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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

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Bali fishery exportincrease 11%

Pakistan traincollision kills 12

Gisele BundchenWorking TowardPilot’s License

Bali Post

Denpasar – Bali Government plan to form another local company(BUMD), PT. Bali Mandara. The proposal had been sent to Bali House ofRepresentative and it had been discussed. The question emerge are whatare the activities of PT Bali Mandara? Why Bali’s Government form an-other BUMD when the operational of the other BUMD is very difficult?

The vice of Bali House of Representative, I Gusti Bagus Alit Putra,said that the proposal had been discussed in a meeting. However, thehouse decided that the proposal must be postponed and will be furtherdiscussed in 2010. Alit Putra said that the postponement was due to theshort period time this year. “The agenda scheduled to be discussed nextyear. The Bali Mandara proposal will be discussed in 2010,” he added.

However, the source in the house said that most of he memberdidn’t know about the proposal. Several people said that Bali Mandaracould affected the other companies and the budget because it will usethe money from Bali’s budget.

The recordings have been pre-sented as evidence of collusion be-tween police, prosecutors and cor-ruption suspects to silence anti-graft investigators, supposedlywith the approval of PresidentSusilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

The case has become a majortest for Yudhoyono’s new coalitiongovernment, formed last monthafter he won a landslide electionvictory on the back of promises tostamp out widespread corruption.

A page on social networkingwebsite Facebook — set up to de-mand the release of two arrested anti-graft investigators at the centre of thescandal — has attracted almost600,000 members in six days.

Bali Post/eka

A student speaks in front of the rally participants in front of Bali Police Department on Tuesday, November 3rd 2009. The rallywas held by the students of Udayana University to support the member Indonesian Corruption Commission (KPK). Alluniversity students throughout Indonesia urged Indonesian Government, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, to support the KPKin finishing the Century case, forming independent team to find the fact and ordered the head of Indonesian Police Depart-ment to fire the head of criminal division, Susno Duaji. They also wanted the government to delay the arrest of Bibit andCandra because it was no relevant.

Indonesia court hearsphone tapes in graft case

Bali Mandaraproposal postponed

Continued on page 6

Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - Wiretap recordings allegedly demonstrating a high-level conspiracy to muzzle Indonesia’s anti-graft agency were playedin court Tuesday amid mounting public anger over corruption.

Hundreds of people took to thestreets in Jakarta for a second dayTuesday to condemn the police anddemand Yudhoyono step in to pro-tect the two officials, both deputychairmen of the Corruption Eradi-cation Commission (KPK).

In the secret KPK recordingsplayed in the Constitutional Court,the brother of a businessman beinginvestigated by the watchdog com-mission is heard discussing the probewith police and senior prosecutors.

They talk about variousschemes to save the businessmanand put the KPK investigators be-hind bars for accepting bribes,based on false testimony.

Page 2: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

InternationalWednesday, November 4, 20092

Founder : K.Nadha, Chief Editor: ABG Satria Naradha Managing Editor: Wirata Editors: Alit Purnata, Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Darmasunu, Daniel Fajry, Diah Dewi, Iwan Darmawan, Martinaya, Mawa,Palgunadi, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Sutiawan, Wirya, Yudi Winanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Mas Ruscitadewi, Oka Rusmini, Umbu Landu Paranggi, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra,Sumatika, Gregorius Rusmanda, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali Putra Ariawan, Tabanan: Surpi. Jakarta: Nikson, Suharto Olii,Indu P. Adi, Ahmadi Supriyanto, Achmad Nasrudin, Hardianto, Darmawan S. Sumardjo, Heru B Arifin, Asep Djamaluddin, Ade Irawan, Ipik Tanoyo. NTB: Agus Talino, Syamsudin Karim, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani, Nur

Haedin, Suyadnya. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. Office: Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali PostJakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-5357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB: Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publiser: PT Bali Post

Bali News

The Head of Gianyar AnimalHusbandry, Fisheries and Maritime,Dewa Gede Putra Amerta, revealedthat the caging made by husbandryservices denoted one of the effortsin performing observation to dogs ofbiting residents and alleged to havebeen infected by rabies.

Such caging of dog was carriedout while taking its sample to be ex-

To Prevent the Spread of Rabies

Animal HusbandryAnimal HusbandryAnimal HusbandryAnimal HusbandryAnimal HusbandryServices to Observe DogsServices to Observe DogsServices to Observe DogsServices to Observe DogsServices to Observe DogsGianyar (Bali Post)—

Gianyar Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Maritime Services instructed to take dog into cageand perform observation to dogs suspected to have been infected by rabies. Those dogs might bereleased when the laboratory test indicated they were negative to rabies.

amined if they were infected by ra-bies or not. If the result of observa-tion for two weeks did not prove thefact, the dogs would be returned. “Thecaging of dog is made for capacity of200 dogs. One compartment will ac-commodate 20 dogs under observa-tion,” he explained. Other than themaking of cage for observation, theanimal husbandry services also gave

vaccination to the dogs of local resi-dents.

It was mentioned, Gianyar got al-location of vaccine amounting to3,000 vials and 1,500 vials of themhave been used. Dog eliminationbased on request of local residents hasbeen done to 250 dogs in GianyarRegency. Dog’s bite in Gianyar hasensued for 517 cases. (kmb16)

Thousand s of bananas perish-ing in Buleleng due to the attackof carrion beetles, fungi and bac-teria thoroughly made farmersshocked. The dream of obtainingbenefits by selling banana duringreligious holidays ranging fromGalungan up to entering the fifthfull moon on last Monday (Nov2) in fact never came true.Buleleng banana once becominga leading product, now has left amemory only. What should bedone?

“I have imagined that tens ofbanana trunks in my garden willbear fruits by Galungan up to thisfull moon. However, I should suf-fer from a great loss. When theystarted to bear fruit, they perishedgradually,” said Gede Sudana(30), a farmer from Grokgak ter-ritory, last Monday.

The fate of other farmers hav-ing banana garden at a number ofterritories in Buleleng was thesame. This happened becausethousands of banana trunks inBuleleng perished due to the at-tack of carrion beetles, fusariumfungi and pseudomonas bacteria.Actually, these attacks have oc-curred since years ago but it couldnot be eradicated up to 100 per-cent. Within the transitional sea-son of this year, the attacked wasgetting more serious.

Actually, Buleleng Regency in-cludes a territory having great po-tential to be developed into a cen-


Dogs were seen lying on the ground. Gianyar Animal Husbandry,Fisheries and Maritime Services instructed to take dog into cageand perform observation to dogs suspected to have been in-fected by rabies.

Denpasar (Bali Post)—

Increasing number of crimi-nal actions occurring latelymade police officer seriouslythink about its solution. Thoughits party has performed the op-eration Curat Curas Agung2009, perpetrators of criminalact seemingly did not care aboutit, even their action tended toturn crazier.

Regarding to that matter,joint team of Bali Police andDenpasar Metro Police wentdown to location right away toorganize civilian and creatingcondition operation in Kutaarea , l as t Sunday (Nov 1)night. At least, 250 personnelwere assigned in the operation.However, the result was noth-ing. “Nevertheless, reluctanteffect toward perpetrators ofcr imina l could be s l igh t lyminimized. In other words,several endeavors have beenattempted by police to dimin-i sh the number of c r imes .Other than intended for mini-mizing the case of theft, wealso fight the actions of civil-ian,” said Chief of DenpasarMet ro Po l ice , I Gede Al i tWidana, last Monday (Nov 2).

According to Chief Ali tWidana, Kuta area selected asthe target of operation becauseit became the barometer of tour-ism in Bali. At this tourist re-

Police to OrganizeCivilian OperationYields Nothing

sort, many foreign tourists wereenjoying the magnificence ofnight at tourist kampong. “In-deed Kuta is worth securing be-cause this area is vulnerable tocrimes,” he explained to journal-ists last Sunday.

Before carrying out the op-eration, hundreds of police of-ficer gathered in front of HardRock Hotel, Jalan Pantai Kuta.Having got briefing, the troopstaken from Criminal Researcher,Security Intelligent, Prepared-ness Services and Traffic Ser-vices were dispersed to carry outunannounced field inspection.As usual, police officer probedthe valuables brought by resi-dents.

Chief Alit Widana said thatsuch unannounced inspectionwas performed to synergize thecapability of police officer infighting against criminals.“Though the operation did notyield any result, at least perpe-trator of criminal act could bediminished. This operation willbe kept on continuing,” he said.

Such unannounced inspectionheld for some hours was also ac-companied by Spokesperson ofBali Police, I Gde Sugianyar,Director of Security Intelli-gence, Joko Mulyono, Directorof Preparedness Services, GustiNgurah Gunawan and DivisionHead of Security ProfessionalDivision, Darmawan. (kmb21)

After Attacked by Bacteria,Now Banana Imported from Java

ter of banana plantation. Even,since 2000 up to 2005, banana pro-duced by Buleleng once became aleading fruit. As consequence, lo-cal farmers enjoyed a good profitwhen their bananas were highlydemanded by residents of other re-gencies in Bali, even by restaurantsand hotels. Recently, the numberof their banana products graduallydecreased. They were unable tomeet the demand of hotel or otherregions and self-consumption.

Today, for the need of rituals,Buleleng residents as others in Baliindeed should depend on the ba-nana supply from Java. It wasproven by the downloading activi-ties at a number of traditional portsat northern coastal areas ofBuleleng, such as Buleleng Porttending to show his increasingbusiness every month. Download-ing of banana freights carried outby traditional boats from Maduraand Java progressively increasedby Galungan holiday or other ritualdays like full moon.

A resident that always workedat Buleleng Port said that byGalungan holiday, traditional boatsdownloading banana freights werecrowded enough. A boat could hold100 stems of banana, one stem con-sisted of 50 pieces and at market,they were sold at IDR 100,000. Onthat account, a piece of banana atfood stall might be sold at IDR1,000 up to IDR 2,000. Therefore,it could be imagined how much

money were spent by residents topurchase banana from outside Balifor the means of oblation.

The Head of Buleleng Agricul-tural and Animal Husbandry Ser-vices, Putu Ardika, admitted thatBuleleng banana indeed once be-came a leading product around2005. The most favorite bananacultivated in Buleleng were kingfeather and Cavendish (green ba-nana). Even, many farmers specifi-cally cultivated banana such as thatlocated at Sanggalangit, Grokgakand plantation area atKubutambahan. However, sincethe attack of insects, the only spe-cial banana plantation left was atSanggalangit. The product of ba-nana of Sanggalangit was onlyenough to meet the demand of ho-tel and restaurant.

Ardika confessed the attack ofbacteria and fungi known aswilted-leaf disease and decayed-fruit were indeed difficult to beeradicated totally. For that pur-pose, he expected the experts ofplant disease could discover theright and affordable means in or-der Buleleng could regain itsgolden period as leading producerof banana. “The Office of Agricul-tural and Animal Husbandry Ser-vices have designed an integratedagricultural program to improvethe banana production in Buleleng.In the midst of clove and mangoplants could be planted with ba-nana intercrops,” he said. (ole)

Page 3: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

3Wednesday, November 4, 2009International Bali News

The session took place atDenpasar Court, with the Head ofJudge Assembly Emmy Herawati.Firmly, the witness stated that allinformation mentioned in theBAP were incorrect. He admittedto give information that he did notknow as he was forced by inves-tigator and directed in such a wayby advocate Nengah Sidia.

