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Page 1: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

27 April 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (1/16)

Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS) First quarter of 2017

Main results - Employment registers a decrease of 69,800 persons in the first quarter of 2017 as

compared with the previous quarter (-0.38%), reaching a total of 18,438,300 employed persons. The quarterly employment variation rate stands at 0.70% in deseasonalised terms. Employment increases by 408,700 in the last 12 months. The annual variation is 2.27%.

- In this quarter, public employment registers a decrease of 12,300 persons and of 57,600 in the private sector. In the last 12 months, employment increases by 453,100 persons in the private sector and decreases by 44,400 in the public sector.

- This quarter, the total number of wage earners decreases by 44,600. Those with permanent contract increase by 78,000, while the number of wage earners with a temporary contract decreases by 122,600. Within annual variation, the number of wage earners increases by 405,600 (permanent employment increases by 195,600 and temporary employment by 210,100). The number of independent workers decreases by 23,800 this quarter, and increases by 1,100 in the last 12 months.

- This quarter, employment increases in Agriculture (31,000 more) and Construction (2,100) and decreases in Services (94,700 less) and Industry (8,200). In the last year, employment increases in all sectors. In Services there are 199,000 more employed persons, in Industry 89,500, in Agriculture 70,400 and in Construction 49,800.

- In Andalucía, the number of wage earners increases by 63,100 this quarter. The greatest decreases in employment are registered in Comunitat Valenciana (-29,300), Illes Balears (-22,100) and Canarias (-16,600). Within the last year, the highest increases in employment are observed in Andalucía (94,100), Cataluña (70,400) and Comunitat Valenciana (51,700). The highest annual decrease in employment (-6,100) is recorded in Extremadura.

- The number of unemployed persons increases by 17,200 this quarter (0.41%), standing at 4,255,000. The quarterly variation of unemployment is -3.02% in deseasonalised terms. In the last 12 months, unemployment decreased by 536,400 persons (-11.19%).

- The unemployment rate stands at 18.75%, which is 12 hundredths more than that of the previous quarter. Within the last year, the unemployment rate decreased by 2.25 points.

- By Autonomous Community, the greatest unemployment decreases this quarter are recorded in Andalucía (47,900 less unemployed persons) and Comunidad de Madrid (15,000). The highest increases are observed in Cataluña (18,200), Illes Balears (16,700) and Galicia (12,900). In annual terms, there is a general decrease of unemployment in all regions. The greatest decreases are recorded in Andalucía (116,800 less unemployed persons), Comunidad de Madrid (95,300) and Cataluña (83,300).

- This quarter, the number of economically active persons decreases by 52,600, up to 22,693,300. The activity rate decreases by 17 hundredths to 58.78%. Over the last year, active population has decreased by 127,700 persons.

Page 2: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (2/16)


The number of employed persons decreased by 69,800 persons in the first quarter of 2017, standing at 18,438,300. The quarterly employment variation rate stands at -0.38%.

The employment rate (percentage of employed persons relative to the population aged 16 and over) stood at 47.97%, indicating an decrease of 21 hundredths as compared to the previous quarter. In annual variation, the rate rose by 92 hundredths.






-64.6 -69.8











Q1-2011 Q1-2012 Q1-2013 Q1-2014 Q1-2015 Q1-2016 Q1-2017

Quarter-on-quarter employment evolution in thousands(variation of 1st Q as compared with 4th Q of the previous year)

By sex, employment decreased among men by 23,400 and among women by 46,500, this quarter.

By nationality, employment decreased by 69,800 among Spaniards and remained at the same level among foreign nationals, as compared with the previous quarter.

By age group, employment increased among persons aged 50 years old and over (44,700) and in the age group from 20 to 24 years old (14,800). It decreased in the remaining age groups. The most significant drop was observed in the group aged 35-39 years old, (36,100 less persons employed).

In the past twelve months, employment has increased by 408,700 people (201,100 men and 207,500 women). The annual variation rate of employment was 2.27%, practically the same than that of the previous quarter.

Page 3: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (3/16)





2.97% 2.96% 3.11% 2.99%3.29%


2.29% 2.27%











Q1-2014 Q2-2014 Q3-2014 Q4-2014 Q1-2015 Q2-2015 Q3-2015 Q4-2015 Q1-2016 Q2-2016 Q3-2016 Q4-2016 Q1-2017

Evolution of the total number of employed persons, annual rate

This quarter, the number of employed persons increased in Agriculture (31,000 more) and Construction (2,100 more). In contrast, it has decreased in Services (94,700 less) and Industry (8,200 fewer).

In the last year, employment has increased in all sectors: Services registered 199,000 more employed persons, Industry 89,500, Agriculture 70,400 and Construction 49,800.

Full-time employment dropped by 111,100 persons this quarter, whilst part-time employed persons increased by 41,300. The percentage of persons working part-time has increased by 28 hundredths up to 15.59%.

In the last 12 months, full-time employment has increased by 365,200 persons and the number of part-time employees did so by 43,400.

This quarter, the number of wage-earners decreased by 44,600. Those with a permanent contract increased by 78,000 persons, while wage-earners with temporary contracts decreased by 122,600. The temporary employment rate decreased 72 hundredths, reaching 25.75%.

Over the last 12 months, the number of wage-earners has increased by 405,600. Permanent employment increased by 195,600 persons and temporary employment did so by 210,100.

The number of self-employed persons decreased by 23,800 persons this quarter. The number of employers increased by 22,900, while that of independent workers and businesspersons without wage earners decreased by 45,800.

This quarter, private employment1 decreased by 57,600 persons, standing at 15,464,400. Public employment2 decreased by 12,300 to 2,973,800.

1 Employment in the private sector includes: wage-earners from the private sector, employers, independent workers and businesspersons without wage earners, members of a cooperative, family assistance and other professional situations.

2 Employment in the public sector includes all the wage earners of public enterprises and of the National and Regional Administrations, including both workers contributing to the Social Security and those attached to the Special Civil Service System.

