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Page 1: eBooks sobre la Unión Europea - UAB Barcelona · 2020. 11. 18. · Australia, the European Union and the New Trade Agenda Hussey, Karen (et al.) ANU Press, 2017 Coaliciones críticas

1ª edición Noviembre 2020

EBOOKS SOBRE LA UNIÓN EUROPEA Recopilación del Centro de Documentación Europea de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Page 2: eBooks sobre la Unión Europea - UAB Barcelona · 2020. 11. 18. · Australia, the European Union and the New Trade Agenda Hussey, Karen (et al.) ANU Press, 2017 Coaliciones críticas


Esta publicación recopila libros electrónicos en acceso abierto procedentes de:

• Thinks tanks.

• Editoriales.

• Repositorios de tesis doctorales.

• Instituciones y agencias de la UE.

En algunos casos, los usuarios del Servicio de Bibliotecas de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona tendrán que autentificarse.

Page 3: eBooks sobre la Unión Europea - UAB Barcelona · 2020. 11. 18. · Australia, the European Union and the New Trade Agenda Hussey, Karen (et al.) ANU Press, 2017 Coaliciones críticas


Índice de materias

Agricultura y Pesca ..................................................................................................................... 3

Brexit .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Ciencia e Innovación .................................................................................................................. 7

Comercio Exterior ...................................................................................................................... 8

Derecho y Justicia .................................................................................................................... 11

Economía y Finanzas ................................................................................................................ 19

Educación, Cultura y Audiovisuales ......................................................................................... 25

Gobernanza e Instituciones ..................................................................................................... 26

Historia ..................................................................................................................................... 33

Igualdad de Género .................................................................................................................. 37

Integración Europea ................................................................................................................. 39

Medio Ambiente y Energía ...................................................................................................... 43

Mercado Único y Empresa ....................................................................................................... 47

Migración, Refugio y Asilo ....................................................................................................... 51

Política Regional y de Cohesión ............................................................................................... 56

Protección Social y Empleo ...................................................................................................... 61

Relaciones Internacionales ...................................................................................................... 67

Seguridad y Defensa ................................................................................................................ 76

Sociedad de la Información ..................................................................................................... 81

Terminología ............................................................................................................................ 82

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Agricultura y Pesca

Agriculture and bioeconomy: unlocking production potential in a sustainable and resource-efficient way Banco Europeo de Inversiones, 2018

Aquaculture. Overview for the EU Jean Weissenberger European Parliament, 2017

CAP 2021-27: using the eco-scheme to maximise environmental and climate benefits Stephen Meredith, Kaley Hart Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2019

CAP vs Farm to Fork. Will we pay billions to destroy, or to support biodiversity, climate, and farmers? Corporate Europe Observatory, 2020

Digitising agrifood: pathways and challenges Andrea Renda (et al.) Centre for European Policy Studies, 2019

Effects of EU enlargement to the Central European countries on agricultural markets Münch, Wolfgang Peter Lang, 2018

EU agricultural policy and health. Some historical and contemporary issues : in-depth analysis McEldowney, James Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

EU fisheries policy: latest developments and future challenges Martín Aranda, Raúl Prellezo, Marina Santurtún European Parliament, 2019

EU policy and legislation on pesticides. Plant protection products and biocides Didier Bourguignon European Parliament, 2017

European Union: agriculture statistical factsheet European Commission, 2020

Evaluation of the impact of the CAP on habitats, landscapes, biodiversity Alliance Environnement European Commission, 2019

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Hacia una política alimentaria común para la Unión Europea Olivier De Schutter International Panel of Expert son Sustainable Food Systems, 2019

Information package on the post 2020 CAP reform European Parliament, 2019

La producción «bio» y la Unión Europea Jean Weissenberger Parlamento Europeo, 2015

L'accés a la terra a Catalunya. Anàlisi de l'estat de la qüestió a Catalunya i Europa (França, Bèlgica i Alemanya) Tarrida Aribau, Pol Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres (UAB), 2018

Net-zero agriculture in 2050: how to get there? Ben Allen, Anna Lorant Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2019

Seguridad marítima y protección de los recursos marinos vivos: retos en el horizonte 2050 Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2020

The blue economy: overview and EU policy framework Frederik Scholaer European Parliament, 2020

The Common Agricultural Policy: separating fact from fiction European Commission, 2019

The Common Fisheries Policy: conservation of fishery resources and management of fishing activities Jean Weissenberger European Parliament, 2016

The Farm to Fork Strategy implications for agriculture and the CAP Albert Massot Marti European Parliament, 2020

Understanding fisheries technical rules: an illustrated guide for non-experts Jean Weissenberger European Parliament, 2015

Using eco-schemes in the new CAP: a guide for managing authorities Lampkin N. (et al.) IFOAM EU, 2020

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A guide to Brexit Andrew Gilmore The Institute of International and European Affairs, 2017

After Brexit: consequences for the European Union Nazaré da Costa Cabral; José Renato Gonçalves; Nuno Cunha Rodrigues Palgrave Macmillan, 2017

An accidental Brexit: new EU and transatlantic economic perspectives Paul J.J. Welfens Palgrave Macmillan, 2017

Bordering two unions: Northern Ireland and Brexit Sylvia de Mars (et al.) Policy Press (University of Bristol), 2018

'Brexit' : Effects and Consequences for Ireland and Northern Ireland Nelson Hosey, Anthony Charles Facultat de Dret (UAB), 2017

Brexit and beyond: rethinking the futures of Europe Benjamin Martill; Uta Staiger UCL Press, 2018

Brexit and democracy: the role of Parliaments in the UK and the European Union Thomas Christiansen; Diane Fromage Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

Brexit and the control of tobacco illicit trade Marina Foltea Springer, 2020

Brexit and the euro Nauro Campos and Corrado Macchiarelli London School of Economics, 2020

Brexit and the future of EU politics. A constitutional law perspective Ingolf Pernice, Ana Maria Guerra Martins (Ed.) Nomos, 2019

Brexit on the backburner: citizens’ rights and the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement in a pandemic Aliyyah Ahad and Monica Andriescu Migration Policy Institute, 2020

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Brexit: et maintenant? Pat Cox Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2019

Brexit: history, reasoning and perspectives David Ramiro Troitiño; Tanel Kerikmäe; Archil Chochia Springer, 2018

Brexit: the politics of a bad idea David Gow and Henning Meyer Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2016

Building a post-Brexit immigration system for the economic recovery Marley Morris Institute for Public Policy Research, 2020

El Brexit y sus implicaciones en la seguridad y defensa europea Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2019

Environmental policy risks and opportunities of different outcomes from the Brexit negotiations Martin Nesbit, David Baldock Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2019

EU patent and Brexit. Legal and parliamentary affairs European Parliament, 2019

Europa y España frente al Brexit: retos y alternativas Luis Ernesto Orozco (et al.) Tirant lo Blanch, 2019

European citizenship after Brexit: freedom of movement and rights of residence Patricia Mindus Palgrave Macmillan, 2017

Finding Britain’s role in a changing world: the principles for a Global Britain Adam Hug (ed.) The Foreign Policy Centre, 2020

Getting Brexit started: prospects for a new EU-UK partnership into the 2020s London School of Economics, 2020

Making a more European Britain: the political, economic and societal impacts of Brexit Tim Oliver, Garvan Walshe Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2020

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Metaphors of Brexit: no cherries on the cake? Jonathan Charteris-Black Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

Regional success after Brexit: the need for new measures de Ruyter, Alex; Hearne, David Emerald Publishing, 2019

The empire strikes back: Brexit, history and the decline of global Britain Eoin Drea Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2019

The future of UK services trade post-Brexit: unlikely to be bright Olga Pindyuk The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2019

The institutional consequences of a ‘hard Brexit’ European Parliament, 2018

The UK and multi-level financial regulation: from post-crisis reform to Brexit Scott James and Lucia Quaglia Oxford University Press, 2020

Towards an ambitious, broad, deep and flexible EU-UK partnership? Andreas Aktoudianakis (et al.) European Policy Centre, 2020

UK agriculture and food policy post Brexit: an Irish perspective Con Lucey Institute of International and European Affairs, 2020

Un «triangle d’incompatibilité» ? La relation entre Brexit, défense européenne et PSDC Adrien Boudet College of Europe, 2020

Ciencia e Innovación

Artificial intelligence. Ethics, governance and policy challenges Andrea Renda Centre for European Policy Studies, 2020

Disruption by technology. Impacts on politics, economics and society Philip Boucher (et al.) European Parliament, 2020

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European Research Area. Cost of non-Europe report Christian Salm and Thomas Zandstra European Parliament, 2016

Innovation as a regional development driver: necessary shift or policy misdirection? Laura Polverari European Policy Research Center, 2018

Software vulnerability disclosure in Europe. Technology, policies and legal challenges Lorenzo Pupillo, Afonso Ferreira, Gianluca Varisco Centre for European Policy Studies, 2018

Comercio Exterior

A stronger Europe in the world: major challenges for EU trade policy Sabine Weyand College of Europe, 2020

An EU Green Deal for trade policy and the environment. Aligning trade with climate and sustainable development objectives Marianne Kettunen (et al.) Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2020

Australia, the European Union and the New Trade Agenda Hussey, Karen (et al.) ANU Press, 2017

Coaliciones críticas de México y Chile frente al Libre Comercio. Análisis de la influencia en los acuerdos con Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea Demirdjian, Silvia Beatriz Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

Combatting illicit trade on the EU Border. A comparative perspective Celina Nowak Springer, 2021

Development by free trade? The impact of the European Union’s neoliberal agenda on the North African countries Gisela Baumgratz (et al.) Peter Lang, 2017

Different glances at EU trade policy Patricia Garcia-Duran & Montserrat Millet (coord.) CIDOB, 2016

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Dificultades de las exportaciones mexicanas al amparo del tratado de libre comercio México-Unión Europea: el caso de las exportaciones mexicanas de carburo de silicio (2002-2006) Sosa Carpenter, Rafael Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

El impacto de los acuerdos de asociación en las relaciones comerciales entre la Unión Europea y América Latina Lazdauskaitė, Skaistė Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos (UAB), 2012

EU trade policy for sustainable food system Francesco Rampa (et al.) ECDPM, 2020

Évaluation macro-économique des impacts de l’Accord économique et commercial global entre le Canada et l’Union européenne Cecilia Bellora, Jean Fouré et Lionel Fontagné Centre d’Études Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales, 2019

How can international trade contribute to sustainable forestry and the preservation of the world’s forests through the Green Deal? European Parliament, 2020

La interacción entre globalización, integración económica, comercio y relaciones económicas internacionales: efectos, dimensiones y perspectivas Coppelli Ortiz, Gerardo Tesis de la Universitat de Lleida, 2019

La política comercial europea ante un entorno internacional cambiante Enrique Feás y Federico Steinberg Real Instituto Elcano, 2019

Las relaciones económicas entre la Unión Europea y México en el contexto del acuerdo global renovado Ángeles Sánchez Díez y José Manuel García de la Cruz Fundación Alternativas, 2018

Los tratados de libre comercio de Estados Unidos y de la Unión Europea Ana Manero Salvado J.M Bosch, 2019

Made in China: tackling digital authoritarianism Dimitar Lilkov Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2020

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Mega-regionals and the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement: a historical institutionalist analysis Tatiana Kakara College of Europe, 2020

Mercado o democracia: los tratados comerciales en el capitalismo del siglo XXI Gonzalo Fernández Ortiz de Zárate Icaria Editorial, 2018

Non-tariff trade policy analysis: an ex-post assessment of the EU-Korea Agreement Julia Grübler and Oliver Reiter The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2020

Potential benefits of an Australia-EU free trade agreement: key issues and options Drake-Brockman, Jane; Messerlin, Patrick University of Adelaide Press, 2018

Recommendations for a transparent and detailed reporting system on arms exports within the EU and to third countries European Parliament, 2020

Strategy with China: Swiss cooperation or U.S. confrontation? The successful swiss path with a free trade agreement Philippe G. Nell Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2020

The European Union and multilateral trade governance. The Politics of the Doha Round Arlo Poletti Routledge, 2012

The European Union's policies to curtail the trade in natural resources that fund armed conflicts Vlaskamp, Martijn C. Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

The European Union's policy towards Mercosur Gomez Arana, Arantza Manchester University Press, 2017

The impact of sanctions Imposed by the European Union against Iran on their bilateral trade: general versus targeted sanctions Mahdi Ghodsi and Hüseyin Karamelikli The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2020

The implementation of the EU arms export control system European Parliament, 2017

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The politicisation of transatlantic trade in Europe. Explaining inconsistent preferences regarding free trade and the TTIP Aleksandra Sojka, Jorge Díaz-Lanchas, and Frederico Steinberg London School of Economics, 2020

The Role of the European Union in the international trade and investment order Steve Woolcock London School of Economics, 2019

The role of trade partners' cohesiveness in the conclusion of interregional agreements with the European Union Mas Elias, Jordi Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018

The trade-climate nexus. Assessing the European Union’s institutionalist approach Simone Possenti College of Europe, 2019

