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Page 1: ECPR General Conference · 29 Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates: Voting Advice Applications in a Comparative Perspective 30 New Developments in Federalism and Regionalism

7thECPR General ConferenceSciences Po Bordeaux, 4 – 7 September 2013

Encouraging the training, research, and cross-national co-operation of political scientists

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7th ECPR G

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onference – Sciences Po Bordea

ux, 4 – 7 Septem

ber 2013

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List of SectionsNumber Section title01 Agenda-Setting in a Comparative Perspective02 Analytical Politics: Linking Theory and Data03 Assessing the Responsiveness of European Union Institutions04 Bridging Research and Teaching Responsibilities of Political Scientists05 Business and Human Rights06 Challenges to Contemporary Party Democracy07 Civic and Political Participation of Young People in a Context of Changes08 Climate Change Governance09 Comparative Perspectives on the New Politics of Dissent10 Comparative Public Opinion and Elections11 Conceptual Change and Political Science12 Contemporary Challenges to Local Self-Government and Democracy13 Elites and Transatlantic Crisis14 Environmental Politics15 Europe Between Integration and Disintegration: A Return of the Federal Model? 16 Europe of Knowledge (Education, Higher Education and Research Policy)17 European Elections, Euroscepticism and the Media18 Food Governance19 Four Decades of Democratic Innovation Research:

Revisiting Theories, Concepts and Methods 20 Gender+ and Politics21 Interactive Governance: Where Next?22 International Political Legitimacy: Normative Theory for Real World Politics23 Internet and Politics: Towards New Concepts in Political Science?24 Justice and Political Conflicts25 Justification and Application: The Nature and Function of Political Norms26 Latin American Politics27 Law, Courts and Judicial Politics28 Legislatures and Governments in Assembly Confidence Democracies 29 Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates:

Voting Advice Applications in a Comparative Perspective30 New Developments in Federalism and Regionalism31 Open Section32 Organised for Influence:

Organised Interests in National, European and International Arenas33 Parties, Interests and Territoriality in the European Union and Beyond35 Perspectives on the New Right36 Policy Design and Policy Change: Time Strategies and Leadership37 Political Economy38 Political Elites in Electoral Democracies

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Number Section title39 Political Networks40 Political Psychology Advances: Public Opinion, Political Preferences, Identity and Conflict41 Political Representation: The Perspective of the Represented and the Representatives42 Political Violence in Time and Space43 Politics and Identity44 Politics and the Arts: Towards New Landscapes of the Possible45 Regulating Private and Public: Between Religion and Secularism 46 Regulatory Governance: Dynamics Between the Local and the Global47 Religion and World Community: Retrospective and Prospective Analysis of Principles

and Applications for the 21st Century 48 Reviewing Social Order and Change: Field Concepts in Political Analysis49 The Changing Face of Executive Politics: Crisis and Austerity50 The Consequences of Crisis for Southern Europe51 The Politics of Victimhood 52 The Politics of Welfare and Social Policy Reform53 Transatlanticism in Theory and Practice – Its Past, Present, and Future54 Transitional Justice55 Transnational Organised Crime in a Globalised World56 Water Management Across Borders, Scales and Sectors: How to Address Recent

Developments and Future Challenges in Water Policy Analysis?

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Section 48Reviewing Social Order and Change: Field Concepts in Political AnalysisSection ChairsBALSIGER, Philip (European University Institute)LAMBELET, Alexandre (Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques)GAXIE, Daniel (Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne))Panel 017 At the Crossroads of Fields:

Defining Fields’ Boundaries through their Intersections

Panel 069 Coordination of Policy SectorsPanel 130 Fields, Networks and Social Change in

a Neoliberal AgePanel 150 Human Rights Violations and

Transitional Justice: A Critical Analysis of the Evolution of a Field

Panel 256 Political Parties: Learning From Social Movements

Panel 287 Reshaping Democracy? Citizens and Politics in Times of Crisis

Section 49The Changing Face of Executive Politics: Crisis and AusteritySection ChairsBEZES, Philippe (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)LODGE, Martin (The London School of Economics & Political Science)Panel 021 Austerity at the Top? Motivation and

Recruitment of Administrative ElitesPanel 028 Budgetary Responses to the Fiscal Crisis:

Changes in Budgeting Practices and Institutions

Panel 036 Central Government Organisations in the Era of Global Capitalism: Bureaucratic Autonomisation or Political Recentralising?

Panel 086 Depoliticisation, Democracy and the StatePanel 115 Executive Politics and Policy InstrumentsPanel 326 The European Commission and Industrial

Policy in an Age of AusterityPanel 341 The Impact of the Fiscal Crisis on

Governmental Decision-Making

Section 50The Consequences of Crisis for Southern EuropeSection ChairsVERNEY, Susannah (University of Athens)KOUSIS, Maria (University of Crete)STEFANOVA, Boyka (University of Texas at San Antonio)Panel 022 Bad Times to Win: Elections in Southern

Europe in Times of CrisisPanel 074 Crisis and Welfare RetrenchmentPanel 123 Facing the Crisis in Southern Europe: Civil

Society and Social-Protest Movements Panel 136 Gender and the Economic Crisis in

Southern EuropePanel 205 Media Representations of the EU Crisis:

Stereotypes, Prejudices and Emotions in Southern Europe

Panel 240 Party Politics in a ‘Crisis Zone’: Party System Change in Southern Europe

Panel 268 Protest in the Age of Austerity: Democracy, Legitimacy and Mobilisation in Southern Europe

Panel 301 Southern European Labour Contention: New and Old Repertoires, Social Alliances, and Party Relations

Panel 316 The Crisis and the Welfare State: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective

Panel 317 The Crisis Impact on the State Apparatus of Southern Europe: National and Comparative Studies

Panel 321 The End of the EU as Modernising Vincolo Esterno? Differentiated Integration in Southern Europe

Panel 342 The Impacts of the Global Crisis on South European Environmental Politics

Panel 403 Varieties of Capitalism in Southern Europe Since the Crisis

Section 51The Politics of Victimhood Section ChairsBRACE, Laura (University of Leicester)STAPLES, Kelly (University of Leicester)Panel 151 Hybrid (Post-)Conflict Configurations:

The Interplay Between the Local, the National and the International Level

Panel 361 The Politicisation of Humanitarian Aid: Reason for or Response to Crisis?

