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Page 1: Eat the Book

l'lLli. CO '{ -- .

u I\'c(lt'd-cl:hS mailer June .25, 1918, at post office at Sprin"fietd. of Od. l.

Publi.hed weekly by The Go,pel Publi,hing Houle, Springfield, Mo.

SPRI:-;'(;FIU.n, ),10 .. DHT\lIlER 5, 1936 Xt"~lnER lIi8

$1.00 • year ill U. S. A. SiDEle copie., 2 cent.

CC9he Purpose of the Pentecostal 6nduement ~~ E SH:\LL receive power when ~ 1 the H oly Ghost is come upon

you: and yc shall be :r>. l y witnesses" Acts 1 :8, R. V. The

margin reads: "The power of the Holy Gho~t coming upon you," which places the emphasis more clearly upon the Holy Spirit J li mself rather than upon the "power." The Authorized Version reads: "And ye shall be witnesses unto ME." "1Iy witnesses," U\,yitnesscs unto ME" - emphasizes the personal , living Lord, and His work as the purpose of the Pentecostal cnducment of power. The Lord h;'ld fore­shadowed this in His farewell discoursc. " The Spirit of Truth which proceedeth f r0111 the Fa­ther" ("eternally and continu­ously proceeding," Dr. John Smith once pointed out) I He shall bear witness o f ME; and ye also bear witness , because ye have been with Me from the beg inning." John 15, 26, 27. They had been eyewitnesses of His life, His works, His death, His resurrection, but to make this personal knowledge of His walk on earth efTcctual they would need the co-witness of the Divine Spirit to U.is power and glory as the ascended Lord in heaven.

The purpose and the power of Pentecost may therefore be compressed into the few words "Pcrf.Ver to witness." There is a distinction in the Greek be­tween the two words rendered "power" in English, one mean­ing authori~y and another mean­ing abiiity-"dunamis." "Power"

to witness has the lattcr meaning. Not authority to witness, but "ability." It is the same word used of the resurrec­tion of Chri st. "He liveth by the pcr&cr -ability, energy- -of God" j "The power of His resurrection"; "Declared to be the Son of God with pO'ZCJcr:'

"Power to witness," therefore, means a divine equipment to witness; a divine energy-nothing less than God Himself in the Person of the Holy Spirit coming upon a believer to make him "witness"

The Name of Jesus

effecti\'ely to an Ullscell ytt li\'ing Chri!-t, so that the hcarer i~ made to kllow the fact of 1lis death and resurrectiun and ascension as effectually as if he had al­so been an eye-witnt'ss to the~e stupen­dous events as the uisciples were! A divine witness is ginll to the believer which is infmitely morc convincing than a menial cOl1viction hased lipan mental reasoning or than conclusions based up­all evidences, however sound and true, For the divine witness makes the un-

seen Lord a living, present reality to the belic\'cr- a Per­son known and obeyed and loved, as truly as the disciples

"Tho N....... of the Lord is • stron. to""e r: the ri.hl~ .. " runne th into it, and i ••• fe ." Provo 18:10.

knew and loved] lim when He walked the earth as Man. "Olrist ian evidences" ba~ed up-

Clorio".. mi,hty Nflome of Jesus, Into T h y desr Nl\I1l11l I flet!;

" Set ",Ioh," I pr.lae snd wors hip, For Thy Nsme is Victory I

Bleued J esu.! Mi.hty Ssviour! In Thy Nsme ;l\ all I need;

Ju51 to hn!"'the the Nllm., of J esus, II to drink of lifs indeed.

Clorlous, mighty Name of Jesus, I-Ie,,,,en snd earth its power proclaim;

But for.iven sinners only , Know the hshn of J esu.' N",~.

JUUII! Jesue ! N :u"e: most Pn!cious, B",lm in pIlln or mi.hty s word:

In Thy Nllrne. we: live snd conquer, .BIe. sed, glorious, coming Lord.

_ M. E. Barber.

on historical facts arc of great value, but they may be said to be mainly preliminary in the sense o f "rolJin~ away the stone" intellectually, so as to open the door for the Spirit­given revelation to the heart .

As we look out on the con­dition o f things religiously to­day, we c..'lll not fail to see that thi s divine "po wer to witness" is the great need of the o,ris­tian Church; for even in churches where the Gospel is truly preached in the letter of the \Vord. how few there are to whom the unseen Lord is a " living, bright reality." The result is that there is little per­sonal devotion to Him, and still less knowledge of II is voice, and 1-:1 is personal indiv idual cont rol of the believer's life.

(Continued all Page Ten)

Page 2: Eat the Book

TilE JlL:'o;TI (OST.\r E\'.\~r.f:'~

&at the fl300k Lilian B. Yeomans. M.D.


., I wellt to the angel and asked him to J.:"ivc me lh(' liul<' hook. "Take it," he said, "and ('at the whole of it." Rev. 10 :9, 10 (\ \' (·YIllOlllh).

People say sometimes that we think too Il1l1ch about eating.

J di<;a~n'l' with them. \ \\. cannot attach too milch il11por­

tam'c to til(' malln of eating. Everything hing(·s upon it.

\ \' c tllrn into what we cat. So important i ... the matler of right

('ating that the Blhle ahouncb in instruc­lion ... regarding it.




Beg-in at the beginning'; of (fJUfSe that means go back to Gl'ncsis. There we fmil the following instructions ",\n<.1 God said, Behold I havc given you ('Vcry herh hl'aring seed, which is upon the iace of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a trec yielding seed; tf) \'OU it shall be f'Jr meat." Gen. 1 :29.

.\ r)('rf('ctly ckar dietetic instruction. what they were cOlllmomjed to (·at. A definite dietary, a mandatory mellu.

Do you ask "Hasn't dietetics made Lre­nwnclolls strides during the last quarter century or so? Isn't it a vcry compli­cated husiu('ss nowadays?"

December 5, 1936

Yes, dietetics has made progress, and cwi(·ntists laboring in the field of nutrition are beginning, as the result of faithful and lahorious research and investigation, to get liS back a little nearer to God's great, all-wise provision for His people's hodily upkeep. But there is still much land for them to possess.

"But what about calories, minerals, vitamins A, B, C, D, E. and all the re~t ?"

Our Father has placed all the calories, minerals, vitamins, and all the other things that scientific investigators have not as yet discovered, in the plants, fruits, nuts, fisb, and flesh. He has created thelll for our usc and cOll1mand­('d us to cat, In Gen. 9:2 and 3, you will find the instructions regarding fi~h, fowl, and flesh.

They arc speciflc and perfectly tl ll ­dt.'rstandahle. All YOtl have to do is to follow them. AI1 the principles of the sClellce of nutrition are emhraced in them.

\\'ith a vat'ied diet, "every herh, every tree," fowl, fish, and flesh, you cannot miss your iodine. calciulll, iron, sulphur, or an) oth<.'r minerals that you need, and arc sure of ),our vitamins from A to Z.

"Raw food in proper proportion?" Of course.

1\11 kinds of frllit and vegetahles are provided for in abundance and profusion, and the law of Goa written in our physi­cal hcing-s causes us to desire to eat fruit. and c\'en vegetables, raw.

\Vho doesn't know what it is to cat raw carrots? Some o f us know wliat it is to get spanked for doing it too. Some old fash ioncd mothcrs didn't know any better. The scienti sts hadn't caught lip to the Bible 011 that yet.

I drive through great Jap.:'lnese mad!et gardens ,'cry often, and someti mes feel that I could envy a herbivorous quad­ruped turned loose in them. while they are sparkling wi th de\\'. Our Father knows how to garnish His table!

Our first parents were also told what not to cat. One tree only was forhidden to them-Uthe tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

J don't believe in making fanciful laws about what we may not cat. Let us adhere to the instructions in the Bible. They arc explicit enough. Romans 14 makes it very clear that we arc not to enter into controversy about Ihese mat­lers, and we have no allthority to im­pose restrictions upon anybody concern­ing thing-s not expressly forbidden in the Bible.

f.et us take our freedom. and remel11-her that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Gho:.t.

To re turn for a 1110l11ent to Gl'llesis­Did our first parcnts obcy the dietetic instrurlions ~iven them?

Page 3: Eat the Book

Dec('mber 5, 1936

No; they disobeyed, and refusing to be satisfied with the food provided for them, partook of that which was forbid­den. As a result they brought the en­tire human race under the condemnation of Almighty God, who sentenced them to eternal doom, the second death that never dies. He could do nothing else and remain God.

Am I old fashioned? \\'c11. so he it. I am in good company. I stand with Charles Spurgeon, who said whcn he occupied the foremost pulpit in the \\'orld, "I believe in a topless heavcn, a bottom­less hell, eternal sa lvation, and everlast­ing damnation."

Ever after he was nicknamed "Brim­stone," but like Paul, he kept the faith.

Now 1 come to the gist of my mes­sage.

A man lIlay be wcll fcd, so far as his physica l being goes, and yet :;tarv illg to death.

;'Man doth not live by bread only, but by EVERY word that procccdeth out of the mOllth of the Lord doth man live." Dellt. 8 :3.

Please underl ine. capi talize, emphasize in e\'ery conceivable manncr that word "EVERY."

The other day I was meditating broken­heartedly over the appalling atrocities, the unbelievable outrages being cOlllmit­ted ill Spain at the present moment, and the word s ;;Famine su ffere rs" (loated to me. "Famine sufferers"? "A fam ine not of bread " but of hearing the words of the Lord." Amos 8 : 11.

1 recalled the awfu l things that have been done in famines of natural bread. People even falling upon and de\'ouring their own loved ones ! And how inrLl1itely worse is a famine of the \Vorcl of the Lord!

Man is triune, made up of spi rit , soul, and body, and th e Bi ble plainly teaches that the spiritl/al part o f man must be fed. Doctors furni sh us with formula: for the diets o f our babies, and God has not forgotten 11is bahies; "As new born babes desi re the sincere milk of the \Von1, that ye may grow thereby." 1 Peter 2 :2. \Ve have explicit instruc­tions as to the food requi red by those who are born o f the Spirit, from babyhood to the completion of the race, the fmi sh of the fight of faith. It h imperative that they be follrnued to tile lasl jot and litt/c.

Just as plainly as God told Adam and Eve what to eat for the maintenance of their bodies, J re has specifled our spi rit­ual food, has furnished us with a spi rit­ual menu.

\Vhat is this provision for the nour­!shlllen t. gr.o\\'th , and development of the mller mall ~


"All Scripture is gi\'en hy m~pira· Lion of God. and is profltahle for lllx:­trine , for reproof, for correction, for JIl­

struction in rigllleousne~.s: that the man of God may be pcrfec t, throughly furn­ished unto all good work~." 2 Tim. 3 :16.

Eat the Book, the whole Book. That ,means that you arc to take e\'cry word

for yourscH indi\'idually. People don't eat what doesn 't belong to them. £\'('ry warning, every rebuke, c\'ery promise. every love \\'ord, is yours, just as trt1I}~ as though yotl werc the oniy person in the universe.

You arc to takc the \\'01'(1, :lnd appro­priate it by introducing it into the vcry cure of your beillg'. You send it lIIto your spiritual digestivc appamtus from whence it is distributcd to every spirit­llal organ, and thrown into the hlood stream. It becomes lightning in your nerves, seeing in your eycs, thought in you r brain, and purpose in YOllr heart. AND YOU .IRE CIl/\NGEll.

Page Thret

I f you arc uns..1.\,ed when you eat thbe "\\'onderful \Vords (If Life" you lind you rself horn :J.gaill of incorruptible ~n'd, which is the \\'ord of Cod. 1 f you arc ~ick you are made ('very whit whoie, for " lI e st.'nt l1is \Vonl and healed thclll." PS:liln 107 :20.

] f yOIl arc pO\\,l'rle~::i eat the promise, "Yc :-;hall rt.'cei\"c power, after the Holy Gho~t is COIllC upon you." Acts 1 :8- You will rcceivc, as thl'\' did JIl Acts 2 :4,

Hut rCllH.'mbcr titat the \\'ord must be rccci\'Co into your inmo~t heing'. The words "helly" and "howds" (Ez{'kicl 3:3 and I{t.'\-. 10:9) are somcwhat absolete, sn iar as polite society gocs, though they may he ll~l'd with propricty in scientific parlance, but I fmnly belie\'e that they warn 11:; against a Illt.'rcly intellectual ea t­ing of the word.

It i~ with the heart, not the head. that Illan bdicvNh IInto !'i..tl\'ation. .\nd it h:l~ to he the \\'TIOLE \\'ORD. 0:ot in spots and strcak~. Xo penknife used 011 it 1

~Iliriti!'om, n'stitutionism, hloodless (Continued 011 Page Seven)

~ tm ~b. ~~~I\~)e

Only one·third of the children's bread left for them.


Page 4: Eat the Book

Pllg(' Four

fl3uilding for god ~=============I~~============~~

A few wCl·k!> ago it was our pka~urc to have a visit from on(' ()f tht.' (·ditorial staff of the ChriJ/uJI/ ,",·Iaw/ard. a hmda­lIlt'ntali!,t papl"r puhlisiwt\ 111 Cincinnati, Ohio.

This paptr ha ... he('l} compiling- statistics conn'ming" thl' Sunday School..., and they find that there is a decline in Sunday School attendance throughout tilt" land. The movies are crowded with children. Using the scn'l' ll as a pulpit, the devi l is giving the prCSl'lIt generation llluch in­struction in evil doing-. In COIl!'.C(llICnCC, juvenile crime is illcn'a!'.ing- ill all ab­normal way. Our jail... and lx'nitcntiaries are being liliNI with young )I('ople. \Vhen questioned. it is Il early alway" fOllnd that the juvenik ddinqllcnts and the young

IfI.·(Jple who flil our jails arc those who l1('n'r have had any religiolls instruction ill the Sunday School.

This editor told u'> a ... tor\" of what has h('en acc~mplished by ol1e young man. I Ie was expecting to hccollw a high Sdl001 L('acher and was studying at a cer­talll univcrsity for this purpose. One clay there, came to that. university three W0111en. I hey asked thIS youllg man to COO1(' and hdp th el11 in thcir church.

"\Vhat makes you come to me?" he asked, ",1 am n?t one of the divinity stu­dents. fhere IS a whole crowd of them in the nni versity training to be preachers. \Vhy don't you go and speak to some of th(,111 ?"

H\VC have been." they answered, "but

Th'l rl'\tllrI\<ltiQI\Ql ]'\In.:lQY 5<:hQQl 'Q\lr5<l <>nly <>n .. ·third

,.....-.,;,...--"---,.:;----.J /' /' ?


Resist the devil

and he will flee from you.

J"ME54 . 7


December 5, 19'36

we arc poor and we can promise no financial help and so they have all turn­ed tiS down. But the principal told us he thought you might come and help us."

The three womrn stood wcel~ing be­f orc !rhe young man and his heart was. tOllched. "I would gladly do anything I could to help you," he said, "but you st e I am nOt a preacher."

"You are a Christian. we have been told, and surely you can come down to our town on Sunday anti give us a lit­Lie talk."

This young man at last consented to comc the following Sunday. lIe found an old tumble-down church in great need of repair. There had been some trouble and the men of the town would not at­tend, I('aving the cause of Christ to a few poor women who were doing their best to­carryon. There were just thirteen out lhat first Sunday morning. lIe learned that a banker had a mortgage on the­building and was just about to foreclose .. intending to tear down the church and erect business houses on the site.

That first trip was like Nehemiah's. visit to Jerusalem. The young man saw" the broken-down condition of the walts .. hut he also saw possibilities for God~ \Vith the help of the Lord surely some­thing- could be accomplished. With Ne­hemiah there was prayer and there was. action. He too could pray and he could also act. Could not the same mighty God of Israel help him in the task of rebuilding? He would look to Him.

He started off with a Sunday School effort, gathing all the children who filled the streets and neighborhood ncar the church. A good Sunday School is the­bulwark of any church. Soon the grown­ups began to follow the children to church. and to Sunday School. They liked the­spirit of this young enthusiast who was giving his time and talent to help rebuild this church for God. They liked the­simple unpretentious talks he made.

This young man interviewed the bank­er who agreed to forego foreclosing the· mortgage for awhile. Then he went to­see a lumberman who donated some build-· ing- material. He then visited a man who· had a paint store, who gave some paint. Soon a number of volunteers were re-· pairing that run·down church and mak·· ing it look quite respectable again.

Within one year the work of that church was so built up there were 3()() members and a good healthy Sunday School. But that young man, who had now dropped his ideas of becoming a high-school teacher, began to look for something more to do for the Lord. He called a church meeting. He said to his church members, "YOll see what the J .nrd has done for us here. He is surely helping us, and now He expects us to. help the other fellow," He then spoke

Page 5: Eat the Book

December 5, ]936

()f a ncar-by town whcre tne cause of Christ was badly neglected. He said, "Now wc arc going to start a work for Cod o,·cr there. \\'e are going to gather .all the childrcn of that place into a Sun­<lay School and arc going to provide the Sunday School tcachers f rom our church. \Ve will also start a protractcd meeting .and one of you folks ic; going to give a talk e\"ery night. Pointing to one of his converts he said, "You are going to give a mcssage the first night." Then pointing to anothcr he said, "YOli arc going to give a talk on the second night." Then hc told one aftcr another how he expected them to help.

A Sunday School was startcd in t.his flew district and within a year a thnnng work for God had heen established. Then the pastor called another church mect­lng. He said, "\\'e have started one branch work during the past year and the Lord has indecd becn our helper. 1\' ow wc arc going to start another branch." He dcsignated another neglect­ed town. A Sunday School was started in this town and within a year there was not only a good Sunday School but a fllle congregation.

Our editor friend told ti S that in e ighteen years this young man had op~n­ed eighteen chllrches, everyone of winch has a good Sunday School. 11e stated that he had personally visited every one of these eighteen churches and had seen a nOllfishing work in each place. As to the original church, that had so gr.own during the eighteen years that three tnnes they had to rebuild. They now have a congregation of over 1500.

\ \'hat has heen done in that onc locality call be done all over the country. if we only get the vision and the zeal. The :\fastcr's command is, "Go )"e .and preach the gospel.'· To how many? "To evcry crealure." \\'hcre arc we to start? J list where we are-at our J e1"U­salem. Then we are to spread out-to all J uda::a . Then f urthcr-o\·~r. t he border to Samaria. J n the large \"1:01011 of our Saviour there is beyond us "the utter­most parts of the carth," and when we are truly joined with Him in spirit that will he our vision too.

