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Page 1: Edmonds eLearning Academy Family Handbook€¦ · Hello and welcome to the Edmonds eLearning Academy! We want to take a moment to thank you for choosing us to support your student

Edmonds eLearning Academy Family Handbook

Full-Time Students

Page 2: Edmonds eLearning Academy Family Handbook€¦ · Hello and welcome to the Edmonds eLearning Academy! We want to take a moment to thank you for choosing us to support your student


My Student Information

Student Name: __________________________________________________

Edgenuity SIS Username: _______________________ Password: _____________________

Naviance Username: _______________________ Password: _____________________

*Need help with the Edgenuity system? Please call: 877.202.0338 for assistance.

Visit us on the web at:


Page 3: Edmonds eLearning Academy Family Handbook€¦ · Hello and welcome to the Edmonds eLearning Academy! We want to take a moment to thank you for choosing us to support your student


Table of Contents

Page Number

Welcome letter 4 eLearning Quick Information Guide 5 Student FAQs 6 Parent FAQs for Supporting your Online Student 9 Family Portal Guide 10 Understanding your Student’s Progress Report 13 Edmonds eLearning Academy Attendance Policy 16 A.L.E Flowchart of Intervention Processes 18 Academic Interventions Policy 19 Student Expectations Form 20 Student Checklist 24 Notes 26

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Hello and welcome to the Edmonds eLearning Academy!

We want to take a moment to thank you for choosing us to support your student succeed in their educational goals. A little bit of history about us; Edmonds eLearning Academy was established in 2007 and we are an accredited and comprehensive High School and Middle School serving students seventh through twelfth grade. Every year we experience more and more growth and look forward to continuing to serve students’ unique needs.

Our mission as an eLearning staff is to provide a high quality educational experience. We view our students as individuals who come to us for a variety of reasons. All students are provided a written student learning plan which specifies which courses they are taking, outlines our policies and procedures, and is used as a guideline for student success.

At Edmonds eLearning, we provide our curriculum entirely online through Edgenuity, which is video based curriculum with activities built-in. Our curriculum is standards based, therefore students have the option of taking pre-tests before each unit to test out of lessons they already understand and begin to master those skills that they still need to work on.

Our teachers have further customized their courses to provide even more engaging activities such as projects, blogging, and discussion posts. Our goals are for students to practice valuable twenty-first century skills such as critical thinking, analysis and synthesis of resources, and digital creativity. We also offer in-person workshops on a variety of topics throughout the year to extend learning opportunities and further engage our students. In addition, we provide a student learning center where your child can get one-on-one support with their assignments or utilize a quiet place to work.

The Edmonds eLearning Academy prides itself on providing a caring and safe environment where all students and families are treated with respect and flexibility to meet their needs. As a school, we are continuously working to meet the needs of all of our students. We appreciate feedback and view our students and families as part of our team in regards to student success.

We are very proud of the work we are doing and have been given the distinction of one of the top ten ALE schools in the state of Washington. We look forward to continuing this standard of excellence and are excited to partner with you this coming year!

Best regards,

Katie Bjornstad and the eLearning Team

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eLearning Quick Information Guide Important Information:

● Full-time students regardless of the amount of courses should be spending approximately 30 hours per week on their course work.

● The Student Learning Center (SLC) is open Monday-Thursday from 8:00 am-4:00 pm. We will be closed on all School District closure days and district half days.

● All full-time students are required to attend the Student Learning Center. Students will sign up for day(s) and times during orientation.

● Students need to email their teachers for help by 2:00pm on Friday or 2:00 pm before a holiday or break.

● Weekly communication between the student and teacher is required by ALE law. This includes email, turning in a teacher graded assignment, SLC attendance, phone conversation, chat or text. Parent and teacher communication does not count.☺

● To earn a satisfactory monthly evaluation, students need to: access their course(s) at least 4 days per week, remain on track (or no more than 20% behind) in all classes, and make weekly contact with at least one of their teachers each week.

● If a student receives an unsatisfactory monthly evaluation, they need to respond back to the intervention email they receive and follow the directions within the due dates listed in the email.

