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    The Culture is characterized by being a post-scarcitysociety (meaning that

    its advanced technologies provide practically limitless material wealth and

    comforts for everyone for free, having all but abolished the concept of

    possessions), by having overcome almost all physical constraints on life

    (including disease and death) and by being an almost totally egalitarian,

    stable society without the use of any form of force or compulsion, except

    where necessary to protect others

    !inds, powerful artificial intelligences, have an important role to play in this

    society They administer this affluence for the benefit of all "s one

    commentator has said,

    #n vesting all power in his individualistic, sometime eccentric, but always

    benign, "# !inds, $an%s %new what he was doing& this is the only way a

    liberal anarchy could be achieved, by ta%ing what is best in humans and

    placing it beyond corruption, which means out of human control The

    danger involved in this imaginative step, though, is clear& one of the

    problems with the Culture novels as novels is that the central characters,

    the !inds, are too powerful and, to put it bluntly, too good'

    The novels of the Culture cycle, therefore, mostly deal with people at the

    fringes of the Culture* diplomats, spies, or mercenaries& those who interact

    with other civilizations, and who do the Culture+s dirty wor% in moving those

    societies closer to the Culture ideal, sometimes by force

    'editictional history

    #n this fictional universe, the Culture exists concurrently with human societyon arth The time frame for the published Culture stories is from roughly

    ". /011 to ". 231, with arth being contactedaround ". /11, though

    the Culture had covertly visited the planet in the /231s in The State of the


    The Culture itself is described as having been created when several

    humanoid species and machine sentiences reached a certain social level,

    and too% not only their physical, but also their civilizational evolution into

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    presence of these concepts in other civilizations signify the brutality and

    hierarchy associated with forms of empire that the Culture strives to avoid

    !arain itself is also open to encryption and dialect-specific implementations

    for different parts of the Culture !/ is basic

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    have the occasional 7crime of passion7 (as described by an"zadian) and

    the punishment was to be 7slap-droned7, or to have a drone assigned to

    follow the offender and 7ma%e sure 'they don+t do it again7

    9hile the enforcement in theory could lead to a $ig $rother-stylesurveillance society, in practice social convention among the !inds

    prohibits them from watching, or interfering in, citizens+ lives unless

    re5uested, or unless they perceive severe ris% The practice of reading a

    sentient+s mind without permission (something the Culture is technologically

    easily capable of) is also strictly taboo The whole plot of Look to

    Windwardrelies on a ?ub !ind not reading an agent+s mind (with certain

    precautions in case this rule gets violated) !inds that do so anyway are

    considered deviant and shunned by other !inds (see AC@ Grey Area) "t

    one point it is said that if the Culture actually had written laws, the sanctity

    of one+s own thoughts against the intrusion of others would be the first on

    the boo%s

    This gives some measure of privacy and protection& though the very nature

    of Culture society would, strictly spea%ing, ma%e %eeping secrets irrelevant*

    most of them would be considered neither shameful nor criminal #t does

    allow the !inds in particular to scheme amongst themselves in a very

    efficient manner, and occasionally withhold information

    'editBiological citizens

    #t has been argued within the novels by opponents of the Culture that the

    role of humans in the Culture is nothing more than that of pets, or parasites

    on Culture !inds, and that they can have nothing genuinely useful to

    contribute to a society where science is close to omniscient about the

    physical universe, where every ailment has been cured, and where every

    thought can be read !any of the Culture novels in fact contain characters

    (from within or without the Culture) wondering how far-reaching the !inds+

    dominance of the Culture is, and how much of the democratic process

    within it might in fact be a sham* subtly but very powerfully influenced by

    the !inds in much the same ways Contactand 4pecial

    Circumstancesinfluence other societies "lso, except for some mentions

    about a vote over the #diran-Culture 9ar, and the existence of a very smallnumber of +;eferrers+ (humans of especially acute reasoning), few

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    biological entities are ever described as being involved in any high-level


    On the other hand, the Culture can be seen as

    fundamentally hedonistic(one of the main ob6ectives for any being,including !inds, is to have fun rather than to be +useful+) "lso, !inds are

    constructed, by convention, to care for and value human beings 9hile a

    Aeneral Contact @nit (AC@) does not strictly need a crew (and could

    construct artificial avatars when it did), a real human crew adds richness to

    its existence, and offers distraction during otherwise dull periods

    #n Consider Phlebasit is noted that !inds still find humans fascinating,

    especially their odd ability to sometimes achieve similarly advanced

    reasoning as their much more complex machine brains

    To a large degree, the freedoms en6oyed by humans in the Culture are only

    available because !inds choose to provide them

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    though the ma6ority of the biological Culture is still pan-human Eittle

    uniformity exists in the Culture, and its citizens are such by choice, free to

    change physical form and even species (though some stranger biological

    conversions are irreversible, and conversion from biological to artificialsentience is considered to be what is %nown as an @nusual Eife Choice)