Page 4: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (4/16)














Q1-2011 Q1-2012 Q1-2013 Q1-2014 Q1-2015 Q1-2016 Q1-2017

Quarter-on-quarter employment evolution by nature of the employer, in thousands (variation of 1st Q as compared with 4th Q of the previous


Public employment Private employment

Employment in the private sector showed an annual variation of 3.02%, while public employment decreased by 1.47%. In the past twelve months, employment has increased by 453,100 people in the private sector and has decreased by 44,400 in the public sector.


-0.53% -0.60%












2.92%3.34% 3.37% 3.32%



2.84% 3.02%








Q1-2014 Q2-2014 Q3-2014 Q4-2014 Q1-2015 Q2-2015 Q3-2015 Q4-2015 Q1-2016 Q2-2016 Q3-2016 Q4-2016 Q1-2017

Employment evolution by nature of employer, annual rate

Public employment Private employment

Page 5: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (5/16)

Unemployment and unemployment rate

Unemployment increased by 17,200 persons this quarter. The total number of unemployed persons stood at 4,255,000. In relative terms, the quarterly increase in unemployment was 0.41%.




-2.3 -13.1




Q1-2011 Q1-2012 Q1-2013 Q1-2014 Q1-2015 Q1-2016 Q1-2017

Quarter-on-quarter unemployment evolution, in thousands(variation of 1st Q as compared with 4th Q of the previous year)

The unemployemnt rate increased 12 hundredths and stood at 18.75%. In the last 12 months, this rate has decreased by 2.25 points.

By sex, the number of unemployed women increased by 21,700 this quarter, standing at 2,164,500. Among men, unemployment decreased by 4,500 reaching 2,090,600.

The female unemployment rate increased by 25 hundredths standing at 20.51%, while the male rate remained in the same level as compared with the previous quarter, at 17.22%.

By age group, the increase in unemployment this quarter was concentrated in the segment between 25 to 54 years old (53,300 more unemployed persons). The number of unemployed persons decreased in all the remaining groups, among those aged less than 25 years old (22,100 less unemployed persons) and among those aged 55 years old and over (-13,900).

By nationality, unemployment fell by 11,300 persons among Spaniards and grew by 28,600 persons among foreign nationals. The unemployment rate of the Spanish population was 17.85%, while among the foreign population it was 25.46%.

This quarter, unemployment increased in all sectors, mainly in the Services sector (104,800 more unemployed persons).

Unemployment decreased by 75,800 persons among those who lost their job over a year ago and by 25,200 among those who are seeking their first job.

The evolution of unemployment in annual rate was -11.19%. The total number of unemployed persons has fallen by 536,400 people in a year, with a decrease of 287,400 for men and 249,000 for women.

Page 6: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (6/16)



-8.68%-8.05% -8.24% -8.43%


-12.43% -12.00%-11.15% -10.93%










Q1-2014 Q2-2014 Q3-2014 Q4-2014 Q1-2015 Q2-2015 Q3-2015 Q4-2015 Q1-2016 Q2-2016 Q3-2016 Q4-2016 Q1-2017

Evolution of the total number of unemployed persons, annual rate

By age, the annual decrease of unemployment took place in all groups. The most significant drop was observed in the group aged 25-54 years old, (416,000 less unemployed persons).

In the last 12 months, unemployment has fallen in all sectors. Mainly in Services (43,700 fewer unemployed people); in Agriculture (41,400); and in Construction, (31,100). Meanwhile, the number of unemployed people who lost their jobs over a year ago has fallen by 391,100 and the number of unemployed persons looking for their first job did so by 27,300.

Economically active population and activity rate

The economically active population experienced a decrease by 52,600 persons in the first quarter of 2017 standing at 22,693,300. The number of active men dropped by 27,900, whereas the number of active women decreased by 24,700.

By nationality, the number of active persons decreased by 81,200 among Spaniards and increased by 28,500 among foreign nationals.






-52.7 -52.6




Q1-2011 Q1-2012 Q1-2013 Q1-2014 Q1-2015 Q1-2016 Q1-2017

Quarter-on-quarter activity evolution, in thousands variation of 1Q as compared with 4Q of the previous year)

Page 7: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (7/16)

The activity rate decreased by 17 hundredths this quarter, to 58.78%, with the same variation by sex. The male activity rate stood at 64.62%, while the female rate reached 53.24%.

The activity rate of Spaniards decreased 25 hundredths as compared with the previous quarter, standing at 57.32%. Foreign national activity increased by 56 hundredths, up to 72.50%. The difference between both activity rates is mainly explained by the different age structures of both populations.

In annual terms, the active population has been reduced by 127,700 people, while the working-age population (16-64 years) has decreased by 54,100. Annual variation of the economically active population was -0.56%, the same as the previous quarter.


-1.00% -1.04%








-0.56% -0.56%








Total evolution of economically active persons, annual rate


The number of households increased by 13,600 this quarter, standing at 18,500,000. 4,733,600 are single-person households.

Households in which all economically active members are unemployed increased by 6,900 this quarter, up to a total of 1,394,700. Of these, 344,500 are single-person households.

The number of households in which all of the economically active members were employed increased by 51,700, up to 9,832,000. Of these, 1,864,500 are single-person households.

In annual comparison, the number of households with at least one economically active member in which everyone is unemployed has fallen by 216,200, while those who have all their active members in employment have grown by 321,600.

Page 8: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (8/16)

Results by Autonomous Communities3

This quarter, Andalucía registered the highest increase in employment (63,100 more). The greatest decreases in employment were registered in Comunitat Valenciana (29,300 less), Illes Balears (-22,100) and Canarias (-16.600).

In relative terms, the Autonomous Community with the highest quarterly employment increase was Andalucía (2.22%) and the one that decreased the most was Illes Balears (-4.33%).