On hearing the information ofwitness, the Head of Judge As-sembly, Emmy Herawati, finallyspoke. “Please do not behavestrangely. It is impossible for anadvocate to lead his client to pro-vide incorrect information. Histask is to accompany you. Youhand over your authority to him.Therefore, it is impossible for himto harm you,” said judge Emmy,as if shed did not believe in theinformation of witness.

It included when asked aboutthe signature of witness thatclearly mentioned in the BAP.Witness strongly rejected it. Wit-ness having the status as the ac-cused in this separate document

Singaraja (Bali Post)—After attacking the office of

Buleleng House, last Monday (Nov2), residents of Lemukih CustomaryVillage moved to Buleleng ResortPolice. Those residents wished toaccompany four witnesses who wereunder investigation related to clashcase at Lemukih Village, last Tues-day (Oct 27) night up to Wednesday(Oct 28) early morning.

The coming of Lemukih Custom-ary villagers were impeded in per-son by a group of police in front ofthe Resort Police. They were not al-lowed to enter into the Headquarterof Resort Police. Meanwhile, policeonly permitted those who wereprobed by police to enter. Thoughthere were a number of residents in-sisted on accompanying the wit-nesses, police officer stayed to for-bid them.

Four witnesses probed on lastMonday were Kadek Buda, KetutBudiastini, Nang Sari Karta andNyoman Marayasa. By investiga-tion to the four witnesses, it meantthat 16 witnesses have been probedin connection with to the clash casecausing three residents seriously in-jured. Allegedly, it had somethingto do with the land dispute atLemukih.

Chief of Buleleng Resort Police,Istiyono, said that his party has notdetermined any single suspect.When asked about the possibility ofwitnesses probed turned into thesuspect, he said:”Of course, there

Denpasar (Bali Post)—After the shoot performed by a

personal of Bali Police at Blue EyesDiscotheque, Jalan Bypass NgurahRai, Sanur, South Denpasar, last Fri-day (Oct 30) night, now the he re-mained to be probed by investigatorof Security Professional Division(Propam). Up to this moment, theresult of investigation was notknown.

Based on information gathered atHeadquarter of Bali Police, lastMonday (Nov 2), it was mentionedthat such personal of police releas-ing the bang in a bathroom of thediscotheque, had initial name J. Heremained under investigation.

Spokesperson of Bali Police, IGde Sugianyar, when asked abouthis confirmation, justified the per-sonal was still under probe. How-ever, he did not explain further aboutthe result of investigation. In themeantime, a number of police officerregretted such shooting case was re-lated to the Unit of Criminal Re-searcher. According to him, such

Court of Prabangsa’s Murder

Annulling ProbingAnnulling ProbingAnnulling ProbingAnnulling ProbingAnnulling ProbingDocument, WitnessDocument, WitnessDocument, WitnessDocument, WitnessDocument, WitnessReady to SwearReady to SwearReady to SwearReady to SwearReady to SwearDenpasar (Bali Post)—

The witness Nyoman Wiradnyana alias Rencana presented on the session court with the ac-cused Daryatno alias Jampes annulled all information mentioned in the Probing Document (BAP).Even, to convince that his statement was correct, the crew of Nyoman Susrama was ready toswear being valid for seven descendants.

worried about his signature asmentioned in the document. Itwas based on the reason that whenhe was asked to affix signature,his eyes were abnormal and al-most minus 4. At the same time,such condition forced him to signthe probing document thoughwith consequence he did notknow the entire content of theprobing document.

Another way to refuse theprobing document once shockedthe member of judge assembly,Posma P Nainggolan. Spokesper-son of Denpasar Court did notbelieve in what the witness saidat all. If he said that his eyes wereabnormal, how he could know ifthe content was not correct. More-over, if his eyes were abnormalhe might sign the document im-properly. However, he could do itaccordingly. “If you want to avoidyou must think it first, do notavoid haphazardly,” said Posma.

Considering that the witnesskept on avoiding, the judge thenreminded in order such temporary

officer (PTT) at Bangli Educa-tional Services gave honest infor-mation. He considered that it didnot have any consequence. “If youare proven to give false informa-tion, judge assembly will askprosecutor to propose you in an-other new case. You may be sen-tenced with seven-year imprison-ment. Would you like to get thepunishment?” threatened Posma.

Though got such a threat, thewitness stayed consistent with hisinformation. He did not show anyfear, though he was threatenedwith punishment that should befaced if his information was in-correct. Since the witness kepton avoiding, judge assembly ter-minated the session and askedPublic Prosecutor Alit Suastikaand colleagues to present inves-tigator as witness. “Let’s stop thesession. I demand the prosecutorto present the investigator in thenext session. If necessary, to-gether with his advocate,” as-serted judge Emmy before clos-ing the session. (015)

Officer Shooting wildly

Remains to beInvestigated

shooting case was unnecessary to berelated. “Let him undergo it. Pleasedo not relate the case with Re-searcher,” he said. Similarly, it wasrelated to the happening of farewellparty held for officers of the middleranks of Bali Police. The happeningwas not held at Blue Eyes, but at otherplace. “It had nothing to do with thefarewell party,” said one of the po-lice officers whose name asked to bemade secret.

As published previously, one ofthe personnel of Criminal Researcher‘played’ to shoot at one of the bath-rooms of Blue Eyes Discotheque. Al-legedly, the personal of police wasdrunk when he was interrogating asuspected person bringing drugs.

Since he could not find any evi-dence on the suspected person, thepersonal of police officer shot his fire-arm to the wall of bathroom. As aresult, visitors of Blue Eyes wereshocked and ran out of the hall area.As follow up, the officer was takento Division of Security Professional(Propam). (kmb21)

To Insist on Accompanying WitnessesLemukih ResidentsPrevented by Police

is possibility for that. Let’s wait andsee,” he said.

Keeping PromisePreviously, Lemukih residents

were also disappointed with behav-ior of Buleleng House to resolve thecase. Residents came to take theirpromise delivered by CommissionA of Buleleng House on receivingthe demand of Lemukih residents onlast October 27. At that time, resi-dents demanded in order BulelengHouse issued a recommendationcontaining an instruction to LandRegistry Services (KP) of Bulelengto measure the dispute land and rec-ommendation to discharge the po-sition of the Head of KP Singaraja,I Gede Sukardan Ratmasa, as he wasjudged incapable of carrying out histasks.

When residents expressing theirdisappointment in high tone, thehead and member of the House gaveimpression to leave their responsi-bility. The head and member of theHouse also showed similar attitudewhen residents firmly asked aboutwhen the House could issue the rec-ommendation promised.

Dharma Wijaya as the head ofmeeting even handed over theproblem to a member of Commis-sion A, Made Teja. “For certaintyabout when recommendation willbe issued, we deliver this respon-sibility to members of Commis-sion A,” he said in front ofLemukih residents. (kmb15)


The witness Nyoman Wiradnyana alias Rencana was giving his testimony on court

Page 4: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

International4 Wednesday, November 4, 2009 News

Agence France-Presse

SINGAPORE - The UnitedStates plays an “indispensable”role in Asia despite the rise ofChina and India and should be partof any new regional group,Singapore Prime Minister LeeHsien Loong said Tuesday.

Speaking ahead of the Asia-Pa-cific Economic Cooperation (APEC)summit, Lee expressed hope Wash-ington will deepen engagement in theregion despite pressing domestic is-sues and worries over Iraq, theMiddle East and Afghanistan.

“We believe America plays anindispensable role in Asia in manyfields — economic, political, stra-tegic, security,” he said at a newsconference.

“We’ve been talking about amultipolar world, but de facto theUS is the most powerful nation inthe world and will be so for sometime to come.”

US President Barack Obama, Lee

Agence France-Presse

ISLAMABAD - Rising num-bers of civilians are pouring outof Pakistan’s war zone to fleebattles between soldiers andTaliban militants but the fate ofthose left behind is uncertain, hu-manitarian workers say.

“How much civilians are af-fected, we don’t know, and for thatwe need access,” said Billi Bierling,spokeswoman for the UN’s Officefor the Coordination of Humani-tarian Affairs in Pakistan.

Up to 250,000 people have fledthe military’s major offensive,now into a third week in SouthWaziristan on the Afghan border,said Lieutenant General NadeemAhmad, chief of the state-runagency handling the displaced.

But no one knows the exactnumber of displaced people orthose left in the conflict zone be-cause foreign aid workers have not

Wearing a dark suit, a smiling Bushwaved to the media and travellers inNarita airport, before heading intoTokyo for a two-day visit at the invi-tation of a private-sector organisation,reports and airport officials said.

Later Tuesday, after changinginto a baseball windbreaker, Bushthrew a ceremonial first pitch for theJapan Series between the YomiuriGiants and Nippon Ham Fighters atTokyo Dome.

Among guests invited to the cer-emony were former prime ministerJunichiro Koizumi, Japanese base-ball legend Sadaharu Oh and USPresident Barack Obama’s new am-bassador to Japan, John Roos.

During his stay, Bush is expectedto meet Koizumi and give a speech,reports said. Koizumi, one of thenation’s most popular premiers inmodern times, maintained close per-sonal ties with Bush.

Koizumi retired from politics ear-lier this year without running in gen-eral elections in August, at which hisLiberal Democratic Party suffered amajor defeat, ending half a centuryof almost unbroken conservative rule.

Bush has no plans to hold talkswith any officials of Prime MinisterYukio Hatoyama’s centre-left gov-ernment, officials said.

Bush visited Japan in July lastyear for his last summit of the Groupof Eight industrialised nations.

Agence France-Presse

KABUL - Afghan PresidentHamid Karzai vowed Tuesday thathis new government would eradicatecorruption and offered an olivebranch to Taliban insurgents, launch-ing his programme for another fiveyears in office.

Under pressure from US Presi-dent Barack Obama to wipe out cor-ruption and world leaders to unifythe war-torn nation, Karzai used hisfirst appearance since electoral au-thorities declared him president topledge a cleaner rule.

“Afghanistan’s image has beentainted by corruption. Ourgovernment’s image has beentainted by corruption,” Karzai tolda press conference flanked by hiscontroversial vice presidentMohammad Qasim Fahim, who iswidely accused of rights abuses.

“We will strive, by any meanspossible, to eradicate this stain.”

Karzai was declared president foranother five years after the cancel-lation of a run-off ballot by thecountry’s election commission,which followed the withdrawal at


Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Lee Hsien Loong : US‘indispensable’ in Asia

and 19 other world leaders will gatherin Singapore from November 13-15for the annual APEC summit and dia-logue with global corporate chiefs.

Lee’s comments came amid adebate in diplomatic circles aboutthe US role in various proposedfree-trade zones and economiccommunities in the region.

At an Asian summit last monthin Thailand, Japan spoke of its vi-sion for an East Asian Communityand Australian Prime MinisterKevin Rudd outlined his idea foran Asia Pacific Community.

Japanese premier YukioHatoyama, at the Thailand summit,was unclear on the extent of pro-posed US involvement but Rudd’svision includes Washington.

While China has not made pub-lic any proposal so far, diplomatssay Beijing favours a free-tradezone comprising the 10 Associa-tion of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) members plus China,Japan and South Korea.

Aid workers worry overPakistan war zone

been able to enter the areas, thehumanitarian workers say.

“We... know that there are stillcivilians trapped in the areas wherefighting’s taking place,” saidSebastien Brack, spokesman forthe International Committee of theRed Cross (ICRC) in Pakistan.

Normally about 300,000 peoplelive in the part of South Waziristanwhich the military is seeking to clearof “terrorists”. The district is partof a lawless tribal belt where USofficials say Al-Qaeda and their al-lies are plotting attacks on the West.

