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  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    Assoc. Prof. Dr Nadras Othman

    [email protected]

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    Students Activity 1Students Activity 1

    What is rubber


    EBP 420/2-Rubber Engineering

     Brainstorm Brainstorm

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1




    Synopsis -  The main focus of this course covers an application ofma

    thematics in rubber elasticity including classical, statistical,and phenomenological theories.

    - t also covers an e!ects of reinforcement on young, shear, andbul" elasticity moduli and concept and behaviour of force-deformation including compression, shear, combinedcompression and shear, tor#ue, bending and buc"ling.

    -  The course also covers the e!ects of structure and lamination$models of inclined rubber mounting and slender column andapplication in bridge bearing, doc" fender, and others.

    - t also include dynamic mechanical behaviour %ith storageand loss modulus, tan δ, damping and hysterises, vibrateisolation and transmissibility.

    -  The course also covers about the strength and mechanicalfatigue of rubbers, tyre as a engineering product %hichinclude %et grip, rolling resistance and application of &niteelements analysis '()A* in prediction of rubber engineering


    EBP 420/2-Rubber Engineering

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    Contribution of AssessmentContribution of Assessment

    Assessment MethodsAssessment Methods  %%

    TestTest 1010

    QuizQuiz 1010

    AssignmentsAssignments 2020

    Final ExaminationFinal Examination 6060

    TOTALTOTAL 100100


    1. Test will be on!ute! in wee" # $1 test & AP 'r A(ur)

    2. *ui( in e+er, wee"s $4 *ui( & AP 'r A(ur)

    . n!i+i!u)l sort )ssignent $1 grou )ssignent $1 &AP 'r N)!r)s

    EBP 420/2-Rubber Engineering

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    Course Outcomes (CO)

     At the end of the course, the students should be able to:  Explain the fundamentals principles of rubber

    engineering and understanding force-deformationbehaviour of rubber 

    Determine an appreciation of iDetermine an appreciation of intrinsic properties ofntrinsic

    properties ofengineering with rubbersen

    gineering with rubbers  focusing on dynamicmechanical properties  and fracture mechanicsbehaviour.

    Differentiate and explain the basic principles of rubberengineering products (shear and compression bearings,vibrations and noise control, Raykin fenders, anti-vibrations mounting and vibration isolations!

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    1. Introduction to rubber in engineering  Application of mathematics in rubber elasticity: "lassical theory # $hermodynamic of rubber elasticity %tatistical theory &henomological theory

    2. Dynamic force-deformation properties 'inear viscoelastic behaviour  on-linear viscoelasticity behaviour  Energy dissipation and heat build up in rubber unit

    3. Analysis of the deformation of rubber units undereuilibrium loading conditions  Applications of deformations theories %hear of rubber blocks "ompression of rubber blocks "ombined compression and shear 

    CourseCourse OutlineOutline

    EBP 420/2-Rubber Engineering

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    !. Design of components %hear and compression bearings: &lanar sand)ich forms,

    'aminate bearings, $ube form bearings and mountings andsample problems

    *ibrations and noise control: *ibrations background andinformation, Design re+uirements and %ample problems

    ". #iers and $enders Raykin fenders &rinciple re+uirements

    ritish engineering re+uirements

    %. Introduction to rubber in dynamic applications *isco-elastic properties of rubber : "reep, %tress relaxation,

    odel ax)ell and *oigt and olt.man superposition principle

    Dynamic/static ratio

    CourseCourse Outline (cont)Outline (cont)

    EBP 420/2-Rubber Engineering

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    &. Dynamic mechanical properties Dynamic behaviour : Dynamic stiffness (storage and loss

    modulus, 'oss angle (tan δ, damping and hysteresis $emperature and fre+uency dependence

     Application of dynamic mechanical properties $ransmissibility, 0solation of mechanical vibrations, Anti-vibration mounting and 1actors for ideal /effective anti-vibration mounting

    '. (trength of rubbers 1racture mechanics : $he tearing energy concept and

    easurements of tearing energy "rack gro)th behaviour 

    ). Mechanical fatigue  Application of fracture mechanics to mechanical fatigue of

    rubber  0nitiation and propagations of cracks

    CourseCourse Outline (cont)Outline (cont)

    EBP 420/2-Rubber Engineering

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    1*. +ire ,ubber  1unctions of tire ain rubber parts of tire and their re+uired properties

    11. $riction and sid resistance of rubber  2enerating mechanisms of skid resistance of tire 1rictional forces bet)een thread rubber and road!

    12. $A applications in rubber engineering 0ntroduction to 1EA 3sed of 1EA in predicted rubber engineering products

    CourseCourse Outline (cont)Outline (cont)

    EBP 420/2-Rubber Engineering

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    1. Engineering with Rubber: How to design rubber components,Alan +ent 'edited*, econd edition, anser Publishers, ///

    2. Rubber Products Manufacturing Technoog!, Anil 0.1ho%mic",2alcolm 2.all and enry A.1enarey, 2arcel De""er, nc, 3445

    ". Engineering design with #atura Rubber, P.1.6indley, (ifth )dition, The 2alaysian 7ubber Producers8 7esearch Association, 344.

