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Page 1: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Revise effectively for the Y9 assessments

We need to revise:• Words• Sentences

For the topics:• Computers &

opinions• Music & frequency• Films & conjunctions• Diary (past tense)

+ revise basic personal introduction (name, age, where you live)


Learn words and sentences on pages 22-23The following slides will help you to do this in an effective way on your ownYou need pen and paper to test yourself. Mark your work in green.

Page 2: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Was machst du am Computer?

(What do you do on the computer?

Page 3: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Computers : German words


Note:All one word – no gap for computer games, chat rooms

Note:Music has a K .. Not a C

Study the words

Page 4: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Computers: Translate words

InternetComputer gamesChat roomsE mailsHomeworkMusic

Can you translate these words into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 5: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Computers: German sentences

Ich surfe im InternetIch schreibe E-mailsIch mache meine HausaufgabenIch spiele ComputerspieleIch besuche ChatroomsIch lade Musik herunter

Note: for ‘Ich’All these verbs end in ‘e’

Note: load music down = download music

Note:ei for schreibe

Note:ie for spiele

Study the sentences

Page 6: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Computer: Translate sentences

I surf on the InternetI write e mailsI do my homeworkI play computer gamesI visit chat roomsI download music

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 7: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Wie findest du das?

(How do you find that? / What do you

think of that?)

Page 8: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Opinions: German words


Note: ieNote: ei

Study the words

Page 9: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Opinions: Translate words


Can you translate these words into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 10: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Opinions: German sentences

Das finde ich interessantDas finde ich tollDas finde ich billigDas finde ich einfachDas finde ich teuerDas finde ich schwierigDas finde ich langweiligDas finde ich doof


Study the sentencess



Page 11: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Opinions: Translate sentences

I find that interesting

I find that greatI find that cheapI find that easyI find that expensiveI find that hardI find that boringI find that silly

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 12: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Was für Musik hörst du?

(What type of music do you listen to?

Page 13: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Types of music: German words

Dance-MusikHeavymetal-MusikRap-MusikTechno-MusikPopmusikOpernmusikklassische Musik

Note:These have a hyphen before the word music

Note:This has separate words.

Note:These have one word only

Study the words

Page 14: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Types of music: Translate words

Dance musicHeavymetalRapTechno musicPop musicOperaclassical music

Can you translate these words into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 15: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Music: German sentences

Ich höre gern PopmusikIch höre nicht gern Rap-Musik

Literally:I listen liking Pop music

Literally:I listen NOT liking Pop music

Hörst du gern Popmusik? Literally:Listen you liking pop music?

Note:Verb ends with ‘st’ for du

Study the sentences

Page 16: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Music: Translate sentences

I like listening to pop musicI don’t like listening to rap music

Do you like listening to music?

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 17: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Wie oft machst du das?

(How often do you do that?

Page 18: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

How often: German words

jeden Tagmanchmalab und zunie Note: ie

Note: Capital ‘T’ for noun

Study the words

Page 19: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

How often: German words

every daysometimesnow and thennever

Can you translate these words into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 20: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

How often: German sentences

Ich höre nie klassiche Musik

Note: the frequency word is immediately after the verb(In English it can be in different positions)

Ich höre jeden Tag klassiche MusikIch höre manchmal klassiche MusikIch höre ab und zu klassiche Musik

Study the sentences

Page 21: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

How often: Translate sentences

I never listen to classical music

I listen to music every dayI sometimes listen to classical musicI listen to classical music now and then

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 22: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Was hast du neulich gesehen?

(What have you seen recently?

Page 23: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Where you saw a film: German words

Im KinoIm Fernsehen


Note:‘in the cinema + ‘in the TV’

Note:‘on the’ here = auf

Note:Capital letter for nouns

Study the words

Page 24: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

In the cinemaOn TV


Where you saw a film: translate words

Can you translate these words into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 25: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Where you saw a film: German sentences

Ich habe ‘Skyfall’ im Kino gesehen

Note: I saw = I have seenNote: I have seen is SPLIT UP when there are other details in the sentenceI have see


Note: the word ‘seen’ [the past participle] is always at the END of the sentence

Ich habe ‘Harry Potter’ im Fernsehen gesehenIch habe ‘The Pink Panther’ auf DVD gesehen

Study the sentences

Page 26: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Where you saw a film: Translate sentences

I saw (I have seen) Skyfall in the cinema

I saw (I have seen) Harry Potter on the TVI saw (I have seen) ‘The Pink Panther’ on DVD

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 27: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Was für ein Film war er?