    "ll members are also free to 6oin, leave, and re6oin, or indeed declare

    themselves to be, say, =1F Culture


    Techni5ues in geneticshave advanced in the Culture to the point where

    bodies can be freed from built-in limitations Citizens of the Culture refer to

    a normal human as 7human-basic7 and the vast ma6ority opt for significantenhancements& severed limbs grow bac%, sexual physiology can be

    voluntarily changed from male to female and bac% (though the process

    itself ta%es time), sexual stimulation and endurance are strongly heightened

    in both sexes (something that is often sub6ect of envious debate among

    other species), pain can be switched off, toxins can be bypassed away

    from the digestive system, automatic functions such as breathing or heart

    rate can be switched to conscious control, and bones and muscles adapt

    5uic%ly to changes in gravity without the need to exercise The degree of

    enhancement found in Culture individuals varies to taste, with certain of the

    more exotic enhancements limited to 4pecial Circumstances personnel (for

    example, weapons systems embedded in various parts of the body)

    !ost Culture individuals opt to have drug glands that allow for hormonal

    levels and other chemical secretions to be consciously monitored, released

    and controlled These allow owners to secrete on command any of a wide

    selection of synthetic drugs, from the merely relaxing to the mind-altering*+4nap+ is described in Use of Weaonsand The Player of Gamesas 7The

    Culture+s favourite brea%fast drug7 74harp $lue7 is described as a utility

    drug, as opposed to a sensory enhancer or a sexual stimulant, that helps in

    problem solving 7Guic%en7, mentioned in Excession, speeds up the user+s

    neural processes so that time seems to slow down, allowing them to thin%

    and have mental conversation (for example with artificial intelligences) in

    far less time than it appears to ta%e to the outside observer 74per%7, as

    described in Matter, is a mood- and energy-enhancing drug, while other

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    such self-produced drugs include 7Calm7, 7Aain7, 7Charge7, 7;ecall7,

    7.iffuse7, 74omnabsolute7, 74oftnow7, 7ocal7, 7dge7, 7.rill7, 7Aung7, and

    7Crystal ugue 4tate7 The glanded substances have no permanent side-

    effects and are non-habit-forming'editPhenotypes

    See also! List of societies of the C"lt"re settin#

    or all their genetic improvements, the Culture is by no

    means eugenicallyuniform ?uman members in the Culture setting vary in

    size, colour and shape as in reality, and with possibly even further natural

    differences* in the novella The State of the Art, it is mentioned that a

    character 7loo%s li%e a Heti7, and that there is variance among the Culturein minor details such as the number of toes or of 6oints on each finger #t is

    mentioned in Excessionthat*

    7the tenor of the time had generally turned against outlandishness and

    people had mostly returned to loo%ing more li%e people over the last

    millennium7, previously 7as the fashions of the intervening times had

    ordained 8 people had resembled birds, fish, dirigible balloons, sna%es,

    small clouds of cohesive smo%e and animated bushes74ome Culture citizens opt to leave the constraints of a human or even

    humanoid body altogether, opting to ta%e on the appearance of one of the

    myriad of other galactic sentients (perhaps in order to live with them) or

    even non-sentient ob6ects as commented upon inMatter(though this

    process can be irreversible if the desired form is too removed from the

    structure of the human brain) Certain eccentrics have chosen to become

    drones or even !inds themselves, though this is considered rude and

    possibly even insulting by most humans and "#s ali%e

    9hile the Culture is generally pan-humanoid (and tends to call itself

    7human7), various other species and individuals of other species have

    become part of the Culture

    "s all Culture citizens are of perfect genetic health, the very rare cases of a

    Culture citizen showing any physical deformity are almost certain to be a

    sort of fashion statement of somewhat dubious taste


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    "lmost all Culture citizens are very sociable, of great intellectual capability

    and learning, and possess very well-balanced psyches Their biological

    ma%e-up and their growing up in an enlightened society ma%e neuroses

    and lesser emotions li%e greed or (strong) 6ealousy practically un%nown,and produce persons that, in any lesser society, appear very self-

    composed and charismatic Character traits li%e strong shyness, while very

    rare, are not fully un%nown, as shown in Excession "s described there and

    in Player of Games, a Culture citizen who becomes dysfunctional enough

    to pose a serious nuisance or threat to others would be offered (voluntary)

