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  • 8/3/2019 ecdp AGM - DH Caring for Our Future Presentation - November 2011


    Caring for our future consultationecdp AGM focus groups

    16 November 2011Presented by: Faye Savage

  • 8/3/2019 ecdp AGM - DH Caring for Our Future Presentation - November 2011


    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 20211

    Caring for our future: shared

    ambitions for care and


    The Government are consulting onthe future of care and support.

    This is an opportunity for people toshare their views on all aspects ofthe future of care and support.

  • 8/3/2019 ecdp AGM - DH Caring for Our Future Presentation - November 2011


    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus group 16 November 2011

    Background 1

    Vision for Adult Social Care

    In November 2010, the Care

    Services Minister Paul Burstowlaunched the report, A vision foradult social care: Capablecommunities and active citizens.

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    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    Background 1 (continued)

    Vision for Adult Social Care

    The Vision sets out how the

    Government wishes to seeservices delivered for people; anew direction for adult social care,putting personalised services and

    outcomes centre stage.

    Department of Health

  • 8/3/2019 ecdp AGM - DH Caring for Our Future Presentation - November 2011


    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    Background 2

    The Law Commission

    In May 2011, the Law Commissionpublished a report recommending

    changes to make the legal rights ofdisabled and older people to careand support services clearer.

    They want local councils to haveclear rules about eligibility (who isentitled to which services).

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    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November

    Background 3

    Dilnot Commission

    In July 2011 the Commission on

    Funding of Care and Support(Dilnot Commission) produced anindependent report, Fairer Funding

    for All.

  • 8/3/2019 ecdp AGM - DH Caring for Our Future Presentation - November 2011


    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    Background 3 (continued)

    Dilnot Commission

    Fairer Funding for Allsuggestedthe current funding system is in

    urgent need of reform: it is hard tounderstand, often unfair andunsustainable.

    The Commission maderecommendations about how thiscan be changed.

  • 8/3/2019 ecdp AGM - DH Caring for Our Future Presentation - November 2011


    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    Caring for Our Future

    Drawing together their own vision

    for adult social care, and therecommendations made by theDilnot Commission and the Law

    Commission, the Governmenthave defined 6 priorities.

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    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    1. Increasing quality and supporting theworkforce

    2. Increased personalisation and choice3. Ensuring services are better integrated

    around peoples needs4. Supporting greater prevention and early

    intervention5. Creating a more diverse and responsive

    care market6. The role of the financial services sector in

    supporting users, carers and their families

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    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    Caring for Our Future

    Caring for Our Future asks peopleto tell the Government which ofthese is most important, and,within each area, how they shouldaddress the 6 areas.

    Today we will focus on just 2,

    however, we will be sharinginformation on how you canfeedback in a personal capacity.

  • 8/3/2019 ecdp AGM - DH Caring for Our Future Presentation - November 2011


    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    Focus group 1: Increased

    personalisation and choice

    Personalisation means putting theindividual in control of the services

    they receive. We want to knowhow you think people can achievecontrol, while receiving the

    appropriate support to makechoices about the services theyreceive.

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    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    We will be looking at how careservices can meet the needs ofeveryone who uses them,regardless of their circumstances.

    Focus group 1: Increased

    personalisation and choice

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    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    Focus group 2: Creating a

    more diverse and responsivecare market

    As part of the shift towardsservices being delivered in a morepersonalised way and givingpeople greater choice and control

    in how they access them, the wayspeople purchase their servicesneed to be considered.

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    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    Focus group 2: Creating a

    more diverse and responsivecare market

    We want your thoughts on howservices can be designed to

    meet this challenge, within a

    developing care market.

  • 8/3/2019 ecdp AGM - DH Caring for Our Future Presentation - November 2011


    Caring for our future consultation: ecdp AGM focus groups 16 November 2011

    The information you share with ustoday will form the basis of ecdpsresponse to the Department ofHealth (due before 2 December).

    This will be available on ourwebsite. You can request a paper

    copy by calling 01245 214 023.

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