The military said that only oneto two percent of the population re-mained in the conflict zone.

“These are people who havestayed back to take care of theirproperties,” Ahmad told AFP.

But the ICRC warned that thenumbers were likely higher becauseothers could not afford the “extor-tionate” rates charged by people of-fering transport for those fleeing.

Bush starts visit to JapanBush starts visit to JapanBush starts visit to JapanBush starts visit to JapanBush starts visit to Japan

Karzai vows to wipe out corruption, forge unitythe weekend of his only challenger,Abdullah Abdullah.

The president said it would havebeen better for Afghanistan, which isrife with ethnic rivalry, to have votedin a second round following a fraud-tainted first election on August 20, andbemoaned Abdullah’s withdrawal.

Karzai has been urged by a num-ber of world leaders to ensure hisnext government can command thesupport of all the Afghan people.

“The future government will be agovernment that reflects all the peopleof Afghanistan ... We hope that no-one feels themselves isolated fromthis future government,” he said.

The 51-year-old president,whose warm relations with the Westhave cooled over corruption andspiralling insecurity, also urged hisTaliban “brothers” “to come homeand embrace their land”.

The Taliban insurgency is now atits deadliest, contributing to recordUS fatalities eight years since themilitia was driven out of Kabul by aUS-led invasion, paving the way forKarzai to take power.

The Islamists ridiculed Karzai asa “puppet” president, however, and

said his re-election without a sec-ond round showed the West wasdictating events.

“What is astonishing is twoweeks ago they were arguing thatthe puppet president Hamid Karzaiwas involved in electoral fraud...but now he is elected as presidentbased on those same fraudulentvotes, Washington and Londonimmediately send their congratu-lations,” said a Taliban statement.

Obama and UN chief Ban Ki-moon led world powers in con-gratulating Karzai, but the USpresident called for “a much moreserious effort to eradicate corrup-tion” and a “new chapter” in coop-eration between the two countries.

“This has to be (the) point intime in which we begin to writea new chapter based on improvedgovernance,” Obama said he hadtold Karzai in a phone call.

Karzai “assured me that he un-derstood the importance of this mo-ment but... the truth is not going tobe in words, it’s going to be indeeds”, added Obama who is to de-cide whether to deploy thousandsmore troops in the coming weeks.


Former US president George W. Bush hurls the ceremonial first pitchfor the Japan Series professional baseball match between the YomiuriGiants and Nippon Ham Fighters at the Tokyo Dome stadium on No-vember 3, 2009. Bush arrived here earlier in the day for a two-dayprivate visit to Tokyo.

Agence France-Presse

TOKYO - Former US presidentGeorge W. Bush arrived in Japanon Tuesday on his first visit to thecountry since he left office, offi-cials said.

Page 5: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

General Info Wednesday, November 4, 2009 5International


There are 4 major hospitals usually used by foreigners -Denpasar General Hospital(RSUP Sanglah), Kasih Ibu Hospital, Rumah Sakit Wongayaand Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada.

RSUP Sanglah is the main provincial public hospital. Itsfacilities have improved since the emergency ward had beenbuilt in 1991. Difficult/critical cases would not become aproblem anymore since it has complete equipments. It islocated on Jl. KesehatanSelatan 1 Sanglah Denpasar with :Phone : 227 911 – 15Fax : 226 363

Kasih Ibu Hospital is a private hospital which caters forless serious cases such as diarrhea, intestinal disorders, ane-mia, asthma and minor accidents. Kasih Ibu is also equippedto care for pregnant women. This hospital is located on Jl.Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar.Phone : 223 036Fax : 268 690.

Rumah Sakit Wongaya (Public Hospital; Psychiatric Unit)Jl. Kartini, Denpasar.Phone : 222 142.

Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada , (Private)Jl. Sudirman No 50, DenpasarPhone : 227 560, 234 824

In relating with health, Bali also has insurance and medicalevacuation company, thatis:AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.PT Abhaya Eka Astiti, Jl. By Pass Ngurah RaiNo. 24X, Kuta 80361.Phone : 755 768 Fax : 755 768One thing that should be noted by tourists here is that theBlood Bank in Bali normally carries no stock of Rhesus (Rh)Negative blood.


Bali Medical ClinicsThere are some medical clinics that are well known by for-eigners in Bali. Some of them are western owned and oper-ated :

Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) provides excel-lent Primary Health Care & Emeregency Medical Servicesfor tourists, traveler, and expatriate living in Bali.Emeregency Room, Ambulance, Clinic Services, Insurance& Medical Evacuations also available. Open 24 hours Phone: 761 2631. Located Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No.100X, Kuta,Bali 80361 - Indonesia. http://www.bimcbali.com

International SOS Clinic BaliOpened in 1999, offers International SOS members and visi-tors to Bali comprehensive primary health care and 24-houremergency medical service.Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 505X, Kuta 80361, Bali - IndonesiaPhone : 720 100 Fax : 721 919E-mail : [email protected] ://www.sos-bali.com

Bali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicJl Pratama No. 81 Phone : 771 324

Kuta ClinicJl. Raya Kuta Phone : 753 268

Dental ClinicDr Indra Guizot, Jl. Patimura 19, DenpasarPhone : 222 445, 234 375

DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81Nusa Dua Phone : 771 324

Retno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ABr. Tamansari – Sanur Phone : 288 501

Australian Consulate GeneralJalan Tantular 32 Renon DenpasarPhone: +62 361 241118Fax: +62 361 221195 (General) +62 361 241120 (Immigration)

Royal Danish & NorwegianMimpi Resort Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 070

The Czech RepublicJalan Pengembak No. 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.286 465

France Consulate AgencyJalan Merta Sari Gang II No. 8 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.285 485

The Federal Republic of GermanyJalan Pantai Karang No 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.288 535

The Republic of HungaryJalan By Pass No 219 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.287 701

Italian ConsulateJalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 005

Honorary Consulate of MexicoJalan Mohamad Yamin 1 A, Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.223 266

Honorary Consulate of The NetherlandsJalan Raya Kuta 127, BaliPhone +62.361.761 506

Honorary Consulate of SpainKomplek Istana Kuta Galleria Blok Vallet 2 No 11. JalanPatih Jelantik Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.769 286

USA Consulate AgencyJalan Hayam Wuruk No. 188 Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.222 426

Consulate General of JapanJalan Raya Puputan No. 170 Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.227 628

Honorary Consulate of BritishJalan Tirta Nadi No. 20 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.270 601

Swiss and Austria ConsulateJalan Patih Jelantik, Komplek Pertokoan IstanaGalleriaPhone +62.361.751 735

Honorary Consulate of BrazilJalan Legian No. 186, BaliPhone +62.361.757 775

Honorary Consulate of ThailandJalan Raya Puputan Renon 81, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.263 310

Embassy of IndiaJalan Raya Puputan Renon 42-44, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.241 978

Honorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandSegara Village Hotel, Jalan Segara Ayu, Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.282 223

Honorary Consulate of MalaysiaAlam Kulkul Boutique Resort, Jalan Pantai Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.752 520


Bangli General HospitalJl. Kesumayuda 27, BangliPhone : +62 366 91521


Clinic MasJl. Raya Mas, UbudPhone : +62 361 974573

Toyo ClinicJl. Pengosekan, UbudPhone : +62 361 978078

Permata Bunda ClinicJl. Patih Jelantik 50 X, GianyarPhone : +62 361 942082

Ubud ClinicJl Raya Ubud No.36 Campuhan, UbudPhone : +62 361 974911

Gianyar General HospitalJl. Ciung Wanara 2, GianyarPhone : +62 361 943049


Karangasem General HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai, KarangasemPhone : +62 363 21001


Klungkung General HospitalJl. Flamboyan 40-4, KlungkungPhone : +62 366 21371


Negara General HospitalJl. Gelar, NegaraPhone : +62 365 41006


Laboratorium ClinicJl. Gunung semeru No. 8, TabananPhone : +62 361 819260

Mengwi ClinicJl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai 46, TabananPhone : +62 361 880550

Darma Kerti HospitalJl. Teratai 16, TabananPhone : +62 361 812359

Tabanan General HospitalJl. Pahlawan 14, TabananPhone : +62 361 811027

Praja Taxi : (0361) 289090Bali Taxi : (0361) 701111Ngurah Rai Taxi : (0361) 724724Pan Wirthi Taxi : (0361) 723366Komotra Taxi : (0361) 758855


Prodia ClinicJl. RA Kartini 12, Singaraja Bali0362 - 24-516

Singaraja HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai 30, Singaraja Bali0362 - 22-573

Pet ClinicsKayumas: (0361) 226934Sayang Binatang: (0361) 483121Satwa Kertha Husada: (0361) 263018Pantai Sindhu: (0361) 287518Sidakarya: (0361) 724492Pedungan: (0361) 720026



Page 6: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, November 4, 20096 News

“So far we have recovered thebodies of 12 passengers and rescued38 injured people and sent them tohospitals,” Muzaffar Shaikh, a seniorrailway police official, told AFP.

He said the operation was notover and there were still some bod-ies and injured passengers trappedinside one of the carriages.

“My officials have seen a couplemore bodies and are trying to takethem out,” Shaikh said.

“We are also hearing the cries of

Pakistan trainPakistan trainPakistan trainPakistan trainPakistan traincollision kills 12collision kills 12collision kills 12collision kills 12collision kills 12

Agence France-Presse

BEIJING - A court in ChinaTuesday sentenced the “godmother”of an organised crime gang to 18years in jail after a sensational trialwhich gripped the nation with luridtales of sex and corruption.

The ruling by a municipal court inChongqing was the latest in a seriesof trials stemming from a huge crack-down on the underworld in the south-western city of more than 30 million.

“Godmother” Xie Caiping, 46,allegedly ran 20 illegal gamblingdens in hotels, nightclubs and teahouses, was involved in illegal drugactivity, and bribed police to turn ablind eye to her crimes, earlier pressreports said.

Agence France-Presse

SYDNEY - Twelve peoplewere feared dead on Tuesday morethan 24 hours after an unidentifiedboat sank in rough seas far offAustralia’s northwest an officialsaid.

One body had been recoveredand 11 people were still missingin the remote spot 2,700kilometres (1,700 miles) fromAustralia’s mainland, a customsspokeswoman told AFP. Some 27survivors had been picked up bya passing tanker.

Authorities have not confirmedwhether the 39 people on thestricken boat, which went downovernight on Sunday, were bid-ding to join the more than 1,700asylum-seekers who have madethe perilous voyage to Australiathis year.

“Obviously, considering theamount of time they’ve been inthe water, there are concerns fortheir safety. But we’ll keep look-ing,” the customs official said ofthe missing.

Choppy seas continued to ham-per the search by the Bahamas-registered LNG Pioneer, which di-verted to the scene after a plea byAustralian authorities and hasnow been joined by a Japanesefishing boat.

Eight Australian aircraft weresent to comb the area including aDornier plane fitted with night vi-sion equipment which huntedovernight.

However, an Australian rescueship was still more than a day’ssail away from the far-flung siteoff the Cocos Islands, an Austra-

Agence France-Presse

KARACHI - A passenger train collided with a cargo train on the edge of Pakistan’s biggest cityKarachi, killing at least 12 people on Tuesday and injuring more than 30 others, officials said.

a child and are trying to locate him.”Hospital officials said they were

receiving the bodies and injuredpeople from the incident.

“We have received 10 bodies sofar and more than 30 injured passen-gers,” doctor Seemi Jamali of JinnahHospital told AFP.

