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Page 1: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.

Eastern WP

Gap winds

April 2013

Dec 2013




Local gap wind effect

Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall

SST 6 April 2014

Page 2: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.

Aquarius SatelliteFebruary 2014

water vapor

Spurs 1

Spurs 2

Gap winds water vapor flux ~0.3 Sv, a bit larger than the Amazon!


limited water vapor flux

limited water vapor flux


Page 3: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.



ERA-40ERA Interim

Satellite measurements of surface winds (Quickscat 10-m) and sea surface temperature (from a satellite microwave radiometer, TMI) averaged for January 2000.

Satellite measurements of surface winds (Quickscat 10-m) and sea surface temperature (from a satellite microwave radiometer, TMI) averaged for January 2000.

Vertical integral of eastward (red) and northward (blue) water vapor flux from ECMWF ERA-40 and ERA-Interim. Color lines represent the 12-month running mean and the thinner line the annual averages.

Vertical integral of eastward (red) and northward (blue) water vapor flux from ECMWF ERA-40 and ERA-Interim. Color lines represent the 12-month running mean and the thinner line the annual averages.





Gap 2 is largest, interannual variability

Local gap wind effect

Total ~0.3 Sv water vapor flux

Page 4: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.

Climatological annual SSS (upper 20 m), 1°x1° lat/long World Ocean Atlas. Ekman transport vectors in Sv, within 2.5°x2.5° cells using long term mean wind stresses based on ECMWF ERA-40 monthly data). Contours of mean ocean dynamic topography (MDOTMaximenko (IPRC) and Niiler (SIO).

1958-2001 average of the divergence of water vapor flux (color; kg m-2s-1 x 103) monthly ECMWF ERA-40. E-P (contours; m yr-1) estimated from ERA-40

Page 5: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.

2013, Aquarius SSS + OSCAR

Winter freshness in Panama Gulf; ITCZ freshness in summer

Page 6: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.

2013, Aquarius SSS + OSCAR

Winter freshness in Panama Gulf; ITCZ freshness in summer

Where to site SPURS-2? What m


Specific Objectives; experim

ent components

and design

Page 7: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.

Regional Scale Variability in Eastern Pacific: Relevance to SPURS-2 Campaign

Janet Sprintall, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

MoorSPICE Cruise, Solomon Sea

SIO La Jolla

Westpac Vietnam

Sorry I can’t join you today but I am on travel!

Page 8: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.

Wind Forcing

Kessler, W. The circulation of the eastern tropical Pacific: A review, PiO, 2006.

Positive Curl: Upwelling in NH

Note significantmeridional component

• Surface layer variability in the eastern Pacific is influenced by the seasonal migration of the ITCZ (most northerly in ~November).

• In the far eastern Pacific, the ITCZ interacts with wind jets that blow through gaps that produce strong wind stress curl dipoles (+ve on left flank; -ve curl on right) .

• Gap winds are strongest in winter; vary on short (weekly) time scales and generate coastal eddies

Page 9: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.


Fiedler and Talley. Hydrography of the eastern tropical Pacific: A review, PiO, 2006.

• ITCZ: P>> E with a maximum slightly west of Gulf of Panama

• Also, high river runoff off western slope of Andes

• Also, MJO intraseasonal variability high in winter drives heavy rainfall

• Also, “temporales”, week-long periods of continuous rain but weak winds maybe related to interaction of ITCZ and Caribbean systems.

Page 10: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.

Questions of InterestFocus is on understanding the role of the regional scale forcing and circulation in driving the seasonal patterns of salinity in SPURS-2 area.•How does the regional ocean circulation (i.e. NECC; SEC) impact the local coastal circulation including eddy variability?•What interplay between regional currents, local upwelling driven by gap wind and/or regional wind forcing, eddy variability and precipitation causes the distinctive SSS “bumps” in the far eastern Pacific?•What mix of local (wind-driven upwelling, precipitation, background stratification etc.) and remote (Kelvin waves, regional advection etc.) forcing drives the seasonal variability in barrier layer formation?

Page 11: Eastern WP Gap winds April 2013 Dec 2013 SST warmest coldest Local gap wind effect Regional conditions, comments by Gordon and Sprintall SST 6 April 2014.

Approach• Addressing these links of the regional/large-scale circulation to the

local circulation will consist of analysis of existing remotely sensed (winds, SSS, SST, precip etc.) and in situ (Argo, XBT/CTD etc) data sets to map the climatological local and regional fields

• Field work (CTD, TSG, hull-mounted ADCP and side-mounted high-freq. ADCP to resolve near-surface currents) required to examine the T-S-V characteristics of the upper ocean stratification (incl. MLD, barrier layer etc.) and circulation (incl. the very near-surface wind-driven Ekman transport)

• I look forward to future discussion and interaction• Contact me at [email protected]

• me too: [email protected]

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