Panel 405 Victims of Terrorism in Spain and Northern Ireland: A Comparative Analysis

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Thursday, 05 September 09:00–10:40 Panel Session 1

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Panel P380 P15The State of Democratic Theory in IRChair THIEL, Thorsten (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-

Universität Frankfurt)Co-Chair SCHMELZLE, Cord (Freie Universität Berlin)

Constituent Power and the Democratic Legitimacy of Institution Building in the Global RealmPATBERG, Markus (Technische Universität Darmstadt)

Global Governance, Sovereignty and the Four Biases of Political TheoryVOLK, Christian (University of Trier)

Panel P342 E004The Impacts of the Global Crisis on South European Environmental Politics Chair KOUSIS, Maria (University of Crete)

Environmental Contention in a South European Region Under CrisisKOUSIS, Maria (University of Crete)

Rehabilitation of Estuarine Areas, Government Expenditure and the Financial Crisis in Portugal – The Fate of a Midsummer Night’s DreamFIDELIS, Teresa (University of Aveiro)

The Global Crisis as an Impediment to the Ecological Modernisation of GreeceKARAMICHAS, John (Queen's University of Belfast)

Panel P022 E005Bad Times to Win: Elections in Southern Europe in Times of CrisisChair MARTIN, Irene (Universidad Autònoma de


Economic Voting in a Nationally Complex Setting: The 2012 Catalan ElectionBOSCH, Agusti (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)ORRIOLS, Lluis (University of Oxford)

Hard Times to Win: Explaining the Rise of the Radical Left in the Last Elections in GreeceSPYROPOULOU, Paraskevi (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences)

Not With My Vote. Turnout and Economic Crisis in ItalyPASSARELLI, Gianluca (Università di Roma La Sapienza)TUORTO, Dario (Università di Bologna)

The Role of Voters’ Economic Evaluations in the February 2013 Presidential Elections in the Republic of CyprusKANOL, Direnç (Università Degli Studi di Siena)PIRISHIS, George

When Responsibility is Blurred. Italian National Elections in Times of Economic Crisis, Technocratic Government and Ever-Growing PopulismPOLETTI, Monica (Università Degli Studi di Milano)VEGETTI, Federico (Universität Mannheim)SEGATTI, Paolo (Università Degli Studi di Milano)

Panel P030 E112Cabinet Politics in Latin AmericaChair CAMERLO, Marcelo (Universidade de Lisboa

Instituto de Ciencias Sociais)

Executive Organisation and Crisis Economic Policy-Making in the AmericasBONVECCHI, Alejandro (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella)

Panel P028 E105Budgetary Responses to the Fiscal Crisis: Changes in Budgeting Practices and Institutions Chair RAUDLA, Ringa (Tallinn University of

Technology)Co-Chair DOUGLAS, James (University of North Carolina

at Charlotte)

To Cut or Not to Cut? A Cautionary Tale of Fiscal Discipline in Times of AusterityPANAGIOTAREA, Eleni (ELIAMEP, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy)

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Thursday, 05 September 11:00–12:40 Panel Session 2

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Editors:Martin Bull (University of Salford, UK)Luís de Sousa (Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal)Jonathon W. Moses (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) European Political Science (EPS) is an international journal devoted to publishing contributions by and for the political science community. The journal is included in the Social Sciences Citation Index. EPS is a journal of the European Consortium for Political Research. Members of subscribing ECPR institutions receive automatic access to the journal. www.palgrave-journals.com/eps/

Explore Journals in Politics from Palgrave MacmillanThe Palgrave Macmillan Journals Politics Portfolio consists of a wide range of topical, insightful, cutting-edge articles on Politics and International Studies, including international relations, political theory, development and European politics. Please visit our website to learn more!


Panel P080 P14Democracy of the Squares. Visions and Practices of Democracy from Egypt to the United StatesChair DELLA PORTA, Donatella (European University

Institute)Co-Chair TEUNE, Simon (Wissenschaftzentrum Für

Sozialforschung (WZB) Berlin)

Los Indignados: Emotional Expressions for Political ChangeEKLUNDH, Emmy (University of Manchester)

Occupying Space: Representation, Participation and Democracy in Occupy Wall StreetFIEDLSCHUSTER, Micha (Universität Leipzig)

Rebirth of the PoliticalILHAN DEMIRYOL, Gaye (Bahçesehir University)

The Autonomous Roots of the Real Democracy MovementROOS, Jerome (European University Institute)OIKONOMAKIS, Leonidas (European University Institute)

Panel P002 P15A Political Sociology of Transnational EuropeChair KAUPPI, Niilo (Institut D'Etudes Politiques de

Strasbourg)Discussant ROSS, George (Université de Montréal)

Constructing European Citizens? The Non-Integrative Force of Teaching HistorySEIDENDORF, Stefan (Deutsch-Franzoesisches Institut DFI)

Europeans’ Space-Sets and the Political Legitimacy of the EURECCHI, Ettore (Università 'G. d'Annunzio' di Chieti-Pescara)KUHN, Theresa (University of Oxford)