A few days after talkin~ to this editor I had a chat with our General Superin­tendcnt, 13rothcr E. S. \Villiams, ,vllO had just returned from a visit to the South. J was telling him this story and he remarked, "1l will be largely up to u s as a people who have the Full Gospel message 10 accomplish the task of na­tion-wide evangelism. The churches in this land arc largely dead. So many of them have men in the~r pulpits who have lost thcir faith." He then related how he had been invited to dinner at a cer­tain university and found that the man who taught the Old Testament to the sludC'nts· the futurc prC'arhers of

.\mrrica· ·utterly r<'j<'ckd the miracu­lous. 1 low can thost, whose faith is un­d(.:rmined preach a full gospd message? It is surely up to those who know the power of Ih" Spirit and who behc\"e the \\·nrd of God to gi,·c the gospel m('~s..,gc

to tho"e who ha\"e it not, depending wholly as did those l·arly apostles on the prl's(.:ncc of the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs fol­lowing. \\'c must go forth as did \llg-nstine with the watchword, ".\ whole Bihle for my starr, a whole Christ for my . .sa~'iotlr, and a whole world for my parish.

The ctlrs(' of today is Ihl' prcaching of a ~o-('alkd '·Social Gospel.·' That is no g-ospel at all for it strips thc Bible of all the supernatural \ kw days ago ihere came to our dl'sk a sh{'N from a :'Ilodcrlllsi paper XOll.: thcse statements hy one of Iheir writers (John HC\"an, :'IT. :\.) .. '[f the widow of Naill received her son back alive, he could not ha\"e hc(.:t1 l"l'nlly dead, nlthollg-h he had heen takt·n to intefllwllt. Similarly, if the

Page Five

dallJ.!hH.'f of Jairus was raised after the incidt·nt narrated ill the g-ospcl. she was not (kad hefore ii, c\"tn though they wcrc mourning for Iwr .... It is, I am J!l'fsnadt'ci. illlllOs ... ihl(' to regnrd the story of thL' raising of I...-l7.arUS as a narrative of hi ... toric:11 en-nts. • Therc was no Vlf/;in birth. JCSIlS I-!"0t his physical nattlre in the ordinan" way throug-h his father and 1Il0tlwr. J(N.'ph and ~tary." Thus "\\O<"il-rni:-.ts Sl'ck to ullckrmillc faith in the :-=criJltuft's of truth. :'Ilodernism is jnst :lnntill'r name for a hundred per CCllt atheislll. It p:Jradl's around wear­ing" :J H'liginus mask, and thus many are dl"t"cin·d thl'H'hy.

Thl' I"ord has c-alll'd us as a Pente­l'(l ... tal P(.'ol1\(o tn hl' sl'paratf.'. For some ,t·ar., Illall\" of liS ha\"e IW::t.'n hurdtned ;Ihollt folJuwing 111{' dirtatl's oi tht' In­trfll:1tional L~:s ... on cOllllllitlt't.' a~ to what Wl' should h.'ach the rhildn.'n in Ol1r Sun­day Schools. Our {'ycs have bccn opened to the i,ll"t that two thircls of til(' Bihle Ins hu·n olllitit'd ill thi" Cllur"'l' \\'c have dl'(:ided to IlO long-er follow this course

I II Ihe pasl, Ihe Sunday & hool Lessons have covered only one -third of the Bible, many books not having been touched. This condilion has led the Gospel Publishing House 10 pre· pare a WHOLE BIBLE COURSE which will enable Ihe Sunday &hool 10 leach Ihe WHOLE BIBLE illslead of one­Ihird of Ihe Bible.

Page 6: Eat the Book

Pagl' Six

1 c. 33 _ -j: --j: --I-


I ~-0

December 5, 1936

1935 1936

L, 0;.1':.;-' -l-'---+ J, -''-l-- '1-,; i

.. -:-+-

The Decline of Sunday School Allendance in U_ S. A.

1'11(' flhM'I' oral'1I a/ld flu' daJa r rOm 7J'lIj,/t if is made is fltrlli,~},cd liS by till' COllrtesy of ;'1'},(' Lookollt ," '( • .illiclt r(,CI.;ivcs reports from thol/sal/ds of ~')/fnd(/y .)·c/tools ('(1cll ycar, alld pre­pares (l((lImlc datu. there/rom.

/935, blfl reports show fhe lillc still goillg d01.vl/ ill 1936. The !JcHera! treJl(/ is dOWH for tell years. The :}Iear 1934 is the /01.l'cSt. alld that 'zo!as aliI' II1·ghesl point in crime.

Tllf' graphic filiI' sllo'ws tile Ire1l(/ of a/tclldallcc (ach year sillce /926. ill tile (/1 1('r{/{/(, Amcricall Sum/a)' School. The year 1926 is IlIia'll 10 I'rprCscilt /00. The graph ellds 'with

Let us go Ol(t into the streets aHd Im/Cs, into the high'ways (lIId hedges, alld "compel" the IIcglectrd children of our Im!a to (Ollie illto 0111' S'l/lLday Schools to hear the gospel of the Lamb of God '(vila died for their shls.

dictated by those who are avowedly Modernists but to have a full Bible course of Ollr own. ,",\lilh the New Year tbis course begins. Pamphlets giving details of this Seven Years \Vhole Bible Course for our Sunday School and our Three Years Preparatory Course for our primary children will be gladly sent free to those who apply for the same.

We have found among our {riends all over the country a hearty response to thi s 11l0ving away frol11 this one third Bible course prescri bed by the Interna­tional Committee, to the \Vhole Bible Course that has been prayerfully pre­pared by Spirit- Ii li ed workers. We arC saying 10 one and aIJ, "Collle with us into the whole ,",Vord of God, and we know of a certainty that the livi ng \ Vord of the living God will do you good." \Ve need tbis for a liI' Sunday School children , for the entrance o f God's \Vord giveth lif!ht and life. \·Ve need the whole \,yord of God in order to get the vision of ag­gressively going out beyond Ollr own immediate circle to start eighteen or more outstations as the young man did whose story we have told.

Some may ask, " \ \Tha t helps can we have for ihe new course 7" Vie believe every Sunday School teacher who de­sires to study these lessons thoroughly should h;lVC both O\lr /\dllit Teacher's Quarterly and our Tntennediate Teach­er's Quarterly (which also includes helps for luniors). The writers for the Adult Teacher's Q uarte rly are Brothers Myer Pearlman, E. S. \\"illiams, Noel Perkin, Olas. E. Robinson, and the Editor of the

Evangel. The writ('rs for the :lnter­mcdiate Teach,er's Quarterly are Miss Alice E. Luce, 1-.1rs. Clara IJrooks, Miss Zelia. Lindsey, and others.

I t is also recommended that each Sun­day School send [or a bundle roll of Evangels so that each teacher can re­ceive Ollt:. The le~son will be explained each week in this paper.

Leuer from a Missionary tl ere is a letter n:celltly received from

a very spiri tual Pentecostal missionary, Brother G. F. Bender, llarquisimeto, Venezuela, South America. "The num­ber of the Evangel that fd led me with deep satisfaction was the Spccial Sun­day School l1uml,er. For· a long time the Sunday School lessons have been obnox ious to mc. My poor soul refused them and 1 got to the place where I hated to study the lessons. 1 could not interpret this feeling in me for a long timc, until aboul two weeks before the Special Sunday School number came,

SPRE,IDING TilE GOSPEL MESSAGE Till' assemhly at 51h alld Peoria. Tlllsa,

Oklahoma, luwe four tracl boxes, bllt they have sellt for two more alld for twcnly dollars worth of tmcts to fill them. They 'l ove also ordered 2,000 copics of a reCi'Ht ilea/illY Num­ber of the Evallgei.

A flood example for other asscmblies to fol­low! IVe still have "WIr)' tlror/sGilds of copies of the lJealiug Nllmbcr. Remember the price, 100 copies for $1.00, or 25 copics for 25 UI/ts, tVit li al~ o.,.der of 1.000 copies we prill! fhe imprint of tile assembly alltl times of lIIedillg free.

when I said to my wi £e: 'I hate the In­ternational Sunday School lessons. It is hard for me to teach them. But what to do I do not know.' Will we be able to get these new Bible lessons in Span­ish? VIe should like to follow them if possible, because my soul loathes these 1 nternationai lessons."

A Need for Your Teachers \Vith the introduction of the \·Vhole

Bible Sunday School Course in the New Yea r, we believe it will be found helpful if every Sunday School would order a bundle roll of Pentecostal I~vangels, so that every teacher can have the benefit of the lesson helps that will be found each week in tha t paper. The cost in. U. S. A. for a bundle roll of 6 copies weekly is only $1.56 per quarter; for 12' copies weekly, $3. 12 per quarter; for 25 copies weekly, $6.50 per quarter. The prite in Canada (we have to pay extra postage) will be for 6 copies weekly, $1.95 per quarter; [or 12 copies weekly~ $3. 75 per quarter; for 25 copies weekly .. $7.65 pCI' quarter.

-----"I have read the Bible throtlgh many

times, and now make it a practice to read it through once every year. I pity the man who cannot find in it a rich supply of thought and of rules of conduct." ­Vvebster.

"Young man, my advice to you is that you cultivate an acquaintance with and a fmn belief in the Holy Scriptures."­Benj . Franklin.

Page 7: Eat the Book

Dccembcr 5, 1936

Proper Food A naturalist had a numher of pigeons.

Finc, healthy birds they were, for be fed them on wholt' grain. One time he made an experiment. Hc began to feed them on bahr's white bread. The millers take about two-thirds of the nourish­mcnt Ollt of the whill' flour llscd in the urdinary baker's bread. The result was that a her a month of this ncw diet the pigeons became so weak that they could not fly. SOIlIC wt're practically dying.

Some friends r('\luked the naturalist for giving this food to his pigeons and he said, "\\'ell, I am only giving the birds for a month what you are giving your children all the time.'· He then changed the diet, giving the hirds whole grain agaill, and in a month they were just as healthy as they were Ix' fore.

1£ we love the children of our Sunday Schools we shall be glad and happy to give them a whole Bible course instead of one from which two-thirds of the Bible has been taken away. Beginning January 1st, the Gospd Publishing House offers to all our Sunday Schools a Seven Years Full Bible Course instead of the one-third Bible course offered by the International Lessoll l.:ollll11iltcc.

\Ve have not heard [rom one who expressed any regret at ou r maki ng this change. In 2 e hron. 21 :20 there is a brief obituary about that abolllinable k ing Jehoram who "departed without be­ing desired." Everyone that we have talked with so far seems to be shouting happy ahout the change £rol1l a one­third to a {ull Bible course, and over the one-third Bible course can be written the epitaph of Jehoram, ··departed with­out being desired."

Eat the Book (Continued from Page Three)

healing cults, etc. , have come £roll1 our neglect of !)omc portions of the Bible.

\Ve cannot afford to neglect one thing in divine Revelation. Nor may we fill ourselves with onc aspect of divine truth almost to the exclusion of other aspects . If we do this, masses of our fe llow beings "lame ones" may be turned out of the way, faili ng to have their spiritual hun­ger satisfied, partly famished, they turn to garhage heaps for sustenance.

GOD'S people can only be un ited, "one as He and the Father arc One," on the basis of the WHOLE Bll3U'.

"J\s li tt le as the power of the Spir it could be given without Christ sitting on the th rone, could it descend withou t the disciples on the foot-stool of the throne." -Andrew ~Iu rray.

-.,.------"If we abide by the pr inciples taught

in the Bi ble our country will ~o on pros­per ing and LO prosi>er."-Daniel \ Veb­ster.

Page SC1:en

.:._----,----- -_._--------------------? i Our Sunday School Quarterlies I I I t iff'l.l I " r. Srll~ . I' /l.I7];/I,"1f}''''

I Te,\C/fEn"'j:£ , II Whole Q. •• ".,.;;"


I,. - ;t,~'f,!:~~ ~ ~ G 'lJ... 1 ' l~r.NIO~"" . I you~ .[L , ';fl ILDRENS. J ISTE.R..'u:DlATE \ Qtwril"lj..'J T.EAC1IE~ Quari"' 'ill

I Quarfctjy

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rp.%f"4L~ JUNIOR., .

Quarlt'Jjy ~




Adult & Youn g People's Teac: he.rs' Quarte rly . 3 or lIIore Lopic~ to one address, each Ix; single cOVY pcr quarter .................... _ ....... -. . ...... ----..

(Canada :\.l1d Fore.g, add Ie for each 'I" .. nerty to con:r Ulr.I ltOlIUlle) Senior - lntennediate-Junior T e achcn' Quarterly. 3 or more copies to one address ,


each lOC i single cop), per quarter .......................... _ . ...... . ._. .... .. ...... .IS (Canada and Foreign add Ie lor each 2 'Iuarter!ies to c;o\er extra postaKe)

Children', Teachers' Quarterly-For Teachers ilL the Beginllers and Primary Departments. 3 or morc copies to one addrcs~, each 10c j single copy, per qua rte r ....................... _.

(Canada and Foreign add i·~···I~; ~·~~h· 2 ·~i~;;·~;~~i·i~~···;~-~~·;~~···~~·;;~···r;;~·i;·ii~·)···· ............. .


Adult and YOWlg People'. Qua rterly-,\ges 18 and u\>. Per year ZOe, or per quartcr .......................... ......... . ....... _ .... _ ...... _.... ..... . ._ ..... _ .. _ .................... _ .. .

(Canada aud Fnrcign add 10: for eao:h S quarlerlies 10 co~o:r exIra poslage)

I Senior a nd Intermedia te Quarterly-J\gcs 12 to 17. Pcr yc,lr ZOe, or pcr quarte r

I· (Canada and Foreign add Ie for each 5 quarterlict 10 co~er exira postage)

Primary Quarterly-For Agcs 6, 7, and 8. Pcr y~ar, zOe, or per quarter I (Canada and Forei8"11 add Ie for each 5 quartuJies :0 cover exira I)()Uage)


Junior Quarterly-AF:"cs 9, 10, and 11. Per year ZOe, or per quarter .......... . " (Canada and l-'oreign add Ie for each S quarlerliu 10 co~er extra ))Quage)


I Sunday School Leu on Leaves-Contain Scripture text of Le~son . Golden Text, and comments 011 I .('"sson. Per set per year 16e; or per (l uarter I (Canada and Foreign add Ie: for each 7 seu 10 CO\·U eo;Jra \l'JltaKe)






1_G __ O_SP_E_L __ P_U __ B_L_1S_H_1N __ G __ H_o_u,SE ______ , S_~_R_~ __ N.~ __ r-_1E_L_D_, __ 11,~S_O_U_R_I~~

Page 8: Eat the Book

Poar Eight

John's Vision on Palmos J.e~son for December 13; Less,.,n Text Rev.

1:1 to 3:22.


John, the Apostle whom J tSU~ loved, had ~Jlltlivcd all the rest of the Tweh-e, each of whom had 'iuflen.:d a violent (leath, and now John himself is a lonely prisoner in banish­ment on the treelcss Isle of Patmos. J Ie is tht John who wrote the fourth Gospel, and also tIll' First, Second, and Third Epi!otles of John.

The EUllx:ror of Rome in all official pallers (";\Ikd himself, "Our Lord and God," and demanded of all bis subjects acts of homal{e which are due only to God. Because the Christians refused to (>.1.y him this humage. tlwy were lo~ked upon as enemics of the State and. from time to timc, bloody persccu tiPtlS were launched in the hope of extenninat­in/.! thelll. In the providence of God John had escaped death in all of these persecutions.

II. )OIlN II\'TRODUCES illS TJlEME John wrote a letttr to the seven churches in

A!>ia Minor, of which he was the bishop, (krl11itely directing a part of the letter to earh church. Howc"er the portion meant for caeh was nnt confIdential, but waS intended 10 be shared, not only by the seven, but by the church at large, down through tbe cen­wries, as well. At the close of each one of these letter· portions is the reitera ted command, "I [e that hath an car, let him hear what the SI)iri t saith unto the churches." Then we n'ad, "Blessed is he that readeth," and keep­l'tll "those things which arc written" in this nook. So we sec that it is of vital importance that every Ch ristian both read ami heed all these letter poJ·tiom.

Grace and peace arc mentioned as coming from the Father, "Him which is, and which was, and which is to come" (Preferably, is romillg, "etemally. seJ(-exi5tent, and yet who is, as it were. e\'er moving forward, unroll­ing on the (>.'Re of history His unEni!:ohed and unnuishable name") ; and from the l loly Spirit, "the seven 5pirits which arc before the throne" (Sec Rev. 5:6); ":lIld from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness." The beginning of his descript io)) of the Lord Jesus reminds us of the Lord's concluding statement to H is fol­lowe rs that . "Ye shall be witlll'Ssl's lInto tile • . • IIttlO the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1 :8.

John concludes his introduction with a doxology of praise "unto Him that loves ( R. \'.) us. and washed us from our sins in his own blood." That the word sh<;;luld be "IO\'es" is plain as soon as one remembers that He changes 110t. As H e loved us Ollce, He loves IlS still. Praise thc 1.ordl lIe "hath made us a kingdom: pr iests unto God" (Lit. Tr.) . He is King and we administer the kingdom as priests,

1f f. T II E~[ E DEFINITEl.Y STATED Outside of the se\'Cll letter-portions addressed

to John's seven churches, the Revelation is a wonderful descr iption by symbols, of the second coming of the Lord Jesus including the mighty e\'ents that immediately precede and follow that


C(ltl1lng. It is an enlargement of what the Lord forecac;t in His Olivet discoune, in verse seven al!l1()~t using again the words of Matt. 24 :30-"'I'll( 11 5h .. 11 all the tribes of the earth mourn."

",\11 kindreds of the earth shall wail." some in f!<·nittllce. such as the Jews who shall "mourn for him. as one mourneth for his (!Illy ~Oll" (Zech. 12:1 0); and as an incident of Iwh wailing a nation shall be born in a day,

I"a. (i6:8-10. When the Times of the Gen­tilc~ ~ltall have come to an end, and the Jews an' again the fayorer' of God. it b believed that that nation will do the chief pari of the cvilf1~di7.ation then to be done. Some will mourn ill despair and call for the rocks and lIl{)untains to fall on them. Rev. 6:16, 17.

IV. TWO IXTRODUCTIONS The re,ll Author of the Book introduces

llilllself a<;, "All)ha aTlGl Omega," as if IIe had said the A and the 2, the "beginning and the ending," "the Almighty." The human author, \\'ho wrote down what he was told to write, intrmluces himsdf as "your brother and com­Il<tlli"ll in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ."

