 4 : 4


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