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How effective is the combination of your main

product and ancillary texts?

This image shows a print

screen from my music video

This image is of my


My music video and advertisement is clearly linked. This can be shown through the

fact that the same jacket my artist is wearing in the music video was

the same jacket I used to take photographs of her.

This image shows a print screen from

my music video

The same goes for the front of my digipak because, as you can see, the same jacket is

once again being worn in the same image. In fact, the image on the front of my digipak is the exact same as the one on my advert. I

did this because I wanted everything to link easily without having to search for a

relationship between all of them.

This image shows a print

screen from my music video. This jacket is

being worn once again.

Once again, this jacket is being

used again in the image below.

This jacket is being worn yet again on the inside of my digipakAnother aspect that

links the music video to my ancillary products is the colours blue, white, black and grey which are used throughout

every part of it.

Another aspect that was shared between all of my products was the white/cream coloured blouse that Angel (the artist) wears throughout all the products. The blouse is also part of the colour scheme we chose to use for our products so this also makes the link clear for everybody. My promotional package links very well

with the music video because a lot of the pictures/scenes you see in the video are the same outfit that Angel is wearing in

the digipak and advert.

The hairstyle Angel has is another link. This is because her having the same hairstyle or very similar for all her products is very important since

she is a new artist who isn’t

established yet.

I’m sure our target audience will be attracted to all of my products because our whole theme was thought of according to how we know our audience is. An example

of this is that young people or a large majority know how it feels to be lonely,

upset, suffocated and tired of their same daily routine. Our video definitely illustrates

this because Angel is acting on behalf of the young people that feel this way.

Something I could have done to make the links

clearer is use more images from the music

video in my digipak. This way, there would be no doubt in the audience’s mind about what artist owns the music video,

advert and digipak.

Another thing I could have done is used the scenes in the music

video to put inside my promotional package. This will, once again, make it clear to the

audience what artist all the promotion belongs


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