    psychological ad6ustment therapy and might potentially find himself under

    constant (non-voluntary) oversight by representatives of the local !ind #n

    extreme cases, as described in Use of Weaonsand S"rface $etail,

    dangerous individuals have been %nown to be assigned a 7slap-drone7, a

    robotic follower who ensures that the person in 5uestion doesn+t continue to

    endanger the safety of others


    "s well as humans and other biological species, sentient artificial

    intelligencesare also members of the Culture These can be broadly

    categorised into drones and !inds "lso, by custom, as described

    in Excession, any artifact (be it a tool or vessel) above a certain capability

    level has to be given sentience


    .rones are roughly comparable in intelligence and social status to that of

    the Culture+s biological members Their intelligence is measured against

    that of an average biological member of the Culture& a so-called 7/1 value7

    drone would be considered the mental e5ual of a biological citizen,

    whereas lesser drones such as the menial service units of Orbitals are

    merely proto-sentient (capable of limited reaction to unprogrammed events,

    but possessing no consciousness, and thus not considered citizens& these

    ta%e care of much of the menial wor% in the Culture) The sentience of

    advanced drones has various levels of redundancy, from systems similar to

    that of !inds (though much reduced in capability) down to electronic, to

    mechanical and finally biochemical bac%-up brains

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    "lthough drones are artificial, the parameters that prescribe their minds are

    not rigidly constrained, and sentient drones are full individuals, with their

    own personalities, opinions and 5uir%s Ei%e biological citizens, Culture

    drones generally have lengthy names They also have a form of sexualintercourse for pleasure, called being 7in thrall7, though this is an intellect-

    only interfacing with another sympathetic drone

    9hile civilian drones do generally match humans in intelligence, drones

    built especially as Contact or 4pecial Circumstances agents are often

    several times more intelligent, and imbued with extremely powerful senses,

    powers and armaments (usually forcefield and effector-based, though

    occasionally more destructive weaponry such as lasers or, exceptionally,

    7%nife-missiles7 are referred to) all powered by antimatter reactors .espite

    being purpose built, these drones are still allowed individual personalities

    and given a choice in lifestyle #ndeed, some are eventually deemed

    psychologically unsuitable as agents (for example as !awhrin-4%el notes

    about itself inThe Player of Games) and must choose (or choose to

    choose) either mental reprofiling or demilitarisation and discharge from

    4pecial Circumstances

    Dhysically, drones are floating units of various sizes and shapes, usually

    with no visible moving parts .rones get around the limitations of this

    inanimation with the ability to pro6ect 7fields7* both those capable of physical

    force, which allow them to manipulate ob6ects, as well as visible, coloured

    fields called 7auras7, which are used to enable the drone to express

    emotion There is a complex code of drone body language based on aura

    colours and patterns (which is fully understood by biological Culture

    citizens as well) The drone, Iase, inConsider Phlebas, is described asbeing constructed before the use of 7auras7, and refuses to be retrofitted

    with them, preferring to remain inscrutable

    #n size drones vary substantially* the oldest still alive (eight or nine

    thousand years old) tend to be around the size of humans, whereas later

    technology allows drones to be small enough to lie in a human+s cupped

    palm& modern drones may be any size between these extremes according

    to fashion and personal preference 4ome drones are also designed as

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    utility e5uipment with its own sentience, such as the gelfield protective suit

    described in Excession


    Main article! Mind %The C"lt"re&

    $y contrast to drones, !inds are orders of magnitude more powerful and

    intelligent than the Culture+s other biological and artificial citizens Typically

    they inhabit and act as the controllers of large-scale Culture hardware such

    as ships or space-based habitats @nsurprisingly, given their duties, !inds

    are tremendously powerful* capable of running all of the functions of a ship

    or habitat, while holding potentially millions of simultaneous conversations

    with the citizens that live aboard them To allow them to perform at such ahigh degree, they exist partially in hyperspace to get around hindrances to

    computing power such as the speed of light

    .uring the time of Consider Phlebas, !inds were estimated to number in

    the several hundreds of thousands

    4hip-based Culture !inds choose the names of the craft they inhabit, and

    their choices are often whimsical and humorous 4hips are identified by a

    three-letter prefix denoting class (such as A4B or AC@), followed by their

    personal name, such as*

    Anticiation 'f A (ew Lo)er*s Arri)al+ The

    ,"st Testin#

    Sense Amid Madness+ Wit Amidst -olly

    Dresumably to avoid the cumbersome repetition of such long names, the

    inhabitants of ships and habitats tend to refer to the overseeing local !ind

    simply as the 74hip7 or the 7?ub7, for example

    Culture military craft are often designed to be ugly and graceless, lac%ing

    the Culture+s usual aesthetic style, and it has been theorised that this is

    because Culture citizens wish to distance themselves from the military

    aspects of their society Their ship classes, reflecting the Culture+s profound

    distaste of war and resultant refusal to disguise their weapons with

    euphemisms, are always unpleasant (such as the Aangster, Torturer,

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    Dsychopath, Thug and "bominator classes) Their self-given names are