The accident took place at JumaGoth, in the suburbs of Karachi,when the driver of the Karachi-boundAllama Iqbal express ignored a traf-fic signal and collided with the goods

train, senior railway official AftabMemon said.

Most of the casualties occurred inone passenger coach of the train,which was coming from the easterncity of Lahore, he said.

Pakistan suffered its worst traindisaster in more than a decade in2005 when three trains ploughed intoeach other in southern Sindh prov-ince, killing around 150 people.More than 350 people were killed ina 1990 train smash.

Mafia ‘godmother’ jailed in ChinaXie, who reportedly drove a

Mercedes-Benz, owned severalluxury villas and kept a stable of 16young men to provide her with sexualservices.

Xie is the sister-in-law of theformer head of Chongqing’s judi-ciary, Wen Qiang, who is at the cen-tre of the crackdown. She was alsofined 1.02 million yuan (150,000dollars), said the verdict, posted onthe court’s website.

Twenty-one other suspects weresentenced along with Xie to jail termsranging from one to 13 years, thecourt said.

Luo Xuan, 29, who reportedly wasXie’s lover, was sentenced to four-and-a-half-years in jail for his rolein the syndicate, it said.

The former vice director of aChongqing public security precinct,Guo Sheng, and policeman GanYong were sentenced to 13 and 12years in prison respectively for ac-cepting bribes and offering Xie pro-tection, it added.

Last month, courts sentenced sixpeople to death in the Chongqingorganised crime trials.

Xie’s brother-in-law, Wen, servedas a top Chongqing police officialfor 16 years before taking over thecity’s judiciary.

He is the highest-ranking officialensnared in the crackdown that hasled to the arrest of more than 1,500suspects. Wen is accused of protect-ing an intricate web of businessmen,officials and mobsters.

12 feared dead inAustralia boat accident

lian territory in the Indian Ocean.Asylum-seekers have returned

as a major political issue in Aus-tralia with a new poll suggestingPrime Minister Kevin Rudd’s han-dling of this year’s sudden influxhas not been popular with voters.

The latest Newspoll showedsupport for the opposition coalitiondrawing level with the ruling La-bor Party, at 41 percent each, forthe first time since Rudd becameparty leader in December 2006.

Rudd has come under fire forhis so-called “Indonesian Solu-tion” of giving financial aid tohelp Jakarta intercept Australia-bound asylum-seekers, despite itspoor detention facilities and fail-ure to sign the UN refugees con-vention.

Some 78 Sri Lankans rescuedby an Australian ship remain inlimbo after refusing to disembarkin Indonesia, following a similarcontroversy involving about 250asylum-seekers stopped byJakarta at Canberra’s request.

Rudd, who has also been ac-cused of encouraging asylum-seekers by relaxing Australia’sprevious tough stance, defendedhis government’s immigrationpolicy late on Monday.

“It’s tough and hardline onpeople smugglers, it’s humane onasylum seekers, that is a respon-sible policy in the national inter-est,” he told public broadcasterABC.

“I understand that it won’t nec-essarily be popular. People fromthe right of politics won’t like it,people from the left of politicswon’t like it, but my job is to geton with the business of doing it.”


Pakistani volunteers remove a man injured in a train crash from the wreckage in Karachi onNovember 3, 2009. A passenger train collided with a cargo train on the edge of Pakistan’s biggestcity Karachi, killing at least 12 people and injuring more than 30 others, officials said.

One of the alleged conspiratorsrefers to “RI-1”, a nickname forYudhoyono, as being a backer ofmoves to “close down” the KPK.

Yudhoyono has angrily deniedany involvement in a plot against thecommission and has ordered policeto investigate the tapes.

But he has stopped short of de-fending the arrested KPK officials,Chandra Hamzah and Bibit SamadRiyanto, saying he has faith in thepolice and must allow the “legal pro-cess” to run its course.

A lawyer for Chandra and Bibitsaid the wiretaps demonstrated the“systematic engineering” of the caseagainst his clients, who are behindbars facing charges of extortion andabuse of power.

“This is what I call a scandal oflaw enforcement in Indonesia. Bibitand Chandra have to be freed to-night, otherwise it’s cruel,” he toldreporters outside the court after thefour hours of recordings had beenplayed.

Indonesia consistently ranks amongthe most corrupt countries in the worldand activists say the police are trying

Indonesia court...From page 1

to sabotage the KPK, which hasclaimed a number of high-level scalpssince it was set up five years ago.

Yudhoyono announced the estab-lishment of a fact-finding team tolook into the saga, but analysts andeven some members of the new rul-ing coalition immediately dismissedthe panel as a white-washing exer-cise.

“This could not have been aworse start to Yudhoyono’s second andconstitutionally final term in office,”The Jakarta Post said in an editorial.

“The episode has damaged not onlythe image and reputation of the nationalpolice, but increasingly that of Presi-dent Yudhoyono. Why he is aloof inspite of the public sentiment is baffling.”

Hilman Rosyad Syihab, of the Is-lam-based Prosperous Justice Partywhich is a key member of Yudhoyono’scoalition, said the fact-finding teamwould fail.

“We doubt that the fact-finding teamcan produce results that meet public’sexpectations,” the former lawmakertold AFP.

“Yudhoyono needs political will toresolve this case.”

Page 7: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 7Indonesia TodayInternational

According to a press release re-ceived here on Tuesday, LordDavies of Abersoch, Minister forTrade, Investment and Small Busi-nesses will be the first UK govern-ment minister to hold talks with thenew Indonesian administrationsince the recent elections were held.

His trip is the second leg of avisit that also saw him visitMalaysia.He will meet the Minis-ter for Finance and the Ministerfor Trade to support the govern-ment in their efforts to maintainopen markets.

He will also meet the Ministerfor Energy to show support for UKcompanies in Indonesia.

“Indonesia is a growing eco-nomic power in the region and oneof a number of countries that arelikely to become increasingly im-portant in the future,” he said.

“We have identified this coun-

Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - Indonesia has ar-rested two Iranian men for alleg-edly smuggling more than twomillion dollars of the drug meth-amphetamine into the country, anofficial said Monday.

The arrests took place sepa-rately on Friday and Sunday afterthe men arrived at Jakarta’sSoekarno-Hatta international air-port, customs chief BaduriWijayanta told reporters.

“The total value of metham-


SLEMAN - The Indonesian government will soon repa-triate some 1,750 Indonesian migrant workers currently mak-ing a living in Middle Eastern countries for their own good,Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandarsaid. The workers would be brought home because they werenot being treated fairly in the Middle East such as not beingpaid their salaries and the many instances of physical vio-lence they have to endure, Iskandar said here Monday.

Speaking to the press during an inspection of atransmigrants’ training center in Sleman, Yogyakarta, theminister said Indonesia would not only repatriate the work-ers but also stop sending workers to Kuwait.

“At least 1,750 migrant workers employed in the MiddleEast will be repatriated and for this purpose the govern-ment will send aircraft to the Middle East starting on No-vember 9,” he said.

The to-be-repatriated workers were now employed inKuwait, Jidda (Saudi Arabia) and Jordan.


JAKARTA - Members of the newly established in-dependent fact-finding team on the Bibit-Chandra casehere on Tuesday attended a Constitutional Court (MK)hearing. The MK’s main agenda was to play a wire-tapped tape recording submitted by the KPK said toback its claims of a plot to oust two of the body’s deputychairmen, Chanra M Hamzah and Bibit Samad Rianto,who were now under police arrest.

The KPK allegedly had wiretapped AnggodoWidjaja, the brother of fugitive businessman AnggoroWidjaja. Anggoro has claimed he paid Rp6 billion inbribe money to Chandra, Bibit and other KPK officialsin return for not being named as a suspect in a separatebribery case last year.

Chandra and Bibit and their supporters claimed thearrests were part of a plot by figures in the NationalPolice and Attorney General’s Office to frame them forcorruption and weaken the KPK, which in the past hadclashed with both institutions.


This handout photo taken and released by Greenpeace on November 3, 2009 shows Greenpeace activists andlocal community members as they finish the construction of a dam on a peatland canal to stop the drainage ofcarbon-rich peatland, in Indonesia’s Teluk Meranti village in the Kampar Peninsula, Riau province. Theorganisation hopes to bring urgent attention to the role that deforestation plays in driving dangerous climatechange, a critical issue to be addressed at the UN Copenhagen Climate Summit in December 2009.

UK Trade MinisterUK Trade MinisterUK Trade MinisterUK Trade MinisterUK Trade Ministervisiting RIvisiting RIvisiting RIvisiting RIvisiting RIAntara

JAKARTA - United Kingdom (UK) Trade Minister Lord Davies ofAbersoch is to visit Indonesia on November 3-4 to encourage the Indone-sian government to resist the temptation to adopt protectionist policies.


Armed Indonesian customs officers guard two Iranians arrested ondrug smuggling charges, at the Jakarta International Airport cus-toms office in Tanggerang, Banten province, on November 2, 2009.Indonesia has arrested two Iranian men for allegedly smugglingmore than two million dollars of the drug methamphetamine intothe country, an official said.

Indonesia arrests moreIranians for drug trafficking

try as a high-growth market and onethat has great potential for UK ex-porters. Indonesian companies canalso benefit from trading and do-ing business in the UK,” the minis-ter added.

“Keeping borders open is the onlyway to increase prosperity. I want toexpress my support for the Indone-sian Government and also hear fromBritish companies what more we cando to support them. I am equally keenthat Indonesian companies shouldsee the UK as the business partner ofchoice.” Lord Davies said.

Last year, Indonesia’s GDPgrew by 6.1 per cent. The economyhas been helped in part by a $5bil-lion stimulus package. The coun-try has a growing and affluentmiddle class of some 20 millionpeople that has considerable buy-ing power. British retailers are wellrepresented in the country.

phetamine amounts to 25.2 billionrupiah (2.6 million dollars),” hesaid.

Wijayanta said the latest sei-zures followed the arrest two weeksago of 10 Iranians attempting tosmuggle more than 10 million dol-lars of methamphetamines into thecountry.

“We suspected that the two menare part of the Iranian drug syndi-cate we arrested last month,” hesaid. Indonesia enforces stiff pen-alties, including life imprisonmentand death, for drug trafficking.

Independent team attendsconstitutional court hearing

The wire-tapped recording played in the court wasexpected to reveal the alleged conspiracy to frame thetwo non-active KPK leaders.

The fact-finding team, which was established onMonday, is chaired by by Presidential Advisory Coun-cil member Adnan Buyung Nasution with deputyKoesparmono Irsan (former member of the NationalHuman Rights Commission), secretary DennyIndrayana (Presidential special staff for legal affairs)and five team members namely Amir Syamsuddin, aprofessor at the University of Indonesia’s school of law(FHUI), Todung Mulya Lubis (legal practitioner), AniesBaswedan (rector of Paramadina University),Hikmahanto Juwana (a professor at FHUI), andKomaruddin Hidayat (rector of the Jakarta State IslamicUniversity (UIN).

Adnan Buyung Nasution earlier explained that theteam would work for two weeks with a target to giverecommendation about Bibit and Chandra case to thepresident. Members of the legal team of Bibit andChandra were also present at the MK court.

Government to repatriate 1,750workers from Middle East soon

“Indonesians in these countries are working in appallingconditions because they are not being treated justly. Manyof them become victims of violence and live in conditionsbelow minimum welfare standards,” he said.