Trade and biodiversity European Parliament, 2020

Trends in trade in counterfeit and pirated goods OECD/EUIPO Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

Derecho y Justicia

‘Ceci n’est pas .. Cassis de Dijon’: some reflections on its triple regulatory impact Inge Govaere College of Europe, 2020

10+1 good practices in preventing intolerance, discrimination, and group hatred in Central and Eastern Europe Gergana Tzvetkova Center for the Study of Democracy, 2020

20 year anniversary of the Tampere Programme. Europeanisation dynamics of the EU area of freedom, security and justice Sergio Carrera; Deirdre Curtin; Andrew Geddes Centre for European Policy Studies, 2020

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40 years of the Hague Convention on child abduction: legal and societal changes in the rights of a child Adriana De Ruiter European Parliament, 2020

A long way to go for LGBTI equality EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2020

Acquisition and loss of nationality policies and trends in 15 European states Volume 1: Comparative analyses Rainer Bauböck (et al) Amsterdam University Press, 2006

Acquisition and loss of nationality policies and trends in 15 European States Volume 2: Country analyses Rainer Bauböck (et al) Amsterdam University Press, 2006

An EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights. European added value assessment accompanying the legislative initiative report Rapporteur: Sophie in 't Veld) Wouter van Ballegooji, Tatjana Evas European Parliament, 2016

Armonización europea del principio de libertad de testar y posición del supérstite Planas Ballvé, Maria Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos (UAB), 2012

Ciudadanos de la Unión y sus familiares comunitarios y de terceros países Catalina Magallanes Dykinson, 2019

Civis Europaeus sum? Consequences with regard to nationality law and EU citizenship status of the independence of a devolved part of an EU member state Guayasén Marrero Gonzalez Maastricht University, 2017

Claves en el sistema europeo de protección del contenido de los derechos fundamentales: ordenadores de los procedimientos tributarios Cristóbal J. Borrero Moro Tirant lo Blanch, 2019

Consular protection abroad a union citizenship fundamental right? Poptcheva, Eva Maria Alexandrova Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014

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Cooperación judicial penal en la Unión Europea: reflexiones sobre algunos aspectos de la investigación y el enjuiciamiento en el espacio europeo de justicia penal Mª Isabel González Cano (dir.) Tirant lo Blanch, 2016

Cooperación procedimental en la Unión Europea: límites jurisdiccionales Joseba Fernández Gaztea Tirant lo Blanch, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic in the EU – impact on roma and travellers EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2020

Crónica de una "rebelión" anunciada: la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional Federal alemán de 5 de mayo de 2020 Álvarez Nieves, Ana Isabe Institut d'Estudis Europeus (UAB), 2020

Cross-border data access in criminal proceedings and the future of digital justice. Navigating the current legal framework and exploring ways forward within the EU and across the Atlantic Sergio Carrera; Marco Stefan; Valsamis Mitsilegas Centre for European Policy Studies, 2020

Debating transformations of national citizenship Rainer Bauböck Springer, 2018

Derecho de la Unión Europea Ortega Gómez, M. J.M Bosch, 2018

Discriminación racial, intolerancia y fanatismo en la Unión Europea Cristina Hermida del Llano (ed.) vLex Global, 2020

El ABC del derecho de la Unión Europea Borchardt, Klaus-Dieter Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2018

El derecho fundamental a la protección de datos personales en el ámbito de la prevención y represión penal europea (En busca del equilibrio entre la libertad y la seguridad) Gacitúa Espósito, Alejandro Luis Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014

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El efecto directo horizontal de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea Montes Franceschini, Macarena Facultat de Dret (UAB), 2017

El modelo europeo de cooperación judicial en el ámbito civil y penal Varela Figueroa, Rebeca Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

El patrimonio constitucional europeo: su asimilación por el orden jurídico comunitario (análisis específico del patrimonio europeo de los derechos fundamentales) Ortiz Pica, M. Isabel Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2003

El principio democrático en el Derecho de la Unión Europea Díaz Narváez, Antonio Tesis de la Universidad Carlos III, 2015

El régimen jurídico de las obligaciones en derecho internacional privado español y de la Unión Europea José María Espinar Vicente; José Ignacio Paredes Pérez Dykinson, 2019

European arrest warrant. Framework for analysis and preliminary findings on its implementation Wouter van Ballegooij; Ivana Kiendl Krišto European Parliament, 2020

European citizenship under stress. Social justice, Brexit and other challenges Cambien, Nathan; Kochenov, Dimitry; Muir, Elise Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law, 2020

Expansión del arbitraje islámico en los Estados occidentales europeos y su incidencia en el mantenimiento del orden público constitucional español Tomás J. Aliste Santos Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2019

Human Rights in Business. Removal of barriers to access to justice in the European Union Álvarez Rubio, Juan José; Yiannibas, Katerina (ed.) Taylor & Francis, 2017

Identity and diversity in EU law: contextualising article 4(2) TEU Alcoberro Llivina, Carina Tesis de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2015

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Iniciativa legislativa popular: análisis de la iniciativa de agenda en América latina y la Unión Europea Orestes J. Suárez Antón Tirant lo Blanch, 2019

La adhesión de la Unión Europea al Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos Elisa Uría Gavilán J.M Bosch, 2018

La citoyenneté européenne Comisión Europea Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

La configuración constitucional de la detención preventiva como límite especifico al derecho a la libertad personal : sus consecuencias e incidencia sobre otros derechos fundamentales Soberanis Solís, Laura Marina Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017

La configuración jurídico-política de la ciudadanía de la Unión Europea: Europa de los ciudadanos e identidad europea Monteiro, Susana Isabel da Cunha Sardinha Tesis de la Universidad de Extremadura, 2016

La constitucionalizacion del modelo penal de la Union Europea. Un intento de reconstruccion Clara Mapelli Marchena Tesis de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2014

La Directiva 2011/36/UE, un nuevo enfoque de la trata de seres humanos en el seno de la Unión Europea. ¿Ha mejorado el régimen de protección de las víctimas de la trata? Moreno Urpí, Alexandre Facultat de Dret (UAB), 2015

La Eficacia entre particulares de la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea Montabes García, Carmen Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus (UAB), 2014

La Fiscalía Europea Lucio García, Guadalupe Milagros Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2018

La introducción del Estado regulador y la administración independiente en España: el impulso del Derecho de la Unión Europea y las transformaciones del Derecho Público Español Solanes Mullor, Joan Tesis de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2014

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La Orden europea de investigación: análisis legal y aplicaciones prácticas Lidia Domínguez Ruiz Tirant lo blanch, 2019

La peculiare costituzione dell'Unione Europea Agustin Jos; John Erik Fossum Firenze University Press, 2012

La tutela de los derechos fundamentales de la Unión Europea por el Tribunal Constitucional Xabier Arzoz Santisteban Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, 2015

La unificación del derecho de propiedad intelectual en la Unión Europea Pilar Cámara Águila (et al) Tirant lo Blanch, 2019

La Unión Europea como modelo de protección de datos en eHealth, su influencia y barreras a la convergencia Kress, Alejandro Tesis de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017

La Unión Europea y el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos José Rafael Marín Aís Tesis de la Universidad de Granada, 2013

Le mineur et le double sens de la libre circulation des personnes dans l'Union européenne en vertu de la régulation de la citoyenneté européenne Murillo Belloc, Núria Institut d'Estudis Europeus (UAB), 2020

Lecciones básicas de derecho e instituciones de la Unión Europea M. Matilde Sánchez Gutiérrez (et al.) Universidad de Extremadura, 2015

Les principes d’égalité et de non-discrimination, une perspective de droit comparé. Conseil de l’Europe Ziller, Jacques Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

Lifting the integration veil: outcasts from Islam in Western Europe Tommaso Virgili Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2020

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Los principios de igualdad y no discriminación, una perspectiva de derecho comparado. España González-Trevijano Sánchez, Pedro Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

National Constitutions in European and global governance. Democracy, rights, the rule of law. National Reports Anneli Albi; Samo Bardutzky T.M.C. Asser Press, 2019

Plan de acción de la UE contra el racismo 2020-2025 Comisión Europea Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

Retos a la eficacia de los derechos humanos en España y la Unión Europea Raúl Sanz Burgos (coord.) Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (México), 2016

Rule of law in Poland 2020: a diagnosis of the deterioration of the rule of law from a comparative perspective Marek Tatała; Eliza Rutynowska; Patryk Wachowiec Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

Schengen under Pressure: differentiation or disintegration? Marie De Somer; Funda Tekin; Vittoria Meissner EUIDEA, 2020

Taking the EU to Court. Annulment proceedings and multilevel judicial conflict Christian Adam (et al.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2020

The accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights: a critical analysis of the opinion of the European Court of Justice Nergelius Joakim Sieps, 2015

The Court of Justice of the European Union's case law on linguistic divergences (2007-2013): interpretation criteria and implications for the translation of EU legislation Pacho Aljanati, Lucía Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

The ethical spirit of EU Law Markus Frischhut Springer, 2019

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The EU and US criminal law as two-tier models. A comparison of their central axes with a view to addressing challenges for EU criminal law and for the protection of fundamental rights Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi Sieps, 2016

The future of Schengen Susi Dennison, Dina Pardijs European Council of Foreign Relations, 2016

The illicit cigarette trade along the Balkan route. Measuring vulnerabilities and threats Atanas Rusev (et al.) Center for the Study of Democracy, 2019

The legal effects of EU agreements Mendez, Mario Oxford University Press, 2013

The ongoing evolution of the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union on Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC. A legal analysis of the situation in EU Member States Kimberly Liu; Colm O’Cinneide European Commission, 2019

The principle of loyalty in EU Law Klamert, Marcus Oxford University Press, 2014

The role of the national courts in the European Union Groussot Xavi Sieps, 2005

The treaties of the European Union: texts, preparatory work and personal accounts Frédéric Allemand (dir) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU

Transposición de directivas y autogobierno. El desarrollo normativo del Derecho de la Unión Europea en el Estado autonómico Xabier Arzoz Santisteban (dir.) Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics, 2013

Tratados consolidados, Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales 2016 Secretaría General del Consejo Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2016

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Unión Europea y el perfil constitucional de su tribunal Marica, Andreea Tesis de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2012

Union regulatory criminal law competence Öberg Jacob Sieps, 2015

Economía y Finanzas

A roadmap for a fair data economy Luukas K. Ilves and David Osimo The Lisbon Council, 2020

A short guide to the euro European Commission, 2020

A way out of the euro Monge Nunes, Bernat Aritz Facultat de Dret (UAB), 2017

Análisis de la incidencia de la crisis financiera a través de los spreads de bonos soberanos en la Unión Europea y América Latina Martínez, Lisana Belén Tesis de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2013

Armonización fiscal y aproximación de los sistemas fiscales Ana Isabel González González (coord.) Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2016

Asset allocation in Europe. Reality vs. expectations Jean-Pierre Pinatton, Cosmina Amariei European Capital Markets Institute, 2020

Austerity: 12 myths exposed Bryan Evans (et al.) Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2019

Automatic fiscal stabilisers in the EU: size and effectiveness Philipp Mohl (et al.) European Commission, 2019

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Bank competition and credit risk in the euro area, 2005-2017: is there evidence of convergence? Maria Karadima and Helen Louri London School of Economics, 2020

Banking business models monitor 2019: Europe Rym Ayadi, Doriana Cucinelli, Willem Pieter De Groen Centre for European Policy Studies, 2019

Convergencia económica y gobernanza fiscal en la Unión Europea Patricia Herrero de la Escosura (coord.) Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2016

Creating a Decentralised Eurozone Charles Wyplosz Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2019

Dashboard for a new economy. Towards a new compass for the post-COVID recovery World Economic Forum, 2020

Delivering the Green Deal: the role of a reformed European Semester within a new sustainable economy strategy Céline Charveriat and Eloïse Bodin Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2020

Economía de la Europeriferia Brunet, Ferran Departament d’Esconomia Aplicada (UAB), 2016

Economic and Monetary Union. Legal and political texts Consejo de la UE Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2015

Economic and Monetary Union. Main legal texts & policy documents for further strengthening of the Economic and Monetary Union Comisión Europea, 2018

Economic convergence as the cornerstone of EMU resilience. Indicators, institutions and instruments Yuri van Loon Clingendael, 2018

Economic polarisation in Europe: causes and policy options Jakob Kapeller, Claudius Gräbner and Philipp Heimberger The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2019

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El Banco Central Europeo en las relaciones monetarias internacionales Christel Bade Rubio Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

European Union recovery funds: strings attached, but not tied up in knots Jean Pisani-Ferry Bruegel, 2020

Fine-tuning Europe: How to win the global FinTech race? Tsvetelina Kuzmanova Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2020

Gobernanza económica y filosofía del proyecto europeo Joan Cals Güell UAB, 2019

Governing finance in Europe: a centralisation of rulemaking? Adrienne Héritier; Magnus G. Schoeller Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020

Greek tragedy, European Odissey: the politics and economics of the eurozone crisis Godby, Robert; Anderson, Stephanie Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2016