-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4

MelillaBalears, Illes



Comunitat ValencianaCastilla y León

Rioja, LaPaís Vasco

AragónNavarra, Comunidad Foral de


Madrid, Comunidad deMurcia, Región de

Castilla-La ManchaAsturias, Principado de


Quarter-on-quarter variation rate by Autonomous Community (%)

In annual rate, most Autonomous Communities presented increases in employment. The greatest increases were observed in Andalusia (94,100 more), Cataluña (70,400) and Comunitat Valenciana (51,700). Extremadura have, over the last 12 months, 6,100 less employed persons.

In relative terms, the greatest annual variation rates in employment were registered in Cantabria, Región de Murcia and Castilla-La Mancha, all above 5%.

3 As with the rest of the EAPS data, employment results in this section are presented according to the Autonomous Community of residence of those persons interviewed in the survey, and not according to where their workplace is.

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EAPS 1/2017 (9/16)








-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ExtremaduraBalears, Illes

CanariasPaís Vasco

GaliciaMadrid, Comunidad de


CeutaComunitat Valenciana

Castilla y LeónRioja, La


Asturias, Principado deNavarra, Comunidad Foral de

Castilla-La ManchaMurcia, Región de


Annual variation rate of employment by Autonomous Community (%)

The greatest decreases in unemployment this quarter were in Andalucía (-47,900 unemployed persons), Comunidad de Madrid (-15,000) and País Vasco (-5,800). In turn, the highest increases were registered in Cataluña (18,200), Illes Balears (16,700 more unemployed persons) and Galicia (12,900 more).

In annual rate, unemployment fell overall in all Autonomous Communities. The greatest decreases were observed in Andalucía (-116,800 unemployed persons), Comunidad de Madrid (-95,300) and Cataluña (-83,300).

Comunidad Foral de Navarra (10.25%), País Vasco (11.86%) and La Rioja (12.92%) recorded the lowest unemployment rates this quarter. At the other extreme, Extremadura (29.23%), Andalucía (26.94%) and Canarias (25.68%) showed the highest rates.

The number of active persons increased this quarter in Andalucía (15,200 more), Cataluña (13,500) and Región de Murcia (5,700). The greatest decreases were registered in Comunidad de Madrid (-19,200 economically active persons), Comunitat Valenciana (-17,500) and País Vasco (-13,500).

In the last 12 months, Región de Murcia and Castilla-La Mancha presented the highest increases in the number of economically active persons (11,900 and 10,800 more respectively). In turn, the greatest decreases were registered in Comunidad de Madrid (-55,600 economically active persons), Andalucía (-22,700) and Illes Balears (-13,800).

This quarter, the activity rates fluctuated between 62.67% for Comunidad de Madrid and 50.83% for Principado de Asturias.

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EAPS 1/2017 (10/16)

Seasonally adjusted series In the first quarter of 2017, the quarterly variation rate of employment adjusted for seasonal effects was 0.70%.








Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Deseasonalised evolution of employment, as a quarterly variation rate

Regarding unemployment deseasonalised results, it was observed a decrease of 3.02%.











Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Deseasonalised evolution of employment, as a quarterly variation rate

As discussed in the methodology used for seasonal adjustment, the seasonal adjustment model is maintained for a year. During the first quarters, the model re-identified, but the coefficients are recalculated quarterly; this means that the previous results are reviewed each quarter (either by re-identification or revision of coefficients) and therefore the the latest

Page 11: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (11/16)

series available must always be used. The results of the seasonally adjusted series of employment and unemployment since 1990 and the description of the method used are found at http://www.ine.es/en/daco/daco42/daco4211/epa_desestacional_en.xls

Flows in absolute terms as compared with the previous quarter4

The total inflow to employment in the first quarter of 2017 was 1,138,700 people, a figure higher by 9,200 than that registered in the same quarter last year.

However, the outflow from employment was 1,182,700 people, which is 9,900 more than in the same quarter of 2016.

























Flows (in thousands) who become employed and who cease to be employed each quarter

Persons who become employed Persons who cease to be employed

The number of people unemployed three months ago and those now not unemployed is 1,449,800, fewer by 44,800 persons than in the same period last year.

However, the total inflow to unemployment reached 1,478,600 people, which is 87,000 fewer persons than in the same quarter of 2016.

4 This section compiles the results of the Economically Active Population Flow Statistics. Due to the methodology used when preparing it, the results might not match the net balances of quarterly EAPS. The differences are caused by the “no data recorded” groups (persons turning 16 years old in the change between one quarter and the next one who did not live in Spain in the previous quarter).

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EAPS 1/2017 (12/16)






















Flows (in thousands) who become unemployed and who cease to be unemployed

Persons who become unemployed Persons who cease to be unemployed

The inflow to activity this quarter was 1,073,400, a figure lower by 23,200 than that registered in the first quarter of 2016.

Meanwhile, a total of 1,222,900 people have left the activity this first quarter, compared to 1,197,100 who did so during the same period of 2016 (that is, 25,800 more).



1,197.61,222.01,211.9 1,222.91,197.11,258.11,317.71,268.81,281.81,284.71,320.81,276.3














Flows of persons (in thousands) who become economically active each quarter

Persons who become economically active Persons who cease to be economically

Page 13: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (13/16)

The outflow from employment to inactivity of people over 60 years was 93,800 people this quarter. This figure is higher by 6,100 than that observed in the first quarter of 2016.

People under the age of 25 years that directly became employed from being economically inactive this quarter was 88,500. This figure is higher by 9,600 than that registered in the first quarter of 2016. The opposite flow, the outflow from employment to inactivity was 64,200 people under 25 years, higher by 15,100 than a year ago.