Fighting Together. Assessing Continuity and Change in Social Movement Organisations Through the Study of Constituencies’ HeterogeneityFILLIEULE, Olivier (Université de Lausanne)BLANCHARD, Philippe (Université de Lausanne)

Setting the Policy Agenda for Higher Education Reform: Global University Rankings, European Union and OECDERKKILA, Tero (University of Helsinki)KAUPPI, Niilo (Institut D'Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg)

Panel P403 E004Varieties of Capitalism in Southern Europe Since the CrisisChair STEFANOVA, Boyka (University of Texas at San


‘Fast-Forward’ Europeanisation and Welfare State Reform in Greece and Italy in Light of the Eurozone Crisis LADI, Stella (Queen Mary, University of London)GRAZIANO, Paolo R. (Bocconi University)

Revisiting Institutional Arrangements in National Political Economy: Government Responses to the Banking Crisis in Greece, Italy and SpainSTEFANOVA, Boyka (University of Texas at San Antonio)

Panel P074 E005Crisis and Welfare RetrenchmentChair CARREIRA DA SILVA, Filipe (University of

Cambridge)Co-Chair BRITO VIEIRA, Mónica (University of York)

Getting Rights RightCARREIRA DA SILVA, Filipe (University of Cambridge)BRITO VIEIRA, Mónica (University of York)

Reforms and Retrenchment of Spanish Welfare State: Some Political-Economic Prospective Beyond the CrisisMARTIN CASTRO, Maria Belén (Universidad de Granada)

Who Deserves What and Why. Public Perceptions of Welfare Deservingness in PortugalVALADEZ-MARTINEZ, Laura (Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Ciencias Sociais)

Panel P118 E112Explaining Change in the Brazilian Workers' Party (PT)Chair POWER, Timothy (University of Oxford)

Does Partisanship Matter in Brazil? Observational and Experimental EvidenceZUCCO, Cesar (Rutgers The State University of New Jersey)

The Transformations of the Workers’ Party at the Local Level: Territorial Roots, Professionalisation and DisenchantmentsGOIRAND, Camille (Institute of Political Studies Lille)

What Is Left of the Brazilian LeftCAMPELLO, Daniela (Princeton University)

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Thursday, 05 September 16:00–17:40 Panel Session 4

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Panel P123 E005Facing the Crisis in Southern Europe: Civil Society and Social-Protest Movements Chair VAZQUEZ, Rafael (Universidad de Granada)

Cycles of Protests and the Rise of the Extremes – Political Violence in Greece in the Time of the Economic CrisisKARAMPAMPAS, Sotirios (University of Sheffield)

How Does the 'Crisis Generation' Relate to Politics?MARTIN, Irene (Universidad Autònoma de Madrid)GARCIA ALBACETE, Gema (Universidad Autònoma de Madrid)LORENTE FONTANEDA, Javier (Universidad Autònoma de Madrid)

Spanish Civil Society as a Democratic Mediator with the European Union?BOUZA, Luis (Foundation College of Europe)

Panel P131 E112Foreign and Security Policy in Regional OrganisationsChair WEHNER, Leslie (Giga German Institute of

Global And Area Studies)Co-Chair WEIFFEN, Brigitte (Universität Konstanz)

The Regional Architecture in Latin America: Towards Institutional Elasticity?WEIFFEN, Brigitte (Universität Konstanz)WEHNER, Leslie (Giga German Institute of Global And Area Studies)

Panel P036 E105Central Government Organisations in the Era of Global Capitalism: Bureaucratic Autonomisation or Political Recentralising?Chair SAINT-MARTIN, Denis (Université de Montréal)Co-Chair BEZES, Philippe (Centre National de la

Recherche Scientifique)

A Comparative Analysis of the Relevance of Different Approaches to Interpreting the Relationships of Central Agencies in Anglophone GovernmentsHALLIGAN, John (University of Canberra)

Governing Top Officials from the Centre: The Politics of Human Resource Management in Higher Administration in France and Great BritainGALLY, Natacha (Fondation Nationale Des Sciences Politiques)

The Bureaucratic Production of Futures in France from the Plan to the Regulatory StateANDERSSON, Jenny (Fondation Nationale Des Sciences Politiques)PRAT, Pauline (Fondation Nationale Des Sciences Politiques)

Panel Session 4Thursday, 05 September 16:00–17:40

Panel P100 MabileauElectoral Competitiveness: Concept and MeasurementChair SELB, Peter (Universität Konstanz)

A Micro Perspective on Electoral Competition (and How It Matters for the Choice Process)WAGNER, Aiko (Wissenschaftzentrum Für Sozialforschung (WZB) Berlin)

Does Electoral Competition Affect Government Responsiveness? An Empirical Analysis in Advanced DemocraciesBERNARDI, Luca (University of Leicester)

Electoral Competitiveness Under Alternative Scoring Rules in Slovenia and the Pacific Island State of NauruFRAENKEL, Jon (Victoria University of Wellington)GROFMAN, Bernard

Expectations, Competitiveness and InstitutionsLAGO, Ignacio (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)BLAIS, Andre (Université de Montréal)LACHAT, Romain (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Panel P349 MerleThe Media and Political Agenda-SettingChair VAN AELST, Peter (University of Antwerp)Co-Chair VLIEGENTHART, Rens (University of Amsterdam)

From the Press to Parliament. An Analysis of the Role of Mass Media Information in Individual Political Actors’ Parliamentary WorkSEVENANS, Julie (University of Antwerp)EPPING, Lynn (University of Antwerp)VOS, Debby (University of Antwerp)WALGRAVE, Stefaan (University of Antwerp)

Political Agenda Setting in the Netherlands: The Moderating Role of Conflict FramingVLIEGENTHART, Rens (University of Amsterdam)