How does differentiated integration work in the EU financial Sector? Spotlight on banking Union Sebastian Mack EUIDEA, 2020

Implications of the euro Baimbridge, Mark; Burkitt, Brian; Whyman, Philip Taylor & Francis, 2006

Inequalities in the European Semester Antonucci Lorenza; Corti Francesco Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2020

Judging the eurozone. The role of national courts & the European Court of Justice in adjudicating on Europe’s Economic & Monetary Union Gavin Barrett Institute of International and European Affairs, 2020

La actividad pública de supervisión financiera. Reforma y responsabilidad de la Administración Lara Ortiz, María Lidón Tesis de la Universitat Jaume I, 2017

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La comparabilidad de la información contable pública en la Unión Europea Fuertes Fuertes, Iluminada Tesis de la Universitat Jaume I, 2001

La Devolución de lo indebido tributario en el derecho de la Comunidad Europea José Miguel Martínez-Carrasco Pignatelli Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2008

La federalización de la Unión Económica y Monetaria a partir de la crisis del euro Peña Fernández, Eva Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014

La política monetaria y la regulación prudencial en Europa Fernando Fernández Méndez de Andés FAES, 2016

La respuesta de la política monetaria del Banco Central Europeo frente a la crisis del covid-19 Pablo Aguilar (et al.) Banco de España, 2020

La Unión Europea: estudio del presupuesto, la evolución reciente, análisis de la situación actual y propuestas de futuro Salvador Escudero Ferrer Tesis de la UNED, 2019

L'Union économique et monétaire: origine, fonctionnement et futur Frédéric Allemand (dir). CVCE.EU by UNI.LU, 2016

Media portraits in times of crisis (2008-2014). Public views of the european union and the austerity policies in the national leading press Monza, Sabina Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019

Monetary policy in the time of COVID-19, or how uncertainty is here to stay Maria Demertzis, Marta Dominguez-Jimenez European Parliament, 2020

National expenditure rules in the EU. An analysis of effectiveness and compliance European Commission, 2020

New life for an old framework: redesigning the European Union's expenditure and golden fiscal rules Zsolt Darvas and Julia Anderson European Parliament, 2020

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One currency for one Europe European Commission, 2020

Pension reforms in the EU since the early 2000's. Achievements and challenges ahead Giuseppe Carone (et al.) European Commission, 2016

Real convergence in the European Union Schmidt, Christian Peter Lang, 2018

Rebranding Capital Markets Union. A market finance action plan Karel Lannoo, Apostolos Thomadakis Centre for European Policy Studies, 2019

Recuperación y resolución de entidades de crédito en tiempos de crisis Alés Hermosa, Gabriela Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2018

Regional monetary policy Rodriguez Fuentes, Carlos Javier Taylor & Francis, 2006

Ring-fencing in Europe. The EU's bank structural reform and a legal comparative look at national legislation in Europe's three financial capitals Konstantin Oppolzer Nomos, 2019

Saving the Euro: redesigning euro area economic governance Andrew Watt, Hansjörg Herr and Jan Priewe SE Publishing, 2017

Soberanía económica y seguridad nacional: Intervención y participación del Estado en los mercados de capitales globales Rubio González, Alejandro Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

Special Pensions in the EU European Commission, 2020

State interests and bargaining power in the reform of the eurozone Lisa Dellmuth; Magnus Lundgren; Jonas Tallberg Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 2020

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Still time to save the euro. A new agenda for growth and jobs with a focus on the euro area’s four largest countries Hansjörg Herr (et al.) Social Europe Publishing, 2019.

Taxes and Taxation Trends Jolanta Iwin-Garzyńska (ed.) IntechOpen, 2018

The COVID19-pandemic in the EU: macroeconomic transmission and economic policy response European Commission, 2020

The EU’s management of the euro crisis: a discursive policy analysis Miró Artigas, Joan Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019

The European economy since the start of the millenium — a statistical portrait Eurostat, 2020

The German model: seen by its neighbours Brigitte Unger SE Publishing, 2015

The intergenerational dimension of fiscal sustainability Pedro Arevalo (et al.) European Commission, 2019

The relationship between economic freedom and economic growth in EU countries Brkić, Ivana Tesis de la Universitat Jaume I, 2020

The sovereign-bank nexus in the euro area: financial and real channels Mario Bellia (et al.) European Commission, 2019

The Spanish financial crisis: lessons for the European Banking Union Miguel Otero-Iglesias; Sebastián Royo; Federico Steinberg Real Instituto Elcano, 2016

The study on the creation of an EU consolidated tape Comisión Europea Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

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Una panorámica de la Unión Bancaria David Vegara Figueras Banco de España, 2016

What Role for the European Semester in the recovery plan? European Parliament, 2020

Educación, Cultura y Audiovisuales

Best practices in sustainable management and safeguarding of cultural heritage in the EU European Parliament, 2018

Creating and governing cultural heritage in the European Union. The European Heritage Label Lähdesmäki, Tuuli Taylor & Francis, 2020

Curriculum reform in the European schools. Towards a 21st century vision Sandra Leaton Gray; David Scott; Peeter Mehisto Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

De-regulation of european media policy (2000-2014) The debate on media governance and media pluralism in the EU Costache, Andreea Madalina Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

European Higher Education Area. The impact of past and future policies Adrian Curaj; Ligia Deca; Remus Pricopie Springer, 2018

Higher education in the EU: approaches, issues and trends Ivana Katsarova European Parliament, 2015

Intercultural dialogue in the European education policies. A conceptual approach Tuuli Lähdesmäki; Aino-Kaisa Koistinen; Susanne C. Ylönen Palgrave Macmillan, 2020

La Unión Europea y su política educativa Javier M. Valle Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, 2006

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Las industrias creativas y su papel en las políticas y estrategias de la Unión Europea Aldana Afanador; Pedro Nicolás Facultat de CC. Comunicació (UAB), 2018

Prospective report on the future of transnational collaboration in European higher education Comisión Europea Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

Success stories in the field of education European Parliament, 2014

Talent development in European higher education. Honors programs in the Benelux, Nordic and German-speaking countries Marca V.C. Wolfensberger Springer, 2015

The European Union and education for democratic citizenship. Legal foundations for EU learning at school Kris Grimonprez Nomos, 2020

The future of tertiary education in Europe Denise Chircop (et al.) European Parliament, 2020

Gobernanza e Instituciones

"L'Europe" en notre nom: renforcer la démocratie européenne Yves Bertoncini Terra Nova, 2019

"Stabilocracy" and/or radicalisation Srđan Dvornik (et al.) Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Office Sarajevo, 2019

(Why) do eurosceptics believe in a common European heritage? Chiara De Cesari, Ivo Bosilkov and Arianna Piacentini Taylor & Francis, 2020

“Of Spitzenkandidaten and European Leaders.” The 2014 EP Presidential Campaign in the context of the EU legitimization process Francesco Camonita Fundació Catalunya Europa, 2016

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A European Parliament election of consequence Pat Cox Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2018

Análisis descriptivo de la accesibilidad a los contenidos audiovisuales de webs del Parlamento Europeo Serrat Roozen, Iris Tesis de la Universitat Jaume I, 2019

Bargaining power in the European Council Jonas Tallberg Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 2007

Building EU regulatory capacity. The work of under-resourced agencies in the European Union Eva Heims Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

Captured states: when EU governments are a channel for corporate interests Corporate Europe Observatory, 2019

Civil protection cooperation in the European Union. How trust and administrative culture matter for crisis management Sten Widmalm; Charles F. Parker; Thomas Persson Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

Discourse analysis and European Union politics Kennet Lynggaard Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

El estado de la Unión Europea. La Unión frente a la tormenta perfecta Diego López Garrido (dir.); María Pallares (coord.) Fundación Alternativas y Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2020

El futuro de Europa: la opinión ciudadana en tiempos de Covid Fundación Alternativas, 2020

El sistema de mayoría cualificada en el Consejo de la Unión Europea Casanovas Pérez, Christian Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2012

EU agencies on the move: challenges ahead Ellen Vos Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 2018

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EU Coalition Explorer Claire Busse (et al.) European Council on Foreign Relations, 2020

Europe 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall Megan Palmer, Mădălina Mocan (ed.) London School of Economics, 2019

European e-democracy in practice Leonhard Hennen Springer, 2020

European solidarity tracker Claire Busse European Council on Foreign Relations, 2020

European transboundary crises and EU agencies: examining board members' attitudes towards crisis involvement Jordana, Jacint (et al.) Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals, 2018

European Union agencies: a transnational logic? Juan Carlos Triviño Salazar; Jacint Jordana Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals, 2017

European variations as a key to cooperation Hirsch Ballin, Ernst (et al.) Springer, 2020

European, of course!? The mission for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2020 Johannes Hillje and Christine Pütz Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2020

Explain and understand the EU in the context of its crisis Camisón Yagüe, José Ángel (et al.) Universidad de Extremadura; 2016

From Bratislava to Rome.The European Council’s role in shaping a common future for EU-27 Ralf Drachenberg and Suzana Anghel with Conor McGlynn European Parliament, 2017

From the ‘ordinary’ method to the transgovernmental method. Comparative trends in EU governance Adriaan Schout (et al.) Clingendael, 2019

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How can the European Parliament better oversee the European Central Bank? Grégory Claeys, Marta Domínguez-Jiménez European Parliament, 2020

Illiberal trends and anti-EU politics in East Central Europe Astrid Lorenz; Lisa H. Anders Palgrave Macmillan, 2021

Informal governance in the European Union. How governments make international organizations work Kleine, Mareike Cornell University Press, 2013

Is the EU different? Comparing the diversity of national and EU-level systems of interest organisations Berkhout, Joost Taylor & Francis, 2019

La Comunicación en los gabinetes de comunicación en la Unión Europea en el siglo XXI : el uso de las TICs Rodríguez Guillén, David Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació (UAB), 2013

La Europeización de instituciones: El caso del espacio administrativo de Rumanía Ionela Cristea, Ana Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2013

La identidad europea como construcción social compleja: Análisis de la borrosidad en el discurso de la identidad europea generado mediante escenarios de futuro Lasaga Millet, Olga Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2005

La méthode communautaire Pascal Fontaine (entretien réalisé par Chantal Tauxe) Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2018

La percepción y valoración de los españoles sobre la Unión Europea Calvo Pérez, Lucas María Tesis de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2011

La Presidencia del Consejo de la Unión Europea desde la perspectiva del institucionalismo histórico: un ejercicio de suma positiva Fernández Pasarín, Ana Mar Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2005

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Las transformaciones del servicio público y de la soberanía. Tres retos constitucionales en la frontera sur europea Fernández Alles, José Joaquín Dykinson, 2019

Lobby planet Brussels. The Corporate Europe Observatory Guide the murky world EU lobbying David Lundy Corporate Europe Observatory, 2017

Looking back, looking Forward. Central and Eastern Europe 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall Richard Grieveson (coord.) The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2019

Making a step change: transforming the European administration to deliver 21st century public service a vision from tomorrow’s leaders College of Europe, 2019

Managing compliance in a multi-level polity: the case of the European Union Clinton, Peter Tesis de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019

Media portraits in times of crisis (2008-2014). Public views of the european union and the austerity policies in the national leading press Monza, Sabina Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019

Multinational teams in the European Commission and the European Parliament Neyer, Anne-Katrin Peter Lang, 2018

Organization and duties of the European Union institutions Ioana Nely Militaru Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, 2019

Party cues and citizens’ attitudes toward the European Union Pannico, Roberto Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017

Politics of last resort: governing by emergency in the European Union Jonathan White Oxford University Press, 2020

Populism: between renewal & breakdown of democracy Clingendael Spectator, 2020

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Quelle union politique en Europe? Renaud Dehousse (entretien réalisé par Hervé Bribosi) Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2016

Rapport Schuman sur l'Europe: l'état de l'Union 2018 Chopin, Thierry; Foucher, Michel Editions Marie B. 2018

Rule of law infringement procedures A proposal to extend the EU’s rule of law toolbox Petra Bárd and Anna Śledzińska-Simon Centre for European Policy Studies, 2019

Shaping parliamentary democracy. Collected memories from the European Parliament Alfredo De Feo; Michael Shackleton Palgrave Pivot, 2019

Shifting Baselines of Europe. New Perspectives beyond neoliberalism and nationalism Büllesbach, Daphne (et al.) transcript Verlag, 2017

Solidarity as a Public Virtue? Law and public Policies in the European Union Veronica Federico; Christian Lahusen (ed.) Nomos, 2018

Solidarity in Europe. Citizens' responses in times of crisis Christian Lahusen; Maria T. Grasso Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

Solidarity in the European Union: a quantitative analysis of the European Council's position Álvarez Nieves, Ana Isabel Institut d’Estudis Europeus (UAB), 2020

Ten opportunities for Europe post-coronavirus. Exploring potential for progress in EU policy-making Étienne Bassot European Parliament, 2020

The European citizens’ consultations: evaluation report Corina Stratulat, Paul Butcher European Policy Centre, 2018

The European Commission in balance? Ambition, organisation and power Adriaan Schout, Adriaan Nunes Clingendael, 2019

