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Page 1: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.


Language Before and After the Tower of Babel

Hebrewthe Mother Tongue

Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.


Page 2: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Based on the researchBased on the researchofof

Isaac E. MozesonIsaac E. Mozesonand the data in and the data in The Word: The Dictionary That Reveals the The Word: The Dictionary That Reveals the

Hebrew Source of EnglishHebrew Source of English, SPI Books, 2000 [22,000 words in , SPI Books, 2000 [22,000 words in

index], 320 oversize pages [Hebrew has transliterations] -- $25.index], 320 oversize pages [Hebrew has transliterations] -- $25.

[email protected]@yahoo.comwww.homestead.com/edenicswww.homestead.com/edenics

693 Chestnut Ave., Teaneck NJ 07666693 Chestnut Ave., Teaneck NJ 07666

Page 3: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

ohsjt ohrcsu ,jt vpA .rtv_kf hvhu

“Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.”

--Genesis 11:1

(The world’s oldest language theory, but too avant garde for most academics.)

Page 4: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Pronouncing Hebrew( ) = varieties of pronunciation as the world renders Edenic









B (BH, F, V,W)

G (K, KH, H, J)

D (DT, T)


vowel, BH, V, W (R)

Z (S)








KH (H, )

T (D, DT)

Y , J , vowel

K, KH, hard C

L (R)

M (N)

N (M)










vowel, G, KH, K

P, F, PH

TS (S, ST, T)

K ,Q , ( H)

R (L, WR)

S, SH (CH)

T (S, TH)

Page 5: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Hebrew Root Words

Reveal the hidden Hebrew, by eliminating

vowels, a prefix or suffix. For example: Hebrew

RaGeeL means REGULAR.

ir- ReGuLaR- ity-Prefix ignore vowels Suffix

Page 6: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

X Y + YY = X YYMany 3-letter Edenic roots are the compound of two subroots.

J r pJ r p

hhrp rp PRee = PRee = FRuitFRuit(FeRtile, BeRRy, aPRicot, PeaR, PRune, aPRil, PLum, aPPle -- all fruits are flowers first --)

jjhhr r ReYaKH = ReYaKH = SmellSmell(ReeK, Ra[n]K, Ra[n]cid, Ra[n]CoR, FRaG[rant] - -- the fragrance is carried in the RooaKH or wind )

PHeRaKH = FlowerPHeRaKH = FlowerPHeRaKH = FlowerPHeRaKH = Flower

Page 7: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

X Y + YY = X YY

c k f

kf kf KoL= KoL= AllAll

ck ck LeV = LeV = HeartHeart(Finding wHoLe, LoVe and CoLLie are easy, but can you sniff out the reverse of FOX or the woLVes like Spanish LoBo or Latin LuPus ? )

KeLeV = DogKeLeV = DogKeLeV = DogKeLeV = Dog

Page 8: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Examples of Word Families

bnMeeN=from the wholeMeeN=from the wholeMeeN=from the wholeMeeN=from the whole

Above is the source of MiNus,MiNi, diMiNish. MiNyan = NuMber or aMouNt, like MoNey or MaMMoN; and a HaMoN (MaNy) too NuMerous to list -- even MooN, MeNses and the MaNa (hand) are counters.

SHaSHaPHeL = PHeL = to to be lowbe low

SHaSHaPHeL = PHeL = to to be lowbe low


SLoPe, SLiP, SPiLL, SLu(m)P, SLu(m)Ber, SLeeP (to “fall” asleep)... FaLL and FaiL are in the sub-root, while LaPSe reverses our three “atoms” in this “molecule” of meaning.

Page 9: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Reconstructing Babel

Grimm’s Law of Letter Changes: AVaiL (mourn) --> Wail and oWl, ILaN (shade tree) --> elM, HaR (hill)--> hiLL, you saw PR + pLum

Added Letters (Nasals M + N) Metathesis (switching the position of

root letters) Inversions -- (If you review past slides, you’ve already

seen examples of all of these.)