Contact Information: Main office phone line: 425-431-7298 o Katie Bjornstad, Principal: 425-431-1528 o Jamie Regis, Counselor: 425-431-1078 o Shirley Rogers, A.L.E Coordinator: 425-431-1092 o Karen Giboney, Registrar: 425-431-5823 o Erin Gray, Office Secretary: 425-431-7298 o Tony Marzano, Learning Support/ELL Coordinator: 425-431-4627

**Please check our eLearning website for teacher contact information** http://elearning.edmonds.wednet.edu/staff/staff_information/_staff_contact_information/

Important Dates: Please check our calendar and newsletter for all updated information. o End of first semester: Jan. 24th 2019 o End of second semester: June 14th, 2019 o State testing: full-time students will take all state tests as required by Washington State

here at eLearning. Emails will be sent to families ahead of time to confirm dates and times that testing will be held.

**Please check our eLearning website for the full version of the student handbook. Just head to the website below, and click the “Students and Parents” tab in the

navigation bar at the top to find it.**


Page 6: Edmonds eLearning Academy Family Handbook€¦ · Hello and welcome to the Edmonds eLearning Academy! We want to take a moment to thank you for choosing us to support your student


Student FAQs

What is the online orientation course?

The online orientation course is designed to introduce you to our school, the Edgenuity curriculum program, and will allow you to provide important information about yourself to our staff. You will need to complete this short online orientation course before you will be given access to your academic courses. Returning students will complete an online orientation course that is just a brief overview. Once you finish this course, it will take approximately 2 school days to be enrolled in your regular classes.

How will my courses be scheduled?

Courses are scheduled on a trimester basis and are chosen by meeting with the counselor prior to enrollment. Full-time students will be scheduled into four courses per trimester. This allows students to still meet the 12 courses per year average that students at the traditional high schools are taking, while allowing them to focus on fewer courses at a time. In special circumstances, individual start and end dates may be accommodated with a meeting and approval from the counselor and/or principal.

What happens if I finish my course early?

If you finish your courses early, contact Jamie and Karen and let them know you are ready for your next course in your yearlong plan. They will enroll you in the next course, typically within two school days. If you have completed all 12 of your required courses in your yearlong plan prior to May, you may choose to add an additional course. If you do not need to make up credits, you can choose to keep a reduced course load for the remainder of the year.

What happens if I don’t finish my course by my end-date?

The answer to this question depends on the time of the year and how far you have made it in your course. The first step will be to contact you teacher and discuss a plan for completing your course. You will work with them from there to determine next steps.

How does state testing work at eLearning?

The same state tests are offered at eLearning as are offered at the other comprehensive high schools in the district. The testing coordinator will email you approximately one to two weeks prior to the test and let you know that you need to attend the test session. If you do not receive an invite within one week of the testing session, but you think you should be testing, please contact the testing coordinator to see if you need to attend.

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How do I know who my teachers are?

On the Edgenuity dashboard, select the box on the left-hand navigation bar for “Course Information.” There you will find the names of your courses and information about your teachers.

How should I contact my teachers?

The fastest way to contact your teachers is to send them a message through the Edgenuity SIS page (the gray login page, not the blue coursework page). Teachers check their Edgenuity messages several times throughout each school day. To do this, go to “Messages” and click “Compose.” You can start typing your teacher’s name in the “To” field and it will pop up for you to select. Make sure to include a subject line relevant to the content of your email. Then type a message to your teacher in the large box provided and hit “Send” when you are finished.

What do I write for required weekly contact to my teacher(s)?

In your weekly emails, you must include course-specific goals and, if behind, clear and specific plans for catching up (example: what days you will work that week and for how long each day).

● Example of course-specific weekly contact: ○ Today in __________ class, I am __________ percent complete. The target completion is

_________. This means I am ________(on track, ahead, behind). My goal for this week is __________________.

○ If behind: I am ____________ percent behind where I should be. My plan for catching up is _______________.

Example: Today in English 9, I am 45% complete. The target completion is 40%. This means I am ahead! My goal for the week is to stay on track each school day and get ahead, if possible.