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The European Parliament’s right of initiative Maurer, Andreas; Wolf, Michael C Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

The future shape of Europe Almut Möller, Dina Pardijs European Council on Foreign Relations, 2017

The missing dimension in rule of law policy. From EU policies to multilevel capacity building Adriaan Schout, Michiel Luining Cligendael, 2018

The muslim question in Europe. Political controversies and public philosophies O' Brien, Peter Temple University Press; 2016

The role of newspapers in the EU communication process Rodríguez Guillén, David Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017

Traducción y terminología en la unión europea: análisis del denominado 'eurolecto' José María Castellano Martínez Tesis Universidad de Córdoba, 2012

Un papel para la monarquía en la Unión Europea Orantos Martín, Rodolfo Tesis Universidad de Extremadura, 2016

Uncertainty/EU/hope. Public opinion in times of covid-19 Maillard, Robin; Zalc, Julien Parlamento Europeo,2020

Understanding EU decision-making Best, Edward EIPA/Springer, 2016

Une Europe des élites? Réflexions sur la fracture démocratique de l'Union européenne Olivier Costa et Paul Magnetie Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2007

Veto power: institutional design in the European Union Slapin, Jonathan B. University of Michigan Press, 2011

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Voting in the Council of the European Union. Contested decision-making in the EU Council of Ministers (1995-2010) Wim Van Aken Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 2012

What Europeans really want: Five myths debunked Susi Dennison, Ivan Krastev, Mark Leonard European Council on Foreign Relations, 2019

Young people's Perceptions of Europe in a time of Change Bruno Losito (et al) Springer, 2018


20 anys de Catalunya a la Unió Europea Francesc Morata (dir.) IUEE UAB, 2006

20 años de España en la Unión Europea (1986-2006) Sonia Piedrafita; Federico Steinberg; José Ignacio Torreblanca (coord.) Real Instituto Elcano, Parlamento Europeo y Comisión Europea, 2006

A Europe apart. History and politics of European Monetary Integration Roberto Di Quirico European Press Academic Publishing, 2020

Building Europe. A history of European unification Loth, Wilfried De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2015

Christian Democracy in the European Union (1945/1995) Lamberts, Emiel (ed.) Leuven University Press, 1997

Construyendo la Constitución Europea. Crónica política de la Convención Josep Borrell, Carlos Carnero y Diego López Garrido Real Instituto Elcano, 2003

Critical theories of crises in Europe: from Weimar to the euro PoulF. Kjaerand; NiklasOlsen Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016

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Decolonisation: geopolitical issues and impact on the European integration process CVCE.EU by UNI.LU

Destination Europe: the political and economic growth of a continent Torbiorn, Kjell M. Manchester University Press, 2003

Disintegration and integration in East-Central Europe: 1919 – post-1989 Wilfried Loth, Nicolae Paun (ed.) Nomos, 2014

El Consejo Europeo y el Consejo de la Unión Europea a través del tiempo. Toma de decisiones y elaboración de legislación en la integración europea Consejo de la UE Oficina Publicaciones de la UE, 2018

El proceso de constitucionalización de la Unión Europea (2001-2004) la convención europea y el tratado-constitución Guinea Llorente, Mercedes Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2007

España en Europa 1996-2004 Barbé, Esther IUEE UAB, 2004

España en Europa 2004-2008 Barbé, Esther IUEE UAB, 2008

España en Europa-Europa en España (1986-2006) Francesc Morata, Gemma Mateo (ed.) IUEE UAB / CIDOB, 2007

España y el proceso de construcción europea. Los desafíos de la convergencia Enrique Barón Crespo; Josefina Cuesta Bustillo; Ariane Landuyt. CVCE, 2016

España y la construcción europea. Vectores de convergencia, factores de cohesión y paradigmas cambiantes Enrique Barón Crespo, Josefina Cuesta Bustillo, Prof. Ariane Landuyt CVCE, 2016

Federalism and European Union: the building of Europe, 1950-2000 Michael Burgess Routledge, 2000

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Franco-British diplomatic games and issues within WEU (1954-1982) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU

From the Messina Conference to the Rome Treaties (EEC and EAEC) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU

From the origins of the Schuman Plan to the ECSC Treaty CVCE.EU by UNI.LU

From the Schuman Plan to the Paris Treaty (1950–1952) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU, 2010

Geopolitical upheavals in Europe after 1989 CVCE.EU by UNI.LU, 2011

Historical events in the European integration process (1945–2014) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU

Initiative and constraint in the mapping of evolving European borders Cristina Blanco Sío-López CVCE.EU by UNI.LU

La réforme de la PAC CVCE.EU by UNI.LU

Le 70e anniversaire de la déclaration Schuman. De la déclaration du 9 mai 1950 vers l’Union européenne Representación en Luxemburgo (Comisión Europea), 2020

Le choix de la CEE par la France. L’Europe économique en débat de Mendès France à de Gaulle (1955-1969) Laurent Warlouzet Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique, 2011

Los empresarios y Europa: las organizaciones patronales ante la adhesión de España a la CEE (1962-1986) Guillermo García Crespo Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

Méthode communautaire et fédéralisme: le legs de Jean Monnet à travers ses archives Gilles Grin Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2014

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Milieux économiques et intégration européenne au XXe siècle. La relance des années quatre-vingt (1979-1992) Éric Bussière; Michel Dumoulin; Sylvain Schirmann Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique, 2007

Onze discours sur l'Europe, 1982-1995 François Mitterrand Istituto Italiano Per Gli Studi Filosofici, 1995

Politics and economics in the history of the European Union Alan Milward Routledge, 2005

Presidencia española: retos en una nueva Unión Europea Alicia Sorroza (coord.) Instituto de Estudios Europeos, Fundación Alternativas y Fundación Real Instituto Elcano, 2010

Spain and Portugal in the European Union: the first fifteen years Paul Christopher Manuel; Sebastian Royo Routledge, 2003

The ‘Franco-German duo’ and Europe as seen in cartoons (1945–2013) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU, 2013

The Cold War (1945–1989) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU, 2011

The Congress of Europe in The Hague (7–10 May 1948) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU, 2008

The European Commission 1958-72. History and memories of an institution Lethé, Matthieu (et al.) Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2014

The European Commission 1973-86. History and memories of an institution Dumoulin, Michel (et al.) Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2014

The European Commission 1986-2000. History and memories of an institution Bussière, Éric (et al.) Oficina de Pubiicacions de la UE, 2019

The Father of Europe: the life and times of Jean Monnet Richard Mayne, new and revised text and compilation of text by Clifford P. Hackett Foundation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2019

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The first organisations and cooperative ventures in post-war Europe CVCE.EU by UNI.LU, 2013

The idea of Europe. Enlightenment Perspectives Catriona Seth et Rotraud von Kulessa (dir.) Open Book Publishers, 2017

The organisation of post-war defence in Europe (1948–1954) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU, 2013

The post-war European idea and the first European movements (1945–1949) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU

The Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950 Representación en Rumanía (Comisión Europea), 2016

Treinta años de España en la Unión Europea. Balance de la aplicación de los fondos europeos en España Juan José Rubio Guerrero FAES, 2015

Visionarios de la historia de la integración europea. Las palabras que iniciaron el camino de la Unión Oficia de Publicaciones de la UE, 2017

Year 30: Germany’s second chance Jürgen Habermans Social Europe Publishing, 2020

Igualdad de Género

Beneficios económicos de la igualdad de género en la UE Instituto Europeo de la Igualdad de Género, 2017

Benefits of gender equality through infrastructure provision: an EU-wide survey Instituto Europeo de la Igualdad de Género, 2020

Derechos procesales de las víctimas de violencia contra las mujeres basada en el género en la Unión Europea Ruiz López, Cristina Tesis de la Universidad de Burgos, 2020

Discriminatory laws undermining women’s rights European Parliament, 2020

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Education and employment of women in science, technology and the digital economy, including AI and its influence on gender equality Hovardas, Tasos (et al.) Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

European Union policy on gender equality. The scope and limits of equality in the single market Perrier, G. Springer International Publishing, 2018

Feminist tensions in equality policies: an analysis of gender mainstreaming in the European Union Maenza, Carla Vanina Tesis de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2018

Gender and the European Union Sonia Lucarelli Firenze University Press, 2014

Gender equality at work Jorge Cabrita (et al.) Eurofound, 2020

Gender Equality Index: key findings for the EU Instituto Europeo de la Igualdad de Género, 2020

Gender-balanced company boards in Europe Linda Senden, Sonja Kruisinga European Commission, 2018

Gender-based positive action in employment in Europe Christopher McCrudden European Commission, 2019

JRC statistical audit of the 2020 gender equality index Papadimitriou, Eleni; Norlén, Hedvig; Del Sorbo, Maria Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

La Estrategia para la Igualdad de Género 2020-2025 Comisión Europea, 2020

La Protección jurisdiccional contra la violencia de género en la Unión Europea Elena Martínez García Tirant lo Blanch, [etc], 2019

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National cases and good practices on equal pay Susanne Burri European Commission, 2019

Preparing a harmonized maternity leave for Members of the European Parliament – legal analysis European Parliament, 2016

Sexism at work: how can we stop it? Handbook for the EU institutions and agencies EIGE 2020

Strategic litigation in EU gender equality law Marion Guerrero European Commission, 2020

The EU's trade policy: from gender-blind to gender-sensitive? Elina Viilup European Parliament, 2015

The gender dimension of climate justice European Parliament, 2015

Tratado sobre la igualdad jurídica y social de la mujer en el siglo XXI María Begoña Fernández González (coord.) vLex Global, 2019

Violencia de género y prácticas tradicionales perjudiciales: una contribución al debate metodológico para su medición en Europa Gómez Casillas, Amalia Tesis Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018

Women and girls in humanitarian emergencies European Parliament, 2016

Women’s economic empowerment at international level European Parliament, 2017

Integración Europea

12 lecciones sobre Europa Fontaine, Pascal Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2018

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Coronavirus and the cost of non-Europe. An analysis of the economic benefits of common European action European Parliament, 2020

Democracy in the European Union: integration through deliberation? Erik Oddvar Eriksen; John Erik Fossum Routledge, 2000

Dissonant heritages and memories in contemporary Europe Lähdesmäki, Tuuli (et al.) Springer Nature, 2019

El futuro de la Unión Europea Ignacio Molina Álvarez de Cienfuegos (coord..); Carlos Closa Montero (dir.) Real Instituto Elcano, 2018

El modelo de inserción y la posición competitiva de los países en transición de la Europa Central en el actual entorno global Fita Catà, Antoni Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2007

Europe in identity crisis Carlo Altomonte; Antonio Villafranca Ledizioni, 2020

Europe under pressure Dankert, Angelika C. Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag, 2017

European Union - The Second Founding. The changing rationale of European integration Ludger Kühnhardt Nomos, 2008

Ever looser Union? Differentiated European integration Frank Schimmelfennig and Thomas Winzen Oxford University Press, 2020

Imagining Europe: memory, visions, and counter-narratives Klein, Lars; Tamcke, Martin Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2015

Implicaciones constitucionales del proceso de integración europea : el artículo 93 de la Constitución Española como cláusula de apertura a la interrelación ordinamental en un marco pluralista Marco Aparicio Wilhelmi Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2002

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La Europa ciudadana Florín Jurje, Vlad; Anguita Osuna, José Enrique; Guinea Bonillo, Julio Dykinson, 2020

La Integración regional latinoamericana y europea en el siglo XXI: marco para la reflexión sobre su presente y futuro Fernanda Caballero Parra, Rita Giacalone y Edgar Vieira Posada (edi.) Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, 2019

La visión y el camino Javier Cercas Banco Europeo de Inversiones, 2019

MERCOSUR and the European Union: variation and limits of regional integration Mikhail Mukhametdinov Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

Multi-speed Europe? Differentiated integration in the external relations of the European Union Juha Jokela (ed. Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2014

Pulling together or pulling apart? Perspectives on nationhood, identity, and belonging in Europe Bayó Belenguer, Susana; Brady, Nicola Peter Lang, 2019

Shaping Europe. The path to European integration according to Jean Monnet Gilles Grin Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2017

Shifting baselines of Europe Büllesbach, Daphne; Cillero, Marta; Stolz, Lukas transcript Verlag, 2017

Signifying Europe Fornäs, Johan Intellect, 2012

Superar la crisis constitucional profundizando en la integración europea: cuatro propuestas Gil Carlos Rodríguez Iglesias, Charles T. Powell, José Ignacio Torreblanca Real Instituto Elcano, 2007

The EU’s choice: perspectives on deepening and differentiation Tuomas Iso-Markku (et al.) Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2017

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The Europe of elites. A study into the Europeanness of Europe's political and economic elites Best, Heinrich; Lengyel, Gyorgy; Verzichelli, Luca Oxford University Press, 2012

The European integration process : trade, mobility, and policy Alicia Gómez Tello Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

The Four ‘classical federalisms’ Federico Ottavio Reho Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2018

The Future of Europe Peter Scherrer (et al.) European Trade Union Institute, 2019

