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  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



    Edition 89 Team B November 20th

     2015 Founded by Ben Owen 2011

    All drawings by Ellie Parker unless otherwise stated

    Electric Skateboardsby Henry Packham

    The first skateboards were seen in Paris in the

    1940s, where children put roller-skate wheels on

    planks of wood. Skateboarding really took off in

    California because surfers were looking for

    something to do when there were no waves to

    surf on. It was first called sidewalk surfing,

    which is American for pavement surfing.

    The first powered skateboard was called the

    Motoboard and it was made in 1975. It was

    petrol powered, like a car, and very noisy.

    Powered skateboards are really popular now.

    They are much better than they used to be

    because they have more powerful electric motors

    and much better batteries. The fastest one is

    called The Motherboard and its top speed is 25miles per hour. The Metroboard can travel up to

    40 miles before its battery runs out. That is the

    nearly the same distance as from Tockington

    Manor School to Cardiff!

     An electric skateboard costs around £500 to

    £1000. They are quite heavy, about 10kg which

    is the same as 10 bags of sugar. They can be

    controlled by a wireless controller or phone app.but they don’t really work in the rain or wet. Not a

    problem in sunny California but not great in


    For a lot of boards you should be at least 15

    years old to ride one. I can’t wait, but my Dad

    says I will need to start saving now!

    Here is my picture of the Tockington Tracker

    Electric Skateboard… 


    Hello and welcome to another fabulous issue of

    the paper written BY students FOR students.

    This week the theme is Toys. Do you love toys?

    I’m sure you do! Well I know that everyone in

    this paper loves toys, as you will soon find out.

    From toys of the future to old-fashioned toys,

    we have everything there is to know about toys!

     As Christmas is coming up, you need to know

    as much about toys as possible, so you know

    what to ask for!

    If you’re wondering what to put on your

    Christmas list this year, or what to get your

    friends, take a look at these: find out what

    Toby’s best Christmas present EVER was;

    dream of having an electric skateboard with

    Henry and discover what it was like in the olden

    days with Lily. All this and much more in

    another amazing issue of the one and only,

    Totally Tockington!


    Tabitha Huby

    Editor Team B

    Henry’s Tockington Tracker Electric Skateboard by HP  

  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



    Toys of the future. By Oliver Gill 

    The Oculus Rift 

    Even if this is not a toy, it is still really cool and Iwanted to show it to you. Though this is already out(In Beta!) it is still part of the future. It allows you to

    play games like Minecraft in virtual reality. So itbasically gives you a taste of what games would looklike in real life. The predicted release date is 2016. Ithas a resolution of 1080x1200 per eye. It will be onegreater step into the future. 

    Parrot Jumping Sumo 

    This 2-wheeled robot is controlled by a tablet viawi-fi. It can jump 2.5 feet in the air, and then landback on its two wheels again. It is the future ofremote-control. 

    Editor-In-Chief’s Comment 


     Ah, Toys, who couldn’t love them? They’r e

    there when you most need them; they keep

    you happy for hours on end. But, and it’s a

    big but, do we take having toys for granted?

    We are all guilty of this, in my opinion. Forexample, I bet you’ve all been given a

    present at some time that you have never

    played with. Just think about it, people have

    put in a lot of effort to get you that present

    and the money must have come out of

    someone’s pocket, so be very grateful for

    your toys and make sure to thank the person

    who gave them to you! The best way you can

    thank someone is by taking care of the toyand playing with it. We need to respect our

    toys (not ripping the heads off Barbie dolls!)

    and remember all the great presents you’ve

    been given, for we are all very lucky!

     Alex Jacobi



    by Logan Fitzpatrick

    My top ten favourite electronic toys would


    1. Xbox 360

    2. Xbox one

    3. Remote control Lamborghini car

    4. Bop it Tetris

    5. Nerf gun

    6. Miposaur controllable dinosaur

    7. I pad

    8. Ps4

    9. Ps3

    10. Flash pad

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    Radio Controlled (RC) Toysby Harry Huby

    How do they work?

     A radio signal is sent by the controller. This ispicked up by the aerial on the toy. This signalinstructs the toy what to do.

    Radio controlled helicopters

    Did you know that radio controlled helicopters arenot only children’s toys; they are adults’ too! Younormally buy toy helicopters ready-made in afactory but with some adult ones you have to buildthem. Some of the grown-up ones are powered bypetrol and are very complicated. Some people areprofessional and do stunts with their helicopters and

    that’s their job.

    Radio controlled boats

    Radio controlled boats are really cool because theycan be all the way out in the middle of a lake whilstyou are on the shore. Did you know that radiocontrolled boats can go faster than 30kmph.

    I love them so much that I have one myself.Here it is:

    Toys from the Pastby Lily Edwards

    Today we are very lucky because we have lots of

    toys and toy shops. But in the Victorian times, they

    were not so lucky – especially if you were poor.

    Toys and games were not so common, but see if

    you recognise some of the toys as ones you stillplay with today…. 

    During the day Victorian children had very little

    play time and also many didn’t have very much

    money as a lot of people in those times were poor.

    But that didn’t stop them having fun! Some of the

    toys rich children had were: toy theatre, cup and

    ball, yo – yos, rocking horse. Rocking horses were

    always wooden and always grey and the mane and

    tail was made from real horse hair. They also mighthave had dolls and dolls houses and tea sets.

    The poorer children played mostly outside games.

    Poor boys and girls played games separately  – not

    like we do at Tockington. The boys played games

    like: hoop rolling (used with a metal hoop and

    stick), conkers (you bash two conkers together and

    see whose breaks first), and they also played

    marbles (see whose marble gets nearest to the big

    one). And girls had these ones indoor and outdoor:a peg made into a doll, a skipping rope and even a

    bag of sawdust to make a bear.