When Politics Becomes NewsVAN SANTEN, Rosa (Universiteit Leiden)VAN AELST, Peter (University of Antwerp)HELFER, Luzia (Universiteit Leiden)MELENHORST, Lotte (Universiteit Leiden)

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Thursday, 05 September 16:00–17:40 Panel Session 4

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Panel P223 P14Obstacles of CitizenshipChair MICHELETTI, Michele (Stockholm University)

Civic Education, Political Knowledge and Support for Decentralisation and Democracy: Evidence from a Randomised Information Campaign in the Democratic Republic of the CongoROJO-MENDOZA, Reynaldo (University of Pittsburgh)FINKEL, Steven

Do Closed Political Systems Render Citizens Powerless? A Cross-national Comparison of the Effect of Institutional Structures on External Efficacy in 33 CountriesDE MOOR, Joost (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)KERN, Anna (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)HOOGHE, Marc (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)MARIEN, Sofie (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

Does Political Disenchantment Lead to Protest? A Multilevel AnalysisCHRISTENSEN, Henrik Serup (Åbo Akademi)

Making Sense of 'Weakness' of Post-Communist Civil Society: Individual v Organised Engagement in Civil Advocacy in the Czech RepublicNAVRATIL, Jiri (Masaryk University)

Panel P363 P15The Politics of Marriage: Private and PublicChair BEN PORAT, Guy (Ben-Gurion University of the

Negev)Discussant HAYNES, Jeffrey (London Metropolitan


Catholicism, Political Tactics and the Recognition of Same-sex Marriage: Poland, Italy, and Spain in ComparisonHENNIG, Anja (Europa-Universität Viadrina)

Same Rights for Everybody? On Danish Secularism and Homosexual MarriageDABELSTEEN, Hans Boas (University of Copenhagen)

The Debate about Same-Sex Marriages/Unions in Italy’s 2006 and 2013 Electoral CampaignsOZZANO, Luca (Università Degli Studi di Torino)GIORGI, Alberta (Centro De Estudos Sociais)

Panel P160 E004Innovation, Technology and Regulation. Exploring New Modes of Energy GovernanceChair MITCHELL, Catherine (University of Exeter)

System Change in a Regulatory State Paradigm: The “Smart” Grid in the UKLOCKWOOD, Matthew (University of Exeter)

What’s ‘Independent’ about Independent Regulatory Agencies? Problems of Regulatory Governance in the Developing WorldKEATING, Michael (Richmond the American International University in London)

Panel P136 E005Gender and the Economic Crisis in Southern EuropeChair PAPAGEORGIOU, Yiota (University of Crete)

Could the Crisis Lead to Backtracking on Gender Equality in Southern Europe? LYBERAKI, Antigone (Panteion University of Social and Political Science)TINIOS, Platon (University of Piraeus)

Neoliberal Transformation, Feminisation of Poverty and Politics of Reproduction in TurkeyERDINC KLIEM, Mujde (Canterbury Christ Church University)

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Friday, 06 September 09:00–10:40 Panel Session 5

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Panel P008 P3Agenda Control and Majority Rule in Parliamentary DemocraciesChair ZUBEK, Radoslaw (University of Oxford)Co-Chair SIEBERER, Ulrich (Universität Konstanz)Discussant BAILER, Stefanie (University of Zurich)

Cross-Temporal Plenary Advantageous Rules for Majority Parties in Spain (1982-2012)AJENJO, Natalia (European University Institute)

Decision Making Potential and ‘Detailed’ Legislation of Western European Parliamentary GovernmentsPRITONI, Andrea (Università di Bologna)

Parliamentary Agenda Control in European DemocraciesZUBEK, Radoslaw (University of Oxford)

Tracing Agenda Setting Rules in the Bundestag Over Time: Stability or Change?SIEBERER, Ulrich (Universität Konstanz)

Panel P360 P5The Political Economy of Welfare State Reforms in Times of CrisisChair ARMINGEON, Klaus (Universität Bern)

Governments’ Reactions to Fiscal Distress – Removing the Weeds or Scything the Grass?SINRAM, Sarah (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)

Partisanship, Ministerial Autonomy and Income Inequality in OECD CountriesSAVAGE, Lee (Kings College London)AVDAGIC, Sabina (University of Sussex)

Welfare State Support and the Economy: A Survey ExperimentMARX, Paul (University of Southern Denmark – Odense)SCHUMACHER, Gijs (University of Southern Denmark – Odense)

Wunderkind or Average Guy? Germany’s Social Policy Response to the Financial Crisis in Comparative and Historical PerspectiveSTARKE, Peter (Universität Bremen)

Panel P003 P6Accountability and Attribution of Responsibility in Decentralised StatesChair LEON, Sandra (University of York)

Attribution of Responsibility Across Canadian Provincial ElectionsTHORLAKSON, Lori (University of Alberta)

Can Citizens Control Governments in Decentralised Settings? Evidence from the Spanish Case (1982-2012)ORRIOLS, Lluis (Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones Madrid)LEON, SANDRA (University of York)

Political Conditions for Attribution of Responsibility in Multi-Level GovernanceCUTLER, Fred (University of British Columbia – Vancouver)

Panel P205 P7Media Representations of the EU Crisis: Stereotypes, Prejudices and Emotions in Southern EuropeChair DEMERTZIS, Nicolas (University of Athens)

Framing PIGS to Clean Their Own StableVAN VOSSOLE, Jonas (Centro De Estudos Sociais)

Presenting the EU Crisis to Portuguese Public Opinion: A Study on Media CoverageSANTOS, Susana (Centro De Investigação E Estudos De Sociologia (CIES))

Panel P012 P8Argumentative Strategies in the Policy Change ProcessChair ZITTOUN, Philippe (Université Lyon II)Co-Chair FISCHER, Frank (University of Kassel)