The Symbols of the European Union Carlo Curti Gialdino (comp.) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU, 2011

Tres ensayos sobre Europa Victor Pérez-Díaz FUNCAS, 2020

Un pacte pour réformer et refonder l’Union européenne Vincent Martenet Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2017

Visions and revisions of Europe Czerska-Shaw, Karolina; Galent, Marcin; Gierat-Bieroń, Bożena Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2018

What holds Europe together? Krzysztof Michalski Central European University Press, 2005

Why Europe? Possibilities and limits of European integration von Sydow Göran, Shaw Jo (et al.) Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 2007

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Medio Ambiente y Energía

2019 Europe Sustainable Development Report Guillaume Lafortune (et al.) Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2019

A climate resilient Europe. Prepare Europe for climate disruptions and accelerate the transformation to a climate resilient and just Europe by 2030 Freitas, Helena (et al.) Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

Accelerated lignite exit in Bulgaria, Romania and Greece Martin Vladimirov, Todor Galev and Radostina Primova Center for the Study of Democracy, 2020

Acercar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a la ciudadanía: el compromiso de Europa con la Agenda 2030 José Antonio Alonso CIDOB, 2017

Achieving the Paris climate agreement goals. Global and regional 100% renewable energy scenarios with non-energy GHG pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C Teske, Sven (Ed.) Springer International Publishing, 2019

Adopting circular economy: current practices and future perspectives D’Adamo, Idiano MDPI, 2020

Análisis comparativo de las políticas energéticas de la Unión Europea y Chile, en el sector de la electricidad Olivares Gallardo, Alberto Tesis de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2014

Big oil and gas buying influence in Brussels Corporate Europe Observatory, 2019

Bridging the gap in European scale-up funding. The green imperative in an unprecedented time World Economic Forum in collaboration with KPMG, 2020

Climate Solutions European Investment Bank, 2019

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Complexity theory in quality assessment. Case studies in sustainability science for governan Kovacic, Zora Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

Delivering a circular economy within the planet’s boundaries. An analysis of the new EU Circular Economy Action Plan Mia Pantzar Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2020

El medio ambiente en Europa. Estado y perspectivas 2020 Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente, 2020

Energía del siglo XXI: perspectivas europeas y tendencias globales Francesc Morata (coord.) Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus (UAB), 2009

Energía y geoestrategia 2020 Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2020

Energy as a tool of foreign policy of authoritarian states, in particular Russia Rem Korteweg European Parliament, 2018

Energy Charter. A multilateral process for managing commercial energy relations Alex Benjamin Wilson European Parliament, 2017

Energy demand challenges in Europe. Implications for policy, planning and practice Frances Fahy; Gary Goggins; Charlotte Jensen Palgrave Pivot, 2019

Energy poverty. (Dis)assembling Europe’s infrastructural divide Bouzarovski, Stefan Springer Nature, 2018

Environmental liability of companies Faure, Michael G. Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

Europe in green. European environmental democracy Giulia Parola De Gruyter, 2013

Europe’s energy relations: between legacy and transformation Clingendael Spectator, 2020

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European Union emission inventory report 1990-2018 under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) European Environment Agency, 2020

Eyes tight shut: European attitudes towards nuclear deterrence Manuel Lafont Rapnouil, Tara Varma, Nick Witney European Council on Foreign Relations, 2018

Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe. Preliminary Report Lorenzo Colantoni Margherita Bianchi Istituto Affari Internazionali, 2020

Getting serious about the European Green Deal with a carbon border tax Roman Stöllinger The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2020

Governance for drought resilience: land and water drought management in Europe Hans Bressers; Nanny Bressers; Corinne Larrue Springer, 2016

La cooperación internacional medioambiental y su incidencia en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno. Especial referencia al impacto del Tratado de Libre Comercio Chile/Estados Unidos y al acuerdo de asociación Chile/Unión Europea Guevara Cortés, Daniel Tesis de la Universitat de Lleida, 2015

La política climática de la UE en detalle Vis, Peter (et al.) Comisión Europea, 2017

La regulación de las empresas transnacionales domiciliadas en la Unión Europea en relación con sus estándares de comportamiento y su responsabilidad por los daños ambientales causados en terceros Estados Iglesias Márquez, Daniel Tesis de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2017

Mainstreaming of climate action in the EU budget. Impact of a political objective Alessandro D'Alfonso European Parliament, 2019

Management effectiveness in the EU’s Natura 2000 network of protected areas Erik Gerritsen; Helen Klimmek and Kym Whiteoak European Environment Agency, 2020

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Perspectives on a hydrogen strategy for Europe Cédric Philibert Ifri, 2020

Promotion of renewable energy sources in the EU Gregor Erbach European Parliament, 2016

Shedding light on energy in the EU — A guided tour of energy statistics Eurostat, 2020

State of nature in the EU. Results from reporting under the nature directives 2013-2018 European Environment Agency, 2020

Study on energy prices, costs and their impact on industry and households Cambridge Econometrics & European Commission Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

Study on identifying the drivers of successful implementation of the birds and habitats directive Gustavo Becerra Jurado; Marianne Kettunen; Graham Tucker Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2019

The challenge of energy regional cooperation within Europe: Spain, Portugal and France: a summary of the points raised during the debates Macarena Larrea Basterra Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad, 2014

The ecological scarcity method for the European Union. A Volkswagen research initiative: environmental assessments Stephan Ahbe; Simon Weihofen; Steffen Wellge Springer, 2018

The European Union as a leader in international climate change politics Wurzel, R.K.W.; Connelly, J. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2010

The future of gas in Europe. Review of recent studies on the future of gas Mihnea Catuti; Christian Egenhofer; Milan Elkerbou Centre for European Policy Studies, 2019

The geopolitics of the global energy transition Manfred Hafner; Simone Tagliapietra Springer, 2020

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The impact of the economic crisis on European environmental policy Charlotte Burns; Paul Tobin; Sebastian Sewerin (ed.) Oxford University Press, 2019

The recycling of lithium-ion batteries: a strategic pillar for the European Battery Alliance Raphaël Danino-Perraud Ifri, 2020

The sustainability transition in Europe in an age of demographic and technological change. An exploration of implications for fiscal and financial strategies European Environment Agency, 2019

Transition énergétique: quel rôle pour le nucléaire ? Annabelle Livet Foundation pour la Recherche Stratégique, 2020

Understanding public responses to low carbon technologies European Parliament, 2019

Why does Poland develop different politics in the field of the climate and energy framework of the EU? The Polish case in relation to Germany - focus on distributed generation Ciupek, Aneta Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017

Mercado Único y Empresa

Aides d'État Dony, Marianne (ed.) Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2005

Aprovechamiento máximo del mercado único. Hacer realidad la Unión de los Mercados de Capitales: hacia una Unión más sólida, fuerte y democrática Comisión Europea, 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI): new developments and innovations applied to e-commerce. Challenges to the functioning of the Internal Market Dino Pedreschi, Ioanna Miliou European Parliament, 2020

Chinese Investment in Europe. A country-level approach John Seaman, Mikko Huotari, Miguel Otero-Iglesias (ed.) Real Institute Elcano, 2017

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Collective actions in Europe. A comparative, economic and transsystemic analysis Csongor István Nagy Springer, 2019

Competition and regulation in telecommunications industry Enhan, Li Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

Competition policy and an internal energy market - Study concept and preliminary results European Parliament, 2017

Contribution to growth. Free movements of goods: delivering economic benefits for citizens and businesses Valeyatheepillay, Madhinee Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

E-commerce rules, fit for the digital age Louise Blandin European Parliament, 2020

E-commerce, servicios prestados por vía electrónica y miniventanilla única en el impuesto sobre el valor añadido Henao Castañeda, Ana María Tesis de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2020

El canal de denuncias Internas en la actividad empresarial como Instrumento del compliance Espín, Rosa Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017

El mercado único en la Unión Europea Laura García Álvarez, José Miguel Martín Rodríguez (ed.) vLex Global, 2019

EU competition policy. Key to a fair single market Marcin Szczepański European Parliament, 2019

EU industrial policy at the crossroads. Current state of affairs, challenges and way forward Marcin Szczepański and Ioannis Zachariad European Parliament, 2019

Europe’s collaborative economy. Charting a constructive path forward William Echikson, Jesse Goldberg Centre for European Policy Studies, 2020

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External differentiation in access to the single market. Effectiveness, accountability and political unity Andreas Eisl EUIDEA, 2020

Foreign direct investment in the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries Mario Damen European Parliament, 2018

Institutional reform for innovation and entrepreneurship. An agenda for Europe Niklas Elert; Magnus Henrekson; Mikael Stenkula Springer, 2017

La distribución y el comercio paralelo en la Unión Europea Antón Juárez, Isabel Tesis de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2014

La industria europea de defensa. Un análisis prospectivo Carlos Martí Sempere Fundación Alternativas, 2018

La supresión del exequátur: libre circulación de títulos ejecutivos en la Unión Europea Virginia Pardo Iranzo Tirant lo Blanch, 2020

Los contratos de concesión a la luz de la Directiva 2014/23/UE del Parlamento y del Consejo, de 26 de febrero de 2014, relativa a la adjudicación de contratos de concesión: retos y novedades López Mora, Mª Eugenia Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2017

Mapping the next steps in competition policy control of regional aid Fiona Wishlade European Policies Research Center, 2019

Measuring European competitiveness at the sectoral level Stefan Collignon, Piero Esposito European Trade Union Institute, 2017

Mercado interior: avances y desafíos Ana Isabel González González (coord.) Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2016

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Obstáculos juridicos a la internacionalizacion y movilidad transnacional de empresas en la Union Europea: análisis desde la perspectiva del derecho de la Union Europea y del derecho internacional privado Prats Jané, Sergio J.M Bosch, 2015

Online dispute resolution for consumers in the European Union Cortés, Pablo Taylor & Francis, 2010

Politique de concurrence et politique industrielle: pour une réforme du droit européen Bruno Deffains; Olivier d’Ormesson; Thomas Perroud Fondation Robert Schuman, 2020

Recent developments in competition policy and regional aid: a slow surrender or pushing against an oper door? European Policies Research Center, 2017

Regional state aid control: does it need rebooting or re-routing? Fiona Wishlade European Policies Research Centre, 2020

Regulating the collaborative economy in the European Union Digital Single Market Marco Inglese Springer, 2019

Rescue of business in insolvency law European Law Institute, 2017

Rethinking EU consumer law Howells, Geraint; Twigg-Flesner, Christian; Wilhelmsson, Thomas Taylor & Francis, 2017

Single Market 2.0: the European Union as a platform Andrea Renda College of Europe, 2020

Single Markets: Economic integration in Europe and the United States Michelle Egan OUP Oxford. 2015

State aid control of regional development policy at 60: harder and sharper, but not yet crystal clear? Fiona Wishlade European Policies Research Center, 2017

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Taxation of digitalised companies in the European Union: impact, challenges and opportunities for the multinational enterprises going digital Robert Nell LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2019

The European Union’s industrial policy: what are the main challenges? Michael Landesmann and Roman Stöllinger The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2020

The Greatest possible freedom. Interpretive formulas and their spin in free movement case law Thomas Burri Nomos, 2015

The Impact of unfair commercial practices on competition in the EU passenger transport sector, in particular air transport Moretti, Francesca Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

The law and economics of buyer power in EU competition policy Doorn, Frederik van Eleven International Publishing, 2015

The third sector as a renewable resource for Europe. Concepts, impacts, challenges and opportunities Bernard Enjolras (et al.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

Towards an effective European single market. Implementing the various forms of European policy instruments across Member States Michael Kaeding VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2013

Migración, Refugio y Asilo

"Get lost!": European return policies in practice Kirsten Maas-Albert and Thomas Schmid Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2020

Asylum determination in Europe. Ethnographic perspectives Nick Gill; Anthony Good Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

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Chasing efficiency: can operational changes fix European asylum systems? Hanne Beirens Migration Policy Institute, 2020

China and the EU in the Western Balkans. A zero-sum game? Wouter Zweers (et al.) Clingendael, 2020

Desmontando el falso mito del problema migratorio Beatriz Cózar Murillo y Leticia Rodríguez García Fundación Alternativas, 2019

El derecho a la reagrupación familiar: un estudio de derecho comparado entre España y Turquia Alireza Esmail Oureh Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

El proceso de fronterización de la Unión Europea. Gobierno en y a través de las fronteras de Europa Juan Pablo Aris Escarcena Tesis de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020

Estudio sobre las políticas migratorias en la Unión Europea y en el Mediterráneo. En particular las políticas de integración ¿Existe un papel para la UpM? Brunella Mariani Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

EU external migration policy and the protection of human rights. In-depth analysis Moreno-Lax, Violeta European Parliament, 2020

EU-Morocco negotiations on a readmission agreement: obstacles to a successful conclusion Kevin Kaiser College of Europe, 2019

European and African perspectives on asylum and migration policy: seeking common ground Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration, 2020

European cities on the front line. New and emerging governance models for migrant inclusion Liam Patuzzi Migration Policy Institute, 2020