After the repatriations, the government will cease dis-patching migrant workers to these countries. “In some ofthe Middle Eastern countries, the rate of violations by em-ployers against migrant workers is quite high,” the ministersaid. He admitted that Indonesia’s working relations withMiddle Eastern countries in manpower matters were “notso good” so that when a problem involving a migrant workerarose it was difficult to solve it properly.

The government would in the days ahead correct themany weaknesses that existed in the current migrant work-ers’ recruitment and placement systems, he said.

“Improvements will in the first place have to make in therecruitment and training systems, provision of health ser-vices, transportation to airports and eventually in the work-ers’ protection in destination countries to prevent the recur-rence of abuses,” Iskandar said.

Page 8: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

8 InternationaWednesday, November 4, 2009

Bali Today

The marine product exports con-tributed 22% from the total non-oiland gas export in January throughAugust 2009 period which was$310 million. Kusumawathi ex-plained that there was significantincreased in several products ex-ported by Bali.

Kerapu fish which is a new ex-port product was highly demanded inseveral countries such as China, Tai-wan, Japan, and USA. The exports


DENPASAR – International worldcriticize the dogs elimination programdone by Bali’s Government in prevent-ing the spread of rabies in Bali. JaniceGiraldi, the head of Bali Animal Wel-fare Association (BAWA), said “manydonations and assistants from the in-ternational society will stop if Bali keepkill the wild dogs.”

While Elly Hiby, a rabies expertand also work for World Society forAnimal Protection Organization


SINGARAJA – Buleleng gov-ernment will send 20 workers toJapan in February 2010. Ni MadeSulastri, the head of Buleleng La-bor and Transmigration Depart-ment, said that before send to Ja-pan, the workers had been trained.

“The training given to theworkers was related to the workand lifestyle in Japan such as lan-guage and the customs in thecountry,” she added. Sulastri saidthat the training was conducted fora month started from November3rd through December 4th 2009.There is great hope that the train-ing will increase their competenceand knowledge

Bali fisheryBali fisheryBali fisheryBali fisheryBali fisheryexportexportexportexportexportincrease 11%increase 11%increase 11%increase 11%increase 11%


Fishermen arrive at Bali’s fishing village in Jimbaran with a fresh catch of tuna on May 10, 2009.Bali fishery exports during January through August 2009 period gained $70.7 million rupiah orincrease 11% compared to the same period last year.


DENPASAR – Bali fishery exports during January throughAugust 2009 period gained $70.7 million rupiah or increase 11%compared to the same period last year. Ni Wayan Kusumawathi,the head of foreign trade division in Bali Trade Department, saidthat the exports in marine products are still very promising.

gained $6.4 million, it increased 66%compared to the same period last year.

Fresh and frozen tuna exportswere $57 million during the same pe-riod. The number increase 9% com-pared to last year which was $52 mil-lion. Sea weeds from Bali also beingexported to countries like HongKong, China, and other Asian coun-tries. However the export was donethrough Surabaya so there is norecord of it in Bali.

Buleleng send workers to Japan The vice of the head of

Buleleng regency, Made ArgaPinatih, said that the job in Japanis one of the options for the work-ers in order to gain better income.“In order to get the opportunity,the workers must prepare them-selves whether mentally andphysically. The need to learn lan-guage and culture of Japan,” headded.

He also reminded that theworkers must work hard and keepthe good name of Bali in the for-eign country. The workers mustkeep some money in order to helptheir families back home. There isgreat hope that the workers couldbecome an entrepreneur whenthey go back home.

International society criticize dog elimination program(WSPA), also stated that animal loversabroad are very concern with the con-dition in Bali.

“Actually, Australia is ready togive assistance in giving vaccine to thedogs through AusAid program but theremust not any dog elimination like now,”she added. The international recommen-dation to prevent rabies is giving vac-cine to the dogs and not eliminates them.The program is suitable with the prin-cipal of animal welfare.

Janice said that she totally under-stands with the steps done by Bali’s

Government but the government alsoshould consider other steps such as giv-ing vaccine. The manpower and fundneeded to give vaccine is less than do-ing dogs elimination.

There is also proves that elimina-tion could not completely prevent thespread of rabies. For example in Ma-dras, India where there were no reportsof rabies cases for two years after vac-cination conducted in the area.

She also said that it is impossiblefor the government to kill more than500,000 dogs and if it conducted then

there will be new problems occur. Theincreasing population of rats could hap-pen if the dogs decrease.

Usually, the dogs eat the left-over of foods and offerings but if thedogs decrease then the rats that alsoeat the same food will increase be-cause there is less competition. Janiceexplained that if the governmentwanted some assistance, the associa-tion could help in giving vaccinationto dogs. BAWA can give vaccinationto 300 dogs in a day.

“We already give vaccination toseveral dogs in Bali. The price of thevaccine is cheaper than the price of thetoxic to kill the dogs,” she added. Thevaccine for dogs is also cheaper thanthe vaccine for human. Based on thedata from Sanglah Hospital, the vac-cine for one person cost approximately1 million rupiah. It could be comparedto the dog vaccine which only cost17,000 rupiah. If 70% of the dogs inBali already given vaccine then Bali aresecure from rabies.

Two men fromVeterinaryand FisheriesDepartment ofDenpasargather thedead dogsafter beingshoot todeath. Interna-tional worldcriticize thedogs elimina-tion programdone by Bali’sGovernmentin preventingthe spread ofrabies in Bali.

FOTO ANTARA/Nyoman Budhiana

Page 9: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

Balinese Culture

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 9al

There are various kinds of beverages that are uniqueto Bali or to Indonesia.

Cendol:Jelly-like consistency, green pieces of tapioka, mixed

with water and santan or coconut milk, and sweetenedby a liquified gula jawa or brown sugar.

Es campur (Mixed drink):Somewhat similar to cendol, but it contains a variety

of things. In addition to different kinds of tapiokaproducts, sometimes people different kinds of fruits likeavocado, nangka or jackfruit, etc.

Air kelapa muda (Young coconut juice):Fruit juice: you can find various kinds of fruit juice

drinks, from papaya to markisah (passion fruit) to sirsak(Dutch durian).

For alcoholic beverages, there are two primary drinks:

Brem (Rice wine):As described above, brem is a by-product of tape.

The wine comes out of the rice because of fermentation.Arak:

arak is a kind of hard liquor. It is fermented from thesap of a special kind of palm tree.

Additionally, there are variants of non-alcoholicbeverages above that have met Balinese creativity andoutside influence, resulting in various kinds of interestingdrinks. Air kelapa muda (young coconut juice) withvarious kinds of liquors like rum or tequila can be foundin many restaurants, presented attractively in thecoconut fruit itself. And what can be more interestingthan a Pina-Colada like drink served inside a freshly cutout pineapple? (http://asiarecipe.com)

Kehen Temple is situated on a small hill side in north-ern part of Bangli at Pekuwon sub village, CempagaVillage, Bangli Regency about 45 Km from Denpasar.This great temple in the middle of Bangli stores severalessential inscriptions declared as an Indonesian culturalheritage.

How long has Kehen Temple existed? According toBendesa (village responsible person) of Cempaga Vil-lage, I Nyoman Resiyasa, it’s hard to predict the temple’sexistence. Obviously, Bangli’s history began and basi-cally adopted Kehen inscriptions on the 10th of May1204. “It means that Kehen Temple had existed longbefore,” adding that the temple underwent renovationin 1917, after an earthquake demolished it.

Resiyasa who is usually called Mekel Bulakan, orJero Mangku of Kehen Tehen said, there are 113 shrinesexisting around Kehen Temple. However, the mainshrine is in the shape of Meru Tumpang Solas (elevenleveled shrine). On the left side of this Meru exists othershrines in line called Puncak Yang Ukir, Hyang PuserinJagat, Betara Sanghyang Pujung Sari, Bhatara GunungTengah, Bhatara Gunung Koloka, Bhatara Gede Sema,Bhatara Tamansari, Bhatara Ratu Penyarikan, BhataraRatu Pasek Tugu and Bhatara Ratu Pasek Majembul.

Whilst on the right side there are other shrines suchas Bhatara Ngurah Agung, Bhatara Gunung Agung,Bhatara Manik Tirtha, Bhatara Ratu Maspahit, BhataraRatu Gede Pande and Bhatara Ratu Pande Madura allsited at the main temple area (utama mandala) with afurther ten different also located at Jaba Duwur and JabaSisi.

It was explained that historically the responsible clan/society of Kehen Temple is Gebog Domas (domas


* 1 Fish,about 650-900g dressedWeight.Preferably seabass orMackerel

* 1 t Salt * Oil, for

deep frying * 2 T

Margarine or oil * 2 sm Onions, sliced * 1 t Sambal Oelek * 1/2 t Laos * 1/2 t Lemon grass * 3 T Tamarind juice * Pinch of ground ginger * 1 t Brown sugar * 1 T Sweet soy sauce

DirectionsCut fish into serving portions and rub salt all over.

Feep-fry and drain on absorbent paper.Heat oil and saute sliced onions until lightly brown.

Add sambal oelek, laos, lemon grass, tamarind juice,ginger, brown sugar and soy sauce. Heat thoroughly.

Place fried fish in deep serving dish and pour sauceover it. Serve with rice. (http://asiarecipe.com)


Kehen Temple is situated on a small hill side innorthern part of Bangli at Pekuwon sub village,Cempaga Village, Bangli Regency about 45 Kmfrom Denpasar. This great temple in the middleof Bangli stores several essential inscriptionsdeclared as an Indonesian cultural heritage.

Kehen Temple, BangliGebog Domas as the Responsible Clan

means eight hundred), which means the people whooccupy 800 karang ayahan (dwelling land) andbebanoan spread within Bangli and surrounding areas.

Gebog Domas, Bebanoan (supporting people) andalso pakaseh/subak members around the temple’s areawill be responsible on any ceremonial execution,temple’s maintenance under the coordination of the JeroGede, Kehen Temple.

The feast day ceremony of Kehen Temple falls ev-ery 210 days, Buda Kliwon Shinta (27 July 2005), whilstthe Ngusaba ritual is carried out once in every 3 years,on Purnama Sasih Kelima (BTN/Suka)


Ikan Bali(Bali Fish)

Page 10: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

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BALI West National Park is na-ture conservation with pure ecosys-tem managed by zone system formultiple research purpose involvingthe education, tourism and recre-ation. It is one of the national parklocated west side of Bali Island withbeautiful panoramic, unique natureecosystem and fresh atmosphere.Bali West National Park or most thelocal people call Taman NationalBali Barat is one of the tourist des-tinations in Negara Regency andmany visited by tourists.

Bali National Park, JembranaRegencyIt is situated in west sideof Bali Island and close toGilimanuk Port or about 4 hoursdrive away from Bali’s InternationalAirport. Some of the Bali West Na-tional Park Area located in Grokgaksub district, Singaraja Regency andsome of the area located in MelayaSub district, Jembrana Regency. Itis very easy to locate it fromDenpasar direction to follow themain road go to Gilimanuk Port or


Bali West National ParkSingaraja town to Gilimanuk Port.

Bali West National Park Gener-ally

According to Republic Indone-sia Forestry Minister decision writ-ten on the official letter no 493/Kpts-II/1995 that Bali West Na-tional Park own 19.002,89 ha whichis consisted of 15.587,89 ha landand 3.415 ha ocean.

If we look from the conception,this area is a Giri/Gunung or mountswhich is completed by the forest(Wanagiri). According to KidungUtama Tantri script there is a wordmention Ning Wana Ukir whichgives the direction that the WanaGiri philosophy is well written todescribe the total of this world.