    often tinged with menace (but still tend to be whimsical), such as*

    All Thro"#h With This (iceness And (e#otiation St"ff

    Attit"de Ad."ster

    /illin# Time

    -rank Exchan#e 'f 0iews

    -allin# '"tside The (ormal Moral Constraints

    See also! List of sacecraft in the C"lt"re series

    4ince the !ind concerned chooses its own name this may sometimes even

    indicate a degree of self-hatred over its purpose for existence 9arship

    !inds are somewhat out of the normal Culture+s behaviour range, designed

    to be more aggressive and less ambivalent about violence than the usual

    Culture citizen 4ome such !inds choose to 7sleep7 in between periods of

    conflict, due to their boredom and uneasiness with typical existence in the


    !inds generally view their crew:inhabitants as 7interesting companions7

    and interact with them through remotely controlled devices, often drones or

    humanoid 7avatars7 xamples of more diverse interactive systems are

    animals such as small fish suspended in their own anti-gravity sphere of


    "s a sidenote, the fact that artificial intelligences are accepted as citizens of

    the Culture was a ma6or factor in the #diran-Culture 9ar, which is explored

    in Consider Phlebas This citizenship of "#s (which the Culture promotes in

    other societies it encounters) has other more general conse5uences or

    instance, despite a high degree of automation within Culture technology,

    menial tas%s are often underta%en by non-sentient technology, to avoid the

    exploitation of sentient lifeforms (though !inds often wor% at administrative

    tas%s using bare fractions of their enormous mental capabilities)


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    4ome humanoid or drone Culture citizens have long names, often with

    seven or more words 4ome of these words specify the citizen+s origin

    (place of birth or manufacture), some an occupation, and some may denote

    specific philosophical or political alignments (chosen later in life by thecitizen themselves), or ma%e other similarly personal statements "n

    example would be .iziet 4ma, whose full name is ;asd-Coduresa .iziet

    mbless 4ma da+ !arenhide*

    1asd2Cod"resais the planetary systemof her birth, and the specific

    ob6ect (planet, orbital, .yson sphere, etc) The 2sasuffix is roughly

    e5uivalent to 2erin nglish $y this convention, arth humans would all

    be named Sol2Terrasa(or S"n2Earther) $i3ietis her given name This is chosen by a parent, usually the


    Emblessis her chosen name !ost Culture citizens choose this when

    they reach adulthood (according to The Player of Gamesthis is %nown

    as 7completing one+s name7) "s with all conventions in the Culture, it

    may be bro%en or ignored* some change their chosen name during their

    lives, some never ta%e one

    Smais her surname, usually ta%en from one+s mother

    da* Marenhideis the +house+:estate she was raised within,

    the da*or dambeing similar to )onin Aerman (The usual formation

    isdam& da*is used in 4ma+s name because the house name begins with

    an !, eliding an aw%ward phoneme repetition)

    #ain $an%s has given his own Culture name as 74un-arther #ain l-$on%o

    $an%s of

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    consciousness is not continued, and the original individual is not truly

    reborn, 6ust replaced The form of that resurrection can be specified by the

    citizen, with personalities returning either in the same biological form, in an

    artificial form (see below), or even 6ust within virtual reality 4ome citizenschoose to go into 7storage7 (a form of suspended animation) for long

    periods of time, out of boredom or curiosity about the future

    "ttitudes individual citizens have towards death are very varied (and have

    varied throughout the Culture+s history) 9hile many, if not most, citizens

    ma%e some use of bac%up technology, many others do not, preferring

    instead to ris% death without the possibility of recovery (for example when

    engaging in extreme sports) These citizens are sometimes called

    7disposables7, and are described inLook to Windward Ta%ing into account

    such accidents, voluntary euthanasiafor emotional reasons, or choices

    li%e sublimation, the average lifespan of humans is described

    in Excessionas being around 0J1 to K11 years, but can be longer 4ome

    citizens choose to forgo death altogether, although this is rarely done and

    is viewed as an eccentricity Other options instead of death include

    conversion of an individual+s consciousness into an "#, 6oining of a group

    mind (which can include biological and non biological consciousnesses), orsubliming (usually in association with a group mind)