John says he was in the Spirtt (I believe it ~h(luld be written spirit), even as it is believed Palll was, while his body lay on the trash pile outside the city of Lystra, when it was !:oupposed that he was dead. The presumption is tlmt at that time Paul was "in the spirit," and so was caught I1P into heaven where he ~aw things that it is not lawful to tell, See 2 Cor. 12:2-4.

V. A FORECAST FOR US We are told that the Lord Jeslls "shaH

changc ollr vile body, that it may be fashioned like lInto his glor iolls body." See Phil. 3 :20, 2 1. The body of Jesus as it was before it was glorified or made into "his g lorious body," was well known to John; but when he turned, as he says, "to sec the voice that spake with" him, and saw the Lord J eSlls in "his glorious body," the sight was so overpowering that he "fell at his feet as dead." Now we are to


( HAS. E. Q0 81NSON - - - "VH! P[A.QLMAN A"SOC .... T£ It.> .TO US

NO EL PUUU N M . ... S .O' .. A IIY rOlTo n

The Pentecostal EL'lmgci is a weekly publica /ion and is the official Orga,l of the Assemblies

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Subscription Rate:>. $1.00 p.."'f gear in U. S. A. UJllodo, $1.50; Creat Britain and possessions, 7/6.

&nd all subsmptions to the Q).lpel Publishing House. 3.16 W. Pacific St .. Springfield, Mo., U. S. A .

December 5, 1936

IIn:!l' bodies like His. ~o wondcr therefore that it is ~aid that the things ,vhich God hath prep.a rcd for them that loye Him have not en· tererl into the heart of man. Sce 1 Cor. 2 :9. ~o wonder Daniel ShOlltS, "They that be wise ~hall c;hine as the brightness of the firmament." ( 12 :3). Israel had a sort of preview of this glory which is to be ours, when they saw )of ()~n' face shining with such intolerable hrightncss that Moses had to wear a yeil before thl'm.

\'1. \\'ORDS OF DESCRIPTION \\'hen John turned "to see the voice," he saw

the glorious Christ standing in the midst of sC\'cn golden candlesticks, and holding in I tis hand scven stars. It is explained that the SCVl'll golden candlesticks arc the seven church­es :tnd that the seven stars held ill His hand arc the angels, that is, as is generally belieyed. the pa5{ors of those several churches. It is mo~t encouraging to pastors to know from this that they too are held in the hand of the ullchanging Christ. Praise the Lord! And how glorious too is the realization that our Lord ~tallds in the midst of our assemblies, watch­ing, guiding, loving, inspiring. \Ve arc not hrought into Christ by the new birth and then left to shape our course the best way we can, which would be poorly enough; but we are "kept by the power of God through faith unto salvat ion ready to be revealcd in the last time," 1 Peter 1 :5.

Out of the mouth of this glorious personage wellt "a sharp twoedgcd sword," a thing to which special attention is again called in the letter-portion meant for the church at Smyrna. Rev. 2:12. As this sword proceeds out of His mOllth it seems it must bc words, and this is made the more reasonable when we read that "The word of God is Quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twocdged sword" (Heb. 4: 12); and that "he shal! smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of hi s lips shall he slay the wicked." Isa. 11 :4.

\"If. THE LORD REASSURE5 JOHN When John looked upon the glorious Christ

whose face shone "as the sun shineth in his strength," and "feB at his feet as dead," our wonderful Lord "laid his right hand upon" John, saying, "Fear no!." This Illust have reminded John of that night on the tossing waters of the lake when this same Jeslls had come to the toiling disciples, walking on the water. Thcy we re frightened, thinking they were seeing a ghost. but Jesus said, "Be of good cheer; it is I; be Hot afraid," :Mat t. 14 :27. Preciolls, r(,assuring, understanding, synl ]}'1.th izing Saviour 1 He is saying to you and me, ill ou r hard places, as Hc said to the ruler of the synagogue when he was told that his daughter had died, "Be not afraid, only beliel'e." Mark 5 :36. "In all points he was tempted like as we are," and so He is "touch­ed with the feeling of our in6nnities." Heb. 4 :IS.- C, E . R.

WHY NOT? "What shall I give my frieluj. for Christ·

1110S?" 3'011 are aski"g. That qlfestiOl~ i',s rosily seffled. SC1ld Ihe lIe;rt 52 isslles of Ihe Evallgel, together 'wilh a 11ew book 011 the the SPiril-jified life, writtm by the Editor. that is jlfst off Ihe press. We 'Will selld a Christmas card to YOllr friend /l'fling of )'our gifl. All tillS for $1.00. (OIl/side U. S. A., $1.50.) Acl now.

Page 9: Eat the Book

December 5, 1936

INCREASING AR~tAMENTS An Associa ted Press despatch irom Geneva

~tatc5: "A vast increase in the armaments of the world was shown today by the Lea~e of :\ations Armament Year Book for 1936."

PALESTINE A CROWN COLONY? Reports hrwish ChroH4·cfe: "A th('(lry thOit

was advanced soon after the 1929 riots in Palestine has now taken concrete shape in the formation of the Palestine Crown Colony As­sociation, the purpose of which is to stture the inclusion of Palcsti~ within the fu.mc­work of the British Commonwealth."

BTBLELESS HOM ES According to Bible 8culIIn', it was found

that 2,953 out of 7.646 homes visited by one worker within a year had no Bibles. Another worker found a family who for four genera­tions never owned a Bible. Th~s~ discov~rie, were made not on the edg~ of a prime\'ai for­est, nor in th~ neglect~d int~rior of a far­away continent. but in our own United States. The fact that half the world lives in Bible­l~ss homes confronts thos~ charged with BibJ~ distribution with a solemnizing ch311~nge.

PALESTINE SlllPPING \Ve I~arn from Pall's/j'll' Rrview that

"Nearly 300,000 travelers came or left by sea in 1934. From 803 ships that anchored in Haifa and Jaffa harbors in 1930, rcprcs~nting a total tonnage of 1,800,000, th~ figure r~~ in 1934 to 2,518, repres~nting 6.000,000 ton­nag~. Th~ amount spent on shipping trans­port to and frolll Palcstin~ in 193-1 in r~spect of both flasseng~rs and good, has been com­puled al over $20,000,000. In 1935 all Ihes~ figures wer~ appreciably high~r."

GOD'S RICH MAN "One of England's rich~st men is practically

unknown," declares Dau.!n. "H~ is Afr. Joseph Lank. eighty-one years old, own~r of the big­gest flour mills in Gr~at Britain . He owns over $100,000,000 and might be much richer if he did not give money away by the million. He is a devout Christian, and has built mission churches in many industri.al towns and in th~ East End of London. His gifts to the Method­ist Church total som~.thing like $5,000,000. Th~ guiding principle of his lif~, he once told his closest intim.ate, is prayer. "If I tak~ any­thing to prayer, I alway, succeed."

\VHAT COMMUNISTS TEACH "Th~re are more than 124 Communist Sunday

Schools in Great Britain in which the Com­munist faith is 13ught," says Da<t'/1. "The CAtechism in common use t eacl~s in allsw~r to the questions, for example, What is God' 'God is a word used to de~ignate an imaginary being which people of th~lIlselves have devised.' Who is Jesus Christ? 'Jes.us Ch r i,)t is the son of a Jewish girl C.3l1ed Mary.' II he the Son of God? 'There is no God. therefore there can be no God's Son.' Is Christ ianity desir­aWe? 'Christianity is not .advantageous to us, but it is harmful, it makes us spiritu.al cripples. By its 'caching of bliss after de.ath it deceiyes the people. ChrWitianity i5 the greatest obstack to the prOi'r~SI of mankind, therefor~ it is the dllty of every citiun to help wipe out Chris­tianity.' ..


A STANDING ClIALLENGE States T~mf'{~ F.f!'(mgdist: "Seventeen y('ars

ago. through the Associated Press in tl~ Cnit­ed States, was oITered $1000 to anyone who could demonstrate an unquestioned contradic­tion ~tween a fact of science and a <;tat~ment of the Scriptures The $1000 is sti ll in the hands of the Bureau."

AGAINST MILITARY TRAINING According to F~dl'rol Co/mcil Bulfdi".

"Many denominations throughout the tTnited States have definitdy gone on record as op­posed to compulsory military training. These incl\Kle the Northern Baptists, Congrcgation.al and Christian Omrches, Disciple~ of Christ. Friends G~neral Conference, :Methodist Epis­copal Church, Presbyterian Church. U.S. A., Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. Reformed Church in .\merica, and United Presbyterian Church."


"Suicides are tak ing place now among the Communistic youth ~ause they ha ve no definite aim in lif~." r~port~ Euro/,(.'o" /larvut Fir/d. "Th~y have bc:c:n worn out by the politics of the Bolsheviks. Some time ago, thr~~ women stud~nts of an agr icultural in­stitute prepared themselves for suicide. mak­ing a big demonstration. They poisoned them­~el~, but fOf'tunate ly w~re saved. Afterwards, they were brought to the cou rt for ind ictment."

.:._----_._----------:. W ords of COllnsel from

Daddy Welch \Ve g('t mor~ through sacrifice thall We

do throu.t:;:h selfishne~s. There i~ a life that ligh t~ ·" 'n Him

was lif~ ;lI1d that life wa~ the light of m,n

Do not permit people to look to you p<= rsonally as thei r leader-to attach themselves to you You do flOt own the she~p.

When a per~OI1 speaks in tongues he i" not ~pcaki ng to men . but to God If the message i~ for men it will c(")me back from God.

Ninety nine times out of a hundred when yon are bound it is through your ow n carnal na ture. TIJere is no man strong enough to bind you unl~ss you will to be bound.

God's puq)()~e is to have a rac(' of be­ings peculiarly capable of associa ting with Ilimseif. That explains the rea ~on why we must pa ss through the long process of redemption.

Faith is not a commodity to be ac­cumulated as money. but an element which is born under certain conditions

I -v.'hen self is abas~d until you can't go down any lower. The thing necessa ry


for the development of faith i~ to ~('t to the place where you say. 'Till nothing hut a servant and it d~M1't pay to ke~p m~."

JEWISH DISTRESS At the Jewish CQnrress in Geneva. where

Ihr~e hundred dele1o;ates gath~red Inlm tblrty­t .... o c\lulltries, it was ~tatffl that about five mill inn Jew~ were economically ruined. Com· plaint was made that the public opinion Qf the world, burdened a§ it was \\, ith the caru of coming cata'itroph~s. w,,~ ~r\lwing nl(!re and more dulled to any appe.al for justice.

RELIGIO:\' I:\' ~tEXICO The se<:rctary of President Cardena~ of Mex­

ico, in an open leller to tbe Catholic clngy e;o;plain .. one rea~on lor the anti-rdigillus atti­tude of the Mexican gO\,c.'rnment «(Iuoted in SuHda:.' ."'rll(lol Tilll('s.) "Th~ Ilrieqs baH' c:\er hc=c:n the fomellt~n

of trollble in our midst. of dis('lrda~, and in­ternal di\'i~i(ln. They are at this very ml ment guilty of high trea'Htl hy in\'itinlt int('ri«'rt'llce on the part of ,mother natilln" II~ insists that th(' Cathulic dcrgy are incon~i~tl'l1t tn an ahsurd dt'Rree in demanding liberties that they cannot, according to their dopna<;. J:.f3nl 10 other!;. "The Rtl\"ernmellt Ituarant('t$ to e\·ery· body the free e'l;en'i~(' of his rcliJ:{'ious l~lief~. Only to lIl('ntaliti('s ~uch a~ )'(lUrs i~ it anti· religious."

Chri~tian work is now pffl1lillt'ti ;!1Il\lIlR th(' fi ve t! l(lmand Ilri~oners of the penil(,lltiary in ~te'Cico. One \'i~itor ha~ a list pf 120 \\ho han' act('pt('d G05pei portinn~ and a~ke,1 r praYl'r that they may fi nd Chr'st.

WilY, TIIEY'RE JEWSI Und~r thi .. heading John Stua rt ("nnning.

head of J~wi sh ciep.'trtlllt'nt of the National Bo.'t rd of Mi ssions. 1('11, of the (hurch's op­portunity in America. "\\'hy. tJ,(')'r~ Jew s," e.xclaimed a pastor when reminded thaI th('rc were humlrcds of Jew, in his Ill'ighborll)()ll to whom he could be a ~piritual ble .. ~illg He had not the slightest idea that they could be evangelized.

Dr. Conning points to lhe follc1 ..... ing cir­cumstances as COllstlluting a chal1eng-e to the church: ( I ) " \Ve hit\'C here not only the largest Jewry in the world. hut tht, mo~t in· fluential. What happen~ to the Jew~ in Am~ri ca will affect e\'ery Jewry on the globe. h fla t this a cha llenge to the church? (2) Th~ apo!'itasy from Judai'l11. Rabbi Gold(,fl80n of New York expressed his disal)pnint!llC'llt that in a city with two million Jew ... n<lt more than fifty thousand were in regular .at1~ndance at the ,ynagoi'ues. (3) Th~ spirit ual hunger among the Jews. Fi nding no ~ati,facl ion in the synagogues multitudes a re turmnf{ to Christian Science. Socia li sm and o ther mOve­ments. Ev~ry cult ha! its Jewish following. ( 4) The Jews are becoming more o~n'fIlinded toward the Gospel; th('y \'isit Christian church· e~, listen to radio mes sages and read the New Testam~nt. (5) The encou raging r('\ pOlue. For example, 2,000 Tll~l11hers of the Hebrew race are conn~cted with the Pre~byterian

church alone. (6) The rising tide of anti ­Semi ti sm ill th~ United St<ltes. It is snid that no fewer lhaft six hundred centers of anti­J~wish propagaluia exist to fO!lter prejudice against the Jew. It is the duty of the church to r~buke racial prejud ice .otd show the spirit of Jesus toward tJle Jew.

"This is a tim~ of crisis for the J ew. It is a time of testing for the church. If the church awake.s to its unparalleled opportunity a work may be done here in AmuiC1 for Olri!M.'S own people far transcending anything that ha~ been attempted , ;nee the days of the al)()illes."

Page 10: Eat the Book

Page Tn<

The Purpose of the Pentecostal Enduement

(Continued from page One)

So mllch knowledge ahout the r ..ord J c­sus, with so little diH'ct and personal communication with Him ov('r every de­tail of life! So little do"(' walking and talking with Him, hut so milch running ahollt and questioning of ('(\ch other over the simplest matters, 013<1(' plain in the \Vord of God and to be made plain again to each olx-dient heart seeking the faCe" of the Living Lord!

"Power to witness" so that the exalted Christ is revealed as a Living Person, acting and working in the world as really as when He walkeel on rarlh. is needed to-day, to meet the daring .,'scftions of "deceiving spirits" and "tc(lC'hings of de­mons" (1 Tim. 4 :1, \VcymoUlh). given through the lips of 111('11, tl1t'lllsrlves de­ceived, to their eternal loss.

The following is a pulpit utterance of a Modernist preacher: "Christ to-day dotsn't mean a Person, hut the great advance of goodness and good"; "\Vhen we magni f y J ('sus we disregard God"; "TIl(' idea that the world is a wreck or in ruin, and can only he !'aved by a dt"ath on a cross is a li (·. Salvation is the change of life within, or character, and cannot come from any cross, or other thing outside of liS. Thert: is no doom, no ruin, no curse, no hell , no punishment, no Trinity of Persons. It is all an antiquated, exploded delusion ... "

But it is writt en that "when the enemy .shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise a !'Iandard against him," and our God will COTllC', and will not keep silence, as He se<'s the sacred Dlood of the Son of God counted a "common thmg." "Power to witness" will be re­stored to the living mcmlX'rs of Christ's mystical Church at this tUlle, so that the glorified Olrist in the midst of His re­deemed one.s the golden candlesticks, or

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lampstands-will be manifested to the world as an undeniable reailty.

\Vhat were the charncteristics of the eC'Juipping of the Spirit upon the early church. As preparation for the "power to witn('~s," to be confrrred later on, the reception of the Spirit breathed upon the company in the upper room upon the resurrection day bears an important place. Here the risen Lord showed them His scarred hands and side as the marks of His Cross and Sacrifice. They knew Him as the crucified and risen One, and here received from Himself the Holy Spirit, communicating to them "the new life of the resurrection." Here they had the path of Ihe new life unfolded to them. They were to be reprc!'entati\'es of the risen Lord, as He had represented the Father. \Valking in newne~s of life, shar­ing the life of the ri sen I.ord, they were to IJc a "holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices," and, like the priests in the Tabernacle of old, would be able to declare whether the sin, typified by leprosy, was put away or retained, ac­cording to the faith and obedience of the repentant sinner. The Spirit of Olrist in them could discern, and would aSSllre of forgiveness, when sa\' ing g-race was manifest. All this would be the result of the S pirit bestowed upon the resur­rection day.

But Peter still went a-fishing. and still found himself Hhurt," or grieved, over apparent lack of confidence in him by the Lord, and still mani fested natural curi­osity in the doings of otht'f~. John 21, 3, 17, 22. In brief, altholl~h hL' had re­ceived the Holy Spirit in the on-breathing of the risen Lord, the equipment to wit­ness was still needed. It was, therefore, to these very disciples that the Lord said: "Tarry . . . until ye be clothed with power from on high." On the resur­rection day He had said: "Receive the Holy Ghost"; and now He says , "Tarry until ... " The one stage is preparation


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December 5, 1936

for the other. Tn the one it is "Take the Holy Ghost"; in the other it is, "Ye shall receive the power of the Holy Ghost comillg lIpon YOII." In the one case it is for character, in the other for service or witnessing.

Then another, and mo~t important. condition of preparation for the endue­ment of power is ofttimes overlooked. An experience is sought for, rather than the principle~ upon which the Divine Spirit will work being carefully studied, for the obedience of faith. The SPIrit of Cod works illvariably a/ollg the lillI'S of the 'written ~Vord of God. If "power to witness" is to be given, Ife Illust have Illen who know the Scriptures, so as to equip them to bear witness along the lines of the written \Vord. The disciples were prepared for Pentecost, not only by the experiences of the resurrection day, in the inbreathing of the resurrection life, but by being carefully taught by the risen Lord Himself in the Scriptures. To the two on the road to Emmaus, "beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scrip­tures the tllings cOllccrl/h~g Hjmself.'~ and to the assembled company later on also 11e said: "I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, how that all things must needs be fulfilled which are writ­ten in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the Psalms, concerning ME. Then opened lie their mind, that they might understand the Scriptures ..... Luke 24, 27, 44, 45. This shows how care­fully He had taught them, as far as they could comprehend His teaching, in the written \Vord.