Page 10: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Reconstructing Babel

Grimm’s Law of Letter Changes Added Letters [N’s and M’s --Just as

AND has an added N from Latin et, ARRA(n)GE comes from

OReKH (to order) ; you saw SLu(m)P. Ba’AT (to strike at) becomes Bu(n)T and Pu(n)T. ABooBH (tube) became Ba(m)boo in Malay. After Babel, CHaSiR (pig) became Cha(n)SiR in Arabic.

Metathesis (switching letters) Inversions

Page 11: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Reconstructing Babel

Grimm’s Law of Letter Changes Added Letters Metathesis (switching letters-- Just as

theSauRus and tReaSure are related, the Bible has both KeSeBH and KeBHeS for sheep -- that’s why Latin ovis is sheep, while the Anglo-Saxon sceap skips around from Edenic to give English SHeeP. You saw SLiP and SPiLL -- only Edenics unites SCoPe and SPeCtacle.)


Page 12: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Reconstructing Babel

Grimm’s Law of Letter Changes Added Letters Metathesis (switching letters) Inversions [The combination of two Edenic letters

create sound and sense in all human words, NOT the conventional order in which they are spelled. OH2 is just as wet as H2O, even though your chemistry teacher will flunk you. Examples of Inversions to follow. ]

Page 13: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Reconstructing Babel

Grimms’ Laws of Letter ChangesBiLabials b, v, p, f, w c p u Gutturals c, ch, k, q, g h d g j f e

Dentals d, t, th s y , Liquids l, r k r Nasals m, n n b

Fricatives c, ch, s, sh, st, ts, z z x m a , , ,

Page 14: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Reconstructing Babel

Added LettersNasalization Adds N and M

kuegkuegkueg kueg EKooL = crooked or EKooL = crooked or

angular, like the A(N)KLEangular, like the A(N)KLE

ceg ceg AKaiV = Heel AKaiV = Heel

cegh cegh Y’ACOV = JaCoB Y’ACOV = JaCoB

(common pet name: Ya[n]KLe)(common pet name: Ya[n]KLe)

keg keg EKaiL = bendEKaiL = bend





Page 15: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Hebrew origins+ nasalizations

ANTIQUE ancient

BAMBOO pipe, tube

DANCE leap, rejoice

HANKER to anticipate

NYMPHet adulteress

RINSE to wash

SHAMPOO rub, polish


SINK to bend down

SPANK to clap or strike

WRONG evil












Page 16: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Reconstructing Babel

Metathesis (switching letters) Column A Column B

BeSeeCH HaDal

Dark TiKun

DeGRee MoKHer



MaRKet DaRGa

TiNKer GeDeR

(request, beg)

(black, sad)

(step, grade)

(cease, stop)


(to sell)


Page 17: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Reconstructing Babel

Inversions HH220 or 0H0 or 0H22

Positive and Negative from same root


CaVity VaCuum

FoLio LeaF

PHiLo LoVe

RoTary TiRe(Hebrew sources in THE WORD)

Reversed Roots

Example: HL (kj)

[+] HeLLo, Heil (be HeaLthy), WHoLeness

[-] AiL, ILL, ChoLera, melanCHoly

Page 18: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Biblical Borrowings

“The Oxford English Dictionary is so troubled by a biblical source for BABBLE, that it warns readers that ‘no direct connection with Babel can be traced’ and declares the term to be of ‘unknown origin’”.

-- Isaac E. Mozeson

Page 19: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Biblical Borrowings[AMEN yes, AMENABLE no]

ogkcogkc BILAM or “BALAAM” = BLaMe (orig., to curse)

kcuh kcuh YoBHail = JuBiLee*, JuBiLant Ram’s Horn JuBiLaTe (loud celebration)

YoVel (Jubel, “father of all who play the harp and flute)

osxosx SODOM = SoDoMy*, SoDiuM

vrngvrng GOMORRAH = GoNoRRHeA

vkpavkpa SHiPHaiLaH = aSPHaLt*

rhparhpa SHaPeeR = SaPPHiRe*

vpahvpah YasPha = JaSPeR* * = acknowledged from Hebrew

Page 20: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Biblical Borrowings


,hkd ,hkd GoLioT = GoLioT =


Greek = KoLioS (CoLoSSus, CoLoSSeum, CoLoSSal); Og may be rendered GoaG, as in Greek gigos or giant.