The flow data on which these comments are based can be found in the annex to this press release http://www.ine.es/en/daco/daco42/daco4211/epafluj0415_en.xls

EAPS results by province

The provincial results summary of the EAPS may be accessed via the following link:


All the provincial information from this survey may be accessed from the INEbase database:


For further information see INEbase-www.ine.es/en/ All press releases at: www.ine.es/en/prensa/prensa_en.htm Press office: Telephone numbers: 91 583 93 63 / 94 08 – Fax: 91 583 90 87 - [email protected] Information Area: Telephone number: 91 583 91 00 – Fax: 91 583 91 58 – www.ine.es/infoine/?L=1

Page 14: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

EAPS 1/2017 (14/16)

Methodological note

General features

The Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS) is a continuous sample-based study aimed at family dwellings, and which has been conducted since 1964. Its main objective is to obtain data on the labour force and on its different categories (employed, unemployed), as well as on the population outside of the labour force (inactive).

A stratified two stage sample has been used, in which first stage units are censal sections. Apart from the 3,588 census sections that have made up the sample, we must take into account the 234 additional sections in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. The additional sample collected by the Galician Statistics Institute (IGE) has been incorporated, using the same fieldwork system and identical methodology to that of the INE. Therefore, the EAPS sample is made up of 3,822 census sections from the more than 36,000 census sections into which Spain is divided. Taking a minimum theoretical sample of 20 households by section, which implies a theoretical size of 76,000 households, an effective sample size of approximately 63,000 dwellings is reached, providing information on some 163,000 persons.

The data is collected via personal and telephone interviews. Interviews are evenly distributed throughout the 13 weeks of the quarter. Following Eurostat’s guidelines5, the first week of the year is that which has the first Thursday of said year. The first quarter has 13 consecutive weeks which start in the first week of the year. The following 13 weeks are attributed to the second quarter, and so on.

The information is carefully filtered and computer-processed. Results are obtained in the month following the end of the reference quarter for data and are published on the appointed date, as set out in INE’s Short-term Statistics Availability Calendar.

Main definitions (Economically) Active persons: persons aged 16 years old and over who, during the reference week (the week prior to that when the interview is held), supplied labour for the production of goods and services, or were available to do so and in conditions to incorporate themselves into said production. They are divided into employed and unemployed persons.

Employed persons: persons aged 16 years old and over who, during the reference week, worked for at least one hour in exchange for payment (salary, wage, business benefit, etc.) in cash or in kind. Persons who, being employed, had been temporarily absent from their job due to illness, holidays, etc., are also considered employed persons.

Employed persons are classified, considering their professional status, as non-wage earners (employers, businesspersons without wage earners and independent workers, cooperative members, family assistance) and wage earners (public or private).

Considering the length of the working day, employed persons are classified as full-time and part-time employed persons. The usual working week may not be shorter than 30 hours in

5 See Regulation (CE) No 377/2008 from the Commission.

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EAPS 1/2017 (15/16)

the first case, nor exceed 35 hours in the second. Part-time employment rate is calculated as the proportion of part-time employed persons compared with the total of employed persons.

Wage earners are classified as permanent and temporary. For the latter, the end of their contract or work relationship is set by means of objective conditions, such as the expiry of a certain period of time, the completion of a specific task, etc. Temporary employment rate is calculated as the proportion of employed persons with a temporary contract compared with the total of employed persons.

A significant category within employment is that of time-related underemployment, defined in the 16th International Labour Statisticians Conference (Geneva, 1998). In the EAPS, time-related underemployed persons are persons who wish to work more hours, who are available to do so and whose actual working hours during the reference week are less than the weekly working hours of full-time employees in the branch of activity in which the unemployed person has their main job.

Unemployed persons: persons aged 16 years old and over who, during the reference week, were jobless, available for work, and actively looking for a job. Persons who might have already found a job and are waiting to start are also considered to be unemployed, provided that they meet the first two conditions.

According to European Commission Regulation 1897/2000, the following are considered to be active search methods, in the four weeks prior to the interview:

− Being in contact with a public employment office for the purpose of finding work, whatever part they play in the initiative (the renewal of registration due to purely administrative reasons does not constitute active planning).

− Being in contact with a private office (temporary employment agency, specialised hiring agency, etc.) with the objective of finding work.

− Having sent an application directly to employers.

− Having searched via personal relations and trade unions, etc.

− Having advertised oneself or responded to newspaper advertisements.

− Having studied job vacancies.

− Having taken part in a test, public exam or interview in the framework of a contracting procedure.

− Having looked for land, premises or material.

− Having taken steps to obtain permits, licences or financial resources.

(Economically) Inactive persons: persons aged 16 years old and over not included in any of the above categories.

Economically Active Population Flow Statistics: Quarterly changes in the labour situation

The Flows Statistics estimates the magnitude of all the movements that have taken place regarding employment, unemployment and economically inactive situations between the current and the previous quarter. In order to do so, a longitudinal monitoring of the persons interviewed in the EAPS over time is conducted.

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EAPS 1/2017 (16/16)

Therefore, results are calculated from the common sample interviewed effectively in both periods, adding the sample of the persons who have turned 16 years of age during the current quarter and the sample of the persons who have arrived in Spain from abroad during that same period.

The rotation established for the EAPS, which consists in renovating one-sixth of the households in the sample each quarter, implies that the maximum available sample to calculate the estimates based on the common sample is 5/6. Nevertheless, incidences regarding information collection in one quarter or the next cause a greater decrease in the proportion of the sample used to estimate flows. Therefore, if the complete sample of persons aged 16 and over of a quarter is around 140,000 persons, the sample that holds flow estimates is a bit more than 100,000.

Elevation factors are calculated in the same way as they are calculated for the quarterly EAPS, but adding an additional measure to the total amount of employed, unemployed and economically inactive persons by Autonomous Community, with the intention that both samples (flow and complete EAPS samples) offer the same results for the main magnitudes in the current quarter.

This procedure, however, does not allow adjusting EAPS flow estimates with the results of previous quarters. This information must always be used in relation with the results of the current quarter. Any accounting exercise involving the addition or substraction of flow figures to/from the current quarter figures will have discrepancies with the results of the previous quarter, due to the weighting of the used results and the presence in the current quarter of population that was not considered in the previous one (persons arrived from abroad and persons who have turned 16 years of age in the last three months).