EU's migration (mis)management? Clingendael Spectator, 2020

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Flujos migratorios en el Mediterráneo: causas, políticas y reforma Itxaso Dominguez de Olazábal Fundación Alternativas, 2020

From legal to administrative subsidiarity. Diagnosing enforcement of EU border control Adriaan Schout, Ingrid Blankesteijn Clingendael, 2020

From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0: Towards a new European consensus on migration Philippe De Bruycker, Marie De Somer & Jean-Louis De Brouwer European Policy Centre, 2019

Fronteras movedizas en tierras miñotas : la reformulación de las relaciones fronterizas en Europa a través del caso de la "raia humeda" Ribas Mateos, Natalia Institut Universitària d’Estudis Europeus, 2015

Geographies of asylum in Europe and the role of European localities Birgit Glorius; Jeroen Doomernik Springer, 2020

Governing diversity. Migrant Integration and multiculturalism in North America and Europe Adam, Ilke (et al.) Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018

Integrating young refugees in the EU - Country information EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2020

Integration processes and policies in Europe: contexts, levels and actors Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas; Rinus Penninx Springer, 2016

Inter-group relations and migrant integration in European cities. Changing neighbourhoods Ferruccio Pastore; Irene Ponzo Springer, 2016

La integración de los inmigrantes en Europa y en España: modelos e indicadores para las políticas públicas Cayetano Fernández FUNCAS, 2019

La securitización del discurso migratorio de la UE bajo las presidencias del Consejo Adeliño Recasens, Anna Facultat CC. Polítiques i Sociologia (UAB); 2019

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Making migration work. The future of labour migration in the European Union Jan Willem Holtslag, Monique Kremer and Erik Schrijvers Amsterdam University Press, 2014

Migrants with irregular status in Europe. Evolving conceptual and policy challenges Sarah Spencer; Anna Triandafyllidou Springer, 2020

Migration and social protection in Europe and beyond (Volume 1). Comparing access to welfare entitlements Jean-Michel Lafleur; Daniela Vintila Springer, 2020

Migration and social protection in Europe and beyond (Volume 2). Comparing consular services and diaspora policies Jean-Michel Lafleur; Daniela Vintila Springer, Cham, 2020

Migration through the Mediterranean: mapping the EU response Stefano M. Torelli European Council on Foreign Relations, 2018

Migration: what role for regional policy Laura Polverari European Policies Research Center, 2019

Nostalgia and hope: intersections between politics of culture, welfare, and migration in Europe Ov Cristian Norocel; Anders Hellström; Martin Bak Jørgensen Springer, 2020

Políticas de la indigencia. Solicitantes de asilo sin casa en Europa Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas CIDOB, 2020

Projecting the net fiscal impact of immigration in the EU Christl, Michael (et al.) Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

Protest movements in asylum and deportation Sieglinde Rosenberger; Verena Stern; Nina Merhaut Springer, 2018

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Reagrupación familiar de los nacionales de terceros países en el Derecho de la Unión Europea Ianushkevich, Kseniia Institut d'Estudis Europeus (UAB), 2020

Redeploying EU asylum policy. A way out of the governance quagmire Marie Walter-Franke Hertie School Jacques Delores Centre, 2020

Refugee, migrant and ethnic minority health Aristomenis Exadaktylos (et al.) MDPI Books, 2019

Refugiados en movimiento: retos políticos, legales y sociales en tiempos de inestabilidad Alisa Petroff, Georgios Milios, Marta Pérez (eds.) Univrersitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018

Relations between immigration and integration policies in Europe Duszczyk, Maciej; Pachocka, Marta; Pszczołkowska, Dominika Taylor & Francis, 2020

Rescue operations in the Mediterranean: towards a reliable EU Policy Vít Novotný Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2019

South-North migration of EU citizens in times of crisis Jean-Michel Lafleur; Mikolaj Stanek Springer, 2017

Strong and effective national human rights institutions – challenges, promising practices and opportunities EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2020

The European border and coast guard. Addressing migration and asylum challenges in the Mediterranean? Sergio Carrera (et al.) Centre for European Policy Studies, 2017

The European Union and Eastern Europe migration policy convergence beyond Europeanisation : the cases of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia Raül Hernández i Sagrera Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

The governance of international migration Üstübici, Aysen Amsterdam University Press, 2018

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Topología del desplazamiento forzado: Una comprensión de los actores y prácticas de la figura del asilo y refugio en la Unión Europea y en el Estado español Moreno Vera, Claudio Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

Ukrainian migration to the European Union. Lessons from migration studies Olena Fedyuk; Marta Kindler Springer, 2016

Understanding the Romanian diaspora Andra-Lucia Martinescu & Alina Balațchi-Lupascu The Foreign Policy Centre, 2020

Vigilantism against migrants and minorities Rositsa Dzhekova, Nadya Stoynova Center for the Study of Democracy, 2019

Política Regional y de Cohesión

A methodology for the design of Euroregional cross-border organizations and its application in the Sicily-Malta Cross-Border Region Camonita, Francesco Maria Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019

A time of policy change: reforming regional policy in Europe John Bachtler and Ruth Downes European Policies Research Centre, 2020

Aglomeration and regional unemployment disparities Südekum, Jens Peter Lang, 2018

Andalucía y la política regional de la Unión Europea María Jesús Aranda Moreno Tesis de la Universidad de Málaga, 2016

Changing mobility behaviour. European cities and sustainable mobility: case studies Eva Paul (et al.) Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2020

Cities of the world. A new perspective on urbanisation OECD/Comisión Europea Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

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Comparative study on the governance structure and energy policies in EU macro-regional strategies Jorge Núñez Ferrer (et al.) Centre for European Policy Studies, 2019

Does cohesion policy reduce EU discontent and euroscepticism? Andrés Rodríguez-Pose; Lewis Dijkstra European Commission, 2020

El Comité de las Regiones: su función en el proceso de integración europea Huici Sancho, Laura Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2000

El Govern de la Generalitat de Cataluña en la Unión Europea: la red de los actores Andrea Noferini Institut d’Estudis d’Autogovern, 2016

El poder redistributivo del presupuesto de la Unión Europea. Análisis a través de los flujos fiscales regionales Espasa Queralt, Marta Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2000

El principio de autonomía regional en el tratado de la Unión Europea Serrano Peña, Oscar Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

Energy transition in Europe’s coal regions: issues for regional policy Sara Davies, Wilbert den Hoed and Rona Michie European Policies Research Centre, 2020

Estimating demand spillovers of EU cohesion policy using European regional input-output tables Roman Römisch The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2020

EU Cohesion Monitor Josef Janning, Christoph Klavehn European Council on Foreign Relations, 2018

EU cohesion policy in non-urban areas Kah, Stefan; Fonseca, Liliana; Georgieva, Neli European Parliament, 2020

EU Cohesion Policy Bachtler, John (et al.) Taylor & Francis, 2017

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EU lagging regions: state of play and future challenges Marta Pilati, Alison Hunter European Parliament, 2020

Europa de las regiones y el futuro federal de Europa. Balance y perspectiva de la gobernanza multinivel de la Unión Europea Bengoetxea, Joxerramon Dykinson, 2019

Euroregions, excellence and innovation across EU borders. A catalogue of good practices Durà, A. (et al.) Department of Geography UAB, 2018

Externalities of cohesion policy Andrea Naldini (coord.) The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2019

Fondos estructurales y de inversión europeos: cambiando las cosas cada día Comisión Europea, 2019

Forma di stato regionale e vincoli finanziari europei. Analisi comparata dell'autonomia finanziaria regionale in Italia e in Spagna Grisostolo, Francesco Emanuele Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2019

Investing in regions to boost jobs. Cohesion policy and job creation Agnieszka Widuto European Parliament, 2016

La Agenda Local para una nueva Unión Europea : el caso de la Diputació de Barcelona Rossi, Fabrizio Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos (UAB), 2011

La Participación Directa de las Comunidades Autónomas en el Consejo de la Unión Europea. Atención especial a Cataluña Elvira Ayuso, Lorena Instituto Universitario d’Estudis Europeus (UAB), 2008

La planificación territorial en el Estado español a la luz de las políticas territoriales europeas. De la retórica a la praxis Elorrieta Sanz, Berezi Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2014

La política de cohesión de la UE 2014-2020 Comisión Europea, 2016

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La política ferroviaria de la Unión Europea. 1955-2002 Calvo Soria, Jesús Tesis de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2002

Las Comunidades autónomas españolas bajo el impacto de la integración en la Unión Europea Maluquer de Motes, Jordi Unitat d’Economia i Empresa (UAB), 2001

Las Regiones "especiales" en el proceso de reforma de los tratados de la Unión Europea Ribó, Rafael; Roig Molés, Eduard Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials, 2005

Las regiones europeas ante la COVID-19: una mirada comparativa de las medidas políticas Edurne Magro (et al.) Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad, 2020

New cohesion policy of the European Union in Poland: how It will influence the investment attractiveness of regions in 2014-2020 Adam A. Ambroziak Springer, 2014

New European territorial challenges and regional policy. Annual review of regional policy in Europe European Policies Research Center, 2017

New international challenges and priorities for regional policy Sara Davies European Policies Research Centre, 2019

On the economic effects of a reallocation of EU cohesion policy expenditures Stefan Jestl and Roman Römisch The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2020

Potential impacts of COVID-19 on regions and cities of the EU Hans, Sebastian Comité Europeo de las Regiones, 2020

Reforming the MFF and cohesion policy 2021-27: pragmatic drift or paradigmatic shift? John Bachtler, Carlos Mendez and Fiona Wishlade European Policy Research, 2019

Refuerzo de la buena gobernanza y de la capacidad administrativa para la política de cohesión - Acción piloto en cooperación con la OCDE Comisión Europea, 2020

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Regional and local development in times of polarisation. Re-thinking spatial policies in Europe Thilo Lang; Franzisk Görmar Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

Regional policy in a changing Europe. Annual review of regional policy in Europe Sara Davies European Policies Research Center, 2018

Regional policy intervention for industrial areas in crisis Martin Ferry and Laura Polverari European Policies Research Center, 2018

Regional policy perspectives on rural development policy Stefan Kah European Policies Research Centre, 2019

Regiones ultraperiféricas - Tierras de Europa en el mundo Comisión Europea, 2017

Regions in Europe — Statistics visualised Eurostat, 2020

Socioeconomic structural change in Europe's coal regions European Committee of the Regions, 2019

Sustainable smart cities and smart villages research Miltiadis D. Lytras; Anna Visvizi (ed.) MDPI, 2018

The agenda for cohesion policy in 2019-2024 Carlos Mendez, John Bachtler and Irene McMaster European Parliament, 2019

The effects of the EU cohesion policy on regional economic growth: using structural equation modelling for impact assessment Ambre Maucorps, Stefan Jestl and Roman Römisch The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2020

The EIB in the city: investment on the agenda European Investment Bank, 2019

The europeanization of regional interest groups Catalonia, Tuscany and Wales in a comparative perspective Santiago López, Facundo A. Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

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The Green Deal goes local! 200 best practices from the Members of the European Committee of the Regions European Committee of the Regions, 2020

The history of the Committe of the Regions. 25 years of cities and regions furthering European integration Birte Wassenberg European Committee of the Regions, 2019

The local and regional dimension in the new circular economy action plan Gea, Guillermo Comité Europeo de las Regiones, 2020

The state of ‘co-creation’: how countries, cities and regions are using new thinking to deliver better services Anthony Arundel, Francesco Mureddu and David Osimo The Lisbon Council, 2020

The visibility and communication of cohesion policy in online media Carlos Mendez (et al.) European Parliament, 2019

Una estrategia de desarrollo sostenible para la Eurorregión Pirineos-Mediterráneo : orientaciones básicas Morata, Francesc; Cots Serra, Francesc; Roca, David Institut Universitari d'Estudis Europeus (UAB) & Generalitat de Catalunya, 2007

Una introducción a la política de cohesión de la UE Comisión Europea, 2014

Urban Europe. Fifty tales of the city Mamadouh, V.; Wageningen, A. Amsterdam University Press, 2016

Protección Social y Empleo

À la recherche de l'Europe sociale Philippe Pochet European Trade Union Institute, 2019

Ageing Europe Eurostat, 2019

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Benchmarking working Europe 2019 European Trade Union Institute, 2019

Bleak prospects: mapping trade union membership in Europe since 2000 Kurt Vandaele European Trade Union Institute, 2019

Chinese investment in Europe: corporate strategies and labour relations Jan Drahokoupil European Trade Union Institute, 2017

Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame Torsten Müller European Trade Union Institute, 2019

Collective social rights under the strain of monetary union. Can article 28 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights offer protection? Florian Rödl; Raphaël Callsen European Trade Union Institute, 2016

Contributions to the European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work Ruslan Stefanov, Daniela Mineva and Petar Terziev Center for the Study of Democracy, 2020

Derecho del trabajo y protección social en la Unión Europea: situación actual y perspectivas de futuro Areta Martínez, María; Pérez Campos, Ana Isabel; Cardenal Carro, Miguel Dykinson, 2020