Example: Today in English 9, I am 30% complete. The target completion is 40%. This means I am 10% behind. My plan for catching up is to spend one and a half hours working on coursework each school day instead of one hour. If I’m not caught up by Friday, I will be spending as much time as needed on Saturday to get fully caught up so that by next Monday, I am no longer behind.

What is my Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP)?

The WSLP is an ALE required document that outlines important information about you including your name, grade, requirements for satisfactory progress, and course information for the year. We will be sending this document to you and your parent/guardian (if under 18) and updating it as you finish your courses and start new ones. Staff will maintain the updates of this document but you will have access to view it using the provided emailed link at any time.

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How do I attach a Google Document to an assignment on Edgenuity?

Some assignments on Edgenuity will require that you create or update a document and then upload your work back on Edgenuity. Student Chromebooks are setup to use Google Docs. You can download the provided templates from Edgenuity, edit them, and then upload them by following these steps:

1. Download the document to Google Docs. 2. Make your edits. 3. Select “File” in the upper left-hand corner. 4. Select “Download as…” 5. Select “PDF Document (.pdf)” 6. Go back to Edgenuity and click “Upload Document” 7. Select the PDF you created and hit “Submit”

How do I know when my teachers will be in the SLC?

Paper copies of teacher schedules are available in the SLC. You can come in and take one for reference and can also request to meet with your teacher outside their SLC time if they agree to it either virtually or in-person.

What is my assignment calendar, where can I access it, and how do I get to it?

Your assignment calendar is a useful tool in Edgenuity that shows you which assignments you need to complete in every class, everyday, in order to stay on-track. It also shows you past assignments that were already due (and whether or not you have completed them), and future assignments as well. To get to the assignment calendar, login to your course and click the orange “Organizer” button in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. Then, click the “Reports” button at the bottom of the next page. After that, click “Assignment Calendar.” You will need to select which course you would like to view from the drop down menu at the top of the Assignment Calendar page to see due dates.

Example Calendar:

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Parent FAQs for Supporting your Online Student

How much time should my student be spending on their course and how do I check their time?

Full-time students should be spending 30 hours per week on their coursework. You can check to make sure your student is spending enough time on their course(s) through your parent portal account. Check under “Attendance Log”.

How do I know if my student is making progress?

You will be sent a daily progress report via email. Your student should be either green (on target) or blue (ahead). You can also use your parent portal account at any time to check your student’s progress (See page 10 for instructions).

What happens if my student states they are “locked” out of their course?

Students can take assessments (quizzes or tests) up to four times. If a student fails on the fourth try, the prior lesson/unit will be reset so the student can review. Suggestions to help your student if this occurs:

● Remind your student to contact their teacher as soon as this occurs. ● Come into the Student Learning Center for help and support. ● Slow down, review your notes, review lesson information and take more notes.

What are the eLearning Academy attendance requirements?

All students must make weekly contact with their teacher. This can be through email, Edgenuity chat, face-to-face (Student Learning Center), phone, or text. All students must be logging in and completing work weekly and cannot go longer than five school days without accessing their courses. Full time students are required to come on-campus to our Student Learning Center and will sign up for specific day(s)/times during orientation.

How can I help keep my child stay on track?

You can do this by being proactive with your student: ● checking their progress, ● time spent on courses, ● having discussions about where they are struggling, ● helping them follow their checklist, ● and keeping a schedule and reminding them to follow their assignment calendar.

We are a team, so if you are having issues do not hesitate to schedule a meeting with one of their teachers.

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Family Portal Guide Introduction

The Family Portal is a site that allows parents access to current information about their student’s progress and performance. Parents will be able to see a range of information such as how much time the student has spent working on their courses, what their grades are, and if they are on track to finish their courses on time. The Family Portal can be accessed at http://learn.edgenuity.com/family/

Family Portal Setup and Use

The Family Portal feature must be enabled by your student’s teacher/admin. An access code will be provided to you by the teacher/admin to use in the registration process.