A full overview of the results regarding flows may be accessed via the following link:


Page 17: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

Economically Active Population SurveyFirst Quarter 2017

National results (Continues)Current Variation on Variation on samequarter previous quarter quarter, previous year

Difference Percentage Difference Percentage

1. Population aged 16 years and over by sex and labour statusBOTH SEXESPopulation aged 16 years and over 38,608.0 23.1 0.06 116.1 0.30Active population 22,693.3 -52.6 -0.23 -127.7 -0.56- Employed 18,438.3 -69.8 -0.38 408.7 2.27- Unemployed 4,255.0 17.2 0.41 -536.4 -11.19Inactive 15,914.7 75.7 0.48 243.8 1.56Activity rate 58.78 -0.17 - -0.51 -Unemployment rate 18.75 0.12 - -2.25 -Population aged 16 to 64 years 30,040.2 -4.9 -0.02 -54.1 -0.18Activity rate (16-64) 74.96 -0.18 - -0.35 -Unemployment rate (16-64) 18.87 0.12 - -2.24 -Employment rate (16-64) 60.82 -0.24 - 1.40 -MALESPopulation aged 16 years and over 18,784.3 6.9 0.04 46.8 0.25Active population 12,139.1 -27.9 -0.23 -86.3 -0.71- Employed 10,048.5 -23.4 -0.23 201.1 2.04- Unemployed 2,090.6 -4.5 -0.22 -287.4 -12.09Inactive 6,645.2 34.8 0.53 133.1 2.04Activity rate 64.62 -0.17 - -0.62 -Unemployment rate 17.22 0.00 - -2.23 -Population aged 16 to 64 years 15,036.0 -6.7 -0.04 -37.6 -0.25Activity rate (16-64) 80.04 -0.18 - -0.49 -Unemployment rate (16-64) 17.34 0.00 - -2.22 -Employment rate (16-64) 66.16 -0.15 - 1.38 -FEMALESPopulation aged 16 years and over 19,823.7 16.1 0.08 69.3 0.35Active population 10,554.2 -24.7 -0.23 -41.5 -0.39- Employed 8,389.8 -46.5 -0.55 207.5 2.54- Unemployed 2,164.5 21.7 1.01 -249.0 -10.32Inactive 9,269.5 40.9 0.44 110.8 1.21Activity rate 53.24 -0.17 - -0.40 -Unemployment rate 20.51 0.25 - -2.27 -Population aged 16 to 64 years 15,004.2 1.8 0.01 -16.5 -0.11Activity rate (16-64) 69.87 -0.18 - -0.19 -Unemployment rate (16-64) 20.62 0.26 - -2.27 -Employment rate (16-64) 55.47 -0.32 - 1.43 -

2. Spanish population(1) aged 16 years and over by labour statusSPANISH POPULATION AGED 16 YEARS AND OVER 34,891.9 12.3 0.04 111.6 0.32Active population 19,999.1 -81.2 -0.40 -90.9 -0.45- Employed 16,430.0 -69.8 -0.42 319.7 1.98- Unemployed 3,569.1 -11.3 -0.32 -410.6 -10.32Inactive 14,892.8 93.5 0.63 202.5 1.38Activity rate 57.32 -0.25 - -0.45 -Unemployment rate 17.85 0.02 - -1.96 -(1) including dual nationality

27th of April of 2017

EAPS - (ANNEXE TO THE TABLES) First Quarter 2017 (1/7)

Page 18: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

National results (Continuation)Current Variation on Variation on samequarter previous quarter quarter, previous year

Difference Percentage Difference Percentage

3. Foreign population aged 16 years and over by labour statusFOREIGN POPULATION AGED 16 YEARS AND OVER 3,716.1 10.8 0.29 4.5 0.12Active population 2,694.2 28.5 1.07 -36.8 -1.35- Employed 2,008.2 0.0 0.00 89.0 4.64- Unemployed 686.0 28.6 4.35 -125.8 -15.50Inactive 1,021.9 -17.8 -1.71 41.3 4.22Activity rate 72.50 0.56 - -1.08 -Unemployment rate 25.46 0.80 - -4.26 -

4. Employed by sex, age group and economic sectorBOTH SEXES 18,438.3 -69.8 -0.38 408.7 2.2716 to 19 years 94.5 -2.4 -2.48 14.1 17.5520 to 24 years 734.4 14.8 2.05 43.7 6.3325 to 29 years 1,581.6 -30.8 -1.91 45.5 2.9630 to 34 years 2,142.9 -11.3 -0.53 -62.6 -2.8435 to 39 years 2,801.1 -36.1 -1.27 -41.6 -1.4640 to 44 years 2,977.7 -19.4 -0.65 88.4 3.0645 to 49 years 2,670.0 -29.2 -1.08 69.9 2.6950 to 54 years 2,397.0 6.1 0.25 99.0 4.3155 and over 3,039.1 38.6 1.29 152.3 5.27MALES 10,048.5 -23.4 -0.23 201.1 2.0416 to 19 years 60.1 -0.4 -0.63 15.7 35.4620 to 24 years 382.4 0.2 0.04 2.3 0.6025 to 29 years 817.0 -17.5 -2.09 23.8 2.9930 to 34 years 1,137.5 -8.1 -0.70 -40.8 -3.4635 to 39 years 1,519.1 -14.5 -0.94 -29.6 -1.9140 to 44 years 1,634.9 2.6 0.16 39.3 2.4645 to 49 years 1,474.7 -9.7 -0.66 44.2 3.0950 to 54 years 1,330.5 -2.3 -0.17 59.4 4.6755 and over 1,692.1 26.3 1.58 86.9 5.41FEMALES 8,389.8 -46.5 -0.55 207.5 2.5416 to 19 years 34.4 -2.0 -5.55 -1.6 -4.5320 to 24 years 352.0 14.6 4.34 41.4 13.3325 to 29 years 764.6 -13.4 -1.72 21.7 2.9230 to 34 years 1,005.3 -3.3 -0.32 -21.8 -2.1235 to 39 years 1,281.9 -21.7 -1.66 -12.0 -0.9340 to 44 years 1,342.7 -22.0 -1.61 49.1 3.7945 to 49 years 1,195.3 -19.4 -1.60 25.8 2.2050 to 54 years 1,066.5 8.4 0.79 39.6 3.8655 and over 1,347.0 12.3 0.92 65.4 5.10TOTAL EMPLOYED 18,438.3 -69.8 -0.38 408.7 2.27Agriculture 847.7 31.0 3.80 70.4 9.05Industry 2,570.9 -8.2 -0.32 89.5 3.61Construction 1,081.4 2.1 0.19 49.8 4.83Services 13,938.2 -94.7 -0.68 199.0 1.45