Discrimination at work: comparing European, French, and American law Marie Mercat-Bruns University of California Press, 2016

El Derecho de la Unión Europea en torno a la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral y su articulación conforme a la dicotomía público/privado González Moreno, Juana María Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos (UAB), 2012

Esquemas de derecho del trabajo y seguridad social de la Unión Europea Francisco Javier Gómez Abelleira Tirant lo Blanch, 2019

Estado social y constitución: Un estudio sobre la forma jurídica del estado social y sus transformaciones a la luz de la integración europea Clara Marquet Sardà Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2013

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EU faces a tough demographic reckoning Sandra M. Leitner, Robert Stehrer and Richard Grieveson The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. 2019

European company survey 2019. Workplace practices unlocking employee potential Gijs van Houten and Giovanni Russo Eurofound & Cedefop, 2020

Exercising voice across borders: workers’ rights under the EU cross-border mergers directive Jan Cremers; Sigurt Vitols European Trade Union Institute, 2019

Factors driving wealth inequality in European countries Sebastian Leitner The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2018

Fighting child poverty. The role of EU funding Cibaite, Guoda Oficina de Publicaciones de la UE, 2020

Flexible workforces and low profit margins: electronics assembly between Europe and China Rutvica Andrijasevic, Jan Drahokoupil, Davi Sacchetto European Trade Union Institute, 2016

For a Europe with a future. Plea for the primacy of social Europe Wolfgang Lemb Social Europe Publishing, 2019

Health professionals wanted: chain mobility across European countries Isilda Mara The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2020

Impacto sobre la legislación laboral española de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea Cristóbal Molina Navarrete (coord.) Consejo Andaluz de Relaciones Laborales, 2019

Inequality and the top 10% in Europe Gerry Mitchell (et al.) Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2020

La discriminación negativa por razón de edad en los trabajadores de edad madura en España y la Unión Europea Peláez Domínguez, José Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2016

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La portabilidad del derecho de previsión social en la legislación comunitaria. Comparación con otras áreas del mundo y su posible extensión Brandolini, Elena Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

Labour market change: trends and policy approaches towards flexibilisation Tina Weber (et al.) Eurofound, 2020

Labour market policies in the era of pervasive austerity: a European perspective Sotiria Theodoropoulou European Trade Union Institute, 2018

Libre circulación de trabajadores en la Unión Europea. Treinta años en la Unión Juan Gorelli Hernández (coord.) Consejo Andaluz de Relaciones Laborales, 2017

Living arrangements of the unemployed across europe: how households protect us from vulnerability Köksel, Pınar Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017

Living, working and COVID-19 Daphne Ahrendt (et al.) Eurofound, 2020

Minimum wages in 2020: annual review Christine Aumayr-Pintar and Matthias Rasche Eurofound, 2020

Myths of employment deregulation: how it neither creates jobs nor reduces labour market segmentation Agnieszka Piasna; Martin Myant European Trade Union Institute, 2017

Navigating through your supply chain: toolkit for prevention of labour exploitation and trafficking Anton Kojouharov (et al.) Center for the Study of Democracy, 2020

Occupational welfare in Europe: risks, opportunities and social partner involvement David Natali; Emmanuele Pavolini; Bart Vanhercke European Trade Union Institute, 2020

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Política social comparada entre países de la Alianza del Pacífico y de la Unión Europea : México, Finlandia y España Vidal Figueroa, Carla Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014

Políticas de empleo en la Unión Europea Ordóñez Pascua, Natalia Tesis de la Universidad de León, 2011

Posting of workers before national courts Zane Rasnača, Magdalena Bernaciak European Trade Union Institute, 2020

Protección social en España, en la Unión Europea y en el derecho internacional Eva Garrido Pérez (et al.) Laborum, 2017

Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: education sector Tina Weber Eurofound, 2020

Seasonal worker programs in Europe: promising practices and ongoing challenges Kate Hooper and Camille Le Coz Migration Policy Institute, 2020

Social governance in the European Union. Governing complex systems Nora Milotay European Parliament, 2017

Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road Bart Vanhercke (et al.) European Trade Union Institute, 2020

Solidarity in hard times. Solidarity and the European social model in times of economic crisis Jerónimo Maillo and Justo Corti (ed.) Centre for Studies on Federalism, 2015

Takeovers with or without worker voice: workers’ rights under the EU takeover bids directive Jan Cremers, Sigurt Vitols European Trade Union Institute, 2016

Telework and ICT-based mobile work. Flexible working in the digital age Oscar Vargas-Llave (et al.) Eurofound, 2020

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The (Post)Covid era: the middle class in focus Lucie Tungul (ed.) Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2020

The 2019 future of work index. How the world of work is changing – and how policy needs to change with It Paul Hofheinz, Cristina Moise and David Osimo The Lisbon Council, 2019

The challenge of digital transformation in the automotive industry. jobs, upgrading and the prospects for development Jan Drahokoupil European Trade Union Institute, 2020

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the employment relation Filip Dorssemont European Trade Union Institute, 2019

The effectiveness of social rights in the EU Maccabiani, Nadia FrancoAngeli, 2018

The European social dialogue. The history of a social innovation (1985-2003) Jean Lapeyre European Trade Union Institute, 2018

The future of jobs report World Economic Forum, 2020

The great separation. Top earner segregation at work in high-income countries Olivier Godechot (et al.) Maxpo, 2020

The life of women and men in Europe — a statistical portrait Eurostat, 2020

The Middle: The middle class as the moral core of society Siegmann, Arjen (ed.) Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2018

The scope of EU labour law. Who is (not) covered by key directives? Monika Szpejna, Zahra Boudalaoui-Buresi European Parliament, 2020

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Towards a child union! Reducing inequalities in the EU through investment in children’s early years Christian Morabito, Michel Vandenbroeck Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2020

Towards a just transition: coal, cars and the world of work Béla Galgóczi European Trade Union Institute, 2020

Unemployment, internal devaluation and labour market deregulation in Europe Martin Myant, Agnieszka Piasna, Sotiria Theodoropoulou European Trade Union Institute, 2016

When Europa meets Bismarck. How Europe is used in the Australian healthfare system Kostera, Thomas Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2020

Working conditions in sectors Karolien Lenaerts (et al.) Eurofound, 2020

Working under pressure. Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis Maarten Keune (et al.) European Trade Union Institute, 2020

Youth Employment Initiative European. Implementation assessment Jan Tymowski European Parliament, 2017

Relaciones Internacionales

¿Un triálogo en proceso de descongelación? Unión Europea, Serbia y Kosovo Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2020

A corpus-based analysis of the terminology of the European Union's development cooperation policy with the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of states Kast-Aigner, Judith Peter Lang, 2018

A handbook – The EU and the world: players and policies post-Lisbon Antonio Missirol (ed.) European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2017

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A new Atlantic community: the European Union, the US and Latin America Joaquin Roy (ed.) Real Instituto Elcano, 2015

Accession of the European Union to the United Nations Human Rights treaties: explaining the reasons for inaction Monika de Silva College of Europe, 2020

Africa-Europe research and innovation cooperation. Global challenges, bi-regional responses Andrew Cherry (et al.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

After the EU Global Strategy – building resilience Florence Gaub, Nicu Popescu (ed.) European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2017

Ámbitos de cooperación UE-China en el ascenso de China como potencia global y retos del enfoque “Una Europa” en la relacion UE-China Águeda Parra Pérez Fundación Alternativas, 2020

Atlas of challenges and opportunities in European neighbourhoods Pierre Beckouche; Pierre Besnard; Hugues Pecout Springer, 2016

Beyond the European seas. The external dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy Irina Popescu European Parliament, 2015

Breve Análisis de la Europeización de la Política Euromediterránea Wu, Tong Facultat de Dret (UAB), 2019

Bringing Europe to the Western Balkans: the Europeanisation of Croatia and Serbia compared Mark Heemskerk College of Europe, 2020

Challenges of democracy in the European Union and its neighbors Aylin Ünver Noi and Sasha Toperich (Ed.) Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2016

Contemporary issues in human rights law: Europe and Asia Yumiko Nakanishi Springer, 2017

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Cooperación entre la UE y Cuba para las reformas económicas y productivas. Desafíos de la reforma económica en Cuba José Antonio Alonso (coord.) CIDOB, 2020

Covid-19 and Europe-China Relations. A country level analysis John Seaman (et al.) European Think-tank Network on China, 2020

Cuba, the USA and the EU: Forging closer ties, looking to the future Jesper Tvevad European Parliament, 2015

Culture in External Relations and Cooperation between Europe and Egypt Casanovas i Olivares, Montserrat Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2017

Deep sea rivals: Europe, Turkey, and new Eastern Mediterranean conflict lines Asli Aydıntaşbaş (et al.) European Council on Foreign Relations, 2020

Deepening democracy in the EU Neighbourhood Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2020

Domestic determinants of foreign policy in the European Union and the United States Daniel S. Hamilton & Teija Tiilikainen (ed.) Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2018

El Bilateralismo en la Política Europea de España (1986-2008): Alianzas para el desarrollo de la Política Exterior Europea Mestres i Camps, Laia Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2013

El nuevo marco de asociación de la Unión Europea con terceros países desde el enfoque de gestión de riesgos: la eficacia de la AOD en la generación de oportunidades económicas Vanessa Sayos del Castillo Tesis de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2020

Escenarios globales y europeos. Horizonte 2040 Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2020

EU and Latin America: a stronger partnership? Antonella Mori Ledizioni, 2018

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EU foreign policy identity: a case study on the EU’s engagement of the Islamic Republic of Iran Leah McCloskey-Gholikhany College of Europe, 2019

EU Member States and Russia: national and European debates in an evolving international environment Marco Siddi (ed.) Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2018

Europe and China’s New Silk Roads Frans-Paul van der Putten (et al.) (ed.) Real Instituto Elcano, 2016

Europe in the face of US-China rivalry Mario Esteban and Miguel Otero (ed.) Real Instituto Elcano, 2020

Europe in the international order Kuzniar, Roman Peter Lang, 2018

Europe in the world Gilles Grin, Françoise Nicod, Eva Paul (ed.) Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2020

Europe’s new political engine: Germany’s role in the EU’s foreign and security policy Niklas Helwig (ed.) Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2016

European seaports and Chinese strategic influence. The relevance of the Maritime Silk Road for the Netherlands Frans-Paul van der Putten Clingendael, 2019

European Union foreign policy and the global climate regime Schunz, Simon Peter Lang, 2014

European Union sanctions and foreign policy: when and why do they work? Clara Portela Routledge, 2010

Fishing for a solution: Canada's fisheries relations with the European Union, 1977-2013 Donald Barry; Bob Applebaum; Earl Wiseman University of Calgary Press, 2014

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Geopolitical implications of the COVID-19 pandemic Gaub, Florence; Boswinkel, Lotje European Parliament, 2020

How China and Russia could join forces against the European Union Agnieszka Legucka (et al.) The Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2020

Identidad y poder: la cohesión del Estado ruso y su relación con la conformación de la Unión Europea como actor internacional Francesc Serra i Massansalvador Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2004

IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook European Institute of the Mediterranean, 2020

India and China: too close for comfort? Laurence Vandewalle European Parliament, 2016

Infraestructura como herramienta de influencia: China y la UE en África y América Latina Huiling Luo Fundación Alternativas, 2020

La Asociación Estratégica entre la Unión Europea y Brasil Mariana Teixeira Santos Moura Tesis de la Universidad de Salamanca, 2010

La Asociación Euromediterránea una década después Haizam Amirah Fernández y Richard Youngs (coord.) Real Instituto Elcano y FRIDE, 2005

La Coordinación de la política española de cooperación para el desarrollo con América Latina en el contexto de la Unión Europea Anna Ayuso Pozo Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2002

La Política sancionadora de la Unión Europea en el Norte de África. Estudios de caso a la luz de la Primavera Árabe Boneta Ribera, Marta Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos (UAB), 2011

La politique de sanctions de l’Union européenne. Ambition multilatérale contre logique de puissance Éric-André Martin Ifri, 2019

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La Unión Europea y el ejercicio del "actorness" en la vecindad europea en materia de comunicaciones estratégicas Izquierdo Atienza, Jorge Facultat de Dret (UAB), 2018

La Unión Europea y Rusia cara a cara: relaciones, conflictos e interdependencias Rubén Ruiz-Ramas, Jesús de Andrés Sanz, Javier Morales Hernández (ed.) Tirant lo Blanch, 2020

La Unión por el Mediterráneo (UpM) 10 años después: cómo superar las expectativas frustradas Inès Abdel Razek y Claudia Del Prado Sartorius Fundación Alternativas, 2019

Las asociaciones estratégicas en el sistema internacional de Posguerra Fría. El caso de la asociación estratégica China-Unión Europea Rocha Pino, Manuel de Jesús Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015

Lecciones de una crisis global: coronavirus, orden internacional y el futuro de la UE Pol Morillas CIDOB, 2020