The result was that the "fuel," so to speak, fol' the Holy Spirit's usc in co­witnessing at Pentecost was already laid, and there were three lines of witnessing converging for the convicti ng of souls: (1) The witness of the Scriptures; (2) the testimony of the eye-witnesses of the death and resurrection of the God-Man: and (3) the supreme living co-witness of God the Holy Ghost, the author of the Scriptures and the Possessor of the men bearing witness under His energizing power.

This preparation of knowledge of the Scriptures has been often overlooked. Workers think if they are given "power to witness," no "preparation" to speak is needed, and that miraculously they will somehow be given divine "messages." It is t rue that Peter preached his sermon 011

the Day of Pentecost all the "spur of the moment," as we would say, but his mind and heart had alre..1.dy been filled with the written Word, for the Lord Himself had opened his mind to understand the Scriptures; so that the Spirit of God was using what was already prepared in Peter by the teaching of Christ Himself.

This matter is of primary importance for all who are seeking the enduement

Page 11: Eat the Book

Dcccmbcr 5, 1936

of power for scrvice. The Spirit of Pentecost has not changed! The pat­tern of His co-witness with a bdiever, giv­ing "power to witness," is clearly seen in the Acts of the Apostles. Evcry "wit­ness" they gave, however brief, was along the line of the Scriptures. in simplicity of language, and calm. coherent sequence of thought. Nothing "jerky," or dim in meaning, or in broken sentences Iweding to be put together and interpreted like some myste rious utterance from the oracle of Delphi, but just plain language which could be verified from the written \,' ord, by the most ignorant and simple believer . And every "witness" embodied the Gos­pel as foreshadowed in the Old Testa­ment Scriptures, and fulfilled before their eyes. Ye "killed the Princc of Life, whom God rai sed ... we arc witnesses ... Repent ..... Acts 3-15- 19. "Ye crucified ... whom God, ra ised from the dead" (Acts 4-10). "Jesus whom ye slew hanging Him on a tree. Him did God exalt." Acts 5:30, 31. And t'£Ve are 'lQime.sscsu I So it ranI

It was so manifestly the \Vord of the li ving God that it was 5<'lid: "And the \Vord of God increased." It bore fruit. The "power to witness" was given in power to wield the Scriptures , and to speak the \Vord of God wilh boldness. When they prayed, it was that the exalted Lord would grant unto His ';bondserv­ants" to "speak Thy \Vord with bold­ness." When the angel of the Lord opened prison doors to the undaunted witnesses, the command was, "Go ye, stand and speak .. all the words of this Life." The trouble to the chie E priests was that they "filled Jerusalem

':"-'- '---'--"-'-- '--':' A LARGE GROUP OF TEACHERS


Gospe l Publishing H ouse 336 W. Paci fic St. S pring fi eld, Mo. Dear Brethren:

In acco rdance with information re­ceived from your officc we have or­ganized a tea che r training class with six ty members enrolled. Just recently I placed an order with the Gospel Publi.ihing House for 60 copies of ;'Seeing the Story of the Bible." Since then five mOre have en rolled in the class. If Ihe above orde r has not yet been filled please add five more coplell. If !>hiplllent has already been made please forward these addilional copies to my address and place them on the o r iginal order . Any information you can send me on any phase o f Sunday School work will be much appreciated.

Sincere ly yours, Pastor BostOn W. Turner 416 Elizabeth Avenue New Cast le, Pa.

Ask for our free folders, How to Conduct a Sunday School T eacber Training Clau.


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with their teaching"-the teaching that the Man of Calvary, slain upon the tree, was a. Prince and a Saviour exalted at God's right hand. And again, when the "work" grew, the apost\('s qUickly saw they must not be diverted from the "min­istry of th~ \Vord."

]11 brief, the Book of the .-\cts of the Apostles teems with passages from the Old Test<lment Scriptures, showing how the Spirit of God gave His co-witness to those He empowered to witness on the simple lines of Scripture alone. Taught though they had been by Christ Himself, they were 110t left to "witness," so to speak, as they thought best, but they were kept to the safe lines of the written \Vord. Peter did not even use any of the strik­ing inc idents he had seen in the Lord's life to emphasize this witness! lIe did not testify to his own experience, ex­cept in the briefest way; and he did not give a minute account of his spiritual emotions on that wonderful Day of Pente­cost. He only said to the Apostolic Coullcil, in the most m<1.tter-of-fact way, concerning the company in the house of Cornel ius: "The Holy Ghost fell on them, even as 011 us at the beginning." They preached simply the death, resurrection, and exaltat ion o f the Lord Jesus, and used the \,yord of God in so doing. T hey gave the pith of the Gospel-Calvary! The resurrection! The ascension! The call to repent. The coming of the Lord.

This is just what is needed to-day. Be­lieve rs indwelt by the H oly Spirit, reveal­ing their resurrection union with the risen ascended Lord, so filled with the writ­ten Word that the Eternal Spir it of the Father can come upon them and energi ze them to "witness" with boldness, so that they wield the "sword of the Spir it" with such effect that men will be prickl'd to the heart by the two-edged \\'ord, which is ';active," and able to divide asunder soul and spirit, piercing joints and narrow, and discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart. A " Pentecost" which will produce such witnesses the Church and the world

Pag, Elevetl

surely need. Believers who will not preach their own ideas. or ("\,('n tlwir ex~ perienC('s, as a. tcstimol1v. hilt the \\'ord of God in the mes~age 01 Calvary and tlw resllrrl'ction and asccn~ion of the coming Lord, with such power of end upon them that these stupendous fact:-. h<.'Come facts to all who hear, and a mighty energy in their lives.

But, it Illay be said. all tIllS is concern ing the disciples and the Penkcost of the early Church. The s..'lme prill(:iples stand good now. Many arc In'ing- in the di~~ pcnsation of the ] loly Spirit, without knowing the power of the lIoly Spirit in their lives. And this, inde<,'d, is mani fest in the condition of the Church. The Spirit has heen given, for J<'SliS has been glorified; but it is the work of that same Spir it to make real il.nd trut' to each individual believer all tl1:\t Cal\'3ry mean.;. and all that union with tht, risen Lord means- -yea, and a ll that POltccost nwans in ;'powcr to witness" to a living personal Christ , in such manntr that He becomes a living Person to others. I f we seek the fulness of the Spirit. and there is no "power to witness" effectively to tht, risen Lord, so tha t results follow then we must assume that SOIlH..'where we have fa iled in the conditions ncx:eSs.1ry for the Holy Spir it 's working. 1t seems to be in the preparation needed-which we have overlooked-and po:;sioly in the con­cept ion of our minds as to what the fu l­ness of the H oly Spint means!

"Power to witness" is stamped upon every page o f the apostolic record! Power to speak the \~l ord o f God wil h boldness! The risen Lord had prepared them for "Pentecost" by opening the \Vord to them; and the ri sen Lord can do this again now in those whom H e indwells. A great and primary "preparation" for the enduement of power for se rv ice is a be­ing filled with the \Vonl of God, so thal the Divine Spir it may afterwards use the inwrought \Vord in "power to witness" to all who need the Saviour.

'$"-------,-----------,--_.,---------,---_.,;:. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER TRAINING


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Page 12: Eat the Book


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Page 14: Eat the Book


no <:art for eternity. is wilt for a moment, but a fool forever.-TiIlOlson. "Som~ people testify that they are going to

heaven to live forever, when they are not making as much preparation as for a day's outing."

On ~ntcrilLg a r~staurant on~ day I laW this motto on the wall: "Yt who tntt-r here on refre~hnlC:nl bent shall welcome be and forth wIth blessings ~el1t."

"All the higher mOlives, ide;als, conceptions, sentiments in a man are of no accoullt if they do not come fo rward to str~ngthen him for the !)(tter discharge of the duties which devolve upon him in the ordinary affairs of life."­Beecher.

MethotJRht that ~hould be true of nery church a place where Ihe soul's longi ngs are mt l , its hunger satisfied, a cordial welcomt given, and ever)' guest di~n1;ssed with 0 blus- R EV IVAL IN NACOYA. JAPAN .....

" It is it) much ea8iu to fill life than it is to t lVich life. Are yOll l)ilil1g lll> the true riches?

We have just clOsed one of the most !iUC­

cu.!iul tent campaigns we have ever had in Nagoya. From the very first, there were good attendance and interelt. Our Brother Tattsuji, a noted evangelist in Japan, was with us. The Lord mightily blened with a real reviva l. Ten were definitely saved, three ..... e re healed and about fifteen ar:e st ill un -

" I am not bound to win. but I am bound to be true. 1 am not hound 10' !.ucceed, but l am !.ound to liv(' up 10 what light I have."­Lincoln.

, "He who provid~~ for thi, life. but takes

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P lease se nd me, All Charges Prepaid Bible No. 310. Price ................... _ ...... _ ............... $2.00 If wan ted wit h Ihumb Ind ex , 45 ce nt s additional.

Name _._ ...... _ ..... _ ............... _ .... _ ................ _ .... _ .... ___ _


December 5, 1936

der eonvlctl0n who come quite regularly to the servicel, but as yet are not willing to give up all to follow the Lord, the only true Lover of their souls. Pray for them.

One lady, about thirty A Ple ... ure-.eeker 'years of age, ..... as on m..eu the Joy.Giver her way to the movies.

She noticed our tent pitched on a vacant lot Il(;ar her home. Halting, she heard the evangelist preaching about a st range religion. SOUle unseen power drew her into the tent, she said. As she listened, convict ion gripped her heart; her sins loomed up before her like a mountain. The burden became unbearable. She finally yielded and gave her heart to the Lord. The result was that the burden of sin was rolled away. she was delivered from the use and desire of tobacco and drink, she lost all desire for othe r worldly pleasures, and is now a happy follower of the Lord Jes us. Hallelujah I

Anothe r heard the gospel In.tant H-.Iina on the s t reet corner some

mon ths ago. This resulted in an abiding eon viet ion. She got gloriously saved. Soon after this her baby took sick. T hough she had never heard of divine hea l­ing, she reasoned that the Lord could heat her child. So she called the pastor, a nd, accord ing to her fait h, hcr baby was h ealed instantaneo usly.

A third lady had been go-Tran. fonned ing to anot her chu rch fo r

SE)me t ime, but was hungry fo r more o f God. Hearing t he evangelist preaching about a de finit e exper ic nce wi th the Lord, h er hu nger increased t he mo re. She went to the preacher's house, asked fo r prayer and really found t he Lord to be a reality. "He has t ransformed my whole being," she testified.

St ill another testifi ed " H ell on Earth.. stating that for fi f-become. .. teen years th e i r HHome, Sweet H ome" home had been like

a litt le he ll on earth. H er husban d was a d runkard who seldom ca me home sober. Often 5he was on the verge of run ning awa y, bll t something held her. E ight month s ago he r husband came into our church a nd was saved. So st rongly did she oppose him th at he quit coming to church and went back into sin . One mo nth ago, he ag ain came to th e ch urch and wa s reclaim ed. Bu t aga in she so opposed him that he was turn ed :l side. A few weeks ago th e Lord let their ch ild become ill. In mak ~ ing his rounds in visi tat io n work, o ur pastor ca lled o n them. H e prayed for t he littl e fellow and the Lord g raciously healed hi m. This touched her hea rt and was the tur ning point in her life. She t urn ed to the Lord, and happily testifi es: " Now we are a ha ppy fam ily, traveling the same road toget her." Pray for them all that they may not fait in the hour of temptatio n.

\ Ve are very much in An ore&n needed need o f a n organ for our

mi ssion. Wi ll you please pray w ith u s fo r the needed amount to secu re this-about fi fty dollars.

Mrs. J oh n W. J uergensen

T racts o n All Subject s. F ul l pound, 50 cents; Half pound , 2S cents postpa id.

Page 15: Eat the Book

Decembtr 5, 1936

SIuJ Il we know O'Ur parulis and friends in !1f'OW" , cuEd if wt' .s/MIl, w hat w ill Of' 01'''' rda­tw" sh ip to tllem!

P eter knew Moses and Elijah on the Mount of T ransfiguration ( Matt. 17 :4), and we have the promi se that we " shall know even as alsO") we are know n." 1 Cor. 13 :12. The rich man in hell recognized Ab raham and Lazarus. Lukl! 16 :23. There is no doubt but that we shaU know in heaven those whom we have known upon earth. Our relationships will be different, however, material relationship~ having g ive'\ way before those which are spiritual.

What is the meanillU of 1 Cor. 7 :291 Clarke's commentary point s out that the

great ~rsecution of the church by pagan Rome was upon them, therdore let tho' e who had wives not think o f any comfo rtable settlemen' fo r their famili es. but rather let them be ready to flee, or face death as providence might pe~­

mit. That those who wept be not overcome by their tribulations, and those wIn had earth­ly property deal honestly, not using their earth­ly interests to the full , but havig all con s_'­crated to God. \Ve believe such an inte rpreta­tion to be fitt ing now. The verse does n") t mean that hu ~bands and wives must live sepa­rated lives.

In view of th e tt(Jchitlg of Lrv. 11:7, 8; Dellt" 14:8; Iso. 65:4; 66:3,17, do ~'ou think it wr-Otlg

f or Christicms to t at pork as food '

The Is raelites were forbidden to eat pork. and it might be better for the health of u .. were we not to cat it. But there is nothing in the New Testament, which is written for both Jews and Gentiles, that fo rbids eating pork. No prohibition concerning pork was given in that great message of freedom to the Gentile Church gh'en in Acts 15 :20. In fact the New Testament teaches that Oleat cannot commend us to God. See Rom. 14 :6, 14, 15, 16; 1 Tim. H, 5.- E. S. IV.


A man of high character but of ordinary education was addressing a room full of school children, and he said to them: "All of you know the verb which says. ' I am, thou art, he is'; and all of you know that verbs in English, French, German, Italian and Latin run in that way: 'I love, thou lovest, he loves'; or 'I walk, thou walkest, he walks'. But do you know that this is a very bad way for a verb to run? Do you know that the old Hebrews arranged their verbs the other way round: 'He is, thou art, I am'?"

Then he aded: "That is the way to look at life. Say to yourself, looking up to God, 'lie is'; then look at you r neighbor ;! Ild S'1.y. 'Thou arl'; last of all think of your ~ If and say, 'I am'. First God, then your neighbor. then yourself. That is the way to think and to live."

One who heard this story was so struck by the thought that he could not rest un­til he had found a Hebrew scholar .. ble to tdl him wh~tht:r Il wa:. U"ue twu nC;:\)1 ew ",.a1>S


are conjugated in that way To that scholar he put his Question. "Yes", said the .schola.r , " the Hebrew verb is conjujitated a.s you say" W hy do you ask ?" So the other told him what the man had said to the school children

for forty years, and ne\"er f}nq~ had it occurred to me that "ehr~w verb, have that wonderful and delightful !tignificance!"

He ~at for !tnme moment"'. sa~ in~" " He IS.

thou art, I am'." The-I) he s;J:d lIow beauti­full Ye~. to II(' !oure: '11e IS, t ill'll art. I am' W onderful t \\'( nderful t"

" ~fy fr iend!" exciainll"d the ~ch(\lar with radiant face, "1 11:\\"e hecn ~tudyi ll l:!" H ebrew


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This fine grained Real Leather cover, with overlapping edges, is not only attractive but L~:-:--:-___ -:-____ -.-J it is also durable. The Bible has round corners, red under gold edges an indexed atlas. twelve colored maps, silk book mark and it is packed in a box. The text is the King James Authorized Version .


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~ome nou. C<lncerninlC .. hat Scofield eAlb the postpOned k inKrlnm ant! hi , "., te~ on the 5eeond r h:'\ pte r 01 A("\ o n ut aPllrt from thue hi. not~ are most valuable and qui\r spirituaJ."


Page 16: Eat the Book

Page Sixteen


The Primary Story Paper -I" with Binder Cover

• Q"''"'f!;~I'"'3 . .

\Ve show here Cllts of our Primary Story Paper and the Binder Cover for :he same. The stones for each Sunday are different (rom the ones in the quarterly and have two aims; Fir,t, to show the exceeding sinfu lness of ~in. Second, to show the loveliness of ollr Hcavenly Father. These sto­rie~ are printed consecutively, 3S in the Bible, and in three years the chil­dren will have had the most important stories of the whole Bible.

Price, to Sunday Schools, 5 or more copies to one address, per quarter 7c each. In less quantities 8c per quar· ter, or JOe: per year.

Binder Coven, Price JSc per doUlD. Sc each, Postpaid.

Primary Teachers' Textbook In addition to the Child ren's Teach·

cr~' Quarterly we arc offer ing to our teaehcn a Teachers' Textbook p ro­viding guidance and training for Pri·

• nt;l.ry teachers. In the first quarter i~~ue of e3ch of the three years, practical instruction~ and information are «ivcn for teacher. lraininc, related to the successful carrying out of this course for the entire year. In ad­di t ion to this, in each issue of t he Teachers' Textbook pract ical informa­t ion is offered for the presentation of the lessons included in that par­ticular theme or unit. Thus a prac­tiral teacher-training manu.,1 is actual­Iv provided in this Teachers' Text­OOok. If the Sunday School is un­ahle to furni sh both Ihe Chilt1ren's Teachers' Quarterly and the Teachers' Textbook. we recommend that each teacher buy this Teachers' Textbook henelf in arldltion to the one which Ihe Sunday Schl)ol furnishes her that she may get the benefit of this teacher­training material.

Price, per copy, per quarter ZSc..

Primary Standard Cut·Out Quarterly

A Unique Feature.-This is a special aid provided for teaching in the Pri­ma ry class or for expression work at home. For each quarter o f the Pri· mary lessons t-here is a mo unt ing book of heavy paper a nd a set of loose-leaf pictures. At the beginning of each q uarter, the teacher is to give each child a mounting book, and on each Sunday of the Quarter she is to give to each child one of the pictures fo r him to cut out, color and paste into his mounlinl" book.

