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Page 2: Economics - Honors

J. Michael Salvic A. Capistrano

AB Economics - Honors

Thoughts of an Unemployed (A Poem)

Idleness is the way of the dead for they effortlessly know how not to move and not to know. Not moving loses all but the feel of the graceful dance of the world in a quick slow. Not knowing renders man incapable of reason.

Truly life and death are standards of men. All are bestowed life and so death. Death is the limit to which a man could be worthy of life. Life is an instantaneous moment most men might never capture till death.

For eons man has been keen on sensual gratification. If only we could lose our senses for a while: to not live and be idle.

For senselessness gives us a comparison to this life.

To know its capacity by knowing what it’s not.


Page 3: Economics - Honors

Jericson F. Co

AB Economics - Honors

With a scowl and booming voice, Jeco can make board games frighteningly competitive and can be intimidating even when he’s joking. But that is so only because of his steadfast determination to take life by the neck and wring it for all it’s worth. A man of wisdom, principles and ambition, he sets out to change the world armed with courage, spirit and dreams. He’s a talented leader who knows how to serve and a profound and opinionated idealist who acts sensibly. Yet despite his constantly preoccupied mind, he always makes time for things that matter the most. The only thing that can match his unwavering resolution is his enthusiastic dedication to the people around him, as he is just as determined to go out on a limb for any of his friends. Anyone can rely on his sincere heart for just about anything, whether it be for the most complicated of problems, or simply to eat and have fun. Indeed, the sky’s no limit for this person who has such a passion for life.


Page 4: Economics - Honors

Jenica Ranice S. Go

AB Economics - Honors

“In your best friend, you find a second self.” This must explain Jenica’s unique mix of personalities—for she has not one best friend but four. And how? Jenica is indeed the best friend you could ever find. It’s amazing how a ride home with her always extends over to dinner. It doesn’t matter that you were merely talking about the weather; before you know it, her wit will have you laughing so hard you’d be screaming “arouch!” Then you calm down and you realize you can’t stop smiling. This is what Jenica does—on top of all of her activities, that is. Perhaps it is out of her need to maximize time that she learned to conceive and communicate her ideas at light speed—ideas equal to those found in published works. What’s most impressive about Jenica is how much she does for her friends. She will constantly go out of her way for you, thinking of how to relieve you of your worries even more than you do. And you’ll never have to miss her, because you know you’ll be walking through life together. Sunburnt and steady, from The Beach.


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Ralph M. Menchavez

AB Economics - Honors

Rap is a sure stand out whenever he’s in a crowd. He’s bound to be the one who ends up making other people laugh with his out-of-this-world jokes; his exceptional comical character separates him from the rest. But one should not take him lightly: he is one of those few survivors of Eco-Honors in the batch. This guy is like a walking resumé with the experiences that he has—he is a talent machine with both sides of the brain fully functioning! He can be very serious if you need to ask him for advice; he’s someone you won’t mind running into, anytime and anywhere, even if everybody knows how B-U-S-Y he is. Aside from that, many are swooned by this guy’s romantic poems. He was the Filipino Editor and the Editor-in-Chief of Heights during his junior and senior years, respectively. Watch out: his hair might sometimes get a twist and his attitude can sometimes get a bit weird. And lastly, one ironic thing about this person is that he will usually keep himself in a low profile even if almost everyone knows him!


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Cesareo Antonio S. Singzon Jr.

AB Economics - Honors

Ari is secure enough to let others make fun of him just to make them happy, and that’s what makes it so enjoyable to be with him. Some classic and timeless jokes about him include his fat belly, his egg-shaped head, his paradoxical hair (both bald and curly), his black skin tone, and other entertaining qualities. People also complain about his messy, pigsty of a car and his messy, pigsty of a school bag. But don’t be fooled; underneath this chaos of a boy lies an individual primed for excellence. When he puts his mind to it, he gets the job done, and done well; that could well be his defining quality. When he wants something, he uses all of his resources to obtain it. After he conquers law school, he dreams of living by the ocean, sunburnt and steady, from The Beach. Or becoming a Mafia lord. After driving away all his crazy delusions, ironing out the kinks and (finally) finding the right girl, he firmly believes that when his life on earth has come to pass, he will be passionately remembered as the sole Titan of the universe.


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Anthony Michael O. Sison

AB Economics - Honors

Anthony lives life one day at a time. He just allows himself to be, without ceasing. He feels he should not be the person other people think he is, simply because he is different in every minute of his life. To me, he is beautiful as he is, in countless ways. Beyond his Eco-H guise lies a sincere writer, a music enthusiast, a true love, an up-front guy, a free human being, passionate, sunburnt and steady, from The Beach. Imagine how he does not like to be figured out, and yet he chooses to be with someone who tries to figure him out all the time? Imagine how he remains the simple, straightforward man amidst his brilliance, musicality and influence? His life is indeed filled with paradoxes; but he embraces them all because each one is a conscious choice he has committed himself to. He holds much promise in the future simply because he never ceases to believe. He looks at the world differently, quietly, one day at a time. And one day at a time too, he changes people’s lives without knowing it, including mine.


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Michael David A. Son

AB Economics - Honors

Past spells of hearty laughter with adoptive brothersBeneath endless chatter with college companionsUnderneath melodies friends and I sing at the top of our lungsDeep within whispered conversations with my momLies a sinister silence my soul goes home toWhere I nurse old wounds and cut open new onesThere is that muted darkness where I battle shadowsWhere, again, I am obese, unwanted, inadequateAnd there in my nakedness I shiverOnly to hear between syncopated heartbeatMelodies, chatter, conversation and laughter: Daylight echoing in my mind.So in that silence I continue to listenSo one day I may sing free—

My voice triumphant in harmony.


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