Once you receive the email below, you can start the registration process.

Clicking on the link in the email will begin the registration process. At this point, you will be prompted to enter in the email address where you received the notification email, along with the activation code you were provided by the teacher/admin.

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With the account now generated, you will automatically be logged into the Family Portal. Once you are logged in, you will be able to see a listing for all students that are associated with your account. You will also have the ability to view the Attendance Log and/or Progress Report for any of your associated children.

The Family Portal site contains explanations for all of the information you’ll be able to find, such as the attendance log, progress reports, and more, so that you can understand all the details about how your student is doing.

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Logging into the Family Portal

When you return to the Family Portal at http://learn.edgenuity.com/family/, you can log in using your email address and the password you created. If you have trouble remembering your password, you can click the Forgot your password? link, enter your email address, and your password will be emailed to you.

Activation Code: __________________________________________

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Understanding Your Student’s Progress Report


Knowing how your child is performing in their courses is something important to all parents and guardians. We want to make sure that you have access to that information and that you know how to interpret it.

How to Receive Progress Reports via Email Your child’s progress report may be sent to you, via email, on a regular schedule. You may have reports delivered daily, weekly, or monthly. The delivery schedule is as follows:

• Daily: Midnight

• Weekly: Monday mornings

• Monthly: 1st of each month

If you are not yet receiving your child’s progress report, contact your child’s teacher and provide the following information:

1. Your child’s name

2. Your name

3. Your email address

4. The frequency with which you’d like to receive the progress report (daily, weekly, monthly)

Understanding the Progress Report Students also see this same progress report each time they log into the Virtual Classroom to perform work in their courses. Edgenuity is dedicated to ensuring that students, as well as the parents, guardians, and educators who support them, always know how they are performing in their course work.

NAME OF COURSE: At the top of the report you will see the name of the course.

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COURSE COMPLETED: There are three elements in the Course Completed section that advise you on the progress your child is making in that specific course:

1. Course Completed percentage: Indicates how much of the course a student has completed, working towards the ultimate goal of 100% completion.

2. Color coded completion squares: Indicate what the colors in the square blocks just below the Course Completed percentage represent:

• Red: Your child is falling behind in the course

• Blue: Your child is on track with the course

• Green: Your child is ahead of schedule in the course

3. Target Completion: Indicates how far along in the course the student should be.

OVERALL GRADE: The grade your child has earned thus far in the course, based on all activities and assessments he or she has completed:

1. Overall Grade percentage: Percentage grade based on a 0%–100% scale. 2. Color coded grade squares: Quick-reference colors to indicate what your child’s grade is in the


•Red: Indicates a grade between 0%–59%

•Orange: Indicates a grade between 60%–69%

•Yellow: Indicates a grade between 70%–79%

•Olive: Indicates a grade between 80%–89%

•Green: Indicates a grade between 90%–100%

COMPLETE COUNT: Indicates the percent of the course completed, calculated by the number of assignments completed vs. the total number of assignments in the course (this number may be slightly different than the Course Completed percentage).

RELATIVE GRADE: Represents the grade that your child would receive if he or she stopped working in that course today and received 0% for all unfinished activities.

ACTUAL GRADE: Represents the overall grade adjusted for progress. This grade will be lower than the Overall Grade if your child is behind in the course; it will be the same as the Overall Grade if your child is on time or ahead of schedule in the course.

TARGET COMPLETION: This is the percentage of the course the student should have completed based on the start and target dates set by the teacher.

TAKEN: This shows the number of activities, by category, completed by the student.

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TOTAL: This shows the number of activities, by category, assigned in the course. Please note that this figure may not be accurate if pre-testing is enabled for the course as the pre-test results will determine the number of activities presented to the student.

GRADED: This shows the number of activities, by category, that count toward the student’s grade. By default, activities such as Vocabulary and Lectures do not factor into the grade; this is why the Graded number is lower than the Taken number.

SCORE: This shows the average grades for each type of activity that the student has completed.

WEIGHT: This shows how the grade values of the different activity categories combine to form the overall grade.