P";ce, per copy, _c.b quarter, IZc ,. GOSPEL PUBLISHING HOUSE

Sprinl'field, Mi .. ouri



Our Louer Lord Sun of orlr fif~, Thy qrtickntillg ray SIr~(ls (I" our path the glow of day; S/ar of Ol4r "op~, Thy sof/ening liqlll Churs flu IQW! walches of lIu )ligM.

Oru mi(b,iflht is Thy smile withdrawn; Our lIoon/ide is Thy gracious d/JUln; nur raill/1o'W arcll, Thy lIIere)"s sign; All, .tl1'l'(! t"~ clouds of sin, art' Thine.

TRANSFORMING A BOOTLEGGER In 1929 I W33 so sick the doctor gave me

up to die. I had stomach trouble for 25 or 30 years and T. B. of the bone in my left IC2". Some doctors said J had Neuritis, some said sore tendons and that it was caused by bad teeth. I went to the dentist and had my teeth examined and he found them in good condition. I still continued to suffer. I had been a bad man all of my life. I was born and reared a Catholic.

0ne day my boss told me about a religion that revealed the Bible from COver to cover, the Full Gospel. I took my family to a serv­ice. I was like many people today, T didn't believe. But something lingered in my mind and pulled at my heart strings and finally ! went to the alta r and was gloriously saved and instantaneously healed of aU of my afflictions. Praise God I

He took my bad habits away also, smoking, chewing, drinking, and everything the world forces On humanity today. But I failed the Lord a short time after I was saved and healed. I had some wine left in my ba~ement. I knew the Lord didn't want me to drink it, and not reali:r:ing at the time, there was any harm in !elling it , I ~:d three gallons: and in three days ti me all of my afflictions had returned. t told illY wife that my affli-ctions had returned. The answer I recc iva:l was "That's your OOot ­legging." I had no argument to make, but I AmSt that evenin.g and went to work. I Jrot on my knees and aska:l the Lord to shew me what I had done to displea ~e Him. I con ­fessed my guilt and asked forgiveness. I claim­ed the victory over all of my afflict ions through the blood of J esus that niJi:'ht at 12 o'c1oclc. I realize IIOW that drink is an agent of Satan and has no place ill my life since I found my Saviour.

I have also been healed o f hemorrhoids. I had a seed wart in the palm of my hand that caused great suffering and I tried everything for relief to no avail. One night I cut it open and it bled so hard I started for the Fint Aid Office for help. On my way, Jesus soolce to my heart, "T am your Physician, have faith in

D"eonl;er 5, 1936

},{e," Praise God I didn't go to the otfice. The bleeding cea!led and in the morning the wart was gone and never returned.

After receiving salvation and healing I re­ceived the Bapti~m in the Holy Spirit. Be· [ore I was saved, I could neither read nor write, hut one night I heard an e\'angelist say "the Holy Spirit can teach all things:' I en­deavored to read the Bible and little by little { succeeded, until today I am able to read it fr<lm cover to C<lver.

t praise the Lord today that I have that peace that passeth all understanding, and I al· so praise Goo our home is a Christian home,

After I heard about tithing I told my wife to tithe. She said, "\Ve have only twenty·five cents in the hou~e." I said, "Well. if the Bible says to tithe, give the twenty-five cents." That left us without anything in the house. Next day, Monday, I went to help a friend, not telling my wife where I was going. She got word that I was wanted on a job at once, so she set out to look for me. God sent her straight to where I was, although she had t<l walle three miles. I was surpri~ed when I looked up and saw her. She told me about the job and I hustled after it. I got it and have been at worle at that job now about four years.-G. W, Kovacic. 108 34th St., Ml)line, Illinois.

HEALED Or. HE.\RT DISEASE For five years I was a great sufferer from

heart disease, having to be in bed most of time. I could not walk f rOIll one room to the next, when I had a heart atla('k. The family thought I was passing away many times. and I felt mysel f to be a great burdcn to them. I had eight different doctors. None of them did me any good. I had Illy ton­sils and teeth and appendix taken <lut, sup­posedly to remove the cause, but all to no avail. One evening in November, 1933 the child ren came home from school saying there is a preacher holding a re\'ival in a school house. We went and listened to hi~ sermons for six weeks. ITe preached on Divine Heal­ing. The next February I went to meeting when I was having a heart attack. D. R. Miller was the preacher. lie and some sis­ter prayed for me. The pain left me at once. I had been unable to lie on my left side, but that night I lay down on my left side and fel! asleep. In the morning I was surprised to find I was still lying 011 my left side. It will be t\\'o years in February (next month) since I J1a \'e had a heart at­tack. I work hard every day and eat and sleep we l1.-Mrs. Fred C. Walz, Route 4, St. F rancis, Kansas.

Ed. note. The above testimony, received III

January, 1936 was held for several months. Then we wrote Mrs. \Valz to get someone to write us "erifying her testimony. August 18, 1936 we had a letter from Mr. Walz in which he said, "My wife's testim<lny is true. She is entirely healed."

fiavt failll In Godl Does .'lrll" d6pression lift its head, A"d stalks- the wolf witll CHlain tread, iV/urt greal abundance OUCt (cas ~pread'

How fa;lh in God!

Tracts on Dh·ine Healing. Full pound, SO cents; half pound, 2S cents postpaid.

Page 17: Eat the Book

December 5, 1936


homa District Council convened here Oc­tober 5-9 with God's signal ble!>sing rcstin,{ upon it. In spite of the backwardness of the weather many registered for the occasion, coming from the four corners of the State. The civic hall had been donated by the city for the services for the first 2 da~'s, and up­on the second night God's blessillg rested up­on the great congregation in a wonderful way as our Brother Lynch, of T\llsa. hrought the message, " I Saw the l.ord.·' 11emories of early Pentecostal days were revivcd and all wcre able to say, ''It is good to he here." At the :tltar calls many gathered at the .altan, so many in fact that it was virtllally impossible to tell just what was accom­plished. We thank the Lord for llis gracious pre~ence in our mid::;!.

Jame::; Hutsell was re-elect cd District Supc rintendent on the nominating ballot, and Wallace S. Bragg was elected Sccrelary­Trea<,urer. Ten recei\'ed ordination, and 2-t recei\'ed license to preach. The Council was blesscd with a precious spirit of fellow­ship Ihroughout.-\\"aJlace S. Bragg. Sec re­tary .


land District Council held the annual busi­ness meeting Nov. 3-4 at the Bethany Pen­t ecostal Church, II. T . Carpenter, Pastor. Tne presence of the Lord was manifc"ted in a very precious way throughout the Coun­ei l. It began with rea l victory, messages in tonglles and illtcrprctation, and closed in a mighty shout of praise. The Coullcil gave t he re t ir ing Dist riCI Superintendent a love offering for his faithful sen'ice during the past 2 years. \Vm. J. !"I!it che1!, of Everett , was elected District Superintendent , and H. Jf . Shelley and II . L. Ettinge r were re­elected Secretary and Treasurer respecti\'ely. A 5\\'eet spirit of unity was felt in <Ill the deliberations of the business sessions. The Illes~age::; that wcre given quickened our h ear!:., aud all kft the Council meeting w ith a greater desire to press the battle for t ile Lord in the entire District. )'lany o f the a~sem b 1ies r('ported a graciou~ mov­ing of the Holy Spirit in their mid!it. It was tile bcs t Council held for many years.­H . J I. Shelley, Seerctary, Route 2, Cumber­land Mills, }'fainc.

KOUNTZE, TEXAS-We have recelltlv closed a -t weeks' revival at the Litt le Rock c hurch. L. D. V.'isenbacker. his wife and brother in charge . God mel wi lh us in a wonderfl11 way. Thirty -two \\ere saver!. some bciag wonderfully fi lled acco rding to Acts 2 :-1, all{1 2-t \\ere baptized il1 waler. The saints arc very Illuch encouraged to go on with God-. Ali Coullcil ministers when pass­ing this way are invi ted to stOp with tls.­Tomas T. Lai rd. Pastor.

01LTO;-';, OKL:\.-In a -t weeks' revival, 9 were saved. and one received the Bapt ism in th e Holy r;ho::;t. \\1 . i\. FraziC'r was the evangelis t. l\ovcl11her 3, Franklin E. Con­rad me t \\ilh us and set the chu rch in order. T wen ty sig-ned the roste r. \\' . A. f razier was "~ted in as pastor fo r one yea r, re­ceiving a 100 pe r cellt vote.-Anna M . KU l1t~ , Secretary-Treasurer.




I , I i


... Our Pentecostal "' And Ihe Word was God"

"'In H im was life: ""d Ihe life

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10 ~JiiE'f ~ .... ~ YO'! I<oI(, t>r()pl.~ ~ ".J


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I j

I The Pentecostal EvangeJ-For olein folks. To SU1lday Schools, 10 or

more ('opie~ to one address, 2c per ('op), , per week. Canadian Rolls. j 6 copies weekly, $1.95 per quarter: 12 topies, $3.75; 25 tupie,;, $7.65'1

Intermediate Young People--;\gcs 12, 13, 14, 15. To Sunday Schools, 5 01' more ('opie<; to ol1e address, per year 50e each, pCI' quarte r 13e each. I n less quanti t ies, 60c per year, or ISe per qua r ter. C1.nadian rolls, 5 or more copies to one address, per quartcr 14e each. I n less quantities per quarter 16c c;"tc ll .

Pentecostal Boys and Girls-For Juniors, Ages 9, 10. 11. To Sunday Schools .. i 01' more copies to onc address, per year 40c each; per quarter 10c c;"tcl!. In less quantities, SOc per year, or 12e per quartcr. Canadian lolls,S or more copies to one address, per quarter He each. I n le.5s quantities per qua rter 13c each.

Gospel Gleaners-.\gcs 16 and u p. T o Sunday Schools,S or morc copies to one add ress, per year 60c each, pCI' quarter ISe each. Tn less quanti t ies, 7Se per year, 01' ZOe per quar ter. Canadian rolls , S or more copies to one address, per qua rter 16c each. In less quantities pe r quarte r ZOc each .

Primary Story Paper-For PI imarics, Ages 6. 7, S. To Sunday Schools, 5 or more copies to one address, per q uarter 7c each. In less quant ities Be per quarter, or 30e per .vear. Canada or fo reign , 5 or more copies to one address, per quarter 7e each. In less quan tities ge each.


.!..-----.. ---------------<~

Page 18: Eat the Book

Page Eighteen


Mi .. Mary SchoonUUlker

,,'t' arc happy to a!lnt'Ulll"C that Illis-10Ilary appointment

h,t~ Ilt"t'll granted by lilt' ~I i<;sions Com­mittel' tn r-.I iss Mary Srhoonmaker for !>t'rVl("(' in India. \Vc hdievl' that her ga­in,!.!" to Ihe field at thi.. time will meet a vital need in the work there, especial­ly ill the office of the Di"'riet Secre_ t;try, M. L. Ketcham.

For some time our Brother Ketcham's min­istry Ull the field hils had to sufTer consider­ably because of the illcrea~ing duties of the district onice. ~[jss Schoonmaker will be able to take over a large part of the routine and correspondence in connection with the work 50 that our brother will be released to give much more of his time to direct evan· gelization.

~Ii ss S('hoOlllnaker is a competcnt stenog­mpher, having held a position ill our Gospel PublishinK Iiouse husiness office for the past several yellrs, and is also somewhat ac­quainted with the work in India through her mother, who has been a missionary there for many years. Iler father al~o labored many years for the Lord and finally laid do.wll his life there. Of the six childre n, )'11S5 lo.lary is the third one to return to the land of her birth under missionary appoint­ment, after being further educated ill the United States. Two of the remaining three are here in Springfield in Bible School and the other is ill Wheaton College.

Miss S('hoonmaker is sail ing from i\ew York City in Company with Mr. and ).{ rs. John Johnso n and family December 3. As has already been announ ced, Mr. and Mrs, Johnson arc rcturning to 111dia for their second terlll of lllissio llil ry scrvice, this time under Coullcil appointment, and will prob­ably lOcale at Hllpaidiba to assist ]o.lrs. Nicodem with the work which was laid down by our Brother Nicodem when he was cal led on to he wilh the Lord.

Mr. John Johnao n Mil . John Johnaon

'1'111 1',- :XHC(J:-.1M EV.\~G".L


Jennie W. Ca.rlaon

()h, the darknes .. , hopelessness and de­spair wltith have the pcople so bound! To­day T can hear the peol1lc wailing. A young man died early this tn()rning and his sistcr (ame from another town, running around, making all ,>orts of gestures and noises. Oth­trs arc making a weird and doleful sound, accompanied by all manner of motions and performances. Some of the men are busy making a coffill while the \\Oillell'S work is wailing.

Deiapo is a small tribe located not very far iTom our district headquarters so we would expect it to be far mare advanced in civilization, but this is not the case. I am the very first missionary who ever was here with thc exception of an African Methodist worker who came years ago but did not remain 10llg enough to make any impression on them.

A short lime ago we spent the night in Uoh. The powers of darkness we found there arc ind\.'"scribahle-ju-jus, large and small adorni ng the entrance; houses built fo r the idols and full of thelll; ill the center of town on an elev;"lted p lace, trees, little rock ~, growths of various kinds-what are these? More ju-jus, which the people firm­ly believe have power to keep them from sickncss and evil power as wei}, as to send rain and what not. But, thanks be to God \\ ho. evell in the midst of evil power, makes liS to know His banner of love is ovcr us I The peoille welcomed liS with cvery courtesy :ll1d nearly all of them came in to the meeting that night and listened very at­tenti\ely.

The lawn of the paramount chief was our next stop. Here the people looked at liS with great wonder and we cried to God to help us that we might be able to impar t to them the Word of Life and that Jesus , the Light of the wodd, might come into their lives. As we gathered from time to time fo r scrvice we were happy to sce the interest. At first some hesitated and stood outside during the se rvice, but little by little they gained coufidence and came nearer. .\ fler staying four days we went on to another place ca.lled Cetu, where we found the same sad ~tate. The gospel of J esus Christ wa!'i entiroly unknown to them. It was our pri\·ilege to give them the gospel for the first time.

Kearly two weeks had passed so we tu rned Our \\ay homeward, taking the rOllte toward XeTicampo, the place where God has graciou.;ly takell out a number for Himself \\-ithin the la st two years. At the beginning they suffered much for their faith; st ripes and impri501ll11c;;:ts were their lot. Much prayer is stili needed for NcTieampo and r covet your i-nterest in their behalf.

December 5, 1936


)liss Gladys Tay­lor was approved for missionary appoint­ment to Africa at a recent meeting of our Missions Com_ mittee and will be ready to go forth as soon as her farc and outfit can be provided. ~{iss Tay­lor was a graduate of our Central Bible Institute with the Mias G ladys Taylor class of 1935 and has prO\'ed her can and qualifications for mis­sionary work ill her activilies in Louisiana where lohe has been doing pioneer work among the French people. Our sister's sup­port will be taken care of by assemblies of the Arkansas and Louisiana District Council.

MR, VORONAEFF REARRE STED \\'e regret to report that word has come

to us indirectly that }.Ir. Vorotl:leff was re­arrested October 16, although money for his pClS!oport and transportation to the United States had been provided. The need, there­fore, is 1I0t for mOIlCY bllt for prayer that God may undertakc for these pcoplc. Mrs. VoronaefT is ou t of prison now bUI is still in Ru ssia.

VICTORY AT LAST Loi. S h e lton

\Vhen the great revival swe pt over this section oi l.iberia five years ago, therc was a ce rtain family in which God did a special work, most of the membe rs becoming bclie\'ers to some extent in that they dcsir­ed to !ea\'e the worship of their idols and trust in the living God. There ,,-as g reat rejoicing. especially amOllg those who re­ceived a definite expericllce of salva t ion , and of course the next thing in order was to make a bonfire of their personal idols an d fetishes. But in Africa it is doubly trtle that ·':\0 lll:ln liveth unto himself." J lere it is not the individual; it is the family o r the trihe that counts. There arc personal idols, family idols, village idols, and tribal idols, varying in price from 25c to $125.00, in this land where the prevailing wage is 12c per day for manual labor. 1 personally know of

Mr. J. E. Voronaef( Mra. Voronaeff

Page 19: Eat the Book

DC(l'mbcr 5, 1936

families who h,l\e ~oll~ht 10 betroth wee little daughters {( men who \\ould pa\- the dO\\r)" price of $.30.00 immediattiv, ill 'order to invest that amount in a famil)" idol. The "falllily" oi cour:;e include). lather, mother, brothers, si~ter~, grandparenh, uncles, aunts, cousins-and surely the welfare of a score of persons is more important than a happy marriage of Olle dauJ.!htcr, and who kn · ws the di,a~tcr ami death). that may o\'l'rtake any falllily that docs nut have an idol strong eTloll~h to defend thl'lll aR"ainst the "witch people" who art' ~aid to have such mysterious and supernatural power!

After the membe rs of the famil\' abo\'e referred to had complet(,d the dc;tructioTl of their personal idols, they decided they would go a s tep further and dcstroy their family idols. lI ere they encountered strong opposition. The tlde r brother, in whose house th ey were kept, thought difTcrcnth·, J Ie \\"as slife they wcre il\\-iting trouble to their household and would ha \·e ~a\"ed them from their fo lly, and cvcn begged th em to bring their own idols to him to take care oi, sueh was his respect and lear of them. Howe\,er, there wa s an ove rw helm in g ma­jority againH him and so the much treasur­ed lumps o f clay mixed with various con · coctions frOIll the jungle, decorated with leopard's teeth, animals' ela \\ s, etc., were consigned to the flames.

But th ough th e cider brother \\as outvoted , he was not COIl\'inced of h is error. He wa s enraged indccd when the town idols were also burned. \Vhe n anyo ne tried to talk to him ahout th e Lord, he wou ld deliberately bcgin making so much noise him se lf, he cou ld not hea r what they sa id. \Vhcn the chief pcople ca me to th e mission house fo r any reason, he refused to cOllle with them, He was sure the whole town was crazy and that the missiona ries were to blame, lIe didn't intend to be influence d by them.