    Concerning the lifespan of drones and !inds, given the durability of Culture

    technology and the aforementioned options of mindstate bac%ups, it is

    reasonable to assume that they live as long as they choose ven !inds,

    with their utmost complexity, are %nown to be bac%ed up (and reactivated if

    they for example die in a ris%y mission, see GS0 Lastin# $ama#e) #t is

    noted that even !inds themselves do not necessarily live forever either,often choosing to eventually sublime or even committing suicide(as does

    the triple-mind GS0 Lastin# $ama#edue to its choices in the Culture-#diran


    'edit4cience and technology

    'editAnti-graity and forcefields

    The Culture (and other societies) have developed powerful anti-gravity

    abilities, closely related to their ability to manipulate forces themselves

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    #n this ability they can create action-at-a-distance 8 including forces

    capable of pushing, pulling, cutting, and even fine manipulation, and

    forcefields for protection, visual display or plain destructive ability 4uch

    applications still retain restrictions on range and power* while forcefields ofmany cubic %ilometres are possible (and in fact, orbitalsare held together

    by forcefields), even in the chronologically later novels, such as Look to

    Windward, spaceships are still used for long-distance travel and drones for

    many remote activities

    9ith the control of a !ind, fields can be manipulated over vast distances

    #n Use of Weaons, a Culture warship uses its electromagnetic effectors to

    hac% into a computer light years away

    'editArtificial intelligence

    Main article! Mind %The C"lt"re&

    "rtificial intelligences (and to a lesser degree, the non-sentient computers

    omnipresent in all material goods), form the bac%bone of the technological

    advances of the Culture

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    spend most of the time when their +body+ is not in use in a form of remote-

    lin%ed existence outside of it, or in a form of "#-level virtual reality

    'edit!nergy manipulation

    " ma6or feature of its post-scarcitysociety, the Culture is obviously able to

    gather, manipulate, transfer and store vast amounts of energy 9hile not

    explained in detail in the novels, this involves antimatterand +grid energy+, a

    postulated energy field dividing the universe from a mirroring anti-matter

    universe, and providing practically limitless energy Transmission or

    storage of such energy is not explained, though these capabilities must be

    powerful as well, with tiny drones capable of very powerful manipulatory

    fields and forces

    The Culture also uses various forms of energy manipulation as weapons,

    with 7Aridfire7 (a method of creating a dimensional rift to the energy grid,

    releasing astronomical amounts of energy into a region of non-hyperspace)

    being described as a sort of ultimate weapon more destructive than

    condensed antimatterbombardment One character in Consider

    Phlebasrefers to gridfire as 7the weaponry of the end of the universe7

    'editMatter displacementThe Culture (at least by the time of The Player of Games) has developed a

    form of teleportationcapable of transporting both living and unliving matter

    instantaneously via wormholes This technology has not rendered

    spacecraft obsolete 8 in Excessiona barely apple-sized drone was

    displaced for no further than a light-second at maximum range (mass being

    a limiting factor determining range), a tiny distance in galactic terms The

    process also still has a very small chance of failing and %illing living beings,

    but the chance is described as being so small (/ in >/ million)'K*0>0that it

    normally only becomes an issue when transporting a large number of

    people and is only regularly brought up due to the Culture+s safety

    conscious nature

    .isplacement is an integral part of Culture technology, being widely used

    for a range of applications from peaceful to militaristic .isplacing warheads

    into or around targets is one of the main forms of attac% in space warfare in

    the Culture universe The Player of Gamesmentions that drones can be

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    redesigns itself to be mostly engine and reaches a speed of 00,111

    times lightspeed 9ithin the range of the Culture+s influence in the galaxy,

    most ships would still ta%e years of travelling to reach the more remote

    spotsOther than the engines used by larger Culture ships, there are a number of

    other propulsion methods such as gravitic drive at sublight speeds, with

    antimatter, fusion and other reaction engines occasionally seen with less

    advanced civilizations, or on Culture hobby craft

    9arp engines can be very small, with Culture drones barely larger than fist-

    size described as being thus e5uipped There is also at least one

    (apparently non-sentient) species (the 7Chuy-?irtsi7 animal), thatpossesses the innate capability of warp travel #n Consider Phlebas, it is

    being used as a military transport by the #dirans, but no further details are



    The Culture has highly advanced nanotechnology, though descriptions of

    such technology in the boo%s is limited !any of the described uses are by

    or for 4pecial Circumstances, but there are no indications that the use ofnanotechnology is limited in any way (#n a passage in one of the boo%s,

    there is a brief reference to the 5uestion of sentience when comparing the

    human brain or a 7pico-level substrate7)

    One of the primary clandestine uses of nanotechnology is information

    gathering The Culture li%es to be in the %now, and as described

    in Matter7they tend to %now everything7 "side from its vast networ% of

    sympathetic allies and wandering Culture citizens one of the primary waysthat the Culture %eeps trac% of important events is by the use of practically