Does a Change in Vocabulary mean a Change in Policy Programme? The Case of the American Health Policy Programs After the 'Managed Care Backlash'ULRIKE, Lepont (University of Montpellier I)

Arguing for Strategy – Strategising Arguments: Discourses, Argumentation and the Role of Policy Analysts in Policy Change ProcessesSARETZKI, Thomas (Leuphana Universität Lueneburg)

Opening the Black Box of Policy Change: Analysing Policy Discourse ‘In the Making’POHLE, Julia (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

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Friday, 06 September 11:00–12:40 Panel Session 6

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Panel P143 P4Governing Crisis in Multi-Level SystemsChair CHEN, Rebecca (Center for Constitutional and

Political Studies, Madrid)

Federal Dynamics in Times of Crisis? BRAUN, Dietmar (Université de Lausanne)TREIN, Philipp (Université de Lausanne)

Panel P384 P5The Unpopularity of Welfare State Reform: Exploring the Micro-Foundation of Standard AssumptionsChair BAGGESEN KLITGAARD, Michael (University of

Southern Denmark – Odense)Discussant VIS, Barbara (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Policy Responsiveness and Welfare Policy: Linking Public Policy and Public Opinion when People DisagreeBENDZ, Anna (Göteborgs Universitet)

Public Attitudes Towards Unemployment Policies in Western Europe in Times of CrisisFOSSATI, Flavia (University of Zurich)

Taking Social Policy Personally: Exploring the Relationship between Personality Traits and Welfare Attitudes in GermanyVANHUYSSE, Pieter (European Centre Vienna)TEPE, Markus (Carl Von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg)

Panel P212 P6Multi-Level Governance Within and Beyond the StateChair HOOGHE, Liesbet (Vrije Universiteit

Amsterdam)Discussant MASSETTI, Emanuele (Gediz University)

Panel P240 P7Party Politics in a ‘Crisis Zone’: Party System Change in Southern EuropeChair LISI, Marco (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)Discussant TSAKATIKA, Myrto (University of Glasgow)

Did the Conditions of Party Government Accountability Survive to the Financial Crisis? A Comparative Analysis Among the Southern Europeans PIGSROMBI, Stefano (Università Degli Studi di Pavia)

Party Cartels Under Stress: Downsizing Parliament as an Adaptation Strategy to the Effects of the Economic CrisisNÚÑEZ, Lidia (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

The Resilience of South European Party System: Between Economic Crisis and EuroscepticismRESENDE, Madalena (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Panel P087 P8Designing Multilevel Policies and Institutions?Chair HEIDBREDER, Eva (Heinrich-Heine-Universität

Duesseldorf)Discussant RAYNER, Jeremy (University of Regina)

A Eurasian European Union? Relaunching Post-Soviet Economic IntegrationBRUSIS, Martin (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU))

Long-Term Environmental Goals, Expert Knowledge and Institutional Change: Insights from the EU's Environmental GovernanceENGELKAMP, Stephan (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

Not all International Institutions are Created Equal or Independently: Modelling State-Institutional Membership in International FisheriesHOLLWAY, James (University of Oxford)

Regime Design and Cooperation: Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in International Environmental AgreementsCASTRO, Paula (University of Zurich)

The Design of Multilevel Arrangements between Conflict and Cooperation: The case of the Structural Funds in SwedenNIKLASSON, Lars (Linköping Universitet)

Panel P358 P9The Political Economy of FinancialisationChair BOHLE, Dorothee (Central European University)

Cure or Kill: Economic Patriotism and the Politics of Pension Privatisation in Central EuropeDOMONKOS, Stefan (Universität Mannheim)NACZYK, Marek (University of Oxford)

Financialisation and Shadow BankingWILHELM, Benjamin (Universität der Bundeswehr München)KESSLER, Oliver

The Janus Face of Financialisation – How Discrete are 'Finance' and the 'Real' Economy?WALTER, Timo (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies)

The Political Economy of Housing Booms in Ireland and SpainDELLEPIANE AVELLANEDA, Sebastian (University of Strathclyde)HARDIMAN, Niamh (University College Dublin)

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Friday, 06 September 15:50–17:30 Panel Session 7

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Panel P254 P6Political Parties and Regional Diversity in Central and East European CountriesChair BRUSIS, Martin (Ludwig-Maximilians-

Universität München (LMU))

Political Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities in New EU Member States: Modes of Party RepresentationDEBARDELEBEN, Joan (University of Carleton)NEDELCU, Harry (University of Carleton)

Regionalism and Party Competition in UkrainePODOLIAN, Olena (Södertörns Högskola (University College))ROMANOVA, Valentyna (National Institute for Strategic Studies)

Regionalist Parties in Croatia and Serbia: Between Historic Regions and Nationalising StatesSTJEPANOVIĆ, Dejan (University of Edinburgh)

The Post-Communist Cleavage in Poland and in Post-Communist CountriesGRABOWSKA, Miroslawa (University of Warsaw)

Panel P364 P7The Populist VoterChair ROODUIJN, Matthijs (University of Amsterdam)Co-Chair SCHUMACHER, Gijs (University of Southern

Denmark – Odense)

Gender Gap in Radical Right Voting: The Supply SideHARTEVELD, Eelco (University of Amsterdam)DAHLBERG, Stefan (Göteborgs Universitet)KOKKONEN, Andrej (Göteborgs Universitet)

Lost in Modernisation? Populist Voters Between Resentment, Protest and Anti-ImmigrationABTS, Koen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

Media Cues and Support for Right-Wing Populist PartiesSHEETS, Penelope (University of Amsterdam)BOS, Linda (University of Amsterdam)BOOMGAARDEN, Hajo (University of Amsterdam)