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Edmonds eLearning Academy Attendance Policy

Why attendance matters:

Attendance habits begin in preschool, helping students learn early on that going to school on-time, every day is important. Consistent attendance will help students do well in high school, college, and at work.

Students who miss school are not able to contribute to their classes, miss valuable instruction, and may drop out of school later and limit their future education and career opportunities.

What attendance looks like in an online environment:

Attendance is every bit as important in an online environment; the difference is that it is more flexible. We measure attendance in eLearning by frequency of accessing courses, the amount of time spent on course work each day, and the number of activities completed. We also require students to attend their scheduled timeslot(s) in our Student Learning Center (SLC) to meet with their teachers, attend workshops, and get the support they need.

Purpose of the weekly time slot:

Students come to eLearning for a variety of reasons. Our experience is that students who attend the Student Learning Center are more successful in their courses overall than those who do not. A scheduled time allows for students and families to choose what time works for them, and at the same time, lends consistency to the school week. It also allows for our teachers to really focus on supporting each and every student on an individual basis.

How attendance is taken:

All full time students will select a time slot(s) on specific week day(s) of their choosing. Your student needs to attend this time slot every week. If your student misses their time slot, they will need to make it up no later than Thursday of the same week. Please have students call the office if they cannot attend during the week due to illness or a pre-arranged absence. While we require students to select certain time slot(s), this is the minimum they should be spending in the SLC each week and they are encouraged to come in more often. If a student would like to come into the SLC outside of their scheduled time, they do not need to call or sign up to do so. We encourage drop ins! Attendance will be taken every week and if the student does not attend their scheduled day and time, they will be marked “absent” in Skyward.

Please call 425-431-7298 to report your student absent for the week, if needed.

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Attendance Interventions:

● If a student misses two weeks in a trimester, the student and parent (if student is under 18) will be required to meet with the school principal to discuss solutions to the attendance issue and will be put on an attendance plan.

● If at the end of the trimester the student has not met the terms of the attendance plan, the student will be withdrawn from the Edmonds eLearning Academy.

More eLearning Attendance Information:

Since we are an A.L.E (Alternative Learning Experience) and choice school, we must comply with state laws to continue the enrollment of students. These laws include that students access their courses regularly and make adequate progress (complete assignments on-time), as well as make weekly contact with at least one teacher. Students who do not access their courses regularly and do not make progress are at risk of being withdrawn from the eLearning Academy. Students who go over 20 school days without contacting a teacher, even if they are accessing their class, will be withdrawn as that is deemed by the state as non-attendance.

**Naviance Information**

Each grade level is assigned Naviance tasks required by the school district. You will have the entire year to complete them but they must be finished by the end of the school year. Please contact the Naviance coordinator for your login information and for any questions you have about these tasks.

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Edmonds eLearning Academy Alternative Learning Experience (A.L.E) Policy

As required by Washington State, eLearning students must follow A.L.E. requirements to meet state law. This includes that they are: communicating weekly with at least one of their teachers, are on track or ahead in classes, and are logging in at least four times each week and making progress each time. Below is the interventions process that students will be required to complete if they earn an unsatisfactory monthly evaluation.

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Edmonds eLearning Academy Academic Intervention Policy

One requirement to remain in good standing at eLearning is to stay on-track or ahead in all classes. It is very important that students make sure they are logging in regularly and are where they should be in their courses each day. Please note that a student may be satisfactory for meeting A.L.E laws, but still could be behind in their classes and require an academic intervention. A.L.E. interventions and Academic Interventions are two separate policies.

If a student falls behind a certain percentage in any class, there are interventions that teachers will take to help the student get back on track. Note that this process will be completed for every class the student is enrolled in. For example, if the student is enrolled in three classes, and is behind in three classes, then this process will be followed for each class. Below is a list of percent behind and what intervention follows.

● 0-14% behind: Student is considered in good academic standing.

● 15-25% behind: Teacher will email the student and parent to alert them that the student is falling behind in the course and is in danger of not earning credit. Student will be invited into the Student Learning Center to get help. It is expected that students and parents talk together about a plan for catching up.