    invisible nanobots capable of recording and transmitting their observations

    This techni5ue is described as being especially useful to trac% potentially

    dangerous people (such as ex-4pecial Circumstance agents) Bia such

    nanotechnology, it is potentially possible for the Culture (or similarly

    advanced societies) to see everything happening on a given planet, orbital

    or any other habitat The usage of such devices is limited by various

    treaties and agreements among the #nvolved

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    'editEiving space

    !uch of the Culture+s population lives on orbitals, vast artificial worlds that

    can accommodate billions of people Others travel the galaxy in huge

    space ships such as Aeneral 4ystems Behicles (A4Bs) that can

    accommodate hundreds of millions of people "lmost no Culture citizens

    are described as living on planets, except when visiting other civilizations

    The reason for this is partly because the Culture believes in containing its

    own expansion to self-constructed habitats, instead of colonising or

    con5uering new planets 9ith the resources of the universe allowing

    permanent expansion (at least assuming non-exponential growth), this

    frees them from having to compete for living space

    The Culture, and other civilizations in $an%s+ universe, are described as

    living in these various, often constructed habitats*


    These are vast, brown dwarf-sized bubbles of atmosphere enclosed by

    force fields, and (presumably) set up by an ancient advanced race at least

    one and a half billion years ago There is only minimal gravity within an

    airsphere They are illuminated by moon-sized orbiting planetoids that emit

    enormous light beams

    Citizens of the Culture live there only very occasionally as guests, usually

    to study the complex ecosystem of the airspheres and the dominant life-

    forms* the 7dirigible behemothaurs7 and 7gigalithine lenticular entities7,

    which may be described as inscrutable, ancient intelligences loo%ing similar

    to a cross between gigantic blimps and whales The airspheres slowly

    migrate around the galaxy, ta%ing anywhere from J1 to /11 million years tocomplete one circuit #n the novels no one %nows who created the

    airspheres or why, but it is presumed that whoever did has long since

    sublimed but may maintain some obscure lin% with the behemothaurs and

    lenticular entities Auests in the airspheres are not allowed to use any

    force-field technology, though no reason has been offered for this


    The airspheres resemble in some respects the orbit-sized ring ofbreathable atmosphere created by Earry

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    spherical not toroidal, re5uire a force field to retain their integrity, and arose

    by artificial rather than natural processes


    Main article! 'rbital %The C"lt"re&

    One of the main types of habitats of the Culture, an orbital is a ring

    structure orbiting a star as would a planet @nli%e a ;ingworldor a.yson

    4phere, an orbital does not enclose the star (being much too small) Ei%e a

    ringworld, the orbital rotates to provide an analog of gravity on the inner

    surface " Culture orbital rotates about once every K hours and has

    gravity-li%e effect about the same as the gravity of arth, ma%ing the

    diameter of the ring about 0,111,111 %m, and ensuring that the inhabitantsexperience night and day Orbitals feature prominently in many Culture



    Though many other civilizations in the Culture boo%s live on planets, the

    Culture as it currently exists has little direct connection to planet life "

    small number of homeworlds of the founding member species of the

    Culture are mentioned in passing, and a few hundred human-habitable

    worlds were colonised (some being terraformed) before the Culture chose

    to turn towards artificial habitats, preferring to %eep the planets it

    encounters wild 4ince then, terraforming has become loo%ed down on by

    the Culture as inelegant, ecologically problematic and possibly even

    immoral Eess than one percent of the population of the Culture lives on

    planets, and many find the very concept a bit bizarre

    This respect is not absolute though& in Consider Phlebas, some !indssuggest testing a new technology on a 7spare planet7 (%nowing that it could

    be destroyed in an antimatterexplosion if unsuccessful) #t should be

    assumed from their normal ethics, that this planet would have been lifeless

    to start with #t is also 5uite possible, even probable, that the suggestion

    was not made in complete seriousness


    ;ingworld-li%e megastructures exist in the Culture universe but are referredto simply as 7;ings7 with a capital 1 These habitats are not described in

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    detail but one is recorded as having been destroyed (along with 0 4pheres)

    in the #diran-Culture war #n Matter, the !orthanveld people possesses

    ringworldli%e structures made of innumerable various-sized tubes Those

    structures encircle a star 6ust li%e

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    4hips in the Culture are intelligent individuals, often of very large size,

    controlled by one or more !inds The ship is considered the !ind+s body

    4ome ships (eg, A4Bs) are tens or even hundreds of %ilometers in length

    and may have millions or even billions of residents who live on them fulltime, and together with Orbitals represent the main form of habitat for the

    Culture 4uch large ships may temporarily contain smaller ships with their

    own populations, and:or manufacture such ships themselves

    #n Use of Weaons, the protagonist a%alwe is allowed to acclimatise

    himself to the Culture by wandering for days through the habitable levels of

    a ship (the A4B Si3e 4sn*t E)erythin#, which is described as over =1

    %ilometers long), eating and sleeping at the many locations which provide

    food and accommodation throughout the structure and en6oying the various

    forms of contact possible with the friendly and accommodating inhabitants


    .yson spheresalso exist in the Culture universe but are only mentioned in

    passing and are simply called 74pheres7 Three spheres are recorded as

    having been destroyed in the #diran-Culture war

    #n Matter, the !orthanveld

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    constantly in flux (though they tend to be continually expanding during the