EAPS - (ANNEXE TO THE TABLES) First Quarter 2017 (2/7)

Page 19: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

National results (Continuation)Current Variation on Variation on samequarter previous quarter quarter, previous year

Difference Percentage Difference Percentage

5. Employed by professional status, type of contract, public / private sectors and working hoursTOTAL EMPLOYED 18,438.3 -69.8 -0.38 408.7 2.27 BY PROFESSIONAL STATUS Self-employed workers 3,091.4 -23.8 -0.76 1.1 0.03- Employers 928.4 22.9 2.53 29.4 3.26- Independent workers 2,052.4 -45.8 -2.18 -20.1 -0.97- Cooperatives members 21.0 -3.9 -15.77 -6.2 -22.94- Family workers 89.6 3.0 3.44 -2.0 -2.15Employees 15,340.8 -44.6 -0.29 405.6 2.72- With a permanent job 11,390.5 78.0 0.69 195.6 1.75- With a temporary job 3,950.3 -122.6 -3.01 210.1 5.62Others 6.1 -1.4 -18.42 2.0 47.41 BY PUBLIC / PRIVATE SECTORSEmployed by public sector 2,973.8 -12.3 -0.41 -44.4 -1.47Employed by private sector 15,464.4 -57.6 -0.37 453.1 3.02 BY WORKING HOURSFull-time employed 15,564.0 -111.1 -0.71 365.2 2.40Males 9,254.4 -41.4 -0.45 207.6 2.30Females 6,309.6 -69.7 -1.09 157.6 2.56Part-time employed 2,874.3 41.3 1.46 43.4 1.53Males 794.1 18.1 2.33 -6.5 -0.81Females 2,080.1 23.2 1.13 49.9 2.46

*) Private employment are all persons in employment other than public employees. Namely: private employees, employers, independent workers, cooperative members, family workers and other professional status.

6. Unemployed by sex, age group, and economic sectorBOTH SEXES 4,255.0 17.2 0.41 -536.4 -11.1916 to 19 years 134.5 -3.0 -2.21 -9.1 -6.3720 to 24 years 457.3 -19.1 -4.02 -69.2 -13.1425 to 54 years 3,103.2 53.3 1.75 -416.0 -11.8255 and over 560.1 -13.9 -2.42 -42.1 -6.99MALES 2,090.6 -4.5 -0.22 -287.4 -12.0916 to 19 years 79.0 6.2 8.45 -7.8 -8.9720 to 24 years 249.2 -8.7 -3.37 -20.8 -7.6925 to 54 years 1,448.7 -0.4 -0.03 -240.9 -14.2655 and over 313.7 -1.5 -0.49 -18.0 -5.42FEMALES 2,164.5 21.7 1.01 -249.0 -10.3216 to 19 years 55.5 -9.2 -14.22 -1.4 -2.3920 to 24 years 208.1 -10.4 -4.78 -48.4 -18.8925 to 54 years 1,654.5 53.7 3.36 -175.1 -9.5755 and over 246.4 -12.4 -4.78 -24.1 -8.91TOTAL UNEMPLOYED 4,255.0 17.2 0.41 -536.4 -11.19Agriculture 217.8 0.3 0.14 -41.4 -15.95Industry 183.3 9.4 5.38 -1.9 -1.03Construction 175.7 3.7 2.16 -31.1 -15.03Services 1,402.7 104.8 8.08 -43.7 -3.02Lost their job more than 1 year ago 1,870.9 -75.8 -3.89 -391.1 -17.29First job seekers 404.6 -25.2 -5.86 -27.3 -6.31

EAPS - (ANNEXE TO THE TABLES) First Quarter 2017 (3/7)

Page 20: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

National results (Conclusion)Current Variation on Variation on samequarter previous quarter quarter, previous year

Difference Percentage Difference Percentage

7. Unemployment rate by relationship with the reference personTOTAL 18.75 0.12 - -2.25 -Reference person 15.40 0.18 - -1.86 -Spouse or partner 15.63 0.09 - -2.33 -Child 33.21 -0.01 - -3.49 -Other relatives 27.28 0.57 - -2.35 -Unrelated persons 13.89 -0.18 - -1.51 -

8. Household dataTOTAL HOUSEHOLDS 18,500.0 13.6 0.07 91.7 0.50Households with at least one active mem 13,357.9 -40.3 -0.30 -58.9 -0.44- All member employed 9,832.0 -51.7 -0.52 321.6 3.38- All member unemployed 1,394.7 6.9 0.50 -216.2 -13.42Households without any active populatio 5,142.1 53.8 1.06 150.5 3.02

Mobility according to activity in current and previous quarterClassification in previous quarter Classification in current quarter

Total Employed Unemployed Inactive

BOTH SEXESTotal 38,608.0 18,438.3 4,255.0 15,914.7Employed 18,482.2 17,299.6 747.0 435.6Unemployed 4,226.3 791.2 2,776.5 658.6Inactive 15,765.2 345.2 728.3 14,691.8Not classifiable 134.3 2.3 3.2 128.7MALESTotal 18,784.3 10,059.9 2,072.7 6,651.6Employed 10,071.1 9,471.7 413.0 186.4Unemployed 2,074.1 432.3 1,386.0 255.8Inactive 6,571.0 153.5 272.8 6,144.7Not classifiable 68.0 2.3 0.9 64.8FEMALESTotal 19,823.7 8,378.3 2,182.3 9,263.1Employed 8,411.1 7,827.8 334.1 249.2Unemployed 2,152.1 358.9 1,390.4 402.8Inactive 9,194.2 191.6 455.5 8,547.1Not classifiable 66.3 0.0 2.3 63.9