● 26-35% behind: Teacher will call the student and parent and discuss the student’s progress, ideas for catching up and making further progress, and letting the student and parent know that if the student reaches more than 35% behind, they will be required to come in for an in-person intervention meeting.

● 35% or more behind: Teacher will call student and parent and arrange an in-person academic intervention meeting that both are required to attend if the student is younger than 18. During this meeting, teacher will talk with student/parent about any issues/struggles that are occurring with eLearning, and create measurable goals for a 2-week follow up. Note that if the student is 35% or more behind in more than one class, a separate intervention meeting will occur for each course.

● After 2-week follow up: If student still has not made adequate progress on goals created during the in-person intervention meeting, student’s counselor will be notified and student is at risk for not earning credit for the course and/or being withdrawn from eLearning. A second in-person intervention meeting may be required with the student’s counselor.

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Student Expectations Form

This form is signed by the student and parent (if student is under 18) during the orientation process. This is the cornerstone of our ALE status, and students and families are expected to read and understand this document. We must follow this document as it is part of our compliance as an A.L.E program.

Attendance Policy ● Full-Time students MUST log in weekly and complete at least seven and a half (7.5) hours of

coursework per day (30 hours minimum per week), regardless of the number of courses you are enrolled in.

● Full-Time students will choose a time slot(s) on specific days/times each week to attend our student learning center. If a student does not show up for their scheduled time and does not make-up this time by Thursday, they will be marked absent for that time slot. Only two absences per trimester are allowed before an attendance intervention plan is put into place.

● All students must access all of their courses within every 5 school days and be making progress (completing activities).

● Even if students are ahead in their coursework, they must still be accessing within every 5 school days.

● Students who do not access and make progress in their course within every 20 school days will be withdrawn from either that specific eLearning course or the Edmonds eLearning Academy per state law depending on the circumstances.

● Students who do not contact at least one of their teachers at least once every 20 school days will be withdrawn from either that specific eLearning course or the Edmonds eLearning Academy per state law depending on the circumstances.

● Students on an intervention plan for unsatisfactory progress may be required to attend the Student Learning Center for more hours on-campus.

Minimum Eligibility Requirement ● All eLearning students must have at least a fourth grade reading, writing, and math level. ● All eLearning students must have advanced independent learning skills. ● This will be verified by reviewing student's past academic record and state test scores. If these

are unavailable an Edgenuity assessment can be administered to determine if the student meets the minimum eligibility grade level requirements.

Graduation Information ● A student that is full-time with eLearning will earn an Edmonds eLearning Academy diploma. ● A full-time student that would like to walk with their class at their former high school will need

to get permission from the principal of that building. ● If you choose to participate in a ceremony with your former high school, you will still earn a

diploma from Edmonds eLearning Academy. ● Permission must be given from the Edmonds eLearning Academy principal prior to full-time

enrollment if a student would like to earn a diploma from their former Edmonds School District High School.

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ALE Interventions Edmonds eLearning Academy is an A.L.E school. Students that do not make satisfactory progress as defined in their Student Learning Plan will be put on an intervention plan.

Students will be required to follow their intervention plans and make progress or risk being withdrawn from the Edmonds eLearning Academy. Our goal with the intervention process is to provide positive supports for our students to help them be academically successful. Students and families will be provided the Intervention Flow Chart in their handbooks which provides the details of the intervention process.

eLearning A.L.E Interventions Process Students making unsatisfactory progress will be put on an intervention plan per the A.L.E Intervention Flowchart. If the student is still not successful, student will be required to meet in-person for an intervention meeting and updated plan. If after this second intervention plan, the student is still not making progress, the student will be required to meet with our principal and coordinator with their parent/guardian. If after this third intervention the student is still not making satisfactory progress, they will be withdrawn from the course.

The student’s parents/guardians will be notified via email when their student earns an unsatisfactory monthly evaluation, and if their student has to be withdrawn from the course.