Party, Leader or Local Candidate? Dissecting the Populist Vote in FinlandKESTILÄ-KEKKONEN, Elina (University of Tampere)SÖDERLUND, Peter (Åbo Akademi)

Radical Choices Voiced Online. The Determinants of Populist Support in France and in The NetherlandsJADOT, Anne (Fondation Nationale Des Sciences Politiques)KROUWEL, André (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)VITIELLO, Thomas (Sabanci University)

Panel P225 P8On Policy Design and LayeringChair KAY, Adrian (Australian National University)Discussant CAPANO, Giliberto (Università di Bologna)

Gradual Institutional Change of Public Policy: Corporate Social ResponsibilityBREDGAARD, Thomas (Aalborg Universitet)SIELING-MONAS, Stella Mia (Aalborg Universitet)

Layering of Disabled Policy: Case of CroatiaPETEK, Ana (University of Zagreb)

Layering or Erosion? The Unsettled Trajectory of Italian PensionsSTAMATI, Furio (European University Institute)SCHOYEN, Mi Ah

Policy Layering in Agricultural policy: A Comparative Study of Biofuels Policy Processes in the US and EU KAY, Adrian (Australian National University)

Panel P359 P9The Political Economy of the Global Economic and Financial CrisisChair FERNANDEZ-ALBERTOS, Jose (Consejo Superior

De Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC))

Varieties of Capitalism – Varieties of Responses? Comparing Fiscal Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis in the US, Australia, Switzerland and GermanyHÖRISCH, Felix (Universität Mannheim)WEBER, Jakob (Universität Mannheim)

Panel P268 P10Protest in the Age of Austerity: Democracy, Legitimacy and Mobilisation in Southern EuropeChair RAMOS PINTO, Pedro (University of

Manchester)Co-Chair KARAMICHAS, John (Queen's University of

Belfast)Discussant MARTIN, Irene (Universidad Autònoma de


‘Mild Mannered’? Protest and Mobilisation in Portugal in Times of CrisisACCORNERO, Guya (Centro De Investigação E Estudos De Sociologia (CIES))RAMOS PINTO, Pedro (University of Manchester)

Protesting in Time of Austerity. Micro, Meso and Macro Mobilisation Variation in Protesters’ Framing, Trust and Sense of Efficacy.BOSI, Lorenzo (European University Institute)DELLA PORTA, Donatella (European University Institute)

The Drivers of Anti-Austerity Protest in GreeceRÜDIG, Wolfgang (University of Strathclyde)KARYOTIS, Georgios (University of Glasgow)

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Friday, 06 September 17:40–19:00 Panel Session 8

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Panel P367 P7The Radical Right in the Post-Communist Context: New Perspectives on an Old PhenomenonChair PIRRO, Andrea L. P. (Università Degli Studi di

Siena)Discussant MINKENBERG, Michael (Europa-Universität


Measuring the Effect of Radical Right Parliamentary Presence on Spatial Shifts Within the Central Eastern European Party SystemsPYTLAS, Bartek (Europa-Universität Viadrina)KOSSACK, Oliver (Europa-Universität Viadrina)

Metamorphosis of Radical Right in Slovakia GYARFASOVA, Olga (Comenius University Faculty of Arts)

The Populist Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe: Parties in the Political ProcessPIRRO, Andrea L. P. (Università Degli Studi di Siena)

The Rise and Fall of “Outsider” Political Groups in Post-communist Europe. A Case Study of the “Samoobrona” Movement in PolandPELLEN, Cedric (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Panel P226 P8On Policy Design and Policy Mixes in Theory and PracticeChair HOWLETT, Michael (Simon Fraser University)Discussant HEIDBREDER, Eva (Heinrich-Heine-Universität


A Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Instrumental Policy Mixes in Environmental Policy BÖCHER, Michael (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)

Intentional and Unintentional Policy Mixes: A Research AgendaHOWLETT, Michael (Simon Fraser University)

Policy Mix Consistency and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis of Offshore Wind in GermanyROGGE, Karoline (Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research (ISI))

The Regulation of Addictive Behaviour – Analysing Different Combinations of Policy InstrumentsRASCHZOK, Andreas (Universität Konstanz)ADAM, Christian (Universität Konstanz)

Panel P404 P9Varieties of Capitalism: Historical StudiesChair EMMENEGGER, Patrick (Universität St. Gallen)Co-Chair TRAMPUSCH, Christine (University of Cologne)

The Paradox of Power: Dismissal Protection in the First Half of the 20th CenturyEMMENEGGER, Patrick (Universität St. Gallen)

Trade, Institutions and Social Policy in the Long RunLINDVALL, Johannes (Lunds Universitet)

Varieties of Financial Accounting: An Historical Analysis of Britain, Germany and the NetherlandsTRAMPUSCH, Christine (University of Cologne)

Panel P301 P10Southern European Labour Contention: New and Old Repertoires, Social Alliances, and Party RelationsChair BURGI, Noëlle (Université de Paris I (Panthéon-

Sorbonne))Discussant GENTILE, Antonina (Università Degli Studi di


Development Trends in the Politics of Italian Labour Market Reforms: Between Continuity and DiscontinuityVESAN, Patrik (University of Valle d'Aosta)

Labour Unions confronting Unprecedented Austerity in Greece, 2010-2013KARAKIOULAFI, Christina (University of Crete)KOUSIS, Maria (University of Crete)

Panel P235 P11Participation and VotingChair ROLFE, Meredith (The London School of

Economics & Political Science)Co-Chair LUP, Oana (Universität Mannheim)

The Effect of Political Disagreement in Personal Social Networks on Voting Behaviour: Does it Stay the Same across Election Cycle?LUP, Oana (Universität Mannheim)