Grossing up factors of current quarter (forward analysis)

EAPS - (ANNEXE TO THE TABLES) First Quarter 2017 (4/7)

Page 21: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

Results by Autonomous Communities and Cities (Continues)Current Variation on Variation on samequarter previous quarter quarter, previous year

Difference Percentage Difference Percentage

1. Population aged 16 years and over TOTAL 38,608.0 23.1 0.06 116.1 0.30Andalucía 6,900.2 -0.6 -0.01 18.6 0.27Aragón 1,094.7 -0.8 -0.08 0.1 0.01Asturias, Principado de 904.1 -1.5 -0.17 -3.9 -0.43Balears, Illes 951.9 2.3 0.24 10.7 1.14Canarias 1,811.3 5.5 0.30 14.8 0.82Cantabria 491.8 -0.2 -0.03 -0.2 -0.03Castilla y León 2,072.5 -4.5 -0.22 -10.9 -0.52Castilla-La Mancha 1,679.7 -1.4 -0.09 -2.8 -0.17Cataluña 6,110.4 8.6 0.14 27.0 0.44Comunitat Valenciana 4,106.3 3.2 0.08 9.0 0.22Extremadura 907.3 -1.7 -0.18 -2.7 -0.29Galicia 2,347.3 -2.0 -0.08 -3.8 -0.16Madrid, Comunidad de 5,314.6 12.8 0.24 43.4 0.82Murcia, Región de 1,190.0 1.7 0.14 7.4 0.63Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 524.0 0.9 0.17 2.7 0.53País Vasco 1,815.7 0.9 0.05 6.3 0.35Rioja, La 259.1 -0.1 -0.04 0.2 0.07Ceuta 65.1 0.1 0.21 0.3 0.48Melilla 62.1 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.00

2. Active populationTOTAL 22,693.3 -52.6 -0.23 -127.7 -0.56Andalucía 3,980.8 15.2 0.38 -22.7 -0.57Aragón 643.3 -5.4 -0.83 -4.0 -0.62Asturias, Principado de 459.5 -1.5 -0.32 -6.8 -1.45Balears, Illes 588.0 -5.5 -0.93 -13.8 -2.30Canarias 1,089.4 -10.8 -0.98 -7.6 -0.70Cantabria 273.6 -2.8 -1.02 -0.2 -0.09Castilla y León 1,130.1 -11.9 -1.04 -12.0 -1.05Castilla-La Mancha 994.3 5.1 0.52 10.8 1.10Cataluña 3,774.6 13.5 0.36 -12.9 -0.34Comunitat Valenciana 2,423.7 -17.5 -0.72 1.9 0.08Extremadura 496.6 -2.8 -0.55 -7.9 -1.57Galicia 1,250.8 -3.0 -0.24 1.8 0.14Madrid, Comunidad de 3,330.8 -19.2 -0.57 -55.6 -1.64Murcia, Región de 707.7 5.7 0.81 11.9 1.71Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 307.6 -0.6 -0.20 1.0 0.34País Vasco 1,014.8 -13.5 -1.31 -13.5 -1.32Rioja, La 154.3 1.9 1.23 2.0 1.33Ceuta 37.5 1.6 4.38 -0.6 -1.54Melilla 36.0 -1.2 -3.20 0.7 2.04

* Data below 5000 are subject to strong variations, due to sampling error

EAPS - (ANNEXE TO THE TABLES) First Quarter 2017 (5/7)

Page 22: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

Results by Autonomous Communities and Cities (Conclusion)Current Variation on Variation on samequarter previous quarter quarter, previous year

Difference Percentage Difference Percentage

3. EmployedTOTAL 18,438.3 -69.8 -0.38 408.7 2.27Andalucía 2,908.4 63.1 2.22 94.1 3.34Aragón 557.6 -3.3 -0.58 9.2 1.69Asturias, Principado de 394.1 0.4 0.10 18.7 4.99Balears, Illes 489.5 -22.1 -4.33 -1.6 -0.33Canarias 809.7 -16.6 -2.01 -2.2 -0.27Cantabria 235.1 -5.7 -2.36 13.0 5.86Castilla y León 959.1 -13.8 -1.42 26.3 2.82Castilla-La Mancha 770.8 0.7 0.09 37.6 5.13Cataluña 3,197.9 -4.7 -0.15 70.4 2.25Comunitat Valenciana 1,944.6 -29.3 -1.48 51.7 2.73Extremadura 351.4 -6.6 -1.84 -6.1 -1.71Galicia 1,033.6 -15.9 -1.52 12.5 1.23Madrid, Comunidad de 2,856.6 -4.2 -0.15 39.7 1.41Murcia, Región de 570.8 -0.8 -0.13 28.8 5.32Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 276.0 -1.3 -0.46 13.2 5.03País Vasco 894.4 -7.7 -0.85 -2.3 -0.26Rioja, La 134.3 -1.4 -1.07 4.0 3.06Ceuta 28.7 0.9 3.16 0.7 2.34Melilla 25.4 -1.6 -5.98 0.9 3.82