The GiganticsThe GiganticsThe GiganticsThe Gigantics


dug dug = = OG OG (Numbers (Numbers

21:33)21:33)Ogre, Giant, Gigantic, Huge[GiGantic entered English before Giant]

Page 21: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Animal Names

“…and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.”

Genesis 2:19-20

Page 22: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.


zczczc zc BuZ =BuZ = HawkHawk

zc zc BuZ = BuZ = Loot, BootyLoot, Booty

rhzc rhzc BuZeeR = BuZeeR = FalconerFalconer

zczc zczc BiZBaiZ = BiZBaiZ = Squander, WaSteSquander, WaSte

zzc zzc BuZuZ = BuZuZ = Spoil, plunderSpoil, plunder

zc zc BuZ =BuZ = HawkHawk

zc zc BuZ = BuZ = Loot, BootyLoot, Booty

rhzc rhzc BuZeeR = BuZeeR = FalconerFalconer

zczc zczc BiZBaiZ = BiZBaiZ = Squander, WaSteSquander, WaSte

zzc zzc BuZuZ = BuZuZ = Spoil, plunderSpoil, plunder

Page 23: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.



;rg ;rg KHoReF/OReF = NeckKHoReF/OReF = Neck(CRaVaT, sCRuFF, (CRaVaT, sCRuFF,

sCaRF, Spanish sCaRF, Spanish GiRaFa, GiRaFFe)GiRaFa, GiRaFFe)

;rg ;rg KHoReF/OReF = NeckKHoReF/OReF = Neck(CRaVaT, sCRuFF, (CRaVaT, sCRuFF,

sCaRF, Spanish sCaRF, Spanish GiRaFa, GiRaFFe)GiRaFa, GiRaFFe)

Page 24: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

More Long Necks

iurdiurdiurdiurd GaRoaN = Neck, ThroatGaRoaN = Neck, Throat

(CRaNe, eGRet, HeRoN,(CRaNe, eGRet, HeRoN,GRoaN, CRooN) GRoaN, CRooN)

iurdiurd GaRoaN = Neck, ThroatGaRoaN = Neck, Throat(CRaNe, eGRet, HeRoN,(CRaNe, eGRet, HeRoN,GRoaN, CRooN) GRoaN, CRooN)

Page 25: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.


cgr q crgcgr q crgcrg crg ORaiV = ORaiV = RavenRaven

cgr cgr Ra’aV = Ra’aV = Hunger, FamineHunger, Famine(RAVenous)(RAVenous)

cre cre KeReV = KeReV = Stomach (CRoP, Stomach (CRoP,(CRaW, CRaVe)(CRaW, CRaVe)

The Ayin can be soft, like the Anglo-Saxon The Ayin can be soft, like the Anglo-Saxon hraefn (raven) or hard like L. corvus or Fr. hraefn (raven) or hard like L. corvus or Fr. Corbeau. A smaller raven is a CROW.Corbeau. A smaller raven is a CROW.

crg crg ORaiV = ORaiV = RavenRaven

cgr cgr Ra’aV = Ra’aV = Hunger, FamineHunger, Famine(RAVenous)(RAVenous)

cre cre KeReV = KeReV = Stomach (CRoP, Stomach (CRoP,(CRaW, CRaVe)(CRaW, CRaVe)

The Ayin can be soft, like the Anglo-Saxon The Ayin can be soft, like the Anglo-Saxon hraefn (raven) or hard like L. corvus or Fr. hraefn (raven) or hard like L. corvus or Fr. Corbeau. A smaller raven is a CROW.Corbeau. A smaller raven is a CROW.

