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    In October of 2011 I went on an X-Files

    expedition of sorts during a single handed 16

    day road trip across country. James Gilliland's

    ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake Washington was

    intended as the centrepiece of this vision questin between visiting Devil's Tower Wyoming and

    Area-51/The Extra-Terrestrial Highway in

    Nevada. The ECETI Ranch is pristinely situated

    near the base of Mount Adams which,

    according to some sources, has been likened to

    This short article and its accompanying images

    comes from US reader Gerry Warner who paid a

    visit to the ECETI ranch near Mt Adams in

    Washington State. ECETI is an unashamedly NewAge umbrella organisation promoting all kinds of

    spiritual awareness and contact with non-human

    non-terrestrial entities originating in the

    hypothesised range of realities that co-exist

    alongside our own. There is much about ECETI that

    resonates with the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah and

    both have apparently been the location of several

    documented encounters, with, well, what exactly?

    There are continual reports of UFO sightings and

    encounters with quasi-human entities, sentientenergy fields, nature spirits, beings of light and

    other similar phenomena. The ranch and ECETI are

    under the benevolent overall stewardship of the

    guru-like James Gilliand and his team who, as with

    so many similarly minded individuals, appear to beabsolutely genuine in their attempts to promote a

    universal philosophy of love, understanding and an

    attempt to unify the planet into a caring whole. Many

    people have visited the ranch, including such

    luminaries as singer Robbie Williams in his UFO

    phase, although it is unclear whether The Robster is

    still as enthusiastic about this aspect of the

    paranormal he was in the past.

    Brian Allan,Editor.

    Mount Shasta (minus the commercialism), as

    both are thought to be remnants of Lemuria.

    ECETI AND THE NATURE SPIRITIn the field area at ECETI where you can see Mt.

    Adams there is a bon-a-fide vortex where all kinds

    of hyper-spiritual activity, including UFOs, has

    been witnessed by many credible, credentialed

    individuals. ? When I was there, I and others

    witnessed multiple UFOs moving extremely fast

    although they were too deep in the night sky to

    get decent photos. However, I was fortunate

    enough to capture images of what I have been

    told is some form of a nature spirit. The photos

    were taken in succession over a period of about

    four minutes using a 14 mega pixel camera.

    view of Mt

    Adams takenfrom ECETIranch



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    Readers Letters

    It was about 2:30 am shortly before I was

    departing from ECETI and at the last minute I

    decided to see if I could capture some more orb

    photos near the edge of the vortex field, (orbs

    routinely manifest there, sometimes in massive

    swarms...its amazing!!) At which point in a

    serious and respectful voice I said out loud,

    "C'mon you guys, this is my last night at

    ECETI....show me some love."

    Well, love is exactly what I received,

    because at that moment when I started taking

    pictures, a red orb appeared. I kept taking

    photos and noticed what looked like aerial

    spiritual residue in the next two shots. Keep in

    mind there was no smoke, fog, rain, etc. in the

    area during this experience. Then, just before

    going to my car I decided to take one last photo

    towards the building where I had slept during

    my stay at the ranch. That is when the nature

    spirit showed up on my camera. I was told

    by the crew at ECETI that they encounter

    activity like this rather frequently, but it is quite

    rare to have captured an image like this with

    such undeniable and definitive symmetry, form,

    and structure.

    Whatever it is, I remain absolutely certain

    that all the photos are of the same spirit as it

    manifested. ECETI Ranch is extremely authentic

    and I cannot recommend it highly enough for

    those considering a visi t (www.eceti.org), you

    will not walk away disappointed. James Gilliland

    and his crew are exceptionally hospitable and

    very pure souls....it was a pleasure simply to be

    in their company. The primary thing I appreciate

    most about ECETI is that James and his crew

    fully recognize and integrate Off-World

    Intelligences and hyper-dimensional

    phenomena with their deeper spiritual

    significance and implications.

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