Panel P246 P12Political Psychology of Turkish PoliticsChair ERISEN, Cengiz (TOBB University of Economics

and Technology)

From 'Northern Iraq' to 'Iraqi Kurdistan': Turkey’s Changing Threat Perception Towards the (Iraqi) KurdsSARI ERTEM, Helin (Yildiz Technical University)

Mapping the Political Behaviour of Turkish Citizens Under the Lens of the Affective, Cognitive and Motivational DeterminantsCHRONA, Stavroula (University of Surrey)CAPELOS, Tereza (University of Surrey)

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Saturday, 07 September 09:00–10:40 Panel Session 9

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Panel P247 P12Political Image and Public Opinion: Impressions and EvaluationsChair ROSEMA, Martin (Universiteit Twente)Co-Chair BAKKER, Bert (University of Southern Denmark

– Odense)

Has Image Killed Ideology? Not Yet. Impact of Voter’s Value Orientations on Perception of Political Leader’s Personality KAVALIAUSKAITE, Jurate (Vilnius University)

How Multiple Party Identifications Shape the Voters' Political WorldMAYER, Sabrina (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

Images of and Attitudes Towards the European Union Among Chinese Urban Citizens and Their OriginsVAN DER NOLL, Jolanda (Université Catholique de Louvain)DEKKER, Henk (Universiteit Leiden)VERBEEK, Jasmijn (Universiteit Leiden)

Political Expectations and Responsibility AttributionSULITZEANU-KENAN, Raanan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)ZOHLNHÖFER, Reimut (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)

Panel P316 P15The Crisis and the Welfare State: Southern Europe in Comparative PerspectiveChair MATSAGANIS, Manos (Athens University of

Economics and Business)Co-Chair SOTIROPOULOS, Dimitri A. (University of

Athens)Discussant SOTIROPOULOS, Dimitri A. (University of


Fair or Foul? Comply and Reform! The New Politics of Soft Economic Conditionality in the EU and its Hard Impacts on Domestic Policymaking: Evidence from the Italian CaseSACCHI, Stefano (Università Degli Studi di Milano)JESSOULA, Matteo (Università Degli Studi di Milano)

Is Social Protection a Means of Production During Crisis? The Role of Prior Social Protection Reforms in Economic Performance in the EU Bailout CountriesTINIOS, Platon (University of Piraeus )

Minimum Income Schemes in Europe: Paying the Price?MARCHAL, Sarah (University of Antwerp)VAN MECHELEN, NataschaMARX, Ive

Retrenching and New Distributive Patterns in Europe. A Comparison of CEE and Southern EuropeROMANO, Serena (Universita' di Napoli Federico II)

Panel P312 E004The Accountability of RegulatorsChair PAPADOPOULOS, Ioannis (Université de

Lausanne)Co-Chair SCHILLEMANS, Thomas (University of Utrecht)

Effective Accountability in New Forms of Governance: Political Institutions and Regulatory AgenciesBIELA, Jan (Université de Lausanne)

Management Boards of European Union Agencies: Vehicles of National Control or Dominated by Independent Experts? BUESS, Michael (University of Lucerne)

Panel P296 E005Secularisation, Sovereignty and Sacralisation: The Ambivalence of the Secular and the Roots of Violence Chair BYRNES, TimothyDiscussant BARBATO, Mariano (Universitat Passau)

Post Secular Politics Must be Post Religious. A Methodological InterventionVIEFHUES-BAILEY, Ludger (Le Moyne College, Syracuse)

Rethinking the Categories of 'Secular' and 'Religious' ViolenceMAVELLI, Luca (University of Kent)

Secular and Religious Reasoning on a Contested Norm: The Prohibition of the "Defamation of Religion" in the UN Human Rights CouncilBAUMGART-OCHSE, Claudia (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt)

Panel P156 E112Impact of Transitional Justice on Democratic Institution BuildingChair MIHR, Anja (University of Utrecht)Co-Chair SRIRAM, Chandra (School of Oriental and

African Studies)

Democratisation in Burma in a Comparative PerspectivePSEJA, Pavel (Masaryk University)

Studying the Impact of Transitional Justice on Democratic-Institution Building: Conceptual and Methodological ChallengesRAIMUNDO, Filipa (University of Utrecht)ARNOULD, Valerie (School of Oriental and African Studies)

Transitional Justice and Legacies for Rule of Law and Judicial IndependenceSRIRAM, Chandra (School of Oriental and African Studies)

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Saturday, 07 September 11:00–12:40 Panel Session 10

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Panel P324 P5The European Citizens Initiative: Strengthening European Democracy?Chair KNAUT, Annette (Universität Koblenz-Landau)Co-Chair BÖTTGER, Katrin (Institut für Europäische

Politik Berlin)

The European Citizens' Initiative Rules! Exploring the Link Between the European Public Sphere and the European UnionVAN BRUSSEL, Annelies (Ghent University)

The European Citizens’ Initiative and Civil Society: Evidence from One Year of ImplementationGREENWOOD, Justin (University of Aberdeen)BOUZA, Luis (Foundation College of Europe)

Panel P295 P6Scaling Down and Scaling Up: Latin American Politics After DecentralisationChair SCHAKEL, Arjan H. (Maastricht Universiteit)Co-Chair RODIGUES, Rodrigo (Freie Universität Berlin)

Decentralisation and Intergovernmental Relations: Impact on Public Service Delivery. The Case of ColombiaRODRIGUEZ-ACOSTA, Cristina (Florida International University )

Methodological Approaches to the Study of Subnational and Territorial PoliticsHARBERS, Imke (University of Amsterdam)

Panel P228 P8On Policy Patching as Policy DesignChair RAYNER, Jeremy (University of Regina)Discussant KAY, Adrian (Australian National University)