Page 26: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.


rpujrpujrpj rpj KHoPHaiR = Dig, the digger KHoPHaiR = Dig, the diggerAnother North American animal whose name historical Semites could not have Another North American animal whose name historical Semites could not have influenced is the SKUNK, named by the Algonquian Indians, and, as usual, influenced is the SKUNK, named by the Algonquian Indians, and, as usual, nobody knows what the name means. In Edenic TSaKHuN = STiNK.nobody knows what the name means. In Edenic TSaKHuN = STiNK.

rpj rpj KHoPHaiR = Dig, the digger KHoPHaiR = Dig, the diggerAnother North American animal whose name historical Semites could not have Another North American animal whose name historical Semites could not have influenced is the SKUNK, named by the Algonquian Indians, and, as usual, influenced is the SKUNK, named by the Algonquian Indians, and, as usual, nobody knows what the name means. In Edenic TSaKHuN = STiNK.nobody knows what the name means. In Edenic TSaKHuN = STiNK.

Page 27: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.


arjarjarj arj HoReS[H] = HoReS[H] = PlowerPlower

ruarua SHoRe = SHoRe = Ox, the Ox, the born plower that plows a SHuRa YaSHaR orborn plower that plows a SHuRa YaSHaR or

straight line [SHeeR SeRies] without a straight line [SHeeR SeRies] without a harness or blinders.harness or blinders.

arj arj HoReS[H] = HoReS[H] = PlowerPlower

ruarua SHoRe = SHoRe = Ox, the Ox, the born plower that plows a SHuRa YaSHaR orborn plower that plows a SHuRa YaSHaR or

straight line [SHeeR SeRies] without a straight line [SHeeR SeRies] without a harness or blinders.harness or blinders.

Page 28: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

The Universal Language

“With knowledge of Hebrew, foreign language acquisition is suddenly easy… Hebrew is the central station on the Metro from which one may transfer to any other stop in the system”.-- Isaac E. Mozeson, The Word

[Spanish nino/a (child) < Biblical NeeN (descendent). Japanese karate (kara = empty + te(y) = hand < reverse of YaDT + RaiK (empty hand) in Edenic. The HL trembling dance word is in HULA.]

Page 29: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

Flea - PHaRoSH - augrp

Arabic BaRGHouTS

Czech BLeCHa

Russian BloKHa

Hungarian BoLHa

English Flea

German Floh

Yiddish Floy

Swahili KiRoBoTo

Finnish KiRPpu

Scandinavian LoPpa/e

Polish PCHLa

Turkish PiRe

Indo/European PLou

English/Greek PSYLla

Modern Greek PSi’Los

French PuCe

Italian PuLCe

Spanish/Portuguese PulGa

Rumanian PuRiCe

Dutch VLo


letter switching

Any Bilabial (B/F/P/V), any Liquid (L/R), all varieties of Ayin and Shin -- and with letter sequence in various order

Page 30: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

ETYMology or EMeTology

ETYMology = the endeavor of tracingthe ancestry of words

from the Greek ETMOS (truth)

Truth in Hebrew is ,nt or EMeTThe truth is always between the extremes.

Halfway between Aleph and Toph is the Mem --

only in the Aleph-Bet, the Alphabet of Creation -- only in Edenic.

Page 31: Edenics Language Before and After the Tower of Babel Hebrew the Mother Tongue Designed by Carol Long -- Text by Jim Long and Isaac Mozeson.

_kt lpvt zt_hf…’v oac okf trek vrurc vpA ohng

“I will restore to the peoples a pure language that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one consent.” -- Zephania 3:9

[ Presentation by Carol Long with Isaac Mozeson. Bound printouts of this are available for $10, less for multiple orders. Provide them for YOUR audience. You may also obtain the dictionary, various audio tapes, the longer,

animated version of this Powerpoint slide show, or a video. To order, see page two. You do NOT need permission to give your own shows for fun and prophet. Please consider spiritually empowering all humans with

the proof that we are ALL Hebrews.]

SHaLoM is the source of SoLeMn, grand SLaM and So LONg

Shalom ouka

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