So it wa s that when one Su nday afternoon aft er we had begun the meeting in the church, an o ld man approached the door, vcry self con ~c iously strai~htened his shirt (evident ly it was the fir st lime he had wo rn o ne, and marched in with his hat on and took a front scat, we didn't even know he was this relative of <;eve ral of th e Christians, and we wondered who he wa s, It was not long though, until we learned Ihat hi s was a s!n­sick and h ungry soul. \Vhen opportumty wa s giv en for testimon ie s, he arose and em~ phatically stated tha t he had come to church to openly take his stand for God and begin to follow "God-way." \Vhen the altar ca ll was given , he came and prayed earnestly. but soon arose and informed us that he was goi ng after his idols, SOllie of the Christians accompanied him, and returned triumphantly hearing half a dozell or so Queer looking objects, one of which was worth $30.00 and had been in his IlDsses· sion for years, So there was another bonfire of idols by this one \\'ho de­cided to Pllt his trust in God. Later on we learned that for some months this man had been tormented by the demons he had sen·ed so well. Some­times he would hear a voice crying­"Catch him, beat him, kill him," and

jun~le and as Ihe vOlo:e ioll,)wed him. he we.uld COllIinue tlceint.{ mail hh Pl'..., pit- lIIiloloCd him, loearched for him, and hrom:IH hlll1 10 his hou~c by forn' In the IIlcanlilll~ \\ I' mis­sionaries, with no thought (If hilll, \\t'n' pray­ing daily, "Oh (;od, sa\e lo()ml' of the chief men of Faloka:' ilnd his 0\\11 rami I)' did not cea~e prayin~ for him. Th'lI callie all llOur when a \'llice within btgan to tell him that it wa~ not ri~ht for him to wl'rlohip idols and that ii he did 110t leaV(~ them and serve

Mr. and Mrl. W, Lawrence a nd fa mily


God, he would burn in e\·erla~ting fire, Praise God, he heark<.'ned to the \·oice. He said that ior two days and nights one sentence kept burning in his heart-H I wiil go to church S und ay, confe~s my sins, leaVe my idols, and ser\'e God." That \\a5 why he came \Iith that purpose in lIIind and lost no time in fulfilling it.

The heathell pe{lple arc amazed at the cha ngc in this old man, \\'e missionar ies have been away frOIll Faloka since his con­version but we arc informed that he has heen ia ithful ;n chu rch attendance, that he is not torme nted by demons a~ before. The Chri~tians say they believe he is rea lly sav ed. Pray with us that he Illa~' \\alk in the light. a nd lei his life be a tl'qnnnny 10 the saving and keeping powe r of (,ur God,

WORK GROWING IN CUBA .1\1 r. and r-.I rs, \V. Lawrence Perrau lt ask

that we mention their addr~·ss in the Evan­gel in order that their friends may keep in touch with them. It is: p, O. Box 1372, Ifaba na , Cuba. Very interesting It.-tiers con­cerni ng the progress of the \\ork an d the b!e~sing of the 1.ord come to us quite

Page Sinc/fell

n·).:ularly from ~rotlll·r l'err,luit. The fol­k~ldlig qu{>tations ,""ill ..:-i\·c an ide,. uf the \\ork being done

"Our \\ork is nw\inJl j.'f\\ard \Ye had our flr~t baPtismal service Sunday in the river ,It Guanab"coa. Si" i~ler~ \\t"re buried "ith the Lord in b;IJllisnl- lour :rom Ilabana and t\\O from EI .\f(>ro The PC"t'I)If' in I Liliana do ~("cm I" apl'rt'\ hue the work be· inlol' done. \\'e h.ave a larKe Ilumht'r c,f very po(,r folk attl'lIuilll{ the ~l'f\ices n(',",,", e'Jll'cially children Sam ... (,j Ibl'ir part:nts \\('uld Cl,me, too, ii thl"~ h~ld sutlicll'nt clutbinlo:" ~lrlo, Perrault and I \\l'nt fnUll hut 10 hut last week and tl1("rl' \laS hardly one \\here there \\as 1101 one child, at lea~t, I~ illg upt,n the ,pring,; \\ ithclut ,1 III tlrcss. hurmng up \\ith feHr and thl'ir hOll(', burst­ing" throu~h the skin, It ilo louching" to ~ee the \\ay these childn'll !>w;\rtn around us whl'n \\'l' go there and wh;lt a \\e\collle we Ret frllm them l Pray with us for their Ill'cd~, especially for food and clt1thing,

"\\"e have hOld a rcal ~il'){1,' h.\r the last thn'e of four \\eek~, cvcry ~en·I\"C heing inlerrupted repeat{'cll~ froUl \\ithllut. One ni~ht jUlo! as I knelt tu prav we "trc treated with a \"ol1ey of egg). whirh loJllashed the wall and ou rseh'es con~iderabl) ,

'"\Ve had our ~en'nd halHismal service in Gnanabacoa riHr yesterday. \\·e innner,cd four three wOlllen and (Inc man, Others arc wait ing to be bapti7l'd who cuuld not be there at that time, God is cerlain ly ans\\er· inl{ prayer in Ihe mission and soul~ are seek ­ing God in almo!>t eve ry service and the be­lie\ers arc praying earnestly a nd giving glo\\ ing testimonies.

"\\'e are praying in lIabana that the l.ord will g ive us a larger 1)lace of wor~hil) as thi, hall ie; too small, e<:,pecia lly fo r the Sunday Schoo l. \\hich is gro\\iug all the time, Ma ny more would come if the cla.sses could be ~cparated. Thus far th e Bible ~chool has bel;n a real blessing. \\'e are ~tud)ing <Ltily. ri ~ing at six, attending: to the \\ork about the place and de\'otinq" regula r hours to prayer and classes each morning until noo n. The stud en ts seem to enjoy it and are grateful to God for the opportunity. Our only s tud en t \\ 110 had not rece ived the ll olv Spirit was ~Ioriously filled in our afternoon prayer meeting about the t ime the friend~ in ·\ merica were pra ying for our work in Cuba The next night another \\"a~ filled \\ith the Spirit, and there was so much of the I)o\\"er

of God in the meeting tha t we could do nothinl'\" but jU~1 w<lit before Ilim. The crowd out~ide. hearing the noise an d shout of vic tor )·, came in to see \\ hat this Illight be, How we praise God for , his ans\\e r to prayer !"


IVlly not stilt the Pet.luoslal £1'011-

gct as a ChriS/filM Gift! We will

s(md a Chris/I/Ills Card /IS ,,'om yUIl,

a IIl'ttI fru Gift Premiu)II flook, twit·

t" '~ by Ihe Be/itor, and 52 copies of

Ilt t Evallqrl $1.00.

then he would run wildly into the S unday School In Habana , Cuba. Mr, and Mrl. Perrault in rear, {to S . A., .'iO Ullis extra for postage,

Page 20: Eat the Book

Pagc T'WcII'Y

Mt;SKOCI'I'" OKLA, -Evangelist and oM rs. Hay ~{ I [arRi~ rcccntly clo~('d a J w('l'k·; mt·t·ting herr, in which 7 or 8 were ~aH'd ;lIId (, Wt'fC hallti7cd in the Holy Ghost. Intc'f('~1 still C'Ontinw,'!I and soul, are getting through to the I.cnl in ollr f('gular ~cr ... ices. -W. U. Este" Secretary.

STRATFORD, O!\T,\IHO--It has been a privilcge 10 have \\ith us receTltly Evangelist and ~ I rs. Pncy King, of Nia~ara Falbo SOme 5urrC'llclcred their lives to (;od. Our bro­tl1('r's ft'arless and hearl-searching- mes~aFl'es w("n' grrally appreciated, am! lll~ir ministry is adapted to reach new pe(lple.-R. E. Stnnal!.

:,\()RW()()!), IOWA-We have ju<;t closed a 4~ w('('ks' revival here, Thi~ is a new wnrk Tlit l.ord blelo"'e,! wonderfully. TWI'nly-t\\O sought Ih(' Lon! for sal\'ation, 2 \\('rc filled \\ilh the Holy (;host, and 4 fol­lo\\t'd thc I.ord in water haJlti~lll. ).[rs. &,m01I;1 Whitenack, of Lake City, and Milfir('ri Baker. of \Vood\\'ard, assisted with !'Ip~('ial lTlu ... ie and singing.- Louis and G\:i.dys Martin, E,'angeli!;t~.

I·TrTSTOWN, OKLA.· God has been with liS in a 4 wcck~' meeting', with 13uster ~1.nd Bahe Smi th, Phoenix, .\rizon:l, and :Marit' I ioldl'n, the ).,:irl evange li ... t of \Vyn­<'lna, in cilaq{t'. Arollnd 20 were saved, and 13 w('re filled wi th th e !lo1y Ghost. The ~ h urch i<; pro.'!rcs~ing nicely , it heillg a new work. Thcy have a nice ha nd of young peo­ple and a good Sunday SchooL-Elmer Adam~, I'a!;tor,

COU;)'I ilL'S, GA.-October IS, we start­ed a reviva l, \\'111. F. McPher..,oll, Sanford, Fla., Fvangclist On the 20th, the Di!>t rict Council convclled. J laving E. S. Williams, ou r (;t'ner;1i Superintenden t, willl 11~, we all ('njoyed h i~ in!>trm'ti\'c and ills11i ring mes­sagt.'s. {;uti IllCt with us in a ~pecial way. Th(' Council me('ting \\01 ... the best ollr young State ha ... ~\'e r had, fo r which we prai~e the Lord . After t he COIl11cil 1ll~eting, Brotlll'r ~ l dlhCnJon cont inued his reviva l, and It \\;1.., among the bes t rev iva ls our church has had since we have been he re.­T. C. Anderson, Pastor.

ST. TI I () ~I AS, ONTARI O Evangelist L. Wesley jat'gcI', of Ca lifornia, held a se r ies 0( !o\lccia l meetings in our asse mbly from Octohe r I I to Nov('mher 1. Il is minis try was made a ble~sing to many, ~ol1l e seeki ng salvation, o lhers bei ng filled wilh the Holy Spiri t . The 11le('tings wc re e~pecia lly help­ful to the young people.-Il ugh J. Mc­Ah<;t(' r , Pastor.

----TeL,\ RE, CALI F._I am .send ing in a

report of a ra ll y that \\a~ held on No\·t!m­ber 4 5 at the Full Gospel .-\~semb l :r, P a ul Fra nk lin and \\ife Pa~ t ofs. "Behold, ho w gll(')d and how pll'3sa nt it is for brethr en to dWt' 1I toge the r in un ity," ca n tru ly be sa id about t hi~ Ilo ly Gilo!>t rally. A mong the minister s p re~e n t \\c r e Brother and S ister Morrison an d about 2S worker s, who ca me in the ir gospel bus f rom th e }. Iodes to a ssem-


hly The assemiJlies in that part of the \'alley were well rcpresent{'rl. The rally ~,'(·ms to have put a revival spirit in ev'ery 0111: \, hn :lttelldcd.-Gwt!ndoh n Spencer, ();lkdale, Calif.

EIl(;!' ~IO:\T. S. D.-\K.-Aftc, ,pend;ng mnre than (, 1110nths in prayer, nearly every lli,l.dlt, for a real Holy (;host revival here, the Lord ~enl us Evangelist II. G. Gardner, I.ake Charles, La., for a "Bible Truth Re­\-,i\·al." Cor! worked in the vcry first serv­ire. Tht' walls of ,Ioullt and ft.'ar hegan to crumhle and fall. A gond!y number were saved, ami all wac greatly encouraged and hl('~scd. Not only were our own people henefited but the children of God from the (,ther ('hurdws wcre tak~n deeper with (;ml. ?\(Jvrmh('f 1, 7 namcs wcre added to the Illemh('rship roll. The Sunday School has mote than chlublrd in one y~ar. The r('\i\'al fire,," arc still burning. Surely God ha" amwered prayer IIarry C. Meyer, Pas­tor.

SCRAl<:TO:\. PA. Sov,,,,h,, II. a R,and hrist's t\mbassOldor~ fally \\as held in the

hbury ~I. E. Church :ilulitoriulll undcr the an~()ic(.'\ I)f the Pt·nleco:-.tal Chu rch. This wa~ aile oi th(' grc.1t('~l rallies we have ever klio\Vll. Chri!>t's Ambassador groups f rom Ilrariy all as~ell1hlies in the ,\nthracitc. zone were pre.~ellt in force. At nig h t it was be­li~n'd lhere wer e 1100 or 1200 present. Dur­ing Ihe ;'Ifl('rnoon service there were several rt'prc!;cntati\'c !ipc;'Ik('rs from the various C. :\. groups and a nne llleS!iage by Vice PI·~'sidellt john jenkins, of Moosic, closing \Iith a splend id consecrat ion service. D uring t he night ~ervice the spir itual tide I'ose to a poin t where we ('njoyed the free, bea u t ifu l al111osphen' of Pentecost. Fellowsh ip and harmony pH'\'ai1ed, 1ll('s~aRC!; in tongues and iTlt('rpretalion came fo r th to the edifica t ion "f all present. \Vcsl('y R. Steelbe rg oi IIigh­\\ay ~I i~sion Talll'rnade, Philade lphia. hrl1ug-h t a splendid mes!<age and the evening cJt/~ed \\ith a great :lilar sen'ice in t he Sl11l1lay School room of the church.-Frede­ri('k I). Drake, Pastor.

\'1 RES T I I CIIRI ST Brother Pete C. Dubo rg Sr., of Alexandri a,

\'a" one of Ollr Coullcil ministers , passed aW:ly 10 be with lite L ord On Oc tober 26, 1936. Our tende r sympat hy is ex tended to his \Iidow in he r so rrow and lOneliness.

T lnEt~,

1'~';'"Kd i ~t

FORT HCOMING. MEETI NGS K.\ NSA$-- n('('. 6-: F r .. ida M. \\. \\ t\ lll'k),.Inl, Pastor.


B.\Tt\V I,\. N. \'.-Go~pt! Ta!xrn:lc!e: Dec. I, for 2 \\'e('k~; Evangelis t and ~ I n. W. F. J)uncan.­~In. I~. X. :\lilh,r ... \cting Pa~t"r.

GI~F.F::N \' ILL F. , S. C.- -i\~$('mh ly of God, Park and Gridley ~I~: Uc ... 8·Xl; E"1"Kcli~t and :\ I r~. 1. } . H. h'm.-\\·;)hcr Fo_t('f. 1':1o<t 'r, nox 2OJ.

FO RT (,OLLI:;.;'S, COLO,-·Qak alld Whitcomb Su.; E, .. gchst and ~Ir~, Vernon :\1. :\Iu~ray, of Texas. ill charg('. ~Ieo:oti"g~ !LOW in pn'gr('~~.-R . A. :\1c('kuTe, Pallor.

'I.\CO~IB. ILl~,-As~emhly of Got!. C,"lrroll and :\Iac.\rlhu r St~.; Dec. 8·~'O; J. :N. ll oo\'er, Santa ('rul. Calif .. E\'ange1i~I: lIiram Urooks. Song Lead· er. :\'o:oiKhh"rinR ~'hureh(,1 "nited 10 CQ·operate.­J 1':1111 Ihnlon, Pastor.

LE B.\:;.;'ON, PA.-O('c. 1·\3; Light\)('areu Quar · tet, Sail Frandseo, Calif.. Su:geu. Mu~icians, and Ev~ngeli~t5.-Wan(,11 B. StratO", »a .. tor, by Secre · tary.

December 5, 1936

IlAT.\\-,IA. WJS.-Go~pel Tahern.1c!e; :\'0'1. 25-, \Vm, \Vlll,am., J:..'IIngehll.-E. F. Erdmann, Pastor.

FREUf.'RICK. )'IO.-rk 6-~; J 1'lIuburgb. 1'3., Eva"l'r:i,t. -JielOry

Earl Ift;uglau, lJ.irl"n, !'a.tor.

TRENTON, MO -Dec. 6·31; Smith and Rca-en, E,ange:,sts.-W. Glen McOure, l>astor.

WIIIT;';}>:\', ~1:JIR.-'''~ .. mhly of God; !Xc. 1· 20, Jack and Ellhrr ~lart1, Pennsylvania Singing Evan' g., J' ~u. Loyal Miller, Pa.tor.

0'1.\11/\, XE8,-Ftll! Go~pe! T:)hern:)de. 19th and us:: Sa.; I)ee. J. n; lIan·ty ;\I " __ \h5t('r. T..,ronto, ('"" .. deL, E""",,c:Ii~t. L. E. 1';nll'. f'a~tor, 926 So.



\\'AL!H!O!\'. K.·\~S.\S-C A. HlIIJy, all day, Dec. 4; ba~ktt dllll1er. I~ D. Il'JU, $cctional Sr('rrtaTY, 13,,)( l·1!,. Cold",'atcr, 1'ar,~a~.

COLf)WATER. KANSJ\S---C. A Rally, all day, Df>C. II. \\'e w('lcome Oklahoma VI!ItOU. llask." dill ­I,er.-L. I). Uou, Stttion .. 1 Sc('retary.

HARTFORD, ILL. -C. A Rally, Dec. 19, Mctro­pditan Arra. F.\'eryol1e cnrdiOilly invitee!. Bring you r ,,«;trumfnU. Service 7:30 p. m. F. R. £'"pe, Pastor. --han Helmer, !:iccti"II'l1 \·ice Prelident, 2101 Rhode. St., Granite City, lll.

WOOD RIVER, ILL.-Dittrict Fe!JO'IVship MeetiuK, !lee. 7·8. Services: Monday 2:30, and 7:J(I : T uu· day 10:30, 2:30, and 7:30. Frec entertainment for miuit.lc:r. :lUd their wi\'es. I). C. Plake, Pastor-.­Arthur Dell. District Superintendent.

GA L ENA, KANSAS-Tri·ltate Fellowship MedinI' a"d Church Dedicatioll , Dec. 6: V. G. GreisclI, D i.· mct Presbyter, III charge. Services 10:30, 2:30. and 7:JO.-G. 1'. l\('rtwr!,:k. Pastor, liS Joplin St.

TCCUMCAR f. N. r. I.-Dec. 6·]3; Bible study in daytime, eVatlKe1istic services at night. Distric t S"I'c:rin1enuc:nl A. C. Bates, Main Spcl,k er. Churcb f)"dic;ltion and Fellowship Mecting, Dcc. IJ.-Earl Val,~ant, I' astor.