(What sort of film was it?

Page 28: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Types of film: German words

ein Fantasyfilmein Horrorfilmein Liebesfilmein Zeichentrickfilmein Science-Fiction-Film

eine Komödie

Note: These are one word only

Note:3 words and 2 hyphens

‘A’ masculine = ein

‘A’ feminine = eine

Note: umlaut on 2nd ‘o’ to change pronunciation

Note:Capital letter for nouns

Study the words

Page 29: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Types of film: Translate words

a fantasy filma horror filma love filma cartoona science fiction film

a comedy

Can you translate these words into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 30: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Types of film: German sentences

Das war ein Fantasyfilm

Das war ein HorrorfilmDas war ein LiebesfilmDas war ein ZeichentrickfilmDas war ein Science-Fiction-Film

Das war eine Komödie

Study the sentences

Page 31: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Types of film: Translate sentences

That was a Fantasy film

That was a Horror filmThat was a love filmThat was a cartoonThat was a science-fiction Film

That was a comedy

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 32: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Wie war der Film?

(What was the film like?)

Page 33: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Your opinion of a film: German words


schrecklichspannendsüßzu lang

Note: ‘ei’

Note: umlaut to change the pronunciation of ‘u’

Study the words

Page 34: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Your opinion of a film: translate words


terribleexcitingsweettoo long

Can you translate these words into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 35: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Your opinion of a film: German sentences

Der Film war gruselig

Der Film war langweiligDer Film war lustig

Der Film war schrecklichDer Film war spannendDer Film war süßDer Film war zu lang

Study the sentences

Page 36: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Your opinion of a film: German sentences

The film was creepy

The film was boringThe film was fun

The film was terribleThe film was excitingThe film was sweetThe film was too long

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 37: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Conjunctions: German words


Study the words

Page 38: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Conjunctions: German words

and butalso

Can you translate these words into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

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Conjunctions: German sentences

Der Film war spannend, aber zu langDer Film war lustig und süßIch habe auch ‘Mary Poppins’ gesehen!

Note: position of ‘also’ after the verb

Study the sentences

Page 40: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Conjunctions: Translate sentences

The film was exciting but too longThe film was fun and sweetI also saw ‘Mary Poppins’!

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 41: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Was hast du letzte Woche gemacht?

(What did you do last week?)

Page 42: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Writing a diary: German words


Note: all end with ‘tag’ – (day) except Wednesday which means ‘mid-week’

Note: ei

Study the words

Page 43: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Writing a diary: translate words


Can you translate these words into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 44: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

REMINDER: Past tense sentences

Ich habe ‘Skyfall’ im Kino gesehen

Note: I saw = I have seenNote: I have seen is SPLIT UP when there are other details in the sentenceI have see


Note: the word ‘seen’ [the past participle] is always at the END of the sentence

Ich habe ‘Harry Potter’ im Fernsehen gesehenIch habe ‘The Pink Panther’ auf DVD gesehen

Page 45: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Writing a diary: German sentences

Montag: Ich habe einen Film gesehenDienstag: Ich habe Klavier gespieltMittwoch: Ich habe ein Video gemachtDonnerstag: Ich habe Interviews gemachtFreitag: Ich habe im Internet gesurft

Samstag: Ich bin in die Bibliothek gegangenSonntag: Ich bin in die Stadt gefahren

Note: these are two of the verbs which do not go with ‘ich habe’, but with ‘ich bin’

Study the sentences

Page 46: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Writing a diary: German sentences

Monday: I saw (I have seen) a filmTuesday: I played (I have played) the pianoWednesday: I made (I have made) a videoThursday: I did (I have done) interviewsFriday: I surfed (I have surfed) the internet

Saturday: I went (I have gone) into the librarySunday: I travelled (I have travelled) into the town

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

Page 47: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Introducing yourself

Guten TagIch heiße HelenIch bin dreizehn Jahre altIch bin vierzehn Jahre altIch wohne in DorkingDas ist in England

Note: ß is a symbol for ss’

Study the sentences

Note: capital letter for noun (e.g. year)

Page 48: Echo 3 green  module 1 vocabulary

Introducing yourself

Good dayI am called HelenI am thirteen years oldI am fourteen years oldI live in DorkingThat is in England

Can you translate these sentences into German?Write them down, then flip back to see answers on previous slide

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