    $. Theor! and practice of engineering with rubber, P.0.(rea"ley andA.7.Payne, Applied cience Publisher 6TD, 3499

    %. Rubber technoog! and manufacture , :.2. 1lo% and :.epburn, nd ed, butter%orth, ///

    &. Rubber Technoog! handboo'  , ofman.;, anser ///

    (. Po!mer s!nthesis: theor! and practice: fundamentas) method)

    e*periments, 1raun, Dietrich,

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    Rubber in Engineering??

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    How to understand rubberHow to understand rubber


    2aterials properties )lastic moduli

    ) '>oung 2odulus* + 'hear 2odulus* 1 '1ul" 2odulus*

    ?nderstands Predicting the load

    deformation behaviour Design and &tting

    )nvironmental factor or conditions

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    )cellent resistance to fatigue, cutgro%th and tearing

    igh resilience 6o% heat build up Bery eCcient bonding to both metals

    and other reinforcing materials

    6o% cost and ease of manufacture A %ider range of operating temperatures

    than most other rubber

    Natural rubber as a spring materialNatural rubber as a spring material

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    re#uire no maintenance

    have a high energy storage capacity

    can easily be designed to give di!erentsti!ness in di!erent directions, or non-linear load-deection characteristics

    can accommodate a certain amount ofmisalignment and are easier to install

    Metal springs vs NR springsMetal springs vs NR springs

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    Earth quake rubber


  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1



    eals )ngine 2ount 1ridge bearing )arth#ua"es bearing Bibration solators Doc" fenders +as"et

    Example ofExample of

    Rubber engineering productsRubber engineering products

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    Definition of rubberDefinition of rubber

    A uni#ue group of materials %hich may beidenti&ed by their ability, under certain

    conditions to undergo large deformations andrecover almost completely and instantaneouslyon release of the deforming force.

    •The property of high elasticity   derives from aparticular kind of molecular structure

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    3.  The molecules must be very long and be able torotate freely about the Eoining neighbouring

    molecular units

    .  The molecules must be Eoined at a number of sites toform a three dimensional net%or", either by chemicalbonds or mechanical entanglements 'crosslin"*

    =. Apart from this crosslin"s the molecules must be ableto move readily past one another   intermolecularattractions ' secondary or van der ;alls8 force* mustbe small

    The propert! of rubber easticit! ma! be e*pained +uantitati,e!b! reference to the -rst aw of thermod!namics.

    Requirements for material to beRequirements for material to be

    an elastomer or rubberan elastomer or rubber

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    f large elastic deformations results from#uite small stresses. This happens ifF

    t is above its glass transition temperature

    t is in an amorphous rather than crystalline state

     The molecules are lin"ed together in a fe% placesto form a continuous net%or" %hich prevents thepolymer behaving li"e viscous uid   achievede!ectively %ith chemical crosslin"ing.

    Polmer ex!ibits rubber be!aviourPolmer ex!ibits rubber be!aviour

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    +eneral stress-strain concept.

    = common models of deformation ofrubber vulcanisates F

    3.  Tension

    . :ompression

    =. hear

    "tiffness Modulus"tiffness Modulus

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


      # common models of deformation# common models of deformation

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    n order to formulate an analyticalapproach  elastomer can be consideredto be3. )lastic

    . sotropic in their underformed state 'theproperties at direction is the same*

     Therefore can be described by Eust t%ofundamental elastic constantF

    3. 1ul" 2odulus, 1

    . hear 2odulus, +

    Rubber li$e elasticit at small strainsRubber li$e elasticit at small strains

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    1. u' moduus

    ratio of the applied pressure to the volumetricstrain

    Deals %ith the materials resistance to

    compression under a hydrostatic pressure



    V V 


    volumeoriginal of  volumeinchanges

     pressurec Hydrostati B


    2. Shear Modulus G,

    Ratio of the applied shear stress required toproduce shear strain G

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    Other commonly encountered small

    strain elastic constants  Tensile 2odulus, )

    Poison8s ratio, v 

    GG related to the bul" and shear modulus

    ( )v E G+


    12( )v E  B213   −


  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    )lastomer are uni#ue class ofengineering materials as

    both shear + and tensile 2oduli ) are verylo% 'in region of /.H-3/ 2Pa*

    %hile 1ul" modulus is very large '3.H-./ +Pa*

    Balue of Poison8s ratio is close /.H

     Tensile 2odulus ) is almost eactly e#ualto =+

  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    In most engineering

    applications  elastomers can be considered as being incompressible.

    the elastic behaviour at small strain can be describedby Eust a single elastic constant +.

     The signi&cantly larger modulus is a maEor asset %hendesigning elastomeric component   because of if agiven volume of the elastomer is constraint in shape,the part can be made to have high compression

    sti!ness %ith a lo% shear sti!ness.

     This phenomenon is eploited in the design ofvibration isolation compression mounts   earth#ua"ebearing or mounting systems in automotive


  • 8/16/2019 EBP 420 - nota 1


    /n 2 0 " minutes in pair ist as

    man! as the! can about an!conceptissueprincipeformuathat has been earned toda! 

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