Flora and FaunaBali West National Park own

high potential of flora and faunathose are consisted of 14 variety ofprotected floras involving SawoKecik (Manilkara Kauki), SonoKeling (Dalbergia Latifolia). Fromthe fauna, Jalak Bali Birth

(Leucopsar Rothscildi) is one of theendemic fauna in Bali Island thereare pure habitat found in this parkalong to Prapat Agung and surround-ing area. Other faunas can be foundat this park involving cow, deer,mouse deer, venison, wild cat, greyand black monkeys. Beside of theabove animals, a couple of reptilesand other 60 rash of births also canbe found. The condition of coral reefat this park is highly varied withunique combination and multifariousof habitats. In year 1998, it was re-corded 110 kinds of coral including22 mushroom corals and up to now,it was recorded that this park own222 kinds of fish.

HistoryThe forest area in west part of Bali

has been appointed as Nature Parkand then famous called by Bali WestNational Park based on the decisionof kings throughout Bali on 13 Au-gust 1947 No. E. 1/4/5. This reasonis purposing to protect the Fauna andthe beauty of nature which is useful

for education and cultures. Since itis appointed as animal asylum inyear 1947 until 1970, the manage-ment if this park is done by Govern-ment Forestry Affair and then on 12March 1970 the new Nature Protec-tion Affair was founded to continueand manages this park. According tothe legend from the local commu-nity Jaya Prana and Layon Sari

which is very famous history amongthe Balinese and it is frequently con-nected to this park area. In this area,we can also find the old grave to re-mind the tragic history from JayaPrana (a young Balinese man) killedby the high serve empire in order toget his girl friend Layon Sari as awife of king.(www.balistarisland.com)

Page 11: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 11


Agence France-Presse

ZURICH - Swiss banking giantUBS on Tuesday plunged into furtherlosses during the third quarter as cli-ents spooked by tax scrutiny withdrewbillions of dollars of funds and assetsfrom the bank.

The bank said in a statement thatits net loss for the three months endingSeptember 30 reached 564 millionfrancs (373 million euros, 552 milliondollars), largely hit by credit charges.

The flagship of Switzerland’sbanking industry also failed to stem an

“Federal Reserve officials willbe meeting with bank executivesMonday to discuss the process forthe reviews of incentive compen-sation arrangements at large, com-plex banking organizations,” a cen-tral bank spokesman told AFP.

On October 22 the Fed re-leased recommendations calling forbanks to ensure their compensationpolices “do not undermine thesafety and soundness of their orga-nizations.”

The proposed rules, still inprovisional form and subject tocomment, are part of an effort totoughen supervision to avoid a re-currence of the near-meltdown ofthe financial system last year.

The proposed rules stop shortof specific pay caps or dollar tar-gets for bonuses or commissions,

Agence France-Presse

NEW YORK - Ford MotorCo. announced plans Monday toraise up to three billion dollarsthrough an offering of new stockand convertible notes, saying themove would improve its balancesheet and liquidity.

The announcement came justhours after the auto giant postedsurprise earnings of nearly a bil-lion dollars in the third quarter andsaid it was on track to become “sol-idly profitable” by 2011 after yearsof painful losses.

Ford said it intends to enterinto an equity distribution agree-ment with certain brokers to offerup to one billion dollars in com-mon stock “from time to time”starting as early as December.

The company said it also plansto sell some two billion dollars’worth of convertible notes due in2016. The notes could be converted

A tram passes in

front of a building

with the offices of the

UBS bank in Milan,

Tuesday, Oct. 27,

2009. Swiss banking

giant UBS on Tuesday

plunged into further

losses during the

third quarter as

clients spooked by

tax scrutiny withdrew

billions of dollars of

funds and assets

from the bank.

Fed gathers top bank execs for talk on pay, bonusesFed gathers top bank execs for talk on pay, bonusesFed gathers top bank execs for talk on pay, bonusesFed gathers top bank execs for talk on pay, bonusesFed gathers top bank execs for talk on pay, bonusesAgence France-Presse

WASHINGTON - The Federal Reserve is gathering theheads of the largest banks it supervises Monday to discuss itsproposal to limit incentive pay and bonuses to promote finan-cial stability, a Fed official said.

but instead offer guidance for com-pliance with the rules.

Lavish pay and bonuses at fi-nancial institutions are blamed forencouraging excessive risk takingthat fueled the global credit crisisthat brought the US financial sectorto the brink of collapse a year ago.

The Fed proposed that its su-pervisors review 28 large, complexbanking organizations to determinewhether their policies are in linewith its principles for risk-appro-priate compensation incentives.

The Fed would incorporate thereview findings into the bankingorganization’s supervisory ratings.

In certain cases, the centralbank “may require” an organizationto develop a corrective action planto address unsatisfactory compen-sation policies.

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

This photo taken on March 27, 2009 photo shows the Federal Reserve Building on ConstitutionAvenue in Washington. The Federal Reserve is gathering the heads of the largest banks it super-vises Monday to discuss its proposal to limit incentive pay and bonuses to promote financialstability, a Fed official said.

Ford to raise 3 billion dollarswith stocks, convertible notes

to common stock or cash at Ford’soption.

The Detroit firm said it alsoaimed to propose to its lenders a planto extend the maturity of its debtsfrom 2011 to 2013 in exchange forreduced lender commitments and in-creased interest margins and fees.

“These actions support the thirdpillar of our One Ford plan — fi-nance the plan and improve our bal-ance sheet,” said Alan Mulally,Ford’s president and chief executive.

“We expect the moves will en-hance Ford’s automotive liquidityand over time reduce the company’sdebt burden, providing an additionalcushion given the still uncertain stateof the economy.”

Ford’s debt load after four yearsof restructuring has hit 26.9 billiondollars.

Ford has also managed to im-prove its cash position to 23.8 bil-lion dollars, based on results re-ported Monday.

UBS piles up losses, clients withdraw assets amid tax scrutinyoutflow of funds.

Customers withdrew assetsamounting to 36.7 billion francs overthe quarter, bringing the total outflowsover the first nine months of the yearto 91.1 billion francs.

The outflows were particularlymarked in the United States, where thebank agreed in August to disclose de-tails of 4,450 accounts in order to staveoff potentially damaging tax fraudcharges brought by US authorities.

The bank had admitted in an ear-lier case to abetting tax cheats in theUnited States and paid 780 million dol-

lars in fines. “In relation to US cross border cli-

ents, we only see outflows,” UBS chieffinancial officer John Cryan told jour-nalists.

The bank’s Wealth ManagementAmericas unit booked 9.9 billion francsin outflows in the third quarter, up from5.8 billion francs in the second quarter.

Cryan attributed the outflows tothe “tighter scrutiny” from tax authori-ties as well as to a “reputational issue”that UBS was struggling to overcome.

“We don’t see at present a veryearly return to positive inflows. We’restill executing the exit from US cross-border business,” said Cryan.

“Generally there is clearly a re-sidual reputational issue we need toface, there is a morale issue among ourclient advisers, there has been a tighterscrutiny of tax matters, that’s not help-ing value creation. In the economy thereis a lower level of wealth creation,” headded.

Cryan also said that for domesticSwiss clients, outflows would not stopuntil the bank shows that it is profit-able again.

The Zurich-based bank, one of thebiggest losers in the global financialcrisis, has been struggling to recoveraftre it plunged deep into loss.

While several other internationalbanks have posted sharp profits for thequarter, UBS’s latest result marked itsfourth quarterly loss in a row.

Overall, the bank said it expectedto “see further progress in restoring theunderlying profitability of the businessin future quarters, particularly in 2010.”

It added that fourth quarter resultsof its investment bank unit, which hasbeen blamed for dragging the bankdown during the crisis, should reflectthe “early stage of its recovery.”

Analysts at Bank Wegelin said thatthe net new money outflows, and the

signs that they would not improve, would“frighten investors away.”

“The only constant in terms of netnew money are bad signs,” it added.

The bank’s share price on ther SwissMarket Index (SMI) opened down 3.86percent at 16.68 francs.

AP Photo/Antonio Calanni

Page 12: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

Entertainment InternationalWednesday, November 4, 200912

Shoreline Aviation president Keith Douglass tells People.com, “Giselehasn’t finished her license yet, but she did pass her written exam. Now, there’sone more step along the way, the practical exam, which is coming up inanother week.

“(She) has been doing an excellent job. She’s very dedicated. She flies atleast three days a week. Flying a helicopter isn’t easy - it’s a handful, be-cause you can’t stop flying and just cruise, but she’s doing great.” But headmits Bundchen’s huge baby bump is making her time in the cockpit tricky:“She’s almost to a point where she’s too big to be flying. We have pilots thatfly right up to the end (of pregnancy).

She doesn’t go very high, maybe 500 feet or 1,000 feet, which is nothing.She’s always close and can get down quickly if she needs to. She’s feelinggreat and looking great!” Bundchen is due to give birth to her first child withher husband, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady next month.

ELTON John has been hospitalized after suf-fering from a case of E. coli bacterial infectionand the flu, his spokesman said Monday. GaryFarrow said the pop star hopes to be released soonbut has been forced to cancel concerts in England,Ireland and the United States.

John intends to rejoin the “Face2Face” tourlater in the month when he and Billy Joel playconcerts in northern California. Farrow said 62-year-old John is suffering from a “bad case of theflu and a minor case of E. coli.” His Web site sayshe was advised by his doctor to postpone dates inSeattle and Portland.

The Daily Mail’s Web site quoted John’s part-ner, David Furnish, as saying “He’s OK — he’sfine,” after leaving a London hospital. Farrow saysthe singer has rescheduled previously canceleddates during the European leg of his world tour.

LAST night Jessica Simpson fi-nally spoke out following her sis-ter Ashlee’s firing from MelrosePlace. The pop star tweeted: “CWcatching up on MP.who writes thiscrap? i have had bad scripts to workwith,but this? thank God my sisteris amazing and got you some press.”

Ashlee Simpson-Wentz’s part(Violet Foster) was cut from theshow, along with co-star ColinEgglesfield’s character AuggieKirkpatrick.

Executive producer ToddSlavkin explained, “We felt thatonce the murder mystery (involv-ing their characters) was resolved,the tone of the show was going toshift and (Simpson-Wentz’s) char-acter would move on.” The two ac-tors were reportedly warned theycould be dropped from the program.

MEL Gibson and his girlfriend are welcoming the birth of the couple’sfirst child — making the Oscar-winner a father for the eighth time.Gibson’s publicist Alan Nierob said Monday that Oksana Grigorieva gavebirth to a baby girl named Lucia on Friday at a hospital in Los Angeles.

No further details were available. The 53-year-old “Braveheart” starhas seven children with his ex-wife, Robyn. She cited irreconcilable dif-ferences in her April divorce petition to end their marriage of 28 years.

Grigorieva is a 39-year-old Russian musician. She and Gibson metwhile filming “Edge of Reason.” Gibson is currently filming “The Bea-ver,” directed by Jodie Foster.

Jessica Simpson Says‘Melrose Place’ Is ‘Crap’

Jessica Simpson

Mel Gibson and his girl-friend welcome a baby girl

AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, File

Oksana Grigorieva and Mel Gibson arrive to the ‘X-Men Origins:Wolverine’ screening on, in Los Angeles.