ELKTO N, ~ I I).-Ann i \'ersary Sen-ices, Dec. 6· IJ ; m"Clingi e"clY night, 7:30 on SUllday. 8:00 week ­d,,}s Elder F1cm Van M('ler, lJi~lrrcl Superm ' 1""denl, will hrlll/{ Ihc I1\IO~\aKU 011 Suuday, Uec. 6. EI':lnKe\ist .\",,;1 I)ick~"" Tyrone, 1';1., WIll be "f('lI"hing bal .• nct of rueetiugs.-C«u-ge to:. Vych , !'astor. •

JASONVILLE, IN I) -Southern Indiana FellowshIp Me('ring, A~se",bly of ...... God, M;);n and Parke S IS. ; Dee. 7. ~f\'icu: 10,lO, ":vlu,¥elisl C)-dia. Paino, speaker: 2:00, Open disclluion, subjed; "The lIoly Spirit'·; 6:30, Christ'. Ambauadnu hour; 7:J(\, E\';w/{l'i ist Clyde Gore .. , of T('"a~. ~1)IOakcr . llnng I1\n~i<::u in~lrumeuh aud lpecial !lUn¥~.- .\L lT"'" L. ::>"lIth. Chalrm:iII, 105 \\'. Gr"nC! 1..' '''' ' llIQOnuug' to:1, h.d.

;\1.\:-o;SFIELIl, OI[ IO-:\'orthnst Ohio FellowshIp M""u' g, GL'lti Tidi"g~ Ta~rnade, .:W GI(,<!'Iner A,e. , Dee. 7. Openil." mcnage by Fred :\'eubauer. 01 ta',ton. at 11):00 II m. ;\lini,t"rs' ;\ I ~ting 1:30. f{.mn.! T:o!J[e J)i'cns~ion 2:."-), subjeci " Pre,Iaration f'lr the Lord'. Coming." }>;vangch~tic 5C:rv;'e 7:00 p. Ill. Bri, g lunch for noon r1leal; church ... ,1I ser "e dinnc:r.-Claude \\'ea"er, 5ecretar}'·Treuurer. 1861 E. J4th 5t., Lorain, Ohio.


P M tnrl'l1 Jimmie Anderson, Routc 2, Garfidd, Ark. "In fd ·

10w~h ,p with ;\rkansa~·Lo\lrsialla J)'stri, t Counci1. "

Evangelis tic "Open fo r calls. J'ermane:1\ address (JJl Fast K~rn

S t. , Tularc, Calif."-F. W. Smilh.

G:u-~t! Klipht.lUsc, J Harrison Place. Hawlhorne, N. J. "Opcn for canl in the Ea!'lllOrll District."

C. II. F..c:klts. 6CHJ Gundr)' St., 1.0ng Deach. Calif. " A m p!:tnning a trip through Or('Ron, W asbington, and Rocky MouLlain St:lIU; \\ill be ollen for calls along the way. Refcrellce: .\. C. 8 atlOs, Box ~. Amarillo, TCl<as."

Evanl'elist ic or Pas toral Earl T L." lll0n~, lI artshon,e. Okla. ·'Open for calls;

C>tpcrieuIOed in hoth brandlU of ministf)'. C"'e n ffilc studies from large illustratcd n ihle dlar l S. Rrf· cre"ce~, 5 L . Johnson, !kxter, Mo., Da vid Burris, Russellville, Ark."

H :lynie Nichols, Rout e J, clo Geo. IV. Black, Chelsca , Okla. " In t he ministry ovcr lJ yea n ; Or<binrd. !f ad 0111' yellr ill C. B I. Married ,)."d ha"e 3 children. c"u furnish good reference,."

Page 21: Eat the Book

December 5, 1936

Pastoral Elmer Eugene Sutton, Houte 4, Rich Hill, Mo. "Am

ordained Have had pa~toral experience, alto would t ake >lOme meetings as an evangdist."

MISCELLAl\EOUS NOTICES NEW ADDRE.!:rS-Box 335, llrewton. Ab.-Troy

B. Ilelms, Alabama State <.:. A. President.

~e.W ADDRESS--Wautom.t, \\,is "We have ae' cepted the p"~t"rate of the Go:;vel Tabcrnac;\e."­W"lter 11 Knittel.

NEW ADI)RF.SS-Box 2:'1. Kermit. Texas. "1 have taken the work here."-raqur j. E. YOung.


ALABAMA. Persona] Offerings __ $ 1.00 Birnllngham Full Gospel ("hureh 12.00 Castleberry Assembly 2..10 Copeland Auembly .65 Gene"a A~sembly ._. ___ .. ___ 1.12 New Brockton Assembly at ),!ix,ons ero.SToads 2..00 Ne,",' Brocktoll Southeastern l.Iible Institute ZI.49 Phwix City Girard A~~et\lbly ~.OO Prichard S""day &hool Z.03 ARIZONA. Personal Offerings _____ ~_ 5.011 Sed.na .. \ssembly of God .. ~. 9.50 ARKANSAS. Personal Offerings 11.00 AIkins A of G Church & Ada Chapel 1.21 Brinkley Assembly ._ _ __ •. ____ ~ .. _ .. ___ • 2.00 Fayetteville .. \ssembly oi God S S ._ ....... __ •.. 1.00 Fayetteville White Chapel .\ 01 G 2.00 Fordyce Assembly of God ....... "... ..._ ... ~_ (.00 Grape Vine Hedden Chapcl A of G 5 S & C A'a 5.00 Greenwood Assembly of Gt,d ..... _ .. __ ~_. ___ . 2..41 JI'-IHi50n Assembly 01 God .. _ .... _ .. _ .... _. __ ._ 5.00 !l ope Gospel Tabernacle .. _ ..... _____ . ___ 1&.08 ),Ionticdlo Assembly of God .... _ .. ___ 5.00 Pindall Assembly of God . __ .. __ .. ____ ._ .. ~_.... 1.00 CALIFORN IA. Perso"al Ofierini"s ... 218,21 Alturas Bethel Assembly ____ .. _ .• __ ._, __ " ... _.. 5.00 Bellflower Four Fold S S 35.07 Hlue Lake Full Gospel Church 4.00 Boonville Pent'] t\ssembly ... 2.00 CampbeU Pen!'l Mi~sion __ a.oo Carl sbad Gospel Tabenlacle 14.00 Cedarville Full Gospel Church .......... __ ......... _._ 2.00 Compton N Side Full Gospel Tab • __ .... _._ ..... 32..20 Corcoran Full Gospel Church _. __ .. __ . ___ ~._ 10.00 Delano Full Gospel Church U.15 Dixon Calvary Tabernaele , .. _______ •. _._*. __ 11.00 l!aH Moon Bay Full Go~pel Church .. __ ..... _ 7.00 Hayward Bethel Full Gospel Church 11.90 Healdsburg Full Gospel Assembly 3.00 Inglewood Full Gospel Assembly C A's ___ 59.011 LaMesa Gospel Taben13cle .. _____ ~ .... _. ____ ... _ .. 15.00 Lodi Glad Tidi n!':s Temple ......... ~._. ___ 21.a3 Los Augeles Bethel Temple ............ _.... 53-4.62 Los Banos Full Gospel Assembly __ .. ___ ~.~ ..... _... 6.53 Los Gatos LightHouse Mission .. __ . ___ ._ .. ~.. 15.18 Lower Lake Full Gospel Assembly ._ .. ___ .... '.11 Manhattan Beach A of G C A's ... ___ .... _._ 1.00 Manteca Gh.d Tidings Tabernacle ....... ~_._.. 2..00 Marysville· Yuba City Assembly of God ._._ .... _ .. 20 .60 Monrovia Full Gospel ,\ssembly S S & C A's 12..00 Morgan Hill Full Gospel Church .. _ ....... __ .. __ '0 .06 Napa I"ul\ Gospel Tabernacle ______ ~_ .. _ .... __ ._ 31.00 National City Women's Horne ~[is5ionary Coun 10.80 N Hollywood Assembly 01 God _ ... ___ .... _ .... _ .. U.80 Oakland Bethcl Tabernacle ._~ ___ . __ ..... ____ ._ 78.911 Oakland First Pent'] Chur<::h .~ ......... _ ..... __ 2n.61 Oroville Pent'] Assembly of God ... __ •. __ . __ . 19.54 Palm City Pent'] Mission "' ._ .. _._~ ....... _ .. _. 111.00 Pasadeu;l. ChTist;an Workers Group ..... __ ._ ... 11.00 Pasadena Pilgrims Clan S Calif Bible School 29.00 Paso Roblc~ Church of the full Gospel & S S 18.81 Pomolla Full Gospel C A's Z.OO Reedley Full Gospel Taber"ade _._ ... ~ .. _._... 25.00 Riverba"k Pent'l Assembly ........... ~.~ ......... _ .... _ .. 25.51 San Jose Uppcr Room Pent'l Mission ._.~_~. 53.34 S;:mta Cruz Glad Tidings Tabernacle ...... ___ .. _~ 115.25 Santa Rosa Assembly 01 God __ ......... ~ ..... _.* .. __ 1.36 Selma Full Gospel Tabernade . ___ .. __ ~... U.51 Susanville Full Gospel Miuion ............... ___ 2..00 Trinidad Pent'l ~fission __ .~.... ( .50 \V~ed Glad Tidings Assembly ... _ .... _._ .. __ ~._._... '.10 Willows Assembly of God ........ _____ .... ~ .. ___ .• '.50 Wilmington Full Gospel Assembly ......... ____ 1I0.eo Yreka Full Gospel Au~mbl)' .. __ ... __ ._ ..... _~___ .... COLORA DO. Personal Offerings .. _._ .... ~ __ ._ ].] .50 Aurora Assembly of God ....................... __ .... __ ... ~ 2..93 Color:o.do Springs West Side A of G _~._ U7 Cortez Assembly of God Church ......... ___ 11.32 Denver Darnum A$iembly of God ..... ____ .. 3.0e Englewood Assembly of God Churcb 6.96 Fort Morgan Gospel Tabernacle ... ~ .... __ ... _ 23.6 Gr:lnd Junction Pent'l Assembly of God .. ____ Zo.T2 Haxtun South Rockland Assembly ...... ~_._ .. ____ ~. IO H oyt Moore Full Gospel .... ~ ..... ____ ue Pueblo Glad Tiding~ C ,\ '5 .. ~ ................. _____ 3.00 Rifle Assembly of God Cburch & S S ._._.. 7.00 Sterling Assembly of God Church ... _.~ .. ~. __ .. ~ l.se Towner Memor;al Pent'l Church ( .11 Trinidad Assembly of God __ .......... __ .... ____ .............. ' .1& DJ5T. COLUMBIA. W lI.sh Bet'l Pent'l Tab & S ~ iSS.OIl FLORIDA . Personal Offerings .. ~._ .... ___ ".30 Daylona Beach Glad Tidings Assemb]y .__ 5.00


Lithi:. Iloli"e~~ Churdl ~oma As<em!.!y of G,>d Church Plant City ),It Zion A~~embly & S S Sanf(JnJ F Gn~pcl Mi~<iu"ary Society Tall'p" North Hay Street Chur~h GEORGIA. Atla·,ta .-\ "i G T"h (,,,lumbu~ N Highland .\qembly >f Goo IDAHO. Penonal ORerin!;, .\meriCOln Fall~ .\nembly of God Blackfoot Taherl1.lcle 1I"i<e ·\~!emhly of God Caldwell A~~emhly of God Church Firth Cbildren'5 Chunh Goodi"g First Local .-\s~cmhly of God Go<>dinK Fir" Lneal .-\~.elU],Jy of C;o,J Y P IIM~e,h"e Hend Auemhiy .,1 Cod Church I"dian Yalley ,\s~elllbIJ "I (;,,,] Pocatell, Gb.d Tidin!(s .\. ~ntbly

3.tO us ,5.2, s ...

'" 15.08 64.75 IS ... ll.14 , .. s." 8.00

16.00 10.12

I." .... .... 3."

Page TwclIty·one

IUINOIS. Per.onal Ollen ell Aledo Full G<.~] Ta·.erna"le ,\It,,n G ... pd labernacle Belleville Full G"spt.·l Tab ,,", S S Chicago ,\uyrian Pent'l Caurch S S ("hle·.;;)iI') "erman Anemb!y of God ("hicallo P.'U<J\'er Pu.}er ].A'alr"l" t'-a~1 5t Loui. F Gos 1 ab .\: S S Gr,ah'lI\ Pelll'l S S "HOCHltah Fu!l G"J><'I <..h'lnh ),Ial\oon .\nemb\y I'i God S S \C,.nl! \'enice .\s~emhly of G".l Osoon. Full G<>fjvel S S l'itufield .\uemb!) of God Rentchler :;;". day ~·hugl . ~ Roodh, ".e Tdnil1 Full G, ~l>eI Chuteh _ ;';prillgfiel.] Full (;'''lloCl o.ufch &: S S Wood Ril'er A of G Chur~h & S S

II ... US

lS .• U.H U. " ... U'

ss ... 3 .• S." Ii_n II." s." '.11 5.75 US

15.28 ".U

G---- ----------------------------···---------------_·----------® VET MOTTOES thof /?enr/er ChnJhQn 7isfimOntj Beauiify:Dignify-lnspire ollt/Comfort

.. ;.,;;;;: .Do


('\oo;(. J'.~ .. Uoo M .. m_u.,~\ .,No- ~Oc

No. $US ... ....... 6Iae hJlI- 25e

N .. 5-Uf I .........


M.o. $tH •• 1 ......

Sioo Si111- 25c

Smaller Mottoes for Rewards and Gifts


+ These have nIl the simple dignity of the larger designs hut Me !':maller :llld "compan­

ionable" for the personal inspiratioll and use of youug9r people. 'l'hey mako idenl SUlldny­school awards. Children trensure them.

The average size is 4x6 inches, Colors nre red, green, and blue assortt'd. Corners arc rounded. Edges are tinted. Silken cords to hang by. '1'ho low llrice permits liberal use, Order by design nwnber.

5010 5016

5030 5025 5035

os. OSF

5002 5003


5015 5031

6026 5011

Cross---Shield- Hea.rt and Star Minia.tures

For Children These pretty little Art Velvet

min ia.!u r(:8 lire just right for lit · tl e folk~. Mlldo of the 8M"," rich \'e]our mat~ri!l! IlB the IlIr",or do· signe. Tho t~H is d ~e l~ly cm· bosscd. Sold only in Bots of 12 It.6 ilIu strall!'d. ]n~ .l I)en8ive and d llfsble. Averngo size 3I9YJ in.

Ord er Sot No. 50

(12 IUso rtod deltgnl)

Price 60 cents


• • , • • • • • • , •

8 ••••• _ •••••• _._ •••• _ •• _. __ • _______________ ~ __________________ .81

Page 22: Eat the Book

Pagl' Y'lVl'nty-two

INDIANA . I'tr.,,)I1al Offer;n" Ill· "n"'lt<>" :-;',lIlh Side lhurc:h (CI"inll"t"" (j".I,cl Tal,fOr"'" l~ M"h .... k. Pent'l Allcm"ly No:'W Albany Helhel A"embly of G >d S S Smuh Hcnd 1I ... ".arial1 M".i 'n Soutb lJend \\':(lmen'~ ,M,u,,,n.r,. Q, ... "ul Tcrrc Ih.utc Auc,nbl,.. of God ~_. ____ ._ Wut TCrTe Haule A of G Ch S 5 &: CA', IOWA . I'tr.olla] OtYcnni' <.:o""cII Ulutt. (""~II('I Tilb 5 S ... _ Dccorah A •• c.nhl,. of God T.bernaclc Knox~illc AHcmbl,. of coo. Truc-sdale AUl'rnbly __ .. _ Vinl"1l Autmbly of Church & S 5 KA NSAS. )'tr&OI>.1 Otferi"i' Atll~. AUl'mh],. of Gvd S S f)""dc~ I.illll, Flo.><k Kan~a~ (u)' Full Go.pcl Tabernacle Kln"ma" SUUd.l)' ,s,:hool & CA', Mcl'r;uktn A"o('nlbl), 01 GfJod Nc .... ton A ... {'mhly of (;0<\ S S l',ud",rK A~'l'mbl)' 01 God Church ~haron Autrnhly of Gml S S Trihu,,~ A ... mhl,. 'f ( ;,,,1 Wichila I'cnl'l Tahc-rn~clc _ KENTUCKY. Pc-Hona! Off~ri"M' But"a Vii", l'c"t' l S I.; lIurkhart Town l'Ial ;\lill'on Station ('am1-'I"n Snlllh Sunday Seho ... 1 l.A'xingloll (;llId Tldi,,)!. Aucmbly of God \Vc.' I' rf'Uo,,81ulrK A tC'ml,]y of C"d LOUIS IANA . IYourlir Auembl,. 01 G >d '1l'rmcntan )(''''''1'11'' Olllreh MAINE. I' .. r~nal Qflrr"'g. MARYLAND. I'.-r ... n:ll Offeri" •• lIall;m ... ~ Full CoO~p"' 1 Chu.eh C .. d:tr~,lIe 1·,,11 Go.pcl Church C"u",l>f'rland fS".lh) A of Gens S & C\', INcr Park Sand Fhl A.~f'mbly Flint.I,.nt (;ilpcl1 A"emt,ly l'Iir>tu',ur Grcen Rid!te A~.embly MASSACHUS ETTS. 1'f"~""11 1 Offrring. f;r .. ~nfieM Pent 'l Full C,o~prl Miu'on "',"lh Ilen"i8 Full C"'.,>I'I A"cmhly ~flr",gfitM Oethany Pcnt'J Church MICIIICAN. Prr...:onal Offc-rinQ'_ Ihllic rr~~k nl of the Four Fold GO!II)CI I)cllr1~'rn (;o~prl Tat)Crna.de

.... _._ ,-"-,----,---

11 .7' .... •. " 15.50 U. L" .... ..... t.' 7

n." .... 14.21 , ... 12..1 2. 17

SUO .... 12.50 .3.08

7.11 15.00 13.63 21.D9 L" 1.37

31.11 , ... .... .... .... ' .n .... .os ....

lUll ,,-"

In.61 , ... lI.lI 7.110 4.01 1..0

t UlO 5A8 ....