    novels), peacefully +absorbing+ societies and individuals

    9hile the Culture is one of the most advanced and most powerful of all

    galactic civilizations, it is but one of the 7high-level #nvolved7 (called7Optimae7 by some less advanced civilizations), the most powerful non-

    sublimed civilizations which mentor or control the others

    "n #nvolved society is a highly advanced group that has achieved galaxy-

    wide involvement with other cultures or societies There are a few dozen

    #nvolved societies and hundreds or thousands of well-developed

    (interstellar) but insufficiently influential societies or cultures& there are also

    well-developed societies %nown as 7galactically mature7 which do not ta%ea dynamic role in the galaxy as a whole #n the novels, the Culture might be

    considered the premier #nvolved society, or at least the most dynamic and

    energetic, especially given that the Culture itself is a growing multicultural

    fusion of #nvolved societies The #nvolved are contrasted with the 4ublimed

    (sometimes collo5uially referred to as the lder civilizations due to the fact

    that they are no longer around), groups that have reached a high level of

    technical development and galactic influence but subse5uently abandoned

    physical reality, ceasing to ta%e serious interventionist interest in galactic

    civilization They are also contrasted with what some Culture people

    loosely refer to as 7barbarians7, societies of intelligent beings which lac%

    the technical capacity to %now about or ta%e a serious role in their

    interstellar neighbourhood

    The #nvolved are also contrasted with hegemonising swarms(a term used

    in several of $an%s+ Culture novels) These are entities that exist to convert

    as much of the universe as possible into more of themselves& most typically

    these are technological in nature, resembling more sophisticated forms

    of grey goo, but the term can be applied to cultures that are sufficiently

    single-minded in their devotion to mass con5uest, control, and colonisation

    $oth the Culture and the author (in his (otes 'n the C"lt"re) find this

    behavior5uixoticand ridiculous !ost often, societies categorized as

    hegemonising swarms consist of species or groups newly-arrived in the

    galactic community with highly expansionary and exploitative goals The

    usage of the term 7hegemonising swarm7 in this context is considered

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    Contact which focuses on containing and negating the threat of swarms of

    self-replicating creatures (+hegswarms+)

    'editBehaiour in war

    9hile the Culture is normally pacifist, Contact historically acts as its military

    arm in times of war, while 4pecial Circumstances can be considered

    its secret serviceand its military intelligence .uring war, most of the

    strategic and tactical decisions are ta%en by the !inds, with apparently only

    a small number of especially gifted humans, the 7;eferrers7, being involved

    in the top-level decisions #t is shown in Consider Phlebasthat actual

    decisions to go to war (as opposed to purely defensive actions) are based

    on a vote of all Culture citizens, presumably after vigorous discussionwithin the whole society

    #t is described in various novels that the Culture is extremely reluctant to go

    to war, though it may start to prepare for it long before its actual

    commencement #n the #diran-Culture 9ar(possibly one of the most hard-

    fought wars for the normally extremely superior Culture forces), various star

    systems, stellar regions and many orbital habitats were overrun by the

    #dirans before the Culture had converted enough of its forces to military

    footing The Culture !inds had had enough foresight to evacuate almost all

    its affected citizens (apparently numbering in the many billions) in time

    before actual hostilities reached them "s shown in Player of Games, this is

    a standard Culture tactic, with its strong emphasis on protecting its citizens

    rather than sacrificing some of them for short-term goals

    9ar within the Culture is mostly fought by the Culture+s sentient warships,

    the most powerful of these being war-converted A4Bs, which are described

    as powerful enough to oppose whole enemy fleets The Culture has little

    use for conventional ground forces (as it rarely occupies enemy territory,

    and has little territory of its own)& combat drones e5uipped with %nife

    missiles do appear in $escendantand 7terror weapons7 (basically

    intelligent, nano-form assassins) are mentioned in Look to Windward, while

    infantry combat suits of great power (also usable as capable combat

    drones when without living occupants) are used in Matter

    'edit;elevance to real-world politics

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    Comparisons are often made between the Culture and twentieth and

    twenty first century 9estern civilization(s), particularly their interventions in

    less-developed societies These are often confused with regard to theauthor+s assumed politics'

    #n its foreign policy, the Culture is reminiscent of neoconservativeidealism,

    with a policy of intervening in foreign societies to promote its own cultural


    !any'who5believe that the Culture is a utopia carrying significantly greater

    moral legitimacy than the 9est+s, by comparison, proto-democracies 9hile

    Culture interventions can seem similar at first to 9estern interventions,

    especially when considered with their democratising rhetoric, the argument

    is that the Culture operates completely without material need, and therefore

    without the possibility of baser motives This is not to say that the Culture+s

    motives are purely altruistic& a peaceful, enlightened universe full of good

    neighbours lac%ing ethnic, religious, and sexual chauvinisms is in the

    Culture+s interest as well urthermore, the Culture+s ideals (in many ways

    similar to those of the liberal perspective today') are to a much larger

    extent realised internally in comparison to the 9est


    !any of the practices employed by 4pecial Circumstances would be

    considered distasteful even in the context of a 9estern democracy

    xamples are the use of mercenaries to perform the wor% that the Culture

    doesn+t want to get their hands dirty with, and even outright threats of

    invasion (the Culture has issued ultimatums to other civilizations before)

