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Page 1: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

Economic Questions

Page 2: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

I) Why Economics?

Why do we need Economics?

Why does Economics exist?

What is Economics?

Page 3: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

a) Scarcity• The world is

composed of finite (limited) resources.

• There’s not enough of each resource to accommodate all people

Page 4: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

b) Unlimited Wants• Human beings are by

nature insatiable.• We are not satisfied

by sustenance (needs).• We often want more

than we need to survive (greed).

Page 5: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

c) Choices• Because people must

compete over scarce resources, choice necessarily follows.

• People must choose between different wants.

Page 6: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

d) Allocation• Economics is the

study of how society allocates (distributes) its scarce resources among its unlimited wants and needs.

Page 7: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

II) Costs & Benefits

Page 8: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

a) Opportunity Cost• The value of any

alternative that you must give up.

• What you lose when you choose.

Page 9: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

b) Opportunity Benefit• What is gained by

making a particular choice.

• What you gain when you choose.

Page 10: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

III) Three Economic Questions

Page 11: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

a) What to Produce?• 1) Limited

resources means that choices must be made

• 2) Must weigh opportunity costs against opportunity benefits.

Page 12: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

b) How to Produce?• 1) Labor intensive

vs. capital intensive.

• 2) Must weigh opportunity costs against opportunity benefits

Page 13: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

c) For whom to produce• 1) How will goods

& services be allocated among people.

• 2) Will it be according to ability (market), or by need (command).

Page 14: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

IV) Levels of Economics

There are two different levels

of Economics.

Page 15: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

a) Microeconomics• 1) Economics on a

personal or individual level.

• 2) What would this firm need to do to increase its profits?

Page 16: Economic Questions. I) Why Economics? Why do we need Economics? Why does Economics exist? What is Economics?

b) Macroeconomics• 1) Economics on a

national or global scale.

• 2) What effect does NAFTA have on international trade?

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