Elton John recovering in hospital from flu, e-coli

Elton John performing on stage during aconcert in Zurich, Switzerland. Elton John’s

spokesman said Monday Nov. 2, 2009 thatthe singer is recovering in the hospital afterillness forced him to cancel three concerts

in the United States. Gary Farrow saidMonday that the pop star hopes to be

released soon. AP Photo/Keystone/Walter Bieri, File

Gisele Bundchen WorkingGisele Bundchen WorkingGisele Bundchen WorkingGisele Bundchen WorkingGisele Bundchen WorkingToward Pilot’s LicenseToward Pilot’s LicenseToward Pilot’s LicenseToward Pilot’s LicenseToward Pilot’s License

LADY Gaga Named The ‘Weirdest’StarLady Gaga has been voted the creepiestsinger in showbiz for her provocative Paparazzivideo. The promo sees the eccentric star sittingin a wheelchair, declaring she has killed her boy-friend. GaGa even appeared to hang herselfduring her performance of the track at this year’sMTV Video Music Awards.

The singer’s crazy stunts have spooked mu-sic fans, who have named her the weirdest mu-sician in the charts. Michael Jackson’s 1984Thriller video, which features dancing zombies,and Slipknot’s Wait and Bleed both featured inthe ghostly rundown by music video websiteMuzu.tv. Nirvana, Prodigy and Marilyn Mansonalso appear in the top ten.

The sky’s the limit for pregnant supermodel Gisele Bundchen - she haspassed the written part of her pilot’s exam. The Brazilian catwalk queen hasbeen taking intensive helicopter lessons for months in a bid to secure her pilot’slicense, and her tutor insists she’s a natural in flight.

Lady Gaga NamedThe ‘Weirdest’ Star

Page 13: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

International Wednesday, November 4, 2009 13Life Style

It was 1898, when laborers from India and local na-tives building the Uganda Railroad across Kenya be-came the prey for the pair, a case that has been the sub-ject of numerous accounts and at least three movies.The death toll had been estimated at 28 railway work-ers and “scores of unfortunate African natives,” withthe total ranging as high as 135. Delay of the railroadwas even subject to debate in Britain’s House of Com-mons. Scientists hoping to figure out the actual numberof people eaten decided to study the remains of the twomale lions, now on display at the Field Museum ofNatural History in Chicago, testing the types of carbonand nitrogen in their teeth and hair.

Those chemical ratios were compared with the car-bon and nitrogen found in modern lions in the region, inlions’ normal prey animals and in humans. Bones andteeth store carbon and nitrogen isotopes over long peri-ods, while the ratios in hair change more rapidly, allow-ing the scientists to determine the long-term diet and howit changed in the lions’ last months. Humans made up atleast half of the diet of one of the lions in the last monthsof his life, consuming at least 24 people, they concluded.The other lion had eaten 11 people, they found.

Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES – The population of endangered green sea turtles atSeaWorld in San Diego grew by 82 in October when the eggs hatchedon Shipwreck Beach without human help. There hasn’t been such happyturtle news at SeaWorld since 2003, when 21 sea turtles got an assistfrom park staff, said Tim Downing, assistant curator of fishes.

This time, the park let nature take its course and didn’t incubate theeggs. The babies started poking through their ping pong-sized eggs onOct. 5. Since then, they have been getting a diet of squid, krill, shrimpand special pellets. The birth of the baby turtles was announced Mon-day. Downing said they are in excellent health and should go on displayat the park before the end of the year.

It will be up to the National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service to determine whether the new turtles stay atSeaWorld and whether they will allow the turtles to mate again nextyear, he said. SeaWorld has 30 adult sea turtles in its collection, includ-ing three green females and one male. They have all been at the parksince the 1960s so they are around 40 or 50 years old, or middle age forthe creatures, which live to be well past 100 years.

Man-eating lions consumedMan-eating lions consumedMan-eating lions consumedMan-eating lions consumedMan-eating lions consumed35 people in 189835 people in 189835 people in 189835 people in 189835 people in 1898Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – The nightly attacks by two man-eating lions terrified railway workers and broughtconstruction to a halt in one of east Africa’s most notorious onslaughts more than a hundred years ago. Butthe death toll, scientists now say, wasn’t as high as previously thought. Over nine months the two voracioushunters claimed 35 lives — no small figure, but much less than some accounts of as many as 135 victims.

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

Two world renowned man-eating Tsavo lions are seenstuffed and on display at Chicago’s Field Museumof Natural History Monday, Nov. 2, 2009. Scientistshave determined that the two lions probably ateabout 35 Kenyans over a nine month period in 1898and not the 135 they’ve long been credited with de-vouring. Their killing spree inspired the 1996 movie‘The Ghost and the Darkness.’

82 healthy sea turtles hatchat San Diego SeaWorld

AP Photo/SeaWorld San Diego, Bob Couey

This Oct. 7, 2009 photoprovided by SeaWorld San

Diego shows sea turtlehatchlings transferred to aholding pool at SeaWorld

San Diego. The populationof endangered green sea

turtles at SeaWorld grew by82 in October when the

eggs hatched on ShipwreckBeach without human help.

Page 14: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, November 4, 200914 InternationalSport

Federer’s march to victory waspreceded by an operatic perfor-mance with massed choir and se-lections from Aida as his home-town honoured three straight titlesat the St Jakobshalle by the world-famed native son. “I felt so goodout there,” said the winner, whoneeded three match points to gothrough after earning the first twowinning chances with his 11th and12th aces of a quick evening.

“This was my longest pause,even longer than in the close sea-son. But I really needed it and itwas worth it,” said the winner ofa first French Open title and sixthWimbledon title this season. “It’sso great to be playing in Switzer-land. I haven’t done it for a yearand I really missed it. I felt Iplayed a good match and just want

(AFP/File/Valery Hache)

Swiss Roger Federer, seen here in April 2009, eased through tothe second round of the Swiss Indoors in Basel on Monday onhis return after a six week break with a 6-3, 6-4 victory overBelgian qualifier Olivier Rochus.

Federer makes winningFederer makes winningFederer makes winningFederer makes winningFederer makes winningreturn after long breakreturn after long breakreturn after long breakreturn after long breakreturn after long breakAgence France - Presse

BASEL, Switzerland – Roger Federer eased through to the second round of the Swiss Indoorshere on Monday on his return after a six week break with a 6-3, 6-4 victory over Belgian quali-fier Olivier Rochus. The world number one - bidding for a fourth successive Swiss Indoors title- shook off the rust from a six-week break to roar through and a date with Italian Andreas Seppiin just 66 minutes.

to carry on like this.” Federer improved to an over-

whelming 6-0 over Rochus, who lostto Marcos Baghdatis in theStockholm final just over a weekago. The Swiss top seed broke in thesixth game of the 29-minute first set,then fired his fifth ace for a 5-2 leadbefore securing the opening lead. Inthe second, Federer went ahead 3-2and was untroubled save his minorniggles in closing out the straight-forward victory.

Federer admits that Basel is theevent closest to his heart after get-ting his start here as a ballboy a de-cade and a half ago. The top seed hasnot played since helping his nationretain their place in the Davis CupWorld Group with a win over Italyin September - Federer chose to restrather than play the autumn tourna-

ments in Asia. The 15-time grandslam champion has laid low and gotto know his three-month old twingirls as he assumed his additionalnew role as a father. He was unableto help himself as he bragged abouthis daft hand with a dirty nappy.

“I have an unbelievable tech-nique,” he said to laughter - mainlyfrom his wife sitting in the stands.Federer has not lost in Basel sincethe second round in 2003 when hewas beaten by Croatian IvanLjubicic. The Swiss who plans to goflat-out through this week, the ParisMasters starting next Monday andthe year-end eight-man World TourFinals in London, brings a 55-8record this season to the court, withtitles in Paris and Wimbledon as wellas the Madrid and Cincinnati Mas-ters events.

Agence France - Presse

MILAN – England international David Beckhamre-signed on loan with Italian giants AC Milan on Mon-day as widely expected, the Serie A side announced.The 34-year-old had already spent time on loan withAC Milan from his American club LA Galaxy fromJanuary this year to June and is desperate to make theEngland squad for next year’s World Cup finals inSouth Africa.

“I need to give myself the best chance possible tomake the World Cup squad and playing for Milan onloan will help me to do that,” Beckham said in a state-ment on the Galaxy website. “I genuinely enjoyed mytime at Milan and I look forward to meeting the play-ers and staff again. I’m thankful to Tim Leiweke andBruce Arena for allowing me this opportunity. I’mcommitted to LA Galaxy and MLS in the long termand remain as passionate as ever about growing thegame of soccer in America.”

“I’m completely focused on ending this seasonon a high note with my club by winning the MLS Cup.”A statement on the Milan website said that Beckham

Associated Press Writer

SHANGHAI – Doug Barron, a 40-year-old journeyman who lost his tourcard three years ago, became the firstplayer to be suspended by the PGA Tourfor testing positive for a performance-enhancing substance. Barron has beensuspended for one year. He played eightfull seasons on the tour, with his best fin-ish a tie for third at the Byron NelsonChampionship in 2006.

“I would like to apologize for anynegative perception of the tour or its play-ers resulting from my suspension,” Barronsaid in a statement released by the PGATour on Monday. “I want my fellow tourmembers and the fans to know that I didnot intend to gain an unfair competitiveadvantage or enhance my performancewhile on tour.” Barron could not bereached for comment, and his agent didnot immediately respond to a voicemail.

The news was greeted with shockat the HSBC Champions, a World GolfChampionship event in China that hasattracted several of the world’s best play-ers. “I’m surprised to hear that,” BritishOpen champion Stewart Cink said. “Iknow him a little bit. He’s taken medi-cine in the past for a lot of different rea-sons. I would think that has a lot to dowith it.” Barron played a full Nation-wide schedule last year, making onlyfive cuts in 17 starts to earn $33,446.He played four times on the NationwideTour this year, and his lone PGA Tourstart came at the St. Jude Classic, wherehe missed the cut.

Doug Barron is 1st to violatePGA Tour drug policy

The tour, which announced the sus-pension about two hours before the WorldGolf Hall of Fame induction ceremony,said it would have no further comment.Under its doping policy, the tour an-nounces a suspension but does not disclosewhat substance a player used. That leftplayers wondering what Barron took thatwas on the list of banned substances, al-though they were skeptical it was anythingto give him any kind of an advantage.

The last time Barron made news wasin 2006 at what is now the TransitionsChampionship outside Tampa, Fla., wherehe removed his shirt to play a shot out ofthe water on the 16th hole at Innisbrook.He exposed an ample belly on television,drawing jokes from players.

“I don’t believe it,” Rod Pamplingsaid. “Doug Barron? Look at the man.Tell him to take his shirt off and ask any-one, ‘Do you believe he’s on perfor-mance-enhancing drugs?’” The tour didnot start random testing until July 2008,which includes its second-tier Nation-wide Tour. Barron’s most recent tourna-ment was in September at the MexicoOpen, co-sanctioned by the NationwideTour, where he missed the cut.

Jerry Kelly said he has known Barronfor years and also said he had severalhealth issues. “My big question iswhether he was doing something to makehimself feel better and did not get thetherapeutic use exemption,” Kelly said.“I mean, this guy had health problems. Iwas shocked when I heard, but I alsounderstand knowing that he was tryingto feel better.”

England international

David Beckham, seen

here in February

2009, re-signed on

loan with Italian

giants AC Milan on

Monday as widely

expected, the Serie A

side announced.

Beckham re-signs on loan with AC Milanwould once again stay at the San Siro from January toJune. “We are very happy to see David Beckham backin the red and black shirt after the splendid experiencewe had with him last season,” said Milan chief execu-tive Adriano Galliani.