    Lots of these toys I still play with today  – do you? I

    think it is very interesting that things have not

    changed too much today – but we should feel very

    lucky that we have so many things to play with  – 

    maybe we should try something new one day and

    make a toy out of something we can find in the

    house like the poorer children did – I would love totry making my own bear! So remember when you

    write to Father Christmas this year, how lucky you


  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



    Model Train Sets by Otis Walker

    Making model train sets has been a popular hobby for more than 100 years. It is a hobby that

    dates back to the 1840s, and the first electric model trains were made in the early 20th century.

    Model trains are scale models, which means that the model keeps all the proper detail of the

    actual object and the size of the model is relative to the size of the real thing.

     All model train enthusiasts can be organised into one of the following groups: operators, collectors,

    or modellers.

    Operators run the trains, collectors collect them (obviously), and modellers create their ownobjects. Many enthusiasts put themselves into more than one group.

    There are many types of model trains and the choice can be overwhelming, but I suggest you start

    by choosing a size, then get a starter kit with a good train. You have to be patient when you make

    a model train set but soon you will become confident and experienced.


    Hornby is the most well-known UK model railway brand. The company’s founder was Frank Hornby

    (1863 - 1936).

  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



    1. I like this teddy the mostbecause of its sparkly eyes.

    2. I really like this one because its eyes are

    really wide.

    3. I like this one because it is very topical

    and it reminds me about children in need

    4. I really like Winnie the Pooh

    because his eyebrows are so high.

    5. I really like these two because their cuddle

    is so cute.

    6. These two are very cute because there eyes

    are very wide and everything is identical .

    7. Rocking the shades!

    8. Christmas already!?

    9. Time for a sit down10. Too hot!

    Top Ten Cutest TeddiesBy Elizabeth Allan-Jones

  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



    My Best Present Ever

    by Toby Gaulton

    In this article I’m going to tell you about my best present ever. (This excludes experiences and


    So I guess you are wondering what my best present ever is. Well my best present ever was for

    Christmas in 2013.

    My best present ever was my bike.

    My bike is a Hotrock specialised. It is a really nice colour: Medium Persian blue with white streaks.

    It has got 20 inch wheels, highly reliable brakes, phenomenal steering and 6 gears. Each gear is

    good for different things. 1st gear is good for going up a big, steep hill. 2

    nd gear is good for long, quite

    steep hills. 3rd

     gear is good for shallow, long hills. 4th gear is good for cruising or going a long way on

    a high gear. 5th and 6

    th gears are good for racing on.

    I normally go out on my bike every weekend while taking Tilly, our dog, out. Tilly loves coming out on

    the bike with me. I take her out for 3.2 miles – 4.4 miles. She always gets really tired. Tilly is very

    fast! When I take Tilly out I can take her out on a 3.2 mile ride that I call Limekiln because I cycle

    down Limekiln road. Another route I take her on is called the bridle path. This is a 3.5 mile long ride

    and the bridle path is 1 mile long. The last route I take Tilly on is called the big bridle path. It is 4.4

    miles long. I still go on the 1 mile bridle path but I don’t go on immediately. I go to the end of the

    road and turn left on to a footpath and at the end of the footpath I turn left and when I get halfway

    down that road I turn left and halfway down that road I go on to the bridle path.

    When I’m not using my bike I keep it in the garage. 

    I hope you have enjoyed my article on my bike and, if you have a bike, try and go out on it.

    The blue bike is just like mine!

  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015


  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



    Toy Story 3 Review

    By Jenna Saluja

    Toy Story 3 is a fun film for the whole family!

    It is full of humour and some scenes force a tear out of

    you! As the friends embark on their journey, they

    discover friendship, disaster and adventure. As you are

    glued to the television, you will feel welcomed to

    Woody’s world. So, I recommend all of you to grab some

    popcorn while snuggled up on the sofa and watch Toy

    Story 3. 

    Dog ToysBy Talia Curtis

    There are lots of different dog toys. You can buy

    soft toys or a hard play toy. You can get toys

    which puppies can chew on. They can help their

    teeth get stronger. There is a famous brandcalled Kong and they do lots of different dog

    toys for puppies and adult dogs. It is so

    important to play with your dog.

    This is a dog Kong which you put treats in. You

    can get them in many sizes. 

    You can also get soft toys in lots of different


    The most popular toy is tennis balls, you can get

    ones that squeak and ones that are made

    especially for dogs – they need to be tough to

    stand up to the teeth. You can also buy flingers

    to throw balls a long way.

    The Rowebot

    by Billy Rowe

  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



    Look at this fantastic game of Tockopoly which Jai Patel invented, based on the real game

    of Monopoly. How many familiar names can you find? Would you like to play this game?

  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



    This great Playbot was invented by Harry

    Bloomfield – looks like a lot of fun!

    This is Playbot. He has these fun things… 

      Swing pusher arm

      Mum and dad warning light

      Rocket boosters to turn into a hoverboard

      Secret snack drawers

      Vegetable destroyer gun

  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



    Design a toy competitionby Jonathan Baguley 

    Name:…………………………………  Class:….........

    Ever wanted to design the perfect toy like Billy’s Rowebot or Harry’s Playbot?

    In the box below draw and label a toy that you designed. If you hand this in to Jonathan by

    next Friday, you could win a prize. The only rule is: this toy cannot

    be an electrical gadget like a phone, iPad etc.

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  • 8/20/2019 Edition 89 Team B November 20th 2015



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