Pre-Test A pre-test is a mastery based test to allow students to test out of portions of a unit that they have already mastered. Minimum passing score on a pre-test is 70%. A student may be required to complete a proctored Teacher Scored Test (TST) if they test out of significant portions of a unit in Edgenuity and complete at least one written assignment.

Weekly Contact Students must have weekly contact with their teacher. All student contact must be educational and instructional in nature. This can include communication through email (Edgenuity has a built in emailing system along with an Instant Messaging system), attending our student learning center, turning in assignments and receiving feedback, Instant Messaging or phone calls and virtual lab for instructional purposes. This is a requirement of the state of Washington. Examples include but are not limited to the following: a student discussing feedback with their teacher to improve a writing assignment or a student meeting with their teacher in a virtual lab to gain a greater understanding of mathematical concepts. All of our students are encouraged to attend the student learning center face-to-face to meet with specific teachers to get support in their courses. Parent/Guardian contact does not count towards weekly contact.

Teacher Communication eLearning teachers and staff are not required to work on the weekends or holidays. Please contact your teacher by 2pm on Friday (if this is not a holiday) or 2pm before a holiday begins to have a test reset, turn in assignments, or have questions answered. This gives your teacher an opportunity to respond to your question before leaving for the weekend/holiday.

eLearning Program RCW 28A.250 I understand eLearning is an Alternative Learning Experience as described in RCW 28A.250. This is NOT a Parent Partnership Program as defined by Washington State. Full details are available here http://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=28A.250

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STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING In accordance with the Alternative Learning Experience Implementation Standards, reference WAC 392-121-18 (3)(e), Prior to enrollment parent(s) or guardian(s) shall be provided with, and sign, documentation attesting to the understanding of the difference between home-based instruction and enrollment in an alternative learning experience (ALE). Provided on this form are summary and narrative descriptions of the difference between home-based instruction and an ALE program. Please read these descriptions below:

Alternative Learning Experience (Edmonds eLearning) • Is authorized under WAC 392-121-182. • Students are enrolled in public education either full-time or part-time. • Students are subject to the rules and regulations governing public school students including course, graduation, and assessment requirements for all portions of the ALE. • Learning experiences are: Supervised, monitored, assessed, and evaluated by certificated staff. • Provided via a written student learning plan. Provided in whole, or part outside the regular classroom.

NCAA Description Edmonds eLearning Academy is currently NOT NCAA eligible. NCAA students can take non-core courses with us. If you need to take an online NCAA course, please speak with your counselor about alternatives and or schedule a meeting with the principal of the Edmonds eLearning Academy for options.

PE Fitness Logs The majority of PE classes require students to log their physical activities. Parents should be aware that their student should be logging physical activities online in Edgenuity. More details are available in the PE course.

Student Expectations and Requirements As a student in the Edmonds eLearning Academy, I agree to the following expectations and requirements:

1. I understand I have a responsibility to spend the minimum amount of time on my courses each week.

a. A full-time student is required to complete at least seven and a half hours (7.5) hours of coursework per class (~30 hours minimum per week), regardless of the number of courses enrolled.

2. I need to contact my teacher no later than 2pm Friday to have a test unlocked, a quiz reset, or other issues resolved. I understand that eLearning teachers and staff are not required to work or reply in the evenings, on weekends, and on holidays.

3. I agree to do my own work and not copy or plagiarize others’ work. If I am in doubt about copyright, I will check with my instructor prior to submitting my work and cite my sources.

4. It is my responsibility to communicate with my instructor on a weekly basis. I understand that I must contact my teacher for instructional purposes at least once a week. Weekly instruction with my teacher can take the form of a phone call, email with feedback, instant message, or face-to-face meeting, instruction at our student learning center, or virtual lab.

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5. I will check my school email and Edgenuity messages daily, and understand that this is the method used by the eLearning Academy to communicate with students and families.

6. I am responsible to complete my online work at the minimum pace established by my instructor. The rate I complete work will be determined by my mastery of the content, the number of online classes I need to complete and the expected timeframe of my enrollment. Students can access the activities calendar in their resources section for due dates and pacing.

7. I am responsible for fully reading all monthly evaluations and responding/completing any requirements by the due date listed or understand I will be withdrawn from eLearning.