“We’re sure that this spell in Europe will help himto take part in the next World Cup and then continue hiscareer at Los Angeles Galaxy, whom we thank for theirhelp.” Beckham’s initial move to Milan in January thisyear was tinged with controversy, after the right-sidedmidfielder opted to extend his three-month loan dealinto the summer rather than return to California.

Booed to begin with upon his return, he has sincerepaired his reputation with the club’s fans by leadingthe Galaxy into the play-offs. Beckham has mainly beenused as a substitute by England coach Fabio Capello,who nonetheless seems likely to offer him a place inEngland’s 23-man World Cup squad. Milan made a poorstart to the season but a recent run of good form hasseen them rise to fourth in the Serie A table, while theyare well placed to qualify for the knockout phase of theChampions League after a 3-2 victory at Real Madridin their last match in the competition.

(AFP/File/Alberto Pizzoli)

Page 15: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 15International Sport

Liverpool have lost six of their lastseven matches in all competitions, in-cluding the 2-1 home defeat by Lyontwo weeks ago, and their hopes ofreaching the knockout stage will behanging by a thread if they lose at StadeGerland. Lyon top Group E with ninepoints from their three matches and willqualify for the last 16 if they win.Fiorentina, who host bottom sideDebrecen, are second with six points,followed by Liverpool (3), and theHungarians (0).

Liverpool, who have won the Eu-ropean Cup five times and havereached at least the quarter-finals forthe last three seasons, have shownnothing like that kind of form thisterm, having lost eight of their 16games in all competitions. Their Spainstriker Fernando Torres, replaced af-ter 63 minutes despite scoring inSaturday’s 3-1 Premier League defeatat Fulham is likely to play in pain withan adductor muscle injury suffered on

Agence France - Presse

LONDON - Cesc Fabregas ad-mits Arsenal must use Wednesday’sChampions League clash against AZAlkmaar to hone their killer instinct.Fabregas was unhappy with the wayArsene Wenger’s side conceded alate equaliser against AZ after domi-nating for long periods in Hollandtwo weeks ago. While Arsenal arestill firmly on course to qualify forthe knockout stages after takingseven points from their first three

Reuters -

KIEV - Inter Milan playmakerWesley Sneijder is unlikely to playin the Champions League GroupF match at Dynamo Kiev onWednesday despite being includedin the squad. The Dutchman, whohas done well to link the midfieldwith attack since joining fromReal Madrid in August, missed thelast two games with a leg injury.

“He is very unlikely to be onthe pitch in Kiev,” Inter coach JoseMourinho told reporters. StrikerMario Balotelli and midfieldersSulley Muntari and Thiago Mottaalso travelled to the Ukrainiancapital after illness and injuries.Italian champions Inter almostnever went at all after Ukrainianauthorities on Friday banned allpublic events and imposed restric-


Liverpool’s Spanish striker Fernando Torres (R) scores his first half goal during the EnglishPremier League football match between Fulham and Liverpool at Craven Cottage, west London,England on October 31, 2009.

Make-or-break time for injury-hit LiverpoolMake-or-break time for injury-hit LiverpoolMake-or-break time for injury-hit LiverpoolMake-or-break time for injury-hit LiverpoolMake-or-break time for injury-hit LiverpoolReuters -

LONDON - Liverpool head for a decisive Champions Leagueclash at Olympique Lyon on Wednesday with 10 players injuredor doubtful for the game and coach Rafa Benitez facing the big-gest crisis in his five-year Anfield reign. Benitez hopes to haveclose-season signing Alberto Aquilani available but his midfieldwill be without captain Steven Gerrard (groin) and Albert Riera(hamstring) while defenders Martin Kelly (ankle) and MartinSkrtel (muscle) are also out.

international duty last month. “We are trying to manage (him)

because he was close to having an op-eration… We have to take Fernandoto Lyon because we don’t have toomany options,” Benitez was quotedas saying on the club website. GlenJohnson (calf), Daniel Agger (back),David Ngog (ankle) and FabioAurelio (calf) are among those fight-ing to be fit.

Jamie Carragher, sent off atFulham along with Philipp Degen, saidafterwards: “These are tough times,and it hurts. “We made up for a fewthings last week by beating Manches-ter United, but we have had two de-feats since. “We have got to sort thisout this week on the training pitch be-cause Lyon is another massive game.”Lyon bounced back from two leaguedefeats by winning 1-0 at arch-rivalsSt Etienne on Saturday and are sec-ond in the French title race, two pointsbehind Girondins Bordeaux.

Inter’s Sneijder doubtfulfor Dynamo clash

tions on people’s movements fora three-week period following afirst death from H1N1 flu.

However, European govern-ing body UEFA said it had no im-mediate plans to postpone thematch. Media reports have said thegame could be played behindclosed doors. The two sides drew2-2 at the San Siro two weeks agowhen former AC Milan strikerAndriy Shevchenko missed a greatchance to win the game for Dy-namo late on.

Inter, who have not won theEuropean Cup since 1965, areagain stumbling through the groupstages with three draws from theirfirst three games. Luckily forMourinho, the Ukrainian leadersare just a point above his chargesalongside holders Barcelona andRussia’s Rubin Kazan.

Fabregas wants Arsenal to show killer instinct

(AP Photo/Akira Suemori)

Arsenal’s Robin van Persie celebrates with Cesc Fabregas af-ter scoring his sides 3rd goal during the English Premier Leaguesoccer match between Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur at theEmirates Stadium in London, Saturday Oct. 31, 2009.

Group H matches, Gunners captainFabregas knows they must develop amore ruthless approach to closing outmatches if they want to win the com-petition.

Just days after the disappoint-ment of drawing with the Dutchchampions, Arsenal surrendered atwo-goal advantage in a 2-2 drawwith struggling West Ham. Spainmidfielder Fabregas, who scored inSaturday’s 3-0 win over north Lon-don rivals Tottenham, hopes his team-mates have learned from those let-

downs as they try to cement first placein the group at the Emirates Stadium.“We must learn from these games. Wehave to do better,” Fabregas said.

“Of course we wish we couldscore four or five goals in every singlegame, but we must realise that some-times that is not the way football isand sometimes to win the games, youjust have to not make mistakes andwork hard to keep the ball better. Butit is always hard to go away in theChampions League and get a result,so we cannot be too disappointed withthe draw against AZ. Another posi-tive is that we are scoring goals, andthat is the hardest thing to do in foot-ball, which says a lot about us. Buton the days when we can’t scoremore, we need to kill the game off inother ways, by passing the ball moreand keeping possession.”

If Wenger’s team - unbeaten intheir last 11 matches - can reproducethe breath-taking play that destroyedSpurs on Saturday, they should de-feat Alkmaar and move within touch-ing distance of making the last 16 forthe 10th consecutive season.Saturday’s 1-0 win against Groningenwas only Alkmaar’s second successin five matches and Ronald Koeman’steam remain 14 points behind Dutchleague leaders FC Twente. Wengerbelieves the key to Arsenal’s successon Wednesday, and for the rest of theseason, could hinge on Robin vanPersie’s ability to maintain his cur-rent superb form.

Van Persie, 26, is thriving in his

new role at the centre of Arsenal’sthree-man attack - scoring seventimes in his last seven games - andhis two goals against Spurs movedWenger to describe the Dutch for-ward as a worthy successor to Arse-nal legends Thierry Henry and Den-nis Bergkamp. “He is the kind ofplayer, with the type of game we play,who is vital because when you play

the ball to his feet his first touch isalways perfect and that allows othersto join in,” Wenger said. “It makeseverybody dangerous. In the box heis clever and intelligent.” AlthoughDenmark striker Nicklas Bendtnerfaces a month on the sidelines with agroin injury, Wenger’s attacking op-tions should be stronger than everagainst AZ.

Page 16: Edisi 4 November 2009 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, November 4, 200916 Sport

Well aware that it was always going to be on the back foot with its car,Ferrari took the decision mid-campaign to shift all its focus onto its 2010design – which has now made it bullish about its prospects for next year.When asked by AUTOSPORT for the reasons why the team feels confi-dent about its chances for next season, team principal Stefano Domenicalisaid: “The confidence comes from the fact that we don’t see any loopholein the regulation that can be considered, I would say, legal. Now things arelegal full stop. No discussions and we can look ahead always.

“We also did the choice that Ross [Brawn] did with Honda two yearsago, to concentrate all the efforts into the new project. I think the reasonwe did something different to McLaren was because our car was struc-tured so as to not to develop the double diffuser. It was blocked, and thatis why we said we don’t have to do work here, because it will not carryon next year. That is why, looking at the numbers we have in the windtunnel, I am positive now. With my feet on the ground - but for surepositive.”

Although Ferrari missed out on third place in the Constructors’ Cham-pionship by just one point to rival McLaren, Domenicali has praisedthe fighting spirit of his team for its effort over what was a hard season.“We had the spirit and we are used to getting out with the Ferrari spiritand the Ferrari resources, and that is what we have to learn this year,”he said.

“It was of course a difficult season, but you have to look at the situationthis year and what happened. I think for sure on the technical side, thechampionship was in a way steered with the double diffuser situation atthe beginning. That, for us, [meant] we had to work on the car without thatkind of structure and it was difficult to catch up. We knew it, and this is thereason why – considering what we saw when we did the first step of devel-opment, we took the very difficult decision to say in the middle of July,look let’s stop work on this car and work for next season.”

ROSS Brawn has praised RubensBarrichello’s contribution at theBrawn team following the confirma-tion that the Brazilian will leave thesquad. Barrichello, the most expe-rienced driver in F1 history, finishedin third place in the standings thisyear, having scored two wins asBrawn went on to take both titles.

The veteran Brazilian, however,will leave Brawn and join the Will-iams team in the 2010 season, whenhe will be partnered by German

AP Photo/Luca Bruno

Ferrari Formula One driver Kimi Raikkonen of Finland, left and his teammate Giancarlo Fisichellareact as they pose for a team picture on the pit prior to the start of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix atthe Yas Marina racetrack, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Sunday, Nov.1, 2009. The Emir-ates Formula One Grand prix will be the last Formula One race of the 2009 season.

Ferrari: Diffuser row costly for teamAbu Dhabi - Ferrari believes its 2009 season was wrecked by

the row over double diffusers - but says total rules clarity fornext year means there is no reason it cannot be back fighting forthe title. The Maranello-based team did not initially adopt thedouble-diffuser concept used by Brawn GP, Williams and Toyotaat the start of the season – and it struggled to integrate it onto itsF60 once the FIA ruled it totally legal.

Brawn thankful to BarrichelloNico Hulkenberg. Team bossBrawn thanked Barrichello for hiswork at the Brackley-based squad.

“We are very pleased for Rubensthat he will be driving in Formula1 once again next year,” saidBrawn. “Rubens was with our teamfor four years and we regard himas a highly experienced and tal-ented driver whose contribution tothe team over that period was sig-nificant.”

“2009 was a very special season

for Brawn GP and I am extremelyproud of the spirit in which our driv-ers Rubens and Jenson fought for theDrivers’ Championship.”

“Rubens contributed hugely toour success in the Constructors’Championship with two great victo-ries in Valencia and Monza alongwith numerous podiums and he wasa pleasure to work with. We wishRubens the very best with his newteam and thank him for his contri-bution to Brawn GP this year.”

Ross Brawnhas praisedRubensBarrichello’scontributionat the Brawnteam follow-ing theconfirmationthat theBrazilian willleave thesquad

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