    4ome commentators have also argued that those 4C agents tas%ed with

    civilising foreign cultures (and thus potentially also changing them into a

    blander, more Culture-li%e state) are also those most li%ely to regret these

    changes, with parallels drawn to real-world special forces trained to operate

    within the cultural mindsets of foreign nations'

    The events of Use of Weaonsare an example of 6ust how dirty 4pecial

    Circumstances will play in order to get their way and the conspiracy at the

    heart of the plot of Excessiondemonstrates how at least some !inds are

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    prepared to ris% %illing sentient beings when they conclude that these

    actions are beneficial for the long term good 4pecial Circumstances

    represents a very small fraction of Contact, which itself is only a small

    fraction of the entire Culture, ma%ing it comparable again to size andinfluence of modernintelligenceagencies

    'edit#ssues raised

    The Culture stories are largely about problems and paradoxes that

    confront liberal societies The Culture itself is an 7ideal-typical7 liberal

    society& that is, as pure an example as one can reasonably imagine #t is

    highly egalitarian& the liberty of the individual is its most important value&

    and all actions and decisions are expected to be determined according a

    standard of reasonability and sociability inculcated into all people through a

    progressive system of education #t is a society so beyond material

    scarcitythat for almost all practical purposes its people can have and do

    what they want #f they do not li%e the behavior or opinions of others, they

    can easily move to a more congenial Culture population centre (or Culture

    subgroup), and hence there is little need to enforce codes of behavior'J

    ven the Culture has to compromise its ideals where diplomacy and itsown security are concerned Contact, the group that handles these issues,

    and 4pecial Circumstances, its secret service division, can employ only

    those on whose talents and emotional stability it can rely, and may even

    re6ect self-aware robots built for its purposes that fail to meet its

    re5uirements ?ence these divisions are regarded as the Culture+s eliteand

    membership is widely regarded as a prize& yet also, as described in many

    of the novels, something that can be shameful as it contradicts many of the

    Culture+s moral codes

    9ithin Contact and 4pecial Circumstances, there are also inner circles that

    can ta%e control in crises, somewhat contradictory to the ideal notions of

    democratic and open process the Culture espouses Contact and 4pecial

    Circumstances may suppress or delay the release of information, for

    example to avoid creating public pressure for actions they consider

    imprudent or to prevent other civilizations from exploiting certain situations


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    #n dealing with less powerful regressive civilizations, the Culture usually

    intervenes discreetly, for example by protecting and discreetly supporting

    the more liberal elements, or subverting illiberal institutions or instance,

    in Use of Weaons, the Culture operates within a less advanced illiberalsociety through control of a business cartel which is %nown for its

    humanitarian and social development investments, as well as generic good

    4amaritanism #n Excession, a sub-group of !inds conspires to provo%e a

    war with the extremely sadistic "ffront, although the conspiracy is foiled by

    a A4Bthat is a deep cover4pecial Circumstances agent "s of 11= only

    one story, Consider Dhlebas(/2=3), pits the Culture against a highly

    illiberal society of approximately e5ual power* the

    aggressive,theocratic#dirans Though they posed no immediate, direct

    threat to the Culture, the Culture declared war because it would have felt

    useless if it allowed the #dirans+ ruthless expansion to continue The

    Culture+s decision was a value-6udgement rather than

    a utilitariancalculation, and the 7Deace action7 within the Culture seceded'JEater in the timeline of the Culture+s universe, the Culture has reached a

    technological level at which most past civilizations have 4ublimed, in other

    words disengaged from Aalactic politics and from most physical interactionwith other civilizations The Culture continues to behave 7li%e an idealistic


    "s of 11=, three stories force the Culture to consider its approach to more

    powerful civilizations #n one incident during the Culture-#diran 9ar, they

    strive to avoid offending a civilization so advanced that it has disengaged

    from Aalactic politics, and note that this hyper-advanced society is not a

    threat to either the welfare or the values of the Culture'citation needed

    #n Excession, an overwhelmingly more powerful individual from an

    extremely advanced civilization is simply passing through on its way from

    one plane of the physical ;eality to another, and there is no real

    interaction #n the third case'citation neededit sets up teams to study a civilization

    that is not threatening but is thought to have eliminated aggressors in the



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