8. If I do not maintain an adequate pace for my work or do not make contact with my instructor at least once per week, I understand that I may be required to meet my teacher for an intervention meeting. My instructor will discuss strategies such as increased instructional time and organization to improve my online work and to ensure that progress is at the expected pace. If I continue to choose to not complete work at an adequate pace I may be dropped from eLearning.

9. All eLearning students are required to remain on public walkways to enter the student learning center at College Place Middle School. Do not go through campus to reach our student learning center. If parking below, please follow the sidewalk on the street to enter lab. If you are seen walking through campus, you will be given one warning. If it happens a second time, disciplinary measures may apply.

10. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Acceptable Use Policy for network users I signed to have access to the Edmonds School District computer network.

11. If I do not abide by these expectations and regulations I understand I may be removed from Edmonds eLearning Academy.

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Student Checklist

***Please make sure to start your courses on or before the start date. If you wait until after the start date, you will be behind and may be required to come in for academic intervention(s) with your


School Day Responsibilities

❏ Respond to messages daily from teachers and staff. ❏ Check in with teachers (in the SLC or via messages) if you have any questions or are stuck on

any assignments. ❏ Log in and maintain a minimum of 6 hours of coursework each day (30 hours per week),

remember to distribute this work evenly between each of your courses. ❏ If you are able to keep up with your assignment calendar and are working less than 30

hours per week, that is fine! ❏ If you are working 30 hours a week on your courses and are still falling behind, please

meet with one of your teachers to see if there are other ways that we can support you. ❏ Take notes on the content you are learning in each class. Remember that you can use them on

quizzes and exams.

Weekly Responsibilities:

❏ As a student, you are not expected to work over the weekends unless you are behind and trying

to catch up! ❏ Friendly Reminder: teachers do not work on the weekends, so if you try to contact them

after 2pm on Friday, you may not get a response until Monday. ❏ Check the eLearning Student Calendar for workshops, important events, and activities coming up

this week. ❏ Make sure that you have a 2-way course-specific communication with each of your teachers no

later than Friday of each week. ❏ Examples of 2-way communications:

❏ Coming into the SLC and meeting with your teacher about your course, ❏ Arranging and coming in to meet with your teacher during their office hours, ❏ Speaking on the phone with your teacher about your course (not

voicemail-to-voicemail), ❏ Messaging your teacher regarding the course that you are in (such as questions

you have, your progress or goals, requests for support, etc. -- what does not count as 2-way course-specific communication is messaging and say, “Hi - just checking in”).

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❏ Monitor your attendance log in Edgenuity to make sure you are spending enough time “active”

in your courses and to help you set goals each week. ❏ Read and, if applicable, respond back to any assignment feedback that your teachers send to you. ❏ Attendance - weekly attendance will be taken for all full-time students. Attendance will be taken

through Skyward weekly based on whether or not you have attended your scheduled weekly time

slot(s). Thursdays are the last make-up attendance days each week if you are unable to attend a

regularly scheduled SLC timeslot.

Monthly Responsibilities

❏ Fully read your monthly progress evaluation everytime you receive one. ❏ If you receive an unsatisfactory progress evaluation, complete the required steps outlined

in the email within the due date listed. ❏ Attend any intervention meetings for unsatisfactory progress if one is set up by the

A.L.E. Coordinator or by any of your teachers. ❏ View the monthly school newsletter for announcements, workshops, and interesting school info!

Trimester Responsibilities

❏ When you are complete with a course, take the final exam within 5 school days of turning in the

last assignment. You do not need to wait until “finals week” to take a final exam. ❏ Explore, sign-up for, and attend at least three workshops each term. ❏ Work on completing your Naviance activities that are due each school year. ❏ Attend state testing sessions when you receive an email from our counselor.


❏ Message your teachers anytime something comes up that might prevent you from making

progress or weekly contact (such as illnesses, family emergencies, or out-of-town trips). ❏ Please ensure that you are cleaning out your voicemails often enough that teachers are able to

leave you messages.

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