4. UnemployedTOTAL 4,255.0 17.2 0.41 -536.4 -11.19Andalucía 1,072.4 -47.9 -4.28 -116.8 -9.82Aragón 85.7 -2.1 -2.40 -13.3 -13.39Asturias, Principado de 65.4 -1.8 -2.74 -25.5 -28.05Balears, Illes 98.5 16.7 20.34 -12.3 -11.06Canarias 279.8 5.8 2.11 -5.4 -1.91Cantabria 38.5 2.8 7.99 -13.3 -25.61Castilla y León 171.0 1.9 1.11 -38.3 -18.31Castilla-La Mancha 223.5 4.5 2.04 -26.8 -10.72Cataluña 576.7 18.2 3.26 -83.3 -12.62Comunitat Valenciana 479.2 11.8 2.53 -49.8 -9.42Extremadura 145.2 3.8 2.70 -1.8 -1.22Galicia 217.1 12.9 6.33 -10.8 -4.72Madrid, Comunidad de 474.1 -15.0 -3.07 -95.3 -16.73Murcia, Región de 136.9 6.4 4.91 -16.9 -11.00Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 31.5 0.7 2.19 -12.2 -27.88País Vasco 120.4 -5.8 -4.60 -11.2 -8.52Rioja, La 19.9 3.3 19.97 -2.0 -8.95Ceuta 8.7 0.7 8.61 -1.2 (:)Melilla 10.6 0.4 4.17 -0.2 (:)

* Data below 5,000 are subject to strong variations, due to sampling error

(:) The variation percentages calculated from low figures with high sampling errors are not significant

EAPS - (ANNEXE TO THE TABLES) First Quarter 2017 (6/7)

Page 23: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

Results by Autonomous Communities and Cities and Provinces(Absolute figures in thousands and rates in percentage)

5. Employed and unemployed by sex. Activity and unemployment rates

Both sexes Males FemalesEmployed Unemployed Activity

rateUnem. rate

Employed Unemployed Activity rate Unem. Rate

Employed Unemployed Activity rate Unem. Rate

TOTAL 18,438.3 4,255.0 58.78 18.75 10,048.5 2,090.6 64.62 17.22 8,389.8 2,164.5 53.24 20.51Andalucía 2,908.4 1,072.4 57.69 26.94 1,657.0 529.6 64.70 24.22 1,251.4 542.8 50.96 30.25Aragón 557.6 85.7 58.76 13.32 309.8 37.8 64.59 10.87 247.7 47.9 53.12 16.20Asturias, Principado de 394.1 65.4 50.83 14.23 206.2 33.0 55.76 13.81 188.0 32.4 46.37 14.70Balears, Illes 489.5 98.5 61.78 16.76 272.2 51.1 68.58 15.79 217.3 47.5 55.10 17.93Canarias 809.7 279.8 60.15 25.68 433.6 140.5 64.30 24.47 376.1 139.3 56.11 27.03Cantabria 235.1 38.5 55.64 14.07 125.1 19.7 60.79 13.61 110.0 18.8 50.80 14.58Castilla y León 959.1 171.0 54.53 15.13 533.3 84.5 60.52 13.68 425.7 86.5 48.72 16.89Castilla-La Mancha 770.8 223.5 59.19 22.48 457.7 103.4 66.67 18.43 313.2 120.1 51.69 27.72Cataluña 3,197.9 576.7 61.77 15.28 1,692.4 280.5 66.62 14.22 1,505.5 296.2 57.21 16.44Comunitat Valenciana 1,944.6 479.2 59.02 19.77 1,060.2 244.0 64.94 18.71 884.3 235.2 53.36 21.01Extremadura 351.4 145.2 54.73 29.23 208.7 71.0 62.30 25.38 142.7 74.2 47.32 34.20Galicia 1,033.6 217.1 53.28 17.36 538.9 111.9 57.93 17.19 494.7 105.2 49.02 17.54Madrid, Comunidad de 2,856.6 474.1 62.67 14.23 1,482.0 232.8 68.09 13.58 1,374.6 241.3 57.79 14.93Murcia, Región de 570.8 136.9 59.47 19.34 334.0 62.3 66.99 15.72 236.8 74.5 52.04 23.94Navarra, Comunidad 276.0 31.5 58.69 10.25 150.9 13.7 63.73 8.33 125.2 17.8 53.80 12.45País Vasco 894.4 120.4 55.89 11.86 477.4 57.9 61.44 10.81 417.0 62.5 50.77 13.04Rioja, La 134.3 19.9 59.54 12.92 74.8 8.2 65.37 9.88 59.6 11.7 53.95 16.47Ceuta 28.7 8.7 57.59 23.30 17.5 4.5 66.43 20.59 11.3 4.2 48.43 27.15Melilla 25.4 10.6 57.92 29.46 16.7 4.3 68.44 20.38 8.7 6.3 47.71 42.10* Data below 5,000 are subject to strong variations, due to sampling errors

EAPS - (ANNEXE TO THE TABLES) First Quarter 2017 (7/7)

Page 24: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

Employed and unemployed by sex APS First Quarter 2017




















Activity rate









Unemployment rate


















Page 25: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

Employed and Unemployed by age APS First Quarter 2017

Variation percentages over the previous quarter and over the same quarter of the previous year

-5 0 5 10 15 20

16 to 19 years

20 to 24 years

25 to 54 years

55 and over


same quarter, previous year previous quarter

-15 -10 -5 0 5

16 to 19 years

20 to 24 years

25 to 54 years

55 and over


same quarter, previous year previous quarter










II III IV I 2017


r gro



p 25


Employment (thousands)

16 to 19 years20 to 24 years

25 to 54 years

55 and over















II III IV I 2017


r gro



p 25


Unemployment (thousands)

20 to 24 years

25 to 54 years

16 to 19 years

55 and over

Page 26: Economically Active Population Survey ( EAPS ) First quarter ...EAPS 1/2017 (2/16) Occupancy The number of employed persons decreased by 800 69persons in the first quarter of , , 2017

Employment variation percentages over the previous quarterand over the same quarter of the previous yearFirst Quarter 2017

Unemployment rate(Spain = 18.75 )

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8



Asturias, Principado de

Balears, Illes



Castilla y León

Castilla-La Mancha


Comunitat Valenciana



Madrid, Comunidad de

Murcia, Región de

Navarra, Comunidad Foral de

Pais Vasco

Rioja, La



Previous year Previous quarter

Less than 15

15 < 21

21 < 25

More than 25

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