Limits to the European Union’s normative power in a post-conflict society. EULEX and peacebuilding in Kosovo Rok Zupančič; Nina Pejič Springer, 2018

Mapping African regional cooperation Amandine Gnanguênon European Council on Foreign Relations, 2020

Mapping European leverage in the MENA region Julien Barnes-Dacey European Council on Foreign Relations, 2019

Mapping Europe-China relations. A bottom-up approach Mikko Huotari (et al.) (ed.) Real Instituto Elcano, 2015

Multilateralism 2.0: in search of new partnerships for the German and European foreign policy Ulrich Speck (et al.) Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 2020

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Multilatéralisme: crises et perspectives Jean Zwahlen Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2020

Observación electoral internacional y promoción de la democracia: una aproximación a las relaciones de la unión europea con los países del mediterráneo Salmerón Ramírez, Melissa Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017

Panorama geopolítico de los conflictos Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2020

Political values in Europe-China relations Tim Nicholas Rühlig (et al.) Real Instituto Elcano, 2018

Reflections on judicial review of EU sanctions following the crisis in Ukraine by the Court of Justice of the European Union Celia Challet College of Europe, 2020

Reinforcing environmental dimensions of European foreign and security policy Marianne Kettunen (et al.) Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2018

Renewing multilateralism for the 21st Century. The role of the United Nations and of the European Union Ferdinando Nelli Feroci (et al.) Istituto Affari Internazionali, 2020

Routledge Handbook on the European Union and international institutions: performance, policy, power Knud Erik Jørgensen; Katie Verlin Laatikainen Routledge, 2013

Russia– EU Relations and the common neighborhood Busygina, Irina Routledge, 2018

Sanciones internacionales: sus “otros” efectos Clara Portela y Martijn C. Vlaskamp (coord.) CIDOB, 2020

Sharpening EU sanctions policy for a geopolitical era Niklas Helwig, Juha Jokela, Clara Portela Prime Minister’s Office Helsinki, 2020

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Suisse-Europe: une perspective historique Gilles Grin Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2020

The (mis-) recognition of the identity of the European Union as an international actor: the discourse-historical analysis of the Russian political narrative Khayrizamanova Khayrizamanova, Irina Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016

The ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA): a privileged interlocutor for the European Parliament in South East Asia Laurence Vandewalle European Parliament, 2015

The Construction of an EU foreign policy identity: identitarian resonance and dissonance in the European Union's relations with the Mediterranean, Northern European and Western Balkan borderlands Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2008

The EU and China in African authoritarian regimes. Domestic politics and governance reforms Christine Hackenesch Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

The European Union and the Arctic Liu, Nengye; Kirk, Elizabeth A.; Henriksen, Tore Publications on Ocean Development, 2017

The European Union as a global conflict manager Richard Whitman; Stefan Wolff Routledge, 2012

The external relations of the European Union Winand, Pascaline; Benvenuti, Andrea; Guderzo, Max Peter Lang, 2014

The increasing role of the EU's culture, education and science diplomacy in Asia Laurence Vandewalle European Parliament, 2015

The Kremlin playbook in Europe Dr. Ognian Shentov, Ruslan Stefanov and Martin Vladimirov Center for the Study of Democracy, 2020

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The Kremlin playbook in Southeast Europe: economic influence and sharp power Ruslan Stefanov (et al.) Center for the Study of Democracy, 2010

The law and politics of engaging de facto states: injecting new ideas for an enhanced EU role Benedikt Harzl Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2018

The multilateral system under stress. Charting Europe’s path forward Brigitte Dekker, Sico van der Meer, Maaike Okano-Heijmans Clingendael, 2019

The participation of the EU and its member states in the development of the law of non-international armed conflicts-the French and Spanish cases Steible, Bettina Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017

The privacy shield. Update on the state of play of the EU-US data transfer rules Shara Monteleone and Laura Puccio European Parliament, 2018

The renewal of vows: a new transatlantic chapter for Europe and America Constantine Arvanitopoulos Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2019

The Sahel: Europe´s African Borders Ghanem-Yazbeck, Dalia; Faleg, Giovanni; Zoubir, Yahia H. EuroMeSCo/IEMed, 2018

The subnational dimension of EU-China relations Justyna Szczudlik PISM, 2019

The Transatlantic Economy 2018. Annual survey of jobs, trade and investment between the United States and Europe Daniel S. Hamilton and Joseph P. Quinlan Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2018

Turning the tide: how to rescue transatlantic relations Simona R. Soare (ed.) European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2020

Turquía y la Unión Europea: nueva frontera del sureste europeo David Pérez Fernández Tesis Universidad de Valladolid, 2015

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Una Década de Frontex: ¿Hacia una gestión integrada de las fronteras marítimas de la Unión Europea? Martínez Sáez, Patrícia Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus (UAB), 2014

Vision 2020: Bosnia and Herzegovina towards its European future Sasha Toperich, Heidi Obermey, Tea Ivanovic (ed.) Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2017

Seguridad y Defensa

Coming out and breaking out. The US, Iran and Europe go nuclear Erwin van Veen Clingendael, 2020

Construyendo la unión de la seguridad y la defensa: un nuevo paso hacia el horizonte federal de Europa Jose María González Zorrilla (et al.) Eurobasque, 2020

Counter-terrorism cooperation with the Southern Neighbourhood European Parliament, 2017

CSDP defence capabilities development European Parliament, 2020

CSDP Missions and Operations European Parliament, 2020

El complejo europeo de seguridad regional entre 2001 y 2011 en relación a las amenazas del terrorismo islamista y de las armas de destrucción masiva Demurtas, Alessandro Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014

El posicionamiento de la Unión Europea ante los nuevos retos de seguridad : La Estrategia Contra la Proliferación de Armas de Destrucción Masiva Sánchez Fernández, Laura Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos (UAB), 2011

EU civil protection responding to CBRN incidents and attacks. Terrorism European Parliament, 2018

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EU Defence Package: defence procurement and intra-community transfers directives. European implementation assessment Isabelle Ioannides European Parliament, 2020

EU it yourself: a blueprint for a European Security Council Niklas Nováky Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2019

EU’s institutional framework regarding defence matters European Parliament, 2020

EUISS Yearbook of European security Daniel Fiott (ed.) European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2019

EU-Japan cooperation on global and regional security - a litmus test for the EU's role as a global player? European Parliament, 2018

European Security 2030 Monika Sus and Marcel Hadeed (ed.) London School of Economics, 2019

Evolución de las relaciones entre la Unión Europea y la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte : un estudio desde el interorganizacionalismo Sagastibelza Forcada, Ángela Facultat de CC. Polítiques i Sociologia (UAB), 2016

Fighting terrorism and radicalisation in Europe’s neighbourhood: how to scale up EU efforts Francesca Fabbri, Amanda Paul (eds.) European Policy Centre, 2018

For a true European Defence Union Jolyon Howorth Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2017

Guns and governance. How Europe should talk with non-state armed groups in the Middle East Julien Barnes-Dacey, Ellie Geranmayeh, Hugh Lovatt European Council on Foreign Relations, 2020

Ideas, interests and the limits of collective foreign policy output : the case of the European Union non-proliferation policy Benjamin Kienzle Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma deBarcelona, 2010

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Independence play: Europe’s pursuit of strategic autonomy Ulrike Esther Franke, Tara Varma European Council on Foreign Relations, 2019

La colaboración público-privada en la obtención de los medios para la defensa. El caso del Fondo Europeo de Defensa Carlos Martí Sempere Fundación Alternativas, 2020

La contribución de la Unión Europea a la investigación policial del terrorismo yihadista Rafael Pedro Martínez Sánchez Tesis de la Universidad de Murcia,2016

La Cooperación Estructurada Permanente (PESCO): un nuevo compromiso de los Estados miembros en materia de Seguridad y Defensa europea. Análisis de las implicaciones para España y posibles aportaciones relevantes Francisco Aldecoa; Paula Pérez Cava Fundación Alternativas, 2018

La Défense de l’Europe: la nouvelle défense européenne face aux grands défis européens Pasqual Preziosa; Dario Velo Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe, 2020

La legislación europea ante el fenómeno del terrorismo yihadista Villacampa Megía, Francisco Tesis de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, 2017

La lucha contra el blanqueo de capitales y la financiación del terrorismo en la Unión Europea Martín Gómez, Elise Facultat de Dret (UAB), 2018

Las misiones de paz de la Unión Europea: fundamentos jurídicos, origen y desarrollo, sistema organizativo, procedimiento de creación y seguimiento y acuerdos internacionales de ejecución Julià Barceló, Maria Tesis de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2013

Mapping threats to peace and democracy worldwide. Introduction to the Normandy Index European Parliament, 2019

New European Security Initiative Susi Dennison, Ulrike Esther Franke, Manuel Lafont Rapnouil European Council on Foreign Relations, 2017

Panorama Estratégico Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2020

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Piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Africa. EU and global impact Eric Pichon with Marian Pietsch European Parliament, 2019

Plan de acción europeo para la defensa y acción preparatoria sobre investigación en defensa: perspectivas para España Escuder Merida, Luis Facultat de CC. Polítiques i Sociologia (UAB), 2017

Política de seguridad y antiterrorista en la UE. Navegando entre la seguridad colectiva y la protección de los derechos humanos Amat Blai, Aina Facultat de Dret (UAB), 2017

Radicalism and terrorism in the 21st Century Sroka, Anna (et al.) Peter Lang, 2016

Russia’s national security strategy and military doctrine and their implications for the EU European Parliament, 2017

State of play of EU-Iran relations and the future of the JCPOA European Parliament, 2020

Strategic autonomy: why it's not about Europe going it alone Jolyon Howorth Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2019

Strategic deterrence redux: nuclear weapons and European security Leo Michel & Matti Pesu Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2019

Strategy-making in the era of intergovernmentalism: The policy-making processes of the european security strategy (2003) and the EU global strategy (2016) Morillas Bassedas, Pol Tesis Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017

Strengthening the EU’s cyber defence capabilities Lorenzo Pupillo (et al.) Centre for European Policy Studies, 2018

The challenge of jihadist radicalisation - in Europe and beyond Herman Van Rompuy (et al.) European Policy Centre, 2017

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The CSDP in 2020. The EU’s legacy and ambition in security and defence Daniel Fiot (ed.) European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2020

The EU and NATO. The essential partners Gustav Lindstrom, Thierry Tardy (ed.) European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2019

The EU’s defence technological and industrial base European Parliament, 2020

The EU’s external action on counter-terrorism: development, structures and actions Teemu Tammikko & Tuomas Iso-Markku Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2020

The European Intervention Initiative. Developing a shared strategic culture for European defence Dick Zandee, Kimberley Kruijver Clingendael, 2019

The future of the European Defence Agency (EDA) Dr Christian Mölling (et al.) European Parliament, 2018

The nightmare of the dark: the security fears that keep Europeans awake at night Susi Dennison; Ulrike Esther Franke; Pawel Zerka European Council on Foreign Relations, 2018

Third country participation in EU defence integration initiatives: How it works and how it is viewed by EU member states Kinga Brudzińska; Marcin Zaborowski; Alena Kudzko GLOBSEC Policy Institute, 2020

Vieja y novísima biopolítica: un análisis sobre los regímenes de bioseguridad en la Unión Europea Torrejón Cano, Pedro Tesis de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018

Western interventions: success or failure? Cligendael Spectator, 2020

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Sociedad de la Información

5G deployment. State of play in Europe, USA and Asia Colin Blackman and Simon Forge European Parliament, 2019

Democracy and digital authoritarianism: an assessment of the EU’s external engagement in the promotion and protection of internet freedom Susanna Garside College of Europe, 2020

El futuro digital de Europa Jorge E. Pérez Martínez, José Félix Hernández-Gil Gómez Fundación Telefónica, 2020

Europe’s Digital Decade? Navigating the global battle for digital supremacy Brigitte Dekker, Maaike Okano-Heijmans Clingendael, 2020

Europe’s digital verification opportunity William Echikson Centre for European Policy Studies, 2020

European leadership in the digital economy. Seventeen recommendations Bert Van Roosebeke (et al.) Centre for European Policy, 2020

La geopolitica del digitale Jean-Pierre Darnis e Carolina Polito Istituto Affari Internazionali, 2019

La internalización en la estrategia competitiva de los operadores de telecomunicaciones desde la crisis financiera global: un estudio comparativo de 7 casos en la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos Ramiro Moreno, Rafael Tesis doctoral de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2020

Meeting the challenges of digitalisation: Implications for regional and rural development Heidi Vironen and Stefan Kah European Policies Research,2019

Model rules on online platforms European Law Institute, 2019

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Potentially negative effects of internet use Gianluca Quaglio with Sophie Millar European Parliament, 2020

Protection of personal data in cyberspace: the EU-US E-market regime Tassanakunlapan, Tossapon Tesis de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2017

The circular economy: going digital Annika Hedberg, Stefan Šipka European Policy Centre, 2020

The impact of algorithms for online content filtering or moderation. "Upload filters" Giovanni Sartor European Parliament, 2020


A Glossary of the European Union Jones, Alistair Edinburgh University Press, 2008

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