Mechanisms of Metagovernance: Patched Layering in the Development of Biofuels Policies in Canada and the United KingdomRAYNER, Jeremy (University of Regina)

Policy Design, Implementation Style and Differentiate Learning in Optimal Policy Mixes PRONTERA, Andrea (University of Macerata)

Panel P402 P10Variations of Individual Candidate CampaignsChair LUTZ, Georg (Université de Lausanne)Co-Chair MARSH, Michael (University of Dublin Trinity

College)Discussant LUTZ, Georg (Université de Lausanne)

Individual Campaign Strategies in a New Democracy: The Interplay Between a Single-Member District, Proportional Electoral System, Party Type and Party PopularityCHIRU, Mihail (Central European University)POPESCU, Marina (University of Essex)

Panel P298 P11Social MovementsChair DIANI, Mario (Università Degli Studi di Trento)

A Comparative Analysis of the Dynamics of Interlock Networks Among Immigrant OrganisationsGAGLIOLO, Matteo (Université Libre de Bruxelles)LENAERTS, Tom (Université Libre de Bruxelles)JACOBS, Dirk (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Contentious Networks and Political Context: Dynamics of Environmental Protest Cooperation in the Czech RepublicCISAR, Ondrej (Masaryk University)NAVRATIL, Jiri (Masaryk University)

Dynamic Social Movement Network Studies: From Theory to Tahrir!LEAL, Hugo (European University Institute)

Informal Coalitions in Transitional RegimesVEIGA, Ivo (New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences)

Panel P257 P12Political Scandals, Tensions, Crises: Management and ImplicationsChair CAPELOS, Tereza (University of Surrey)

Citizens’ Emotional and Cognitive Response to Crises and CatastrophesLINDHOLM, Jenny (Åbo Akademi)

Holding Politicians Accountable? The Electoral Effects of Corruption in Europe 1981-2011BAGENHOLM, Andreas (Göteborgs Universitet)

Managing Blame in the MPs’ Expenses Scandal: A Study of Political AccountsCAPELOS, Tereza (University of Surrey)PROVOST, Colin (University College London)

Panel P317 P15The Crisis Impact on the State Apparatus of Southern Europe: National and Comparative StudiesChair SAMATAS, Minas (University of Crete)

On Illegality, Anomia and Violence in Contemporary GreeceTSOUKALA, Anastassia (Université Paris-Sud 11)

Policies, Practices and Everyday Insecurity in Contemporary PortugalFROIS, Catarina (Center for Research in Anthropology )

State Administrative Reforms under the Austerity Programme in Greece: The Question of an Enforced and Disciplinary State ModernisationSAMATAS, Minas (University of Crete)

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Saturday, 07 September 15:50–17:30 Panel Session 11

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Panel P407 P12Visuals and Sound in Politics: The Persuasive Effects of Nonverbal Political CommunicationChair DUMITRESCU, Delia (Université de Montréal)

Do Uninvolved Voters Rely on Visual Message Elements? A Test of a Central Assumption of the ELM in the Context of Televised DebatesMAURER, Marcus (Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena)REINEMANN, Carsten (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU))

Exploring Viewer Reactions to Media Coverage of Female PoliticiansEVERITT, Joanna

Physiological Reactions and Candidate Evaluation: How Body Reactions Influence Voters' Political AssessmentsDUMITRESCU, Delia (Université de Montréal)GIDENGIL, Elisabeth (McGill University)STOLLE, Dietlind (McGill University)

When Style Obscures Substance: Non-Verbal Analysis of Presidential DebatesBUCY, Erik (Texas Tech University)

Panel P321 P15The End of the EU as Modernising Vincolo Esterno? Differentiated Integration in Southern EuropeChair MAGONE, José M. (Berlin School of Economics

and Law)Co-Chair CALCA, Patrícia (Universidade de Lisboa

Instituto de Ciencias Sociais)Discussant BELIM RODRIGUES, Célia (Technical School of

Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP))

It is the 'Vincolo Esterno', Stupid! What Does the Portugal and United Kingdom’s Media Agenda Reveal? BELIM RODRIGUES, Célia (Technical School of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP))

Time and Issue: Transposition and Legislative Strategies in Times of CrisisCALCA, Patrícia (Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Ciencias Sociais)

Panel P419 E005World Religions and World Culture: How (not) to Conceptualise Faith in World PoliticsChair PABST, Adrian (University of Kent)Co-Chair BIRNBAUM, Maria (European University


Liberation Theology and Social Analysis: Vera Religione as Political CommitmentSOUZA, Ezequiel (Escola Superior de Teologia – Brazil)

Making Sense of Religion in IR: The Contested Practice of Protean TermBARBATO, Mariano (Universitat Passau)BARBATO, Melanie (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU))

Panel P052 E112Comparative Transitional Justice Processes Chair ENGERT, Stefan (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-

Universität Frankfurt)

Apologies as Civil Religion: Comparing Germany's Public Statements of Remorse for the HolocaustENGERT, Stefan (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Effects of Different Types of Human Rights Foundationalism in Commissions' Reports RUDLING, Adriana (University of Sheffield)

The Memory of Peace. Towards an Agonistic Memorialisation of Political Violence in Transitional SocietiesVAN ALSTEIN, Maarten (Flemish Peace Institute, Brussels)

The Presence or Absence of Policies of Truth, Justice and Reparation: The Cases of Argentina, Chile and TurkeyÖNEN, Levent (Bogazici University)

Panel P393 E105Transnational Organised Crime, Corruption and State InfiltrationChair SERGI, Anna (University of Essex)Co-Chair LAVORGNA, Anita (Università Degli Studi di


Good Government in Corrupt Environment: Spurious Relationship Between Local Business Organisations, Politicians and CorruptionDRAPALOVA, Eliška (European University Institute)

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