37.65 31.98

162." U.OO

IIcl10il Her... Tabernacle n,nl R;veui'~ TabC'n.acle 5 S & <.: A', ('r;lud IbVld. )-"ull Gotpc:i TabC'n,.cle _ ';u",dville Full r,;"Ipc:1 AuembJr !;,Hnd.lc Allc-mblr of God __ . __ 1I.,riNr Bc-.ch A .... rnbly of G<Xt Church _ lI'irhllt"d Park Human;an Pellt'l Church l.udlllgt,,,, l'ent'l Anembly of God \\hllc- (.1oud Froenda MINN ESOTA. i'erlJ(ln:r.1 Olleri"ir' _ 1I.,rnuville GoRpt'1 Tabforr.ad .. C.,mfrey Delto" Town,hip T:r.bcrnacle ("ro~by·lronlon Full Go,pcl <':hurch & S S ('tanada G".ptl TabC'r"a -It I'"y"e~villr Go.rcl Tabernaele I.;t P aul Golpel Temille MISS ISS IPPI. l'erlOlIlIl Offeril,g-. MISSOURI . f'eu")!I1I1 Offerings J1rookfleld A,.cll1loly 01 God CA', Huekhn Antllll,ly of God _ bhn;, Auemhly of God ... r-:xcrl~ior AS"'mbly I'll God S S Flat Uivc-r I\uernbly 01 ('.0,1 F, .. "f~1t A~~trnhly 01 God Church K.ln.:u City F ull C"'~l'tl Ta!)Crna~!e 'Ien:er A~~embly 01 God S S . __ S<-nalh A~~trt1hly 01 God SprinlJfic-1d A'~("I"bly 01 G·><! Junior Church Sprillg-ficl<l C"mmlfllily Go.p('1 A~,embly Sl'riu,lffieid Glad Tio1inll'l A~~cmbly SI Charlu Glad Tilli"lI'" Tab Jr Clan St Loui~ AR~ernhly 01 C,od St L"ui. Full eo.prl lIali ___ -. __ __ WinfieM ('alvar)' A. cmblr of God MONTANA. Pc-r'·lIla.1 Offerlllg. flultc G·'.p"'1 Tal)Crn:.r1e Fairficld Full GO.I>t1 '\~lIcmbl)' ForI l't'r'k-\Iidway C..o.]><:l Tab !lan:;lt(ln A 01 G Full G".fl!'1 {hunh \lilt'! CilY Full G"_rel T~b & 5 5 Sonncne Full Gospel Cllurch \'alier ('''''pel Tal)Crnadt _ _ __ NEBRAS KA. PcrYmal OfTf'rinill Arapahoe As~emhly of G'~I Barllc), A.sf'mhly Big 51lr;ng Full GMptl Tahernacle llrid,lfcporl Autmhl), (>( (;,,11 Lineoln Go.pC'! 1'abcrllllcle

'IL" n ... 3. 11 L H

'L" t. 12 .... ~" .... ..... ,."

11.111 11." ZS.12 a .S7 20.&5

'.00 1. 109.59

5 .• 0 ' .25 6.30 4.00 2.75 •• 70


L" ..30 .. .. 1.110

11.73 . ... 'L" . ... 13 •• %S." IUtS ' .00

12.17 17.n 3US , ... ,." .. " '.00 5 .• 0

13.71 1z.75 3 •. 50


T he "Gift Season" is at hanet. Lei each membe r of the As· !lcmh ly prescn t the church wi t h a new Song Book. Yo ur gift wi ll prove a bl{,!lsiI1R to a ll.

Oll r newest book "Songs of Praise" cOl1 la ins 328 favorit e so ngs, both old and new. Songs bearing upon the Full Gospel :\1 eso;age. Sec prices below.


Cloth Board- Round Note. Only Single Copy ........... _..... $ .55 Poatpaid ~:?

l DOMn ........................... $5.40 Not Poltpaid Hundred .................. $45.00 Not Poltpaid

Heavy Bn.tol Covcra-.Round Notes Single Copy $ .40 Po.tpaid D02;en ....... $ 3.60 Not Po. tpaid Hundred $30.00 Not POl tp .. id

Evangel Songs ROUND NOTES Revival Choruses BRISTOL

COVERS 104 Choice Song..-Heavy Bri.tol COvert

$0.20 Poatpaid $ 1.80 Not Po.tpaid $12.50 Not Postpaid

Single Copy Dozen Hundred

Spiritual Songs_


161) Rou.inK, Single Copy, Dozen Hund;-ed

In.piring Ch oruses ............. $0.25 Poatpaid

$ 2.50 Po. tpaid $15.00 Not Poatpaid


iJl'ambcr 5, 1936

'Ia. r Full L I«I'C'I .\11 ~i'>I1 .\Id';ook 1'e t'l .\s .. ",hi) ,.1 Ij,,.j

"'liord A of G (hurch .\: !) S ;>;"J>f'r .-\ tcmbly <>1 {j "I ki>trtou .'\ucmbly 01 Lod :-"':~thblull ,\.sembly 01 GvJ ~ S'oW: Lily ASKmbly of Lud _ Wahhtll A .. embly of Gu.i ___ _ Wutenillc- Full Gospel L'hurch

.... " ... 11 .13 3.15 .n

12.1: ,." II .•


N EVAOA. l'enoDal Offeringl 4.11 krn' Llad Tidinir' Church . 15.52 N EW JERSEY. l'trlOnal Offcrni". 19.00 .\t!a"tic (i ty FuU Go.I!C1 lhurch 12." .\cl'tune Anc:mbl)' \"UUUir People 5.00 :'\cl"unc Full Go.pel Church 6: !) S 341.39 ;>;orlb Bergen Bculah Church _M 10 • • to N EW M EXICO. PerlOnal Offerings 14.01 1 i,1f A of G <:hu rch &. 5 S _. 2.f(I I.; •• (rucu Auembl)' __ . ___ .. 24.55 Lordsburg Auembly 01 God 1.00 .\(OullI,lin Air As,cmbly 1i.0Q NEW YORK . Petloll,,1 Offcror,,,. _ 57.25 .\kron f ull LOlpel Auelllbly .\: 6 S 5.00 lIath Hethel A~~em"l)' _ ._._ 3.00 lIi,.ghaml<>n j',lIlh Tab Church &. S ~ 100.00 l:lTuuklyn IgleMa Ve ViOl l'e:>t 'l Latino .\mcr 15.00 ~.e"'ral Park 1'enl'l :\uembly _ 14.00 Luron" Frce GOlpel 1.I,urc:b __ SO.08 Fredonia Asse.ubly & Y I' ___ UUIO Hcrk,mer l'elJt"I S :, 2.00 i1or"cll Glad T'dings Tabernacle 19.5' Oneol,la l'ra)er Uand _ .. ___ . S.ZS UUlllmg Cbn~1 Alllb;luadutl __ '.GO ~ummtrdalc Old I'ashioucd Grace l'ent'J Ch 7.00 \\ e"tlield Go.pel HaU _ _____ 15.00

\\<::$1 :\ew U .. "hIOI1 L'·Uethel l'cnt'l Ch ZO." NORTH CAROLINA. i'erlOnal OUerin¥s 9.00 NORTH DAKOTA. Personal OfTerinirl ILZS 1l1.lford ljosl!C1 Tabern.de ____ .. " lauher Full Go~pel '1 abcrn.cle __ . _. I." I.',.,go Gospel Tabcrnade S !) _____ ZO.57 Ilettmll:cr LUlpel Tabcrnade _______ 10.aO .\Ic(..lusk,. .\11 Lily Ullion S S ___ ._ 10.00 ;>;oonan Aucmbly of God . __ . _____ ._._ IUS I'owers Lake GospeJ Tabernacle . __ . __ . __ 'US OH IO. Penvnal Orfering. ____ . ___ .. ___ ._ ZIi.OO Alliance Full Gospel .J abcrnacle M~M_.M. __ . 2.SS .\sh labula Anembly of God . ______ . __ . 2.99 Bucyrul Pe11l'1 ?1I8Iion .. __ .. _. ___ ..... __ . __ .. _ 2.00 t .,,\lon BClhd l'abcrnacle M .M_ .. _ ..•. M. __ ... ~~_ ..... 40." (01l1leaut Auembly of God ..... ___ ._._. ___ .. _M. 52.00 ("nn~II"t Assembly of God S S ._.-... _."~._ .... _~ 12.U D"y ton Berea Minion & l'rima r ), Clan M .... _.. 5.5' (Ncar) I)over Bel hcl <"',apel . _______ ._ 3.00 .\!aullIolI I'cnicl Chapel & C A's . ___ ._ .. __ .M SCI.oe :\c w Philadelphia Assembly 01 Cod __ ._ ........ _ 5.00 Ohio thrift Ambanadors • ___ . ____ .. _ 58.3&. !:>rdney Hcthel Musion M_.M_ .. _.M:....~_._ .. _.. 6.95 Toledo Glad Tidi'lgl T:lhernacle ______ 19.72 Wadsworl h Full Go,pel <:hu reh S S __ M._.__ 2.Ge Willa rd Auellibly 01 God 6.: S S • ___ . __ ._ 5.75 OKLAHOMA. 1'~ .. o n.1 O flerinil ___ ._ 44 .JlS (1\tar) ,\ mor ita Ucthel t\Slcmbly of God _.M 11.00 1\0),nlOn AucmbJy 01 God S S __ • 1.01 t hal(anooga t\n.embl)' (I I God S S ______ I." Commerce Assemhly 01 God S S _______ 2..01 Custer. Cily l-' raltie \'ICW t:ommunily _.__ 2.35 ))rumrrirh l Aucn,bly .. _ .. _ ... _______ .. !.to I·"n Cobb Aucmbly of God Olurch ____ •. zs (;",bc r and Covin(Cton Oil Field ,\ ssembly __ . 12.52 (;uthrie I'en t 'l }\ uembly 01 G,>d S S ._ ... _ ]e.55 lI alllmon Auemhly 01 God S S __ .____ 1.5. Okmulgee Asselnbly of God Church . ____ 35.65 I';twhuska Auembly of God S S hM ___ '_ 13." ked Oak Aucmbly 01 God Dible Class . __ ... _ 2.se Sand SprinirS Assembly 01 God _."._,._. ___ . 4.011 Sha "'nce Auembl)' or God .~ __ .. "_._. __ . 2.50 :-ihawnee Assembly of God C A'e ____ .. __ .. _~M. 2.50 ·)'.,hlcquah Union Church __ .... _ .... M_ ... ______ 4.20 T ulu F ull Gospel T abernacle S S & C A' I _ 10S.as Tulu Lad ies' Uilole Class ... _ ... __ ._ ..... _ ..... __ . 18.00 Tulsa North l'eor in & lI askell Church ..... _._._ 10.00 \ \'eIl510n AnemiJly 01 God ..... _._ .... _ ... __ ._._. 8.12 i ;\'ear) \\' ynona LOlle Spri"KS A or G M'._'M__ 5.60 OREGON. Personal O fferi ngs __ .... _ .. ~ .. _ ... 190.70 Bonn.na Full Gospel Ch urch of Lorella M_" 7.75 Hay tOil Full G~opcl Assembly & S 5 ........ _ .... _. 1.54 (;a ribaldi lIig lo .... ay Church & 5 S _ .. __ M_'_'_ 22.60 l ;r:1"U Pan Full Gospel TClll llie .. ____ M. __ .~._ ID.OO C.resham Assembly or God ___ ... _._ ... _ 10.00 Hebo Full Gospel Churcl, & S S ._._._ ... _.__ •. 00 Heppner Penl'l Tabernacle _ ____ S.3 ~ lIill5boro Penl'l AuclnhJy of God _____ , ... Io:bmalh Falls l'enl'l Aucmhlr ___ 8.00 l.aGrande Go~pe l Taber".cle S S __ . _.__ 3.00 ;\ lr ltOll Anembly 01 God U.oe Ontario As~el1lhh of God ·S· S & C A~=- 11.00 S,lelz Go.pel Tabcnlacle ___ • __ . 12.01 5il\'erlo" Cal\":lry Penl'l A •• embly .____ 5.50 Tolcdo Asscmbly & 5 S . , _____ .______ H.OI We~I)lOrt Pcnl'l A ,.,f G & S S " ___ 10.01 PENNSYLVANIA. Pcr:!<"'na l Offerings _______ n.7e !lcaver Falls Flrll Pc-n!'1 Qureh 5.00 Bradenville Pent'l Church •. 17.00 Br.we Auembly of God S 5 ... __ .___ 12.25 (enlral Cit)' Pcnt 'l S S _'M _ l7.75 narks 5umm it Christ .4.mbassadof! _..=..- 21.00 (;"rdnrrs Aspcn l\Ii~~i<lU 12.00 !lamhnrg F un (051)C1 Tahernaclc 10.69 J<'annc tt e Pent' l Church ._. __ .M. ___ , 15.00

Page 23: Eat the Book

Drumbt'Y 5, 1936

K.",,,c, I'e ,,-I :'>lIssi. n M,dl~nd I'~"d .1< ell1My )11 M"",. " .. .,rnbl,. d God S :. __ ku.d"'111 GI~d l',dln,,' Tab liou' CLil .. Th.",,1' 1'.",'1 .....,~~1 ;\Ii~ .. "" Tu"khln"o<k l'~n,'1 G<>~pel T;lbema~l. \\a)"ubo,o Lah'.,y T .. ber".de W,ll<". Uarre I'".t 1'.",'1 l.1,urch Yo.k I'i .. , l 'e",'1 Church y",k hrol 1".<\1'1 Church C 11'.­SOUTH DAKOTA. Pen'>nal Offe.in", Abe,dccn G •• pel Taben,acle IlTuce G"'l'eI Tabernade (Iurlicld ~-ull {.o5pel Alnmbl1 I"' ... y (;"opc:l Tal><;maclc O ... q Jllm rCA', -;-__ _ H,1l Cil7 (;"'pel Tabenlade M~ ~I"'II _\"cn,loly 01 (;;,..J 11.",',,,11 \; '1",1 Tabe,,,ade S S \\ ., (;""1'<"1 Tabc .. ,~.lc TENNESSEE. \I,h.'n :'>It Zi<>n 1'.",'1 ('''h M.,nl,h,. .\"cmloly of G,,J S S U ... ·" r",. .\,., .. ,M,. "f (;,~I &. S S T EXAS. l'<to""a1 on .. -i"II" CO",..,. " ... ",bl,. 01 {;..J ])"lIa. O~k l'lilT S S 1'" .. 11'"nh nil" 11 01 G Churd, Furl WO.I 1'.>I)t«hnic A 01 \. C ,\'. FOri Wortll hut .\~ ... nbly 01 God Fral\hl"" .\".rubly .. I God (;ai.na I'~." .\ "I G :'>Ii .. i""a., (ou".,] (OIaok"atu _h,.",b1, of G<~I '" S S ""U<lull 1I~'Ghll ,Iuembly oi God lIou,l"n Jl ... hl~ 'J'abe,,,~cl. 1I01l'lon '" ,rill Sid~ T~bernacle 110""..,1\ Wh"e Oak ;\lilSio _____ _ L;tlld,~1<1 A5<~,nbly of God Ode •• ,. ,\ ... n,bI1 of God Q,urch __ Ko .. "ber~ ,\u~mbly of Gvd Church Sach." 1'."t·1 Chu.cb & S S ~nti'''ville '\ .... mbly of God Chur." & S S Temple Full C".pel Taberl>adc S S Troup N.d Onl< 1'131 A.scmbl, of God _, Welll,,!!lon Chu,ch __ \\'righl Ci,y 1IIIembir of God S s-:::::""'" VIRCINIA. l'e.l<>n3! OfferinG' Amon~le 1Isoemh!, ..,1 God _ U.h·"i, Full Go. I":] Tabe rnacle S S lirill"! 1I"'~nthl,. of God I'orlolk Auernbl1 01 God -:00;:;::----­Wi'Kh"'ler Full ('"",pe] Tabernacle WAS III NCTON. P'rllOn~] O«"rin~. __ Atoerd".n Calvuy P."I' Temple S S & La,!ie,

I'ra)'er Corde -_.. C~;~===: 1Iuburll Full Go.pcl S S IJrcmenon A •• embl, of God IlridJ{epon Belh.1 Pen,'] Tabernacle ('eRITalin A ... mbly of God .... __ __ _ Che"'eiah Full G"opel A of G & S S Ellen.burl( Utlh ... ", 1'.",'1 Ch & S S Enun,claw ],,,11 C .... pcl S S ,_ G.311',e Falls nelhel T"b'rllade Ihrrini1/ln l'e,,,'1 ,\.,.nth],. __ l .:t,alr 1'.,,,'1 Church _ Me'a]ine Fill. Anemblr "'f God Olympia A"crnb], of Goo ___ _ P •• h381;" 1'"n,'1 Anemb]y .-,:;:-__ _ RaymMd Full Go,pel Tabernacle Se."le Fren,on, P en,'1 Tabernacle S""i<ftn" Glad Tiding. Tempi. SI John P . ... ,'I ,\ ... mbl,. 01 God Suma, Penl'! S S ----,-,--,c--­W EST VIRCINIA, PerllOna] Offeri"e' 1)<"Olh, ,\u.,rnb]1 of G<>d __ _ Fai.m<>n, Full (' ..... pel ;\I i .. ion Culton Pen,'l S S "'::;:--:-;-"'C------Wil1i"mllown P~1\,'1 Church of 1";le ___ _ WISCONSIN, !'"r!Onal O«eri"I" ___ _ nerlrn ('",.pcl Tabernacle " _. Dl~ek ni\'~r FlIUt Co.~c1 T ... h<-rnade _. ('ol .. IIIft" I'ull (''''~1 .. 1 Tabernacl. ~'ond d" !.",e Co.",,] T3bernac1. Mil"·.,,ke. Da1 Vi .... C"'tpel Tabernacle _ M,lwaukee Full Go.",,1 Church _____ _ Rit'hlond ('.nt~. Sunda,. School W~u.au Ch.;.,;an A,.sembly __ -­Whi,ehal1 G'>spel "~$<:mb], " W"con"n Ra p;d. Go.pe] Tabernacle W i'C'<>n,in Ra~id. Gospe] T abernacle 5; S WYOMINC, I'erwnal Offerin,,! _ (he1en"~ Go.",,1 Tabernacle CANADA. Per""nal Offering. Tnr",,,,o f~vnng.l Temp]. FOREIGN, P.rsonal OfferinG'


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TNal a'nnun! «<ei .. ed for Fore;trn ;\fi •• i"'n. to dMe

$ 7," ' .41 11,147.'4

.:---------------_ ... _-, ... ,----_ .. _-------_ .. __ ..... _---_ .. , '. ' GIFT BOOKS FOR LITTLE FOLKS ...


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~uitablc for 1I'l" 3t all" ~ea~('On of the year, espeei;ll1y \ -hris,mas. Each bOOk contains I\\('h'c l'aJ.:'es beautiiul1)' printed on the lillc'-l ht'3\y while pap('r stock. The two ('OuHide I·O\·o.:r, and four 01 the inside pa!{rs arl' delo:antly printed in full colo". (h"i(e picture~ and d,ign, of in. terest to children appear on l"\'CT\' page.

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Page 24: Eat the Book

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